thebethgreenelife · 5 years
im on @distortedrebel now
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thebethgreenelife · 9 years
i don’t care if we’re bragging and being asshole-ish atm. after all the shit that’s been thrown at us for coming up with theories and “looking to hard” into things i think we deserve one night to say I TOLD YOU SO! HA!
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thebethgreenelife · 9 years
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thegarden:Special appearance from #TWD fan favorite @emmykinney gets the crowd on fire at the #TWDFanPremiere
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thebethgreenelife · 9 years
Emily: Posts a pic of her LA sheets.
Everyone else: Oh, man, she's not going to the premiere.
The Squad: Not so fast.
We now have proof that she latergrams to protect her location.
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thebethgreenelife · 9 years
guess whos back tho
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thebethgreenelife · 9 years
Deleted scene from Still that I’ve honestly never seen. Probably a lot of you have, but it just made me so happy.
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thebethgreenelife · 9 years
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make me choose | sansastlark asked: Beth being cute or Beth being badass?
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thebethgreenelife · 9 years
The “that’s not a production error, that’s a deliberate creative choice used to save Beth Greene’s life” theory
(needs a new name, open to suggestions.)
getkath asked about this and I realized it’s been a while since I made a post about my favorite, favorite “Beth lives” theory. We’ve got new people. We’ve got other folks who are reluctant to get on board with the idea that there was a second shooter. Consider this:
Dawn definitely shot Beth
at a steep angle (I would guess 75 degrees or more)
in the forehead
with a 9mm
at close range
Those are the exact circumstances needed for this weirdness to happen irl. If we’re following the laws of physics (which they really should, it’s not that hard, especially with guns/bullets) then the only way the bullet exits where it does is if it skims her skull. Minimal brain damage. Minimal blood loss. Hurts. Could easily knock you out cold, but it doesn’t kill you. It just doesn’t.
The chances that the fx makeup crew and special effects crew don’t know this are pretty much zero.
My career in fx makeup was exactly one short indie film long, and I was only assisting the assistant. I am not that deep into fx makeup and even I know about this stuff. Makeup people need to know. Especially makeup people who fake-kill characters on the most popular show on television, on a constant basis.
Sometimes I call it the “It would have been really easy to shoot her through the chin” theory.
It’s not that Beth’s headshot is survivable. If the production crew did this deliberately (which I believe they did) then the headshot is straight-up non-fatal. She’s about as likely to die from this injury as she would be from getting her hand chopped off.
Still sucks to get shot in the head, and she could die later from infection, or she could sustain fatal injury while she’s helpless and unconscious, but the shot alone wouldn’t kill her.
well-she-sure-looks-dead + wait-what-happened-to-the-body? = a happy living Beth
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thebethgreenelife · 9 years
Hello it has come tomy attention that people have sent/been sending hate to the absolute babe that is rachel ( ohmaggies ) and this is just a post to say that if i ever find out who you are i will track you down, fly to your house and personally pull out your intestines and hurt you very badly until you slowly and painfully bleed to death ok thank you for your time.
P.S. Rachel is a total and complete angel and pretty much one of the only reasons i’m still alive right now. Sending people hate is never okay, but its even worse when its a sixteen year old girl who has never done anything wrong at all she has never done anything to deserve any of this shit and i swear i will kill a bitch.
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thebethgreenelife · 9 years
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everyone contributing to the campaign PRESIDENCY FOR GLENN RHEE 2K15 :-DDD
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thebethgreenelife · 9 years
What the Hell Happened and What the Hell is Going on?  (Otherwise known as: The Things that I am Still Waiting on to be Answered)
1) What the hell is this little flash at the beginning of the opening credits?!
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There’s never been anything like this before, and yet it remains unanswered.
2) Why put Emily and Chad’s names on the same credit screen? 
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 It seems a little too obvious that they put both of their names on the same screen and they both die.  It’s almost like they were like “Hey, look.  We’ll just put their names together so that we can kill them both off and then just take that shot out of the credits.”  It’s a little too obvious.  
3) How in the world did Dawn shoot Beth in the forehead when her gun isn’t aimed at Beth’s forehead?
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Now, I’ve read a few things about this.  Yes, maybe her gun was aimed at a very sharp angle and it did shoot her in the forehead…but we don’t see her gun, so we don’t know.
4) Why only show Beth’s arm?
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I mean, come on…we literally just saw her brains blown out, so why not just show us her entire body lying on the floor?  Just her hand a little blood?
5) What
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the hell
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is with
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of the
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Seriously!  At this point, I never want to see another clock for the rest of my life!
6) Where are the 800 walkers?
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You know, I could just be blind, but did anyone else see those 800 walkers that were supposedly for the midseason finale?  Nope?  Yeah, me either.  800 walkers is sort of a lot of walkers to just have magically disappear.
7) What is this?
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This little snippet is in the beginning of “What Happened and What’s Going on?”  They’re still in their clothes from “Coda.”  They’re running.  And yeah, that’s about all that we know.  It was never explained.
8) They certainly change fast…
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What Happened and What’s Going On:
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What Happened and What’s Going on (Ty’s funeral):
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9) What’s with all of the blond female walkers?
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10) And what about these?
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“You are going to dig Beth’s story this season!”
“She’s alive for a reason.”
Well, did I miss something?  Was I amazed by Beth’s journey this season and the challenges she faced?  No!  The poor girl was emotionally, physically, and sexually assaulted until she died.  
Did I dig Beth’s story this season?  See answer above…I certainly didn’t dig it.
“She’s alive for a reason.”  Oh, really?  And what reason would that be?  So that she can just get shot in the head?  Or is it to make Daryl all sad?  Well, that’s not a very good reason.  
So I’m still waiting to figure these quotes out.
In conclusion, these are just a few of the many things that I am still waiting on the be answered.  Feel free to add more…because there are a ton.
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thebethgreenelife · 9 years
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thebethgreenelife · 10 years
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thebethgreenelife · 10 years
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Our mother has been absent ever since we founded Rome but there’s gonna be a party when the wolves come home
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thebethgreenelife · 10 years
I wish I still believed she was coming back but...
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thebethgreenelife · 10 years
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Andy Goldsworthy’s art
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thebethgreenelife · 10 years
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