thealtersreality · 5 years
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Normal commissions are open again my friends!!! I have some rules tho-
. No mecha
.Furry, N/S/F/W, OC’s, fanart, icons, animals, and pet portraits are completely ok!!!!
Ref is required for any character, oc or fanart; if you choose n/s/f/w, pose references are REQUIRED!!!
If you are interested, DM me, or email me at [email protected]
My paypal is [email protected]
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thealtersreality · 5 years
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Normal commissions are open again my friends!!! I have some rules tho-
. No mecha
.Furry, N/S/F/W, OC’s, fanart, icons, animals, and pet portraits are completely ok!!!!
Ref is required for any character, oc or fanart; if you choose n/s/f/w, pose references are REQUIRED!!!
If you are interested, DM me, or email me at [email protected]
My paypal is [email protected]
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thealtersreality · 6 years
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Alrighty guys!!!! I’m finally opening commissions! Pretty much all the info is in the pic, but if you have any additional questions, or are interested, contact my email, [email protected] !!!
Layout of commission sheet inspired from @rachel-laughman-art 
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thealtersreality · 7 years
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I haven’t drawn these nut-busters in a month, wow! I just wanted to get them in at the end of the year because my boys have brought me so far in what I do today and I have big plans for them! 
To learn more about these boobs, visit @thealtersreality
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thealtersreality · 7 years
What all can the alters do? (Like magic/power wise) Do they each have an ability of their own that only they can do? Also, if Timor and Umbrae were banished why are they with them now?
The more powerful the Alter, the more likely they are to be able to control something, such as Tim, Umb, or Dem. All Alters are well versed with weapons and combat no matter there stature.
Tim and Umb are here now because Umb was powerful enough to return to his vessel and summon Tim back to his own. 
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thealtersreality · 7 years
Did something happen to the alter's vessels to make them have the distinct scratches, long nails ect?
Depends. The long nails, eyes, ears, teeth etc. is just the Alter effecting the vessel uniquely. Scratches/ scars that show up and stay on the vessel are ones caused by other Alters.
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thealtersreality · 7 years
Did Malo just exist or did something more powerful create him? Do they all have a something they "worship" I guess?
Malo has always just existed. Evil has always thrived and just been. The Alters don’t really worship him though, they follow him as a leader more-so. Back when earth was young, humans did worship Alters though
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thealtersreality · 7 years
did the alters have parents (not on earth)
Not really. They only exist as long as humans exist, but that doesn’t really count in my book ;/
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thealtersreality · 7 years
1. He was born and raised in England but moved to New York with his older brother Foster in his freshman year of high school.
2. He was in a terrible, abusive relationship for 4 years. It ended and he moved back to England for 5 years after to recover.
3. He developed an unhealthy crush on Liam which almost lead to him almost making a deal with Malo
4. He has incredible trust issues, anxiety, and PTSD. He also had depression for a couple years in England. He has to take medications for each
5. It took awhile but he finally agreed to go out with Thaed, and he says it was the best decision of his life. They eventually moved in together .
6. Is very skilled with the piano and writes his own songs. He plays a grand piano at  hotel as his job
7. Is a huge nerd at heart, loves video games, sci-fi, comics etc. 
8. Is great friends with Trish and Alice and often has tea dates with them at Trish’s shop 
9. Has a tattoo of a key wrapped in a cloth with the first few notes of Für Elise on it on his left pec.
10. He has an eyebrow piercing on his left brow, he got it in high school when Liam watched him for a weekend.
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thealtersreality · 7 years
Did you do Umbrae yet?
1. Is the first Alter to ever betray Malo
2.  Was and is jealous of the relationship between Malo and Timor
3. One of the most powerful Alters
4. Enjoys taunting Timor and reminding him of their past transgressions 
5. Is a very poor leader and it shows
6. The first Alter to get their vessel back without help
7. When he was banished from his vessel, he didn’t go back to the Other reality, he was sent away to a distant place where nothing would ever find him again.
8. Tricked Liam into helping him track down Malo by pretending to be a human for 2 ½ years
9. Has tried multiple times to make Dob join his squadron out of seer spite to Malo because he thinks it will effect them
10. Even before he was banished, none of the Alters trusted him at all, he was always causing trouble and turmoil
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thealtersreality · 7 years
1. Puts off his Kumalo duties for the entire year to spend it with Aiden, the one exception being one week at the end of the month where he must work double time to collect and guide souls
2. Never plans on telling Aiden about Kumalos or Alters
3. It is actually impossible for a Kumalo to fall in love with a human (for their love is reserved for the Earth as a whole) but Thaed was interested in Aiden after a specific incident, and with some unwanted help from Malo, Thaed fell in love 
4. If the Earth is destroyed by Alters, the Kumalos will die. That is why they hate the Alters and try to protect all the living things
5. Even though he doesn’t have to, Thaed loves to snack and eat, giving himself  a little pouch, but Aiden keeps him healthy and works out with him
6. Thaed actually gave Aiden Ludwig (their dog) as a way to make Aiden feel safe when Thaed is gone for a week straight each month
7. Plays lots of videogames (his fav game is Uncharted or Overwatch)
8. Is not fond of Liam at all. None of the Kumalos are since he was tainted by an Alter; but Thaed tolerates him for Aiden’s sake
9. Is the main source of income between himself and Aiden (they live together) but Aiden still has a job
10. His fav food is peach cobbler, the boy could eat it for days
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thealtersreality · 7 years
for the 10 facts thing, dobium? o u o
1. Changed his hair, got piercings etc. in order to confuse the ghost of Aris’ dead wife that haunts his vessel
2. Really loves loves cereal and breakfast foods 
3. Indulges in lots of earthly pleasures (sex, drugs, alcohol)
4. Enjoys classic rock
5. Unlike the other Alters, he has kept a lot of his vessels traits and hobbies, like playing guitar and making meals
6. His only real tattoo (not brand or weapon mark) is the ‘M’ on his left pec, he got the tattoo with Dem who also got a tattoo (the 2 triangles on right bicep)
7. He shouldn’t have the ability to control fire, but he does only due to the fact that he is so close to Malo
8. His true weapon is a synth, not his current 2 swords (given to Dob by Malo)
9. Is the handyman around the house, fixing the plumbing, air conditioning, etc.
10. Has a girl outside of the squadron that he sees often (without Malo’s knowledge lol)  
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thealtersreality · 7 years
1. Longs to be able to be in Malo’ presence again
2. Tolerates Umbrae in order to somehow see Malo 
3. Does not sleep around with his squadron often
4. Although technically its Umbrae’s squadron, Timor manipulates Umbrae into making different decisions
5. Even though he loved Malo as a brother, still is scorned and angered with Him because Malo refused to listen to his side of the story
6. He is the most powerful Alter because he was the first one created
7. Really loves winter and the snow
8.  Likes rum and whiskey
9. Does not like music in general, prefers silence 
10. Is the most quite Alter unless provoke and will rein terror down if so
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thealtersreality · 7 years
1. He isn’t truly an Alter since he existed before the universe was made
2. The only thing he trusts nowadays is Socius (since she is basically a fragment of his mind)
3. Was having relations with Cru before Dob came along
4. Is always writing and recording info of alters and history down
5. He has respect for Etaf and Thaed (Kumalos
6. Deep down wishes things were the same with Timor again even though he hates him now
7. His favorite human to ever exist was Adolf Hitler
8. Enjoys classical music (especially from the 50′s, one of his favorite time eras)
9. He can never die. Even if the Earth is destroyed and all other Alters die, he will live on
10. Not very big on T.V
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thealtersreality · 7 years
EY!  My inbox is empty again! Wanna ask more questions???
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It seems that my inbox is empty once again! And the boys are starting to get rowdy since they have nothing to focus on. So they and I would greatly appreciate it if you could ask them (or me) more questions!
Thank you!
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thealtersreality · 7 years
Why did Dob change his hair? :P And why red-orangey-yellow?
He had changed it because the ghost of Ari’s (Dob’s vessel)  wife, Lucy was haunting him and kept calling him Ari and being generally confused. During this time, Dob had cut and dyed his hair, started to grow and gel his mustache, and had gotten piercings. It had worked, Lucy  was quiet and left him alone.
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thealtersreality · 7 years
Who is the strongest alter and the weakest alter?
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Well, out of the current Alters on the earth, Cru is the weakest and Timor is the strongest (Timor is the strongest of all the Alters tho) 
Since Malo is more of a God of Alters and such, he doesn’t count. 
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