thebakerbuns · 4 months
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thebakerbuns · 4 months
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Tʜᴇ ᴛᴀʟᴇ ᴏғ Pᴇᴛᴇʀ Rᴀʙʙɪᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅs (1992)
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thebakerbuns · 4 months
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Bunny binkies! 🐇
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thebakerbuns · 4 months
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Something simple as a cooldown, have some bunnies!
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thebakerbuns · 4 months
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Messenger Bunny
"For very special deliveries!"
Ko-fi / Instagram
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thebakerbuns · 2 years
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Hazel Lincoln
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thebakerbuns · 2 years
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thebakerbuns · 2 years
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Beatrix potter quilt ♡
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thebakerbuns · 2 years
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Nina Kogan (1889-1942)
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thebakerbuns · 2 years
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"It is said that the effect of eating too much lettuce is 'soporific.' I have never felt sleepy after eating lettuces; but then I am not a rabbit." - Beatrix Potter ♡
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thebakerbuns · 2 years
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With Easter fast approaching with its spiked rabbit sales and subsequent spiked rabbit abandonment rates, I thought I’d use my powers for good by spreading some information I think everyone should know before they get their first bunny. I usually don’t want people reposting my art, but feel free to spread this one around! Reblogs are very, very appreciated. If you want more information about pet rabbits, you can for example check out rabbit.org. And remember: Adopt, don’t shop!
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thebakerbuns · 2 years
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Schinako Moriyama 🐇 Yellow, rabbits and flowers 🐇
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thebakerbuns · 2 years
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by Taiga 15
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thebakerbuns · 2 years
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by the sea 
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thebakerbuns · 2 years
What's In My Rabbit Emergency Kit
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Today I wanted to share with you what I keep in my emergency kit for my buns in case they get ill or if I need to do any grooming at home. If you are struggling to put together your own, hopefully this helps give you some ideas.
It's always handy to keep items like this on hand in case your buns get ill or if you need to do any grooming at home. Most of my homemade emergency kit is made up of left over medicine that I've had from when the buns have been poorly but it's great to have it on hand just in case anything comes back as medicine isn't cheap. Here are the other items that I have included in my kit.
I normally take my buns to the vet a couple of times a year to get their nails done as they can be so tricky and it only costs me £12 per rabbit but I do have nail clippers at home just in case.
I have the fur buster brush which is great when I need to groom the buns during malting season. Zaya recently suffered from stasis, I think caused by the heatwave we had here in the UK and some fur that was stuck in her tummy, so I always try to keep on top of their brushing. Malibu has the worst fur that is really fine and it literally gets everywhere. I was thinking about getting another kind of brush to help which I may leave until next year.
I don't use these very often but if I ever need to give the buns any food with medicine or critical care in a bowl I would use these as they are easy to wash and I don't mind them getting ruined.
I have a few body suits which were from when Zaya got spayed but even though they are XS, she still managed to wiggle her way out of them. I haven't used them since but I thought they could be handy for something if I ever needed them although I don't think they would fit Malibu.
I have picked up a couple more snugglesafe's to add to my collection so I can put them in different places. I put them under their water bowl to stop it freezing and some in spots where they like to sit.
When my buns went for a check-up at the vets, my girl Zaya has a small development of a sore hock from when they were on the concrete patio (before I moved them onto horse matting) and my vet recommended picking up some F10 Germicidal ointment in case it progresses which luckily it hasn't but it's always handy to have on hand.
My buns went through a phase of being quite poorly with Zaya going through stasis and having an infection around her mouth and Malibu having the snuffles, being medication quite a bit it didn't really help their stomachs and they needed to build up the friendly bacteria in their stomachs again so I picked up some Pro and Pre Biotic powder to put in their water to help them.
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I keep all of the buns left over medicine in my emergency kit just in case an illness comes back especially stasis or a weepy eye. Rabbit medicine isn't cheap so I really don't like throwing it away when I can keep it on hand until I've used it up or it goes out of date. Luckily most medicine lasts a couple of years. I have Isathal eye drops (for weepy eyes or infections in the eye), Metacam/Loxicom (pain relief), Enrocare (antibiotic) and Metoclopramide/Emeprid (gets the gut moving - GI stasis), Sulfatrim (antibiotic - for snuffles) and Bisolvon powder (clears the respiratory system) in my kit just in case.
I have two different pouches of Critical Care just in case the buns aren't eating and need something to pacify them or if they go into stasis and need force feeding something. If you don't have critical care, you can always mush up some of their pellets with some warm water so it turns into a watery paste and feed it to your bun(s) using a syringe.
I have a big variety of syringe sizes (1ml, 3ml, and large one for critical care) for different things like giving medicine or feeding the buns critical care. I save these when the vet gives them to me or if they come with medicine and wash them out until I can't use them anymore like if the measurement markings start to rub off. I keep them in a zip lock bag to keep them clean and protected.
These come in really handy if you need to clean a wound or to clean their scent glands which I haven't needed to do yet. If their eye is closed up from gunk, I run the cotton round under warm water and hold it over their eye until it opens up and I can give them some eye drops.
Luckily I haven't needed to use this yet but it's handy to have it just in case. My buns are lucky to not have any serious injuries yet (long may that continue) but I wanted to keep it in my kit just in case.
My bun Zaya went through a rough patch were she had an infection around her mouth and chin area and we weren't sure what caused it, but my vet recommended picking up some skin and coat supplements from Oxbow to help keep their skin and coat healthy. They are high in fibre and are formulated with beneficial ingredients including palm oil, canola, chamomile, and essential Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids to support a healthy skin and coat in small pets. You should give your rabbit(s) around ½ to 2 tabs a day depending on their body weight.
And finally I have some hand sanitiser in my kit for me for when I handle the buns, their medicine or when cleaning out their litter boxes.
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thebakerbuns · 2 years
How To Build Your Own Rabbit Run
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I wanted to share with you how me and my Dad built the rabbit run. It took a little bit of planning and drawing out plus sourcing the materials we were going to use. It is home to both my buns, Malibu & Zaya now they are both bonded.
One thing I did really want was a hatch door, so I can get in and out to clean the run and get to the buns if I need to pick them up and spend time with them. It's also a bit of a funny shape as we've made it to fit the space by our fence and a bit of the patio that no one uses. My parents didn't want it taking up too much of the patio space but also have it big enough for the rabbits to use.
It was trial and error in some places but it looks really good now and they both love spending time in it. They have hidey houses in it along with a tunnel and box of toys and they're forever doing zoomies and binkies in the run and spending time in it during the night.
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Here is a rough sketch of the run and the measurements.
- *2.4mx18x28mm Untreated Wooden Rods. We bought Planed Softwood - You will need quite a lot of these. We had to keep buying more. - *22mm x 13mm Galvanised Chicken Wire - *Wire Staples - Hammer - Hand Saw - Sandpaper - *Hinges - *Screws - Pencil - Ruler/Measuring Tape - Right Angle Jig or Try Square
*All items were bought from Homebase in the UK, everything else we had already.
25mm x 13mm Wire = £19.95 Spax Screws = £8.00 18 x 28mm Wooden Rods x8 = £30.00 18 x 28mm Wooden Rods x2 = £7.50 25mm Wire = £19.95 Wire Staples (pack of 100) = £3.25 = £88.65
The shape of the run is a little bit odd as we had to make it to fit around our fence which isn't the same as nextdoors fence as their's is falling down. The run is 3ft high to allow plenty of space for standing on hind legs and jumping around. The main measurements of the run are 75cm long and 57cm deep and it hugs around the hutch for more security. You can see in the picture below where our fence panel ends. We decided to put up a new panel on this side as theirs is falling down and looks rubbish but we haven't continued it along this side yet. That may be a project for next year.
I am thinking of painting their run and hutch a nice colour in the summer so it looks more cohesive, what do you think? I'm thinking maybe a nice grey as they have quite a few grey accessories and it will go nicely with their hidey houses which are painted a sage green.
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I've painted their hutch and run both inside and outside using the Cuprinol Garden Shades paint in Dusky Gem which is a really nice light grey colour. This is a paint recommended for people with animals especially rabbits as it's water-based and non toxic if your buns chew the wood. It also protects the wood from mould which helps with it being outside and exposed to the elements. I've gone for a grey and green theme with the buns hutch and run and picking up decorations and painting others in those colours as well.
To celebrate my buns Gotcha Days, I bought this handmade bunting to go on their run that says "Happy Gotcha Day". It has a mixture of green and grey flags with white letters. On the other side is plain, so I can use that during the rest of the year for decoration. I plan to get other decorations as well for their run and hutch. Other bits added to finish the run: Interlocking Horse Matting = £112.00 PVC Covers for the sides = £74.00 Polycarbonate plastic sheet for the roof = £42.40
Let me know if you've done anything like this for your buns or what you think of my run?
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thebakerbuns · 2 years
Tips To Make Cleaning Your Rabbits Out Easier
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I want to share with you my top tips to cleaning my rabbits out and help make it easier for you. It has been a bit of trial and error for me when it comes to cleaning my rabbits out and their bedding. I first started off with sawdust, then switched to paper bedding and now I only use a litter box and blankets on the floor.
It's taken me a little while to see how my rabbits litter habits happen and it's been so much easier with them both being neutured as it is so much cleaner and less smelly. I haven't always gotten my previous rabbits neutured and I think that is where I have gone wrong in the past. I have always been taught to look after my rabbits the very old fashioned way. I use to give my rabbits loads of pellets and hardly any hay and I never got them neutured.
Since getting them done, I have really noticed a difference in their toilet habits and it makes things 100x easier. It hasn't really taken me very long to fully litter train them which I'm really happy about, I only have to pick the odd droppings up from outside the litter box that happen by accident but other than that, they are complete angels. It's best to trial a few different set ups and see which one your bun prefers and gets on better with, then you can apply it to their set up.
I clean my rabbits out, I'd say twice a week just to keep everything nice and clean, but I do shake up the litter box (but I've removed the top part, so it's just the beige base) so the fresher litter is on the top every day until I clean it out properly. That also includes new litter and shaking out the blankets which I probably wash every fortnight. I also use a hair removing brush to remove the hairs from the blankets, which is amazing as it helps stop the washing machine from getting clogged up with hair as well when I wash the blankets. My rabbit Malibu is currently molting a lot and his fur is very fine and comes out very quickly so his fur gets all over the blankets and I have to shake them out a few times a week. Plus when he has zoomies, he likes digging them up and they get dragged around his enclosure.
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I empty their litter boxes, brush away any stray bits of hay or litter that needs to come out, spray their anti-bacterial spray on the bottom and fill with clean paper litter pellets and fresh Clean n Cosy paper bedding for more absorbancy and so its soft on their paws. Then I'll top up the hay if needed. Every now and then I do a deep clean of their litter boxes using vinegar and warm soapy water. The vinegar and water mixture is great for removing urine stains in the litter boxes.
It's taken me a little bit of time to do my research and try products that I know actually work. I will share all of my products for this at the bottom of this post or they are linked for you to check out. I tried a litter box with a grid so my buns didn't stand on their poo and wee but that didn't work, tried several types of litter until I found this one which is really absorbant and is degradeable and get a good brush and pan to clean up the waste easily.
If you are new to owning a rabbit, I would recommend joining a community on Facebook and asking other rabbit owners what they would use. It's such a mine field out there and it's easy to get things wrong so getting another opinion is always helpful. It's taken me some learning to get out of my old habits and use the best for my buns.
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LINK: https://fave.co/33upSix
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LINK: https://fave.co/3FOOVK5
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LINK: https://fave.co/3Q4QE3e
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LINK: https://fave.co/3KtjDwr
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LINK: https://fave.co/3KrJxQV
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