thebionicnarrator · 13 days
heeeeyyyyyy handsome :)
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thebionicnarrator · 15 days
. . . . . . .
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thebionicnarrator · 3 months
Narrator taps his fingers on his desk as he waits for the other's response. Surely, this fish person has eyes as well, therefore they can see the screen, therefore this should go without misunderstandings from now on. Right? Yet it doesn't seem like Silvester is going to answer his question. He tries to ask his own question instead, doesn't he.
"You and this bathtub?" he murmurs as the other points at it and at himself. "You are in this bathtub— are you asking why did I put you in it? Well, what else am I supposed to be doing? You are a fish- er, you are a fish person, you need water. Obviously."
[ 🧜‍♂️🫵🛁? 🧜‍♂️+🛁 🤔🧜‍♂️🫵🛁? 🤔🫵🆘?🐟🧜‍♂️+💦= 🔧🛁💦 ]
"Oh dear lord, no," he says with regret (and drama) as he stares at a set of emojis that popped out. "This is getting complicated, too overwhelmingly emojis-gly complicated! How do I reduce the amount of these emojis? Why can't it look short and simple? Is this thing broken? No, It can't be broken. I have never even used It before! How do I edit it? Is it even editable? Good lord, if I barely can read It myself, there is not much of a chance you undestand It at all. And if you don't, then—what do I do? What- hold on, is It still translating? Stop stop stop, cancel! Don't translate it, Emoji Translator!" [ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ] At least It obeys yet. He takes a couple of deep breaths. This is fine. It is not going to turn into a new disaster. No restart is necessary. This is fine. Everything is fine.
"Let's begin again. Manually."
He spawns in colored pencils, markers and papers next to the bathtub, then makes the touch screen show a new shorter emoji message.
[ 🗣️=✍️📄 🗣️=🎨🖼️ ]
Silvester ducks back into the water as he hears the harsh grumbling - no doubt whoever is there, they’re planning on eating him. He has heard stories before of big containers of water that are meant to get hotter and hotter until it kills whatever is inside for food. But so far the water stays cold. It tastes weird, not at all like the water he is used to, like someone had removed all the sand and plants and creatures inside of it.
What kind of perverted place has he ended up in?
He thinks about staying underwater until his attackers show up and then electrocuting them to death - though the thought of killing someone makes his stomach churn.
Fortunately the screen distracts him before he can panic or plan to murder anyone further. He cautiously pops his head out of the water to stare at the symbols. Hand, squiggly line, something that’s blue maybe a lake?, another squiggly line - Silvester thinks it must be a snake or some sea weed - two legged person, arrow, unfamiliar symbol, snake.
After some thought he thinks that the ‘snake’ could also be the stranger trying to convey Silvester - after all if you look at it upside down it kind of looks like him. Dot for a head and squiggly line for his body.
'Hello Silvester lake Silvester person go somewhere with Silvester?’
“You want to go somewhere with me?” He asks, confused. “Or bring me somewhere? Did you bring me here?”
They probably can’t understand his speech if they’re communicating through symbols. He taps his chin in thought and then waves his hand at the ceiling, points to himself, points back to the ceiling and points to the bathtub.
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thebionicnarrator · 3 months
"Oh great, just bloody great and wonderful and dandy," our Narrator grumbles, covering his face with his palm in helpless frustration. "Now they don't just splash around, ruining my carpets, but hiss as well. What in the name of freezing hell are they trying to achieve by this? Do they not speak any human language at all? What am I supposed to do now?" Taking a minute or two to think on the matter, he rubs his temples. Could calling that Jonathan Von Sales be a proper option in this very case? Could an alien help his fellow alien with communication? But are they even aliens of the same kind? The last time he saw Jon, he didn't look like a fishperson at all. They clearly are quite different. Unless it's some sort of Anon's curse. No no no and no. Calling Jonathan for help must stay on the bottom of his list of options. He should try out something else before picking that. But what exactly? Could it be... that?
He scowls. Desperate times call for desperate measures. His fingers run down his keyboard, spawning in a feature he thought was deleted a long time ago. The Emoji Translator. It appears as a small touch screen in the area of Silvester's vision. Narrator clears his throat and speaks quietly this time.
"Hello? Where did you come from?"
[ 👋? 🗺️❓🧍➡️🏠? ], the screen glows and translates.
Silvester freezes as he hears the voice again, such a strange, angry voice shouting at him in harsh language. It sounds foreign, far too foreign to be a Lichtell dialect. He turns over in the - for him, tiny - bathtub to look for a source of the sound, even going so far as to poke his head carefully out of the water.
Out of water, he looks even more pathetic, long stringy hair clinging to his skin and big, scared eyes darting around the empty hallways. Maybe he should say something.
He opens his mouth and mutters, “Hello? Who’s there? Who are you? What do you want???”
But for Magnus, it might just sound like a strange mix between hissing and gurgling, like water running down a stream.
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thebionicnarrator · 3 months
Narrator taps his fingers as he keeps watching them, frowning at puddles on the carpet. Should he do something about them? Is there any sense in doing anything at all? It seems like they'll keep getting their surrondings wet no matter what. He makes his voice settings even louder as he speaks again.
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What is this, he thinks to himself with annoyance. An alien invasion? Starting from the Office of all possible places? Really?
The struggling fades as soon as the fish person?? realizes they can breathe again. The water is cold and it shocks them, but it’s better than nothing. A few minutes pass with no answer.
The Narrator can take a good look at them as they lay inside the bathwater, gasping for breath. Their skin is a dark black-greenish, shimmering in the fluorescent light. The hair floats in the water, a tangled mess from all the thrashing. There are flared gills on their side of the neck and frilly fins on the underside of their arms and tail.
Finally the merperson-alien seems to recover enough to look around. They were long, over eight feet and had glowing eyes. Most likely from Lichtell, just like Jon.
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thebionicnarrator · 3 months
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He squints at his screens as he studies the fish(?). It takes him a few minutes to notice something is clearly off about it(?)— them? Is that … a fish person? They do have a person shaped top of the body and they even have hair, therefore, they could be one. Did someone throw a fish person in the Office? Why?
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As soon as they hit the water, the being starts thrashing again, splashing water everywhere. It’s person shaped, at least from the top half, with wild long hair and arms rotating around frantically.
From the waist down, there’s a large, long, fish like tail. Every now and then, it would quiver with electricity. Whoever it was, they are too panicked to immediately realize what’s going on.
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thebionicnarrator · 3 months
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This Narrator sighs again as he spawns in a big landing net and a bathtub (filled with plain cold water). He then tries to put the being in the bathtub, grumbling something under his breath.
A large swirling blue portal manifests itself in the middle of an Office hallway, growing larger and larger until it can easily swallow up an entire person.
The core of it blackens and then bucketfuls of water gush out of it, instantly soaking the carpet and nearby wallpaper. Something else falls out, long, black and writhing desperately like a worm on a string. It crashes into the soggy carpet and keeps twitching as more water pours out of the portal, until with a SNAP! it disappears.
The thing…being? twists frantically, as if its trying to burrow itself into the puddles seeping into the ground. As minutes tick by, it gets weaker and sluggish. It won’t have long to live.
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thebionicnarrator · 5 months
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STANARRATOR + THE NARRRATOR’S SIGNATURE CONFIRMED. (from the indiebox instruction manual)
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thebionicnarrator · 5 months
Finally done with the animation! :D
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thebionicnarrator · 6 months
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Stanley this. Stanley that. Stanley this. Stanley that. Stanley this. Stanley that. Stanley this. Stanley that. Stanley this. Stanley that.
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thebionicnarrator · 6 months
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thebionicnarrator · 7 months
You should talk to Stanley. Stop ignoring him and let him speak!
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thebionicnarrator · 7 months
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a We Need To Talk Ending aka Narrator restarting the game every time Stanley tries to talk it out.
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thebionicnarrator · 7 months
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thebionicnarrator · 7 months
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gif of the no signal tv
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thebionicnarrator · 8 months
"I can fix you, Stanley."
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thebionicnarrator · 9 months
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