Send me a ❤ if you think I’m quality
Mun Talk;
-wiggles-  awwwwwwww! Thank you so much for this hun. ;w; I am a potato compared to you.
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bonus if you add description!
; send me ❛ brush ❜ for my character's reaction to your character running their fingers through my character's hair.
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Send me a ❤ if you think I'm quality
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Send me "You're mine!" to see how my muse reacts to your muse telling them just that!
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Reblog if you want feels in your inbox
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DJ raised his eyebrow at the voice and turned to look at the figure. "You're at the Hellsing Manor."
theangelsofthehellsingmanor started following you
"Um, hey, you wanna tell me where I am?" she asked as she walked up to a silhouette she saw a bit forward.
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Tell me what you love most about my character
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Send me a ✺ for my muse's reaction to yours knocking on their door in the middle of the night
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"The love you had for Audrina was so pure and beautiful." replied the English girl as a lone tear fell from her eyes. "You loved her so much and yet she turned on you in the cruelest of ways." Gracie said as she looked up at Maverick, her normally happy shining eyes now sad and pained for him.
"You always said the most beautifully heartbreaking things." {From Gracie; Hello! I hope you dont mind :3}
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   "Not sure about the ‘beautifully’ part."
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Every (¬‿¬) I get my muse will remove a piece of clothing.
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Reblog if you’d like 1 message from a curious anon.
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Anyone want to be added to my muses' Relationship page?
If you want to be added, please like this post! :D
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Send me symbols to learn more about my muse
Send ✚ for one of my muse’s prized possessions. Send ✿ for a happy memory. Send ➷ for a sports headcanon. Send ♆ for something my muse hates. Send ϡ for a sleep headcanon. Send ღ for a crush my muse has had. Send ✄ for a favourite movie of my muse’s. Send ☂ for a weather headcanon. Send ✎ for a school headcanon.
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Send one or more for me muses reaction! (Angst version)
"You always said the most beautifully heartbreaking things."
"I wish I loved you back, I wish I could tell you I feel the same way, but I just don’t feel that way about you."
"Our story was beautiful and magical but this ending is so tragic."
"Tragic. That’s the only word that could describe his/her and my relationship."
"I always thought I would be the one to die first. Guess I was wrong."
”_____, I don’t love you anymore. I’m sorry.”
"I knew everyone said I would regret leaving you, but I didn’t believe them. I never imagined the next time I saw you, you would be in a coma."
"Few things in his/her life were peaceful, I’m grateful that at least his/her death was peaceful, and that he/she felt loved as he/she took his/her last breath."
"I wish, oh how I wish you were still mine."
"So what? Your just breaking things off with me? Just going to up and runaway again?!"
"Fuck! Can’t you just admit it? Your so fucking busy trying to be strong you forgot to be honest!"
"Fuck. Fucking. Fuck. Is this how things are going to be for us?"
"Is this how things are going to be between us?"
"I wish you and him/her nothing but peace and love. I wish you the best."
"I miss your smile, I miss your eyes, I miss your skin, I miss the sound of your breathing softly next to me. I miss you."
"I always thought you would wait for me…I guess I just never expected you to move on."
"Why didn’t you wait for me?"
"He/she meant nothing to me! I swear! It was a mistake and I’ll never do it again!"
"So your just going to leave because I made a mistake?!"
"Your just going to runaway?!"
"Please, stop crying….I’m sorry."
"I said I was sorry. Sheesh. It’s not like somebody died."
"I never loved you. It was all a lie. I just wanted to fuck you."
"I never loved you. I never even liked you."
"I don’t want to be with you. I don’t want to spend another second with you."
"Just get out of here! Just go! I don’t love and and I never will so just fuck off!"
"Such a pretty little face, such a shake no really loves you."
"I’m leaving tonight. I expect you and all of your stuff to be gone by the time I get back."
"You should leave now. I don’t need you anymore."
"I’m sorry, but I don’t want you anymore. So please…..just get out."
"You’ve always been special, I really liked your body and face, but now I’m over you. So get out."
"You used to mean something, but bow I’ve found someone I like better."
"I really loved you, but now I’ve fallen out of love. I’m sorry. Now just go. It’s better this way."
"No one will ever love you for more than your body."
"No one will ever love you like I did."
"I’m sorry, but I’m done with you. I don’t want someone I can’t keep."
"I told you, I didn’t want anything permanent, I just wanted some temporary fun."
"It’s okay. You can sleep. I’ll stay with you until the end."
"Don’t say another word. Just sit down, shut up, and listen."
"Maybe if you had stopped or slowed down to enjoy it while it lasted, while he/she was still with you, you wouldn’t be so hurt."
"You know, I’ve known you for ten __ years/months and I’ve still never seen you when your truly happy."
"How can you do that? How can you just get over any feelings you had and move in?"
"How do you not feel?"
"I don’t wanna feel this way. I don’t even wanna feel at all anymore, so will you tell me how you do it? You know, how you don’t feel?"
"Your just going to leave me?"
"Fine. You can go. But just tell me this….was it ever real?"
"I should’ve told you sooner. I’m sorry."
”_____ died days/hours/minutes ago.”
"When I die don’t you dare cry and act like you cared because we all know you didn’t."
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Pretend to be my character's mother/father in the ask box anonymously
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Anyone want to plot?
If so, please like this post or message me! :)
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