I just a simp
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Not at me getting emotional because they left a space empty for Yoonie.
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Birbirlerini tamamlıyorlar...
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He will be the death of me
I’m not well
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n.o. ↔ on
bts mma // on intro
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It’s interesting that EVERY SINGLE TIME Levi lost his beloved one, he witnessed their death bodies. His mom, Farlan, Isabel, Kenny, his squad, Hange’s squad, Erwin, Sasha, the squad he losted in the woods… all of them, but Hange.
The last time he saw Hange, was when she was fighting the colossal and successfully took down one of them.
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Everyone saw Hange’s body on fire falling.
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Except for Levi and Pieck. (I can’t with Pieck’s face; she is just watching Levi’s sorrow…)
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The last words of Levi to Hange :
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This is the first time that Levi didn’t saw the dead body of someone dear to him. 
This is the first time Isayama doesn’t show Levi’s face when someone dear to him die.
This is the first time Levi says something significant to a dear one that have just died. “…See you”, in Japanese he says “Jaa ne” what is what you say to someone that you will see the other day.
This is the first time Levi asked a favor to someone dead. “Keep watching us Hange.”
This is the first time he will keep the memory of his dear friend when she was still alive.
For Levi, Hange will be still alive with him. That’s why he says that to her at the end. He will never remember a defeated Hange or a dead Hange, he just will remember how amazing his dear friend was fighting the colossals.
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Reblog if you are Team Zikki
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Todoroki: God is a woman
Bakugou: and her name is Yaoyorozu Momo
Yaoyorozu, close to tears: Bakugou actually knows my name?
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The UST is just…
Hirunaka no Ryuusei Live Action Movie (2017) 
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I don’t know if my english will make sense, but, oh well. HAHAHA
I know I’m super presumptuous but they’ll eventually call each other by their names in the end. Because, well, their surnames are long and a tongue twister in it itself.  ´ ▽ ` )
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Why I Think Momo is Kickass and You should too
So with the emergence of the anime becoming more and more popular, of course the fan base is growing and growing, I would even say to heights like seen in Fairy Tail, Naruto, etc.
 However, with the series getting more popular, you are stuck with more….negative opinions about the characters that in my mind are sometimes just not necessary.
 Now, this blog is normally Ochako and Kacchako and I intend to mostly keep it that way but lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of negative posts towards Momo and frankly, I’m heavily displeased by this, especially since she’s one of the most well portrayed girls in the series and it’s really heartbreaking on my end to see posts that essentially dismiss her for more shallow reasons that don’t need to be here.
 I mean to start this off, are we going to simply forget that she came into UA on a recommendation and was a student that made even All Might shook when asked why Iida was the winner of the exercise
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or how, even though the class didn’t know her, she was still voted to be Assistant Class President? 
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 or how she was able to act calm and rational during the USJ villain fight?
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 or how she still managed to get the top grade in the midterm exams and didn’t get it to her head but actually acted BENEVOTELY and helped her classmates who asked her for help?
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or how it was HER plan that got Todoroki and her to win the exam that they were fighting in?
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 But ya know, because of her BODY, we’re going to ignore that right? We’re going to ignore how amazing and how smart she is simply because of her body.  
I won’t lie guys, I’ve heard people complaining about her quirk and even saying how bad her quirk is designed when it’s like??? It actually makes a lot of sense why it’s like that since she does create large objects like shields, spears, A FREAKING CANON, like it makes sense for her to need to use fat call throughout her body to be able to achieve that look.
Which brings me to talk about her costume. Oh boy, this is the one that when I first entered the fandom, no one really said anything but now that the series is more popular, everyone has become experts on body proportions and quirk designs and apparently fashion design since her costume isn’t good enough for her.
I mean look at the costume design that Horikoshi put in for her and how he planned that all out for her
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At some point, yes I understand, Horikoshi is a pervert, sometimes his intentions aren’t the best, I get that. But consider this, even though he had the ability to make Ochako’s and Tsuyu’s costumes completely perverted, he chose against that. He had the perfect opportunity to indulge in that yet he didn’t. What I love about Horikoshi is that he thinks about the practicality of the quirks and designs the costumes based on that as well taking into consideration the character’s personality and what they would want.
 So guys, at some point, reality check moment: Momo is comfortable with her body enough to wear a costume that she deemed necessary for the usage of her quirk. And she chose that design for that outfit and has not said a word about this entire series. She even had an opportunity to create it to be more closed and she chose not to. MOMO CHOSE HER OUTFIT AND VIEWS IT GOOD ENOUGH FOR HER HERO WORK.
 In this moment too, I would like to share what even Midnight said during Episode 34 at the very beginning.
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So another reality check: The only people who are saying it’s sexual are the people who are sexualizing her to begin with. Instead of viewing it as more of a practical thing that is designed for her quirk (which involves utilizing her fat cells and creating stuff through her skin), people begin to view as sexual and are condemning her for having a revealing costume. Which, to me personally, I find ironic since tumblr is filled with campaigns of free the nipple and the stopping of sexualization of breasts and female anatomy, yet look what’s happening here. People are taking her costume and saying she’s being sexualized for choosing a design that would give her optimal openness to use her quirk.
 I mean look at how she used it in the Aizawa fight
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 Having that navel cavity helped her out immensely during this fight and she was able to create the alloy material in a much faster way with having access to areas where most of her fat is stored.
Which, I also heard people commenting on how Momo’s body doesn’t make sense and how skinny she is in comparison to her boobs (which I’ve seen that in real life, it’s not uncommon), but if you see in this spread
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She actually isn’t the skinniest person in the world. Keep in mind that while she does use her fat cells to make stuff, she does also consume A LOT OF FOOD TOO to keep up with the level of activity too so she does get chubby sometimes so it’s a wrong assumption to think she has this INCRDIBLY PERFECT BODY WITH NO FAT when she does! Which only makes it only more natural and real!
Honestly, her entire arc in the beginning of the manga (or at least up into this exam point) has been so powerful, so realistic, and so amazingly well done.
I mean to consider, very similarly to Bakugou, while we haven’t gotten much of her backstory, given how she behaved in Season 1, we can have a somewhat assumption that she came from a great home and was well praised for her quirk. Obviously, her quirk isn’t one with a talent, she had to work immensely for it, but she must have been placed into situations where she was elevated and praised for how powerful her quirk is (like she was put in situations where she was able to be able to use her quirk to the fullest and not have much backfired).
Even Aizawa says this during their fight
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Which does imply this isn’t a constant state she’s always been in, it’s one that has been gained since the sports festival (hence why the arguments that she should be shouldn’t be self confident are wrong). 
Yet, with coming to UA and being in a hero course, after participating in the festival, well she starts to crumble and kind of doubt her abilities against the others
 Like it starts off with her not getting a high ranking on the race
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 Then she mentioned the issue with the cavalry battle later on but definitely the heavy hitter for Momo was her fight with Tokoyami where she was left in shambles since she wasn’t able to make much on an impact on the fight itself (which this was amplified more in the anime than the manga itself).
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Thus really bringing down her confidence. And now a lot of people screamed about how misogynist her hero training was and how demeaning it was which leads to 2 issues that some people forget about.
 1.     That there are multiple sides to being a hero. It’s not always the cookie cutter “fight villains, rescue people, rinse and repeat”. Even famous people in our society, even though their job is to act/sing/etc, they still go out and do publicity work and that’s what they do. It’s a part of being well known and using your abilities outside of the field you are in.
2.     This was all part of Momo developing. This was just another way to bring Momo down a couple more notches. It’s a bit cruel and hard but this was a way for Horikoshi to get her  out of her mindset and be exposed to something where her confidence could be lowered. Guaranteed if she was put into an actual hero training internship, she wouldn’t have been lowered as much as she did.
 Which could lead the argument that it wasn’t necessary to have any of that stuff happen to her but consider, would she have gotten in this state if she didn’t have those things happen and accumulate?
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And would she have gotten her confidence back from Todoroki/Aizawa and execute an amazing plan without that encouragement from those moments?
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Probably not.
 Ok this post is beginning to get way to long so I’m going to stop here before I go on and on and on about Momo. As much as Ochako is my best girl and I will forever sacrifice myself to her, even I have to admit Momo is utterly amazing and I only talked about what happened in the first 65 chapters. I didn’t even brush on how amazing she was during the invasion of the villains or how she managed to be a huge help in the rescue of Bakugou or even how kickass she was during the license exam (which she helped my princess Ochako and that pleased me so much). Momo is just more than the simple sexual object people are complaining her to be as, she’s an incredibly smart and amazing woman and Horikoshi put so much thought into her, more than what any of us could ever imagine. I am truly excited to see more of what she can do in the future and I hope she gains more fans since she truly deserves it.
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In this household, we want only THE BEST FOR GODDESS MOMO
What Your Favorite My Hero Academia Ship Says About You
Transcription below the cut
Keep reading
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hi! do you have any daisuga fic rec?
Oho here we go ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) i really love these fics omg. i’M sorry because this post is really really  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) long i beg yourpardon THANK YOU!
i do have daisuga fanfics that i really like to read, here we go my friend ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°):
series (best series for me)
Apartment 103 by protectginozasquad
We’ll eat cake by h_lovely
The stars in the summer by Ellessey
it’s hell to be you by Mooifyourecows
Just Another by Mooifyourecows
Volleyball dad series by bishounencurious
butterfly in the subway by bigspoonnoya
How to Manage by SuggestiveScribe
Black and Blue by MTrash (Makaria)
Open Tab by Mooifyourecows
WANTED: ONE SUGADADDY by blushingninja
Fake Wedding March by tsukkkiii (becauseitisbitter)
You’d fit my lonely arms so perfectly by boxofwonder
but for me, there is a storm by Authoress
Cardboard Castles by Aetherdrive
Cake or Break by Crollalanza
Spellbound by isthisphantasy
The Lucky Ones by yu_gin
fluff (one shots) (too much that i got emotional diabetes)
His favorite song by magelbar
Captivating by Ellessey
it’s hell to be you by Mooifyourecows
Button by bigspoonnoya
woo you by bishounencurious
cold syrup and an excuse to see you by erzi
boys by buu
i do (cherish you) by gabstar for cleiioo
Add New Contact by booksong
Fight Me by Holly_Batali
Exception to the rule by mysecretfanmoments
Splinters by Crollalanza
Tanaka Ryuunosuke: Matchmaker Extraordinare (DaiSuga Edition) by whatisitkirschtein
Marbled by booksong
up and at ‘em by Shyntax
by the stubborn will of gravity by toyotas
can i crash at your place tonight by earlgrey_milktea
I just gonna draw your back again, please don’t mind me by Adelaida
4 AM is not Sugawara Koushi’s favourite time by Andramion
The real beauty by Ellessey
we are teenage hearts by Pyrahus
SMUT ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (too hot hot damn)
Oops by Mooifyourecows (THIS IS SO FUNNY YOU SHOULD READ IT)
Jealousy by suveycorpsjean (i cried)
Pleated pants by Suggestivescribe (suga’s really thirsty here)
As Well As You Know Me by Authoress (HOT REALLY HOT)
High for this by wildkitte (HORNY DAISUGA)
Melt in Your Mouth by jellyfish_kuchen (HORNY AGAIN)
This is your captain speaking by Ellessey (PUNS BAD PUNS)
My Koushi by KarasunoShugoshin (HELL YEAH DAICHI)
Easier than you think by fangirlandiknowit (i cried again)
Hold Still by schiggy (HECK YEAH HOLY COW)
Kings of After Hours Management by SuggestiveScribe (IWAIZUMI CANT STOP THEM)
Kiss it better, Captain by Utsu (daichi you’re the best)
stay the night by schiggy (hmmmm)
Room 516 by Orphan_account (gay for each other)
Just in time by Toast_Senpai (NICE DAICHI *wink wonk*)
Adrenaline heat by ZephyrCamida (HECK YEAH YOU CAN FEEL THE INTENSITY)
five times for daichi by disarmingly (help daichi he needs help)
A weekend away by TheCaptainofSirius (omegaverse au y’all)
Glow by kingdra (aroceu) (daichi spanking suga)
Beautiful by seriouslyjustno (too much for me)
naughty by kurokn  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Your wish is my command by Garneer ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) pt2)
Forget About It by writeitinred (horny suga!)
after hours by orphan_account (thirsty daichi)
Finally by Moramew (omegaverse hehe)
Lollipop by inkleafclover (SUGA SUGA SUGA)
ahhhhh that’s all i can recommend you guys to read but there are a lot of stories that you should read that i did not mention here! Don’t forget to leave kudos and compliments after reading their works!
heck yeah daisuga ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Someone please write this
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Touch Your Heart Todomomo au (1)
If you don’t know, Touch Your Heart is an absolutely lovely kdrama in which the main leads have major Todomomo vibes. I highly recommend 😔
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When your children go out on dates with their boyfriends. 
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Tamaki is asking for a friend :
fellas is it gay to call your best bro the sun and then call yourself “suneater”?
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— I know that you really have amazing power. I know that you’re actually… a really cheerful and fun guy. That’s why, if I use your own words, then you’re someone even more amazing than the sun. Have confidence in yourself, Tamaki. You’re someone who eats even the sun, Suneater.
Amajiki Tamaki ✩ Suneater of the Big Three
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