theaterofwitches · 10 years
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"There is no need to over analyze my words, child of man. I refer to all who reside in the realm of humans by such a title, regardless of their race. Perhaps I shall choose to refer to you by another title at a later date. Now then, is it not customary for the gentleman to introduce himself?" A pointless act. She knew who he was. But rather than explain everything herself, she would take part in proper conversation and allow everything to come to light naturally. Playing the part of the 'character' could also be amusing, in it's own way.
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     ”Heh, ‘child of man’, huh?  You’re quite the sweet-talker aren’t you, Oujo-san?  While I do appreciate the empty flattery, implying I’m something close to human is simply too good for a bastard like me.”  
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theaterofwitches · 10 years
Your rules say you don't want to rp fight with featherine cause she's too op. Just how strong is she then?
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(Imagine the most powerful character you know of. I can say with 100% certainty that Featherine is infinitely stronger than them. Like I said, godmodding is the very basis of her power. You can look on the stats page to see everything that she's capable of, but to put it in simple terms. A fight between Featherine and another character would be the equivalent of an author writing on a sheet of paper about the one billion ways their character in the story could die. Fighting her would never make for an interesting thread, so I want to avoid doing that altogether.)
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theaterofwitches · 10 years
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"To think that you were able to see through this, child of man."
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theaterofwitches · 10 years
Super Peach world (magnanimousmonarch)
This kakera.. It was quite the oddity indeed. Within it lay a universe the likes of which the Great Witch had never once beheld. A place so drastically different from what she came to expect from the realm of humans. Rather, this did not seem to be a place for humans at all. The fauna, the wildlife, everything seemed  as though it were the product of a fantasy setting.
How.. utterly exciting! To think that she had overlooked such an amusing universe until now. It seemed that even after all these centuries, there were still things that even the great Featherine Augustus Aurora was unaware of. Yes, this was just the sort of excitement she had been hoping for. The perfect story to help kill her boredom. But now, who was it who would play the leading role? Who would be the chosen protagonist who would nararate this story for her sake? Reading it herself was far too dull. The best stories were always told by another.
Yes, this one.. This one held the most potential. Though she sped through the countless years that had passed in this world and found the woman in question to be nothing more than a damsel at first, her legacy seemed to take on a life of it's own that far exceeded the expectations of any who would have witnessed it firsthand. Soft spoken, yet fierce. Feminine, yet powerful. Indeed, a perfect candidate for this world's Miko!
But first, to familiarize herself with this woman first hand. With a snap of her fingers, a figure appeared before her. It was a rather rude and intrusive thing to do, but Featherine had taken the woman in question from her Universe. Or, at least, manifested her consciousness within the plane of existence that the Great Witch governed. Though to an outsider, it would look no different than a small, yet elegant living room.
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"Greetings, child of man. I welcome you with open arms. Metaphorically, of course. I do hope you do not mind the sudden change of scenery."
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theaterofwitches · 10 years
shiki-nanaya started following you
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"And so arrives my next guest. I offer you my most heartfelt greetings. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, child of man."
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theaterofwitches · 10 years
Very few were capable of traversing into the world governed by the Great Witch. Only those who are granted entry, or have been granted entry in the past could even find their way to it. And while the woman in question was a special case, Beatrice had indeed been 'invited' to the Great witch's realm once before. And what a spectacle it was. The two had never been close and rarely ever interacted with one another. But who was she to turn away a surprise guest?
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"Oh? Now this truly is quite the rare occasion. To what do I owe the pleasure, Lady Beatrice."
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theaterofwitches · 10 years
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theaterofwitches · 10 years
A devilish tale (thedaemonsisters)
It was a kakera worthy of admiration, to say the least. In the Great Witch's near infinite lifetime, never before had she seen a world that seemed to defy almost every form of logic tied to the human realm. A place where the word 'impossible' had very little meaning. A tale of two sisters, disciples of the Heavens themselves, attempt to regain entry to their home. And two opposing sisters, powerful and fearsome demons who seek to please their master and bring the human race under their control.
So many twists and turns. Moments that made very little sense, yet entertained her nonetheless. Without a doubt, this was a universe that could rescue Featherine from the pits of hell known as 'boredom'. And there were quite a few candidates to choose from to be her 'Miko' as well. She could have chosen to intrude in the lives of one of these individual and bring them to her plain of existence, but.. No. Such an interesting world.. She wished to see it with her own eyes.
The transition was instantaneous. Her living quarters dissolved around her, bending and twisting as though reality had been displaced. And soon enough, it appeared around her. Daten City. Indeed, it felt much more different than other types of civilization. Her goal was clear, but she allowed herself a moment to simply wander around and take in the sights. Now, to find these 'Demon sisters'. However, these were rather powerful and very attentive beings. It could be that the Great Witch's presence had caught their attention and that they would find their way to her.
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"I do so look forward to this meeting. A shame that my former Miko is preoccupied. But this opens the door for new opportunities. Mm. Such unexpected developments are also a cure for boredom, I suppose." Their base of operations came within sight. All she could do now was advance towards it.
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theaterofwitches · 10 years
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If confronted by the Witch of Miracles, Bernkastel: Throw catnip.
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theaterofwitches · 10 years
opgearhunter started following you
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No, go away I-no. No one likes you.
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theaterofwitches · 10 years
Ah, so it seemed that the time had come once again. The great witch could feel her consciousness returning, her surroundings becoming clearer and clearer as her eyelids rose slowly. How long had it been since her last awakening? In the end, it didn't truly matter. Time was an irrelevant concept to witches in general and even less so to her.
Bernkastel.. Where had that troublesome little cat gone off to now? Perhaps she was preoccupied in a Kakera of her own. If so, what a waste. She had awoken and without a Miko to entertain her. Such an injustice could not be allowed. She desired to witness one.. A tale worthy of the great witch's attention. A tale that could kill off her deadly boredom, even if only for a short time.
She scoured a near infinite amount of kakera in a matter of seconds. Each containing a universe with their own set of rules and realities. Ah, but this one.. This one showed promise. It was an intrusive act, but with a snap of her fingers, she brought herself into her living quarters. It seemed like an otherwise ordinary room, but it was far more than that. And with her, another figure had been brought here as well. Now outside of their universe and residing in the great witch's plain of existence.
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"Welcome, child of man." The casual, yet somewhat odd welcome was accompanied by a rather peculiar smile. "Forgive me for having brought you here so unceremoniously."
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theaterofwitches · 10 years
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"Perhaps I should weave my own tale soon. Yes, I believe that would be a fun way to pass the time. And with so many worlds for me to choose from... Fufufu~"
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theaterofwitches · 10 years
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"There is no need to be so humble, child of man. I am certain your tale is much more interesting than others. If it were not, then we would not have met here." As the warm cup of tea touched her lips, Featherine couldn't help but laugh inwardly to herself. Indeed, this man was anything but ordinary. His story would likely suffice to entertain her, even if only a little. "A mage, you say? What a coincidence. It seems we both dabble in the planes of magecraft. And a tutor at that."
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"I doubt my story will be of much interest. But I have some time to kill before I have to teach my next class." Fate looked over at her his facial expression never changing. "I am a mage…but I was created. Not born. Created by the lifemaker."
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theaterofwitches · 10 years
delinquentdevil started following you
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"Oh? Now this is quite the surprise. It has been quite some time since I've had a male visitor. And bearing an infant at that. Welcome to my study, child of man."
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theaterofwitches · 10 years
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"Harime Nui, is it? Very well, Harime Nui." Of course, there was more to this meeting than Featherine was letting on. It was not by mere chance that she chose this girl. Featherine had been in the mood to search for something specific. A tale of the utmost cruelty and despair. And this girl's story was among the first to have appeared. This was the main reason she had chosen to bring her here. She did so love the mischievous ones.
"Hahaha~ I suppose that may be the case, child of man. You certainly do have qualities that might be considered cute." She was an energetic one. And seemingly innocent on the outside. For some reason, it reminded the great witch of her little bern's playmate. Lambdadelta. Indeed, there were quite a few similarities.
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"You speak sort of funny, that’s the only way I can tell that you’re not from around here. Well that, and the fact that you have that weird thingy floating around your head!~" Leans in closer pointing at it, doing her best not to touch it. "As for my name, it’s Harime Nui! How about you lady?" Sliding away from the floating looking horns, the terror quickly went to one of the book shelves scanning over the different book tittles that filled he rows. "You said you were interested in me, is it because of my completely cute look!?~"
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theaterofwitches · 10 years
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Featherine Augustus Aurora Witch of Theatergoing
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theaterofwitches · 10 years
(burps out blog in response to tag)
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"Fufufu~ Quite right you are, child of man. My interest lies in writing and reading stories. Spectating spectacular events. As such, this study alone will suffice. But I must admit, I have grown somewhat bored as of late. As such, I've chosen to look into various worlds for individuals of interest. And you strike me as quite the interesting individual. Your name, child of man."
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"Wooow! You sure have a lot of books! You must not get out much,  huh?"
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