theanimerunner · 5 years
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Part 2
Finally done! Hope you enjoy reading and stay tuned for new stories to come :)
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theanimerunner · 5 years
Yuki Hayashi Birthday Project! 2018 edition
In case you watch recent anime shows and you are somehow not aware, Yuki Hayashi is the brilliant composer behind the magnificent OSTs to many popular titles: Haikyuu!!, Boku no Hero Academia, Death Parade, One Piece Gold, Ballroom e Youkoso, Kiznaiver, Gundam Build Fighters, Karakuri Circus, Dive!!, Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru —and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Last year we already organized a project dedicated to his birthday, it was pretty grand lol and kind of complicated, we ended up having about a hundred participants from over 20 countries, and the composer was incredibly happy to receive such a gift (not even gonna lie, I’m pretty happy that we managed to make him cry x). So we decided to do something similar this year as well, only it’s going to be WAY LESS COMPLICATED and will literally take you UNDER 5 MINUTES!
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Here’s what you need to do:
1) Go to this Google form and leave one (1) wish for the composer. 
That’s it. Literally.
We’ve procrastinated and now it’s finals hell, so we don’t have much time, but still couldn’t help doing at least something.
I know that many of us listen to his (and not only his) music for free for obvious reasons, and guys, first of all, I really recommend you to buy at least the CDs with your favorite music to directly support the creators, but if you can’t do it, such projects are literally the least we can do to thank them for the incredible work that they’re doing to make our experience of seeing our favorite characters come to life an unforgettable one. So please, do help us out, especially since it barely requires any effort at all from you! Just try and be creative about it :)
We’ll translate everything into Japanese, probably put it into some kind of an album and make sure it gets to the composer! I’ll let you know how it goes in January. 
His birthday is on December 31st, so please hurry up! We’ll probably wrap things up around 29th-30th.
You can also do something on your own if you wish! Hayashi-san really appreciates such things, and he absolutely loves it when people draw his dogs (especially Chloe-chan, we can see her on many OSTs covers), so don’t be shy! You can @ him on Twitter or Instagram. 
Thank you in advance for your help! Let’s show the composer that his music is really appreciated outside of Japan as well! ᕙ( * •̀ ᗜ •́ * )ᕗ
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theanimerunner · 6 years
Check out our full cover here!
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theanimerunner · 6 years
Boku No Hero Academia T. Magazine August 2018 Edition Interview with Horikoshi Kouhei
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The August 2018 edition of T. Magazine (Toho Cinema Magazine) has a long interview with Boku No Hero Academia’s Horikoshi Kouhei. He talks about the Boku No Hero Academia movie and how it’s connected with the manga, what it means to be a hero, the future of the series, and more! Interesting points to note I translated the entire interview and hope that it gives everyone a better idea of the series and the movie! (For anime news sites asking, please credit if you repost this interview!) Enjoy~
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80% of the world’s population has super powers known as “quirks,” similar to X-Men’s concept of mutants, and these beings live in a super society.
Within this society, there is a career to become “heroes,” which the world often shines a spotlight on. The story of Boku No Hero Academia focuses on a young boy named Midoriya Izuku, who was born without a quirk and yet is still able to become the number one hero. The story, written by Horikoshi Kouhei, is currently being serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump, affectionately known as “Hiroaka” (T/N: I will use the abbreviation BNHA when they say Hiroaka in this interview).
The series currently has an anime being shown each week, and this year for the first time ever, an official movie was announced. Horikoshi has made characters that appear outside of the manga as well as extensively supervised the production of the movie. Because this is the first movie for the series, Horikoshi has also contributed enthusiastically to the script.
Horikoshi himself is a huge fan of American comic book series, and he compares his first experience seeing Marvel books as a flower blossoming within him, and he used this idea to also create the basis of BNHA, and we asked him directly about this. What he made clear to us is that in the continued serialization, a budding conscience was changed.
Interviewer: First, Horikoshi-san, we would like to discuss the movies related to American comic books, specifically the “Avengers Infinity War,” which you watched recently, correct?
Horikoshi: Yes, I watched it and was blown away. It was seriously amazing and surprised me in various parts! The story is great of course, but when the credits started to role, I thought to myself, “Wait, you’re joking!?” (laughs). I was so shocked that I was left dumbfounded. I want to watch the next movie like, now, and this is my feelings from the bottom of my heart.
Interviewer: Was there any scene that was impactful for you?
Horikoshi: When Thanos first did that “snap” and Bucky (the Winter Soldier) you know…that scene…yeah. At that time, I didn’t know what would happen if he did the snap, and since I didn’t have the answer to that, it was really shocking. It was a scene that really left an impression on you and makes you think about how the story will continue from them on. It had such an impact on me to the point that I almost thought they were lying to us. That is not to say that I am particularly emotionally attached to Bucky, but that scene really hit me hard.
Interviewer: Well then, among the American comic books that you enjoy, which character do you like the most?
Horikoshi: I love Spider-man. In the beginning stages of BNHA when I was still doing rough drafts, I thought it would be cool to have the protagonist Deku fight and talk in ways like Spider-man. However, I thought that it might be TOO similar to Spider-man, so I ended up throwing that idea out.
Interviewer: Ant Man and the Wasp is also out this summer. Are you interested in seeing how it relates to Infinity War?
Horikoshi: I’m pretty sure the events happen before Infinity War, but if it’s not then various things can be…Oh also I really like the character Venom, so I definitely want to watch this movie. A sequel to Spider-man Homecoming has also been decided, and I’m super looking forward to that as well.
Interviewer: Were you first introduced to the series of Spider-man through the comic books or the movies?
Horikoshi: Through the movies first. It all started when I got into Sam Raimi’s rendition of the 2004 Spider-man movies. Doc Oct (Doctor Octopus)’s fight was so incredibly cool, and I got goosebumps when Spider-man stopped the train by himself. When it looked like he would not be able to stop the train yet pulled through, weaving through the passengers and saving them, and finally when the kid took off his mask and Spider-man gave it to him…man, it was just so awesome, don’t you think?
Interviewer: I totally agree! It was a scene that really pulled at your heartsrings.
Horikoshi: I thought that this was so cool. It really showed what it meant to be a hero.
Interviewer: Is that when you entered the world of American comic books?
Horikoshi: I thought to myself, just exactly what kind of hero is Spider-man? Because of that, I started reading the comic books. At that time, there weren’t many books that were in Japanese, so I was able to understand much of the story, but the art was so cool that I was so attracted to it.
Interviewer: When I was reading your work, I had a feeling that some of the visuals in your manga were modeled after the shots in the American comic books.
Horikoshi: Visually, I am very influenced by the American comic books. However, I also enjoy their stories a lot, and I sometimes wonder why they drew it out in this way as I am reading them. In particular, the character’s feelings are well thought out, and I refer to this while also respecting its own art as well.
Interviewer: Are you mostly into Marvel comics only?
Horikoshi: I suppose so. I’m mostly into Marvel, but I also enjoy Batman from DC Comics.
Interviewer: Do you watch other movies aside from American Comic Books adaptations?
Horikoshi: Oh of course! I don’t usually feel like going to the movie theaters to watch movies, but I often buy DVDs. We often have movies playing at work while we’re drawing too.
Interviewer: Do you have some sort of standard when deciding on what to watch?
Horikoshi: Not really, just whatever I’m feeling at that time. If there’s a new movie that I see at work, and if I get into it, then I would watch it over and over, countless of times!
Interviewer: When you’re thinking of challenging yourself, is there a specific movie that you watch to get the gears going, so to speak?
Horikoshi: Hmm…what would that be…I guess it has nothing to do with American comics, but the movie AKIRA by Katsuhiro Otomo would be it. We play Akira often in the office. From the world up until the characters, it’s a vast and complex piece. I really like the character Tetsuo. Not just his character design, but his gestures and the way he talks is super cool.
That’s why I made Bakugou Katsuki from BNHA similar to the character of Tetsuo in the movie. Oh, I just remembered, but in the upcoming movie, there is a very AKIRA-esque scene. Bakugou and Izuku have these scene where they’re talking to each other that is very Tetsuo-like. I was happy that this scene was included!
Interviewer: Did Okamoto Nobuhiko (the voice of Bakugou)’s performance draw your attention?
Horikoshi: Hmm, let me think. I don’t know if it was bringing awareness for me, but if he was able to deliver, then it would be awesome.
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Interviewer: Our previous conversation got quite long, but let’s focus now on the Boku No Hero Academia first ever movie in the series. The anime started in 2016, and the anime has had many different character books, and character designer Yoshihiko Umakoshi recently said “I’d like to make an original story one of these days” to me. That soon became a reality, and how do you feel about this right now?
Horikoshi: When I first heard that they were planning to make a movie, to tell you the truth, I was really worried that BNHA could even be that kind of story that can warrant a full-length feature (laughs). When I think about it now, I get really excited!
Interviewer: The anime is currently airing Season 3 and the manga is extremely popular, so what kind of worries did you have?
Horikoshi: Talks of a movie were actually made in the early stages of the series. Because of this, I thought that the series would be dropped anyway, and that’s what I half expected to happen. However, as the conversation progressed along with the expansion of the series, the worries I had expected slowly changed.
Sometime ago, the movie staff asked me to watch the complete rough cut of the entire movie to offer any other points that I would like them to edit in regards to the story or scenes within the movie, and even though some parts were not yet polished in animation, it was so great! I thought, “Wow, this is going to be an amazing movie” and was very moved. I did all I could do up until that point, and the rest of the editing is now left in the hands of the staff, so I’m sorry I cannot do more!
Interviewer: The movie takes place after the Final Exams and before the School Field Trip. Horikoshi-san, you were in charge of overall supervision as well as character designs, so what kind of decisions did you make in the production of the movie?
Horikoshi: We had meetings with the anime team, and we were able to decide all things very naturally. First, I wanted to show more of All Might and Deku’s interactions, and that was the starting point. Because All Might loses his powers in the fight with All For One, I decided that this movie needs to take place before that; thus, we were able to decide on the timing of when this story takes place quite easily.
Interviewer: When you were writing the arc for the Final Exams, did you plan this out already?
Horikoshi: Not at that time, but after the exams were over and during summer break, there were moments when some school work blended in, so I decided that I wanted the main characters for the movie to be All Might and Deku, much like how the first episode had the two as well. I wanted to show that scene to various fans, and for those who are not familiar with BNHA, I wanted to create a story where they can easily understand the type of story that surrounds this series.
Interviewer: In the movie, All Might’s past is shown too, and it seems like it was an added element, correct?
Horikoshi: There were many ideas from the initial planning stages that the setting of the movie with Deku and All Might be in America. In the manga, I always had the idea of having All Might study abroad in America in his past, and since this was not present in the manga up until now, I thought that I could use this in the movie to satisfy the fans as well! It was a concept that I felt I should expand upon.
Interviewer: The movie contains an original story, but does it have any correlation to the current story in the serialized manga?
Horikoshi: I always wanted to include a chapter about All Might’s past, or rather, I thought that I definitely NEED to write about his past. In the movie, the young All Might is shown studying abroad in America, and I thought this might not be something that could be brought up anymore in the actual manga story up until now, so I saw the movie as a chance to present this. Of course, without a doubt, the movie and manga are adjoined, and the movie’s story is connected to the manga story that happens after it.
Interviewer: You mentioned just now about watching the rough cut, and are there any specific parts you’d like to mention?
Horikoshi: I think all of the action scenes have a great amount of variation, and I thought to myself while watching the movie, “Woah, the characters move a lot!” It was so cool, and I’m really looking forward to it! Also, Deku and All Might’s combo scene is a point of interest. Since this was something I missed out on including in the manga, it made me really emotional. I’m pretty sure this combo move is a scene that those who read the manga will definitely want to see, and that scene alone makes it worth watching the movie.
The production staff are in the middle of perfecting everything right now, but even so, you can feel how intensely passionate they are in animating this movie (laughs). I am also extremely excited for the completion of this movie. I guess saying that might give them pressure though.
Interviewer: However, the Season 3 anime staff’s Director Nagasaki Kenji, as well as Studio Bones are an unshakeable force that you can certainly put your trust in, right?
Horikoshi: Yes, of course. I fully entrust Director Nagasaki and Studio Bones with this work, and I know this time, much like all previous anime work, will turn out great, especially since the action scenes, such as the All Might versus Noumu fight in Season 1, were all magnificently completed.
Interviewer: It’s the scene where he punched him more than 300 times, right?
Horikoshi: Right, I actually counted the number of times that All Might packed those punches, and it’s absolutely surreal to me…but you probably don’t really care about that, sorry (laughs). Also in Season 2, with Deku versus Todoroki and Season 3 with All For One against All Might, these are all amazing scenes. The things that I want to see are performances that exceed my own expectations, scenes in the anime that will fascinate me, and thinking about this makes me really happy. I am really thankful that they are working on the project, and I have complete faith and trust in them.
Interviewer: In the anime, when you see a character’s movement, do you ever get any inspiration as a mangaka?
Horikoshi: Oh yes. For example, in one of the more recent chapters I drew, Chapter 186, Endeavor uses a powerful move called the Jet Burn, and while he uses it, a building goes flying off. I thought of making that scene when I was watching the anime’s Episode 30. Up until then in the manga, there were no scenes of Endeavor truly fighting (T/N: he implies the entire fight scene including the blue fire). However, in the anime, Endeavor scales a building, and his flames melt the building as he climbs higher and throws a spear made out of his flames at a noumu who’s flying away. I thought that was so freaking cool!
Interviewer: Was that scene an idea proposed by the anime team?
Horikoshi: Yes, indeed. It was a completely original scene. When I watched it on T.V., it left a huge impression on me, and I thought that I could never do it justice if I included it in the manga. I was wondering how he could run up and then have an awesome fight mid air, and when I did I just thought “I’ll have him fly!” That’s why in Chapter 186, you see him flying in that scene (laughs). That’s why if you refer to inspiration, I am incredibly inspired by the anime, and it gives me motivation and material to work with.
Interviewer: I would like to now ask a few questions about the manga itself. From All Might and Deku to All For One and Shigaraki Tomura, I get a sense of a “Star Wars” influence with the concept of training the next generation within the story. Did you have any conscience of this when creating the manga?
Horikoshi: I didn’t really think about the concept of changing generations, but more a sense of what kind of effect would come out of it, but now that you mention it, there might be a hint of the “succeeding generations” [from Star Wars]. I am a huge Star Wars fan so…
Interviewer: By the way, for BNHA’s entire story, how many parts do you think it will be?
Horikoshi: At the moment I think we’re at the fifth part of the story. I can’t say for sure how much the story will expand up until the ending, but just like how it’s written in the first chapter of the manga, this is a story where Deku becomes the Number One Hero. Because of that, there’s a question of “What exactly does it mean to be the Number One Hero?” and I want to show that in my manga.
Interviewer: “What does it mean to be the Number One Hero?” I’m sure you have your own ideologies surrounding this question, but what do you think makes a hero?
Horikoshi: It’s a theme that I’m conflicted about…When BNHA first started its serialization, I thought that what makes a cool hero is someone who can save people and make others feel safe. However, as the serialization progressed, the answer became more and more difficult.
Interviewer: What were the roots of the idea that a hero is someone like All Might, a person who saves and makes people feel safe?
Horikoshi: All Might’s influence probably comes from Dragon Ball’s character Goku. In the arc with Freiza, when Gohan and the others get messed up by Frieza, Goku just finished having his wounds tended to and was late in joining up with the others. I was reading the manga in real time and thought “since it’s Goku, he will definitely be able to do something!” It was truly a real experience.
When I read the manga, this feeling of happiness did not occur before or after. All Might’s “I am here!” line that he uses was decided because during that time as I was reading Dragon Ball, I knew that if Goku came, then everything will be okay. That’s why I gave that feeling to All Might. “He will definitely save everyone, he will definitely think of a way—“ That’s my image of a hero, of All Might, that resonated within me.
Interviewer: I see, so does this mean that this image of a hero from All Might will be passed onto Midoriya Izuku?
Horikoshi: Yes, Deku and All Might move based on the value [of saving people and ensuring safety as the number one hero]. In the beginning, I thought to push forward with that thought as well. However, in the present, I think that there are so many different values that go with being a hero. Everyone has their own different views of what it means to be a hero. That’s why little by little, my thoughts of what is a hero started to change. It’s not a negative change, quite the opposite actually. I don’t want to go against what others view as a hero figure.
Interviewer: Since you mention that, in Chapter 117 with the battle of Deku versus Bakugou, that fight was also made because of their side by side differing views of what it means to be a hero, right?
Horikoshi: For Bakugou, his idea of a hero is that “No matter what, I will win at the end.” That’s the type of character he is and what he values. Also, other characters all have their different views on what it means to be a hero. That’s why I want to capture that idea and thoroughly flesh it out within the manga of BNHA, and it will relate to what it means to be the “Number One Hero.” That’s why when I write about the villains, there is a question of “would it actually be cool if they are defeated, or maybe not…” and that thought excites me.
Interviewer: Speaking of BNHA villains, within their beliefs lies some twisted aesthetics, and they completely oppose the Hero’s Association and leaves an impression of constant conflict.
Horikoshi: Yes, that’s right. There are many different types of villains. For example you have the Villain Stain who has his own firm beliefs, you have villains who are utterly not capable of being saved, you also have those who have no choice but to be a villain– there are a lot of different types of villains.
Interviewer: “Villains who are not capable of being saved.” Is there anyone in the BNHA world who’s like that?
Horikoshi: I think if I answer that question, it will be a huge spoiler, but characters like Muscular who find great happiness in killing others would fit this category. If there comes a story about a villain being saved, then I feel like there needs to be a reward for that.
Interviewer: “A villain that should be saved.” Would Shigaraki Tomura apply to this category?
Horikoshi: Yes, I think so. I think that we have gotten to the point where Shigaraki can no longer turn back though. How should I put this, if I say more, I feel like it’ll dampen your imagination, so I won’t explain in detail. All I can say is that I hope you look forward to the expansion of the story from here on out.
Interviewer: Thank you very much. Lastly, there is one thing that I am very curious about regarding the invisible female character Hagakure Tooru. What does her real face look like?
Horikoshi: To tell you the truth, I have no idea (laughs). When I was writing the Cultural Festival arc, there was talk in the planning stages to have her win the beauty pageant.
Interviewer: Then that means she would be super cute!
Horikoshi: Maybe, perhaps her beauty would overpower the other girls, maybe an absolutely stunning girl?? (laughs) But if Hagakure were to win the beauty pageant, then she would have to probably cover herself in powder or something so you can see her face… Also, if she truly is a true beauty, I myself don’t even know how to draw that, and it would be a pretty large hurdle for me to figure out. So rather than not drawing it, I CAN’T draw it… In either case, to be curt, I would say that my real intention is to probably never have to draw her real face (laughs). If I did, probably all the other girl characters would be obsolete- that’s how beautiful she should be. But anything more than that (T/N He plans to draw her but doesn’t want to reveal how)- please cut me some slack here! (laughs)
T/N: Horikoshi is such a Marvel fanboy! This entire interview was so fun to read and translate! Please DM me if you want the original Japanese version of this interview. You can also DM me on Twitter!
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theanimerunner · 6 years
Boku No Hero Academia “The Two Heroes” The Movie FULL Detailed Plot/Summary from Anime Expo
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Twitter user Eikosenpai has posted on her Twitter a super long and detailed summary from the Boku No Hero Academia “The Two Heroes” movie premiere from Anime Expo 2018! She sent me the transcription of her super long summary, which was separated as several tweets containing pictures of her summary. I will personally be watching the movie in August when it comes out in Japan and will write my own report, but this is a pretty detailed one from Claudia. Enjoy~
Some things to note, the movie is set before Bakugou gets kidnapped, so All Might still has his hero form. The movie begins in Vegas where a villain attacks and steals $10 million. A car with a family is about to get hurt when All Might comes just in time to save them. All Might then assures them to not worry because he has arrived!
Dave is introduced during the fight and drives a very flashy red sports car to get him closer to the fight. Dave Shield is All Might’s partner in crime in the States. All Might fights the villain and ends the fight with the iconic Detroit Smash! After the fight, all of the people watching the fight do not know who All Might is yet and Dave introduces him as “He is a student exchange student from Japan, and he is a hero.”
A little background of Dave, he is the ones who made All Might’s hero outfits the Young, Bronze, Silver, and Golden Age! He has a daughter named Melissa Shield.
This whole scene transitions into the present All Might in his weak form and he is sleeping, which means he was dreaming of the opening scene. He wakes up by Deku calling his name as they are about to arrive on I-Island! They are taking a private jet which allows All Might to be in his weak form until they arrive.
I-Island is an exclusive island that scientists reside and All Might has been invited by Melissa to attend the I-Expo that is held to surprise Dave! The island is HUGE with a lot of heroes roaming around that is almost like Disney mascots in Disneyland that you can take photos with. I-Island’s setting is basically a theme park but a hero park.
When All Might and Deku arrive at the island, everyone recognizes All Might and scream ‘All Might!’ and rush over to him and crowds him. The scene switches to Deku who is being completely stuck and moving like seaweed in the ocean from how many people there were.
Right after they manage to get away from the crowd, All Might’s face is covered with red kiss marks. Then, Melissa comes jumping on a pogo stick yelling All Might’s name and is first introduced. Melissa is introduced as Dave’s daughter and is amazed that Deku is a student at U.A. and explains that she jealous because she is quirkless. Melissa takes Deku’s hand and realizes that he has major scars on his hand.
Melissa then takes All Might and Deku to meet Dave and Dave is very surprised that they have arrived. Upon their arrival, Dave was speaking with his assistant Sam.
Melissa and Deku leave Dave and All Might to view more of I-Island and All Might can finally turn back into his real form as he had to put up his strong front up until now. Dave is shocked by the shape All Might is in.
Melissa takes Deku around to see all types of heroes items in what looks like a bat cave (lol) and they are getting along very well! Suddenly, Ochako comes out of nowhere and clearly sees Melissa and Deku getting along and is drawn literally with this face ( - u - ) It was very clear she was not too happy about this “date.”
* I remember Deku saying something along the lines of ‘She’s a friend’ and Ochako going like ‘Ahhh…’ *
Ochako is introduced with both Jirou and Yaoyorozu who Deku is very surprised to see. All of them decide to go to a cafe. All the girls are talking on one table as they get to know each other. Deku is by himself and when his drink arrives (it is an All Might Drink that definitely looks like it can be sold at a cafe in Japan in the future LOL), Denki and Mineta are introduced as waiters!
The two of them are working as part-timers during the I-Expo and they are very excited for making money and meeting girls (as usual). When they introduce Melissa to them and both Denki and Mineta, but mostly Mineta, are very excited to see such a pretty girl…
Iida conveniently comes running in and says his family was invited to I-Expo as well, but no one could get so they told Iida to go instead. Deku then asks why the other girls of Class 1A are not there, and Yaoyorozu explains with a scene of the girls all playing Rock, Paper Scissors with Tsuyu, Mina, and Toru losing. Mina was yelped at how sad she was that she lost, Tsuyu threw up a peace sign
There is a loud explosion sound and Deku looks concerned. Turns out Bakugou was the reason for the explosion as he is fighting in an area with Kirishima! They both are competing to try to destroy as many bots as they can as fast as they can.
Bakugou sees Deku and rushes over and starts yelling stuff like “WHY ARE YOU HERE?” aka the usual. Bakugou explains that he was invited to attend I-Expo because he won the Sports Festival and he invited Kirishima to come with him.
Everyone tells Deku to try his shot at the arena battle to try and beat Bakugou as he was currently in the lead for most kills. Deku agrees and is uses 6% of One For All (I think it was 6% but not completely sure). Melissa recalls the scars on Deku’s hand and correlates it to how Deku’s power is too strong for his body.
After Deku finishes his round and finished in 2nd place behind Bakugou. Suddenly, Todoroki uses a gigantic ice move that kills a ton of bots that immediately plummets him to 1st place. Bakugou angrily goes up to Todoroki like ‘WHY ARE YOU HERE?’ which Todoroki responds with ‘Oh, Bakugou.’ Bakugou then retorts like ‘DON’T IGNORE MY QUESTION!’
The arena scene switches to Dave and All Might in his lab and Dave is running tests on All Might. His monitor shows that All Might’s One For All power is depleting at an extreme rate that Dave suspects can’t be just from All For One’s attack. All Might thinks to himself that he cannot tell Dave he gave Deku One For All or else it will endanger both Dave and Melissa.
There is a reception party that will be held later that night and Iida informs all of them that they must attend or else it will tarnish U.A.’s reputation. He orders them to be very very punctual and suddenly runs off to prepare. The scenes pan to them getting prepared but mostly of Bakugou’s room.
Bakugou is lying on his bed and is complaining how he does not want to attend the party as its a hassle and boring. Kirishima is in his room (shirtless btw) and tells him otherwise and that it’ll be fun! Kirishima also tells Bakugou he brought them suits so they will be dressed to impress basically.
** Both Denki and Mineta are invited by Melissa to go to the reception party, but I do not remember when this scene specifically is set in between. I just remember this scene happened SORRY! **
Later, Melissa invites Deku to her room and she mentions to him that she saw how he was holding back power for his body to handle to which we made him a special gauntlet to use! The Full Gauntlet is a support she made for him that will balance his power with his body so it does not overpower him.
They all meet up again ready for the reception party and Deku is running a little late. Ochako comes in and Deku compliments her and she waves embarrassed like how she does in the anime (really cute)! Yaoyorozu and Jirou arrive with Jirou hiding behind Yaoyorozu because she was embarrassed since she doesn’t wear dresses usually. Denki compliments Jirou and Mineta creeps on them which then Jirou hits them and Denki says ‘But I complimented you!’
All Might is down at the reception already and is about to make a toast when the scene switches to someone hacking the security system.
There is a short scene with Kirishima and Bakugou in their suits walking down a hallway and they are lost. They also can’t tell their classmates that they’re lost because Kirishima left his phone in the room.
Suddenly, the security system is hacked and is warning everyone on the island that there is a bomb. The villains come in to the reception party where all the pro heroes and All Might are in and they tie them all up. Dave is captured because he knows the security system and the villains take him away.
When the security system informs people that there is a bomb, there is scenes that cut to Tsuyu, Mina, and Invisible girl that shows them having a sleepover. They all are alarmed of the news when Invisible Girl brings out a deck of Uno cards since there is time to pass (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)?)
There are also scenes that show Tokoyami seeing the news too (he was with someone else, but I dont remember who!). Sato was in a room with Sero when the news broke out.
Now, Deku, Melissa, Todoroki, Iida, Ochako, Yaoyorozu, Jirou, Denki, and Mineta are now stuck in a room because the hacked security system blocked all entrances. They now all have to decide what to do. Iida says that they should all escape as All Might wants them to do, but Deku refuses and states that he “wants to save.” Ochako agrees with Deku and they all start agreeing to fight back and take over the security system. Mineta freaks out that they all are agreeing and only agrees because everyone else is all while crying.
** During this time, Deku sees All Might down in the reception and they have like a telepathic conversation where All Might tells Deku to leave, but Deku says he will not. All Might recognizes Deku’s willpower to save everyone and allows him to go and take back the security system. All Might will have to endure his hero state until the security system is restored. **
Melissa tells them that the security system is located on the 200th floor and they all have to run up flights of stairs when they were only on the 30th floor! They manage to get up to the 80th floor when Mineta opens a door which alerts the hacker that they are running and not captured.
The hacker tries to close the walls on them, but Todoroki uses his ice move to keep the wall from closing which gave Iida an opening to use Full Throttle to break down all the other walls.
They all manage to get to a wide open area that is filled with plants. Imagine a greenhouse, but the size of whole building. They all hide amongst the plants to blend in as two bad guys know that they are all hiding. The villains yell out ‘We know you’re here’ all while everyone is thinking ‘DO NOT FIND US!’
The villains suddenly say ‘We found you,’ but they did not find the main gang, they ran into Kirishima and Bakugou. Both of them think that the villains are regular adults which Kirishima then apologizes and says that we are just lost. One of the villains tries to hit Kirishima which Bakugou instantly tries to deflect, but Todoroki is faster and uses ice to deflect the attack.
The fight continues with Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima while the rest of them escape to try to get to the security system. They escape to a dead end where the only opening is through an air vent that the only person who can fit is…Mineta. Mineta immediately does not want to do it because he’s afraid, but Denki convinces him by saying that the girl’s will all praise him and love him for saving them!
Of course, Mineta immediately starts climbing the vent yelling “HAREM! HAREM! HAREM! GIVE ME LOVE!” He manages to get to the top and opens the door for them all to which he says something along the lines of give me all the praise.
The scene switches back to the fight with Todoroki, Bakugou and Kirishima where they all have to team up to fight the two villain henchmen. Kirishima gets hit and he gets blasted to a wall. Bakugou uses Howitzer Impact on a villain and his sleeve rips which the villain thinks is stupid. But this distraction created an opening for Todoroki to defeat the villain.
After they have defeated the two bad guys, Kirishima is seen still stuck to the wall and says he can’t get out. Bakugou immediately says “Are you stupid, just undo your quirk and you can get out.” Kirishima says, “Oh!”
After Kirishima undos his quirk, Bakugou looks away from Kirishima and says sheepishly, “Kirishima, thanks.” Kirishima looks up at him and smiles a huge grin and says “Don’t mind!” ** I’m sorry in advance but I really can’t remember if Kirishima or Bakugou blushes for those asking! **
The scene switches back to the main group where they are now stuck and surrounded by bots that the hacker sends out. Denki steps up to the plate and uses his power to kill the bots. He goes up to 2 million volts to which right before he uses it, Jirou says “but that will make you…” he switches to his derp face and Jirou ends with “dumb.” The bots then tie up Denki in his derp phase.
Deku now uses the new support Melissa made for him and he uses 30% of his power completely scratch free! The support is a success, but he can only use the gauntlet two more times as it has a limit.
During this scene, Ochako Iida, Jirou, Yaoyorozu, Mineta, and Denki agree to fend off the bots for Deku and Melissa to escape to make it to the security system. Yaoyorozu makes cannons that they use but she has used her quirk too much that she cannot do much else. Mineta also uses his quirk that his head starts bleeding.
Ochako has to use her Zero Gravity quirk to have Deku and Melissa fly away from the fight to make it to the security system. As Ochako uses her quirk on them and they start floating, bots are about to hurt Ochako when…Bakugou and Todoroki come and save her! Kirishima says “You guys make a good team” to Bakugou and Todoroki that Bakugou denies immediately.
Deku uses his Detroit Smash move which was successful and then they fall to the ground. She falls on top of Deku with Deku’s hand near her waist (and everyone in the audience said ‘oooo’). Melissa is hurt on her arm and Deku patches her up before they head into the security room.
Dave and his assistant Sam are both in the security room. A drawer in the room is open and contains a device in a case that Sam holds. Sam congratulates Dave on the success and Dave says that the plan was a success as well. Melissa and Deku both hear this which Melissa immediately says ‘Papa, this is a lie right?”
Dave created a device that enhances a heroes quirk, however, his research for the device was cut short while it was being developed because an executive board forbid such a device. After the committee denied his invention, Dave’s assistant, Sam, told Dave that we can try to get the device back by creating a plan to physically take it back.
The plan was to hire fake villains during I-Expo so that it would look like they are the ones stealing the device, when in actuality, they would be giving the device back to Dave. Dave explains that his main goal for taking back the device was just to save All Might. He says that “he’s doing it for All Might.”
The main villain, Wolfram, enters the room and Sam takes the case towards him. Dave is shocked because it turns out that Sam hired real villains instead of the fake ones they planned to hire. Sam backstabs Dave because he says he put just as much time and effort into the device that he wanted money for his efforts. Sam hands the case to Wolfram and in return, Sam is shot because Wolfram says he does not remember making a deal with him (classic bad guy).
Wolfram is about to kill Sam, when Dave runs and takes the shot instead. Dave is shot on his arm and Melissa tries to run to him but gets thrown to a wall. Wolfram holds back Deku by using his quirk that allows him to manipulate metal. Dave is captured by Wolfram and taken away.
Wolfram explains to Dave that he plans to have him mass produce the device for him as they are about to board a helicopter. Melissa manages to revert the security system back to normal and All Might is shown freed and he is ready to fight. Deku manages to save Dave on the helicopter for a second, but Deku loses his grasp and falls off the helicopter. Deku is upset with himself that he can’t manage to bring the helicopter down to save Dave, when All Might comes to the rescue!
All Might comes flying in and literally EXPLODES the helicopter (I legit thought like I guess All Might kills Dave LOL). Somehow he has Dave safely on the ground, and All Might looks pretty weak.
Suddenly, Wolfram is back but in a much stronger form because he put on Dave’s device. Wolfram grabs Dave and he is now in between walls of metal. His quirk has been enhanced exponentially as he fights All Might. All Might is showing signs that he is at his limit when Todoroki and Bakugou come to help!
Wolfram manages to capture All Might and he is being restricted by his arms and legs by huge pillars of metal. Wolfram explains to All Might that he did not plan this all by himself, he had the idea and help from All For One…
** When Wolfram explains that All For One helped him, the music turns to the same creepy music with the opera singing woman in the anime. I got chills **
While All Might is being held, HUGE rocks of metal and debris all crash onto All Might. (I don’t remember how All Might got out of that debris mess cause I was too concentrated on how intense the battle was. BUT Deku and All Might both manage to get back on their feet and fight!)
The fight turns for the better as Deku and All Might finally team up as the two heroes! They use their One For All quirk to the best of their ability and it is one epic fight. There is a scene where All Might is running with Deku right alongside him and they are running with the same speed and style that Melissa and Dave (I think?) takes note of. They can see how in sync they are with the most powerful quirk.
Their epic finishing movie is a DOUBLE DETROIT SMASH WITH PLUS ULTRA! (This fight scene was really well animated.)
Wolfram is defeated and the sunrises over the debris filled I-Island. The separated Class 1A reunites after the fight.
** I have a note that Todoroki smiles at Bakugou but I don’t remember what led up to that smile and im pretty sure Bakugou smiles. But, I’m not 100% sure, sorry!!!! **
The last scene shows Dave and All Might talking with each other while the students are up above on a higher ground. Dave and All Might talk about how Melissa will be a great scientist and how Deku is on the way of being a hero. Dave tells All Might that he knows that Deku is the one who he passed One For All to and says that he has the “light of a hero.” This is said while the scene pans over Deku and Melissa smiling.
THATS THE END OF THE MOVIE! There was no extra scene at the end because they will show the scene when it hits theaters. Thank you for reading the whole thing if you did and sorry if some parts are confusing! I know I am missing some scenes and transitions but I tried my best and hope you enjoy the movie when it comes out! Thanks~
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theanimerunner · 6 years
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theanimerunner · 6 years
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