thearianame-blog1 · 5 years
My interest in this subject has not been shown specifically yet through many projects, however I did briefly look into architecture in London and artificial light. I hope that my passion for art history will help inform my work, as I will be more thorough with my research. My extensive travelling should also hopefully help me to understand the buildings that I will look into more detail about, as well as the locations that they are situated.
I want to link culture and history to this project, as I have done in other projects such as the one on my family’s possessions- this however was more about the interiors as oppose to exteriors. I have looked at the middle-east in some of my projects also such as in my shape project about Persian motifs found in mosques. For this project however I want to look more into Europe, more specifically London where I will be able to ask my friends questions too about their opinion as a lot live in London.
Shape and silhouette informs my work heavily as I take inspiration directly from my research and use drawing as a tool to understand the form and materiality of what I want to create. Then from this I am able to collage and change the scale and positioning of the shapes when putting them on the body. I have also really enjoyed projects where I have gone outside to get inspiration, I feel as though my projects have been a lot more honest. This will be useful when I document different areas and their architecture.
I have been quite disappointed in my lack of experimentation with materials; I have only really used calico, cellophane and paper. I want to widen my knowledge of different materials to use when making garments, and this project is a good opportunity. Materiality is also something that I am interested in so it makes sense to have more of an emphasis on this.
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thearianame-blog1 · 5 years
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This video made me think more about more of the negatives of London’s architecture that I would usually praise. 
‘If you want too see what a society really believes in look at what the biggest buildings on the horizon are dedicated too”- Joseph Camphell 
Makes me feel sad how true it is that our buildings show that we worship oil companies and pharmaceuticals. We are letting our cities to be hijacked by aggressive commercial interests.
We don’t seem to know what beauty is in terms of architecture and cities, but we know an ugly place when we see it. Beauty in architecture could be interesting theme to investigate, looking into the fusion of the old and new in cities and which people would prefer.
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thearianame-blog1 · 5 years
After going to an art gallery with my auntie I asked her some questions about what she thinks of London’s architecture. She mentioned that she feels as though the domestic architecture that is being built is really ugly it seems to be very old fashioned. and she feels as though after 1970 architecture has gone down hill. 
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thearianame-blog1 · 5 years
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Las Vegas where I have also been looked very tacky in my opinion but represents speed of contemporary life. Inspired by the Pop artists of 1950s and 60s which challenged art establishment by appealing to popular imagery and mass culture.
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thearianame-blog1 · 5 years
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This video put emphasis on looking at the past in order to go forward emphasised by Scott Brown and Venturi, who felt as though ornamentation and iconography was important. Egyptian hieroglyphics, Byzantine mosaics, Gothic stained glass and Renaissance however was hated by the modernists.  Modern architecture also erases historical traditions that are meaningful and symbolic. 
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thearianame-blog1 · 5 years
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An effective and affordable strategy for the future of architecture explained in this TED talk by architect Anton Garcia-Abril. With ideas taken from the Bau Haus, as does most of modern architecture; such as full of light and the inside and outside as one. The idea links to the Huf Haus that I live in which makes it a lot more personal to me, with flat pack housing transported to different countries. 
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thearianame-blog1 · 5 years
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Ancient Greek pottery is something that I also love very much, with the Black bold figures and warm orange brown tones.
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thearianame-blog1 · 5 years
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Dedicated to the goddess Athena, It is the most important surviving building of Classical Greece completed in 432 BC. This is another building that I have seen in person, I think this is important for this project I think I would prefer to base my subject around something more personal that I have seen so I can understand it better. Like Ancient Egypt I find Ancient Greece so interesting with the myths and stories intertwined into the buildings and artefacts left behind showing parts of their culture. It don't want to loose the richness of the historical buildings, so it could always try find a link between the modern and old buildings and compare in some way. I really enjoy finding links between subjects as I did in my project based on my parents most prized possessions and how they relate together and to me. Could question what is considered to be beautiful architecture in the modern era.
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thearianame-blog1 · 5 years
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As well as clearly having an interest in modern architecture and the ethos of it as well as aesthetic; I also have a great love for ancient architecture. When my parents had me and my sister, they enjoyed travelling a lot with us exposing me to many different countries and cultures. The piece of architecture that has especially resonated with me is the Pyramids of Giza, which I saw when I was about 9 Years old. The sheer size of it, at 146.5 meters tall initially meant that it was the tallest man-made structure in the world for more than 3,800 years. I never understood how something so large could be made so long ago (2560 BC), and even today I am intrigued. 
Building the pyramid in 20 years involved installing approximately 800 tonnes of stone every day. Additionally, since it consists of an estimated 2.3 million blocks, 12 blocks would of had to of been moved into place each hour, day and night if it was to be completed in 20 years. Slaves were used to build the tomb, this is something I am interested in is the stories and mysteries behind the pieces of architecture; and the process behind something you view.
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thearianame-blog1 · 5 years
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When travelling to Dubai I saw the tallest building in the world, but found it very underwhelming. Even though I did appreciate it, I feel as though I feel more of a connection with tall buildings in London as well as respect for older buildings. I feel as though in a way they are more of an accomplishment because of the dangerous and challenging techniques used in the past. It is still astonishing that such a tall building is possible to stand, and crazy to think of the amount of money that would have gone in to it.
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thearianame-blog1 · 5 years
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Falling water is another piece of architecture that I love, but sadly have not seen in person. Designed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright in 1935 in rural southwestern Pennsylvania, I am fascinated by modernist architecture that here blends in with the setting it is in. Such as the composition of the building being very much lateral to fit in well with the strata of the rocks and the waterfall flowing through the building.
‘The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilisation.’- Frank Lloyd Wright 
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thearianame-blog1 · 5 years
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"The house is a box in the air,..."         —Le Corbusier, Précisions
i have a great love of glass and windows, as living in a house made up of mainly this I know how many positives there are. When moving into my university the lack of light definitely had a huge impact on my mental health as I felt very imprisoned in a room with a lack of light in it. Villa Savoye shown above designed by Le Corbusier in 1929, is a great example of an architect showing the essence of modern architecture.
“The house should be a machine for living in”
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thearianame-blog1 · 5 years
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Having studied Art History I have been able to solidify my knowledge of modernist architecture, as well as my love for it. My house wouldn't be here if it wasn��t for Bau Haus which is arguably the most influential modernist art school of the 20th century. Founded by Walter Gropius in Weimer, the his vision was to bridge the gap between art and industry by combining crafts and fine art. He argued that architecture and design should reflect a new era in history post WWI, and adapt to a new time of the machine.
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Teachers and students designed some of the 20th centuries most iconic pieces of furniture, focusing on function above all that was also available to the mass of public. It is interesting to consider that the Bau Haus was not only focused on architecture but also furniture. Such as the photo above which was a called the ‘Wassily Chair’ by Marcel Breuer. 
Bauhaus Thinking about the extensive use of glass, this has all come from Bau Haus, they had very strong ethos influencing all of modern architecture and therefore all of nowadays architecture. Want to look into this more ** Interesting because I like in a glass house so I can relate to this quite strongly. All about uniting art and industrial design.all about whats healthy- what is actually healthy right now it seems as though nothing really is. pollution, other problems that are going on in the world. Plastics, everything is an issue it seems- but somehow linking this to architecture. As health seems to be a key theme in the Bau Haus
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Bauhaus was beyond architecture however, it touched other art forms such as ballet. Created by Oskar Schelmmer he wanted to find a new way of dancing that was more functional, with less focus on decoration such as tiaras and from this Bau Haus ballet was born. 
I feel as though Bau Haus is so significant to me, as it shows how much of an impact it had not only to art- but everything.
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thearianame-blog1 · 5 years
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Photographed is a picture of my house, built in 2007. My parents flew out to Germany to select the exact pieces for the construction of my house, this is something that I find so compelling that clients have the ability to choose what colour and type of wood is used. This personal relationship someone can have with the materials that they live in, and the composition of their house. Is a piece of architecture more significant if the customer has just found it in a catalogue, or when driving past or if they have flown out the the country where it is manufactured to select piece by piece?
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thearianame-blog1 · 5 years
Architecture is a subject that has always striked me, living in a beautiful German modern “Hauf Haus” myself; that my parents found on the programme ‘Grand Design.’ I have been brought up with my father building several houses, including my childhood house where he converted a Victorian School into my home for 8 years. I have always loved watching my father reminiscence over helping his father too, to build houses from an early age. Whilst sharing his enthusiasm with me as he used to always point out significant things about houses as we passed them, such as the thatching on the roofs or the materials used.
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