thearmorstaysoff · 7 years
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one year of captain swan: 28/365
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thearmorstaysoff · 7 years
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thearmorstaysoff · 7 years
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Part ½
Summary: It’s bad enough Emma was goaded into helping her college roommate throw a surprise birthday party for her boyfriend who Emma hasn’t gotten along with since they’d met. It’s even worse when he accidentally walks in on her in the shower thinking she’s said roommate. Talk about a birthday surprise he’ll never forget…
A/N: This was meant to be a birthday gift for my dear friend @rouhn and it’s way early, but I decided to post the first half to cheer her up. I hope it at least makes you smile, and I hope you can find inspiration to finish your story, Lydia!
Thank you @resident-of-storybrooke and @teamhook for taking a look at it and for all of your help!
Starts with Millian, but definitely ends with Captain Swan.
Rated: Explicit
Also available on: AO3 FF.N
“Crap! We’re out of milk.”
Emma casually shrugs in the entryway sipping her mug of cocoa and cinnamon, indulging in the sugary hot liquid as she watches her roommate frantically run around the kitchen making pancakes. Milah’s trying to at least.
“How can we be out of milk?!”
There’s butter smudged on the countertop, there’s white flour dusted all over everything, including her angry friend and a spot on the floor where Emma can assume Milah tried to clean up a broken egg based on the smeared yolk, glop of egg white and remnants of egg shells.
“Do you need any help?”
“No, I told you I can do this on my own!” Milah shrieks in vexation. “I don’t need any help. It’s Killian’s birthday and I’m perfectly capable of making him chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast on my own, without your assistance,” she insists, adding some ingredients in the bowl, her pale features twisted in disapproval at her unfinished concoction. “I just need to get some milk.”
Emma responds with an eye roll, because how could someone forget an important, yet basic ingredient such as milk? Okay and there may be several other reasons to be annoyed.
For weeks, Milah’s been droning on and on about doing something special for the guy she’s been seeing for four months now. And although Emma’s been helping her plan his birthday party, adding her input with every last detail—the decorations, the food (not to mention that pirate ship birthday cake), the invites and even what gift to get him (she unfortunately knows the man better than his own girlfriend does)—Milah won’t let Emma help make him breakfast. Don’t ask her why because she has yet to fathom a reason.
Milah can’t even cook a box of macaroni and cheese, which is why the task of making most of the meals is always left to Emma. But Milah wants this day to be special, and absolutely insisted on making pancakes by herself. So, Emma just leans back and watches her roommate make a complete fool out of herself.
“You know, you could’ve just made pancakes from a box. They probably would’ve turned out better anyways,” Emma teases waggishly.
Milah flashes a scowl and sets the mixing spoon down to pick up a rag and wipe off her mess from the counter. “I’m going to the store to get some milk. Killian’s supposed to be here in twenty minutes, but if he does arrive before I do, I’m sure you could occupy him until I get back?” Milah drops the rag and approaches Emma, clasping her hands together, her lips forming a pout. “You two can get along for two seconds, right?”
Emma emits an exasperated sigh as she turns around, making her way out of the kitchen. “Consider him occupied,” she assures her roommate, and at the same time, she’s anxious to hop in the shower because she really doesn’t want to be seen by him in her current state. She may hate the man’s guts but the thought of him looking all gorgeous and cleaned up while she’s in her bathrobe with no makeup and her hair a disheveled disaster—well, she just can’t give him that kind of satisfaction.
“Oh, and can I take your car? Mine’s on empty.”
“Go for it. The keys are in my purse,” Emma replies dimly and proceeds down the hallway, wishing this day would fly be as quickly and painlessly as possible.
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thearmorstaysoff · 7 years
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I love Captain Swan because:
Emma and Killian are adorable cuddly babies. I love them just standing close next to each other… Killian holding Emma’s waist (he needs her close to him), rubbing her back… Emma’s hand over Killian’s chest (because she needs to be sure it’s there), sometimes Emma’a head on her pirate shoulder (she feels so safe, so loved)… It’s so sweet, and adorable and loving, it feel like they are in their own bubble of happiness and love
Why I love Captain Swan Project, you can send your request!
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thearmorstaysoff · 7 years
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Captain Swan featured in Variety’s Valentine’s Day 30 Relationships We Love - February 14, 2018
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thearmorstaysoff · 7 years
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happy valentine’s day @cocohook38! 💗
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thearmorstaysoff · 7 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️
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thearmorstaysoff · 7 years
Roses are red violets are blue
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Roses are red violets are blue all my boyfriends died
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Roses are red violets are blue
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hahah wat?
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thearmorstaysoff · 7 years
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Captain Swan AU - Soulmates
She knew getting a soulmate timer would be a waste, but her friends talked her into it anyway. The fact that it never started counting down the time, which meant that her soulmate didn’t have one, proved her right. 
Then the universe sent Killian Jones her way. There was an instant connection between them. The fact that he didn’t have a timer gave her hope that he could be the one. 
They have dated for months, spending most of their free time together. Everything was perfect until she asked him to get a timer so they would know for sure. He refused, stating that if she felt how he did she wouldn’t need a reassurance in a form of a stopwatch. 
As much as she hated the timer, somewhere along the way she got too attached to it, and even though she loved Killian she just couldn’t take the leap of faith, so she ran.
After having days to think things through, Emma decided to take her timer off. It was just her luck that her timer started counting down the time that same day. She wasn’t sure how she felt about this strange turn of events. She didn’t care about the stupid timer anymore, she just needed to see Killian as soon as possible. He was the one for her, and nothing else mattered.
She ignored the fact that her timer was almost down to zero as she was opening her door to see Killian standing there. He lifted his arm showing his timer which was beeping incessantly along with hers. The stupid man went and got a timer just to ease her mind and prove what they both knew from the start - that they were soulmates. 
Happy Valentine’s Day shipmates!!!  ♥
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thearmorstaysoff · 7 years
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Captain Swan AU - Fake Dating AU / Friends to Lovers AU - It Was Real
Emma knew Killian would always be there for her no matter what. That is why she didn't hesitate to ask him to be her fake boyfriend while her brother and his wife visited. However, by the time it was over they both realized they wanted that fake relationship to be real.
Normally, Emma would do anything to avoid talking about her feelings, even run, but she couldn’t do that to her best friend. That is why she decided to take a chance, be brave and tell Killian how she felt. It turned out there was nothing to be afraid of because Killian felt the same.
Happy Valentine’s Day shipmates!!!  ♥  
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thearmorstaysoff · 7 years
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Dangerous sexy, Captain Hook
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thearmorstaysoff · 7 years
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Emma and Killian finally figure out the secret to having a moment to themselves…
A little comic based on advice from Jen and Colin - happy Valentine’s Day! <3
art | society6 | redbubble | etsy | patreon
Don’t crop/edit/tweet and please reblog, don’t repost. And do not tag actors. Thank you!
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thearmorstaysoff · 7 years
And All This Devotion (1/1)
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Happy Valentine’s Day, @once-upon-a-captain-swan!
Hi, dollface! I’m your CSSV and had so much fun writing this for you. I’ve enjoyed our little chats over the last few weeks and I hope you enjoy the story. I tried to put as many little touches of you in it as I could. 
The knock came at 2:05. It was tentative, barely pulling Killian out of a dreamless sleep and for a moment, he thought he’d imagined it. Fuzzy-brained, he was a second away from chalking it up to a rattling pipe or noise from the street when another knock came, this one more insistent. 
Tossing the covers off and cursing as he kicked his feet free from the tangled sheet, he padded through the living room, throwing the deadbolt and dramatically pulling the door open, ready to give his untimely visitor hell while wearing nothing more than a pair of boxer briefs and a scowl.
The piss and vinegar was short-lived when his eyes fell onto the figure standing in the hallway. 
Her face was red and blotchy with strands of blonde hair sticking to tear tracks. A cheap diaper bag, stretched to the limits and overflowing, was slung over her shoulder, one of those infant car seats designed for carrying at her feet, the baby inside asleep. 
Chin lifting just enough to convey some measure of pride, her eyes wouldn’t rise enough meet his. When she spoke it was to the dog tags resting on his chest.
“We didn’t have anywhere else to go.”
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thearmorstaysoff · 7 years
Can you imagine that one person out there who thinks they’ve been ghosted but really the other person was legit part of the witness relocation program?
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thearmorstaysoff · 7 years
I was going to write a story where CS are partners in the police department and they’ve been casually hooking up. No feelings, just sex. Except that they both have feelings. And no one knows. It’s a total secret. That’s one of the conditions.
And then they both get something where they need to be quarantined for 2 weeks, and MM makes an excellent case for them being quarantined together (she’s got the vaccine for what they have, but she’s pregnant and teaching and can’t run back and forth to take care of them both, but if they’re together she can do it.)
And both them them are like *sigh* “I guess so.” While secretly thinking “holy shit, yes! And how can we have to share a bed?”
And they’re not sick at first and they just have fun hanging out. And sexy bedsharing. But then when one gets a lot sicker than the other, and the healthier one takes care of them, feelings get shared.
And they’re still contagious when the person gets better, and the one who admitted their feelings wants to pretend it never happened. (Emma you guys. It was totally Emma.).
But they’re still quarantined and Killian won’t let her out of it so easily.
But I never came up with how I would resolve it… so there it sat.
This is what I’ve been working on for the past two months. And it’s stuck.
(The cheesy ending is that Killian then gets way sicker than she ever was and needs to be taken into the hospital and she realizes how much she misses him and breaks quarantine to go visit and tell him how much she cares. And he just tells her he’s known all along and he wasn’t even that sick, he just needed to get her to realize it.)
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thearmorstaysoff · 7 years
you don’t have to kiss to be intimate [1/2]--a cs fic (explicit)
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incredible art by the inimitable @bleebug, who offered to draw a scene from this fic as an enticement for me to actually finish writing it
this is a 3b angst smut fic, post 3.17 aka after “the jolly roger” aka when hook cannot put his mouth on emma’s mouth. very graphic. 
a note: it has always been my personal headcanon that they’ve been sleeping together since neverland. almost all of my s3 fics reflect that idea, and this one is no exception.
you don’t have to kiss to be intimate [on ao3]
part 1
“Hook. Hey, Hook! Killian, wait up!”
He slowed down, his back arching as one leg hovered with exaggeration before dropping. Emma sighed as he straightened, waiting for her to catch up. Fucking finally.
“Hey,” she huffed, jogging over to where he’d stopped. “Didn’t you hear me yelling?”
“Sorry, Swan. I did not.” He eyed her askance, the corner of his mouth pulling down into a slight frown. “Apologies. I was merely on my way back to my room.”
Emma tried to ignore the deep, uncomfortable tug in her gut that was telling her that he’d totally heard her, which was hard to do because there was also a deep, uncomfortable yank in her gut telling her that something was going on with him. But it wasn’t like they were confidantes or anything, or even friends, really. So, she let it go, as she’d been doing since he’d looked her square in the eye earlier that evening and lied to her face. She’d actually offered to open herself up to him, and he’d turned her down flat. Fine, whatever; they weren’t friends, or comrades, or even allies. Just two people currently fighting on the same side who occasionally fucked.
And like always, all it took was a slight acknowledgement of it for her mind to start thinking about that exact thing–them fucking, nice and hard.
He was really good at it.
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thearmorstaysoff · 7 years
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365 days of captain swan :: day 234
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