*chuckles* He certainly is.
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True Love Ways / Buddy Holly
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Sure, why not?
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Buddy Holly- Dearest
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A very nice choice.
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings  ”100 Days, 100 Nights”
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In my opinion, about as classic as classic gets. I never tire of it.
Ben E. King - Stand By Me. 
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The Clash - I’m Not Down
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Time for a little music, I think.
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Call and Answer / Barenaked Ladies
So if you call, I will answer and if you fall, I’ll pick you up and if you court this disaster I’ll point you home
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geniusbee replied to your post: A little music to clear my head, I think. Time to put iTunes on shuffle.
I taught my mom about shuffle today too! It’s a good day for technology. What’re you listening to?
It's really rather nifty. Between Mycroft and I, there's quite a lot of music here, so sometimes I forget what we've got. As for what I'm listening to, you should find out in a moment.
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A little music to clear my head, I think. Time to put iTunes on shuffle.
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geniusbee replied to your post: Ok I have to ask: Do you fix things? Like, do you know how to fix the plumbing or the car engine or something?
I guess that’s ok if Mycroft has a nice old-fashioned Victorian manor : D
He does typically prefer things old-fashioned (which is good news for me), but he's a lot better with technology than I'll ever be. He's probably forgotten more than I'll ever know. 
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Ok I have to ask: Do you fix things? Like, do you know how to fix the plumbing or the car engine or something?
Sure I do. I like to perform regular maintenance on my motorbike (I really don't trust anyone else and frankly, I just don't like other people touching her). I suppose I'm halfway decent with things about the house as well. Although... not so much technology-wise.
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Merry Christmas 2011. (by ‘sholgk’)
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*barks a laugh* Guess that's just me being slow on the uptake, then. Are you ready for New Year's? I'm kind of looking forward to it, to be honest.
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thebestoftheprofessionals replied to your post: I know we’ve both been busy, and I’ve made a bit of an arse of myself once or twice recently, but I haven’t forgotten for a minute what a lucky man I am. Mornings when I wake up to you and nights when I fall asleep beside you, they’re the sort of things I can’t put a price on or a name to. I hadn’t thought I’d be able to feel this way about anyone ever again but you’ve proven me wrong; which I couldn’t be happier about. Happy Christmas, Mycroft. I love you. (And I hope your gift is all right…)
Well, if you don’t just know how to make a fellow go weak at the knees. *pecks him on the cheek* I’m glad you liked your gift. Even if I know you deduced what it was three weeks ago.
Four months, actually. But it was still a wonderful surprise. More the look on your face than what you actually got me. But it was all wonderful. -presses a warm kiss to his cheek- Thank you.
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Which fails to explain why you've been trying so hard to master it, all of a sudden. Besides, cooking is hardly useless. 
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thebestoftheprofessionals replied to your post: …I imagine being married to you would be precisely the same as our current relationship. I’d just have a ring and some papers to show for it. Although, knowing you, perhaps not even that. *laughs*
No, getting married won’t make you domestic. He’s doing a fair job of converting you without marriage in the picture, I’d say. *grins*
….shut up
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