theapeofthoth · 5 years
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theapeofthoth · 9 years
We are all machines or dolls
I am horny but I don't want to fuck. People repulse me – I want sex without neither other people nor myself. No feelings that taint the pure sexual energy. No one that gets or makes me disappointed. 
I want to exclude flesh. If we take the part of machines and dolls we get one step closer to perfection. I'll go first. Follow my lead. 
Transform yourselves to machines or dolls for the good of mankind.
The world isn't as real as we think. It can be adjusted. I'm going home now to fuck with the world with my mind and alter it. 
I’m gonna strap a fuck machine to a sex doll and leave them alone at it while I read a good book in another room. 
It’ll be a work of art – of magic. Depicting perfection. And eternal bliss.
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theapeofthoth · 9 years
I'm an alchemist that can turn coffee into golden showers.
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theapeofthoth · 9 years
Masturbation Monday!
Be proud of your genitals today. Whatever you got – give it some attention and celebrate it! Don't feel shame or guilt, just let the happiness flow. Take a moment alone. Stroke it, pet it. Give it a good rub. Sneak off to the bathroom, lock the door and let it loose. Then encourage your co-workers, schoolmates or friends to do the same and the world will be a much happier and more relaxed place.
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theapeofthoth · 9 years
The Fool
I am a fool and no one can touch me. I have gone the full circle, learned the secrets and forgotten them all again. I am back where I started before my journey around the world, but I am back as another man. I have seen more than I have forgotten obviously, but I am still curious. What I do remember is that energy matters. Applied in the right place it moves worlds and hearts. It's magic. Magic is applying energy and changing reality in accordance with the will. Everything matters, so nothing matters. The world is mine, it's yours, it's ours. I walk without worries for the future or regrets about the past. I live, I change. I am a fool and no one can touch me. I am Jack Baboon, and I am free.
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theapeofthoth · 9 years
Creativity is fucking hard
The very essence of creativity is fucking. It's the original act of creation. In the beginning to create life – but now the act itself is the purpose most of the times. Fucking is creativity in its purest form. It creates joy and all other emotions, it creates relations, it is subversive sometimes and when it's good it is offensive to someone. The urge to fuck is a creative voice that shouldn't be silenced and ridden with shame or guilt. All other expressions of creativity – be it writing, painting, dancing – are abstracted or intellectualized variations of fucking. I am a published writer and I have gotten awards as a filmmaker. But basically I am just an elaborate fucker. I'm Jack Baboon and I'm a fucking artist. 
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