theatomicbombbaby · 4 months
anyway the funniest detail from the Fallout show is the fact that when Lucy is threatening the organ dealers in the super duper mart, there's a tv next to them playing security footage and it's just cooper laying facedown in the parking lot
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theatomicbombbaby · 4 months
Gonna have time to write today :) Have a few ideas for short things and a plan.
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theatomicbombbaby · 4 months
Sue me might have to revamp this to my main and post all fan fics here LMAO
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times are tough
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theatomicbombbaby · 6 months
Not dead yet, just close I have a long update for yall here soon. Life has just been throwing me around.. ever heard of A03 authors lives? yeah.
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theatomicbombbaby · 6 months
LOOK AT THIS, This is one of the best stories I have fallen in love with, please go give it love!
Time Knows No Bounds - Part Five
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Warnings: Finally, the sexual tension you have been waiting for! Some NSFW parts are present, so please read responsibly and don't get caught. ;)
Info: When the font is like this, it means Ragnar is speaking in his native tongue. When he is speaking English it will just be italicized. The reader's text is just normal and anyone other than Ragnar or the reader will be in bold.
Spoilers: None, because this is completely my creation (apart from the character/legend of Ragnar Lothbrok and other historical names) it has nothing to really do with the tv series.
Plot: Ragnar, in this series, is unattached to anyone romantically. No Lagertha or Aslaug or any other baby momma's out there. No children. He has met and learned with Athelstan, because that contributes to his ability to speak with the reader. Other than that, he's just a simple gorgeous viking that lives on his farm in Kattegat, dreaming of adventure.
Summary: This will be in Ragnar's POV again. -A rude interruption leads to your freedom from the utility closet, but will the opportunity to get this close ever present itself again? Time will only tell.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
It seemed that there was destined to be an interruption at every time that he attempted to get closer to y/n. First the 'phone' that she had in her pocket back in the bedroom she had given him, chiming when the two of them had just started to lean into one another. Now to the door flying open when he had actually began to make contact with her lips. Those lips that had long been on his mind from the moment she first gave him a smirk back at him in return to his. Ragnar had been enthralled with y/n from the moment his eyes landed upon her after arriving to this time period, even more so than the advanced world around him. Y/n was by far the most breathtaking woman he had ever seen and her sassy personality and humor caused him to grow even more attracted to her as the hours flew by. What really drew him to her, was her sense of nobility: she was willing to do what she could to help him even though she had no real reason to. She could have left him there and been on her way and who knew what sort of trouble he would have found himself in. Ragnar was quite good at getting himself into trouble, and being here alone, he had no one to get him out of it. Yet y/n was adamant in helping him to fit in, and learn the way of things in this time, while also doing what she could to figure out just how he got there and how he could get back. Perhaps it was a good thing that they had been interrupted from their kiss? If he was to end up going home one day...would it not be better to avoid the temptation that y/n presented? Ragnar knew that it was silly to believe this, for they had just met, but he knew that it was only a matter of time before he ended up falling madly in love with her.
The small balding man from earlier was standing there with raised eyebrows, though the two of you had pulled apart quickly when the door had opened. The look in the man's eye told them that he had still seen their close proximity and their flushed faces no doubt gave away what had been about to happen. Y/n began to explain the situation and the man just smiled and held up his hand. "No need for explanation, this is honestly the most tame thing I have come across when opening this door." he said, as his eyes cast elsewhere, a vacant and disturbed expression on his face. "I will have maintenance fix it tonight during their shift, mark my words. It's only a matter of time before I end up getting myself locked in here and I can tell you, no one would come looking for the boss." he said with a chuckle. Y/n gave a small smile and then glanced at Ragnar before she grabbed the broom and headed out, to which he followed after her, giving a nod of thanks to the man, even though he was not 100% thankful for the interruption. He followed her back to the exhibit where he watched y/n begin to sweep up the little bits of paper, pottery and other things that were scattered across the floor. He watched her silently for a moment before he began to open his mouth to say something, but she stopped him by handing him the broom. "I need to go and find the dust pan, can you finish up for me?" she asked with a small smile on her lips. How could he say no? He gave a nod of his head and then watched her walk away, his eyes slowly roaming down her body to her backside before he sighed and looked down at the bits that still needed to be swept into a pile.
When she came back they helped one another finish sweeping and dumping the dust pan into the trash before finally they were finished and the exhibit, hopefully, looked good as new. He watched as she went around one final time to each part of the exhibit and adjusted it slightly, before she finally gave a nod and came back over to him. "That's better." she said. Ragnar smirked at her and then set the broom down against the wall. "What is next?" Y/n smirked back at him and then said that they were free to do whatever for the day, since it was still technically her day off. "This is a whole new world for you, what would you like to do?" Ragnar's mind thought back to the moment in the closet, where he had y/n pressed up against the wall with his body, his lips so close to capturing hers as he had been longing for. Yeah, there was no denying that that was what he wanted to explore right now. Yet as he looked at y/n as she stood there smiling at him with a tilted head, the way that the sunlight from the skylights above danced across her hair and lit up her eyes some, he knew that there was something more he wanted. He gestured for them to head out of the museum and as they did, his eyes searching around him at the vast city and all of its massive structures of metal and brick and...noise. So. Much. Noise. Ragnar suddenly felt overwhelmed and he rubbed the back of his neck uneasily before he felt y/n place a gentle hand on his shoulder and he looked down at her. He gave a smile and then slid his hands into the pockets of his pants...er...jeans, he believed she called them? "What is your most favorite place to go in the city?" he asked. "That is what I would like to see." he said, his smile forming into his trademark smirk.
This seemed to take y/n by surprise, her eyebrows lifting to the heaven's ever so slightly before coming back down and a smile played upon her lips. "Oh." she said before she pursed her lips and thought for a moment. "Alright, but we will need to grab some provisions first." she said, which altogether confused him. Provisions for what? She lifted her finger and wagged it in motion for him to follow her, he did not hesitate. They soon found themselves back inside her home, where he watched as she went to the kitchen and began to rummage around in the refrigerator, setting things onto the counter before diving back in again. "What are you doing?" Ragnar asked as he finally began to make his way toward the kitchen. "Do me a favor and go grab that blanket that's on the back of the couch." She said while still halfway within the box. He paused, his eyes scanning the room until they caught sight of the large blanket that was draped over the dark blue three cushioned piece of furniture and he picked it up, folding it a bit. He brought it into the kitchen and stood there as she began to put together some sort of food, that contained meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato and placed between two slices of bread. Huh. Ragnar leaned forward some, looking over her shoulder as she cut them in half and placed the pieces into a container and closed the lid. Then she grabbed a bottle of something yellow and a jar of something white, to which she placed it within a large basket. She then grabbed some bottles of water and put them inside as well, along with plates that appeared to be made out of paper and some cutlery too and then she stood there thinking for a moment before she turned and looked at him. "I think that is all we will need." "For what?" "You'll see." He groaned, letting his head fall back a bit as he did and she chuckled, hoisting the basket to him for him to carry and he lifted his head back up, stared down at her silently before pursing his lips and taking the basket from her. "Fine."
Once again he found himself within one of those so called 'cars' and they were on their way to wherever y/n had planned on taking him. The trip did not take as long as he had thought it would, still, he was just as mesmerized by the surroundings they passed as he was the first time he had been in a 'car'. They came down a path that wound a little way, trees on either side in neat rows, flowers at full bloom within their thick foliage. Ragnar leaned closer to the window in hopes of seeing exactly where they were going until the car then came to a stop and he blinked, turning to look over at y/n as she began to open the door. "We will have to walk from here." she said with a smile, a dimple forming at the corner of her mouth that he had not noticed before but oh how he was enamored by it. He swatted her hand away from the basket when she reached for it as it sat between them, taking it in his own hand and gave her a smirk as he exited the car and walked around to where she stood waiting for him. He followed after her as they continued on to a smaller path that branched off from where the car had left them and he couldn't help but let his gaze wander from his surroundings, to roaming up and down y/n's body slowly as she walked ahead of him. From the way that her hair blew slightly in the breeze causing it to dance around her shoulders, to the way that her hips would sway as she walked. Ragnar's eyes couldn't keep from focusing on her backside longer than what was probably appropriate, but he just simply could not help himself. When she turned to look at him over her shoulder, his eyes quickly averted elsewhere before she could catch on, though when she looked back ahead, his eyes would trail right back and a smirk would form on his face.
They finally stepped off of the pathway that she had been leading them down and began a climb uphill until they reached the very top, where she then took the blanket from on top of the basket and threw it outward, allowing it to settle upon the grass. Then she lowered herself down to smooth it out, then she took the basket from his hand and set it off to the side of the blanket before standing back up. Ragnar had been about to sit down upon the blanket, thinking that was what she was aiming to do as well, but she had stopped him with a hand to his shoulder and gestured for him to look in a direction off ahead of them. He turned his gaze and she smiled at his reaction as his mouth parted ever so slightly at the sight of their view. Vast gardens and mazes lined the way below them, colorful blooms of almost every shade all intricately positioned within the maze and walkways. What truly caused Ragnar's mouth to part was the castle that was at the end of the mazes and gardens, perfectly placed like it had hopped off of the pages of a storybook. "Rosenborg Castle and gardens. One of my most favorite places." she said softly as she stood a little closer to him, tilting her head a bit as she looked up at him and then out toward the scenery. "With my love for history, this place never disappoints to fill my head with wonder." Y/n gave a soft sigh and Ragnar finally turned and looked down at her, a smile upon his face instead of his trademark smirk. "It is...quite amazing. There are not many castles back home." He lowered himself down to the blanket as she did, bringing his knees up and letting his arms drape over them lazily as he watched her begin to fish out the items from within her basket and set them out upon the blanket. "What do you call all of...this?" he said, gesturing before him at all of the food, plates, bottles of water and other things. Y/n smiled and opened the container and pulled out the bread with meat and cheese between it and set it upon a plate, handing it to him. "A picnic. That's a sandwich." she added, when he opened his mouth and pointed at the unfamiliar food item before him. His eyes lifted to hers for a moment, his eyebrow raising ever so slightly in question and he began to open his mouth once more. "No, not that kind of witch." Again, beating him to the punch.
Ragnar eyed the sandwich with suspicion at first, then watched as y/n pulled out the jar of white stuff and the bottle of yellow and pointed them to the sandwich. "Lift the bread up and I will add some of both. Mustard. Mayonnaise." she said, holding up each of the items as she named them and he just stared at them before finally doing as she said. "Something the vikings didn't get to experience. A world of flavorful food." she said, clicking her tongue in sadness. When she was finished applying the mustard and mayonnaise, Ragnar let the bread fall back down and then brought the sandwich up to his mouth and bit into it. The moment everything hit his tongue, he paused and his eyes drifted to the basket that sat behind y/n. "Is...there more in there?" he asked, after having swallowed the bite he had in his mouth. Y/n chuckled and nodded, stating she had packed several sandwiches. She then pulled out a small and rather noisy bag and he watched as she opened it, leaning forward and looking into the back as she then pulled out a flat piece of..something, and then popped it in her mouth and he could hear the sound of her crunching it. He raised an eyebrow as she continued to crunch on that piece, from what he had seen it did not look at all hard, but yet the sound was quite...loud. He smirked and then she allowed him to grab one from the bag as well and when he placed it within his mouth, he was blown away from the flavor and when he bit down on it, it would have startled him with how crunchy it was, had he not already known from overhearing y/n earlier. "What is this thing?" he asked, still crunching which made her laugh out loud. "It's called a potato chip and there are so many flavors out there." This intrigued him greatly, the fact that this delicious and crunchy form of heaven was made out of a potato and he then asked y/n exactly how they were made and what these other flavors would be. The fact that the list of flavors went on, and he literally had no idea what more than half of them were, blew his mind though she did promise to help him form a quest to try every flavor possible.
Eventually all of the food was gone and now the two of them were left with just sitting upon the quilt she had brought and watching the shadows grow longer as the day grew ever onward. Y/n told Ragnar the history of the castle that was before them as they sat upon the hill and watched people come and go across the grounds before them. How they would venture inside of it and y/n explained how it was open to the public, everyone able to tour the palace and all of its wonders. This intrigued Ragnar greatly, especially the fact that people could just waltz into the castle like that and this caused y/n to laugh. "Well, there are not that many monarchies still around anymore and even then, their power is nothing like it once was. The average person has more power these days than royalty, honestly. Governments were created, people can vote and choose how they want things to be. It's a very different world now." she said as she leaned back on her hands, her legs stretched out before her as she looked at the castle while the sun cast down upon it in a way that made it almost look like it was glowing. Ragnar glanced over at her, not being able to help himself from doing so, his own hands holding him upright as he leaned back upon them as well. He took in just how she was looking at the castle and the grounds that lay out before them, how her eyes showed just how much she admired the history that she knew, the architecture that the castle boasted even after the centuries that it had been standing there. His chest swelled a little as he gazed at her, the way the light would dance across her face as sun hit against the surface of the small lake that was in front of the castle. He finally cleared his throat and looked away for a moment. "Why are you helping me?" he asked finally after a few minutes of silence.
Y/n was silent for awhile after that question, but as he watched, he could see her face showing signs of deep thought. "Because there is a reason behind all of this happening: you suddenly coming into the future and us meeting." she paused for a moment and then looked over at him. "I want to know what that reason is." Their eyes locked for a moment, Ragnar's heart suddenly skipping at beat just from that and then y/n smirked at him. "Plus, you seem like a trouble maker. Someone's gotta keep an eye on you." At this point, Ragnar could not help himself. He leaned toward her, his left hand reaching up and placing itself against the back of her neck gently and with it he brought her toward him. The soft gasp she gave in response silencing as his mouth captured it, his lips softly pressing against hers at first before they began to guide hers in a subtly sensual dance. He could feel her hesitation in the beginning, from the way her body went stiff but after a few moments he felt her relax, give in and she began to move her lips against his as well. The sensation of her lips moving against his caused that low burning heat he had within his lower stomach to engulf into a raging inferno, escalating as her hand made its' way to the side of his face and cupped it for a moment before moving behind his head, to the back of his neck, her fingers digging slightly into the base of his hairline. Ragnar continued the kiss, slowly deepening it as he then moved his body closer to hers and began to maneuver her downward toward the blanket they were seated upon, his hand cradling her neck to guide the way. He moved so that way he was somewhat on top of her, his lips dancing against hers until they began to venture along her jawline and behind her ear, his mind and body reeling from the soft sounds of agreement that came from her mouth as he did.
The hand that he had been using to keep himself from putting all of his weight upon her, slid around her waist and then began to travel toward one of her breasts when suddenly he felt her hand catch hold of his wrist, stopping his movement. Ragnar paused and then slowly pulled his face away slightly, looking down at her with a raised eyebrow. "We should stop before someone sees." she said, which caused him to lift his had further and scan the area with his eyes before looking back down at her. "No one is watching." he said with a smirk, starting to lean back down toward her mouth, but she put a hand against his chest, once again stopping him. Y/n gave a soft chuckle and began to sit up, pushing him upward as well with the hand that was upon his chest. "I'm sure where you are from, people just fuck in the middle of the village and no one spares a passing glance, but here it is quite different. We don't need to end up in jail." Now sitting up, she began to pack up the items around her and put them into the basket. "Perhaps it's time to head back home?" she said, her eyes lifting to meet his. Ragnar quickly stood up and began to carefully roll up the blanket as she gave a soft laugh and moved from on top of it so that he could place it into the basket as well. Soon a taxi was hailed and the two of them were riding along in silence that was so thick that the tension could be cut with a knife. Glances were stolen. Lips were chewed upon slightly. Ragnar's knee was bouncing uncontrollably as he let hand rest there, fingers gripping into his flesh, his mind imagining that his hand was kneading one of those impressive mounds she had for breasts. Could this taxi possibly move any slower?
Finally back at y/n's apartment, they worked together to put away any left overs and other items before y/n stated that she was going to take a shower and Ragnar gave a nod, figuring that he would just lie down upon his bed since he still did not really understand how to work the 'TV'. He followed after her down the hallway and as he did, he couldn't help but let his eyes wander over her as she was before him. The way her back curved, down to that luscious backside...the feelings from earlier began to swell back up within him with a vengeance. Ragnar's pace quickened by a few steps and he then took hold of y/n's waist and turned her toward him suddenly. He moved her against the wall, pushing her up against it as he leaned down and claimed her lips with his once again. Any gasps or noise she may have made in reaction to this sudden movement was swallowed down by Ragnar as he pressed himself against her, his hands sliding down her sides and squeezing lightly. Y/n gave a soft moan against his mouth and this caused him to give a bit of a growl as he then moved his lips to her neck, one of his hands sliding down to cup against her bottom and giving it a hardy squeeze. Ragnar felt her fingers curl a bit into his hair and grip hard, which made him suddenly move his hand from her bottom down to that thigh and he lifted her leg up and wrapped it around his hip as he pressed his growing excitement against her. When he felt her grind against him slightly, Ragnar all but lost control and began to bite and suck against the skin of her collarbone as he used his other hand to move up under her shirt and cupped one of her breasts, giving it a firm squeeze after. Y/n's hand took hold of his braid and pulled his head back up to where she began to kiss him fervently, her tongue even darting across his bottom lip. Ragnar groaned, pressing himself more against her as his body pinned her against the wall, giving his hips a roll while holding there and then grinning against her mouth when she let out an involuntary moan. He then removed his hand from under her shirt and slid it behind her to where he cupped her other thigh and brought it up around his hip as well. He held her like that for a moment against the wall, devouring her lips, biting and sucking against that bottom lip of hers until he then moved away from the wall, carrying her down the hallway and through the doorway of his room.
Their lips never parted as he carried her, not even as he came over to the bed and lowered her down onto it, moving to hover over her. Ragnar took the time to lift her shirt up and over her head, letting his eyes roam over her flawless skin, his eyes hesitating on the odd looking bodice that was clasped around her perfect breasts (he made a mental note to ask about this later). He then began to kiss down the side of her neck, letting his lips dance across her collarbone once more before he moved them further down until he came to the tops of her breasts. He placed light kisses there at first...then he began to lick, moving the piece of fabric that kept her sensitive bud hidden from him. Once it was revealed, he took it into his mouth gently and sucked on it lightly, his eyes lifting toward y/n's face as she gasped. Her back arched upward from the bed and he let one of his arms wrap around her waist to keep her in that position as he then let his other hand begin to slide down the front of her pants, now that there was room with the angle she was in. Ragnar moaned against her skin as he swirled his tongue around her nipple, sucking and gently biting down as his fingers descended toward his objective. His index finger had just brushed against her ready clit when the sound of numerous chimes echoed around them. He paused, lifting his eyes toward her as she gave a groan. "Someone's at the door." she said, breathless. He felt her body begin to tense with the movement of trying to sit herself up, but he held her down with his palm against her pelvic bone and his mouth quickly moving to the other breast as his hand moved away the fabric from that nipple as well. She gasped, arching upward again and gave quick and eager attention to this breast for a moment before lifting his face up some and looking at her. "They can come back another day." he said with smirk, before he began to move his fingers back to her clit...when the chiming began again, this time more frequently. Ragnar gave a loud groan and let his forehead rest against her chest for a moment, before he felt her hand gently begin to push against his chest and he reluctantly rolled off of her and onto his back upon the bed, staring at the ceiling with annoyance.
Y/n gave him an apologetic look before she slipped her shirt back on over her head and adjusted her hair before heading out into the hallway and toward the front door. Ragnar waited for a moment, allowing certain body parts to adjust to the unwelcome interruption, before he pushed himself off of the bed and headed to the living room. He stopped in the doorway of the hall when he found y/n standing by the front door, now closed, with a young man standing beside her. The man cast him a look with a raised eyebrow, to which Ragnar did not hesitate to give back until his eyes moved to y/n as she spoke. "Ragnar, this is my older brother, Kyle."
Gif Credit: @captainalicen
Tag List: @cullenswife @hypocritic-trash-baby @blueeclipsepaperstudent @huskyhunnyny @wolfy1712 @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @mssbridgerton @menari @kcd15
(If I have forgotten anyone in the tag list, please let me know and I will fix it! <3 )
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theatomicbombbaby · 1 year
SO MANY BAD THINGS HAVE HAPPENED lmao guys I'm not even joking I gotta like let you know a few personal things because this shit is crazy. Just hang in there with me and allow me to do my thing while life beats me, thank you guys!
Aye I been gone for a bit due to personal life things happening and mental health I will be back by the end of next week, thank you for supporting me and reading my work. I always thought only my friends would read my work haha thank you once again.
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theatomicbombbaby · 1 year
Aye I been gone for a bit due to personal life things happening and mental health I will be back by the end of next week, thank you for supporting me and reading my work. I always thought only my friends would read my work haha thank you once again.
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theatomicbombbaby · 1 year
Hey I love your work and would love to read something along the lines of the reader having burn marks on their shoulder blades running down and Ragnar thinks they are a Valkyrie because of things? Thank you!
Sure thing, lovely! This was quite fun to write, I must say! I hope you enjoy it as well!
Word Count: 1677
Summary: Ragnar comes across an unexpected stranger in a familiar place.
These cryptic dreams were about to drive him mad, the Seer not even being able to help him come to understand them. The only thing that was said by the speaker of the gods was that the dreams seemed to be telling him of something that was to come. Very helpful. Ragnar thought as he made his way through the woods, swatting at foliage with a stick as he did. The man clearly was a fool if he couldn’t decipher a couple random dreams, why he had even bothered to go to him in the first place, he wasn’t sure, Ragnar never received decent help from him. Sighing, he gave one bush a particularly hard swing of the stick in his hand and watched as the stick flew out of his grip and off into the woods somewhere. He pursed his lips and let his head fall back a little with a groan as he headed in the direction of the stick, it was a rather decent walking stick and he had planned on carving it into something when he returned home. As he walked he then heard the familiar sound of the nearby waterfall and once he found the stick he headed in that direction, always enjoying the serenity that the little lagoon gave off. It was a wonderful place to sit and think, as he so often did.
Ragnar this time used the stick for its intended purpose of walking, instead of smacking things in annoyance as he thought more about his dreams. Soon enough he came to a slight clearing which led to the little lagoon and waterfall, he stood there admiring it a moment when his eyes caught movement in the water, just beneath the falls. From what he could tell it was a person, and their back was to him as they were apparently bathing themself and as he took a step forward, he noted that it was a woman. Of course, being a man, he couldn’t help himself from gazing at her bare back, but it wasn’t the naked flesh that was the reason for him to stare. It was because of markings upon her back that to him, reminded of something he had seen in his dreams. They reminded him of the wings of a Valkyrie.
The woman had no idea of his presence, so he dared to take a few steps closer, not to get a look at her body, but to try and further inspect the markings on her back. Was this woman really a Valkyrie? From the glimpses of her face that he saw when she would turn her head this way and that while adjusting her wet hair, she very well could be. Valkyries were said to be unearthly stunning when it came to their beauty and this woman, from what he was able to see of her, was beyond anything he had ever seen before. The woman began to turn and while normally Ragnar would have kept staring, he turned himself to the side and looked elsewhere, bracing himself for when she…shrieked. Her shriek’s pitch sent some birds that were in the trees above him crying out and flying off, along with it echoing around them a moment before dissipating. The woman immediately dunked herself under the water to where her body was no longer visible, yet still folding her arms over her chest for good measure. Ragnar kept his eyes looking off into the forest, his hands clasped in front of him, though still holding onto the stick. “If it makes you feel any better, I saw nothing but your back.” “And yet even that is too much.” she said as she then moved through the water, under the falls and disappeared behind them into the little cavern hidden behind. He had often used that cave as a means to escape from reality; to just sit and think; to simply exist. 
Curiosity quickly got the better of him, and he moved around the lagoon quickly, stepping behind the falls only to quickly duck as a dagger came flying at him and he turned his head and watched as it disappeared through the waterfall and plopped into the water. He turned back and looked at her with a raised eyebrow and smirk upon his lips before he held up his hands a bit to the side, showing that he was unarmed, well, besides the stick, which he set down against the side of the cave. “I mean you no harm.” She pulled out another knife from her pack that was set down against the rocks, a belt and boots against the rock as well. She had on a long and worn dress, showing that she was most likely from a neighboring fishing town and not of any sort of higher class or nobility. “Then what is it that you want?” she asked, her knife brandished in her hand as she stared at him hard. Ragnar gave a smirk and moved over to the side of the cave, leaning back against the wall and propping the back of his foot against it as he stood there, his arms moving to cross over his chest as he gazed at her. “I merely wish to ask a question.” She narrowed her eyes, the knife still in her hand as she stared at him, then she moved it slightly as a way to tell him to go on with the question. “Are you a Valkyrie?” he asked. She stared at him silently for a few moments and then shook her head. “Of course not, what would cause you to think such a thing?”
He gave a lift of his chin, his eyes focusing on her back while he stood there. “Those markings on your back. They look like Valkyrie wings, or at least…how I picture them.” The woman stared at him silently and then finally, no longer feeling threatened apparently, lowered the knife and placed it on top of the bag, albeit close enough for her to grab. He then pushed himself from the wall, but kept his arms folded over his chest. “Not a Valkyrie. So…who are you then?” The woman picked up her belt and wrapped it around her waist, fastening it and then she looked at him. “A maiden from a fishing village on the coast, nothing more.” Ragnar then moved closer to her and before she could react, he moved behind her and gently brushed his fingers against the back of her neck as he slightly lowered the fabric of her dress. “Then how do you explain these?” He felt her body tense slightly but she stood still and looked at him over her shoulder. “Burn marks. When I was a child, our cottage caught fire and I was trapped. I was close to burning alive, when I…” she stopped and looked away, as if embarrassed to say anything more. “Go on.” he said, his fingers now brushing lightly against the marks, goosebumps forming where his touch would lift away from. “I thought that I saw Valkyries. They came down from the ceiling and surrounded me, shielding me from the flames until the entire house burnt down. I should have died, but they protected me, though at one point I had felt the burn of the flames against my back, but with how they are shaped, perhaps it was just their protective touch.” She glanced at him once again over her shoulder and turned so that she was facing him. “No one believes my story, but I swear that is what I remember, what I saw.”
Ragnar stared down at her silently and then smirked and nodded. “I believe you.” He said as he moved away from her and over back to the falls, where he picked up his walking stick and twirled it around in his hand. “You do?” “Yes. I have been having strange dreams lately, ones that the seer cannot decipher. In it, I am chasing after…a Valkyrie that apparently had fallen from Valhalla.” He said as she sat down upon the rock and listened. “Try as I might to get to her, just to speak with her, she grows farther from my reach. Last night, I came the closest I had ever been to catching her and then today…I meet you. I believe it is no coincidence.” he said as he smirked at her. Then he moved toward her and reached down for her hand, bringing it up to his lips and giving it a soft kiss. “I hope that our paths will cross again…?” he raised an eyebrow at her, while his lips were still hovering over the top of her hand. “Y/n.” she answered, he noted that her cheeks were slightly flushed which only made him smile more. “Y/n.” he said as he then stood up straight again. “I like that.”
He then leaned down and picked up her bag, along with the knife and held them out to her. “I must be heading back to my village, will you be alright getting back home?” She gave a nod and a smile and he nodded as well. “Do you often visit this waterfall?” Ragnar asked. “Yes, I come here to just get away sometimes. Seeing as how you are here too, I take it that this is somewhere special for you as well?” Ragnar nodded his head. “Indeed, I come here to reflect, think, to get away such as you. Perhaps we can do that together soon.” he said with a smirk as he then began to back toward the cavern entrance, alongside the waterfall, bringing his free hand to his chest and bowing his head slightly. “Until then.” He said with a smirk and then disappeared outside the cave, heading around the lagoon and beginning his trek back home. All the while, unable to get Y/n out of his head and grinning ear to ear as he hoped that the day would come quickly that they met again. That he would happen to come upon his little Valkyrie again.
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theatomicbombbaby · 1 year
Captured Part Two
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Words: 1716
Warnings: Light torture nothing to much 
The battlefield eventually faded away from your sight, the glow of the fires overtaking crops and surrounding farms peaking above the hill as you made distance. The rope on your wrist burned as they kept on their walk never slowing. You looked to your bounds with a frown seeing a lead tied to them with the Viking that captured you walking along talking to others in his native tongue. You glared at the man as he laughed and rejoiced with his fellow men pulling you behind him. “Come on little mouse, before we get impatient we don't have all night.” Ragnar comments back at you when you start to lose speed, the pain in your body and legs overtaking you. Your feet dragged against the dirt and grass as you tried to walk faster after the man with a glare. ‘Who is he to call me such a little mouse? Am I really that weak? I killed 5 of his men before he reached me and injured plenty more. Who the hell is this man to think such of me.’  Your anger gave you a tad bit more strength not wanting to allow Ragnar and his people more reasons to belittle you. When you looked back up from your restraints with a bit more speed allowing some slack in the lead. “Do I have to remind you I have just fought you and your men?” Your voice was calm, a bit snarky as you walked beside the man now. “And lost.” He added as he laughed with a smirk on his lips his blue eyes bright with pride. You wanted to say another comeback before you were stopped by a sight of a camp. Before the raiding parties were normal a few ships but able to be managed. This however was not for a few ships of men, this was a campsite to hold hundreds of men and women, possibly even more. Your eyes grow a bit wide for a moment looking at all the tents and people at the camp, the realization has hit you. He only brought enough men to win against your small town, and had the rest stay back safe in their camp. Was he trying to take England for his own, or is this a war of something else you now have found yourself in the middle of. Ragnar seemed to see your shock for a moment and his smirk only grew as he walked on, with you following behind him bound.  
As soon as you were near the camp people came rushing up yelling in pride for their king. Their cries loud and rearing as you both walked on, Ragnar stopping occasionally to speak to his people, times like this you wish you knew other languages. You looked around at the people that looked quite different from England. Though strong, full of fur, blood and markings over their face, you had to admit you were imitated by all of them. As you walked through all of them you tried to show no emotions at all while your mind raced about what could happen. He eventually led you to a tend in the middle of the enormous camp. The tent was red with raven banners in front lit up by candlelight. He pulled you in when you hesitated at the opening of the tent. Stumbling into it you look around to see a few other people inside around a table talking, they all pause looking at you and Ragnar. A woman with beautiful golden hair walks up eyeing you for a moment before she turns to the man speaking with him. From everything the only thing you could piece together was that his name was Ragnar as everyone addressed him with it. “If you're talking about me I would love to know so please speak English I know Ragnar can.” Your voice makes them pause and look at you, Ragnar’s smirk only grows as you speak to them. “See she is interesting.” You blink a few times looking at the man with a  raised eyebrow. “Excuse me?” They seemed to ignore you as the woman gestured to you with her hand. “She is a farmer not a pet, look at her she isn't even wearing woman armor she had to have gotten it herself off of a man. She wouldn’t know anything.” She was glaring at Ragnar as she spoke to him and he now gestures to you as he spoke. “Wrong Lagertha, look she may be a farmer but she knows much, such as the land and the weakness to it as well as it strengths, she knows how to hold a sword and if they won’t let her fight that means her observation skills are worth looking at.” They spoke about you in English now, but ignored your glare at them only to replace it with some shock at Ragnar's voice. He has taken you because he thinks you know something? You thought for a moment to be interrupted by another man still standing at the table. “That is true, I am with Ragnar and see if she is useful.” He stood there with long brown hair, his arms crossed. “Then it is settled. Now little mouse.” He pulled on the lead that was tied to your bound wrist, pulling him to you. “Tell us would you, tell us how you know how to fight.” He smirks down at you as he invades your personal space. You look at him with a glare that could kill a man. “I don’t see how that is any concern of yours.” Your words dripped of venom as you spoke to the man looking up at him. He looked back at the few others standing in the tent speaking a quick sentence making them evacuate from the area. As they stepped out he stared at you with his blue eyes glaring at yours, his smirk never leaving his face. “We can talk or we can do.. There are many other unpleasant things I do not wish for.” He starts to speak, holding the lead tightly, his free hand grabbing your wrist bounds. “So what will it be Christian?” As he spoke he pulled your wrist down forcing you to the ground on your knees in front of him, his hand leaving your wrist and grabbing your chin forcing you to look up at him. You wouldn’t have so easily fell if it wasn’t for the fact you walked for miles upon miles. You looked up into his eyes, yours burning with frustration at the situation at hand, you tried to pull away from his grip but it grew tighter on your chin forcing you to stay there looking at him. “How did you learn to fight?” His face looked a little more irritated, now as he looked down at you. “My father had paid to have me taught.” Ragnar narrowed his eyes down at you while you spoke. “A farmer wouldn’t have enough spare money to pay to have a child, a child he would never expect to fight anyways to be taught combat.” You finally pulled away from his grasp on your chin as you sat back on your legs, too tired to hold yourself up. You didn’t look at him while neither of you spoke for a few moments before he pulled you back up with your lead. You stumbled as you got pulled up looking at the man with confusion as what he would do to learn your secrets. 
He pulled you to your feet and dragged you to the middle of the tent, where the main pole sits supporting the tent. You tried to pull away from him as he took your lead and tied it as taught as he could to the highest point. You struggled to touch the ground on your heels fully after he had tied you. You debated on what he would do to you and if it was worth it to save your powerful secrets. You watched him pull up a chair, sitting in front of you looking up to you with his hand in his head. “I have time to wait for you to tell me the truth.” A smirk has returned to his lips as you look down at your feet then up at your restraints realizing he is trying to tire your body out. Your arms already are sore from using the heavy sword at the men attacking you, and your legs weak from the walk. You looked to Ragnar with a glare not speaking, if anything this would make you hold your tongue more. 
Quite some time has passed from him tying you to the post, your legs burn like no other cramping up along with your arms. You have grown sweaty and incredibly tired, the strained stance not allowing you to rest for a moment. The whole time Ragnar sat there watching you intently and closely he resembled a curious cat. You look up from the ground to him with a glare. “I am telling the truth.” The first words that have left your lips since he has tied you. “You say that now when you are tired and sore and can't rest, you are not telling the truth.” His smirk appeared on his lips as he looked to you from his chair. You narrow your eyes at the man and shake your head in protest. Is keeping your identity worth this pain? Is keeping your fathers promise too much for you? You closed your eyes and let out a breath that was slow and steady. “My father is someone with wealth not a farmer, he thought I should be able to protect myself.”  He raised a brow looking at you and standing pushing the chair back slightly as he did. “Who is that wealthy? It would have to be someone important. Tell me little mouse and I’ll let you sleep.” You looked to him more exhausted than you had been in your life, and in more pain you could bear. Your limbs felt as if they would fall out of their sockets and die off. You look at him with your voice soft and full of pain as you speak, just waiting for it to stop. “The king.” 
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theatomicbombbaby · 1 year
Valhalla part one
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Ragnar X Reader part one
Warnings: None yet
Your hands grip the side of the boat as if your life depends on it, perhaps it does. You manage to keep a hold of the side as you pull yourself up to look out. The waves are monstrous clashing into each other and the ships slowly drifting farther away from the one you reside on. The deep gray over takes two of the ships pulling them into the depths, your screams for the fallen fall on deaf ears, the storm silencing everything but the thunder up ahead. Thor, The beautiful bright blue lighting overtaking the sky’s as he strikes his anvil. Why must the Gods be so angry with you? You look over to the captain of the ship, his eyes full of fear as his mouth moves with prayers drowned out over the storm. What should you do? What can you possibly do? The captain’s eyes fall upon you as he screams, “Row!” His finger leading the way to a bench that’s empty. You made your way over gripping the ore, thinking ‘how could I have not noticed someone fell overboard?’ You thought as you row as swiftly you can, for as long as you can. Praying to Odin for strength, your arms burning with each pull, water blinding you as it strikes your face. Just as you thought you couldn’t move your arms anymore, a wave comes head on for your ship. As suddenly as you noticed the wave, it took over your boat filling it with freezing water, tipping it as the wave continued. You lose your grip on the ore and grab onto the side of the ship as it tips. The wood creaking under your fingertips that desperately grip onto the ship. Water suddenly surrounds you, the salt stinging your eyes as you look for your way up. Everything is so dark, so dark you couldn’t even see your hands as you moved around in the water from the force of the ship tipping then being pulled under. Not sure of how long you have been under the water your lungs burn for air. Instead of panicking when you let your last gasp of air out you take a moment to stop and look at the bubbles, studying as the orbs of air floated upwards. you moved the way the bubbles went swimming up to the surface of the water. Gasping as your head broke the surface you can only see more monstrous waves heading to you and no ships. Debris floats around you, parts of ships and the possessions people had with them. You managed to grab onto a part of a ship large enough for you to hold under your arms to help floating, but alas not enough to hold you above the freezing water fully. The last thing you could see was the sky full of dark clouds matching the wave coming to you. You prayed that the end would be kind and take you fast, that you would be reunited with your lost loved ones. 
Keep reading
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theatomicbombbaby · 1 year
Captured Part one
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Setting: You found yourself in a war you didn’t ask for, the only thing you could do to try to save yourself was to fight.
Warnings: None yet! 
The night laid upon the battlefield like a thick fog, the light escaping from them as the war raged on. Fire was scattered around the open field, dancing in the dark spreading light scarcely. All you could see around you was horrors, people running away from the massacre. You held up your mighty great sword with both hands, your breath becoming steady again as you calm yourself. You had to stay calm, panic kills, panic causes quick stupid actions that lead to downfalls. You took a few more breaths in and out, steading yourself as a Norseman walked to you, an axe in hand resting low at his side. You have faced a few before in this fight, but the way this one walked with confidence sent a shiver throughout your body. You have been a decent fighter throughout your lifetime yet you couldn’t shake the feeling of something happening, to you or the people you grew to love. You took a step forward to the man walking with flames flickering behind his figure. “Leave!” Your voice sounded steady, calm, unlike your nerves that have been shot causing your body to slightly shake with adrenaline. The man was a few feet away before he lunged for you bringing his axe up to meet your sword. The clash between the two weapons was loud causing your ears to ring. His strength was nothing like you have come into contact before, your arms burned as you struggled to keep the sword from coming back onto you.
 You stared in the Northman's eyes with a panic knowing this may be your last night on this earth. You expected to see hatred on his face, or even a cruel smile on his face due to them winning, instead it looked like curiosity. You took your chance to push with everything you had against him, knocking him back a bit allowing you to step back and take a defensive position. You held your sword up once more, keeping it as steady as you could with both hands. At being knocked back by your force he gave you a smirk, walking around you, circling his prey like a hungry wolf closing in on an injured deer. You kept shifting your feet to keep him in front of you, not allowing him to attack from behind. “I thought Christians didn’t let women fight.” His tone sounded amused at the fact you are fighting. This took you back for a moment as you haven’t heard one speak English let alone well enough to be understood. You weren't quite sure how to respond to this man, his comment catching you off guard allowing him to once more lunge at you. You caught him right in time to swing at his axe, your arms now burning with immense pain. How long could you go on, how much longer will you have to? This time the force of his lunge was quite more forceful against your swing, causing you to fall back with him over you. Fear clouded your mind as the wind was knocked out from you, looking up to him in panic. Ragnar watched you carefully holding your sword to your chest, enough to feel it but not enough to cause any harm without movement. Your wrist aches at holding the sword up, allowing your other hand to grab the blade and push on it to try and get him off, or to allow yourself to not be hurt. He was smirking down at you allowing you to push the sword up slightly, until he pushed back showing you he was simply holding you there. If he wanted to, he would have ended your life. At this you stop struggling and simply hold the blade up trying to keep calm as you look death in the eyes. He was quite handsome for a heathen that ravished your lands. “If they allowed you to fight, why are you not trained properly enough to hold a sword, let alone be in a war, little mouse?.” He inquires his hips straddling yours as he holds you in place with his weight, and your sword to your chest.. “No one allowed me!” You spat out at him in anger, frustration at the fact he is toying with you to answer his own questions. Perhaps a little defeated, feeling like a fool for fighting for your life instead of running. ‘What in the world was he doing?’ you thought watching this man hover above you, keeping you pinned to the ground. “Why are you here fighting then?” He inquired leaning up watching his men finish off the rest. After a moment of no answer he grabs your sword from your hands throwing it to the side, standing up with one of your wrists in his hand. You tried to pull away as he spoke to some men in their language. At your pulls of protest he pulls you close to him, his face inches away from yours. “You aren't getting away, little mouse.”  As he spoke to you one of his men came up grabbing your wrist, pulling them behind you restraining you with some rope. His treatment was much harsher than the first Viking. You tried to look at the man behind you as he spoke to Ragnar, seeing he was close to your back close enough to reach that is. You leaned down and quickly leaned back up slamming the back of your head as hard as you could manage in the stranger's face. As soon as your head collides with the man’s face you hear a loud crunch along with seeing stars with fading vision. The man let go of the rope holding your hands together as he fell back holding his face yelling in pain. You ended up kneeling down slightly swaying trying to not pass out from the brute force you insured on the back of your skull. Pain overtook your head and your vision blurry, you weren’t going to go down easy. Once you could see slightly you realized someone laughing, you looked around to see who it was. Ragnar stood there laughing, surprised and humored at your actions. “Shut up.” You muttered annoyed, as a splitting headache creeped up onto you. Ragnar spoke to the man that was bleeding, and with a wave of his hand he waddled off. You stood seeing your chance at escaping trying to take off, only to have Ragnar grab your wrist once more. He pulled you back so forcibly you collided with his chest, his grip on you firm. “We can’t have you breaking all my men’s faces so you’ll have to accompany me.” He smirked down at you as you delivered the meanest look you can. “Fun, fun, sounds like a real joy.” Sarcasm was heavy in your voice as you spoke to the man. “Oh it will be, little mouse it will be.” He said in an almost cheerful tone walking back towards his camp. Your mind raced about what could happen to you, why he took you alive. Would they torture you for information you did not have about your kingdom? You had plenty of time to think on the walk back with the Northman to their headquarters.
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theatomicbombbaby · 1 year
I had to share this fanfiction with all of you, I love this author and their writing so much. They seriously deserve so much love and support. 
Perfect Love Outcasts Fear
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Message from the Author: This was intended as a one shot/drabble, yet the more I think about it, the more I desire it to become a series. I will leave it to my readers, on whether or not to continue it.
Plot: Vikings have declared war on Sussex, Ragnar Lothbrok, their leader, ends up getting captured and is currently held prisoner by the English, thus the reasoning behind said declaration.. Elizabeth, niece to the crowned King of Sussex, desires for peace and harmony among both the Northmen and English. Raised as a devout Christian, she prays day and night for something to happen that will bring about that desired peace. Whatever form it may take.
Warnings: None yet, could be some violence here and there, so if it gets too graphic…sorry? There shouldn’t be any explicit content for awhile, if this even turns into a series.
It had been almost five months since the Northmen had first raided Sussex, failing in their first attempt and retreating back to the shore. From what she had heard, they were biding their time, waiting for another battlement of ships to arrive to increase their numbers. Many of their men had fallen during the first siege, yet it seemed to matter not to these heathens, battle and victory their calling card and motive for all the destruction and chaos they ensued. It almost seemed like they were eager to lay down their lives for whatever cause they had to attack Sussex, stories of smaller attacks on outer lying villages always wafting around local taverns and inns. Elizabeth had always had a secret fascination with the Viking culture, a desire to understand them better as a means to eventually make peace with them. Yet her uncle, King Thomas, did not share her views and often would shun her from the presence of good society, should she ever begin to speak about them in a manner that was anything other than hate and disgust. This did not bother her, she enjoyed being on her own and left to her own thoughts and devices. Often she would venture to the chapel and pray, usually for God to open the minds of those around her. If they were ever to survive these constant raids, would it not be wise to know the mind of your enemy more, this including their beliefs and culture? Yet, these were the times when the thoughts of a woman were not valued in the slightest. 
“Lord, if this raid on our kingdom is your will, then let it be so. Perhaps it can shine wisdom upon our leaders in how to better improve our defenses and battle strategies, or perhaps it will bring ruin upon us all.” Elizabeth said with eyes closed, head bowed and hands clasped tight together as she knelt down among the pews of the chapel. “I believe that we are all your children, some of us having simply lost our way.” she continued, a small sigh escaping her lips. “Yet I feel that there is more to this attack than just bloodshed, I feel that something is wanting to happen from this. An…understanding.” she opened her eyes and lifted her gaze to the wooden sculpture of Christ upon the cross. “Send me a sign, Lord. A sign that something needs to change for the sake of humanity’s future.” Suddenly the door to the chapel burst open and Elizabeth jumped to her feet with a gasp. A man, Northman from the look of him, stood there panting, wild eyes looking around the empty room until they stopped upon her and she froze. His eyes were the brightest blue she had ever seen, and she had her own set of blue eyes, yet they were more of a darker hue with a slight ring of greenish yellow around the iris. Nowhere near as intensely blue as his. The man stood there staring at her for a moment before the sound of shouting outside of the room and down the hall caused him to turn around quickly and shut the doors with him now inside the chapel with her. 
Her hands were behind her, gripping the top of the pew as he then strode over to her quickly, glanced down at her a moment before looking around the room. The sound of voices outside the door caused him to search more fervently, apparently for somewhere to hide, when he suddenly ducked down behind her, his body rolling under the pew and out of sight, though Elizabeth could feel his hot breath against her ankles as she stood there. The doors bursting open once again caused her to jump and she brought her hands in front of her and held them there as three guards bounded in, their eyes searching the room for the Viking. They caught sight of her and immediately bowed their heads. “A thousand pardons, M’lady. We search for an escaped heathen, he was captured a few hours ago but managed to escape. We could have sworn he came this way.” The lead guard lifted his head and his eyes continued to search the room, about to take a step further within. “Yes, I saw him.” she said, which caused the breathing that she felt against her ankles to stop for a moment. Elizabeth lifted her hand and pointed toward a door off in the corner, which led down a hallway and elsewhere within the castle. “He ran in here, saw me and then hurried down that hall. If you hurry, you may yet catch him.” The guards bowed quickly and then ran to the door and threw it open, disappearing down it before it shut behind them, their footsteps diminishing. She stood there a moment staring at the door before she let out a breath of relief and then began to turn around to look down under the pew, only to give a small shriek when she came face to face with the man that had been previously hiding beneath it. 
He stood close to her, enough to where she had to lean back a little to regain her sense of comfort. Yet as she did so, he tilted his head to the side and leaned forward to keep the close distance, his eyes filled with intrigue and his lips daring to begin curling into a smirk. “You helped me. Why?” he suddenly asked, the fact that he spoke decent English caused her eyebrows to raise slightly. Elizabeth stammered a moment, her mouth opening and closing as she searched for the words that were swimming around her head. The man leaned back up to his full height, his head still tilted, the smirk finally finding its way to his lips as his eyes then began to roam from her face down her body. This caused her mouth to drop open, utterly appalled at the action, yet she could not hold back the heat that began to rise beneath her cheeks. Clearing her throat, Elizabeth tucked a strand of her dark brown and straight hair behind her ear and then moved her hand back down to join the other one, clasping it in front of her body as she lifted her chin indignantly and looked up at him. “I believe the Lord sent you, as a sign.” she said confidently. The man’s eyes moved back up to hers finally, though they had been taking quite a long time traveling back up her body, then they flicked over to the statue that was behind her above the alter. “Him?” He asked, before looking back at her. Elizabeth’s mouth pressed into a thin line for a moment and she gave a nod. “Yes. I prayed for a sign that some change would come from this war, and then you burst through the doorway.” “I am a sign? Of what?” “Of change, hopefully.” She said as she gave him a small smile. 
He gazed at her intently for a moment before he then took a step toward her, which caused her to lean back a bit, the pew hitting against her backside and keeping her from being able to move away any further. He then reached forward suddenly with his hand, taking hers and bringing it upward. The man then bowed slightly, looking up at Elizabeth as he did, bringing her hand up toward his forehead and then pressed the tops of her knuckles against it before lowering it back down. “You have my thanks.” he said before standing back up. “As well as my promise.” Elizabeth’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion, unsure of what he was promising. “The next coming siege, no harm shall come to you.” She looked into those blue eyes of his, searching them for truth, clearly seeing that he was indeed showing that he meant what he said, yet she still had to ask. “How can you be certain?” He then rolled up the sleeve of his tunic and removed from his wrist a bronze bangle of sorts, when he held it up in the light of the torches around them, she noted that it was ornately crafted. The bangle itself had a corded design to it, twisting almost as it would wrap around one's wrist, at the ends of it, there were two heads that faced each other with open mouths. Wolves. She would later come to understand that this was a sacred arm ring used in Viking culture, as a means of promising allegiance or protection to someone. “Keep this with you at all times, and just speak my name. should someone ask how you have it.” Elizabeth stared at the bangle and then slowly reached out for it, freezing when he took her wrist gently in his calloused hand and turned it over, to where he placed it within her open palm. 
She looked down at his hand as it loosened its grip around her wrist, but lingered, his fingertips slowly moving down her wrist to her fingertips and then reluctantly letting go. “And what name would that be?” she asked, lifting her eyes up to his. “Ragnar Lothbrok.” he said, a twinkle in his eye. Somehow, Elizabeth knew who he was before he had even said his name, there had just been something about him that told her that he was a man of influence. “What shall I call you?” he asked after a moment, which brought a small smile to her lips. “Elizabeth.” was all that she said. It was not wise to divulge the fact that she was nobility to this man, who was to say that he would not use her as a means of leverage when it came to this war? Granted, there was no doubt that he had not noticed that she definitely did not dress like some common English girl. If he truly was Ragnar Lothbrok, then he was no fool. She had heard tales of his bravery, songs of his victories in battle and in life, yet she had never imagined coming face to face with the man. Let alone coming to find that he was extremely handsome and that there was something that seemed to draw her to him. A sense of interest and intrigue, she longed to learn more about him and more about his way of life. The sound of the guards once again coming through the hallways outside the chapel brought both of them back to attention, Ragnar looking over his shoulder at the door and then turning back to look at her. 
He moved closer to her suddenly, Elizabeth’s lips parting slightly as she looked up at him with wide eyes and her breath catching in her throat. He then lifted his hand up and gently brushed the side of her face with the back of his fingers and smiled down at her. “I do hope we meet again, Elizabeth.” he said, the sound of her name leaving his lips causing goosebumps to rise upon her ivory skin. Ragnar pulled away from her quickly and then suddenly spun around her, unsheathing a large knife and moving behind her, bringing it up against her neck at the same moment that the doors burst open once again. Instead of only guards entering the chapel, her uncle was there as well. When his eyes found his niece in the arms of an armed Northman, he held up his arms to the guards around him. “Stop, do not advance. My niece must not be harmed.” Elizabeth felt Ragnar let out a breathy chuckle at hearing that she was the niece of the King and she felt his fingertips tighten against her waist as his arm was wrapped around it. Ragnar glanced over his shoulder and saw the stained glass window and then began to back up toward it, bringing Elizabeth with him as he held her against him, the knife still poised at her throat. 
Once the two of them were in front of the window, Ragnar gestured to one of the gold candlesticks upon the alter. “Break it open for me won’t you, my lady?” he breathed against her ear. Elizabeth stared at the stained glass window and then shook her head slightly. “No. It is part of the house of God, I will not desecrate it.” She felt his hand tighten against her waist and he moved his face a bit to where it was somewhat against hers. “It is but a window, and while it is a work of art, it is nothing in comparison to this neck of yours.” he said as he pressed the tip of the knife against her skin, causing a speck of blood to appear and for her to take in a sharp breath. Elizabeth reached for the candlestick and picked it up, finding that it was rather heavy, but she managed to lift it a bit and then with a grunt, she hurled it at the window, closing her eyes as she did so, the sound of it shattering almost silent compared to the sound of her heart shattering. No sooner had the glass broken, Ragnar moved them closer to the window and then once he was within reach of it, he hopped up onto the ledge and released Elizabeth. She turned and looked up at him with wide eyes as he knelt there, then he looked over at her uncle and the guards and gave them a cheeky smirk. King Thomas narrowed his eyes at Ragnar and began to lift his hand for the guards to advance when suddenly Ragnar leaned back down toward Elizabeth, slid his hand behind her neck and into her hair and brought her face toward his as he leaned down. Her eyes went wide when he pressed his lips against hers in a lingering kiss and then pulled away, giving her a wink and then holding his hands out to the side and let himself fall backwards out of the window. 
Moving to the edge of the window, careful not to cut herself on the shards of broken glass, she leaned out over the edge, hoping she wouldn’t see a flattened Viking upon the cobblestone streets below. What she saw caused her to crack a small smile. Ragnar was lying in a haystack that was piled upon a horse drawn cart, his arms behind his head as he grinned up at her and then blew a kiss, followed by a wave of his fingers as it began to drive down the road.
@wolfy1712 @shit-i-say-shit-i-think
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theatomicbombbaby · 2 years
Follow this absolutely wonderful author, I can’t get enough of their writing
Time Knows No Bounds (A series)
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Hello, this is the first part of my brand new series Time Knows No Bounds. I am not entirely sure, how long this series may end up being, but I will say that I am bound and determined to be writing it for the long haul.
There are simply not enough Ragnar fanfics out there, and I know that I cannot be the only one that is completely enamored by him. I have never written for Ragnar Lothbrok, so I hope that I am able to portray him well enough for everyone's liking. So please, sit back, grab an ale (or whatever tickles your taste buds) and enjoy.
Warnings: None in this first segment
Info: When the font is like this, it means Ragnar is speaking in his native tongue. When he is speaking English it will just be italicized. The reader's text is just normal and anyone other than Ragnar or the reader will be in bold.
Spoilers: None, because this is completely my creation (apart from the character/legend of Ragnar Lothbrok and other historical names) it has nothing to really do with the tv series.
Plot: Ragnar, in this series, is unattached to anyone romantically. No Lagertha or Aslaug or any other baby momma's out there. No children. He has met and learned with Athelstan, because that contributes to his ability to speak with the reader. Other than that, he's just a simple gorgeous viking that lives on his farm in Kattegat, dreaming of adventure.
Summary: Of all of the places that you had expected to move to, Denmark was near the bottom of that list. Yet here you were, eight years later. It was your love of Norse history and mythology that brought you to the area in the first place, completing your education of those subjects in Copenhagen. You then took a full time job as assistant curator for one of the smaller and less well known museums just outside the capital. Many had asked why you simply did not take a job in the capital in one of their famous museums, but the fact that they seemed to be in it more for the profit than actual knowledge and history, deterred you. However, when the main museum contacted your boss about a potential gold mine of a dig sight, you jumped at the chance to aid in this archaeological adventure. Never in your wildest dreams, did you think that you would unearth something this spectacular.
At first glimpse, Hvide Klint offered little hope of bringing about the excavation discovery of a lifetime, but something told you that this was it. This place...there was something about it that spoke to you and sent chills running up and down your spine and goosebumps to rise upon your flesh. While all your team had managed to find on the first day was a few broken pieces of pottery and the random spear head, you knew that this was just the beginning. There was something greater out there and you were going to find it. Your coworkers had left for the day, they were done searching for what they deemed was not there, but you opted to stay behind and continue to look. There was a train station that was not too far from here that you could easily take back home, albeit there would be many stops along the way, but that didn’t matter. What mattered was that you had this place all to yourself, which is how you liked it. Being one with the site, finding things that others may have missed and just...enjoying the feeling that you were in a place of such historical importance. You watched as they left and then turned back around and began to walk down the shoreline, your boots sinking down into the wet sand a bit as you walked, until you finally came to an area that had seemed to almost call to you from the moment you arrived. There was a stone pillar that jutted out of the ground, obviously it had been placed there some time ago, it was worn from the weather and from the fjord. The others had shrugged it off as just an old mile marker, not wanting to stay in the cooler autumn weather a moment longer. Your eyes scanned over the ancient looking stone, taking in every crack and discoloration and then your eyes moved to the base where you noticed something sticking partially up out of the sand. Leaning down, your fingers brushed the sand away from it, revealing that it was a part of a blade, but from what, you were not sure yet. Gently you picked it up and then you gasped when the rest of it came up from under the sand, seeing that it had been the blade of an ax. Not just any ax either, but you could tell from the carvings along the handle and a bit on the blade, that it was a viking ax. Yet, it looked as if it had not aged a day? Clearly this must have been something someone had made recently, for there was no way that it would have been in this condition if it were an artifact from the viking era.
The sound of thunder brought your attention upward toward the sky, where once it had been a clear bright blue sky overhead, now there were dark clouds swirling above you. Literally, above you. It seemed as if those clouds were swirling around the pillar itself and for a moment you thought you could hear a faint voice speaking over the sudden wind that was also swirling around you. You stood up, still holding onto the ax in your hand and then you gasped when the wind suddenly propelled you forward some, causing you to stretch out your free hand and place it against the pillar in an effort to catch yourself. A moment later, a crack of lightning filled the air and you looked up in time to see it strike against the top of the pillar. You shrieked as suddenly you were knocked backward a few feet, losing your balance and falling upon your rear end as that bolt of lightning disappeared, along with the freak storm entirely. The sun was shining, the clouds were gone and there was nothing but the sound of calm waves lapping against the shore as you leaned up with your hands behind you, one of them still clutching the ax handle. What had just happened? You were about to stand up when you noticed something stir that was on the ground on the opposite side of the pillar from where you were, seeing after a moment of thought, that it was a man. He too was on his rump in the sand, looking at the pillar in bewilderment before he looked around the area and then his eyes finally landed upon you. Even from the distance between the two of you, you could tell that his eyes were the brightest shade of blue that you had ever seen, and as cliché as it sounded: it were almost as if they could look into your soul. He stared at you silently for a moment, before he pushed himself up to his knees and then finally to his feet, his eyes scanning the area curiously, though flicking back to you now and then as well.
You leaned up a bit as you watched him curiously, wondering where he had come from so quickly, and without you noticing him approaching. Had he seen the random storm brewing around, seen you standing there and he had hurried over to try and move you away? Why else would he be there, when he had not been there before? The man moved closer to the pillar, reaching out with his hand to touch it only to yank it back quickly, sucking in a breath between his teeth as if he had been burned. He stared at his hand and then at the pillar curiously and then his eyes slowly moved over to you where he then tilted his head a bit to the side. His gaze drank you in, moving from your feet all of the way up your body until his eyes met yours once again and you gave a slight shudder from the chills this had sent through you. When his eyes caught sight of the ax in your hand his eyebrows furrowed together and he took a step forward, pointing at you. “Where did you get that? That is mine.” he said as he took a few more steps forward, his eyes now moving to the ax in your hand. The language that he was speaking was something familiar to you, and yet you also could not place it. At first you could have sworn that it sounded like Old Norse, but it had been awhile since you studied that language. Suddenly he thrust his hand forward, his palm up as he gestured to the ax in your hand. “Give it to me.” You tossed the ax away from you gently, sending it to the sand next to his feet, your eyes on his without wavering as he then knelt down and picked it up, brushing the sand off and inspecting it before he placed it on his hip in a loop on his belt…wait...what was he wearing? Your eyes scanned over him slowly, taking in the boots and the leather pants, the simple belt that hung loose around his hips, along with another wider belt that was around his waist that had a weaved pattern around it and then the long dark brown tunic that fit him well. Your eyes then moved up to his beard, short, yet still unkempt and then the smooth skin of his scalp until it came to the top where long braids were pulled back and cascaded down behind his head, coming to a stop between his shoulder blades. When he turned his head, you noticed tattoos that ran behind his ear and down the back of his skull. If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought that this guy had walked out of a Viking Renaissance fair.
He must have noticed that you were looking at him so intently, for a slight smirk appeared on his lips as he watched you, and then, he unashamedly did the same to you. His eyes starting at your feet, though as they slowly took in your clothing, he gradually moved closer, his head tilting this way and that, his eyes narrowing and his eyebrows knitting together as he did. Instinctively you began to scoot back as you were seated upon the sand, each step he took, you would move back until suddenly he moved quickly and knelt down to where he was hovering over you slightly. You took in a sharp breath, your eyes widening at this sudden closeness as you watched his eyes roam over your body before they came to your face, moving from your chin to your lips, then the freckles that dotted your cheeks and finally to your eyes where he gazed at you intently, yet there was a curiousness in that gaze. The sound of an airplane caught his attention and his eyes glanced around, his head tilting to try and pinpoint which direction the noise was coming from and it wasn’t until he glanced upward for a moment that he paused and stared at the plane as it went by over your heads. He tilted his head back more, slowly bringing himself up to a standing position as he watched it, his face contorted in utter confusion. When the plane had disappeared from sight, the sound still present, he began to very slowly turn and look around the area, the curiosity falling from it and replacing with disbelief, maybe even fear? He stopped when he saw the building that was farther down the shore, then he noted the skyline of buildings past that along the treeline and finally he looked down at you. ”Where am I?” he said softly at first, but you were too preoccupied with trying to figure out what was happening to hear him. “Where am I?” he said a bit louder, taking a step toward you as you sat upon the ground looking up at him. That simple phrase you were able to decipher and you swallowed hard before opening your mouth, which you found had gone dry. “H-Hvide Klint. F-Frederiksværk.” you managed to stutter out.
He narrowed his eyes at you, tilting his head, clearly not understanding what you had just said. Then he put his hands on the top of his head and gripped his hair with his fingers and let out an aggravated grunt before he walked over to the pillar, going up to it and smacking it with his hand suddenly. “This is not Kattegat.” he said before smacking it again with his palm and then he circled it, looking the pillar up and down before he looked at you and pointed at the pillar. “How is this here, but my home is not?” You stared at him a moment and then you finally began to get up to your feet, brushing the sand from your palms as you watched him, your body poised to run should he come at you once again like he had before. “I’m sorry, I’m having a hard time understanding you.” The man looked at you, his eyes narrowing a bit before he lifted his chin a little, his eyes flicking up and down your body once again, which you couldn’t tell if it were in an insulting manner or if it were to take in your figure. “You are Saxon?” this time...he spoke in decent English. You stared at him silently for a moment before you brought your hands up and hugged them around your torso. He pointed at you. “English?” “In a sense.” was all that you were able to say. Being from the Midwest in America, honestly would probably go over this man’s head. Either he was deranged, or there was something else at work here. Something that was beginning to make your skin prickle with intrigue. “What is your name?” you said calmly and slowly, so that he may understand better. He stared at you silently before he took a few steps toward you, bringing himself to be within a few inches from you, which you noted now (considering earlier) that he had no regard for personal space. Either an intimidation tactic or just flat out cockiness. “Ragnar Lothbrok.” Upon hearing that name, you were hit with the knowledge you had gained over the years of living in Denmark, the legend of Ragnar Lothbrok being one of your favorite things to study and delve further into. You had spent quite a bit of time in school here, devoting your studies to that of the vikings, especially when it came to the tales of the Lothbrok clan.
Your eyes quickly scanned the surrounding area, almost half expecting a hidden camera crew to be hiding somewhere, having just helped some of your colleagues and friends pull quite the prank on you. There was no one around, not unless you counted the fishing boat that was off in the distance, though you doubted they would be getting very good camera shots from there if this was indeed a prank. Yet, if this was not some sort of ruse, then what was happening right now? This man had seemingly (to you anyway) appeared out of nowhere, the moment you had been knocked back by the force of that lightning hitting the pillar, when he had not been anywhere within sight, prior to that. Your feet moved you around him, bringing you to the pillar in question and you reached up, tentatively tracing your fingers over some runes that you had not noticed before. They were etched deep, but they were also worn from the weather and from what you could make of the symbols, it had something to do with ‘time’. Lost in time? Far through time? Ugh, it was too worn for you to tell at this moment. You quickly reached down into the pocket of your cardigan and pulled out your notebook, ripping a piece of paper from it and then brought out your pencil. Holding the paper against the pillar, you used the lead of the pencil to scratch against the underlying etching of the runes, bringing to light what you were unable to see. Staring down at the symbols you had managed to capture with the lead, you wracked your brain for what it might say when you jumped suddenly at the fact that this ‘Ragnar’ was beside you, and close, once again. He had come up somewhat behind you, his face leaning over your shoulder some to see what you were holding and his breath you could feel against your cheekbone slightly as he spoke. “Time knows no bounds.” he said softly. Clearly, he was able to read this. And you jumped for joy inwardly that you at least were correct in knowing it had said something about ‘time’. “My great grandfather carved this after losing his first wife, knowing that one day they would be reunited in Valhalla.” You lifted your gaze from the paper in your hand and looked at the worn carvings upon the pillar for a moment, before you turned your head to the side and your eyes widened, having forgotten how close he was standing. The smell of fresh pine and rich soil wafted up to your nose. “I never received your name.” He said in a soft tone, his eyes daring to move across your facial features, resting on your lips a moment before going back to your eyes. You took a step back quickly, trying to create some space between you and for the love...he moved with you as if anticipating you would do this, keeping that space to its same bare minimum. The cockiness and unashamed way that he kept looking at you, was enough to bring color to your cheeks as you looked at him. “Y/N.”
“Y/N...” he repeated your name and you would be lying to yourself if you said that it didn’t give you chills when hearing it fall from his lips. He studied your face once again and then he gave a small smirk, showing off his white teeth and then he took a step back from you, bringing his hands together in front of him where he clasped them together as he continued to look down at you. “I say again, y/n...where am I?” he said, that smirk upon his lips still. He gave a soft sigh as his eyes moved around the area again. “Or perhaps...I should say 'when'?” This brought your stomach to tighten a little. He was registering the fact that this might not be his home, and not just that, his time period. If this were the case...if he was really Ragnar Lothbrok, then something insane, mysterious and magical had brought him through time, to this moment and place. Your eyes moved to the paper in your hand once more. The words ‘time knows no bounds’ echoing around inside your head before lifting to look up at him. “Denmark. It is the year, 2022.” you said quietly, watching his reaction. Either he had a great poker face, or this did not surprise him as much as it should have, for he gave no indication of emotion as he looked at you once you had admitted the year. He looked down at his hands that were clasped and he gave a slight nod, before keeping his face turned downward, but lifting those blue eyes of his to meet yours again. “Then my home is long gone.” he said, giving a sigh through his nose. He then moved over to the pillar and placed his hand upon it, as if he were expecting it to transport him once again, home. Like the silly little optimistic girl you were, you had half wondered if it would work, but there he continued to stand for many a moment before he let his hand fall down to his side limply. You hesitated and then moved closer to the pillar, getting close to it with your face so that you could study it better, in case anything might have been missed. You then came around to the side that he had been close to when he ‘arrived’ and you noted there was more runes there only different from what had been on your side. “What does this say?” you asked, bringing your finger to point just under the first symbol. Ragnar took a step closer and squinted, lifting his hand up to run his fingers along the engraving, your body tingling when his fingers lightly brushed over yours a moment. “A year and a day shall send you back on your way.” he said as he removed his hand from the pillar and rested it upon the blade of the ax that was holstered at his hip.
“A year and a day?” you said, repeating it under your breath. “Oh fuck, does that mean whatever happened...wont happen again for another year and a day?” Ragnar’s eyebrows shot up into his forehead a bit when you cursed, but there was a glimmer in his eye and the corner of his mouth went up slightly as he looked at you. He then reached up and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand as he looked at the runes on the pillar. “My great grandfather enjoyed his riddles...and his rhymes. Yet, it was exactly a year and a day before he too, entered Valhalla." You jumped when suddenly your phone began to ring and you nearly dropped the paper in your hands as you fumbled in your other pocket to try and get to it. Ragnar was highly confused by the sudden sound, but he watched with interest when you pulled out your phone and then hit the answer button, bringing it up to your ear. It was one of your colleagues, Klaus. "Hey, just wanted to let you know that we made it back. You still at the site, or did you wise up to the fact there's nothing there and leave?" You cleared your throat as Ragnar came closer to you, his head tilted as he looked at the phone next to you head as you then began to talk into it. "Oh you know me, stubborn as a mule. So naturally, I am still looking around." "Oh for Christ's sake, y/n." You could hear him sigh and your eyes widened when Ragnar reached for your hand and brought the phone forward, pressing his ear against it curiously, his eyebrows shooting up when you heard Klaus's voice ask if you had found anything. You quickly took Ragnar's wrist and brought the phone back to your ear. "No, nothing. I'll be heading back soon."
You still had hold of his wrist as you continued to talk to Klaus, though when you suddenly felt his fingertip gently touch the side of your face, you raised an eyebrow at him. Ragnar just smirked as he watched you and did it again, which caused you to shrink back some, though trying to keep your ear against the phone that he was still holding onto. Clearly this man had no qualms when it came to making someone feel awkward, unless this was his way of flirting? Regardless, your face was flushing and you quickly pried the phone from his hand, using your free one to gently swat his fingers away as you took a step back, making him smirk more. Here he was, in a different time period and yet he was getting such enjoyment of making you feel uncomfortable. "Just be careful, there are weirdos out there." Klaus said, which made your gaze flick to Ragnar's. "You know I can handle myself pretty well." Ragnar's eyebrow raised. "I'll send you a text when I'm home." At that, he hung up and you lowered the phone and before you could slip it back into your pocket, Ragnar's hand caught your wrist and he gazed down at the device in your hand. "How does it talk? Magic?" You gave a snort and shook your head as he continued to look at the phone in your hand. Gently you pulled your arm back toward you and unlocked it, bringing about your home screen which showed a picture of you and your friends on your birthday, smiling and laughing. He looked at it intently, looking from your face in the picture, to your actual face in front of him. You could tell that he was highly confused. "It's called a 'phone'. You can use it to talk to people, keep in touch with loved ones that are far away. Among a lot of other things." You then switched on the camera and held it up, looking at him through the screen and put a smile on your face. "Say cheese." He stared at you. "Why?" "It means to smile." He hesitated and then gave that smirk of his and you snapped a picture, turning the phone around to face him after.
Ragnar stared at it, his eyebrows knitted together as he looked at the picture of himself, taking your wrist and bringing the phone closer to his face, his eyes looking at it curiously. You then turned to where your back was facing him and you held the phone up in front of you, flipping the camera around to where you could see both of you on the screen, taking a short video of you waving and him just standing there behind you, mesmerized. You took in a long breath and then turned to face him, pursing your lips in thought before your eyes then moved to the pillar that was behind him. "I need to do more research on this. You said your great grandfather placed this pillar here? What was his name?" He told you and you, to the best of your ability, jotted it down on the piece of paper you had used to copy the runes on. "Perhaps we can get you home faster than a year and a day, if we figure out more about this thing and what happened and why it happened." He looked at you as you stared at the pillar with curiosity and he gave a small smile. "It is the will of Odin that I am here." You gave a small chuckle. "Well gee thanks, Odin, now I have to figure out what to do with you." you said as you looked at him. To be honest, why should you even get involved in this? What if it were all some sort of joke? Though on the inside, you knew that it wasn't. This was something real, and it was something fascinating and you wanted desperately to get to the bottom of it. You lifted your phone up once again and sent for a taxi before looking back at Ragnar. "It will probably be best for you to come back home with me, until I can get more answers." He gave that damn smirk of his as he looked at you and then nodded his head. "Is it a far walk?" You grinned and nodded your head. "Yes, quite far. But we will not be walking." He followed after you as you walked back up the hill to where you and your coworkers had parked earlier and then kept going until you came upon the road. Your phone dinged and you saw a message from the nearest taxi driver, stating that they were driving down the road and wanted to know where to look for you. You messaged them back and within a few moments, a car came down the road toward you, pulling off onto the side of the road for you to get in. Ragnar backed up a bit, putting his hand upon the ax at his hip, eyeing the large black thing that had just stopped before you and you gave a smirk. "It's okay. This will be taking us to the train station." He just stared between you and the car and you held your hand out to him. "Do you trust me?"
Ragnar looked at you, his hand still on the ax and then noticed that there was a person inside the big black thing and his eyebrow raised a bit, before he looked back at you. "I do not trust easily." "Yeah, well...I can just leave you here then?" you said as you lowered your hand and opened the back door to the car and moved to slide in. "Wait." He said, taking a step forward. "At least explain what this is." he said, gesturing to the car with his free hand. "It's called a car. Think of it like a carriage or cart, but without the horses. It will take us where we need to go." He looked at it once again, his eye landing on the very confused and also irritated that this was taking so long, person inside. "Car." he said under his breath, before he gave a nod and then removed his hand from the ax and he moved to where you were, watching as you slid in and across the seat and then gestured to the seat beside you for him to take. He hesitated and then finally sat down, his eyes peering about the inside of the car before glancing at you. "Where to?" the driver said. "Train station, please." you said as you then leaned over to Ragnar and took the seat belt and wrapped it around him, having to move the ax to buckle it. He stared at you curiously and you gave a smile. "Keeps you safe." you said before giving the belt across his chest a pat and then you did the same for yourself, giggling when as the car then moved forward, Ragnar's hands moved to the seat beside his legs and gripped hard, his eyes widening. "Just wait until you are on the train. It goes even faster." you said, smiling at him when his eyebrows rose a bit as he looked at you. Once the car had been moving for some time, you saw that his body finally relaxed and you watched as he gazed out of the window as an entirely different world than the one he knew, passed by.
*Gif does not belong to me, credit goes to its lovely creator: vikings-ragnar
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theatomicbombbaby · 2 years
Valhalla part one
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Ragnar X Reader part one
Warnings: None yet
Your hands grip the side of the boat as if your life depends on it, perhaps it does. You manage to keep a hold of the side as you pull yourself up to look out. The waves are monstrous clashing into each other and the ships slowly drifting farther away from the one you reside on. The deep gray over takes two of the ships pulling them into the depths, your screams for the fallen fall on deaf ears, the storm silencing everything but the thunder up ahead. Thor, The beautiful bright blue lighting overtaking the sky's as he strikes his anvil. Why must the Gods be so angry with you? You look over to the captain of the ship, his eyes full of fear as his mouth moves with prayers drowned out over the storm. What should you do? What can you possibly do? The captain's eyes fall upon you as he screams, “Row!” His finger leading the way to a bench that’s empty. You made your way over gripping the ore, thinking ‘how could I have not noticed someone fell overboard?’ You thought as you row as swiftly you can, for as long as you can. Praying to Odin for strength, your arms burning with each pull, water blinding you as it strikes your face. Just as you thought you couldn’t move your arms anymore, a wave comes head on for your ship. As suddenly as you noticed the wave, it took over your boat filling it with freezing water, tipping it as the wave continued. You lose your grip on the ore and grab onto the side of the ship as it tips. The wood creaking under your fingertips that desperately grip onto the ship. Water suddenly surrounds you, the salt stinging your eyes as you look for your way up. Everything is so dark, so dark you couldn't even see your hands as you moved around in the water from the force of the ship tipping then being pulled under. Not sure of how long you have been under the water your lungs burn for air. Instead of panicking when you let your last gasp of air out you take a moment to stop and look at the bubbles, studying as the orbs of air floated upwards. you moved the way the bubbles went swimming up to the surface of the water. Gasping as your head broke the surface you can only see more monstrous waves heading to you and no ships. Debris floats around you, parts of ships and the possessions people had with them. You managed to grab onto a part of a ship large enough for you to hold under your arms to help floating, but alas not enough to hold you above the freezing water fully. The last thing you could see was the sky full of dark clouds matching the wave coming to you. You prayed that the end would be kind and take you fast, that you would be reunited with your lost loved ones. 
You woke up gasping for air, your hands reaching for your stinging throat. Coughing as you look around you, you see some tall figures looking down around you, and one kneeling beside you. Your clothes are damp and smelling of salt, as well as your hair with sand clinging to both. You are on a beach of some sort with white sand. Remembering your ship has fallen you start to look around the beach in hopes for anyone else. Seeing nothing but an empty beach around you and the men you realize no one was near you, that you recognized, you started to run. Looking for the family’s you have promised a better life, an actual future where they can peacefully live. One of the men ran after you, his voice laced with concern and confusion. “Where are you going? No one else was here besides you, what has happened?” He said catching up to you grabbing your arm. Turning to him, your hand met his face without hesitation, “Let go of me!” Shocked, he slightly smirks, rubbing his cheek with the hand that has fallen from your arm. He has blue eyes, tattoos littered on his skull, and a strong physic about him . “You could have just asked, " What has happened?” He asked his hand gesturing to the bits of wood and items of fallen ships. After a moment of looking at everything and gathering a few things that you washed up with, you calmed yourself and turned fully to him. “My ship has crashed,” you informed quite snippily as it was obvious to anyone what had happened. You’re only greeted with a smirk at your attitude to him, “I can see that, I mean, why have you come to katagate in a storm?” This was the great trading place with the infamous Ragnar Lothbrok. You didn’t mean to end up here but yet a farm outside of it, a small settlement your earl has arraigned to settle. Realizing who this man is, you curse in your head and your position to him you quickly take a knee, “I apologize Ragnar Lothbrok I have not recognized you after waking up, I am (y/n) shieldmaiden of Earl (name too lazy to actually think put one in later.) I swear to you on my armband that whenever I am called upon I will respond to you.” The man you now recognized was smirking now at you as you kneel in front of him. You cured the Gods as this is the way you meet, a mess thrown upon him, a mess with an attitude no less. “Well this is interesting,” he starts on as you stand looking at him, “you are the only one to arrive from the ocean in such conditions, tell me why would anyone sail in such conditions?” He questioned his hand moving as he talked to you, his fingers moving slightly with his hand. Looking at the other men all you could manage was, “May I talk to you in private about such things?” He looked puzzled for a moment before gesturing to the men behind him, “these are my brothers, we speak together there is nothing to hide from them,” The men nodded in agreement as you rubbed the back of your neck. That wasn’t the issue, it was the fact the words got caught in your throat, embarrassed to admit defeat in front of powerful men. “My earl, she was trying to escape her husband for acts unkind, I have promised my sword to her and only her until now. She heard of you and the things you are able to accomplish. She bought a farm with a few cottages to start anew, under you.” You spoke as you rose from your knees. Only to see his smirk now gone replaced with a confused look, “What has he done?” He questioned you, his bright blue eyes looking down at you. “That I will not say in front of others I simply do not know, and certainly not without my mistress.” You stood your ground not wanting to humiliate or go against your Earls wishes. He simply nodded and waved his hand to the other men behind him without looking back, gesturing them to leave, “I understand now, come, let's get you by the fire with some food?” He stated it more as if a question as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders leading you into the town, heading to his residence. The town was large, bustling and full of people, traders at some post holding up items as you moved along shouting what they had. You haven’t been here since you were a kid, much has changed around the town. As you near Ragnar’s residence, nerves filled your body. So many things could go wrong seeing as you are the first and only to wash ashore. 
The fire was warm flickering onto your exposed skin, food in front of you with a curved horned cup full of mead. The clothes they have provided you are soft, fitting your form quite nicely, you're thankful for this seeing as you lost most things to the storm. Ragnar sat across from you with his own cup in hand. “So tell me shieldmaiden, what has happened?” His voice takes you away from your personal thoughts about others who could be so close and with no help. With no one around you found it easier to speak to the man. You took a moment to take a bite and savor it. The food they gave you was some kind of soup that tasted amazing compared to the bread you lived off of on the boat. You closed your eyes for a moment taking a bite enjoying the taste, meat and a hint of some spices, with vegetables. “Seeing as my mistress is most likely feasting with the gods, I am confident enough to let you know.” You spoke as you grabbed your cup lifting it to your lips taking a drink of the sweet mead. “He has treated her as if she was a slave of a raid, he has treated rabid dogs better than the woman of the house.” You explained setting your bowl down on the hearth's edge suddenly not feeling hungry enough to eat and speak about such horrors. You look up to see Ragnar's piercing eyes staring deeply into yours, leaning forward one hand on his chin as he listens. He waves his other hand to you to go on, “He often beat her without reason, withheld food as if it was a luxury she couldn't afford.”  Your hands messed with the clothing covering your knees feeling a bit nervous about speaking of her traumas to a man she doesn't know. “He often treated many women like this, causing it to be seen as normal, the horrid treatment of women. It wasn’t punished so instead of staying to be beat like a dog, all of us came here in hopes to start anew. The women and men that didn’t want to live like that.” That was true, the treatment of women was horrid and normalized amongst your people. Not everyone wanted to come as their households didn’t treat each other as such, or they didn’t want to change. You could convince most women in abusive households and even save them if they asked. Ragnar's voice pulled you from your thoughts of everyone and how the Gods can be so cruel. “Why in a storm?” His voice was full of confusion, not quite understanding the severity of the situation. Looking into his eyes you spoke without hesitating. “Because she was going to be fed to his dogs along with her daughter, and everyone caught helping her to escape or even help, executed. I couldn’t have run away. I swore my life to her so we did the next best thing, risking our lives instead of handing them over. How could I not try when my life is hers?” Fire was in your eyes as you spoke, anger heated you more than the fire ever could. “I don’t understand how someone they love can treat them so cruelly.”  The last sentence you spoke had a bite to it. The horrors you have personally witnessed would be enough for anyone to be enraged with the actions, the horrors you have been told about only break your heart more for your people. That was clear enough to Ragnar from how you spoke about the situation. Ragnar finally spoke with a questioning look, “So where were you when the cruel treatment began?” His hands now not stirring as he spoke, but clasped together in front of him.  “I was a simple daughter of a farmer when this started, we didn't even know each other. It was about a year of me fighting, she finally wrote to me.” You spoke, picking your bowl back up to continue eating the soup. “I started fighting when my father started to become cruel. You see I didn’t do much besides do my chores and help my mother tend to things, but I wasn’t stupid enough to see no one was speaking out about this. I decided I would steal coins from my father as well, saving the few I was given by my mother to have a man teach me how to fight. Women fighting was looked down upon, I think it was to control us easier.” You informed him as you ate. The food that filled the wooden bowl slowly vanished as you spoke taking bites, “In her letter she mentioned I was in danger, that I was causing myself to be seen by her husband. I wasn’t even sure if it was her. Why would she put herself in danger for me? It was too late as two men tried to attack me but killed my mother in the attack. Her letter has saved me and she never stopped from that day to save me, I couldn't ignore her any longer. I spent the last of the coin I stole and saved up to send her a letter in secret.” Your bowl sat empty as you set it back in front of you, grabbing your curved cup to finish the mead that sits inside of it. “From there she paid for my training, and I swore my life to her rightfully so seeing as she tried to save me from her husband and his goons more than once. Even so far to buy her people land with her own riches.” You admired the woman you knew to be a friend, if you could carry an ounce of her kindness and empathy with you, you would be the kindest woman in kattegat. Ragnar's gaze never left you as you spoke of your past, his hands still wrapped around each other. “I see thank you for telling me about your difficult past, I understand why it would be hard to share that in front of other people.” He stands looking around the room settling his hands on his hips before he speaks. “We can’t have our people treating free individuals like this.” Well that is one problem solved for now, but many more lay at your feet. “We have to set up a search party for everyone that crashed, and a sacrifice for the ships that didn’t so they may find their way.” Your voice moved faster than your mind, still worried for your people who have been shipwrecked. You stood up gathering the few items you had when you washed up. Quickly walking to the door to head out to start up looking around the beach and shores for anyone. Ragnar stood there for a moment letting you go before starting on his own to get people to help you. 
You didn’t find many survivors as you made your way along the white sandy shores. A few people accompany you taking back the injured and dead back to Kattegat. You feared at first that you would be the only one left, that the Gods would have been so cruel to play with lives like that, cutting theirs short after trying to escape from terrors. After a few countless hours you made your way back to the sleeping town. Your mind is occupied with thoughts of the injured and still lost as you make your way to where the injured rested. You quietly crept through the door making your way to the few people you knew. Taking a seat you slumped back wondering if you have looked enough, or if anyone was out there waiting for you. Tired and exhausted at the experience you and everyone have endured you drift off into a light sleep. 
You woke at a few people walking in and out of the building they provided for all of you. One of the people heading to you was Ragnar accompanied by a woman. She wore a fine dress that was accompanied by fur, earrings hanging off of her ear lobes, her long hair framing her face. That must be Aslaug the queen of Kattegat. You stood as soon as you noticed them both, “It is very nice to finally meet you my Queen.” She reached out her hand for you to take and kiss her knuckles, something you did not like, Ragnar even took notice of this behavior and raised an eyebrow at the new change of behavior of her. “Anyway, there is a ship arriving, we think it may be one of your party’s?” He said with a questioning tone watching you start to rush for the door. They let you through them and out the door, they trailed behind you as you ran to the dock with joy that someone could have made it out of the storm. Looking out to the once harsh waves overcome with gray whipping waters that took lives of people you cared for holding a ship, now light blue and calm waves gently lapping onto the shore. The ship was too far to make out the emblem on the sail that rested on the mast of the ship. Taking a seat on the edge of the dock the Queen and King of Kattegat reach up to you. “I told you I think, It’s too far out to tell just yet, but we aren't expecting any visitors.”  Time seems to pass slowly as the ship makes its way over to you. As soon as you can see the emblem your eyes teared up. It was more survivors, you let so a breath of air you didn’t even know you were holding. As the ship docked and people started getting off you looked around to each and everyone of them, but despised your hope you did not see your Earl. Your heart sunk with disappointment as you knew what needed to be next, someone else to lead them in this fragile time. That someone had to be you, she has always told you to protect and serve everyone as best as you can. Turning to Ragnar who was busy with telling a few other people how to aid the new people of Kattegat. You walked up to him wanting to speak about everything including the lands in your Earls name. “Ragnar?” Aslaug looked at you thrown off by your use of his name so casually instead of using his title. He turned to you with a smile, “(Y/n)? Did you find your Earl?” He questioned you with hope lingering in his voice. “No, and that is what I would like to speak to you about. She had a farm with a few houses right outside of Kattegat. I would like them to be put in my name?” You didn’t mean to sound so questioningly but it just managed to come out that way. Maybe it was the nerves that build up in your body at the thought of having to lead people. Ragnar’s voice took you from your thoughts and concerns that come with the position of being a leader. “Yes we can speak about that in a while, let's have the new arrivals taken care of and I have some other business.” He confessed turning to Aslaug to walk back with her. You watched them walk away as you led others into the building holding your people. You smiled as you watched families reunite taking each other in an embrace with warm hellos. Once people started to calm down from the happy greetings, you stood on a chair to address them, the chair creaking slightly as you did so. A few people noticed you climbing the chair and turned to you. “ I am afraid there is no sign of Earl (name) , no other ships have yet arrived nor anyone else to wash up on the shore.” The rest listened and looked at you while you spoke about what had happened. You informed them as they all grew worried for the people lost in the depths of the ocean worried they would never see them again. “But we will continue on and keep her memory alive, for she has given us this chance, we will thrive here as a community for one another.” You explained getting down from the chair seeing as you have everyone’s attention. Speaking made you nervous but with the people you grew up around, and with you felt more at peace speaking to them, like it was a second home waiting for you. “We will head to our lands and once settled I will have your personal lands in your own names, it may take a while to get established because this is the first time I had to do anything like this,” You confessed slightly laughing at the nerves of this new experience, as you made your way around the room full of people, picking up your few items. “If you are too injured to join us now that is fine, stay here and rest up the rest of us should go.” A few people stayed behind but the majority of people came with you to the decent sized farm with wagons and supplies to help everyone to live their new life. 
The farm was more beautiful than you expected, the buildings carved with intricate designs showing character, the main farm having a carved serpent's head on the pitch of the roof. Fields surrounding all of the buildings littered with a few trees. It was more than you could ever hope for, a home you could finally live in some peace. You got settled in one of the smaller cabins seeing as you were by yourself, and others needed the space for their large family. The small cabin was a little ways away from the rest, sitting on top of a hill, a stone path leading you inside your new home. The cabin you picked was open with a small dining table, two benches, a bed on the opposite side with a hearth in the middle to keep you warm. Happy with your new home, you go to open the door to go explore the rest of the land and to see how people are settling in. As soon as you opened the door you jumped back startled by Ragnar standing there with his hand raised to knock. “Oh-” You said as he tried to speak at the same time. “Sorry I-” You both pause as Ragnar begins to smirk, almost chucking to himself. “I didn’t mean to scare you, you frighten easily.” He comments as his smirk grows on his face. “You didn’t frighten me, just took me by shock when- no what are you doing here?” You lost your train of thought of defending yourself to wondering why he was here so soon thinking he would have taken a few days to take care of his own business. “I was able to sneak away to discuss the land issue and some other things,” Puzzled by the mention of other things you step aside to let him in. “I haven’t had the chance to start the fire or even candles I just got in,” you explained gesturing to the room of the cabin. “I thought you would have taken the main building for your own, seeing as you're going to lead them.” He says moving to the hearth quickly starts the fire. As he started the fire you sat down on one of the beaches resting near your table. The flame quickly grew with flickers filling the room with some much provided heat. He took the bench across from you as you spoke, “Well no why would I when I don’t need that much room?” Speaking with genuine confusion. He studied you as you spoke like he was trying to figure you out in some way. “Wouldn’t you want all the lands in your name?” He asked you, confused still why you wouldn’t take the best for yourself. “Well no-” You started as you looked from the table back to him, not much else to keep you occupied as you spoke to Ragnar. “I want this cabin and enough farming land to sustain myself and make a profit off of it to live, but I would like everyone to have their own lands in their own names, they are free people and that's what my Earl would want.” You want to stay true to her plans as much as you can, no matter how difficult or if it takes your life, providing them with a life you always would want is the least you can do for her. Ragnar looked as if he solved a puzzle when you spoke to him watching you move your hands as you speak, “Ah so you are very loyal to her.” He commented with a smirk proud to be able to start putting the easy parts of you together. Of course he was trying to figure you out, if you were to lead people under him you two should get to know each other. Or seeing as he is the king of Kattegat, your king. “Why should I not be? If it wasn’t for her actions or kindness I wouldn’t be here or possess any of the fighting skills I have today, or be here to lead the others in a new start.” You reminded him all you owe to her for giving you this life, and saving other’s lives as well. “I should watch you fight sometime, or I can teach you a few things.” His smirk only grew wider on his face as he spoke to you. Not sure if his tone was flirtatious or teasing you quickly spoke without much thought. “Or I could teach you a few things,” You teased back at the king with a smirk of your own on your lips. His grin turned into a full blown smile with an eyebrow raised. Maybe it was a bit flirtatious after all. “Oh the shieldmaiden from far away will teach me a few things will she?” He leaned towards you, his gaze moving over your body as he spoke. You smile back at him with confidence in your voice. “Oh I know I can.” He chuckled as he stood walking to the door, his hand grabbing the handle before he told you. “Have the names with what land exactly and I will have the rest taken care of, I expect to be taught a few things when you come by.” His eyes looked you over like a hungry wolf, or you sore he did as he left. “Definitely.” You said to him as he left, hearing him chuckle one last time before the door shut. Laying on your new bed you thought about what all has happened in the last two days, was Ragnar always like this with everyone or was there something more to it? He was a married man, yet has left the famous shieldmaiden Lagertha for another woman he didn’t know. Your thoughts slowly faded away as exhaustion overtook you, perhaps next time you will get a few more answers. 
The days slowly passed as you haven’t seen the King since your encounter in your little cabin. You passed the time by getting your farmland ready for the next plant and trying to help the others with theirs as well. After a week you feel confident enough to leave the others to themselves for a while while you explore Kattegat. The town was much larger than you were used to, busy with people in the streets conversations and smells of food filling the air as you pass by. The goal of your trip is to find a few things to make your home feel more like yours, as well you lost most of your clothing in the storm. The vendors had everything you could imagine and then some, you tried to pass over the food vendors as tempting as they were, you wanted to only get things you needed. After passing a few vendors you find one full of clothing with golden jewelry scattered across a table. You took your time looking at the items of clothing not sure what to get or all to grab. They had an array of dresses, tunics pants and even some leather armor. After spending some time picking out a few beautiful dresses, and a few spare clothes for work, you look at the armor disappointed you have lost yours. You study the armor taking it into your hands, it was rough and thick like a bores back. It was black with a dark brown adoring it with a raven right on the heart. You move your thumb over the leather raven attached to the armor thinking for a moment. ‘Would you be able to make a set that's custom to me? Your stitch work and leather craft is amazing. I would love to have some.” You looked to the merchant as you spoke about getting armor for yourself. “Yes I would be able to if you paid in advance,” The merchant spoke softly, their voice aged by years. You set down your items in front of her gently with a smile. “Great, I would like these as well.” After the woman has finished discussing your armor and the specifics you want, you grab the bag you brought once empty now full of clothes. You put the strap over your shoulder as you turn back to the street to be met with Ragnar leaning on the pole of the merchant's shop. “A Valkyrie should be adorned with gold jewelry too,” He comments standing up moving to the table with the jewelry. You got confused for a moment for one, how did he find you here and how you didn’t notice him, and two what he was speaking about. “What could you mean? I don’t need it and I am definitely not a beautiful Valkyrie.” You said, rolling your eyes as he picks up a necklace with a round golden pendant with a raven carved into the precious metal. “We both know that's not true.” He stepped behind you with the necklace with one hand, using the other to gently pick up your hair. “Hold your hair.” He spoke softly right behind your ear, he was close enough for you to smell him, the ocean, woods, and fire, you never knew someone to smell quite like that. You took your hair into your hands as he put the necklace onto you. “It would be a shame to have a beauty walking around without something as precious.” He still spoke into your ear, his hands leaving the back of your neck leaving the necklace behind. The words and actions of this arrogant king left you blushing in the stand for a moment, as you turned to him you noticed him tossing a coin to the merchant. “I can pay-” You started to say before Ragnar waved his hand to you as he spoke, interrupting your protest to pay for the necklace. “No never, it is a gift from me, you will never have to pay me in any way for what I do.” He had a smirk on his face as he noticed the blush across your cheeks winking at you. “I see you don’t hate it.” His voice had a slight teasing tone to it letting you know the heat on your cheeks is visible to others and with that smirk it only grew. “What are you doing here?” You asked him as he turned to the street to continue looking at the vendors, you followed after him. Many of them are clothes in this area, the next area tools and equipment “This is my home. I should be asking you that.” He chucked at you confused how he randomly popped up. That chuckle seemed so innocent to what he is doing to you, making you blush this way. “Ok then how did you know I was here?” You asked him to walk next to him, smiling at his chuckle. You wondered if he watched you or had others tell him about you due to his curiosity. “ Well simple, I didn’t know. I simply saw you after getting a few things for myself.” You rolled your eyes at his answer, not satisfied, maybe it was random and not him seeking you out. “Ok well then why did you get me a necklace?” You said gently touching the raven pendant fiddling with it in your fingers. He turned into another small shop as he spoke with you trailing besides him. “Simple I wanted to.” You now realize getting answers from this man is like pulling teeth, teeth from a rabid dog impossible and stupid. You simply punch his shoulder with a small laugh at his antics. “I am serious, I want to know if you treat everyone like this or if you're giving me special treatment?” You egged on wanting to know if he is truly just this charming or if he is treating you any different. He picked up an item before looking at it and putting it down and moving to the next, then the next. “Ragnar.” He turned to you and put down the item of clothing. “I don’t treat everyone like this, I am not quite so friendly all the time.” He teased you with his tone of voice, watching your face for your reaction. “I can bite.” He teases watching you with that signature smirk. You are not too sure about this behavior to you, and what to think about this man. Was he just flirting with you to tease you or was it something more? He was inches away from your face watching your reaction to his words. You were just confused and flustered by this man's actions. Looking up at him he seems satisfied that you're flustered at his words. “Could we speak sometime? If we can, you can just meet me at my place.” You said trying to hold yourself together then quickly turning away from Ragnar to leave. Ragnar didn’t stop you amused by your reaction watching you walk away. He has never met a woman quite like you, everyone wanted him yet you, only you had him in a trance. 
Once you made your way back to the settlement you have grown to know as the first home you love, you stopped on the way to a good friend of yours, Moeiour. She has always been a support system for you when you have a hard time, as well you help her whenever she may need. You knock on the wooden door nerves overtaking your body about what has happened. She soon opened the door looking at you with a small babe in hand cooing. She smiled right at you and let you in. “(Y/N), sorry I haven’t seen you yet you know with him it's always busy.” She starts off as she sits down in a chair resting by a fire. “No, don't even I should have come over sooner I’m sorry Moeiour, but I do need your help with a few things. How much do you know of this place?” You ask as you sit down in a chair besides her watching her face light up as you asked. “Yes! I actually do because my mother was from here and never actually left so we have caught up over the past few days. You would not believe the drama here if I told you.” She spoke quickly, eager to gossip with you about all she has learned. She has always been this bubbly personality. You knew her mother was from somewhere and chose to stay instead of moving with her ex husband and two kids, at the time it seemed like the best idea for them. “Like what? I really need to know about Ragnar Lothbrok.” You confessed to the kind woman next to you butterflies taking off in your gut. She smiled and looked at you with excitement you didn’t understand where it came from. “You mean the King? King Ragnar?” She asks, her smile only growing as you internally die at the fact you're using his name casually, after all he is a king you should be addressing him as instead of a common man. “Yes, that's the one, King Ragnar forgive me for not leading with that.” Your voice trailed off as you spoke, embarrassment creeping up on you. “Something is up you would have said King if you didn’t meet him like any other king but you addressed him as just Ragnar. Tell me what has happened.” The blush on your cheeks gave you away as you tried to sink back into your chair to disappear from her gaze. “I know so much! Ok so first he had a first wife and two kids, he lost one sadly, and out on a trip he meets this other woman right. So this other woman and him are only together for this short trip and his first wife finds out about it, then nothing happens for months then suddenly she shows up.” You blinked a few times knowing he had two wives but not sure the reason why. “Well what happened?” You inquired trying to get her to continue speaking. “Pregnant. Then his first wife left with their son, he married her and now they have 4 sons.” You took a moment to take all of this information in and simply said. “He's blessed.” She snickered at your reaction and pushed your shoulder. “Why do you ask? Have you met him?” She asks once again excited about the gossip. “I thought he was flirting with me, so he bought me a necklace and put it on.” You confessed after a few moments of being quiet. “What do I do? I never even looked in a man's direction and now that he is here my gaze is only on him.”  You put your face in the palms of your hands with a groan. “The gods hate me and want me to suffer a terrible fate, I know it. I will die out of embarrassment.” Your friend lightly rubbed your back with caring shushes. “No no (Y/N) they love us and they love you I just know it. Why else would Odin's descendant look your way?” She teased with a slight snicker at your groans. “What?” You looked up at her with an eyebrow raise dumbfounded at this statement. “Did I not mention that?” Surely the gods hate you for this is a game to watch you suffer at the entertainment of their own. “I need to drink” You simply replied to her while removing your palms from your face. She chuckled at your comment and stood up calling to her husband to take care of their child. He came in with a smile to take their son waving a hello to you. “I'll accompany you and get your mind off of the beast hm?” She says hitting your shoulder as her husband takes their kid from her arms, causing a groan come from you. “That would be better than drinking by myself, and don’t ever say beast again.” You admitted standing heading for the door. She followed you back to your cabin as the sunshine slowly turned into dusk littering the sky with stars. You spent the rest of the night drinking and making jokes with Moeiour, your thoughts of Ragnar out of mind. Well that is until there is a knock on your door in the middle of you two drinking. “Hold on hold-” You opened the door with a wide grin laughing back at your friend at your drunken antics, only to turn to the door and stop laughing realizing who stood in your doorway. Ragnar stood there in a dark tunic with the v neck laced with cord but not pulled shut, leaning on the frame as he looked down at you. Your friend quickly stood to try and greet him properly but fell as soon as she got up, causing you two to laugh again like drunken fools. Your friend eventually stood and simply said. “It looks like it's time for me to go. My husband is yelling my name. Nice to meet you.” You waited a beat to listen to the crickets chirping with not much else making noise at this time of night. You stepped aside, allowing Ragnar in as you spoke. “No you don’t!” you laughed at her making her escape with a few hiccups trailing behind your yells at her. “Well I hear him.” She shoots back at you while she leaves, closing the door behind her. You loved her but angry she left you alone with Ragnar. “You sir can’t keep doing this.” You said turning to Ragnar pointing a finger at him. “I know what you're doing.” You started on about, swaying slightly cheeks red from being obviously drunk. He held up his hands with a smirk and a fake shocked look for a moment. “What? Me? I am not doing anything.” He says trying to act innocent of any wrong doings. “You are, and you know it. You have a wife yet you treat me as if you're trying to swoon me.” Your sentence was interrupted by a few hiccups in between words. Ragnar didn’t speak for a moment instead he took a seat on your bed, his gaze off of you for a moment then back to you. “We do not love each other, I do not love that woman for neglecting my children and they almost lost their lives, due to her lust.” He admits watching you stand slightly swaying still not too sure if you would remember this encounter. “She hasn’t loved me longer, I was always gone on raids and she found someone else to comfort her.” As he spoke you walked to him and took a seat right by him, offering him a cup of mead. “We all have been through storms, we all came out stronger.” You said after he took the cup, not sure what else to say. “I don’t understand why we are still together, besides that’s what's best for the kids.” He took the cup of mead in one drink, downing it all after he spoke. “Cheating, seeing your parents fight, learning that's what love is, is best?” You said not really thinking about what you were saying first. He took your words in for a while enjoying his drink as he thought and sat with you. You wondered what he could possibly be thinking about and why he was here. Maybe this wasn’t the time to have this conversation, but if not now then when?  “You're right in the end. I don’t want them to treat their wives like this, cheat on them and abuse their trust. It isn’t the best feeling in the world.” He chuckles at his own pain getting up to refill his cup, as he poured the mead into his cup he held it up. “Need anymore? It does seem like you don’t but I have learned to never challenge a powerful woman.” An involuntary smile appeared on your face at the mention of a great fighter thinking you're powerful, or even referencing you as such. “I am fine thank you.” The hiccups have died down from your throat now. He rejoined you on the bed with his cup in hand. “They say our fates are decided.” You started falling back onto the bed drunk enough to not care about sitting up on your own. “I don’t think they are if you are unhappy, take matters into your own hands and change things, no matter how small they may be.” You stare up at the ceiling of your cabin trying to keep focus on the topic at hand. “No one deserves to be unhappy with their life, and you're a king! It is a lot easier for you to have a change than most.” You two sat there in silence for a while while he enjoyed his drink. It felt like an eternity to Ragnar before he spoke again. “You're right.” That was probably the only time he has admitted someone else was right. Too bad you were sound asleep to hear it, he took notice of this and made sure to cover you with a blanket. “Goodnight (Y/N).” He said softly to not wake you up from your slumber, leaving shortly after.
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