My task for ChatGPT was:
As an advanced language model, ChatGPT has several implications for education that can benefit both teachers and students. One of the most significant implications is the ability to provide personalized learning experiences for each student. ChatGPT can analyze student data, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and provide tailored learning material to help them improve.
Another implication is the potential to democratize education by making it accessible to anyone with an internet connection. ChatGPT can provide students with instant access to a vast amount of information and knowledge, breaking down the traditional barriers of time, location, and financial resources that can hinder learning.
Furthermore, ChatGPT can also help teachers by automating administrative tasks, such as grading assignments and providing feedback to students. This frees up more time for teachers to focus on providing personalized instruction and support to students.
However, it is important to note that ChatGPT should not replace human teachers entirely. While it can provide valuable assistance, it cannot replace the empathy, understanding, and creative thinking that human teachers bring to the classroom. Ultimately, the most effective use of ChatGPT in education will be as a supplement to, rather than a replacement for, human teachers.
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The Blood Meridian is Simply too Interesting
To be honest I don’t really recall being majorly touched or changed by any creative works, in this previous year. That was until fairly recently when I learn about a book about a dark historical fiction in a western setting. I’m talking about none other than Blood Meridian, by Cormac McCarthy.
As fan of the franchise Warhammer 4000, I’m used to grim dark settings for Warhammer is all about war, blood shed, killings, racism, fascism, torture, and indiscriminate acts of violence in the setting of a space opera. I also really enjoy the western genre and the idea of lone ranger fighting for justice, salvation, or gold in wasted lands, and fighting with mid 1800s guns, which I personally find gorgeous. However, Blood Meridian was my first exposition to those two genres at the same time.
To summarize the story as much as possible, it’s basically about a trouble kid with a tendency for violence and no goals in life who ends up joining The Glanton Gang. This gang in composed of barbarians like people who kill native people to get money in exchange of their scalps. However, as if it wasn’t already brutal and savage enough, they end up also killing entire villages of Mexican civilians because at the end of the day, nobody will see the difference between a native and Mexican scalp. The worst thing is that it’s not even the worst things that the book has to offer and it’s especially disturbing when you know that this historical book is pretty accurate in its depictions of real-life events.
Bloody Meridian is filled with messages, morals, and a lot of biblical reference. It’s easy to understand how so many people did essays on it, and I’m myself dying to talk about it in more details. For instance, if I could, I’d make an entire essay on the fascinating character of the Judge alone.
Anyway, if I had to summarize how this novel changed my perspective on the world I’d say that even though we live in a world where evil is fundamentally present in whatever form it takes, I think that we all have the chance to take action in the changing of whatever wrong is happening.
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Is it Just Me or it's Hot in Here!
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Today, it's so hot outside that I'm just as amused as I'm sad. My tears are mixing with my sweaty to create a liquid TWICE as saltier than the broth of the instant ramen I ate earlier today!
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Hopefully, the G Block got the perfect thing to cool me down, but also to reduce the sodium level on my face. However, even though I'm happy to see that my friend's magnificent camera was able to capture an image of my beautiful forearm, I'm still crying because I know that cool water is noting but a futile solution to my helpless situation.
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The heat does not like me. Why so much hate, sun, why? Even if I'm not getting grilled by the sun, under my vest, I'm still cooking.
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I found a nice cool spot in the shadows. However, I won't stay here for two reasons. Firstly, I look dumb! Secondly, the floor is not the cleanest place.
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Sometime, I look out the window and start wondering what's more beautiful than a sunny summer day. Then, plenty of things way more beautiful than a sunny summer day come to my mind. However, the point is that summer is peaty damn hot and beautiful.
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4.48 Psychosis is Weird
4.48 Psychosis is probably one of the most interesting yet confusing pieces of work I have ever known when talking of tone. Being about the psychosis of an essentially troubled person, no wonder it's chaotic. If you have ever been in any form of depression or even just sadness, you should undoubtedly be able to agree how those experiences are filled with emotions and feeling greater than us, leaving little to no clear thinking. Only to leave us in the chaos of emotions and thought. Interestingly enough, it’s a phenomenon illustrated and formulated extremely well in 4.48 Psychosis. Actually, it’s so well written that you can experience it only by reading the play. Ironically, this is most likely due to the fact that the subject of chaos is implemented in an ordered way. For instance, the dialogues make it so we can have an outside perspective of our protagonist’s mental issues. Personally, I feel like I speak in a different togue in my mind. While a conversation with someone feels linear, it’s as if a conversation in my mind is tridimensional. For instance, we could say that each time the play let the chaos take place, we assist to her inner thoughts. This is also why everything is clearer and more comprehensible when she is dialoguing. Anyway, to be honest, I do not think the fact that the play is chaotic in nature is a problem. Indeed, the play could have been a thousand times less compensable, and I would still have enjoyed it because at the end of the day, a good work of art is there to make you react and make you feel emotions and I feel that 4.48 Psychosis manages to do this pretty well.
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Why I Like this Picture
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Throughout all the pictures we looked at in class, my favorite is probably this one by Francesca Woodman. First of all, I find it funny that most of the environment in this picture by Woodman is made of wood. However, do not be fooled by my foolishness, it's not my main argument why. In fact, I think this photography is interesting because of all the stories it inspires me.
For instance, we could say that the lady in the picture has a curse being that she burns everything she touches. She probably burned her clothes, which explains why she's naked. Furthermore, the silhouette on the floor probably got there when she lay down on the floor and burned it.
Interestingly enough, the silhouette on the ground and the fact the lady is naked are two elements that great together an interesting dynamic. In fact, they are the only eye-catching elements in the frame. However, there is no obvious correlation between the two of them, which gives the image an uncanny and abstract feel.
Speaking of feeling, let's talk about the tone. Another reason for why this art piece is pretty interesting is that no matter what meaning or story you will make out of it, I would be that it's tone would remain somewhat dark, sad or melancholic. In addition to having this concept in mind, we could almost go to say that this art work wasn't made to tell a story, but to express a feeling. For example, at the end of the day, the story about the cursed lady that I invented earlier remain an ironic yet sad one. How could one be happy if everything they touched burned? But, if we change the story and instead claim that the woman is grieving the death of someone whom silhouette belonged, the story remains sad.
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The Shitty Picture
This picture is, in my opinion, a really bad one.
Most of the time in art, your art can be attracted by an element which usually plays the role of the subject. I'm not an expert but I think it's pretty clear that such a thing is helping the audience at reading the artistic message of the art work. This even applies to abstract work where lines and shapes sometime communicate the impression of flow or an emotion. Basically, you can't just expect that a picture or other artwork with seemingly no subject, meaning or communication will be enjoyable.
Interestingly enough, the picture in question happens to be that. Indeed, the eyes of our viewers don't seem to be able to naturally find something interesting to watch. In fact, you can see my foot but it's poorly placed and is even blurry. You can't even clearly see if I'm wearing pants or not. In summary the only potential subject is not really in focus and is frankly not that interesting.
Furthermore, the colours are just so ugly. In colour theory, we learn that each colour has a meaning. Without knowing the one of the colours in the picture, I can safely say it's pretty damn boring.
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Performance Art
Performance art is for me once again another example of how art can be a large and abstract subject. Personally, I think a lot of things can be performance art, without necessarily being one in the first place. Homelessness, for instance (I'm about 90% certain some people will find this controversial without knowing why whatsoever) is for me some sort of performance art. Just by standing there, these poor individuals represent the disparities and cruelty of our society.
To be honest, if people were to ask me to do performance art, I would really have to dig in my mind to find something I stand for and speak to me to be able to turn it into a performance. If someone cannot do that, it is not called land art. Unfortunately, I happen to be someone like that.
However, to answer this question, I ended up being more inspired by my peers. I have a friend for instance that globally do not see a point in labels. For example, he concluded that most of the title used by the LGBTQ+ community is too specific. It then seems that too many people need to label every single little facet of their personality, value, sexuality and more, which is pretty absurd when you think about it.
If I were in his place and wanted to do a performance art, I would first stand somewhere. Then, I would let people write on my body everything they would think of me. They would write about what they think about my appetence, how they think I am, who they think I am and more. At the end, all these labels would show the absurdity of it all and show how dumb it is to underline every facet of our personality.
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My Rain Stick
The land art I chose to invent with my classmate was basically a rain stick. However, even though I did not have any inspiration or ideas that came from another land art, I had a concept in mind. Indeed, my inspiration for this project was not another land art but a concept that was a land art that did not only tackle the visual aspect of art. The problem was that it’s not like if it was the simplest thing to do. Firstly, we needed to find a way to make art that is not only something that makes you react only by looking at it. We then thought about music because at the end of the day it’s a form of art you can experience blind. We knew that what we were going to do was a musical instrument. After a few brainstorm, we finally decided to do a rain stick with a giant rock and metal pipes running between it. Placed in nature, and made with a mix of natural and man-made materials, I don’t think you can go more land art than that. Furthermore, to make music, we simply have to throw rocks in it.
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Land Art
Basically, a land art is art work that is in synergy with a natural environment. An inukshuk for instance would then be an example of land art.
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However, land art can be mush bigger than the average inukshuk. Spiral jetty, for instance, is a collection of stones and dirt that have been put together to form a gigantic spiral on a beach. Although it's been man-made, it has literally become an environment on which you can walk on. It's like if a land art is really just a man-made art work that is now part of nature.
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English BMF - First weblog entry
First question: To be honest I don't know how I got BMF :| .
Second question: When I think of the term art, I know it might sound wacky but I think about things that make us think... EXAMPLE: A nice yet abstract painting which makes you think about the problems that bring you joy in life.
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