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Can you investigate on the death of Elisa Lam? It's been decided as suicide but lots of clue detect it to be homicide. I've tried to crack it but it's like pieces of the puzzle are missing. :) Thanks. Your posts are amazing!
Okay Betts 🔍.
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iPhone 8 Information FROM INSIDE SOURCE !
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Apple Fall Keynote which is one of the biggest events of the year is reported to be on September 12th, you'll be able to pre-order on the 15th of September, and they could be in store by the 22nd of September according to The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. An inside source From apple according to The New York Times the entering model of storage will be at 64GB for $999.00 US dollars, continuing with 256GB for $1099.00 US dollars and lastly doubling at 512GB for $1199.00 US dollars. The iPhone 8 is rumored to have; wireless charging, no home button only a sensitive digital button, Touch ID will be replaced with facial recognition, water resistance, a brand new selfie camera that uses an infrared technology to detect the location and depths of an object in its field of view. It's also rumored to have an all glass design just like the old iPhone 4 instead of an aluminum casing. This is all of the rumors and information on the brand new iPhone 8 coming this fall 2017.
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Theories About The Death Of Princess Diana ...
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It has been exactly 20 years since Diana, Princess Of Wales tragically died at age 36 on August 31, 1997,  according to multiple investigations they ruled her death as  "unlawful death" to the reckless chauffeur Henri Paul who was ruled to be drunk at the time and paparazzi dangerously tailing her limousine. Diana Frances Spencer was born on July 1, 1961,  and was the fourth child in the Spencer Family. Lady D was involved with dozens of charities including London Great Ormond Street Hospital For Children. But many theorists’ speculate that Diana and Fayed’s public courtship cost them their lives. After his son’s death, Mohammed Fayed famously launched his own investigation into the accident, believing the royal family was biased against his son because he was an Egyptian Muslim. Fayed reasoned the British establishment wanted to prevent Diana and Dodi from marrying so that Prince William, the future king, and Prince Harry would not have a Muslim stepfather.  Other theories are That princess Diana was pregnant, Fayed’s belief that foul play was behind Diana’s death was his further claim that Diana was pregnant with Dodi’s child at the time of the crash. Fayed even publicly said that Diana phoned him on the night she died to tell him about the pregnancy. adding more suspicious to conspiracy theorists’ that Diana was expecting was the fact that she was partially embalmed after her death, a procedure that would make it impossible to test her blood. conspiracy theorists’ favorite suspects include the driver, Henri Paul.  As the theory goes, Paul was paid by MI6 to assassinate Diana and Fayed. Former MI6 officer Richard   Tomlinson told reporters at the time. “It’s been well-established that he went missing for two or three hours the night of his death.“ Despite the fact that Paul made just $35,000 a year, he had nearly $250,000 in his bank account at the time of his death, in addition to a significant amount of cash with him when he died, prompting further speculation that MI6 paid him off. Another suspect was the driver of the white Fiat that reportedly followed Diana into the tunnel, leaving forensic evidence on the Mercedes that suggested the two cars made "glancing contact,” per the Operation Paget report. The last theory is The “flash before the crash"French eyewitness François Levistre, who was driving through the tunnel ahead of Diana’s Mercedes, claimed to have seen a bright light at the crash’s point of impact. That kicked off the "flash before the crash” theory, with Tomlinson, the former MI6 agent, claiming he had seen a similar flashing strobe light in his training, used to disorientate drivers as a method of vehicular assassination. What Do You Think Happened To Diana, Princess Of Wales …?
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Help Romani Families 💪🏽.
Italy: Romani families left homeless, others at risk
Around 600 Romani individuals fear destruction of their homes in the informal settlement of Germagnano in Turin, northern Italy. At least 7 families were left homeless after being forcibly evicted and their homes demolished. Municipal authorities have failed to carry out any consultation to identify adequate alternative housing for all families.
According to local authorities, around 600 Roma, including children, elderly, pregnant women, sick and disabled people, many originating from Romania and others refugees from former Yugoslavia, live in the long-standing informal settlement of Germagnano, in the city of Turin in northern Italy.
In September 2016, a judicially sanctioned decree ordered the seizure of the land where the settlement is based, on the grounds of illegal occupation and environmental hazard. The decree did not order the eviction of the families and local authorities claim that only those homes abandoned for at least seven days are being demolished. However, between 8 and 10 June, Amnesty International has documented at least seven cases of homes that were demolished while they were still inhabited by Roma residents, including pregnant women, new-born babies and elderly. These families were left homeless and had all of their belongings destroyed, including personal documents, baby clothes, medicines and other possessions. The families left homeless are either being hosted by friends and relatives, have moved to other locations in improvised shelters, or have returned to Romania. Many of the current residents told Amnesty International that they do not want to leave their homes even to go to the doctor, to buy food, or take their children to school, for fear of returning and finding their homes demolished.
Authorities never provided adequate notice to any of the families, nor did they carry out a genuine consultation to explore and identify adequate alternatives for the families, including appropriate accommodation. In a meeting with Amnesty International, the local authorities stated that the only alternative possible would be dormitories, however those would be available for a limited number of people and only to women and children.
Please write immediately in Italian or your own language:
Calling on the authorities to ensure that all people left homeless in recent months as result of the forced eviction from Germagnano are urgently provided with adequate alternative accommodation based on genuine consultation;
Urging them to commit to prevent any further forced evictions from Germagnano settlement and put in place a process to correctly identify possible abandoned homes in order to avoid rendering other individuals indiscriminately homeless;
Calling on them to urgently initiate a genuine consultation will all residents of the Germagnano settlement to explore all alternative options to evictions.
PLEASE SEND APPEALS BEFORE 10 AUGUST 2017 TO: Mayor of Turin Chiara Appendino Comune di Torino Piazza Palazzo di Cittá, 1 10122, Torino, Italia Fax: +39 011 011 30583 Email: [email protected] Salutation: Dear Mayor
Prefect of Turin Renato Saccone Prefettura di Torino Piazza Castello 205/199 10124, Torino, Italia Fax: +39 011 55 89 904 Email: [email protected] Salutation: Dear Prefect
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