thebloginme · 10 years
The Story of Julliene
I got a 'word of the day' app on my laptop and a few days ago it spat the word 'julienne' together with its meaning. You know how it is with some words, they stick with you like bubblegum sticks on hair. Julliene did that to me. Stuck with me for a few days. Nagging and gnawing.
I was waiting for an opportunity to use it in a random conversation so I can free up some space on my mind. Problem is I work at home. And I mostly talk to myself if I get tired talking to the walls.
Today, a friend messaged me on Facebook to happily tell me she's pregnant. Here's comes a golden opportunity I couldn't possibly pass up.
"If it's a girl, will you consider naming her Julliene?"
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thebloginme · 10 years
The Sound Of One Hand Clapping
What is the sound of one hand clapping? I thought this was just a trick question. It turned out it was not. It’s actually a question with no right or wrong answer. Whatever you think it is, then it’s the right answer for you. 
And because I thought at first it was just a normal, random, trick question I answered immediately without so much thought — silence. Whatever silence sounds like must probably also be the sound of one hand clapping.
But after much thought I realized it can be more than just silence. It can be something else. Like the sound of happiness. Of contentment. Of amazement. Of something positive.
Why do people clap? Why do you clap? When something invokes a positive emotion out of you. 
No matter how many hands you use when clapping, it’s still clapping. And you always clap for the same reason - when something invokes a positive emotion out of you. 
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thebloginme · 10 years
To The Man I Love
I will remember your warm hugs
our whispers of love
seldom said but always meant.
I will remember the locking of our lips
and of our hands.
I will remember you
in that small room,
your books
your bare back
the sound of the keyboard
and the music.
I will remember the laughters,
the movies
the long bedtime talks.
I will remember how you gave me
all the love you had
and how I gave you all that was in me.
I will remember the passion
your anger, my fire
and how it made our worlds explode. 
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thebloginme · 10 years
Love Is A Curse
Love is a curse, enchanting and bewitching. And like any curse, it will soon be broken. 
But a broken love is no reason to never love again.  Love is a vicious cycle. You love, you hurt, you learn and then you love better. 
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thebloginme · 10 years
I Dream About Blue Ducklings and Paintings
I saw a friend slouched on the ground. Her back was on me but I can clearly see from where I stand that she was working on a painting of two blue ducklings happily swimming on a swamp. She painted them so that you only see the back of the ducks, a bird's eye view. Her canvas was about two meters long, laid out on the damp, brown earth. 
I slowly approached her side, sat, and whispered, "I used to paint,too." 
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thebloginme · 10 years
It's My Birthday!
Hello, random stranger. It's my birthday today. :)
What's that? 
Oh geez, thanks. That's very sweet of you. And no, it's not my 25th birthday. That was two years ago. I'm 27 now. Age just sort of crept up on me, you know. And I don't feel like a year older. Everything feels like how it was yesterday. Or a year ago. Or 2 years ago.
But random stranger, something weird is happening to me. I no longer felt invincible. I realize that the world is as harsh as the desert wind and if I don't step up and kick my ass every now and then I'll end up kissing somebody else's ass. I'm also starting to distrust everything that's trivial. I think anything mundane will suck the living life out of me. Weird, right?
Thanks, random stranger for your time. Here, have a slice of cake.
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thebloginme · 10 years
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall
Aim for a pair of eyes that see beyond the superficial. Never be like the rest of the world. Vain, self-focused, boring.  
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thebloginme · 10 years
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This is “Mr Hansum Guy,” famous for being really handsome. Drawn by C, age 6.
Me: “What makes someone handsome?” C: “They dress fancy.” Me: “Who do you know who is handsome?” Her: “You!” Me: “Really? Me? I’m fancy?” Her: “Actually, no. You have red poofy hair.”
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thebloginme · 10 years
What Day Is Today?
Today is quite an uninteresting day. I know some of you guys would go like "Every day is a blessing. Every day is interesting".
Yeah, I totally get you. I sometimes feel like that when I'm feeling romantic and giddy. But trust me when I say today is totally uninteresting. And to prove my point, I won't even upload an unrelated pic for this post. 
Love note: Hope you guys are having a much better day.
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thebloginme · 10 years
Sucking It Up
Woke up not feeling too good. This only means one thing, today would be a day full of sucking. And by that I mean I have to constantly suck things up to get through the day productively. Without losing my sanity.
Maybe I should start with some drinks..
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thebloginme · 10 years
Perfect for afternoon walks. Or any type of walks. 
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St. Lukas, Munich (by St. Lukas by Christoph Dohmesen)
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thebloginme · 10 years
Photoshoot Day
I went with BF for a photoshoot session. Nope, I've nothing to do with it, I was just there tagging along. Normally, I'd be excited. I'm always excited when we go visit new places. It's my kind of adventure. I get high like that. 
But not today.
Maybe it's because of the rain? And the cold weather, too? And the fact that just about 30 minutes in, my bladder started burning like hell already and there was nowhere to pee. The shoot was up in the mountains, in an unfinished temple. Again, nowhere to pee. I had to hold the liquid in for another hour. It started feeling damp down there..oh, god. I decided mother nature wouldn't mind getting wet a bit more since it's already raining, so I sat down behind some tall bushes and just let it all out. Ahh, that was satisfying!
Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, didn't enjoy the shoot. It was the weather. Definitely the weather.  
Aside from the umbrellas which signify a rainy weather, picture below has nothing to do with my post. 
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Art: Puppy Love by Artist KJ Carr
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