thebestprewett · 4 years
The moment Molly walked in, her eyes caught sight of the textbook, and eyebrow quickly perking up. When was the last time she’d seen him with a book? Well, sure he’s been on the same for a while, but this felt like the most studying he’d done in a very long time. “I’ll have to thank him later for making you study. I guess he does have some good influence on you.” She joked before making her way to the bed, setting the tray on the desk. But her good mood was spoiled a little as she bit her lower lip, looking away from him for a moment. “Listen, I- I’m sorry for how I reacted before. I should’ve listened to you, and Andy; he’s… he’s nice. And he makes you happy, it’s all that really matters.”
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“I study,” Gideon scoffed, before hesitating, “Okay, maybe I didn’t but yeah. He definitely is a good influence on me. Strangely enough. I think we’re good for each other, if I’m honest,” He admitted with a smile. Gideon watched her carefully, before shaking his head. “Listen, Mols, you don’t have to apologise. I know you were just looking out for me, and I appreciate that. Given his... history, I get why you were sceptical, but he’s not a bad person. He makes me very happy, actually. I thought it would be hard, you know? Given everything, but being with Evan is one of the easiest things in the world for me.”
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thebestprewett · 4 years
Jacob was looking for Gideon, and although he was certain it would take him a while to find him, he actually ran into him quite quickly. He only saw the back of his head and a glance at the side of his face, but he knew it was him. So, he slowly approached from behind, not wanting to startle him too much. “Gideon?” He said first. “Don’t freak out.”
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Gideon was heading towards the library. He wasn’t particularly in the mood to study, but apparently Winnie and Evan were a good influence on him. However, hearing a voice he’d not heard in years, his blood run cold and he halted in his tracks. Don’t freak out. Gideon spun on his heels, eyes widening at the sight of Jake. “What the fuck? You’re dead. Right? I mean, everyone though you --- but then I suppose they thought that about Abbott -- and --- is there something in the fucking water???” Gideon rambled, running his hands through his hair. “What the fuck?”
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thebestprewett · 4 years
After the ceremony, Evan had gotten rid of his jacket, having a feeling it would get rather warm at the reception with all those people invited. But he couldn’t risk leaving his mark out here, so he’d used the bandaging spell, just like Winnie did before. He was distractedly playing with that fabric until he spotted his boyfriend, almost instantly stopped doing that. “I could say the same about you.” He said, letting his eyes shamelessly travel down Gideon’s body before being interrupted by his lips. “A little.” He started, letting a grin form. “I missed you too.”
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“Save it for later, babe,” Gideon teased with a wink as he watched the other’s gaze. “Pretty sure Mary will deck me if I leave this early into the reception.” He spoken to the other briefly, wishing her congratulations on her marriage and making a mental note to seek out Sirius later. “Well good or this would be incredibly awkward,” He joked, resting his forehead again the other’s with a grin. His gaze dropped down to the bandage for a moment, and concern instantly laced the boy’s features. “You didn’t hurt yourself did you?” He asked, before it dawned on him which arm the bandage was on. “Oh. Thank fuck.” He breathed out a sigh of relief, realising the other wasn’t actually hurt.
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thebestprewett · 4 years
Perhaps Rose should tell him to back off, admit to him and herself what a horrible idea it would be to start something again, however she couldn’t help the pull, the small voice that nudged her to try and pursue it further. She responded to his lips, tangling her fingers in his hair as she closed the gap between their bodies and deepened their kiss.
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As soon as she kissed back, something felt... off. As his lips moved against hers, Gideon realised she wasn’t the one he wanted to be kissing. The image of Evan Rosier flashed in his head, and he suddenly felt guilty for kissing Rose, even though there was nothing between them. Gideon pulled away, shaking his head. “Shit- Rose, sorry. I can’t -- we can’t-” He stammered, raking his hand through his hair. “I can’t, I’m sorry.”
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thebestprewett · 4 years
“I am very mindful.” Her lips curved in a sardonic smirk. “It’s just –” The brunette clicked her tongue, pretending to look for the correct words. “You see to me, you don’t count as people.”  her fingers drew quotation marks around the last word before continuing. “So you see, you’re not worthy of my mindfulness.”
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“Oh, Black, you wound me with your words,” Gideon retorted sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he shut his book. “Sorry, am I supposed to give a shit about your opinion?” Gideon knew riling up his boyfriend’s cousin probably wasn’t the wisest choice, but he wasn’t exactly going to sit here and take it either. 
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thebestprewett · 4 years
“Don’t make me beg you, it’s part of my duty to make sure everybody’s in high spirits.” The redhead smirked as she pushed the champagne glass into the other’s hand. “Drink up, we’re celebrating.”
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“---Don’t need to tell me twice, it is a wedding, after all,” Gideon mused, taking the glass from her. “Where is the married couple exactly? Have they snuck off already?” He joked with a grin.
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thebestprewett · 4 years
|| @evanofthorns​
Gideon sipping on the beer bottle in his hands, a grin spreading across his lips as he saw his boyfriend walking towards him. “Well don’t you clean up nice,” He teased, leaning down to press his lips briefly to the others, before pulling away again. “Is it cheesy if I said I missed you?” He murmured, wrapping his arms around the other. 
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thebestprewett · 4 years
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Siry Wedding
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thebestprewett · 4 years
The sound of her heels echo against the marble floor, disregarding any attempts at subtlety. Why should she? Her reputation ensured her certain level of immunity and liberty from the social norms. Deciding to push it further when she approached the set of tables at the library her hand pulled the chair away, using more force than necessary only to create a creaking cacophony, smirking in satisfaction when she succeeded. As she positioned herself to sit down, she caught the pair of eyes staring at her. “You wanted to say something?” Voice as honey and saccharine smile completed her mask of amity, camouflaging the underlying threat in her voice.
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It was one of the rare times Gideon found himself in the library, and he couldn’t believe Evan Rosier was actually somewhat of a good influence on him. His eyes were focused on the textbook when he heard a loud creaking sound, causing his attention to divert. Gideon swallowed when he saw the other, having a feeling this wasn’t going to be an entirely pleasant conversation. “Nope, nothing at all. Just wondering if for once in your life you could actually be mindful of others.”
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thebestprewett · 4 years
She still wasn’t sure how she really felt about the whole situation with him and Evan, but with him having dinner at theirs not too long ago, she recognized she might have seriously misjudged him. And she wanted to apologize to her brother for that, but not knowing how to properly say it, she found herself baking instead. And with a batch of fresh cinnamon rolls in hands, Molly made her way to her brother’s room. To her knowledge, he was still in there, and it felt like she hadn’t had an actual conversation with him in a few days. “Hey, can I come in?” She asked, popping her head through the half-opened door. There was a smile growing on her lips as she slowly pushed the door to move in. And having the impression he wouldn’t say no once he smelled the baked goods, Molly just completely walked inside. “I hope you’re hungry, because I won’t eat all of this on my own.” She joked with a small laugh. 
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( @thebestprewett​ )
Gideon wasn’t pouting, or at least, he’d never admit to it. Things with Evan had gone pretty well, and he’d even said he loved him back -- the dopey grin not leaving his face all day. At least, not until the other left. 
He’d actually been studying for once when he heard his sister’s voice, causing him to glance up from the textbook. “Yeah, come in,” Gideon smiled at her, before catching a familiar scent. “Oh merlin yes, starving actually. Evan told me I should actually pick up a textbook in a while and I’ve been staring at the same page for so long I forgot to eat,” He admitted sheepishly. “Everything okay?”
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thebestprewett · 4 years
“I know, I’m sorry. I’m really trying, I swear. But I am happy if he- if you are too.” She insisted, trying to give him a small smile to support her words. “I just don’t really spend time with him, but maybe… maybe I’ll try to. If you’re there, of course.” She added. “And I’m sure he’s better than that douchebag.”
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“I know,” Gideon chewed on his lower lip. “Well, I was actually thinking maybe seeing if he wants to come for Easter, or something. You know the second mum and dad find out they’ll want to meet him,” He huffed, rolling his eyes fondly. “Yeah. I hope so, anyway. I don’t know if I can deal with having my heart broken again.”
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thebestprewett · 4 years
“I’m telling you to go for what makes you happy. How I feel about him shouldn’t influence your decision.” She replied, hoping she’d one day be able to accept the boy her brother was obviously falling for. “Do you know how hard it was to see you in that bed, not knowing what happened to you?” She bit her lips for a moment before speaking again. “You better not be lying to me again or I’ll put you back in that bed myself.”
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“I just.... I don’t want to get hurt again,” Gideon admitted with a sigh, picking at his fingernails. “I’m sorry,” He swallowed, gaze dropping to the floor. He didn’t, but he could only imagine how he would feel if the roles were reversed, and that wasn’t something he liked to think about. “I-” He hated lying to her, he wished he could tell her the truth -- but he didn’t want to put her in danger. “No. Promise.”
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thebestprewett · 4 years
“I swear I was studying. Just… taking a small break.” He replied with a shrug, sitting up a little better on his bed. Maybe if he wasn’t lying down, he’d be able to stay awake this time. “I’m not saying you can’t be. It’s just… it’s been a while since I’ve seen you happy.” He pointed out, a frown slowly forming on his face. As Gideon spoke, Sturgis took a moment to think over his words. And he stayed silent until he finally clicked the pieces together. “Am I about to see Rosier here more often? Because if that’s a yes, I’ll just stay over at Remus’ for a while.”
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“Stu, don’t even try,” Gideon rolled his eyes playfully at the other. “Yeah, well, that’s what happens when some twat puts you in the hospital wing for a month,” The words slipped from his lips without realising, and Gideon stared up at his ceiling, hoping the other wouldn’t call him out on it. Gideon waited for the other to pick up the pieces, wrinkling his nose at the other’s comment. “I can go to his dorm, if it’s less hassle for you, but I’d like to point out I never actually complained with the amount of times Remus comes here.” 
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thebestprewett · 4 years
A small frown formed on his face, taking a look at the flowers again. Shit, that was a bad idea. Maybe he should’ve just summoned a nice bottle of wine or something. Maybe nothing would’ve been better than this cliché. “Is this too much? I can just leave them out if it’s too much.” He asked, taking a glance around to try and find a place he could leave them. Maybe he could plant them in the garden, or bring them back to the Abbott’s. 
Evan shook his head briefly as he let a chuckle escape. “No, I told you. I’m not avoiding you anymore. I just had a lot to do between classes and packing to go to Winnie’s.” He dismissed, although he couldn’t imagine packing had taken so long that he’d completely skipped over spending time with his boyfriend for a whole day. 
His smirk increased as he saw the reaction of the other, finding it both entertaining and sweet. “You are a terrible liar.” And for a moment, he felt like acting according to on how he was feeling, rather than how he thought he should be acting. So he moved closer to press his lips against Gideon’s again, letting them linger for a moment. “But I love you anyway.” He whispered before pulling away to see his reaction. He’d never said that to anyone, but he didn’t want to have any regrets if he didn’t say it now. “I was waiting for you to say that.” He stated before stepping in. And suddenly, he felt nervous again.
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Gideon reached out, fingers curling around the boy’s wrist as he looked around. “Evan, it’s perfect. My parent’s will appreciate it, and I’m pretty sure you’ll earn brownie points with Mols,” He teased, a wide smile on his lips. 
“Not anymore. So you were,” The smile briefly slipped from his lips. However, as the other mentioned Winnie, the smile returned. “How’s the Abbott household been? Especially given the fact that Emrys decided to resurrect himself from the dead.” He was glad Winnie had invited the other to stay, not wanting Evan to be alone but unsure if the other would have wanted to spend the entirety of Easter with his family. 
“I’m a fantastic liar, you’re chatting shit,” Gideon defended with a pout. He knew Evan could see right through him, and he avoided meeting the other’s gaze, opting to stare at the floor instead. As the other’s lips met his own, Gideon relaxed, lips curving into a smile. That was, until the other’s words hit him.  But I love you anyway. I love you. Gideon blinked twice, almost as if he didn’t believe the other had actually said the words, before a wide grin spread across his features. “You love me, huh?” He murmured teasingly, pressing his lips to the other’s again, before pulling away from Evan as the other stepped through the door. “Hey,” Gideon reached for his free hand, interlacing their fingers together as he noticed the other seemed nervous again. “It’ll be fine, okay? You make me happy, that’s all they care about.”
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thebestprewett · 4 years
“I swear, I’m not. It’s just been a busy week.” He commented before frowning. “I’m fine. I just… I had a bit of a hard time when we got out, and with the team and…” He drifted off, unable to actually mention what had happened with Jasmin. “Like I said, I had a busy week.” He said again, hoping that would be enough to convince him. He was glad to see the subject changing, a small smile on his lips. “Feels like she’s my sister. I mean, I don’t know what it’s like to have siblings, but I imagine it’d feel like that.” He admitted. An eyebrow raised at his next words. “Really? Maybe you could show me, then.” He teased, before sliding his arms in the clearly oversized robes. “It’s fine.” He insisted. “It’s not your job to worry about that.”
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At the other’s frown, one of his own cross Gideon’s features. “I’m sorry, babe,” He murmured, stepping forward to wrap his arms around the other, pulling him closer. Gideon placed a kiss to the top of Evan’s head, letting out a sigh as he pulled away slightly. As the other spoke of Winnie, Gideon smiled down at his boyfriend. “Well from someone that actually has siblings, in comes across that way. I’m glad you have her,” Especially if something ever happened to them, or him, at least he knew the other would have Winnie. At the other’s teasing, Gideon let out a laugh, wiggling his brows at the other. “In the middle of the halls? Ev, you kinky bastard,” He joked, looking down at how his robes swamped the other in amusement. As the other said it wasn’t his job, Gideon rolled his eyes. “I’m your boyfriend, babe, of course it’s my job to worry about pretty much everything to do with you. Get used to it.”
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thebestprewett · 4 years
Evan wasn’t sure how he felt exactly when it came to Gideon, but he knew one thing for sure: he made him feel good, and he desperately needed that feeling. It might have sounded selfish to anyone else, but he just wanted to get better, and focusing on what made him feel good seemed like the right place to start. And as the other touched him, he knew it might’ve been one of the best decisions he did in a while, letting out a soft sigh again. But he knew he had to get out for now, so he pulled himself away from the bed. Although the temptation to just stay there was strong as Gideon tried to pull him back. “Sorry, but like you said, I don’t want to get on her bad side.” He replied with a chuckle, biting his lips as the other kissed his neck. It took Evan all of his willpower to pull away again, discarding the clothes he slept in before throwing on some clean ones. “Sorry, we’ll finish this later, alright?” He said, not giving Gideon a chance to reply as he’d already pressed a quick kiss to his lips before turning to exit his dorm in a hurry.
- END -
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thebestprewett · 4 years
To say Evan was nervous would be an understatement. He spent the whole day trying to figure out how to act, or what to say, and he still didn’t know what he should do when he’d get there. Winnie even had to help him get dressed since he couldn’t even decide that. At least that was one last thing on his mind. But he couldn’t possibly ask her about anything else, mostly because he didn’t want to admit he was feeling this nervous.
And it was only once he approached the house, shoving his hands in his pockets, that he realized: he couldn’t come in empty handed. So he stopped, thinking for a moment before pulling out his wand. The spell came almost too naturally, or at least, it could surprise people with how naturally it came. And the bouquet that was produced by it might surprise even more people, a white rose hidden between the rest. But it was really all thanks to Adira if he knew anything about how to arrange flowers.
Still, he didn’t quite calm down until the door opened. He was still nervous, don’t get him wrong, but he relaxed slightly when he saw his boyfriend on the other side of the door, a small smile creeping on his lips. “I wouldn’t miss that.” He replied, kissing the other briefly before a tiny smirk appeared. “I don’t think I’d be able to disappoint you when you love me so much.”
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The bouquet of flowers took him by surprise, and Gideon felt his heart flutter in his chest. If someone had told him a year ago that Evan Rosier would be at his door with flowers as his boyfriend, he would have laughed in their face. That being said, he wouldn’t change it for the world. 
“I’m glad. Almost thought you were avoiding me,” He teased, but the underlying nervousness in his voice showed that’s exactly what Gideon had thought. The last thing he wanted to do was scare Evan off. His lips curved into a soft smile as his lips met Evan’s, however he froze at boy’s comment -- pulling back. 
Gideon’s face was bright red. “I- what, no I didn’t say that,” Nervous laughter left his lips as he raked a hand through his hair --- and shit, the other had definitely heard him, and just because he brought it up didn’t mean he would say it back. “Pfft, you must be hearing things babe.” He waved his hand in dismissal, stepping aside to allow the other to enter. “You can come in you know,” he teased. 
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