thebookwormbakery · 1 minute
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The Doctor showed me a better way of living your life. You don't just give up. You don’t just let things happen. You make a stand. You say "no." You have the guts to do what's right when everyone else just runs away.
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thebookwormbakery · 6 minutes
sharpay was right: this is not what i want. this is not what i planned. and i just gotta say. i Do Not understand
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thebookwormbakery · 8 minutes
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would you?
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thebookwormbakery · 10 minutes
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i think r/BenignExistence is my favorite subreddit 🥲 i love these pleasant little glimpses into strangers' lives
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thebookwormbakery · 12 minutes
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thebookwormbakery · 13 minutes
I saw a post a little while ago that I'll never find again, but it's still bugging me. It was written like a PSA about proper procedure for applying testosterone gel--mainly, how you're not supposed to let it get on anyone else's skin.
And that's correct. But the post went hard on it, like "please, please be aware of the risks of this medication, it can do so much damage to others if you're not careful, I just think we should be honest about the advantages and disadvantages of medications like this."
It could've been sincere, but it gave me concern-trolling vibes real bad and I can't get it out of my head. So here's my PSA:
Don't slap on your T-gel and then immediately rub your bare bicep on anyone.
Once 2 hours have passed, the remaining amount available to be absorbed is negligible. The med guide says to wash your bicep before you rub it on anyone, but even that's being extremely cautious.
Testosterone isn't poison. If you apply a full dose every day, it still takes months before anything noticeable happens. It's not going to kill someone who accidentally touches your skin for .5 milliseconds.
You do not have to handle T-gel like it's drain cleaner. It's not corrosive. Cis women have testosterone. It's a thing that humans have in our bodies. Avoid getting your medication onto anyone else, but holy shit nothing bad is gonna happen if you forget one time and snuggle shirtless.
T-gel is alcohol-based, so it's best to refrain from being on fire until it has dried thoroughly.
Don't put it on your dick. If you've ever accidentally or on purpose gotten IcyHot on your dick, you have an intuitive understanding of how the skin there differs from bicep skin. Also, the effects of testosterone gel don't localize like that and your dick is fine, I promise.
Don't eat it. I don't know why you'd want to, but don't.
Don't leave the bottle out around little kids on account of little kids being the way that they are, i.e., enthusiastic about potions.
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thebookwormbakery · 15 hours
diet culture people make me feel like i’m going crazy. you want me to take an experimental pill that destroys my appetite?? you want me to remove part of my stomach??? you want me to stop eating bread and rice, two of the staple foods most inherent to humanity????? why exactly? because my stomach is big? because you don’t like the way i look, and you think it’s reasonable to tell me to carve pieces off of myself and try random drugs and ruin my own life so i can look more visually pleasing to you? and you somehow don’t see how absurdly cruel and selfish that is to ask of somebody???? while pretending you care about their HEALTH????????????????? FUCK YOU!!!!
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thebookwormbakery · 15 hours
psa to everyone on antipsychotics during the summertime
some antipsychotics can make you more susceptible to heat exhaustion because they make it so your body cannot regulate your body temperature correctly. I learned this the hard way last summer, I got really nasty heat exhaustion while on a high dose of quetiapine. so check if your meds react badly to heat, and if they do, please be sure to wear your sunscreen, have light cover ups on or with you, wear a hat, and stay hydrated! be safe
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thebookwormbakery · 15 hours
people are so mean about horror movie victims like. sorry but if i had gone to a cabin in the woods with my friends as a teenager you couldn't have stopped us from reading aloud from the evil tome. how were they supposed to know the ancient curse was real they're like 17
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thebookwormbakery · 15 hours
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Tesla is tanking so hard it is dragging the entire EV segment's sales down into the negative. When you omit Tesla from the equation, EV sales are up 13% across the board.
Don't let anyone tell you EV sales are in a slump.
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thebookwormbakery · 15 hours
im kind of obsessed with the white house's strategy of straight-up just lying about israel like. i don't know if its even gaslighting at this point it's just like some kind of bizarre strategy of just saying stuff for the obedient press to reprint it. it's so funny coming from the liberals who literally popularized 'disinformation' because they were so dismayed to learn about propaganda during the trump era and now here we are... disinformation central...
the white house since february: this is a ceasefire proposal hamas: this says 'no ceasefire' actually, this is a pause the white house: hamas won't accept our ceasefire proposal egypt & qatar & the CIA: here is a three-step actual ceasefire proposal hamas: we welcome the three-step actual ceasefire proposal the white house: we also welcome this three-step actual ceasefire proposal israel: we will literally never end this war the white house: egypt totally lied to us about this three-step actual ceasefire proposal. we're so sorry israel [two weeks later] okay this is ISRAEL's three-step ceasefire proposal israel: no it isn't the white house: israel has accepted its own ceasefire proposal israel: no we haven't the white house: the ball is in hamas's court hamas: we welcome the ceasefire proposal the white house: can you believe hamas won't accept israel's ceasefire proposal?
the recently anti-disinformation independent press: hamas won't accept israel's ceasefire proposal
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thebookwormbakery · 15 hours
Silk is so beautiful. Thank you worms
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thebookwormbakery · 15 hours
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massacres in a refugee camp do not count as a rescue mission.
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thebookwormbakery · 15 hours
senshi is real actually. he’s the 76 year old retired forester with no degree who the university hired to teach my dendrology class because he simply knows more about trees than anyone else in the whole world
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Aviation investigation channels: this crash happened because the captain forgot to set the trim and didn't follow his pre-flight checklist or maintain proper altitude
Shipwreck investigation channels: the clouds were in the shape of a dog on the day of the sinking which was a terrible omen, the captain stepped out of the latrine with his left foot first, putting a curse on the ship.
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hey um this is double-plus ungood
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