thebrucemuseum · 1 year
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Join us for this year’s first Bruce Presents:Do Artist-Activists Really Create Change?
Virtual Webinar Via Zoom - Free for Members Thursday, January 5, 2023
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Reservations at 
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thebrucemuseum · 8 years
"Electric Paris" opens May 14, 2016 at the Bruce Museum, Greenwich, CT.
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thebrucemuseum · 8 years
“The exhibition gives voice to personal, authentic, and unique histories of AfricanAmerican men and women– from relating painful stories of enslaved ancestors, to highlighting contemporary political leaders and drawing attention to social challenges our nation continues to face today,” explains guest curator Mazloomi, who is an accomplished artist, writer, former aerospace engineer and founder of the Women of Color Quilters Network.
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thebrucemuseum · 9 years
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thebrucemuseum · 9 years
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thebrucemuseum · 10 years
Welcome to the new blog of the Bruce Museum’s Science Department. Here we will offer visitors an inside glimpse behind the scenes of exhibits, projects, and individual interests.  We hope you enjoy the stories and look forward to creating a dialog with our followers.  I suppose I should introduce myself, my name is Tim Walsh, and my position is Citizen Science Coordinator. I have a Master’s degree in Museum Studies, an Associate of Science degree in Zoo Animal Technology, and have worked in zoos, public aquaria, and museums for twenty-two years. I have worn a number of ‘hats’ during this time; but I mostly identify myself as a conservation biologist. My specialty is turtles and I am a member of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. I also have great interest in reconnecting children and adults alike with nature. In my spare time, I am avid outdoorsman, accomplished photographer, and book collector.
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thebrucemuseum · 10 years
Youth@Bruce Talks
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thebrucemuseum · 10 years
Meet Bruce Strickrott @WHOI Alvin Group Manager and pilot
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On October 26th, Youth@Bruce Talks "The Explorer's Journey - Pushing Boundaries" regional students will have the opportunity to meet Bruce Strickrott @Whoi, the deep submersible Alvin Group Manager and Pilot. This STEM event features some of the brightest minds in science--from award-winning explorers and aero-scientists to oceanographers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution--sharing their real life discoveries from the farthest reaches of the earth.
"One of the coolest things to do is to show Alvin to kids and watch their reactions. It’s almost always, ‘Wow!’ When I was a kid, I definitely was dreaming about playing with things like Alvin. Next thing I knew, I was in it.
I joined the Navy when I was 20. Mostly I was an electronic technician and operator. I learned a lot about diagnosing problems and fixing things and learned a lot about life at sea and long work hours with early starts.
After a six-year hitch, I went back to college for a degree in ocean engineering. I was looking for a job and found an ad online seeking Alvin pilots. When I went to Woods Hole for the interview, I saw the research vessel Atlantis II. Then I saw Alvin. And at that moment I said, ‘Man, I want this job.’ I’ve been a pilot since 1996 with more than 300 dives. Now I am Alvin Group manager, with this brand-new sub." Bruce Strickrott, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Seating is available to students and teachers.  Email your request and school name to [email protected]
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thebrucemuseum · 10 years
Meet Dr. Singh at Youth@Bruce Talks “The Explorer’s Journey – Pushing Boundaries” October 26th @ 12:30 pm – Bruce Museum
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Hanumant Singh, who is an oceanographer and engineer at The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, is a dynamic speaker who makes ocean Robotics that are currently being...
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thebrucemuseum · 10 years
Meet Dr. Singh at Youth@Bruce Talks
Meet Dr. Singh at Youth@Bruce Talks “The Explorer’s Journey – Pushing Boundaries” October 26th @ 12:30 pm – Bruce Museum
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Hanumant Singh, who is an oceanographer and engineer at The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, is a dynamic speaker who makes ocean Robotics that are currently being used to measure the ice thickness at both the North and South Poles, and that can get close to Glaciers for scientific study, among other things. Hanu was also a TED speaker. 
“My group works on the basic issues associated with underwater robotics and imaging. This includes issues in the systems design of underwater vehicles, color compensation of underwater imagery, photomosaicing, 3D image reconstruction, visually based navigation, docking, high resolution bathymetry, navigation, chemical sensing and the use of multiple vehicles. We pursue these interests through applications in marine biology, marine chemistry and marine archaeology. “  Dr. Hanumant Singh. 
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thebrucemuseum · 10 years
Youth@Bruce Talks
Bruce Museum invites teachers and students to attend 
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Sunday, October 26 from 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM.
Some of the brightest minds in science will share their discoveries from the farthest depths of the ocean, land and cosmos, bringing their amazing real-life experiences to life for local students. Each scientist’s talk will vary according to his or her own expertise, and will include a discussion of his or her own evolution from child scientist to career scientist working on large, real-life science projects. The scientist-explorers will encourage students to push boundaries and pursue big ideas and to explore the academic disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
The journey begins in the deep sea with our speakers from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, to discoveries on land, to technologies that will enhance science exploration, ending in deep space with our speaker from NASA James Webb Space Telescope project.
This event is free and lunch will be served prior to the talks. Please arrive no later than 12:30PM as we prepare to live-stream this event.
Please contact [email protected] to make a reservation to attend this inspiring event. 
Dr. Hanumant Singh, Associate Scientist with Tenure, Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Bruce Strickrott, Group Manager and Senior Pilot of the manned deep submergence vehicle Alvin, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Diane Tuft, artist and photographer, whose work from Antarctica will be exhibited at the Bruce beginning later this month (10/28/14-2/1/15)
Dr. Daniel Ksepka, Curator of Science at the Bruce Museum
Anthony Dorian Challoner, Inertial Wave, Chief Scientist with DARPA, and Boeing Aerospace Engineer with 44 US patents 
Dr. Matthew Greenhouse, James Webb Space Telescope Project Scientist and recipient of NASA's Exceptional Achievement Medal.  
For student reservations; email [email protected]
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thebrucemuseum · 11 years
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thebrucemuseum · 12 years
Join our exhibition! Submit your self portrait.
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thebrucemuseum · 12 years
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thebrucemuseum · 12 years
The Bruce Museum presents TEDxYouth@Bruce, on Saturday, March 31, 2012. A live webcast begins at 1:00 p.m. streamed over www.tedxyouthbruce.com . This is Youth@Bruce's second TEDx Event at the Museum
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thebrucemuseum · 12 years
Youth@Bruce Event March 31, 2012
The Olympic Spirit: Capturing the Moment
Olympic Spirit captures the moments of high drama and emotion experienced by Olympians and fans throughout the world.
What is the truth behind that moment? How do you instill, train, learn, and motivate the champion within? What is the journey behind that moment?
“Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of a good example, and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.” – Olympic Charter
TedxYouth@Bruce will bring together the vision, philosophy, and creed of the Olympic spirit through inspirational speakers.
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“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.” - Olympic Creed
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thebrucemuseum · 12 years
Martin Luther King, Jr. Family Day from Mary Ann Lendenmann on Vimeo.
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