thebisexualswiftie · 1 month
being the token horror movie guy in the family is so hard. what do you mean you dont wanna watch the having a bad time movie? What? What do you mean its scary?
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thebisexualswiftie · 1 month
being the token horror movie guy in the family is so hard. what do you mean you dont wanna watch the having a bad time movie? What? What do you mean its scary?
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thebisexualswiftie · 1 month
Topic: Write a poem describing your favorite season as if it were a person.
Malady of Reverie
Across eons of civilization stretched beneath
her naked feet, she walks.
And with every step she takes,
the leaves scattered below her, dried and dead,
rustle, crunch and crumple as she treads.
Flowers have sprung into life, not even a
month ago, but now,
As her footfalls whisper songs of dread
among the trees around, even the vibrant petals crumble,
under her icy gaze.
A thin white gown flows down upon her
gaunt, pale body, wrapping its frost-bitten features
Into the façade of a tale, forever so fierce and yet long lost.
As her numb, white feet tread through forests of green,
and her ice-cold gaze pierces through sheets of glee,
Grey clouds crowd the heavens above,
veiling an ocean of stars behind its dreadful glory.
Then as a smile so sleek stretches on her
pastel faded lips,
Flakes of snow plummet down upon the earth beneath.
Her irises the shade of midnight light up,
as sheets of snow line up her path,
And beings of wild scatter away to last.
“Death!” they scream. “Death has come!”
And as they slam their splintered doors shut,
All she does is laugh; A laugh so cruel
and a tone so tantalizing,
I wonder if it would for an eternity last.
They try to grab, to steer, to drag, to yank me
away from her glacial touch,
But I remain, lost in a dream,
As frozen as the dead,
For I have waited far too long, far too long,
with my calamitous love, and insurmountable grief,
with a longing in my heart so extreme.
My pain so raw, so ghastly and vast,
fits so perfectly in the palm of her freezing hands.
And when I ascend, the trees, they rustle,
a blizzard at its wake; they scream for me,
Not to go, not to go any further,
And thus, I run,
I run barefoot in the wildest winter,
into the arms of the lady,
Waiting there for me.
So disastrous a being and yet so ravishing,
A beauty so scarcely appreciated,
But no, not for me,
for I have been too long gone,
Lost in the midst of Reverie.
@ivysworld02 wrote this poem about personifying the season winter and I'm in love. This deserves a prize.
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thebisexualswiftie · 1 month
Best cousin EVER
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thebisexualswiftie · 2 months
STOP!!! being in other countries. I wanna! Hang out >:(
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thebisexualswiftie · 2 months
STOP!!! being in other countries. I wanna! Hang out >:(
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thebisexualswiftie · 3 months
Do I chop my hair off again??? Idk the impulsive thoughts are getting me and I feel the sudden urge to go back to my half buzzcut era
I mean, a good chop never hurt any body
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thebisexualswiftie · 3 months
I was 1.5 when I got my lobes pierced? Should I do the cartilage now? Also, not crying while getting your nose pierced really is an accomplishment
@thebisexualwreckoning got her ears pierced and now i want to get mine pierced too
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thebisexualswiftie · 3 months
Does it hurt much? I've heard that the cartilage hurts a lot
@thebisexualwreckoning got her ears pierced and now i want to get mine pierced too
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thebisexualswiftie · 3 months
Should i get my nose septum pierced? Or should i just go safe and get my ears pierced?
@thebisexualwreckoning got her ears pierced and now i want to get mine pierced too
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thebisexualswiftie · 3 months
@thebisexualwreckoning got her ears pierced and now i want to get mine pierced too
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thebisexualswiftie · 3 months
Mine is bibliosmia! @thebisexualwreckoning
Quick ! Think of a word you like ! 
Not necessarily your favorite word, it doesn’t even have to be a word you usually like ! Just a word that right now, at this moment, you look at and think “ooh what about this one”.
It can be a word you find funny, pretty, strange, scary, anything really ! You don’t need to tell me why you choose that word (though I’d love to know if you want to tell me), just give me a word ! 
(It’d be lovely if we made this into a chain but there’s no pressure <3)
uhhhhh sanguine? (literally the only word that popped up into my head rn but it’s prettyyy and sounds like summer to me in some inexplicable way 😌✨)
oh sure! Tagging @daydream-of-a-wallflower @silence-between-seconds @re-is-back-in-black @jaaklops @annotated-catastrophe @vintagetee13 @cherryswift13 @dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies @lost-in-reveriie @moonlightt444 @art-of-fools @good-oldfashioned-lover-girl @addsalwayssick @miseryoforpheus @justafanbutcurious + anyone else who’d like to join in :)
(but no pressure ofc <3)
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thebisexualswiftie · 4 months
Omg yeah
i think we’re hunting each other for sport. in another universe
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thebisexualswiftie · 4 months
Aww, i love you too!
i adore people who let me use voice messages when messaging them
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thebisexualswiftie · 4 months
shout out to everyone who participated in the january-february mass depressive episode
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thebisexualswiftie · 4 months
Regulus: is kind to a lost student and gently helps them out
Pete: wow, I didn't know Baby Black had it in him to be nice to people
Sirius: I thought he stopped being sweet when he was 6 years old? what the fuck? why is he doing that?
Remus: maybe he's decided to take his role as prefect really seriously, I don't know...James, you good?
James: .....
Remus: James?
James: .......😍
Remus: James?
James, falling in love as they speak: he's so damn pretty when he's nice to people, did you guys see that?
Remus: okay lads, we've officially lost him
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thebisexualswiftie · 4 months
They were sitting outside, revising for exams. Evan and Dorcas, Barty and Pandora, cross questioning each other while Regulus silently revised from his notes.
"And this one?" Pandora asked Barty, pointing at a star on the astronomical chart.
"Oh, That's Regulus. The heart of Leo constellation." He replied.
Regulus. The heart of Leo constellation.
These were really common words. Regulus has heard, read them thousands of times, in astronomy lessons, in test questions etc.
But unexpectedly, he doesn't know why, right now hearing these words took him four years back, to that Christmas.
They were sitting around the dining table at Black Family's Christmas feast. 11 year old Sirius sat there, with his eyes downcast as their mother berated him yet again for bringing shame to their family by being sorted into Gryffindor. Regulus saw how Sirius would bite his lip at one insult, how the spoon would shake in his hand at other. Regulus himself felt all those emotions for Sirius at the time, he could feel the clouds of sadness rumbling over Sirius and he couldn't help but feel the same.
When the dinner ended and they were told to go back to their room, ever so obedient Regulus left the dining room without a glance back.
On the way back to his room however he was suddenly pulled aside and what met him was Sirius; smiling ear to ear and the black clouds of sadness seemed to be replaced by welcoming white clouds adorned by Sirius' smile that felt like sunshine, like home, like Sirius.
"Reg!" Sirius exclaimed.
"What?" Regulus asked, dazed at the suddenness.
"Do you know what your name means?" Sirius' eyes shimmered.
"Huh?" Regulus furrowed his brows, dumbfounded at the sudden question.
"Do you know what your name means?" Sirius repeated.
"Yeah..?" Regulus raised his brow, confused.
Sirius tutted, shaking his head. "Regulus. The heart of Leo constellation." Sirius said, looking up at Regulus, his eyes sparkling.
"Yeah..? I know." Regulus nodded lightly.
Sirius shook his head again, clasping his hands on Regulus' shoulder, shaking him. “It’s the heart of the Leo constellation!” He beamed.
“Yes, Sirius, I know,” Regulus nodded, trying not to sound exasperated.
“Well, Leo is a lion, right?” Sirius asked, looking a bit put out that Regulus didn't immediately understand his point. 
“And Gryffindor’s mascot is a lion, right?”
“So,” Sirius breathed out, motioning his hands like he was explaining an easy concept to a child and then pointed at himself, grinning “I’m a Gryffindor," he pointed at Regulus "You’re Regulus," he paused. "You’re my heart.”
Regulus blinked, as if frozen for a second and then his eyes turned crescent-shaped, and he broke in the widest smile.
At that moment he felt enveloped by warmth, he felt happiness as if he got his Hogwarts letter, as if as if...
But right now he felt his chest tighten, his throat constricting.
As his eyes zoomed to the other side of the black lake where four Gryffindors boys sat, laughing amongst themselves. His eyes locking on the boy with shoulder length black hair, as he swallowed hard.
Sirius won't be coming home for Christmas anymore.
Sirius won't be coming home anymore at all.
And Regulus, as Sirius said, Sirius' heart, he actually took Regulus with him and left this shell.
Inspired by @my-castles-crumbling this post.
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