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Water is wet
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not even a week of social distancing aND IM QUESTIONING MY SEXUALITY wHAT THE FUCKKK
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↖This blog will be screamer free on April Fool’s Day.
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chex mix tier list
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gonna be some awkward convos in the afterlife
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guys PLEASE do not start being like “fuck joe biden basically won the nomination” he LITERALLY did not. a candidate needs nearly two thousand delegates to win. biden currently has about 3 hundred and bernie has about 2 hundred. it’s literally still anyone’s game. the majority of states have yet to have their primary yet. chill
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peak stozier
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The troubles of homophobic parents, and trust me, there are plenty…
- It is the worst kind of unrequited love, the kind where they don’t know it is unrequited, the kind where they are your mother and father.
- You notice their homophobia more and more as you grow, and they basically force you to act like them to survive.
- They don’t understand that you are avoiding gay stuff because of how you feel when they make their homophobic remarks and not because you are trying to “protect your siblings” or the like.
- They say they’ll love you unconditionally, and you know that that is not true.
- When they start catching on, that you aren’t straight, they make it a point to use gender-specific terms when talking about dating and relationships.
- When you are dependent on these people to support you, and you are in their care, it is a danger to even slip up.
- And of course, when you are sad (or like me, when your depression kicks in hard) about the homophobia in your life, you can’t talk to them about it, because they care more about “gay being evil” than they do their child being happy. I feel for all of you with homophobic parents/family.
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I hate when someone LGBT+ has homo- and transphobic parents and people are like ‘but!! try to see it from their point of view!! it must be so hard for them!! It’s only natural to react like this!! just think about what they’re going through!!’ Like fuck you I’m not going to feel bad for people who put their own narrow minded beliefs over the wellbeing of their own child. I don’t fucking care about their point of view. If you have such a hard time opening up your mind maybe there’s something wrong with you, not with your child.
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Ok I know everyone constantly points out Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post but COME ON LOOK AT THIS
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I just really fuckin hate terfs
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today is the last day we can say that the book thief might possibly be alive
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