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Murderous Love Chapter IV
(WARNING: This fanfiction has themes of Suicidal Ideation, Suicide itself, Self harm, Sexual Assualt, Murder, Extreme Bullying and Humiliation and a lot of Mental Illness related content and is NOT appropriate for children and the faint of heart. If you are under 18 or may be triggered by the content of this fanfiction please do not read this.)
Motochika’s POV
Myself and Mitsuhide were relaxing in our mini studio apartment that his parents made for us so that we can live independently while we are minors.
Tomorrow our fight to get Da Ji charged and convicted of sexual assault and distribution of Child Pornography and Loki and Ares charged and convicted as accomplices to Da Ji begins.
I knew Odin and Zeus would not take us putting those three in jail laying down. Mitsuhide was scared, he knew his life would become worse if those three are acquitted of those charges. Thankfully Dousan, Noh’s father is the best lawyer we have and has given us a no win no fee guarantee because he knew that due to Zeus and Odin being rich bastards, we may not get the outcome we want.
I hugged Mitsuhide tightly while singing to him, hoping that my singing would soothe him. I then noticed that Mitsuhide was not calming down at all, he then looked at me saying
“Hide the blades, medication and long cords. Now.”
When I heard that I let go of Mitsuhide and went to do so. I’m so glad Mitsutsuna taught me what to do when Mitsuhide ends up having a manic episode or a depressive episode. I then looked at Mitsuhide asking “Anything else?”
Mitsuhide nodded “My wallet.”
I nodded and hid his wallet as well. I then walked to my beloved and hugged him “I love you, I won’t leave you, you’re a god amongst men, you’re the strongest guy I know, you’re an absolute badass, you’ve survived so much and you’re still here, I’m so proud of you”
Mitsuhide rested his head on my chest smiling. I wasn’t told to tell Mitsuhide nice things about him, I just added that to combat the intrusive thoughts that might come up as he deals with this episode, such as feeling unworthy of anything great in life. He looked at me smiling
“I’m so sorry for having that episode.” He spoke,
I looked at him weirdly before saying “Don’t be sorry for something that is not in your control.”
Mitsuhide looked down “No one wants to hire me so I can’t get a job and I don’t want to rely on my parents to get my medication…”
I soon became worried. I looked at him before letting go of him “I just need to ask your father when dinner is ready”
I then walked out of our studio apartment and towards Mitsutsuna saying “Hey sooooooo I found out why Mitsuhide is having these episodes. He doesn’t want to rely on you to get his medication, even though he knows that you and your wife are more than happy to help him…”
Mitsutsuna froze “Wh-What? O-Oh my god!”
He then picked up his phone and called Ritsuko (Mitsuhide’s mother).
Mitsutsuna then said “So, Mitsuhide has not been taking his medication for his bipolar and his depression…
He doesn’t want to rely on us to get it for him…
I know we had that conversation with him that we’re his parents and if we can’t get him the medication he needs then we don’t deserve the honour of parenthood…
Please just get the medication for him, I’ll have a chat…
Motochika managed to get him to talk about whether or not he’s getting his medication…
Okay, I’ll do that for you”
He then hung up the phone and looked at me saying “Thank you so much for telling us this.”
I nodded “It’s okay, if we can at least get him on his medication for the duration of the Trial we can manage his condition as the trial goes on.”
I then walked back to our mini apartment, Mitsuhide looked at me saying “You told them didn’t you…”
“I’m sorry honey, I had to, they want to help you, please let them help you.” I replied.
I hugged him tightly before Ritsuko arrived and handed me the medication. “Thank you Motochika, I think you’re the man that my son needed.”
I nodded and accepted the paper bag.
It was the day the trials of Da Ji, Loki and Ares began.
I stood by Mitsuhide’s side as we made our way into the court room. Da Ji glared at us as the evidence was presented.
Soon it was Dousan’s turn to present evidence. He walked to the whiteboard and projector and turned it on soon revealing the Instagram post made by Da Ji that had the photo of Mitsuhide naked lying on the dingy bathroom floor.
Loki, Ares and Da Ji were held back as Dousan revealed the evidence and explained the statements given by myself, Mitsuhide and the school staff who found us in the bathroom.
The trial lasted for about five days and Judge Orochi sent the Jury out to discuss what the verdict is going to be, as we waited for the verdict Loki looked at Mitsuhide saying
“Now you’ve fucking done it, how much attention do you fucking want you whore!”
I blocked Mitsuhide’s ears when Loki opened his mouth to talk.
We then saw the Jury enter the courtroom again and the jury Forewoman Tamamo was asked if Loki was guilty or not guilty.
Tamamo replied “Loki and Ares had the majority vote of not guilty of all charges. While I have voted guilty I believe there has been some form of bribery going on that I do not know about. As a result for the sake of the members of the jury who are sympathetic towards the victim the least the courts should do is grant him the restraining order.”
“OBJECTION BITCH!” was heard, I looked in the direction the voice came from to find that it was Loki, he then looked at the judge saying
“Your Honour, I do not believe that Akechi Mitsuhide should be applying for a restraining order against myself and Ares, the three of us are all minors and there is no need for a kid to be applying for a restraining order against other kids, I believe he is doing this for attention, he imagined everything, that Instagram post is fake and we will take legal action if you allow the restraining order to go through!”
Orochi slammed the podium saying “ORDER IN THE COURT! Mr Loki Asgardian you have spoken enough, do not argue with our jury members again. Tamamo, my apologies for the interruption. Do you find Da Ji guilty or not guilty of the Sexual Assault charges and Child Pornography Charges?”
Tamamo replied “We have found Da Ji guilty of Sexual Assault and Production and distribution of child pornography, however, the majority recommends mercy.”
I saw Tamamo roll her eyes, I could tell that she has tried to get us the justice we deserve.
Orochi looked at everyone saying “Loki Asgardian and Ares Olympus are acquitted of all charges and I sentence Da Ji to four months in juvenile detention” he then grabbed the hammer and hit the hammer puck to make the sentence final.
Mitsuhide soon started crying but these tears are not happy ones, they’re tears of sadness and anger.
Orochi looked at me with a sullen look saying “I’m sorry, this is the best I can do…”
Four months for raping Mitsuhide then taking a photograph of him in the nude without his consent and posting it on the internet is unbelievable! What do we get!? Stuck with the trauma and having those assholes smiling like fucking crazy because they got away with it.
“Mr Chosokabe?” I heard that which brought me back to reality, I turned around still carrying Mitsuhide bridal style.
The person calling out to me was Tamamo. She walked to me and handed me a folder “Here. I have made it a rule that any communication between the prosecution or defence and the jury must be screenshot and sent to me. If you do anything rash that could get you in bigger trouble with the law these might help you justify it. These are all of the messages from the defence bribing the majority of the jury to give a not guilty verdict or if it has to be a guilty verdict to prevent suspicion recommendation of mercy.”
Mitsuhide took the folder while I had tears in my eyes said “Thank you so much, you’re so sweet”
Tamamo giggled saying “Don’t thank me, thank Kaguya, another juror for bringing this up. She was suspicious of the defence for a while and was a bit annoyed that she wasn’t the jury forewoman, I told her that if she needed to talk to me about what was happening in the court I am happy to listen. This was what she presented. Good luck taking matters in your own hands, I will be supporting you from afar.”
I nodded as we walked to the car. I placed Mitsuhide in the middle back seat, he put his seatbelt on as I sat next to him.
Hades was driving us as he was given a note by Mitsuhide’s parents stating that they are unable to bring us to the courthouse. When Hades got in the car he then screamed loudly “FUCK YOU ZEUS YOU PIECE OF SHIT! I FUCKING HATE YOUR GUTS! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE WHY THE FUCK MUST THE WORLD LET YOU BE SO PRIVELEGED THAT YOU COULD JUST FUCK UP A FUCKING TRIAL LIKE THAT YOU FUCKING PERVERTED PLAYBOY ASSHOLE I HOPE YOU FUCKING ROT IN HELL!”
I blocked Mitsuhide’s ears as Hades screamed. When he was finished Hades looked at us with tears in his eyes saying “I’m calling your parents and asking if I can take you two somewhere for icecream and shopping to cheer you up.”
He then did so, explaining the situation, thankfully both my and Mitsuhide’s parents approved of this before we could leave a guy with silver hair and aqua streaks in his hair got in the car and looked at Hades and kissed his forehead saying
“Hey Hades, baby, what’s wrong?”
Hades looked at the guy saying “My younger brother is a privileged asshole Yang Jian… he made my mental health client lose his court case…”
Yang Jian kissed Hades’ forehead again saying “I’m guessing a repeat of us when we were sixteen? Everyone pulled the ‘they didn’t know better they’re only little’ garbage?”
Hades nodded he then said “I have asked my client and his boyfriend’s parents if I could take them out for ice cream and shopping to cheer them up. If you want you can go somewhere else while I do this”
Yang Jian looked at Hades saying “which client is it?”
“Akechi Mitsuhide” Hades replied.
Yang Jian replied “You referred Mitsuhide to the place I work for and they chose me to be his mental health support worker. This is the perfect opportunity to get to know him, even if I spend the entire time with him in silence, building rapport does not require talking at the first instance.”
Hades nodded before turning on the ignition and driving to the next town over. I’m willing to assume to keep us away from Ares and Loki so we can have some time to breathe and be happy before we get thrown through the gauntlet of bullying for trying to throw people in jail.
When we got to the mall Yang Jian looked at us asking Mitsuhide “Hey, is it okay if we just spend time together just you and me? Hades will look after Motochika for you.”
I looked at Mitsuhide who replied “O-Okay b-but if we see those two no ifs, whats or buts, I’m finding Motochika and staying with him.”
Yang Jian nodded “I understand, I want to make sure you’re comfortable and safe.” Mitsuhide put the folder in my satchel, grabbed his Lapras plush doll and his handbag and went with Yang Jian while I stayed with Hades.
I looked at Hades asking “’A repeat of us when we were sixteen’? Are you saying that this has happened before!?”
Hades nodded sadly “Yes. Not to this scale, but my parents never approved of Yang Jian, they acted like Yang Jian was a bad influence on me. I wanted to pursue a career in mental health, so did he.
My parents wanted an accountant. But because of the fact that my parents hated Yang Jian, Zeus gets to be a dick to me and not get in trouble for it.
Which sucked… and it also sucks knowing that he gets to get away with letting his son and his friends do what they want with light consequences…”
I nodded and we went to a musical instrument store because I wanted to get a new shamisen.
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Murderous Love Chapter III
(WARNING: This fanfiction has themes of Suicidal Ideation, Suicide itself, Self harm, Sexual Assualt, Murder, Extreme Bullying and Humiliation and a lot of Mental Illness related content and is NOT appropriate for children and the faint of heart. If you are under 18 or may be triggered by the content of this fanfiction please do not read this.)
Mitsuhide’s POV
It was about one o’clock in the afternoon and my father has taken Motochika and I to the police station to put in our statements and if it’s possible apply for Victim Compensation for myself not only for my previous sexual assault incident and the one that had occurred at school.
The police officer taking on this case Susano’o had us in his office which has been soundproof just in case the perpetrators find out that we have gotten the police involved, we can be protected.
“So, you and your partner have been taken to an abandoned bathroom and locked in there with the offender who proceeded to sexually assault you while your partner was restrained and unable to help you… is that correct?” Susano’o said,
I nodded replying “yes. Is there a possibility that along with the charges that I am pressing on the three, I would like to get a restraining order on them, if I can’t get one on all three, I want one on Da Ji at least?
I don’t feel safe anymore and due to what has happened yesterday as well as all of the bullying that I have had to endure, dropping out of school is looking very promising at the moment.”
Susano’o has added the bullying to my statement and got Motochika and I to sign our statements to confirm that the information we gave is true and remembered to the best of our ability.
My father looked at Susano’o saying “If this went to court, I would like to be informed so that I can arm myself with legal counsel.”
Susano’o nodded took my father’s name and phone number and we then left. During that appointment with the police, I have cried on occasion because I had to relive my past, thankfully Motochika was there to comfort me.
I was at school, talking to Motochika and Noh about Elizaveta Heridervary and her history videos before we were interrupted by Zeus Sensei and Odin Sensei.
Zeus Sensei rudely barked “Akechi, Chosokabe! My office! Now!” Motochika and I nodded and as we walked to Zeus Sensei’s office, I held Motochika’s arm scared of what could happen.
Hades noticed this and stopped Zeus Sensei and Odin Sensei saying, “I know why you’re acting the way you are towards these two students but what you tell them…” Hades then clenched his teeth and said through his teeth.
Zeus Growled saying “You don’t have the right!” before making us go to his office with him and Odin Sensei.
Hades was following us but before he got the chance to get inside Zeus’ office Odin slammed the door in his face and locked it. I shivered. Odin then sat in the spare office chair while Zeus sat in his own office chair.
Odin looked at me saying “Do you know why you’re here?”
I shook my head, Zeus laughed mockingly before saying “Trying to put Ares in prison, I, see?”
“Not just Ares, Loki and Da Ji have had the same threats thrown at them as well.” Odin said.
I teared up. I’m going to be bullied into dropping the charges I know it. I looked out the window which lead to the office hoping Principal Gaia would come and rescue Motochika and I before I snapped back to looking at Odin who slammed his diary on the table to get my attention before saying
“Drop the charges or I’ll make your school year a living hell and ensure you fail and be forced to repeat year eleven Akechi.
Chosokabe, you are to stay away from Akechi and stop trying to save him or else I will not hesitate to give you a two-month suspension!”
“NO, YOU WILL NOT!” was soon heard.
I looked behind me to find Principal Gaia and Hades standing in the office, Principal Gaia looked at Zeus holding the spare key to his office saying “Zeus, you are aware that I get to unlock your office door when I see fit! Oh, and Akechi and Chosokabe are protected from those threats! Hades has put in a request that if anyone asks Akechi and Chosokabe if they can talk to them privately and are on good terms with Loki, Ares and Da Ji, Hades reserves the right to be present. Since I’m the principal I approved of that request because Ares is your son Zeus and Loki is Odin’s son, that request applies to you. I would have let you two off, but Hades has disclosed that he has told you that its his right to protect these boys especially Akechi from pressure to drop charges, you two are not allowed to punish Chosokabe and Akechi for the duration of the legal proceedings. If they do the wrong thing in class, you are to report that wrongdoing to Nuwa, the year eleven co-ordinator and she will administer the punishment to fit the wrongdoing. Also, you two need to tell your sons that they need to face the consequences of their actions!”
Gaia walked to me saying “It’s okay sweetie, I won’t allow them to intentionally fail you just because you wanted to press charges on their sons. Noh told me that those teachers were very mean and didn’t let you three finish a conversation. Lets get you and Motochika out of here.”
I nodded having tears in my eyes as I left the office with Gaia, Hades and Motochika. As we exited the offices, I could see Gracia having a screaming contest with Da Ji, I heard her shout
“Can someone separate them before my sister dies of high blood pressure because of her screaming…” I asked.
Noh, Nobunaga and Ranmaru were standing with us eating popcorn while Nobunaga laughed “Naaaaaaah this is entertaining seeing sweet benevolent Gracia tear into Da Ji because she forced you to fuck her without your consent AND post a nude of you, which you did NOT give her permission to do so.”
I saw Hideyoshi walk by, I shivered, before we new it Hideyoshi walked to me with an open water bottle and poured it on my head, causing Motochika to get terribly angry and punched Hideyoshi in the face “Fuck off you dumb monkey!”
Hideyoshi laughed as I hid behind Motochika. He then pointed at me saying “Funny how you call me dumb, when you’re dating a fucking whore! I bet he liked it but screamed rape because he doesn’t want to be seen as a whore!”
I shook with both anger and fear, I was angry because Hideyoshi wasn’t there when I was being assaulted by Da Ji, Hideyoshi wasn’t there when Da Ji took a photo of me naked without my permission, however I was scared because already people are thinking that I liked it and that I’m a whore.
Motochika growled “what do you fucking know. You weren’t there, tied to a fucking pole unable to do anything to protect the one you love, unable to stop that terrible act from happening! So, if you value your fucking face shut the fuck up before I punch you, even though you would look better with a bunch of bruises though!”
Motochika hugged me protectively causing Hideyoshi to run.
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Murderous Love Chapter II
(WARNING: This fanfiction has themes of Suicidal Ideation, Suicide itself, Self harm, Sexual Assualt, Murder, Extreme Bullying and Humiliation and a lot of Mental Illness related content and is NOT appropriate for children and the faint of heart. If you are under 18 or may be triggered by the content of this fanfiction please do not read this.)
Mitsuhide’s POV
It was the next morning and I couldn’t sleep at all last night due to the nightmares that I have had of yesterday when Da Ji did those despicable things to me.
I went to the bathroom to have a shower and as I removed my bed Kimono, I looked at the scars on my arms, I was surprised that Motochika didn’t notice them at all.
I soon remember the Instagram post, the horrible things that were said to me by Loki and Ares and grabbed a small blade and began cutting my arms again. I continued until I heard the door open, I flinched and looked up to find Motochika with tears in his eyes.
I teared up “Wh-Why didn’t you knock?” I asked.
Motochika walked to me, grabbed my blade and threw it away from me and hugged me “I was worried, and I didn’t want to give you the chance to hide what was going on… Why? Why must a beautiful man like you have to cut his beautiful skin?”
I hugged him tightly and cried harder, I felt like I wasn’t worthy of this amazing man in front of me.
I then heard Gracia walk in asking why I was crying only to find the blade and looked at us “Motochika, please explain what the hell happened in here? NOW!”
I flinched; I never knew how protective Gracia is of me until now. Motochika looked at Gracia and said,
“I was in bed when he self-harmed, I woke up when I had a bad feeling about something and came here, I didn’t knock because that would have given Mitsuhide the chance to hide what he was doing. I saw him cutting himself when I entered, I knelt down, took the blade, and threw it across the room hence why you see it where it is right now. I asked him why he must hurt himself in such a way.”
Gracia teared up as Motochika explained this and went to grab the blade
“Thank you for stopping him. I’ll give father this and explain what happened. I’ll also be booking an appointment with Hades for oniichan and request his understanding if you need to be there as well.”
I hugged Motochika tightly as the two spoke. I then heard “Mitsuhide, you and Motochika are only going to go to school to attend the appointments with your school chaplain for the next month. I have spoken to the principal, and she has said that its okay and she’ll collect your schoolwork from your teachers so that you don’t fall behind in class. Thankfully, they do not believe in attendance rewards since attending school is the bare minimum and you two do more than the bare minimum.”
We looked up to find my father standing at the doorway, Gracia looked at our father “Do I have to skip school as well? Or can I go to collect the schoolwork?”
my father looked at Gracia “You still have to go to school Gracia. But I understand why you asked.” He said to her.
Gracia smiled “well I want to go because one, Koshosho is there and two Principal Gaia collecting the work is futile if you don’t have someone bringing it here.”
We all laughed at her statement. Gracia giggled “I’m glad you find that funny.”
Gracia and my father soon left the bathroom closing the door behind them. Motochika and I stood up and we went to have a shower together. I was a bit nervous; my body was petite and feminine looking minus the developed hips and the female breasts, because of this I’m a bit self-conscious as many people prefer men who are my height to have some muscle to them.
Motochika smiled “Come on, no need to hide yourself. You don’t need to be muscular. That’s my job. You’re the uke of our relationship, with that in mind, I think you’re perfect the way you are.”
I then walked towards Motochika before stepping into the shower and hugged him. He hugged back, smiling “Very huggy mood today huh. Don’t worry I’m not being mean, I’d rather this than you self-harming.”
I smiled “There is a difference to being mean and having a small giggle because of a strange habit.”
We then washed each other while I heard My parents and Motochika’s parents talking about us. As we were finished and got out of the shower to dry ourselves off, I then heard some noise coming from the basement which sounded a lot like construction work.
We got dressed and walked out of the bathroom, I saw my mother smiling saying, “I am proud to welcome my son in law into our household.”
I blinked before Motochika’s mother added “Motochika, because you’re needed here more than ever, myself and Mitsuhide’s mother have decided that it would be best if you live here until you and Mitsuhide can get a place of your own.”
Motochika teared up and hugged his mother saying “Thank you so much Okasan! I promise I’ll treat Mitsuhide like the prince he is!”
I realised what has happened and teared up, but this time these were happy tears. I was extremely happy, the man I love is living with me. I then heard my mother say,
“This arrangement cannot be carried out as of right now as we’re currently turning our basement into a studio apartment for the two of you so that you two can be a couple without us interfering, the only thing that will be required of you would be to sit with us during dinner, since you two already do that it’s not that big of an issue.”
We then walked to my room. Motochika laid on my bed happier than ever “Looks like we can be together more often.”
I smiled and hugged Motochika
“Yes. I think the spirits of the women from our past lives would be happy about this. No interference from any of our families.” I replied.
We then turned on the TV and my PlayStation 4 and flicked to YouTube, I saw an update from one of my favourite history YouTube channels ‘Elizavata Heridervary’ (Play on words, Heritage and Elizaveta’s last name Hedervary) posting about the tragic lives of Ayano, and Izumi I clicked on it smiling
“I want to watch this!” I said and we began watching the video.
“Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel, today I’ll be telling you about the Lady Samurai Ayano and her lesbian lover Izumi.
Akechi Sakura Ayano was born January thirty first, fifteen twenty-six to farmers Akechi Akane and Kanesada Zetsumei. She had an older brother named Takumi. Ayano’s childhood until she reached the age of sixteen wasn’t an eventful one. Her mother Akane spent time tending to the farm and going to the marketplace to sell her produce while her Father Zetsumei stayed home and took care of the children. Ayano wasn’t content with staying inside the house for long, so at the age of nine she started to help her mother on the farm even though in families who live on farms and have a strong farmhand, the average age children joining their mother’s on the farm was fourteen. She was a hard-working farmhand, and her mother was pleased. Ayano spent her free time from farming meditating, journaling, and training in the art of the sword. When Ayano reached the age of fifteen, she grew tired of farming and when she went out to the marketplace to collect some new clothes for her father and brother, she saw a cloth that was nailed onto the board where the missing persons posters, job vacancies, and other community related things would normally be. She took a closer look when she discovered that it was a request for students to attend the Lady Samurai Academy. She took the cloth down and placed it in her pocket, got the items her father has requested and walked back home. When she was home, she told her parents about the enrolment request from the Lady Samurai Academy and that she was interested in going. Zetsumei was supportive of his daughter’s decision, but Akane wasn’t as keen. She remembered being forced onto the battlefield and the horrible things she has seen, when Akane told the family her views Zetsumei had enough of Akane setting so many expectations on Ayano while Takumi was allowed to do what interests him and gave Akane an ultimatum, Let Ayano go to the Academy, or he files for divorce. Akane not wanting to cause any trouble for her baby boy relented and allowed Ayano to attend the academy. Ayano attended the academy until she reached the age of twenty-one and went to join the army of Saito Naomi. At first Naomi wasn’t interested in recruiting new retainers so Ayano went back to the Academy and spent one year teaching meditation and the benefits of journaling. In the year fifteen forty-eight when she reached the age of twenty-two, she tried again to join Naomi’s retainers, this time Naomi agreed on one condition however, her right-hand maiden, Takenaka Tsubasa, who is known to be a fierce warrior, is allowed to test whether or not Ayano was worthy of joining.
Chosokabe Izumi was born on the sixteenth of February fifteen thirty, just four years after Akechi was born, to hunters Chosokabe Yuzuki and Miyoshi Morinari. Her childhood was also an uneventful one, however whenever she went out to play with the other children, she was bullied, which caused her to stay home and read and teach herself medicine. Not much is known about the events of the rest of her childhood, until she reached the age of eighteen, when her grandmother Kinen sent her to the palace of Saito Naomi to train as a maid. Naomi was so impressed by Izumi’s knowledge of medicine that she allowed Izumi to work in the infirmary as well as her normal maid duties.
As Izumi walked to Naomi to acquire a new task for her to complete, she walked into the room where Akechi Ayano and Takenaka Tsubasa were duelling. Ayano was able to disarm Tsubasa, but the halberd flew towards Izumi, Ayano saw this, ran to Izumi, and pushed her out of the way, causing the halberd to pierce the ground instead. Ayano’s quick thinking saved Izumi’s life and shocked everyone in the room. Tsubasa commended Ayano for her deed and the two started another duel, while Naomi requested that Izumi stayed in the room to watch the duel. The duel ended this time Ayano was the victor. Tsubasa congratulated her and informed Naomi that Ayano is worthy to join.
During her employment as one of Saito’s Retainers Ayano and Izumi spent a considerable amount of time together. Yuzuki was impressed that her daughter was able to find someone with whom she can relate to and allowed the relationship to continue. Akane on the other hand wasn’t impressed that Ayano had expressed interest in the maiden and swiftly went to work securing a worthy male suitor for her daughter.
As Akane was searching for male suitors to arrange a marriage for Ayano, Ayano and Izumi had grown fond of each other, to the point of having a lesbian relationship. By the time Akane was able to secure a meeting with Naomi and her son Saito Naoko, Ayano’s relationship with Izumi became so intense that when Akane tried to arrange for Ayano to marry Naoko, Naomi objected the marriage, causing Akane and Ayano to have a heated argument. Historians have debated that Akane had said to Ayano “You don’t want to marry the prince because you’re in love with that lowly maid! She will never have my blessing!” and Ayano telling her mother that her mother’s views will not sway her, told her mother what she had done to her father and another man, disowning her own mother, and stormed off.
Ayano and Izumi spent more time together but were never able to marry due to Kinen’s homophobic views threatening to destroy Ayano’s Reputation. Izumi refused to marry her lover just to protect her as Izumi knew that if Kinen finds out about the marriage, she will destroy Ayano’s reputation as a respectful samurai until she dies as a disgrace and dishonourable woman. The two however were able to convince Ayano’s brother Takumi, to have intercourse with Izumi so that Ayano and Izumi were able to raise children. In the year fifteen fifty-three Izumi gave birth to a baby boy named Akechi Yao and two years later eleven days after Ayano’s twenty-ninth birthday and five days shy of Izumi’s twenty seventh birthday, Izumi gave birth to another baby boy, Akechi Kiku. Ayano and Izumi raised the two boys as best as they could as Ayano had to go away fighting on occasion. In fifteen seventy-one when their youngest son was sixteen Ayano along with her fellow retainers went to fight against Uesugi Echiko, a long-time nemesis of Saito Naomi. While Naomi was victorious in the first battle at Yamashiro, when Ayano was defending Yamashiro, she was outnumbered by Uesugi’s army and despite being able to fight most of them off, Ayano was inevitably captured. Echiko, impressed by Ayano’s skill in Military Strategy and her skill with the sword tried to convince Ayano to surrender and fight as an Uesugi Officer. Ayano refused, explaining to her that her heart and soul belongs to the Saito and that she cannot leave her lover and children behind. Echiko, a bit saddened by the rejection understood and was about to let Ayano go but the Uesugi retainers had informed Echiko that Ayano is dangerous to be left alive. As a result, Echiko had sentenced Ayano to death, Ayano pulled out a short blade, undressed until only her hakama remained, impaled herself in the stomach and sliced it open. For those who haven’t watched many of my Japanese History videos, this method of one taking their own life is named Seppuku, it is a ritual death in which Samurai perform to retain their honour. After the death of Ayano, Echiko beheaded her and sent her head along with a wooden sculpture of Ayano’s body to the Saito. The Reason Echiko didn’t send Ayano’s actual body over was because she was moved by Ayano’s sense of honour for herself, her clan and the clan in which she is a retainer of and because of that honour, Echiko felt that it was cruel to send Ayano’s body in the state that it’s in, so she only sent the head to give the Saito Clan some closure on what had happened to their beloved warrior.
When Ayano’s head and the body sculpture had arrived at the Saito, Naomi, Izumi and Ayano’s sons were beside themselves with grief. Naomi read the letter Echiko sent stating that she couldn’t bear to send the actual body as it has been battered and cut. Naomi placed Ayano’s head on the sculpture and the Saito Clan had a hero’s funeral for their departed general. Izumi after the funeral had written in a scroll that had said.
‘On the sixteenth year of our youngest son’s life, I have lost the one person who has expressed to me that I was a reason to fight and a reason to return home alive. Words could not express how much I love her, she was my strength when I felt weak, she was my sunshine in my darkest days, she made me laugh when I wanted to cry, she made me smile when I felt that smiling wasn’t possible at that moment, she called me beautiful when everyone deemed me ugly. She convinced her brother to help her give me two beautiful strong boys. Akechi Sakura Ayano wasn’t the hero I wanted, but the hero I needed.’
Izumi raised her teenage sons, her youngest, Kiku, who idolised his departed mother Ayano joined the ranks of the Saito Retainers at age twenty and had served Naomi and Naoko for sixty more years. In the year 1582 Izumi had news that her eldest son Yao had died to Jigai, another form of seppuku when he was taken hostage by the Uesugi. Izumi passed away at in the year sixteen hundred at the age of seventy.
Ayano Akechi and Izumi Chosokabe were buried in the same grave on the Akechi estate.
Ayano and Izumi’s story has lived on in a movie ‘The Proper Maiden and the Lady Samurai’ and these historical figures are featured in many video games, one notable one is ‘Oda no Musou’ which is a hack and slash game which features these figures and many others from that specific time period.”
Motochika and I had tears in our eyes as we listened to Elizaveta talk about Ayano and Izumi’s lives we then watched the end part of the video as we wiped our tears and cleared our minds of the tragic story.
“Hello again, Elizaveta here again. Before I finish this video off, I thought I might mention some things about this story and my format of telling it. I apologize to my Japanese viewers if I have butchered your wonderful language and the names of these historical figures. I was once completing a history assignment on the Oda period and while I was having a break from the assignment, I did a bit of reading on Akechi Ayano, and I must say, it has intrigued me. So, when I got the chance, I did more research on the life of this honourable Samurai, I couldn’t find too much about her time on the battlefield as Ayano had served the Saito for a short time before being sentenced to death by Echiko. So, I thought I might do some research on what happened when Ayano wasn’t fighting and found information on Izumi, her lesbian lover. If you have any feedback, please leave a comment down below and if you want me to do a video on Akechi Kiku, Ayano’s youngest son, also leave a comment down below.”
I looked at Motochika saying “That is such a sad story.”
Motochika replied “I know, but Ayano and Izumi have been given another chance through us. We can do the things they couldn’t do, that’s the only way we can honour them.”
I nodded and rested my head on Motochika’s chest.
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Murderous Love Chapter I
(WARNING: This fanfiction has themes of Suicidal Ideation, Suicide itself, Self harm, Sexual Assualt, Murder, Extreme Bullying and Humiliation and a lot of Mental Illness related content and is NOT appropriate for children and the faint of heart. If you are under 18 or may be triggered by the content of this fanfiction please do not read this.)
Mitsuhide’s POV
I was at school waiting for Motochika to arrive. I heard the main school bully Loki talking with his friend that he would normally bring with him to bully others Ares about me, I teared up thinking about what they could be saying.
I have recently been diagnosed with depression and bipolar disorder thanks to the trauma from the bullying and being sexually assaulted by a grown woman as a child. They’re probably planning on doing something to trigger me for their own entertainment.
Before they could walk to me to torment me Motochika, my best friend and crush had arrived and hugged me from behind.
“How was your weekend Mitsuhide?” he asked, I blushed saying.
“It was good, Gracia dragged me out for ice cream with her best friend Ranmaru since they couldn’t spend time with their partners as Koshosho was working and Nobunaga was away on a family camping trip. I wanted to stay home and read…”
Motochika laughed “Afterschool we had an appointment with a psychic medium. I want to know who I was in my previous life, and yes you’re coming with, I have a feeling that in our past lives we were either very close family or lovers and I want to know if that is the case.” He spoke.
I blushed saying “Is it a bad thing that I hope that it turns out that we were lovers in our past lives?”
Motochika laughed a bit but before he could say anything Ares punched Motochika while I was dragged away from him by Loki, I screamed out for Motochika or someone to help but everyone turned a blind eye and Ares restrained Motochika and he couldn’t get the male to let go, Loki called out.
“Bring the emo! He needs to watch!”
Ares Laughed and both myself and Motochika were dragged to a bathroom that no one would use anymore as it was believed to be haunted.
We saw Da Ji waiting in the bathroom smirking, I shivered with fear, scared that I’ll be forced to relive my past when an older woman sexually assaulted me.
Loki ordered Ares to tie Motochika to the post that holds the paper towel holder. Loki smirked holding up a key and asked Da Ji.
“Let me know if you need some privacy!”
Da Ji grabbed my arm before I could even get the chance to free Motochika so that he could run and get someone to help us. I tried to escape her grip, but I heard her say something and a door slam and lock.
Motochika and I was trapped with this senior.
Da Ji removed her clothes while I tried to free Motochika before she grabbed me and removed my clothes slapping me when I screamed. Motochika tried to break free from the restraints as Da Ji had her way with me. I was screaming for her to stop but it was no use.
It has been half an hour and Da Ji reached her climax. I was laying on the floor at this point, having lost the will to fight her off. I looked at Motochika who was crying as he tried to break free from the restraints.
Da Ji grabbed her phone and took a picture of me. I called out to her.
“Delete that.”
Da Ji jeered at me “Demand anything and you’ll be forced to go round two!”
I whimpered as she was typing on her phone after she was finished, she smirked.
“We’re going to stay here! You don’t get to go to class for the whole day!”
I cried, I crawled towards my pants grabbing my phone and sent a text to my sister Gracia asking her for help and it sent my exact location. Before Da Ji could notice that I was sending messages for help I hid my phone in my pant pockets.
I then crawled towards the sink basin to get a drink of water because I was thirsty, but Da Ji dragged me away from the basin. I cried “Please… I need a drink of water, I’m thirsty!”
Da Ji laughed before we heard the door unlock and Loki opening the door “Hey Da Ji, your friend Himiko wants to spend the day with you. Don’t worry about these freaks, you probably exhausted the living hell out of the man-whore and his best friend is tied up so they wouldn’t be thinking about escape any time soon.”
Da Ji left and the door was shut and locked. I instantly took this opportunity to break Motochika free from his restraints, when I managed to break Motochika free he hugged me tightly.
“I swear when I see those basterds they’re fucking dead!”
He then grabbed some toilet paper and got me to wipe myself he then had me wash myself then he helped me get dressed as I was still slightly weak from earlier.
When I was fully dressed, we sat in the corner of the room and Motochika cuddled me tightly.
Three hours passed and we heard the door unlocked. Motochika got ready to kill only to calm down when the person who entered the room was a locksmith, my sister Gracia, my favourite teacher Hades, and the principal Gaia.
Hades noticed what happened and looked at Motochika “hey, it’s okay, I won’t hurt you."
“I have little concern for myself, I’m more worried about Mitsuhide!” Motochika replied.
I held the tissue that I had to wipe myself with asking “is there any zip lock bags I can put this in. Also, you might want to call the police...”
Hades shook with rage. Not only was Hades a teacher but he was also the school chaplain.
He looked at Gaia saying “I want these two in my office without any interference from the other students. And I want the police called. I have suspicions that something has happened and whoever the fuck did this isn’t finished yet.”
Gaia nodded and took Gracia to her office. Probably to nominate her for the school bravery award for getting help for me while Hades lead me and Motochika to his office refusing to let anyone near us.
When we were in Hades office, he looked at me saying “are you able to go into the kitchen and make yourself a coffee? I’ll be asking Motochika what happened as I do not wish to traumatise you further than you already are.”
I nodded and went to the staff kitchen and made myself, Hades and Motochika a hot drink. I heard what Motochika said to Hades about what happened this morning and I could hear Hades typing away at his laptop.
When I came back with a tray holding the hot drinks, I set the drinks down and sat next to Motochika and hugged him tightly. I said, “I feel more fearless against the things that traumatise me when Motochika is here.”
Hades nodded and handed me Motochika’s statement that he had printed out asking me to confirm it. I read it and this was what was written.
‘This occurred about five minutes after I arrived at school at 8:45am and met up with Mitsuhide and we were talking about our plans for when the school day ends. Loki and Ares then attacked us, restrained the both of us and took us to the bathroom in which Hades, Principal Gaia and Mitsuhide’s sister Gracia found us in.
I was then tied to a pole that used to hold the paper towel dispenser by Ares before myself and Mitsuhide was locked into the bathroom with Da Ji, who proceeded to sexually assault Mitsuhide while I was forced to watch.
I tried to break free from the bonds that kept me tied to the pole while this was going on. Mitsuhide tried to fight Da Ji off and get her to stop as he didn’t give consent and it’s forcing him to relive a horrible memory of his childhood, but Da Ji kept going, when she was finished Mitsuhide had no energy left.
She took a photo of Mitsuhide nude and threatened to sexually assault him again if he demanded that she delete the photo.
Mitsuhide snuck a text to his sister calling for help before trying to get a drink of water. Da Ji dragged him away and laughed when Mitsuhide pleaded her to let him get a drink of water.
Loki unlocked the door only to get Da Ji out of there because her best friend Himiko wanted to spend the school day with Da Ji.
When there was no one near or in the room Mitsuhide used the last of his mental strength at the time to free me and I helped him get cleaned up before holding him tightly stating that I will have my revenge.’
I looked at Hades and handed the paper back saying, “That’s correct, I want to put my own statement in as well, that way if the police want a statement from me, you’re prepared.”
Hades nodded, opened a new word document on his laptop and I gave my statement, including the horrible things that Loki and Ares were saying about me.
When I was finished Hades Printed my statement out, got me and Motochika to sign our statements stating that what Hades has written on those documents were true and Hades hasn’t made us say anything and merely typed them up so that there is a paper trail for the police.
Motochika heard his phone, so he checked it. It was a message from Magoichi one of his friends, I peered at the message out of curiosity and shook with fear when I read the message that said.
‘Hey Motochika? Is the picture Da Ji posted on Instagram of Mitsuhide? I reported it just in case it is and took a screenshot of the post just in case you need it.’
Motochika called Magoichi and put him on video chat, Hades was a bit confused by this before Magoichi said.
“SOOO I was checking my Instagram and I saw a naked picture of a feminine looking guy with long black hair looking rather distressed posted by Da Ji, I took a screenshot of the post and reported it to Instagram, is the guy in the picture Mitsuhide!? If it, is I’m forwarding it to the fucking police!”
I curled into a ball after letting go of Motochika and cried Motochika looked at his phone saying, “I think the background noise coming from my end is the answer, can you please send me an email with that screenshot so I can print it and give it as evidence?”
Magoichi nodded “Sure! I just did as soon as you confirmed who it was. I can’t believe Da Ji would do that sort of shit!”
Motochika looked at Hades saying “Can I connect my phone to your printer and print out a screenshot one of my friends made of an Instagram post? I want Da Ji to be charged with child pornography, but I don’t want to put your job at risk.”
Hades nodded and Motochika printed the screenshot as well as a statement requesting that Magoichi is not to be charged as he was helping with the apprehension of the person who posted it. By the time we had all the paperwork and the tissue with mine and Da Ji’s DNA on it in a zip lock bag the police arrived and took them.
One of the male officers looked at me saying “I’ll protect you from those people who ask those horrible questions to try to indicate that you liked it.”
I looked at the officer smiling “Thank you.”
Motochika and I were then sent home. Motochika’s father wanted him to stay with me for as long as I needed and transferred some money to my father’s bank account so that my father can pay for the utilities and food that Motochika would use.
By the time we were home the psychic medium arrived at my house as well, myself, Motochika and the Psychic Medium went to my bedroom, and we began our appointment with them.
We did everything the Psychic Medium needed us to do in order to find out who we were in our past lives and then as if in a trance the psychic started writing something down.
I was curious but I had to stay calm while this was happening. It took the medium about an hour to finish writing and they gave us each a piece of paper detailing our past lives.
Motochika paid the money and the psychic medium left.
I looked at mine only to find that I was a castle maid to a Samurai Clan who fell in love with a Lady Samurai and had a lesbian relationship with said Samurai. I blushed before Motochika smirked.
“Turns out we were lovers in our past lives. You were the maid who wanted to become a medic for the soldiers while I was the Samurai who was going to be married off to the clan head’s son. And both the Samurai and the maiden were in love with each other.”
I hugged Motochika tightly “I’m so glad.”
I was madly in love with Motochika.
“I love you” I whispered, Motochika hugged back just as tightly saying.
“I love you too. I had developed feelings for you for a while. You’re a broken soul who needs someone to love them and fix them with gold to make the cracks stand out” I teared up as I heard this.
My father Mitsutsuna walked into my room and noticed us in the position we were in and awed at it.
“That’s adorable, Motochika, look after my son, my wife is very protective of him.” He spoke.
I was shocked as I looked at my father who said, “I would only not approve if I didn’t know the young man well enough, but since his father and I were high school friends, I have known him since he was born so I approve of your relationship with him.”
I blushed as my father left to make dinner. I looked at Motochika before hugging him feeling his warmth against my body.
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