thebroxer · 3 years
Why Freelancers Should Apply for Business Credit Cards
India continues to be a hub for the gig economy, with The Hindu Business Line stating that it’s the “second-fastest-growing freelance market” worldwide. And with more and more people choosing to be their own bosses, it’s more important than ever for freelancers to make the right career- and profit-boosting investments. One such investment that can secure their finances and help fuel their growth is a business credit card. But considering that only 100 million Indians currently have credit cards, a lot of freelancers are hesitant about this idea, or simply fail to consider it.
So, why should more freelancers consider applying for their own business credit cards?
It provides fluid cash flow
When you’re a freelancer, you don’t have the safety net of an employer for handling any sudden or unforeseen expenses. This means that more often than not, freelancers dip into their personal savings to make business-related payments. Indeed, Techwire Asia reveals that over one billion Indians turn to debit cards (rather than credit cards) to cover expenses, and in a business situation, this tendency becomes less than ideal. It means draining your personal savings directly, rather than separating professional and private finances. Furthermore, making business payments via credit card allows you to be more flexible covering costs upfront and managing them through repayment in a strategic, gradual fashion.
You’re eligible for cashback and benefits
According to Statista surveys, both credit and debit card users spent roughly 139 thousand Indian rupees between 2018 and 2020. The difference, however, is that those who used credit cards can expect a portion of their money back — plus some bonuses, too. While cashback and bonus schemes vary, some of the credit card perks in India include up to 2% rewards that are redeemable in cash. And depending on the credit card provider and the credit limit established, additional bonuses like travel miles or business-related savings (such as those on utilities or supplies) may be available as well.
It helps you build business credit
If you’re serious about investing in yourself and your business, it’s important to start building business credit as early as possible. With well-established business credit, you become much more attractive to lenders and other investors you may need to scale up in the future. And while the process of building credit on behalf of your business can seem daunting (or just complicated), A post on Petal explains that a credit card dedicated to the business is actually one of the easiest and safest ways to go about it. This is largely because you have the opportunity to set up automated payments, which minimize debt and ensure proper card management. This makes your business appeal reliable and stable, which will, in turn, improve the options you have with the card, and more importantly the business’s credit rating.
Makes taxes and bookkeeping easier
Bookkeeping and filing taxes are complicated enough on the personal front. Naturally, having to manage these processes on behalf of your business only adds to the hassle. With a business credit card though, you’ll at least be saved from the complication of sorting. Your expenses will be separated, starting you off in a much simpler position with business costs all in one place. This streamlined approach is especially helpful if you’re self-employed in a role like one of the 20+ Best Passive Income Ideas we’ve listed in the past. Rather than running the risk of overlooking monetary transactions that may occur while you’re busy with other things, you’ll be able to rest assured that your business card is handling and thus keeping track of everything.
For those who aren’t used to credit cards, the idea of tying your business to an unfamiliar piece of plastic may be intimidating. However, with discipline and understanding, you can quickly turn a business card into an empowering asset for your business, providing all of the benefits above and more.
Why Freelancers Should Apply for Business Credit Cards published first on Broxer.com
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thebroxer · 3 years
What you need to know if you are a self-employed driver and you are involved in a road accident
It can be bad enough if you are involved in a road traffic accident as it is, but when your livelihood depends on your being able to drive around the area, it can open an entirely different kind of stress level.
Financial help
It is important for the sake of your earnings to make sure that you have some kind of insurance that will pay out should you have an accident and lose the use of your car. If you are an Uber or Lyft driver and you were working at the time of the accident, your company may not cover this under its insurance policies.
It is important that you are aware of what you are entitled to should you have an accident while you are working, so that you know where you stand and that you will be able to answer any questions your fare has, too, if you have one at the time of the accident.
If you can make a case, you may well be able to claim for loss of earnings, among other things, but you will probably have to provide proof to get these.
If you were not working at the time of the accident but need your car to be able to continue working, then hiring the services of an experienced attorney could be your way forward in answering these questions and obtaining the right compensation.
Professional help
Get professional help from a personal injury attorney, preferably one with a lot of experience and well known for being a car accident attorney. They will be able to guide you through all the legal processes, and they will be able to advise you fully on what you need to do and the information you must provide to have a successful claim.
It is important that you do not put off the action of securing your car accident attorney, as any delays can hinder your compensation rights regardless of whether you need your vehicle for business or not.
An experienced car accident attorney is very knowledgeable and will know how you need to proceed in order to get the best results; most car accident attorneys work on a no-win, no-fee basis, so they have your best interests at heart. If you are struggling with hospital or doctor’s fees, they may be able to help you with this too and give you the support you need.
Final thoughts
Having the services of an experienced car accident attorney when you have been involved in a road traffic accident is an absolute must for peace of mind. A car accident attorney can help you in all areas and not just in the legal processes, but one of the most critical areas is being able to get you healthcare should you not have any health insurance and not be able to afford the medical bill for your treatments.
What you need to know if you are a self-employed driver and you are involved in a road accident published first on Broxer.com
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thebroxer · 3 years
Best Job Sites
Best Job Sites published first on Broxer.com
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thebroxer · 3 years
Why Nursing Makes a Fantastic Second Career
If you have been working in the corporate world for a long time, you may be thinking that it is time for a change of career. The problem is, once you have had a lot of experience in your own industry, it can be difficult to find a new one as recruiters don’t always think outside the box and see your transferable skills. Getting your foot in the door of many industries can be tough as a graduate and even more so once your career has found direction. However, nursing likes to buck the trend and welcomes applications from people who have enjoyed other careers first. Here are just some of the reasons why nursing makes a fantastic second career.
You Can Make a Difference
One of the main reasons why people get demotivated by their first careers is that they don’t see themselves making a difference to other people or the world around them. Most corporate jobs involve working hard so that someone else can reap the rewards. You have to keep the cogs of commerce turning while being unable to make much of a difference to anything outside of your company or even your department. Nursing isn’t like this. You will be making a huge difference in people’s lives at a time when they need it most. It is a very rewarding and satisfying career and one in which you can really feel that you have made someone else’s life better.
You Can Qualify While Working
You can study for your nursing qualification without having to give up your day job. This means that you won’t have to give up your salary while you are training for your new career. Baylor University offers online accelerated nursing programs that allow you to get the qualifications you need in as little as a year without having to give up your day job.
You Can Use Existing Skills
A lot of the skills you have picked up in the corporate world can be utilized in nursing. For example, admin duties, communication skills, patience and prioritizing your workload are all things that you will need to use as a nurse and probably have years of experience in. Soft skills are important in nursing and the ability to empathize with the sick and their families and be a good listener are fantastic qualities that can’t be taught. You will know instinctively if you have the right soft skills for the job.
Nursing is a career where no two days are the same. You have a constant turnover of patients with different ailments to take care of and you will find that the job offers you a huge amount of variety. This can differ from the corporate world where you may feel like a small cog in a big wheel where every day is the same and nothing ever changes.
Diverse Work Setting
Many people think of nurses having to work in hospitals. However, there are many different options for nurses such as doctors’ surgeries, private clinics, schools, private homes, and specialist facilities. You may need to get some experience of working in a hospital but that doesn’t mean you have to stay in that environment forever if you don’t want to.
Nurses usually work shifts rather than a regular 9-5. This could suit you well if you want to work around other commitments such as childcare or family responsibilities. Many nurses work part-time or have some say over their own shift pattern which could offer you further flexibility.
The Chance to Specialize
You may work in general nursing for the first few years of your career, but you could then specialize once you have some experience. There are many different fields of nursing you could specialize in such as oncology, mental health, or pediatrics. You may need to undertake additional qualifications to work in specialist fields, but other areas just require dedication and a willingness to learn. You will never have the chance to get bored in nursing as you could find yourself specializing in more than one area over the course of your career. The great thing about being able to specialize is that you can concentrate on the areas of your job that you enjoy the most while moving away from areas you don’t enjoy as much. This means that you will always find your job interesting.
Promotion Prospects
The promotion prospects are fantastic in nursing. Not only can you move into a more senior role by specializing, but general nursing requires a vast number of supervisors and managers too and once you have proved yourself as a great nurse, your company will be keen to move you through the ranks. It is such a massive industry that there will always be an opportunity for you to move up and you won’t be stuck in the same position for longer than you want to be. Of course, your level of seniority will influence your pay scale and will keep you motivated and interested in the job you are doing.
Job Security
There will always be sick people so there will always be a demand for good nurses to look after them. This means that choosing nursing as a career means that you will always have job security. There are more positions for nurses than there are qualified people to fill them so even if one facility closes, you will be inundated with offers to take your skills elsewhere. This can feel very different from the corporate world where many people feel as if their job is constantly hanging in the balance.
These are just some of the reasons why nursing makes a fantastic second career choice. Every year, thousands of people make the switch to nursing so that they can feel fulfilled, make a difference, and live their best life. If you have considered becoming one of these people, then perhaps it is time to find out more about this rewarding and diverse career.
Why Nursing Makes a Fantastic Second Career published first on Broxer.com
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thebroxer · 3 years
Tips To Sell Your Car At The Best Price
No matter how attached we might get to our vehicles, there comes a time in every car owner’s life when it’s time to trade in those beloved wheels and upgrade to a newer, shinier model. Parting with a car can often be quite an emotional affair. As the demands of life and family inevitably change over time, we all eventually reach the point where buying a new car becomes a requirement rather than a choice.
Sensible car preparation steps
No matter your reason for selling, it’s important you gain the best price possible for your vehicle, so you should consider some general works before putting it on the market:
Make sure you thoroughly clean the car inside and out
Repair any scratches, dents, and bumps
Consider having your car waxed and polished so it looks the very best it can
Think about adding accessories that embellish your car. For example, for SUV-type vehicles, these Toyota 4runner accessories could add instant kudos and extra value for very little outlay
Do your research and have a clear idea of how much similar cars of comparable age are worth
Choosing where to sell your car
The make, model, age, mileage, and condition of your car have the greatest effect on your car’s valuation; however, you may also find where (and how) you sell your car can often dramatically affect the price you can realistically achieve. As technologies have changed over the years, there are now considerably more options open to car sellers than in previous times, including:
Sell your car to an online dealership: Recently, there has been a huge growth in the number of online-only car dealers that will give you an upfront price for your car based on its registration details. These companies will often accept any car – in almost any condition – and can be one of the quickest and easiest options for selling your old vehicle, though you should bear in mind they might not offer you the best price.
Advertise on social media or car websites: Where once car websites ruled the roost when it came to online sales, social media has blown the market apart, and it’s now possible for individual sellers to promote their cars online – more often than not, for free. Services like Facebook Marketplace make it very easy to advertise your car to your local or even a national market.
Sell your car privately, offline: The days of traditional newspaper and shop window adverts aren’t quite behind us yet, and you may find you can sell your car privately just by getting the word out.
Sell to a friend: One of the easiest ways to sell a car is to find a trusted friend interested in buying – plus, it will probably get you a higher price than you can reasonably expect from any other channel outlined here.
Selling to a traditional dealership: Despite advances in technology and the go-it-alone approach to car sales, dealerships show no signs of disappearing anytime soon and, for many people, trading in (or selling) a car to a dealer offers the greatest security. Of all options noted herein, selling to a dealership will usually net you the lowest overall selling price – but it can bring other advantages such as being able to negotiate the price of a new car.
Tips To Sell Your Car At The Best Price published first on Broxer.com
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thebroxer · 3 years
The Pros and Cons Of Freelance Work
Whether you are looking to change career paths or are simply looking for a way to gain more control over your life, working for yourself can be a great solution. While working for yourself can bring a range of benefits, it can also be a pretty intimidating prospect. Learning more about why you should consider working for yourself, the potential pitfalls, and getting started can prove invaluable.
Getting Started
Whether you’re working as a consultant or desire to find shipping work on Shiply for various shipping jobs, there are many avenues that you can go down when you start working for yourself. Choosing the right pathway for you is vital to ensure your long-term success and happiness.
If you are unsure about what type of business to go into when working for yourself, you must take the time to find the type of work that is right for you. That could be work that you enjoy or roles that have a cause that motivates you. Once you have decided what type of work you are interested in, it is time to do some market research.
No matter how eager you might be, you must take your time and think carefully about your business before starting up independently.
Why You Should Consider Working For Yourself
If you are still unsure whether working for yourself is right for you, it can be useful to consider some of the potential benefits this working style offers. Some of the most common benefits of working for yourself include:
The most obvious benefit of working for yourself is freedom. The freedom that one obtains when working for themselves is varied. Firstly, you will experience increased freedom in your daily life, as you control when you work and how you schedule your day. That means that you can work at the best time for yourself and your natural productivity levels. Alternatively, if one of your children gets sick, you don’t have to worry about having to work from home for the day.
Secondly, you have increased freedom in your decision-making power. This is because you do not have to answer or explain your decisions to anyone else.
When you are working for yourself, there is no glass ceiling. You are the only one who will put a cap on the amount of money you can make. That means that you will experience greater freedom in the amount of work, and therefore, the income you can take on.
What are the Downsides?
Of course, when you are working for yourself, everything won’t always be simple. Working for yourself comes with its own demands and requirements that you need to be ready to take on. Some of these requirements include:
You need to be passionate enough to wake up every morning and work hard without the need for any external motivating forces.
Working for yourself can be stressful; there can be a lot of uncertainty, which some people find very stressful.
Multiple roles
When you are working for yourself, you will have to take on several different roles. You will be your own boss, relationships manager, and accountant, so you need to be ready to wear many hats.
The Pros and Cons Of Freelance Work published first on Broxer.com
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thebroxer · 3 years
Six Reasons Why an Employment Lawyer Can Help Employees
There comes an unfortunate time for some of us when the relationship between employer and employee has devolved. It can sometimes feel like we are one small entity competing against this huge machine as an employee. That is where having an employment lawyer can come into play.
Contrary to popular belief, employment lawyers are not just for companies to use, though they serve that purpose. They can also help employees with a variety of employer-related issues. They not only protect the rights of the employee but handle a litany of complicated endeavors related to the case.
If you find yourself locked into battle with a former employer, having the right lawyer can make all the difference in the world. Here are more than a few reasons why you should have the right lawyer on your side as an employee.
The Law Can Be Complicated
It kind of goes without saying, but the law can be extremely complicated at times. That is especially true when it comes to employment laws in your area. An employment lawyer can sift through the issues and make sense of it all.
They can clearly outline the situation, your options, and any potential resolutions that there may be. For most of us, that legalese can be enough to confuse us into making the wrong decisions. But a lawyer will protect the employee’s interests and work to ensure that they get what they feel they are owed.
Employment laws, in particular, are drafted in a way that makes them challenging to make sense of, especially if you don’t have a legal background. When the employment lawyer has explained the situation, it becomes easier for the client to understand the path.
They Carry Out Court Dealings
Another area in which your attorney will be far more proficient is in court proceedings. They have been there and done that before. Even better, your attorney can advise you on the best, most effective legal solution based on your case.
It also kind of goes without saying but having the right employment attorney on your side means your chances of winning improve. Going alone might save you on legal fees, but it will put you in an unfavorable position where winning is a long shot.
Discovery Documentation
Part of dealing with an employment suit means a mountain of paperwork. Your employment attorney has a lot of experience in many areas, one of which is in dealing with and reviewing a large volume of documentation.
They have the trained eyes to go through that mountain of paperwork and pick out the most effective pieces for your case. Lawyers can also use these discovery documents to trace witnesses who are relevant to the case. They are familiar with employers’ tricks in cases like these, putting you in a better overall position.
Negotiating Settlements
Negotiation is a major part of dealing with an employment suit. It may come to the point where you and your former employer need to sit down and hammer out the details of a resolution. There can be high emotions between both parties, making negotiation truly difficult.
But an employment lawyer can act as a mediator and negotiate on your behalf. That means getting fair compensation and avoiding being taken advantage of. When those emotions run high, it is possible to say or do things that could potentially damage the case or even reduce the settlement. Don’t let that happen.
Filing Discrimination Claims
Discrimination is still, unfortunately, a regular part of the working world. When it happens, you need to have a trustworthy employment lawyer in your corner. Generally speaking, there is a designated period when those claims need to be filed.
Having a legal expert do so means filing them correctly. That is especially important when even a minor misstep can potentially lead to severely damaging your case. An employment lawyer will follow the letter’s process, and you will be able to protect your rights with a legal expert beside you.
Opposing and Filing Motions
Finally, your employment lawyer can file motions on your behalf that are pertinent to the case. They can also oppose any motions that have been filed against you in the courts, fighting for your rights on your behalf.
Consider your lawyer your first line of defense when a problem arises in the courts. These issues can be extremely complicated, and one misstep can cost you a case. That is why it is imperative to leave it in the hands of a skilled professional. Whatever fees or costs you incur will be more than worth the trouble along the way.
Six Reasons Why an Employment Lawyer Can Help Employees published first on Broxer.com
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thebroxer · 4 years
How to Win Friends and Influence People at Work?
Comfortable and disastrous times come in everybody’s life. Such periods require you to have a shoulder to cry on or share your happiness with.
Moreover, edgy times in your workplace can affect your morale and productivity to a greater extent. So it becomes crucial to surround yourselves with people who can help you during such moments.
But how can you win friends and influence people? This era of digitalization bolsters the process by helping you to connect with your coworkers easily.
Making friends and influencing people with the right strategies can help you to entice people towards your character.
Such friends will help you to motivate yourself in stressful times and keep you company.
Moreover, there is a book named “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. This book was published in 1936.
Since then, it has worked as a pathway for businessmen to pursue their goals by enticing coworkers towards their side.
The book has 30 principles that tell you how to win friends and influence people.
You can influence people in the world by aligning the strategies of work with your personal life. It tells you how to deal with the dynamic nature of humans.
One of the principles of the book is explained as follows.
The book says that while interacting with people, you should not consider them as figures of logic. On the other hand, people have emotions, thoughts, opinions, and they are motivated with appreciation.
Hence, we should make use of such qualities to spur our influence on the people.
So let us behold some of the techniques and strategies that help us to win friends and influence people.
Exhibit Interest
One of the best ways to entice people towards your personality is to show interest in them. For example, avoid saying “I did this.”
On the other hand, start asking “How was your experience while doing that activity?”
Let us glance at one of Dale Carnegie’s principles from “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. This principle shows the importance of having an interest in other people.
It says that an individual can make more connections in two months, rather than in two years.
They can do this by showing interest in the lives of other people, rather than making the people enthusiastic in your life.
Showing interest in others requires you to know about their family and other aspects of their personal life.
In such circumstances, you can give a small toy to your coworker’s child on their birthday. But make sure not to get too personal while conversing with them.
Sometimes, your colleagues may tell you about the ill health of their family members. To show care for them, you can ask about their health through a phone call or message.
Apart from this, have work-related talks with your colleagues. Offer them help to achieve their aims in the best way possible.
For example, you can congratulate your coworker on their success in procuring a profitable project.
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Relevant Office Etiquette
Your moral and social ethics are likely to exhibit your professionalism and personality. Office decorum expects everyone to be kind to one another in the workplace.
This helps to create a peaceful and enjoyable environment and thus allures people towards your vibe.
Apart from this, you should always be positive and treat others with respect. Not following the basic mannerism exhibits your amateurism that is likely to make less impact on people.
Moreover, you should use the three magical words- please, sorry, and thank you. Being punctual to the office helps you to interact with others as well as impress your boss.
On the other hand, your manager may provide you with a remote working facility. In such a situation you should try not to transfer the work to your colleague.
Thus, as an individual of a workplace, you should be responsible enough to create a good impression of your image.
Effective Listener
Imagine a situation. You show interest in others and ask various questions to them. However, while they answer the questions, you do not pay heed to them.
Not only do you not maintain proper eye contact with them, but you also do not respond to their problems effectively.
In such situations, you are likely to tarnish your relationship with the other person. They will never want to talk to you again and feel insulted.
Thus, to foster relationships and influence people, it is crucial to be an effective listener.
A good listener not only listens to people but also provides various solutions for problems. However, avoid giving unsolicited advice to people.
Genuine Friend
You should always strive to be your reflection of a “good friend”. Ask yourself the question- Would you love to spend time with yourself if you were someone else?
If your answer is yes, then you are a good friend. This is because it is your personality and attitude that entices people towards you. So always remember to be kind to others.
A good looking resume with numerous accomplishments and technical skills will help you to enter the threshold of the organization.
But in the end, it’s your soft and social skills that allow you to make friends and connections with people.
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Admit Your Mistakes
Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” says that any successful individual will try to learn from their mistakes. They should believe in the saying- “Failures are the pillars of success”.
Thus, you should use your errors as an opportunity to learn and give your best the next time.
Admitting your mistakes is a necessary skill in the workplace. It helps to exhibit your responsibility and growing nature.
This is because human beings generally make mistakes. But to accept them is a more significant task that helps you in your career development.
Moreover, apologizing for your mistakes makes the coworkers help you in improving them. On the other hand, being stubborn will only damage your reputation.
For example, your manager asked you to perform a task in a team. However, due to your mistake, the project could not be submitted before the deadline.
But you do not accept your error and thus, tell the employer that it was the team’s fault for such delay. This will lead your team to be against you.
Forget about influencing the people, but no one will even want to work with you again.
Honest Appreciation
Appreciating people in the workplace makes them want to talk to you. It also influences the people to give the best of their capabilities and thus motivates them.
You never know how your little deed of kindness can reignite the spark in an individual’s heart. Besides inspiring, it helps to improve the self-confidence of the people and thus know their importance.
So thank the people who organize your desk, an individual who fills your coffee mug, or your assistant.
Be it the janitor who cleans your bathroom, the cook who prepares food for you, or the CA who handles your accounts- honest praise can lighten up their day.
It is better to appreciate people with their names. For example, if you do not know their name, you can say- hi, this is (your name). I have seen you cook delicious food for me. May I know your name, please?
On the other hand, you should also congratulate your colleagues for their success and hard work.
Such appreciation exhibits your empathic skills and is likely to help you to initiate a conversation with different people.
Also Read: What to Do When You Hate Your Job – 16 Ways to Motivate Yourself
Maintaining connections with people and not checking on them is not right. Hence, you should try to bolster your connections with the people through effective initiation.
This means that you should start conversations with the people in the workplace. The digital era makes it easier to contact people in different places.
Take the phone numbers of your colleagues or their social media accounts and chat with them. Invite your colleagues to have lunch with you.
Maintaining friendships with people is like dating. Unless you start conversations with them, you will not foster a good relationship.
During your break or free time, go to the cabins of your colleagues. You should try to converse with them on mutual topics.
Ask them about the history of the photo frame kept on the desk. Moreover, make sure to collect relevant details during talking that can help you in future conversations with the person.
Such information may relate to a hobby, interest, or a favorite food of the individual.
Team Language
The words which one uses are the soul of the conversation. How to win friends and influence people? The best way is to sprinkle kindness in your words while speaking to them.
Team language refers to making people believe that your idea is theirs. Persuading people to agree to your vision helps to influence them.
For example, use words like “we” and “us” while exhibiting your ideas during conferences. This has two advantages.
First of all, it helps to implement your ideas due to more substantial support from the coworkers. Secondly, it gives power to the coworkers, and thus they will return your favor in the future.
Moreover, people are likely to develop loyalty and friendship with you if your ideas align with their requirements.
Lastly, it is the choice of words that determine the way you influence people. For example, use the word “please” rather than demanding people to perform an activity for you.
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Exhibit your authentic self in front of the people in the workplace. If you try to be someone else, then it is likely to tarnish your professional image.
Being credible helps you to develop a meaningful connection with your colleagues, which is based on trust.
You should make sure not to change your opinions to suit the nature of other people. This is because people can come to know about the false statements in the end anyhow.
And dishonesty will degrade your relations.
There can be situations when you disagree with the views of other people. In such cases, it is better to express your honest opinions.
This is because each human has their own attitude of perceiving things. Hence, people are likely to entice individuals with the same liking and tendencies.
Impressive Elevator Pitch
An elevator pitch is a brief introduction that you offer to prospective clients and colleagues.
It is a reflection of your personality and gives answers to several questions. Who are you? What do you do? What do you want to do?
Hence, the elevator pitch is a speech in a condensed form that helps the people to analyze your skills and aptitudes.
It gives the first impression to the people and allows you to augment your networking outreach. So you should create an impressive and intriguing elevator pitch that exhibits professionalism.
Preparing an elevator speech beforehand helps you to avoid awkward pauses. On the other hand, it also increases your chances of initiating a conversation with any person you come across in the workplace.
Effective Body Language
Researches showed that body language helps us to communicate between 70% to 93% of our information of which, the right tone helps in communicating 38% of the words.
So your content only has an importance of 7% in the process of communication.
Thus, while fostering relationships with people and conversing, you should exhibit acceptable body language. It is a reflection of your personality, self-confidence, and listening skills.
Try to revitalize the spirits of your colleagues through smiling. According to research, a single glance of 33-100 ms proffers the first impression of an individual.
Moreover, smiling helps to alleviate your mood and the mood of the people near you. You look easy to approach while smiling, and hence people will approach you and talk to you.
Thus, improved networking outreach is beneficial in the workplace. It helps you to procure various future job opportunities that can facilitate career development.
Moreover, it is our friends and supporters who show us the right path when we deviate from our goals.
How to Win Friends and Influence People at Work? published first on Broxer.com
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thebroxer · 4 years
How to Motivate Employees: 10+ Best Tips for Leaders
Do you sight the gloomy faces of your employees on Monday morning? Do they dread coming to the workplace? Do you get negative vibes from your workers in the workplace?
If your answers to the above questions are yes, then there is a lack of employee motivation in your office.
This is because the job where the workers cannot enjoy and grow is not beneficial for them.
The strategy to make work interesting and motivate employees, by moving them from one job to another, is called job rotation.
Moreover, a workplace where the employees are not motivated is likely to be at a disadvantage from its competitors.
The workers will not be able to give to the best of their capabilities in such situations. Their main aim would be to finish off their errands before the deadlines.
Due to less worker motivation, there will be no enjoyment while doing the tasks.
According to a report by SHRM Employee Job statistics and engagement of 2015, only 69% of the employees give their best in the workplaces.
Hence, employers must motivate their employees in the workplace. Motivation in the workplace acts as a lubricant to help the breadwinners in performing the activities efficiently.
Moreover, they are the lifeline of any business. Without them, the company will come to a standstill.
So the manager’s motivation helps in worker motivation. There are different methods of motivating everyone in an organization.
According to financial and non-financial motivation, you may use various motivational activities for the employees.
The techniques of the motivation in management depend upon the objective of employee motivation.
So let us see the different methods of motivating employees in an organization that spurs the morale and confidence of the staffers.
Positive Company Culture
The company culture determines the attitude of the workers to a  greater extent. This is because it is the workplace where the employees spend most of their time.
If their environment is gloomy, then it is likely to harm the breadwinners. On the other hand, the positive and pleasant working environment is expected to bolster the efficiency of the workers.
Moreover, according to a report by the Harvard Business Review, the company culture of the workplace deeply affects the motivation of the employees.
Fast-paced company culture is likely to bolster the enthusiasm of the employees. This is because activities that yield results quickly are likely to augment the impetus in the workplace.
Hence, the employer should foster cordial relationships among co-workers. Moreover, they should select people whose soft skills align with the company culture of the office.
Motivate Individuals
The employer should focus on enhancing the motivation of individuals rather than the team as a whole. This is because staff motivation results from encouraging each employee.
The employer can do this by understanding the needs of each worker. This will help the stakeholders to know that their efforts are essential for the organization.
Moreover, different people have different attitudes. Due to this, various activities may spur their productivity.
By having a word with individuals separately, the employer can know their strengths and weaknesses. They can use this knowledge for the benefit of the organization as a whole.
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Great Leaders
Great leaders are likely to ignite the spark in other individuals. Hence, the employer can inspire the workers by being a fair leader.
Being fair means to treat each worker impartially. In the case of a dispute amongst the co-workers, the employer should give a decision that favors the right person.
This non-financial motivation requires the boss to proffer equal pay to all. Hence, no matter their gender, race, class, etc., all should be treated according to their capabilities and skill.
Moreover, the leader should pay heed to the requirements of the individuals.
They should satisfy them with enough growth opportunities that can help them in their career development. Ignoring the employees will only lead them to hate their boss and eventually leave the job.
Weekly Targets
Psychology shows that humans are motivated more by instant results rather than later achievements. For example, you may complete the project quickly if you have to submit it on the same day.
However, in the case of late submission, you are likely to procrastinate because you will reap its benefits later.
Hence, the employer should tell the weekly objectives to the workers. This will help them to concoct a schedule according to the quick time deadlines.
For example, in the capacity of a manager, you should not set the sales target as 50k per month.
It is better to fix it every week. This will help the employers to proffer the best of their capabilities to attain the weekly targets and thereby, acquire the monthly target.
Work-Life Balance
A job where a person cannot even enjoy the hard-earned money is of no use. Working from 8:00 in the morning till 8:00 in the night will only make the employees dumb and driven cattle.
Hence, assuring a work-life balance for the employees should be the aim of an employer. Such work-life balance entails flexible schedules and remote working facilities for the workers.
Moreover, in edgy times when the workers are not well or during emergencies, employers should pay heed to their circumstances.
According to research, remote working and flexible schedules are likely to increase the productivity of the breadwinners.
Apart from this, the employer should ensure not to let the employees overwork for successive days.
As social beings, humans must socialize. So, the employer must maintain a fine line between work life and social life.
Friendly Competition
Frequent challenges and competitions are likely to ignite the vigor and zeal of the employees. However, the employer should maintain a cordial atmosphere during the battles.
The staffers must aim at performing to the best of their aptitudes rather than being jealous of their coworkers. Such competitions will also lighten up the monotonous schedules of the workplaces.
Moreover, the challenges help the workers to learn from their colleagues and facilitate growth.
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A Definite Purpose
Aimless activities are likely to yield negative results. Hence, the employer should focus on delineating in detail the idea and importance of the actions of the individuals.
Telling the vision and objective of the organization is one of the best ways to motivate employees.
Moreover, the employer should procure applicants by aligning this objective with the skillset of each individual.
The purpose at individual levels can be to seek promotions or other growth opportunities.
Such motivational activities for employees are likely to improve the productivity of the organization as a whole.
On the other hand, the purpose at the corporate level can be to increase the monthly sales. Or, it may be to pursue social media marketing and expand the networking outreach of the company.
Thus, a purpose works as a target for the employees to avoid procrastination.
Open Door Policy
Effective communication is the key to success for the organization. Moreover, transparency in the workplace works as a motivation for the employees.
It helps the workers to drain out their thoughts and grievances in front of the employer.
Since the staffers work in the organization, they may have specific questions and feedback for the boss. Hence, the employer should invite constructive criticism and complaints.
They should also pay heed to the quirky suggestions and creative ideas of each lower-level employee. This will serve as a motivation for the workers and make them feel their importance in the organization.
Moreover, the employer must also include the employees in the decision-making activities of the organization.
The manager should fix a particular time during the week (regular meetings, discussions, etc.) for communicating with the employees.
This will help them to get an insight into the attitude of the employees towards the workplace.
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Necessary Rewards
Hard work without relevant fruits negatively affects the morale and confidence of any employee. So, the employer should acknowledge the achievements of the workers.
This will not only help to motivate the workers but will also compel them to give the best in the future.
The non-financial rewards aim at offering a thank you email or certificates for exceptional performances to the workers.
Apart from this, earning money is one of the primary aims of the workers. Hence, the employer can proffer various financial incentives to the employees.
Such rewards serve as a continuous motivation for the workers.
The employer should try to appreciate the hard-working employees by putting up posters of such employees on the walls of the workplace.
Apart from this, the words of encouragement for employees or motivational messages for employees help to reignite their passion for their work activities.
The importance of employee recognition is even exhibited through research. According to this survey, approximately 86% of the companies follow formal reward strategies and schemes in their organizations.
An Autonomous Structure
Proffering responsibility to the employees motivates them to give their best. This is because the negative comments will tarnish their professional image and hence, deteriorate their future job opportunities.
Thus, the employer should make people carry out various meetings and conferences. This will make them feel that they are essential for the organization and bolster their motivation.
It is necessary that the employers do not make the employees a mere puppet in their hands. Using the employees only for their technical skills is likely to foster a bleak environment.
This is because the employer can use machines and other software for such purposes. However, it is the soft skills of each individual that differentiates them from other applicants.
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Regular Breaks
Working all day and night without regular breaks will make the job monotonous and unchallenging for the workers. Hence, the employer should provide frequent intervals for the workers.
Regular breaks serve as employee motivation for the workers.
For example, the employer can help their employees to follow the Pomodoro technique. According to this technique, an individual is offered to work for 35 to 40 minutes.
After each 40-minute work session, he or she can take a break of three to four minutes. This break helps them to develop potential energy which can later be converted into kinetic energy.
Moreover, researches show that it is likely to augment the efficiency of the individuals in their workplaces.
Hence, the employer should follow various employee motivation strategies. But it is not just one or two tips that can help with employee motivation.
A blend of several techniques can integrate inspiration in the workplace.
Moreover, some tips may work for one organization but may not yield useful results in the other workplace.
Thus, the right motivation technique in the workplace depends on the employees and the nature of their work.
How to Motivate Employees: 10+ Best Tips for Leaders published first on Broxer.com
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thebroxer · 4 years
Strengths and Weaknesses for Interview: What to Tell and What to Not?
An interview is a meeting that helps the recruiters to get an insight into your character.
You may provide different examples, achievements, experiences, or skills about yourself in an interview with the interviewers.
However, the most important questions which the recruiters can ask you are- What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are your work-related strengths? What is your biggest weakness?
Sometimes, the interviewers may ask you about your strengths and weaknesses in a single question. The other times they may separately ask about them.
In the former case, you should always begin with your shortcomings and end with the strengths. Ending with a positive tone improves your chances of entering the organization.
This is one of the most critical behavioral questions of an interview. This is because it solicits not only your positive attributes but also the negative ones.
Saying something negative about your personality in a place where you want to exhibit your positive traits is a daunting task.
But with the right strategies and tips, you can answer the question correctly.
You need to prepare for the interview beforehand as it will help you to memorize the points later. But why do the interviewers ask about the personal strengths and weaknesses of an individual?
The reason is that the answers to such questions show the honesty of the applicants. Moreover, it helps the recruiters to get an insight into the personality and self-awareness of an individual.
The weaknesses also tell the interviewers about the growth and development potential of the applicant.
With this behavioral answer, the interviewers know whether the applicant is suitable for the job title or not.
Let us have a glance at the various tips which the applicants can follow while proffering the answers to such questions.
Tips and Strategies
Be Honest
While answering about your strengths or weaknesses, it is imperative, to be honest. An honest answer exhibits your genuineness and authenticity.
Moreover, the interviewers can always substantiate your answers from your resume, application form, body language, and other activities.
But be careful enough not to give away any confidential information about your prior employer or job. This means you should be truthful in a diplomatic way.
If they come to know about your dishonesty, then they will straight away show you the exit doors.
So, the applicants should not integrate imaginative stories to expand their chances of fetching the job opportunity.
Moreover, this will exhibit your dilettantism and immature nature. So avert from giving an exaggerated or calculated answer.
On the other hand, the solution may require you to spell out specific negative experiences or weaknesses.
Such weaknesses can truncate your chances of fetching the job opportunity. So be cautious to conceal this data passively.
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A Story
You should always initiate your answer by mentioning the skill, strength, or weakness. After this, integrate a story with your response.
This story can be any experience, achievement, or accomplishment which will help the interviewers to know in detail about your strengths or weaknesses.
Moreover, the anecdote exhibits your credibility and reliability. It can help the manager to substantiate your answer.
Apart from this, a tale also helps to retain the interest of the interviewers. They are likely to listen to you carefully and develop a personal connection which will help them to remember you for a long time.
The applicant should make sure that their answer is brief yet informative. Increasing the length of your answer unnecessarily makes it monotonous and boring.
So you should mention 2 to 3 strengths and weaknesses to them. But make sure that such an answer will help them to get a detailed insight into your personality.
This is because it is the quality and not the quantity of your answer which matters to the interviewers.
However, the answers may compel you to depict your experiences through a story. But, make sure not to go into the detail of each story.
The saying “practice makes a man perfect” never gets tarnished. Practicing your answer is very beneficial and thus, can help you to get the job.
First of all, it increases your self-confidence and aids to calm your nerves. This is because practicing helps you to remember past experiences or stories relating to your strengths and weaknesses.
And you can fetch them from your memory at the right time during the interview.
Secondly, the interviewers come to know that you have prepared for the job. This, in turn, exhibits your hard work and dedication to procure the job opportunity.
Moreover, if you have already reviewed your strengths and weaknesses, then you are less likely to ramble.
So pay heed to rehearse your answers before the mirror or a friend. Also, do not forget to proofread your answer before evaluating it.
Use software like Grammarly, which helps to avoid any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. This is because such small mistakes can exhibit your amateurism.
Be Composed
While spilling out your strengths and weaknesses, the answer may require you to go down the negative memory lane. Especially the flaws that tend to demoralize you.
But you should remember to maintain your stability and composure during such times.
Make sure not to let anxiety overpower you. The applicants should maintain positive body language and smile appropriately.
In the end, it is crucial to deliver your answer in a positive and confident tone.
STAR Technique
The STAR technique helps you to retort to the question in the best possible way. Your strengths and weaknesses need you to exhibit your experiences and past stories.
This technique helps you to give your answer in an organized way without leaving any crucial piece of information.
S- Situation
First of all, make the interviewers aware of your past situation. This helps the recruiters to know about the company’s culture and working environment.
They can even compare the culture and environment of their company with your previous company.
T- Task
The task refers to the challenge or problem which the situation issued to you. The interviewers can assess the intensity of the problem and your skills.
Action refers to the initiatives you took to solve the problem. Hence, the activity helps the interviewers to know your decision-making, problem-solving, and other technical and soft skills.
So you must explain your specific skill according to the requirements of the organization in this part.
R- Result
Result or verdict helps the interviewers to know about your contribution towards the organization.
A positive impact shows your strength, whereas a negative effect shows your weaknesses and the way you improve yourself.
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Strengths Interview
What are your greatest job strengths?
Before answering this question, you need to conduct extensive research about the company and the pollsters.
This is because the research helps you to know the requirements and needs of the organization and interviewers.
You can use this data to your advantage. This means the applicant should modify the strengths according to the skill set required by the company.
Moreover, exhibit strengths that can meet the goals and culture of the organization.
The interviewers choose the best fit by aligning their needs with the candidate’s technical and soft skills. You can exhibit your technical attributes through practical skills.
On the other hand, spill out your soft skills through personality traits.
To initiate your research, go through the job description of the company. The job description can help you to procure specific keywords that you can use as your strengths.
Secondly, this digital era facilitates the process of research. So you can surf through the social media accounts of the company.
The LinkedIn profile of the company has the names of the various job posts and the people working in them. This will help you to know the interviewers’ profile and their nature.
The applicant should visit the web pages of the website of the organization.
There are various news articles and recent updates of the company which aid you to comprehend about the working environment.
After your research, create a compelling and intriguing answer. But make sure not to cross the very fine line between appreciation and bragging.
Appreciation means to tell your skillset without undermining your personality. However, bragging will reduce your credibility and show your amateurism.
Weaknesses Interview
What are the weaknesses that you can mention in an interview?
You should not use the formula which you used for the strengths while confiding the weaknesses. This means you should not align your shortcomings with the requirements of the organization.
Moreover, exhibit weaknesses that do not affect the core functioning of the organization. For example, let us say that you are applying for the job of a content writer.
In such situations, you cannot exhibit your weakness as a lack of written communication skills. This is because such skills are necessary for you to perform activities in the capacity of a content writer.
But you can use your research to know the requirements of the organization. Moreover, entail your weaknesses as the attributes which are not essential for the company.
For example, in the capacity of a content creator, you can mention your liability as procrastination. However, it is crucial to describe how you are improving on your weakness and making it your strength.
The applicant should make sure not to describe the weaknesses as- “I work way too hard, I do things in a more than perfect way, etc.”.
Such answers exhibit your professional immaturity and lack of emotional intelligence.
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Examples for Weaknesses
Personality Traits
Example 1
I am an introvert and hence feel shy in communicating with new people. Due to this, I was not able to participate in various speech and debate competitions in my school and college.
Hence, this hindered me from exhibiting my exceptionally written articles and content.
But, to improve this skill, I had joined two classes last year. At these conferences, there were many people like me.
We were all required to exhibit our daily experiences and past stories in front of 5 to 10 people. This helped me to develop my oral communication skills and thus bolstered my self-confidence.
Example 2
One of my most significant weaknesses is that I am always unsatisfied with my work activities. Due to this, I always feel that I could have done better even if I had already done my best.
This has affected my career in the past, severely. Because of this, I always underestimated myself and was surrounded by negativity.
But I have tried to improve this by finding a way out in the last year. Now I always celebrate my accomplishments with people that help me to be positive.
This has improved not only my self-confidence but also my productivity.
Example 3
Since my childhood, I have dreaded mathematics. Due to my dislike for the subject, I was never able to give 100% of my abilities during tests and examinations.
My grades had always been low. However, when I had thought to pursue my career in analytical skills, I decided to improve my mathematical skills.
Due to this reason, I had taken numerous online courses during my graduation. Though it was stressful, the favorable fruits of my hard work motivated me.
Moreover, my mathematical skills have been refined due to my recent job. And now, here I am, entirely proud to tell you how I improved my weakness and turned it into a strength.
Example 4
Procrastination has always been my biggest enemy. But it was only recently that I realized this. Before, I used to think that procrastination is just stress for me and works as pressure for me in the last moment.
However, recently in my last job, I was given a project. Due to my bad habit, I postponed most of the work for the last moment.
In the end, my fault gave stress to other colleagues. And hence we were able to submit the project just a few minutes before the deadline.
But now since I have realized my mistake, I am trying to rectify it. Due to this, I have downloaded a lot of software that helps me to organize my schedule and evade procrastinating.
Other examples of job weaknesses are as follows:
Less responsible
Less detail-oriented
Too much of a perfectionist
Less proficiency in a non-essential skill
Shy or unable to communicate effectively
Not adept at taking risks
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Examples for Strengths
Personality Traits
Example 1
I have been a great leader. Due to this, I was selected as a member of the Cabinet in my school and college.
Moreover, I was able to improve the KPIs of my prior companies per quarter. This was possible as a result of my experience to lead various teams during any project or conference.
This is because I know the importance of effectual leader. A leader is a person who listens to the quirky advice of their subordinates.
Apart from this, they have relevant decision-making, problem-solving, and team-working skills.
Once when I was made the leader of a project, the employer modified the terms and conditions at the last moment.
But due to my effective leadership, I was able to revamp the project and my strategies in an organized way. This helped all the people to complete it and thus submit it before the deadline.
Example 2
I have excellent written communication skills. Due to such skills, I can create intellectual and intriguing articles in various niches.
Such skills helped me in my previous job to write articles worth 5000 words per day.
Moreover, I can write articles in multiple fields like travel and tourism, HR and management, advertisement and promotion, etc.
Other examples of job strength are as follows:
Effective listening skills
Practical communication skills
Good decision making and problem-solving skills
Empathetic skills
Strengths and Weaknesses for Interview: What to Tell and What to Not? published first on Broxer.com
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thebroxer · 4 years
Where Does Unemployment Insurance Come From?
Due to high levels of unemployment, the Government proffers benefits that help unemployed people during hard times.
However, the amount is based upon your prior employment opportunities and certain other factors.
So in case, your employer fires you, many questions may arise in your mind. How do I get my unemployment money? What important factors should I keep in mind?
But before answering such questions, let us know more about unemployment insurance.
Unemployment Insurance (UI) Program
The state passed the Social Security Act in the year 1935, which established created the Unemployment Insurance Program.
This federal-state program helps the unemployed workers by providing them with a part of their wages as financial assistance.
The compensation and benefits depend upon the state in which the applicant resides. But generally, the applicants get the help for 26 weeks.
Such payment primarily entails half of the prior salaries of the applicants.
The federal-state partnership programs depend upon the payroll taxes. Hence, they help people who are involuntarily unemployed and meet the various qualifications needed to claim the benefits.
During times of an economic crisis, the unemployment insurance program helps workers by providing financial impetus to reduce their hardship.
Qualifications for The Program
Not all the applicants who apply for unemployment benefits can procure them. This is because the program does not entail various individuals, like:
People who voluntarily resigned from the organization
People who are looking for their first job
People who are reinitiating their business in the labor field after quitting it voluntarily
People who do not have any legal documents to work
Freelancers, self-employed, or gig workers
Not only this, but the applicants should meet specific other qualifications of their respective states.
For example, individuals need to earn according to the state’s requirements or have worked for a particular time period for their previous employer.
Variations led to more discrepancies between the people who procured the benefits from different states.
The lowest amount that a person got per week was $213 in Mississippi. On the other hand, the highest amount went to $555 in Massachusetts.
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Funding for Unemployment Insurance
If you are an unemployed citizen, then you must understand the answer to the next question. Where does my unemployment money come from?
This is because the funding of unemployment decides the amount proffered to the unemployed.
The agency to fund the UI is the Federal Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund. It not only supports the program but also takes care of its other attributes.
For example, the agency takes care of unemployment costs and lends loans to state UI funds. It also finances half of the additional benefits during any crisis.
Since UI is a federal-state program, the States and territories set their attributes, keeping the guidelines of the federal government in mind.
Such protocols entail the payroll tax rates or prior wages of the unemployed people.
But in the end, it is the employers who pay the UI taxes to the federal UI Trust Fund.
The states have separate accounts at the federal UI Trust Fund that helps them to procure unemployment insurance benefits.
Cost to An Employer
Many people speculate that various employees pay for the funds of the UI benefits. Such funds relate to Medicare or Social Security funds.
But in reality, it is the employers who are responsible for the costs of the benefits. Moreover, the prices are higher than the amount of unemployment compensation proffered to the unemployed.
However, three states fund the benefits from the employees. These states include Pennsylvania, Alaska, and New Jersey. But, the cost of such benefits is minimal.
There are other factors that deduce the cost of an individual’s unemployment insurance benefits.
Such factors refer to the prior wage of the employee, the time duration of being unemployed, and the amount of state service.
The government pays an individual the average unemployment claim of $378 per week. However, this amount can even reach the $1000 mark or more, depending on your state.
There are two methods of claiming money from the employer. First of all, the state can debit the employer’s UI account. Such states have an account balance of the employers.
Secondly, the state government can augment the unemployment taxes of employers.
There may be a change in the ratio of the taxable payroll and the account balance. In such cases, the reduction of the account balance can augment the rate.
So, any changes in even one claim for the employers’ account can significantly result in boosting the tax rate in the future.
Hence, the cost of an individual’s insurance benefit has a lower impact and thus, is not the main factor. The primary factor is the tax rate, which proffers a long term effect.
The state fixes the tax rate based on three years. So, the effect of a single unemployment claim is sighted until three years in the unemployment insurance tax rate.
This makes it difficult for employers to know the impact of a single claim on the UI tax rate.
In three years, an unemployment insurance claim can expand the tax premium from $4000 to $7000.
Moreover, if employers lose many requests, then they can face a loss of more than thousands of dollars annually.
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Initial Claims
As the name suggests, initial claims refer to the applicants who have claimed for their unemployment insurance benefits recently.
Hence, initial claims serve as a measure to determine the unemployment level of the market.
The initial claims in March reached some 6.9 million per week. This is because due to the COVID-19 outbreak when many factories were shut down to avert the total variable expenses.
The last highest number of initial claims was sighted on October 2, 1982. During this time there were 695,000 claims in a single week.
Counting claims refer to the number of people who are collecting these benefits. The number of counting requests reached 32 million at the end of June 27, 2020.
This means that around one in every five workers wants to reap the benefits of unemployment insurance. Such services relate to the expanded compensation of this insurance program.
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FUTA stands for the Federal Unemployment Tax Act. The employers’ fund this tax and the other state taxes for the unemployment insurance program.
These authorities calculate the tax on the first $7000 paid to each employee. The tax rate is 6%. However, they may truncate it down to 0.6%.
This is because of credit of 5.4%, which is proffered to the employers who pay their state unemployment taxes on time. The employer cannot directly change this tax rate.
For example, if an employee earns $7000 or more, then the FUTA tax will be $42.
Sometimes the states have less unemployment insurance trust funds. In such cases, federal money is proffered to these states.
However, if the states are unable to repay the loan amount, the federal government can expand the employers’ tax rates of the respected state.
But, the states need to repay their loan amount to the federal government within two to three years.
The federal government bestows full flexibility to the states in determining the insurance benefits for their workers.
The states can offer protection to their workers with significantly fewer requirements of the federal government.
There are many factors which the states can choose freely. Such factors entail the benefit level, employer tax rates, duration of the benefits, and eligibility requirements.
Hence, the states can modify the extent of duration or the minimum standards of the previous wage. For example, previously, the duration of the benefits was 26 weeks.
However, due to the outbreak of COVID-19, many states like North Carolina and Florida truncated this duration to 12 weeks.
SUTA stands for the State Unemployment Tax Act. This tax is more complicated than the FUTA. The tax rate generally ranges between 1% to 8%.
Hence, the employers pay taxes on the earnings of the employees. This amount varies from $10,000 to $15,000 per employee per year.
Where Does Unemployment Insurance Come From? published first on Broxer.com
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thebroxer · 4 years
Best Jobs for A Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology
The myth that there are no high-paying jobs for students with a Bachelor’s in Psychology has existed for many decades. However, we can clear this myth through research.
The American Psychological Association conducted this survey. According to the report, approximately 57% of the students with a bachelor’s degree pursue a career path in this field.
On the other hand, 25% of the students pursued a Master’s degree in Psychology. Moreover, 18% of the students follow a Master’s degree in a different subject.
So, a Bachelor’s in Psychology attains various vital skills essential for specific job roles. These job roles may relate to social work, management, organization, or other business-related strategies.
However, you can become a psychologist only if you have a Masters’s degree in the subject.
Moreover, if you are looking for a job opportunity with a Bachelor’s in Psychology, then there is something which you must know.
You must understand the difference between a Bachelor of Science and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.
The science field gives you an understanding of mathematical and science skills, along with psychology. Thus, you can dive into a lot of research and its procedure with this degree.
On the other hand, a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology teaches you about various fine art programs. Thus, this degree can help you to try out several career guiding programs.
Let us take a look at the different job posts you can pursue with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology.
A journalist is a person who creates various articles related to the niche of news. Hence, this requires individuals to conduct extensive research to procure the relevant data.
In the capacity of a journalist, the individual has to question people, solicit data from them by various methods and present it fairly before the public.
The articles of a journalist are published in multiple media outlets.
A Bachelor’s degree in Psychology gives people the various skills crucial in becoming a journalist.
Such soft skills are related to emotional intelligence, social skills, cognition and understanding the intellect, and grasping level of other people.
Hence, people with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology are at the upper hand from their competitors to become a journalist.
Moreover, you can gain more advantage over your peers by procuring a Masters’s degree in the subject.
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As the name suggests, a researcher has to conduct substantial exploration in various fields. A person with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology integrates influential scientific theories to conduct research.
This helps them to provide people with a deeper understanding of various psychological fields and mental health aspects.
A researcher can work in a private lab or with the government. The applicants can initiate their career in this profession by working as a lab assistant.
There are various companies that proffer opportunities to people in this field. Examples of such organizations are Lifespan, Corizon Health, etc.
The national average salary of this profession is $82,833 per year.
Human Resources (HR) Specialist
Human Resources (HR) Specialists help in the employment procedure of an employee. Hence, such people are involved in the recruiting, interviewing, screening, and hiring of an employee.
Apart from this, they also help in compensation benefits and training programs of a Company.
In the capacity of an HR specialist, the individual is also required to perform various management and administrative functions.
Such functions need people to maintain all the employment records and payrolls of each individual.
On the other hand, they should also ensure that such operations are in adherence to the norms of the federal and state government.
With the help of a psychology degree, you can become a human resource specialist.
Moreover, knowledge of psychology helps you to inculcate the service-oriented and collaborative skills required in this field.
A Human Resource Specialist also helps to formulate new policies and procedures for the present employees of the organization.
Hence, the most important skill needed to practice this profession is practical communication skills.
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Marketing Manager
The Marketing Manager works in a collaborative environment to formulate various strategies and advertising techniques for an organization.
They are required to perform activities according to the instructions of the hiring manager and other staff.
The main aim of the Marketing Manager is to promote the brand’s products and services. This can help them to convert leads and hence, attract a larger target audience towards the business.
Initially, the Marketing Manager conducts extensive market research. This enables them to identify the target audience of the business. With this knowledge, they modify the strategies of the organization.
The marketing manager can pursue various forms of marketing such as digital marketing or traditional marketing.
Traditional marketing is conducted through effective campaigns in the form of articles, news, posters, banners, etc.
On the other hand, a Marketing Manager performs digital marketing through various social media platforms and other software.
To become a marketing manager, you should have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. But a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology gives you an advantage over your strategic competitors.
This is because psychology teaches you various socializing skills. With such practical communication skills, you can persuade people to become regular customers of the brand.
Behavior Analyst
As the name suggests, a Behavior Analyst assesses the attributes of various individuals. They work to rectify the behavioral issues of an individual.
Such behavior critics can work in schools, hospitals, colleges, etc.
They help individuals with psychiatric problems or brain injury. Various companies acquire the services of behavior analysis like the MENTOR network, teamwork specialists, etc.
The national average salary of a behavior analyst is $64,000 per year.
Mental Health Counselor
Mental health is a real issue into which people should look more closely. Ignoring the mental health of an individual can lead to huge losses and even death.
A Mental Health Counselor is a person who addresses the mental health of various people.
Such people may be suffering from severe grief, tension, suicidal thoughts, stress, or depression.
A Mental Health Counselor advises them and helps them through their various empathetic skills and emotional intelligence.
Mental Health Counselors may work with a single individual, groups, couples, or people with various other relationships.
On the other hand, various schools and colleges also hire the services of a Mental Health Counselor for ensuring and aiding the well being of their students.
Such an advisor should be self-regulated and know how to maintain composure in difficult times. This is because the clients will talk to the counselor about their stressful situations.
In these circumstances, they should be able to communicate effectively with people without losing mental stability and control.
Moreover, apart from a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, such people need a license from their respective states to pursue this profession.
As the name suggests, a criminologist assesses a criminal database to procure information from it. They are required to interview various witnesses or suspects.
Apart from this, the functions include maintaining a record of the criminals and other related activities to date. Hence, the criminologist works similar to a scientist.
Due to such attributes, a criminologist mostly works with government or law departments. A Bachelor’s degree in Psychology helps such a professional to excel.
This is because such a degree enables them to inculcate various skills. They know how to read the body language of people, have emotional intelligence, practical communication skills, and learn the intellectual capacity and grasping power of the audience.
A Bachelor’s degree in Psychology is enough to help you initiate your profession in this career.
However, higher roles regarding leadership and management require individuals to acquire a Master’s degree as well.
A therapist helps clients in decision making and problem-solving capacities. These clients are individuals who have mental health issues and do not have the power to reason.
Thus, a therapist helps people to be happy and improves their mental health. Moreover, each therapist has their own strategies to converse with the clients and know more about them.
They provide various types of solutions like social work, marriage counseling, or family medications. The national average salary of this profession is $33 per hour.
Also Read: How to Become a Physical Therapist? How Long Does It Take?
Health Care Administrators
Health Care Administrators are also known by various other names like clinical managers, health care executives, and medical managers.
They serve as a lubricant in the smooth functioning of the clinic or the health care establishment.
A Health Care Administrator executes plans, administers, organizes, directs, and supervises health care functions.
Hence, they are employed to work with several departments under various medical professionals.
Checking the quality of the services is a crucial function of the health care executive.
Such people also work with patients and other people who require their assistance with the clinic, such as the insurance agents.
A degree in psychology can help you to attain the required skills for this profession. Such skills include flexibility, management, adaptability, and administrative and collaborative mastery.
Social Workers
As the name suggests, social workers deal with the current crisis of society and help their clients.
There is a strong relationship between social work and psychology because such people help clients with decision-making capacities.
The client may be having problems with marriage, relationships, or they may be suffering from a severe disease.
With a service-oriented attitude, they can ensure the well being of the clients. People with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology can work with various communities, groups, and organizations as a social worker.
Sometimes the social workers also combat various problems of their clients at the local, state, and national levels.
In such capacities, they are required to conduct extensive research, procure information, and hence, persuade people in the favor of their clients.
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You can indulge in any profession according to your preferences, needs, and salary requirements. With a whisk of creative imagination and practical communication skills, you can become a journalist.
Or, with your emotional thinking and intellectual intelligence, you could become a therapist, social worker, or a health care advisor.
Hence, there are numerous professions that you can pursue with proficiency and a degree in psychology.
Best Jobs for A Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology published first on Broxer.com
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thebroxer · 4 years
How to Format the Address of A Letter Correctly?
In this era of networking, you can communicate with people sitting in the other corner of the globe almost instantaneously.
You may think at such times, why would we even need to write a letter?
However, traditional mediums of communication never lose their essence. There can be circumstances when you would need to write and send letters to various people.
Such situations require you to meet the necessary format used in writing a letter.
Most of the time, you may write letters for business purposes. One of the best examples of this is when you want to join an organization.
During this time, you need to write a cover letter and send it to the hiring manager. Hence, such letters not only decide your job but also pave a path for your career development.
And what if you write the addresses in the wrong order on the letter? It will not only lead to late delivery but will exhibit your amateurism. Hence, writing the correct addresses in the correct order is necessary.
First of all, there are locations that are very difficult to navigate. Writing a detailed address can help the letter to reach the right place within a short time.
Secondly, writing letters for business purposes always require the individuals to pay attention to details such as formal salutations, street name, city name, etc.
Address Writing Format
Writing an address on a letter has a particular structure. Following this structure can increase your chances of making a good impression on the recipient.
So, incorporate the following rules and formatting in your letter.
Sender’s Address
You may think, why would we write our own address on the letter when we are the one sending it.
But, what if the recipient wants to reply to your message? Moreover, what if it does not reach its destination?
In such situations, the authorities will parcel it back to you.
Additionally, the recipient will want to know who sent them the letter, and where do they reside?
The address of the sender is written on the top left corner of the letter.
Before starting the body of your letter, it is crucial to write your name. You should write your name in an unabbreviated form that looks professional.
But some letters may require you to write your name at the end of the letter as a signature. In such cases, you should not initiate your address with your name and instead, write it at the bottom.
There can be circumstances when you have a common name, or you may think that the recipient may confuse your name with someone else.
In such situations, you can even write your middle name or use various other suffixes. For example- Alex Arnold Benjamin.
Write your professional titles in front of your name, like Doctor, Reverend, etc., if any.
If you are writing a letter to a friend, it is acceptable to use your nickname or an abbreviation. For example, you may write Sue for Susan, or Joe for Joseph, etc.
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Company’s Name
After writing your name, write the name of the company in which you work. This is written in business letters where you address the employer for specific purposes.
However, if you have decided to write your name in the end, initiate your letter with the company’s name itself.
If you want, you can also write your job title below the company’s name. This will enable the employer to know who you are.
For example,
Alex Benjamin XYZ Limited Chief Assistant Manager
Street Name
You can start your address with your street number. After the street number, write down the street name and the apartment number, if any.
Avoid composing abbreviations like Rd for Road, Ln for lane, etc. Also, you should not separate the street number and the street name with a comma.
For example,
7854 XYZ Lane
City and State Name
After writing the street name, write your city and state name in the next line.
First of all, write the name of your city, then put a comma and write the name of your state. After writing the state name, leave some space and pen down the pin code of your address.
You can even write the postal abbreviation of your state. Moreover, if you are sending the letter abroad, then it is crucial to write the name of your country in the next line.
For example,
Chicago, Illinois 78951
Contact Information and Email Address
If you find it comfortable or necessary, then jot down your contact number and email address in the letter. This will help the recipient to communicate with you easily in case of any confusion.
First, mention your phone number and then the email address. However, it can be a possibility that you want to mention two phone numbers.
So separate the phone numbers by mentioning their purposes. You can use words like “Personal” and “Office” before the phone numbers.
After writing the address, you should write the date of the day you are composing the letter. Do not write the date of the day when you initiate the letter.
Instead, write the date of the day when you complete it.
It serves as a verification for the time of the day you wrote it, and the day the recipient got it. You should always write the name of the month in words. After this, write the date and year in numbers.
For example,
September 13, 2020
Recipient’s Address
Leave a line after the date and write the recipient’s address. This means that you have to write the recipient’s address on the left column of the sheet.
You can write the business address of the person for business matters. However, use their home address for personal issues.
Start with writing the name of the recipient. You can also use titles such as Mr, Ms, Doctor, etc. with the name of the recipient.
Moreover, you may be composing the letter for business purposes. In such cases, you can mention the job title of the recipient in the next line.
Knowing such titles will help you to make the letter more personalized.
In case you are jotting down the letter to get a job opportunity, then such information exhibits your research and interest in the organization.
After the job title, pen down the company in which the recipient works in the next line. After this, you can mention the street number and street name in the next line.
Both these elements are separated by space.
Then you need to follow the same format as you followed while writing your address. This means that write the city name, state name, and the pin code of the location in the next line.
A comma separates the city and state names. However, the state name and the code are separated by some space.
If you are writing the letter to a recipient who lives abroad, then inscribe the name of their country in the next line.
For example,
Dr. Lewis Edward Assistant manager XYZ Co limited 123 Colonel Street Los Angeles, California 43259
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In the end, you should make sure that you write the name and address of the recipient correctly.
You can conduct research or make use of your augmented networking outreach to find the name of the recipient, in the case of an official letter.
When writing business letters, make use of the digital platforms and search through the social media accounts of the company.
Moreover, you can go through the website of the company. Here, you can find the “About Us” page or the “Teams” page.
Such pages have the names of the people working in different job posts.
Similarly, the LinkedIn profile of the organization has the names of the people working in the company. Know the name of the right person to whom you are sending your letter.
Before sending your letter, it is crucial to proofread it. This is because any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors can exhibit your irresponsible nature and dilettantism.
To help you with this, you can use Grammarly which will show you your grammatical errors and let you know how to correct them.
Moreover, you can get your letter read by friends or relatives before sending it. Make sure that the name and address are written in the right manner, which can lead to timely delivery.
How to Format the Address of A Letter Correctly? published first on Broxer.com
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thebroxer · 4 years
Drug Test for Job: 8 Important Things You Should Know | Complete Guide
Passing a drug test for a job is a crucial step to fetch entry into an organization. There are various reasons to conduct the drug test before an interview or alcohol screening test for the job.
The employment hiring process, company’s policies, terms and conditions, or the drug testing laws may compel the organizations to screen the employees before giving them an entry into their premises.
Sometimes, corporations may even conduct drug tests for employees who rejoined after a specific duration.
But waiting for the results of the pre-job drug testing can be a stressful period for both, the employer as well as the prospective employee.
There are certain factors that affect pre-job drug testing results.
But before knowing what these factors are, let us look into the details of the reasons for conducting the pre-employment drug tests.
Why Conduct a Drug Test Before Hiring?
A person consuming alcohol or drugs becomes imbalanced, and during this time, they lose control of their mind.
Clearly, a person in such situations cannot work to the best of their capabilities.
Research conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) shows that individuals lose their productivity due to prolonged use of drugs.
Hence, the drug test for a job is crucial to avert minimized efficiency levels of individuals and work-related accidents.
Secondly, various positions related to the federal government compel employees to take the pre-employment drug test.
These job posts include transportation workers, bus and truck drivers, airline pilots, railway workers, etc.
The reports of NIDA show that the costs related to drug abuse, alcohol, and tobacco usage sum up to over $740 billion per year.
There are various statistics of NIDA that substantiate the reasons for performing drug testing before hiring.
Firstly, consuming drugs is likely to increase workplace injury by five times.
Secondly, substance abuse is one of the reasons that lead to 2.5 times more absences of employees.
Thirdly, substance abuse is likely to increase the rate of workplace accidents by 3.5 more times.
Lastly, approximately 50% of the claims of a workplace are related to drug abuse.
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Passing the Drug Test
In some organizations, clearing the drug test is one of the main requirements to get the job role. The medical doctors look for traces of drugs or alcohol in your system.
The results for the test are negative if no such traces are found.
There are several drugs, which can be identified in the human system, even after a period of several weeks.
But if you’re not satisfied with the drug test, then you can get yourself re-tested at a lab. Since this is your personal choice, the expenses and efforts to choose a lab of your choice are on you.
Different drugs have the capability to get identified for different durations.
For example, alcohol can be identified for a period of one to two days, and marijuana, if taken in a small quantity can be identified for up to a week.
However, if taken in larger quantities it may be identifiable for several weeks.
Legal Marijuana Statute
In some states, smoking, buying, or dealing with marijuana is legal. But the usage of marijuana depends on two purposes.
Some states allow it only for medical purposes, but some states allow it for both medical and recreational purposes.
However, the federal government declares any activity related to this drug as illegal. In this constant fight between the state and the federal laws, the federal law prevails.
Due to this, even in the states where marijuana is legal, employers can test their prospective employees before hiring them.
In case the employee tests positive, the employer has the right to terminate their employment.
This right of the employer is termed as “at-will employment”, which means that the employer can hire or dismiss anyone according to the company’s norms.
The exceptions to this right include race, gender, cultural differences, etc.
However, there are some states which have different laws in this regard. These laws protect employees who use marijuana medicinally.
As of 2020, more than one-third of Americans reside in states where smoking marijuana is a legal activity.
Drug Testing Laws
Different states have different requirements related to drug testing laws. These requirements are about the limits which describe the period and procedure of drug testing.
Some industries are governed by various federal or state drug testing laws. In these sectors, drug test before the interview is crucial to get the job.
The employer should conduct the screening procedure equally. This means they should conduct the same testing process for all the employees of the same post.
Substance Abuse in The Workplace
Some company’s terms and conditions state that a drug test is compulsory for the job. The company informs employees of this in the job offer letter.
This is because there are several state and federal laws related to substance abuse in the workplace. These laws permit the employer to fire any individual, in case they violate the policies of the company.
Turnaround Time (TAT)
Various factors affect the turnaround time for pre-employment drug screening. Not only the type of drug test but also the type of drug taken by the user fluctuates its value.
The nature of the result can also expand or truncate the turn around time of the drug test.
Negative Test
A negative test shows that the prospective employee had not consumed drugs or alcohol.
The employer can get the negative result of the prospective employee in lesser time as it takes just three to four days.
Positive Test
A positive result states that the person had taken drugs or alcohol. It consists of several complexities and hence, the time taken to fetch the results is greater than in the negative test.
To avert any unreasonable delays, the individual should inform the Medical Review Officer (MRO) about their medications. Sometimes, they may be legally prescribed drugs or medicines that contain such drugs.
In such cases, the result may exhibit a false positive test.
Moreover, the individual may solicit for a second test, which further expands the time of the screening procedure.
The MRO tends to use gas chromatography or mass spectrometry to conduct the second drug test for the job. In the case of a positive test, the employer may get the results within four to five days.
However, this is not a fixed period and it can heighten due to any fluctuations. Sometimes, the individual may not cooperate with screening methods or may not be punctual while visiting the lab.
The lab can identify various drugs according to their past usage, like:
Barbiturates- past one to three weeks,
Phencyclidine- past one to two weeks,
Amphetamines- past two to three days
Opiates and cocaine- past two to three days.
Checking Process
There are two types of drug checking procedures- a five-panel test or a ten-panel test. Usually, the five-panel test is used.
The five-panel drug screening process checks for various drugs like opiates, cocaine, PCP, etc.
The ten-panel drug test screens for other drugs like alcohol, methadone, propoxyphene, methaqualone, etc.
Generally, in the case of ten-panel testing, the time taken extends by a day or more. The turnaround time to know the result increases if the test is positive in both types.
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Types Of Drug Tests
Hair Drug Test
The hair testing method can be used to do the pre-screening for the drug test because it is easier than the other types of tests.
In the hair drug testing procedure, the MRO takes a hundred strands of hair to test.
One of the most special attributes of this testing method is that it can identify the traces of drugs smoked prior to 90 days of the test.
Hence, if an individual has taken a drug many times, then the chances of tracing increases.
Usually, the hair drug test takes longer to provide the result and can track the usage of various drugs like opiates, PNP, etc.
You can get your result after a hair test in approximately 5 to 10 days.
However, some companies require the results within two days. But the duration of shipping takes more than two days and hence, increases the time from 5 to 10 days.
Breath Alcohol Test
Various pieces of equipment help to conduct breath alcohol tests.
A breathalyzer is the most commonly used equipment. The main aim of the breathalyzer tests is to determine the level of alcohol in the blood.
One shortcoming of this testing procedure is that it helps to know only the current traces of alcohol. This is because the equipment can track one ounce of alcohol in the blood for one hour.
Saliva Test
The saliva test is also known as the oral fluid test. The medical professionals may test for the drugs with the help of the individual’s saliva.
The test can detect drugs taken by the individual in the last 7 to 21 hours.
Saliva tests can replace urine tests due to various issues related to the urine test. For example, the individual may not provide a suitable amount of urine to the MRO.
Blood Drug Test
A blood test is the least utilized type of drug testing method. It can identify the traces of drugs consumed by the individuals only two days prior to the day of testing.
The blood test is useful to detect traces of various drugs like nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine.
The time that is taken to declare the results of the blood test is approximately 2 days. However, in case the results are positive, the time may increase to five days or more.
Urine Drug Test
This is the quickest and most common type of drug testing process. The labs take approximately 2 days to give the results to the employer.
However, one more day adds up in case the specimen is transferred to the testing facility from the lab.
In the case of negative testing, you can get your results within three days. But, if the testing is positive, then the urine testing process may take up to four or five days.
Let us look at the process in detail along with the reasons for the delays.
First of all, the individual provides their sample, either from the workplace or at the clinic. The sample is then transferred from this area to the testing facility.
This procedure takes approximately one day and it may get delayed due to weather or other dynamic trends of the environment.
Once the sample reaches the clinical testing facility, the testing process starts, and it takes place between Monday and Friday.
The medical professionals can complete the urine test even in a day and the MRO then informs the results to the employer.
But, this is possible only if the testing is negative. In case some traces of illegal drugs are found in the sample, it undergoes a second test.
The second test is more extensive and takes approximately 7 business days. In this test, authorities check the particular drug and its quantity consumed by the individual.
They further report the results to the MRO, who talks with the individual.
Now, the time taken to create the final result depends on the individual. The time truncates in case the individual reports which drug or medication he consumed to the officer.
But, it increases if the individual does not visit the clinic at the proper time.
Moreover, the prospective employee should make sure to give their sample on a Monday.
In an alternative case, the authorities wait for next Monday to initiate the testing procedure, which delays the testing process.
Hence, the result depends entirely on the type of testing and the individual.
Drug Test for Job: 8 Important Things You Should Know | Complete Guide published first on Broxer.com
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thebroxer · 4 years
I Have a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology, Now What?
A Bachelor’s degree in Sociology is a three-year undergraduate program. Generally, people who have a keen interest in society, its issues, and solving them through their critical thinking, pursue this subject.
Many times, the way people speak, act, or think may entice you. This is due to excellent social skills or their formal credentials in sociology.
You can talk about countless topics in the domain of sociology like marriage, divorce, sexuality, social issues, criminology, cultural inequalities, racism, attacks, feminism, etc.
This behavioral science requires individuals to conduct extensive research on various topics of society. After conducting the research, individuals tend to analyze and assess it through their viewpoints.
In the end, they are required to create reports relating to their perspective on the topic.
To concoct a good report, individuals may also need to procure suggestions from their colleagues, friends, or relatives.
In such cases, they should have excellent communication skills which facilitate practicing sociology. Students may obtain their degree in sociology, along with various other subjects.
For example, you may get your B.A. in Sociology, or in Behavioral Sciences with Sociology and Psychology, or Psychological Science and Sociology, or even a B.Sc. in Sociology.
But why do people procure a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology? The American Sociological Association (ASA) conducted research to answer this question.
The research exhibited two reasons for individuals to pursue this degree.
First of all, the students receive a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology to understand their lives, the relationship between individuals and social forces, and society.
The second reason for the students is to find a job or a postgraduate degree in the same domain.
So, after getting their degree, the individuals can either pursue a job in the same field or become a postgraduate.
Human Resources (HR) Representative
With a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, you can amass the necessary skills required to become a human resources representative.
Such a person should have great communication skills and should be able to understand the needs of an individual.
Sociology helps you to align the requirements of the job post with the skillset of the individuals, and thus fill the position with the best option.
A human resources representative performs several functions. The organization may require them to interview the candidates, hire them for the post, resolve issues using decision-making skills, and formulate the benefits for employees.
Students interested in the field can pursue a Bachelor’s degree in this subject from Penn State University or Florida State University.
These universities provide an insight into the principles of sociology, their methods, and processes.
According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the median annual wage of human resources representative was $61,920 as of May 2019.
The growth rate in this profession is approximately 6% from 2019 to 2029.
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Urban and Regional Planner
An urban and regional planner performs a plethora of duties for an organization. Most of the duties are related to land usage.
These people meet with many officials related to the land use plans, assess the data, form their land-use decisions, formulate plans for development, etc.
Though there is a high growth rate in this profession, the demand may change due to economic fluctuations.
According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, there is a high growth rate in this career. The median annual salary for an urban and regional planner is $74,350.
With a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, you will have a strong base in communication and can make deals according to your benefits.
Sometimes, individuals may even take a master’s degree to become an urban and regional planner. The planning accreditation board should accredit this program.
You can acquire a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology along with an Urban Studies degree program at Saint Peter’s University.
Various classes taught here include Statistics in Social Sciences, Sociology of Intimacy, Cultural Anthropology, etc.
Another option to get a Bachelors’s degree in Sociology is Arizona State University.
You can get an online bachelor’s degree related to the course of urban planning from this University.
Various topics of the University include Cultural Diversity, Statistics for Planning and Geography, Global Awareness, etc.
Management Consultant
Management Consultants assess the issues and environment of the business to resolve them.
With a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, they know how to research a particular topic and use their analyzing skills to assess it.
Effective communication skills help the management consultant to fabricate reports regarding the researchers and communicate such reports orally to colleagues, superiors, or juniors.
Generally, you may initiate your career in this field as a research assistant, junior consultant, or marketing research analyst. Such people should have critical thinking skills and a problem-solving attitude.
According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, a management consultant can amass a median annual salary of $85,260. This statistic is from May 2019.
The top 10% of the management consultants fetched approximately $154,310. The bottom 10% of the management consultants amassed $49,700.
The researchers have found out the growth rate from 2019 to 2029 as 11%.
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Social Worker
The knowledge gained from sociology related to the aspects of society helps people to become a social worker. One can examine the problems of different types of clients and offer them solutions.
Social workers should have excellent listening and communication skills for this job.
According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the median annual wage of social workers in May 2019 was $50,470.
The bottom 10% tier of the social workers earned approximately $31,790.00 during this period. The top 10% of this group amassed more than $82,540 in May 2019.
The growth rate from 2019 to 2029 is expected to be 13% in this period. This growth rate is higher than the average for other professions.
Market Research Analyst
With a clear cognizance of the trends of the society, a person with a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology can become a market research analyst.
In this position, an individual conducts extensive research to deduce the demand in the market.
One studies the marketing trends to know the demand in a particular sector or industry.
For this, the market analysts collect huge chunks of economic data, apply economic principles to it, and prepare the necessary reports for the companies.
The growth rate in this sector is comparatively higher because organizations are in need of analysts who can add value to their data.
Market research analysts with good mathematical and statistical skills are at an advantage over their competitors.
The median salary for a year in this profession is $63,790, according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics. However, individuals can procure a salary as high as $122,630.
A person with a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology can initiate their career as a market research analyst.
The employers fetch candidates who have a Bachelor’s degree in various subjects like Sociology, Communications, Business Administration, or Statistics.
You can procure a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology online from the University of Texas.
The University requires the student to opt for a minor subject, which can be Communication or Psychology. Various courses of this program include Population Dynamics, Social Laws, etc.
Another University that helps you to get an undergraduate degree to become a market research analyst is Washington State University.
Apart from providing formal educational credentials, the University also helps you to amass experience through internships, abroad programs, and marketing research.
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A Bachelor’s degree in Sociology provides lots of options for lucrative career opportunities for students.
Students can take up any job opportunity according to their preferences, skills, and needs. They may even further their studies into a postgraduate program to get themselves more refined for jobs.
I Have a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology, Now What? published first on Broxer.com
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thebroxer · 4 years
How to Become an Ultrasound Technician? How Long Does It Take?
The profession of ultrasound technicians is a lucrative career option. The terms ultrasound technicians, sonographers, ultrasound tech, and ultrasound technologists are used interchangeably.
There is a high demand for ultrasound technicians in the field of sonography.
People tend to dive into this profession because the education qualifications require comparatively lesser time along with a higher growth rate.
The reports of the Bureau of Labour Statistics showed that the career of ultrasound technicians will see a growth rate of 12% between 2019 to 2029.
This means that there will be 131,700 job opportunities for prospective ultrasound technicians.
The ultrasound technicians amass the highest available income for an Associate’s Degree. The main function of an ultrasound technician is to assess the processes of the internal body and organ functions.
To perform such activity, the medical professional uses types of equipment that radiate high-frequency sound waves.
These sound waves travel inside the body of the human and hence, form images of the internal organs by reflecting back on the machine.
The sonographers should have both hard and soft skills. The soft skills complement the hard skills and help the technicians to perform their functions efficiently.
The hard skills include knowledge in pathophysiology, anatomy, physiology, hand-eye coordination, etc.
With effective soft skills like listening and communication skills, team working skills, staying calm under pressure, good ethical conduct, the technicians can perform to the best of their potential.
The ultrasound techs also record the data, which they gather from their equipment, and send it to the physicians.
But how long does it take to become an ultrasound tech? Let us have a glance at the various educational qualifications and requirements which an ultrasound technician should have.
Educational Requirements
Associate’s Degree
An Associate’s Degree in diagnostic medical sonography is the minimum educational requirement to become a sonographer.
The time duration to procure an Associate’s Degree is approximately 2 years. With the aid of an associate program, you can get an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree.
The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) accredits the associate degree programs.
But if you do not enroll yourself in a program accredited by the CAAHEP, then you cannot enroll yourself for further exams.
The AAS degree will help you to qualify for further examinations through the CCI, ARRT, or ARDMS organizations.
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Bachelor’s Degree
A Bachelor’s Degree program is of four years and helps the prospective sonographers to procure a Bachelor of Science degree.
But you should make sure that the program is accredited through the CAAHEP. In an alternative case, you will not be able to take the exams through various organizations like ARRT, CCI, or ARDMS.
The advantage of a Bachelor’s program over an Associate’s Degree is the number of years. Since a Bachelor’s Degree takes more time, it proffers more significant lucrative job opportunities.
With more significant training and education, you can give various specialty registry exams.
The prospective ultrasound technologists can procure any one of the above degrees, either an Associate’s Degree or a Bachelor’s Degree.
The essential requirement is that CAAHEP should accredit both the programs.
Certification Requirements
Though procuring a license or certification in sonography is a voluntary choice, some states have proposed mandatory laws for the same.
Some states in the US require prospective sonographers to procure their license before practicing the profession. These states include North Dakota, Oregon, New Hampshire, and New Mexico.
The approximate time duration to procure your certifications and credentials is 1 year.
However, the period may fluctuate depending upon the various certification courses which the applicants procure.
There are various ways to take up the programs that can help you to get your license. Let us take a look at what they are.
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ARDMS or the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography is the leading organization in the US that has five certification courses covering each area of sonography.
These subjects proffer extensive information in the field to help the people become a proficient ultrasound tech. The five certification courses of ARDMS are as follows:
Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (RDMS)
Midwife Sonography Certificate
Registered Diagnostic Cardiac Sonographer (RDCS)
Registered Musculoskeletal Sonographer (RMSKS)
Registered Vascular Technologist (RVT)
The students need to pay an annual fee to the ARDMS while procuring the above certification courses. They also need to reapply after every six years.
CCI stands for Cardiovascular Credentialing International. This organization proffers 9 certifications in the field of sonography.
The students need to reapply after every three years and have to pay a fee after they receive the certification every year.
ARRT stands for the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. With the aid of this organization, the prospective ultrasound technicians can procure an advanced certification course.
The name of the course is the Primary Eligibility Pathway. The students need to pay an annual fee and reapply after every two years for the course to maintain their license.
JCAHPO stands for the Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology. The organization helps you to procure your license to practice the profession of an ultrasound technician.
Employers tend to hire people who have the certifications and licenses from the required courses.
So, getting the license will help you to be at an advantage over your competitors and peers, and will fabricate an excellent career path for you.
Job Setting
You can work as an ultrasound technologist in the work environment which helps to keep your spirits high.
A negative work environment will not only affect your efficiency but will also compel you to underestimate your capabilities and dislike your job.
You can work as an ultrasound technologist in a medical setting like a clinic, hospital, or a medical lab.
But if you lack team working skills and do not like to work with others, then you can initiate your own private career as an ultrasound technician.
After looking out for the job settings, craft an impressive and compelling resume that can tantalize employers to hire you.
Mention your skills and courses you have completed like an Associate’s Degree or a Bachelor’s Degree in your resume.
Moreover, if you have a certification or license, then specifying it on your resume will help you to get a good job.
You can also apply for various internships and externships that help you to gain the relevant experience needed for the job. Employers tend to hire people who have previous experience in the field.
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The Bureau of Labour statistics exhibits the salary of an ultrasound technologist for the year 2019. The reports showed that the median annual salary for the year 2019 was $74,320.
The lower 10 percent of the sonographers amassed approximately $52,770 in 2019. On the other hand, the upper 10 percent of the ultrasound techs fetched more than $102,060 in 2019.
Hence, you can become an ultrasound technician with a minimum educational qualification of two years (in the case of an Associate’s Degree).
But the period increases in case you take different degrees like the Bachelor’s Degree. In addition to this, the licensing procedure also takes one year.
With the advancements in technology, various domains have emerged in medical imaging. There are a plethora of job opportunities for traveling ultrasound technicians and temporary sonographers.
The profession of traveling ultrasound technicians is quite appealing due to flexible schedules and different types of workplaces.
You can engage in this profession if you like to work with different people and are attracted to the dynamic trends of the industry.
How to Become an Ultrasound Technician? How Long Does It Take? published first on Broxer.com
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thebroxer · 4 years
Business Administration vs Business Management: Difference, Courses, Degree, Salary
Business degrees are becoming popular nowadays. People are diving into this field to enhance their job opportunities.
Reports of the National Centre for Education Statistics (NCES) show that the business courses are one of the most popular courses.
According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS), the growth rate in the business field is significantly high.
Researchers expect it to grow by 5% between 2019 to 2029. This rate is even greater than average.
As the importance of business degrees is increasing rapidly, people should know their meaning clearly.
Business administration and business management provide business degrees to the people. Though they are different, people tend to use them interchangeably.
However, both fields have some similarities.
Many universities provide degrees in business administration and business management. The Bachelor’s degree in business fields is generally four years.
Despite the similarities, there is a very clear line of differences between the fields.
Before pursuing any of the degrees, the students should know the differences between them. Such differences will help them to align their interests with the subjects of the courses.
So, let us have a glance at the differences between business administration and business management.
Various factors like salary, degree, and courses affect the differences between the two.
What Is Business Administration?
Business administration is one of the most applicable degrees in the field of business. It relates to a particular role or job in the business domain.
Hence, the most important feature of Business Administration is specialization in a core subject of business.
For example, an individual studies various subjects in the business administration course. But they may specialize in any subject.
Specialization depends upon the preferences and interests of the individual.
Different subjects in business administration include accounting, business regulatory framework, marketing, finance, economic, etc.
Thus, business administration aims at teaching the technical aspects of the business to the students.
These hard skills help individuals to plan, organize, and conduct business operations smoothly.
What Is Business Management?
As the name suggests, business management refers to managing the business of an organization. As opposed to business administration, business management aims at generalization.
This means the degree in business management does not focus on a particular role or area. Being a broader term, it deals with the human aspects of operating a business.
You can get information about businesses and the way to run them through these courses.
Thus, along with business subjects, business management includes learning various soft skills. These soft skills help the practitioners to manage the business.
For example, with a degree in business management, you can learn leadership roles. Other roles in this field include the following:
Personal operations
Growth strategies
Human resources
Marketing techniques
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Business Administration vs. Business Management
A smaller company has less difference between business administration and business management. But this difference is clearly visible in a larger organization.
The reason is that a corporation with a complex structure has many activities. More activities lead to more job roles.
A business management degree helps an individual to handle bigger issues of the organization. They may become the leader of the organization.
With effective skills of leadership, communication, and management, the individual may manage the entire company.
A business manager is required to monitor the activities of different levels of management. During this process, they come in contact with different people.
So, business management teaches team working and collaborative skills to individuals.
The individuals ensure the smooth functioning of the entire organization. This is possible through skills of business management like decision making and problem-solving skills.
On the other hand, a business administrator works in a specialized area of the Organization. They do not oversee the functioning of other departments.
However, there is a similarity between the functioning of a business administrator and a business manager in the workplace.
This happens when the business administrator gets proficiency and expertise in a particular area.
Such knowledge compels them to become a leader of a particular department. In the capacity of a leader, a business administrator practices the skills of business management.
They make decisions, solve problems, and supervise the activities of the department.
For example,
An accounts administrator makes sure to balance the books of accounting.
The IT head supervises the computer functions. Also, they would overlook the functioning of the team.
The building administrator relates to the physical activities of the firm. By overseeing physical activity, they ensure efficiency in this department.
Hence, the managers set a goal for different departments of an organization.
On the other hand, the administrators help to attain these aims. They do this by creating various strategies for their departments.
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A business administration degree teaches all business subjects to the students. This knowledge helps the students to decide the subject that interests them.
After choosing a subject according to their requirements and suitability, the individuals can specialize in it.
Various core subjects are taught to individuals through this program. You can choose any field like operation, research, business computer application, business law, etc.
On the other hand, courses in business management teach business subjects and leadership skills. The subjects include courses like business ethics, business communication, HR, etc.
The students can also take part in various conferences and events to strengthen their soft skills.
For example, they may work in a school club or student organization. This will help them to learn team working and leadership skills.
Moreover, individuals learn how to achieve goals using various problem-solving skills.
Take a look at the list of the degrees in both the fields below.
Business Administration
Associate of Arts in Business Administration
This course teaches various business topics to the students. Besides the business subjects, there are some liberal arts subjects as well.
Also Read: Associate Degree in Business Administration: Colleges, Jobs & Salary [Complete Guide]
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Students can specialize in a specific business area using this degree. It is more extensive than the associate’s degree.
The degree teaches two levels of subjects to the students- simple and advanced. The subjects can be accounting, economics, management, marketing project.
Master of Business Administration
MBA is one of the most popular degrees in business. It is a more advanced course as compared to the previously mentioned degrees.
The students specialize in a particular subject of their undergraduate course.
MBA teaches two types of courses to the students.
First of all, students learn business subjects like economics, marketing, etc. Secondly, various courses in management and entrepreneurship are also taught to the students.
Doctor of Business Administration
DBA is the most complex and the most advanced degree in Business Administration. It consists of two types of programs. These programs include- research programs or professional programs.
Business Management
Associate of Arts in business management
An Associates Degree provides a basic introduction to the management subjects. These subjects can be business ethics, human resources management, etc.
Bachelor of Arts in Business Management
A Bachelor’s degree has advantages over an Associates’ degree. It provides better career opportunities. Also, it gives more extensive knowledge than the Associates’ degree.
The students can have knowledge in different fields of management like:
Business law
Master of Arts and Business Management
It provides a vast knowledge of management-related topics to the students. The course is aimed at providing managerial capabilities to prospective managers.
The subjects can include:
Project management
Team working skills
Hence, both the fields consist of the same business courses. But, business management includes additional management courses.
The students learn communication, administrative practices personnel operations, performance management, recruiting techniques, etc.
The graduates of both fields have the same job opportunities. This is because graduates initiate from the entry-level. Their final career depends on experience, skills, and performance in the field.
The national average salaries in both fields are as follows:
Business Administration
HR specialist – $51,115
Marketing Specialist- $70,615
Accounting- $54,735
Business Analyst- $79,149
Business Management
Public Relations Specialist- $49,401
Financial Reporting Manager- $122,032
Operation manager- $72,594
Management Analyst- $67,373
Sales Manager- $99,298
Business Administration vs Business Management: Difference, Courses, Degree, Salary published first on Broxer.com
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