theboneclinic123 · 3 months
Joint doctors prescribe a hip replacement for conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or hip fractures. The Bone Clinic is one of the best hospital for hip replacement in Delhi.
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theboneclinic123 · 3 months
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theboneclinic123 · 3 months
Avascular Necrosis (AVN) of Hip, Symptoms, and Treatment in Delhi
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Avascular necrosis (AVN), also known as osteonecrosis, is a condition of hip joint, causing pain, limited mobility, and, if left untreated, leads to disability. As an ortho specialist with an experience of more than 2 decades Dr. Mahanta, treated many cases of AVN patients. In this article, he is explaining AVN of the hip, its causes, symptoms, and treatment in Ortho hospital in Dwarka, Delhi.
What is AVN of the Hip?
AVN occurs when there is a disturbance of the blood supply to the bone, leading to bone tissue death. In the cases of the hip joint, it is responsible for mobility and weight-bearing capability of a body. The femoral head, the spherical end of the femur that fits into the hip socket, is gets affected by AVN.
What are the Causes of AVN?
AVN of the hip can be caused by the following factors, including the common denominator being impaired blood flow to the femoral head:
Chronic Corticosteroid Use: Prolonged use of corticosteroid medicine or drugs for inflammatory conditions or autoimmune disorders, is a top cause of AVN due to its side-effects on blood vessel health.
Alcohol Abuse: Excessive alcohol consumption is can cause AVN, due to its toxic effects on bone and blood vessels.
Trauma: Hip injuries, such as fractures or dislocations, disrupt the blood supply to the femoral head, predisposing it to AVN.
Medical problems: Conditions such as sickle cell anemia, lupus, and HIV/AIDS increase the risk of AVN by compromising blood flow or causing inflammation in the body.
What are the Symptoms of AVN?
Symptoms of Avascular Necrosis develop gradually or suddenly and include following:
Hip pain is a main symptom of AVN. It gets worsen with exercise and weight activities and progresses over time.
As AVN progresses, stiffness and decreased mobility in the hip joint become more common, making normal life activities like walking or bending increasingly difficult.
Pain intensify during physical activity and subside with rest, but as the condition advances, it become persistent even at rest.
Diagnosis of AVN can be done by any ortho doctor, you can google  “ortho specialist near me“ and get clinical assessment, X-rays, or CT scan, and possibly blood tests to rule out any cautious conditions.
AVN Treatment in Delhi
The optimal treatment for AVN depends stage of the disease, the extent of bone damage, and the patient’s overall health. Treatment options include following:
In the early stages of AVN, rest, activity modification, and pain reduction with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) suffice to decrease symptoms and slow disease progression.
Bisphosphonates, drugs that help preserve bone density, may be prescribed to reduce bone loss and potentially delay the need for hip surgery.
Bone Cell Therapy is another new treatment that can cure the AVN completely without surgery.
AVN Surgery in Delhi
The following type of surgery are performed when no medicine or ointment or other treatment is able to show results:
Core Decompression: Hip surgery involves drilling into the femoral head to relieve pressure, stimulate blood flow, and facilitate formation of new blood vessels and healthy bone tissue.
Bone Grafting: In advanced cases of AVN where bone loss has occurred, bone grafting surgery becomes necessary to replace damaged bone with healthy bone from another part of the body or a donor.
Total Hip Replacement (THR): For end-stage AVN or cases THR offer the best chance for long-term pain relief and restoration of function. During this hip surgery, the diseased femoral head and socket are replaced with artificial components.
Avascular necrosis of the hip is a complex hip condition. It can happen in old ages. The average age of patients ranges from 38 to 50. Dr. Mahanta heads the orthopedics hospital in Dwarka called the Bone Clnic where you can visit him or his team of best bone doctor in Delhi to consult regarding AVN or any bone problem.
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theboneclinic123 · 3 months
All you must know about Knee Arthroscopy in Delhi | Knee Specialist in Dwarka
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In knee arthroscopy surgery, an arthroscope—a tiny instrument— is used by a surgeon to examine and repair damaged tissue. It is a less disturbing form of surgery to identify and address joint problems.
A camera on the arthroscope enables medical professionals to look for damage to the joint. Arthroscopy has certain benefits over more invasive operations because it only requires small skin incisions. Because knee arthroscopy surgery often needs shorter recovery times, it has become more popular. Serious problems are rare, and the treatment usually takes less than an hour. In this blog, we will cover all facts related to knee arthroscopy and get insights from a surgeon who is an expert knee replacement doctor in Dwarka.
What is knee arthroscopy?
An arthroscope is a special telescope used in knee arthroscopic procedures. It is inserted into your knee via a tiny incision known as “key-hole” surgery.
The interior of your knee is carefully examined with the digital camera that the arthroscope uses. Any required operations (such as repairing damaged cartilage or reconstructing a ligament) are completed at this time by making separate, tiny incisions.
Why need knee arthroscopy?
Knee arthroscopy is known to treat a variety of knee-related conditions. The following are some typical causes for which a knee arthroscopy could be recommended:
Identifying knee problems: One method for determining the source of unexplained knee discomfort, swelling, or dysfunction is knee arthroscopy. An accurate diagnosis is made by the surgeon’s ability to directly view the menisci, ligaments, and cartilage inside the knee joint thanks to the arthroscope.
Meniscus tears: Common knee injuries such as meniscal tears can result in discomfort, oedema, and restricted motion. With knee arthroscopy, doctors can remove or mend damaged meniscal tissue, improving knee function and reducing related pain.
Repair of injured ligament: Trauma or sports-related activities can result in injuries to the collateral ligaments and cruciate ligaments (PCL and ACL). Knee arthroscopy can be used to rebuild or repair injured ligaments, giving the knee joint stability again.
Repair of damaged cartilage: Cartilage injuries or abnormalities in the knee can cause discomfort and hamper joint function. Treatment of damaged cartilage with methods like microfracture, cartilage grafting, or other regenerative operations is made possible via knee arthroscopy.
Symptoms that recommend Knee Arthroscopy
Knee arthroscopy is not a disease with symptoms. It is a medical surgery. Nonetheless, there are some signs or symptoms that might prompt a knee arthroscopy, such as:
Sudden knee pain: A medical assessment may be necessary if there is acute or persistent knee discomfort without any reason, as this might result in a recommendation for knee arthroscopy.
Decrease in knee movement: The inability to completely extend or flex the knee or stiffness in the joint might be signs of issues that need to be looked at with an arthroscopy.
Increased swelling: An underlying problem that may be identified and treated with a knee arthroscopy might be signified by excessive swelling or fluid accumulation in the knee joint, which is frequently accompanied by pain or restricted range of motion.
Discomfort even after getting tests done: When traditional imaging methods, such as MRIs or X-rays, cannot provide a definitive diagnosis, knee arthroscopy is suggested as a means of directly viewing the interior tissues.
What happens during a knee arthroscopy in Delhi?
With knee arthroscopy, orthopaedic surgeons may see, diagnose, and treat a variety of knee diseases with less disturbing surgery. An outline of what usually occurs during a knee arthroscopy is provided below:
Anaesthesia and sterilization: The patient is often put under general anaesthesia, which causes unconsciousness, or regional anaesthesia, which numbs the lower body before the treatment commences. To lower the risk of infection, the area of surgery is carefully cleansed and sterilised.
Incision and arthroscopy insertion: Around the knee joint, the surgeon creates tiny incisions, often no more than half an inch. The surgical equipment and arthroscope are inserted through these incisions, which act as portals. The surgeon can see the inside of the knee joint with clarity because of the monitor that is attached to the arthroscope.
Treatment of the problem: If meniscal tears are present, the surgeon may use devices placed into the incisions to trim or repair the torn meniscus. When a ligament is injured, the surgeon may use sutures or grafts to repair or reconstruct the damaged area. Treatment options for cartilage damage include cartilage transplantation, autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI), and microfracture.
Closure: Following the procedure, the surgeon stitches your wounds shut and removes the saline solution from your joint.
Risks associated with arthroscopy
Although arthroscopy appears to be a safe and successful operation, there are some risks and potential impacts associated with this surgical procedure. Some risks involved are:
Infection: It is unusual, yet infection can happen after knee arthroscopy. Sterile surgical methods are adapted to reduce the risk. Increased pain, swelling, redness, warmth, or drainage from the incision sites are signs of infection.
Blood clots: There is a chance that blood clots in the legs will go to the lungs and have dangerous consequences. It may be advised to take precautions such as early preparations, compression stockings, and blood-thinning medications to lower this risk.
Stiffness or prolonged pain: After an arthroscopy, some patients may have stiffness or prolonged discomfort in the knee. This may be the result of things like unfinished healing, the development of scar tissue, or underlying joint diseases.
Excessive bleeding: Blood accumulation known as hematoma development can result from bleeding during or after the surgery. Extra care may be required in the case of excessive bleeding, such as blood transfusions or drainage.
The recovery process of knee arthroscopy surgery in Dwarka at The Bone Clinic
Following arthroscopy, the recovery period might change based on the specific procedures done, the patient, and other elements. Here is a broad summary of what patients might anticipate throughout their recovery, though:
Pain reduction: Patients may take pain medication as needed, and pain management starts right away. You may also use ice packs to control discomfort and swelling.
Physical therapy: To avoid stiffness and accelerate recovery, patients typically start with mild range-of-motion exercises as instructed by the physical therapist or surgeon.
Regular check-ups: Patients must keep an eye out for any indications of infection, swelling, or other issues. Follow-up consultations with the surgeon are essential for monitoring issues and evaluating the patient’s development.
Maintaining a healthy routine: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and performing the exercises as directed can help ensure the surgery’s long-term success.
Knee Surgery in Dwarka, Delhi
Several experts and websites may offer support and advice if you are having problems with your knees or are thinking about having a knee arthroscopy.
Your ortho doctor or a surgeon is best person to help identify the issue. One of the best ortho hospital in Dwarka is The Bone Clinic. Here you will find Dr Mahanta, a qualified and expert knee replacement specialist in Dwarka and his team. Make sure to book an appointment and consult with the surgeon to avoid any future complications.
In most circumstances, recovery following simple treatments is quick. Following certain types of surgery, you might need to wear crutches for a period. Painkillers may also be prescribed by your surgeon.
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theboneclinic123 · 3 months
Knee Dislocation Surgery in Delhi | Bone Specialist in Dwarka
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Knee dislocation is a severe orthopedic injury that occurs when the bones of the knee joint become displaced from their normal alignment. This condition results from high-energy impluse traumas, such as vehicle accidents, sports injuries, or falls from heights. Knee dislocations causes miserable pain, instability, and functional damage. In such cases, Knee surgery is necessary to restore joint stability and prevent long-term problems.
Knee dislocation occurs when the femur (thigh bone) and tibia (shin bone) lose contact with each other, causing the misalignment of the knee joint. This displacement involve combinations of ligamentous injuries, including tears or ruptures of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), medial collateral ligament (MCL), and lateral collateral ligament (LCL). The nearby soft tissues, blood vessels, and nerves got damaged, further worsening the injury.
The common causes of knee dislocation include:
The most common cause of knee dislocation is a traumatic event, such as a car accident, sports injury, or fall from a height. These high-energy impacts can forcefully push or twist the knee joint beyond its normal range of motion, causing the bones to dislocate.
Activities that involve rapid changes in direction, jumping, or collisions, such as football, basketball, soccer, and skiing, causes knee dislocation. Athletes experience knee dislocation when they land awkwardly or collide with another player.
Severe tears of the ligaments surrounding the knee, such as the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), medial collateral ligament (MCL), or lateral collateral ligament (LCL), can destabilise the joint and predispose it to dislocation.
Connective tissue disorders, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or Marfan syndrome, weaken the ligaments and cause joint dislocations, including the knee.
Chronic degeneration of the knee joint due to osteoarthritis weaken the supporting structures, making the knee more susceptible to dislocation, especially with trauma or sudden movements.
Popular sports personalities like Rishabh Pant, Shane Bone, Robert Griffin III have faced knee dislocation injuries and have recovered with the help of good orthopedic treatment
Knee Dislocation Surgery in Delhi
Surgery of knee dislocation is used to restore joint alignment, repair damaged ligaments and soft tissues, and functional recovery. The surgery depends on the severity of the dislocation injury, ligamentous damage, and patient personal health status factors. Common surgery include:
Closed Reduction and Immobilization: For acute knee dislocation without ligamentous injury or neurovascular compromise, closed reduction is performed. This involves manually realigning the bones of the knee joint followed by immobilisation in a brace or splint to allow repairing. However, this is used for less severe dislocations and not be sufficient for restoring joint stability in more complex cases.
Ligament Repair or Reconstruction: For knee dislocations associated with ligamentous tears or ruptures, surgical repair or reconstruction of the damaged ligaments is necessary. This often involves using autografts or allografts (donor tissue) to reconstruct the ACL, PCL, MCL, or LCL. These procedures aim to restore joint stability, prevent recurrent dislocations, and facilitate the return to normal activities.
Surgical Fixation of Fractures: In cases where knee dislocation is accompanied by fractures of the femur, tibia, or patella, surgery fixation is required to stabilise the fractured bones. This involve the use of screws, plates, or rods to realign the fractured segments.
Vascular and Neurological Repair: Severe knee dislocations can result in damage to blood vessels and nerves surrounding the knee joint, leading to compromised blood flow and sensory or motor deficits. In such cases, surgeons perform operations to repair damaged blood vessels, restore blood flow, and address nerve injuries to prevent long-term complications such as ischemia or neurologic dysfunction.
When orthopedicians recommend knee dislocation surgery?
Surgery for knee dislocation is suggested in cases where measures, such as closed reduction and immobilization, fail or when there is evidence of ligamentous injury, fracture, vascular compromise, or neurologic deficit. Additionally, surgery is also recommended for patients with recurrent knee instability or those who desire to return to high-demand activities such as sports or physically demanding occupations.
Knee dislocation is a severe orthopedic injury that requires surgery to restore joint functionality  ligaments and soft tissues. Consulting a good orthopedic specialist doctor can help you get a proper guidance on treatment and cure.
The Bone Clinic is a orthopedic Hospital in Dwarka led by team under Dr.S Mahanta, who is called as one of the top ortho specialist in Delhi
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theboneclinic123 · 3 months
List of Orthopedic treatment surgery in Dwarka at The Bone Clinic are Hip replacement, Knee replacement, arthroscopy, sports injury treatment.
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theboneclinic123 · 3 months
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