thebubblyassistant · 11 years
Missingno Expedition! Team Ladylumps to Celestial Tower!
"Aaah!" The Celestial Tower was even bigger than Bianca remembered it! The young blonde stood in running-distance from her destination, pushed up her glasses, and simply marveled at it. 
There were some great memories here! Years ago, she'd done a lot of intense training, suffered some sad losses, and made great steps as a trainer on this very land. Bianca swayed in her place, hands clasped in front of her, beaming at the Celestial Tower with some sense of pride.
Her enthusiasm was interrupted by a bark. Bianca looked down to Stoutland nudging at her hand. They needed to get going, didn't they?
"I know, I know!" Bianca stopped to check the time. "I hope she's not waiting on us!"
A grunt from the ol' girl said hoping wasn't gonna be good enough. Stoutland started jogging ahead, intent on getting to her destination with or without Bianca's lead.
Bianca's hands clung to her bubble hat and her eyebrows curled up at her partner. "Wa-aiiiit", she whined, her pace picking up to a run after her own Pokemon. 
Stoutland looked back with a grin on her face and only ran faster. It was humored by the look of Bianca's run, the idea of a race... she was going to win.
And win she did. Bianca finally caught up to Stoutland at the Celestial Tower entrance, and came to an immediate stop. Hands on her knees, the young woman took in deep breaths of air, trying to cool off and relax. "Okay... we're here...!"
'Stou-Stout!' Stoutland was the one beaming this time, prideful of her success and happy to have made it. She looked around with Bianca. No sign of anyone else, so far.
Bianca stood up straight. She found that a little bit hard to believe. "Maybe she's inside?" Her hand almost lazily made its way to Stoutland's head, petting her lightly as she led her Pokémon through the double-doors. They were about to find out.
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thebubblyassistant · 11 years
Do blonds really have more fun?
"Yeah, I think so! But it's not because we're stupid or anything like that! We just don't let what others think of us get in the way of what we love to do! If we want it, we get up and go do it, no matter what others might say! And that means... lots of fun for us! But that doesn't mean brunettes and red-heads and stuff don't have fun either. They're just a little bit more reserved about it, I think!"
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thebubblyassistant · 11 years
How can you be a professor's assistant? Do you even have a Phd?
"Oh, you're so silly! I'm an assistant because I don't have a PhD! So I can run errands and stuff, but you won't see me doing the research or anything. I'll leave that to the real professors." She giggles.
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thebubblyassistant · 11 years
Got any "dirty laundry" to share about the world of pokemon professors?
"Dirty laundry...? Oh you mean like super-secret stuff, right?!" Bianca laughed jovially for a few moments. Then a sudden stop. Her eyes flew open, and, "Uh--!" She thumbed her chin and scrunched up her face, thinking hard. "Wow, you know, I never thought about it! Sure there's a lot of secrets and stuff, but none of them are really fun... like we spend a lot less time out on the field than you'd think... there's a lot of paperwork to do! Oh! Did you know we raise all of the starters at the lab? Yeah, that's kinda cool I guess...!"
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thebubblyassistant · 11 years
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thebubblyassistant · 11 years
Hatchlings [Open RP]
Home was nice! 
N-not that the lab was home or anything.
Bianca did a lot of checking up once she returned. The starters seemed perfectly chipper and happy. It would seem no new trainers had come to pick one up recently, though. Snivy--the happiest Snivy Bianca had ever seen!--greeted her with a vine-wrap hug, which the young professor-in-training was happy to return by wrapping him up in arms of her own. Oshawott waved nonchalantly as Bianca shoved on, leaving Tepig to jump in place and say hello in its own cute little language.
She stopped in her modest office space to find it was in the same semi-organized mess she'd left it in. It wasn't too terrible, to be honest. Bianca could find everything and there was no paper that wasn't in a neat little stack. There just happened to be quite a few of them.
Welp. Bianca flicked the light switch back off. Nothing she wanted to see here. For now, since there was no sign of the Professor, she wanted to visit her favorite part of the lab!
That was all the way in the back, where the starters were born! There was little more satisfying than visiting the evolutions and babying the eggs and newborns. And that was exactly what Bianca was rearing to do!
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thebubblyassistant · 11 years
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thebubblyassistant · 11 years
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by =YukikaChan
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thebubblyassistant · 11 years
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by トル・K
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thebubblyassistant · 11 years
Okay... this was a lot harder than she'd thought.
Truth was, Bianca was never really that good of a climber. But confirming the legend at the top would be really worth it, right? Impressing the Professor would make it really, really, worth it... wouldn't it?
Right now, dirt shoved its way under Bianca's nails as she gripped any edge she could find, scooting her way up the edge with some timidity to her step. Just a little bit further, she reassured herself. From what she and the Professor had gone over before Bianca had flown out, she would be getting much more climbing space if she could just get over this hump.
But Bianca was feeling far from relieved. She took a look down, and the wind picked up, making Bianca just a little bit uncomfortable as the cold force made her balance a challenge. One bad grab and, "ah... aaah...!" As Bianca's brain caught up to the fact that her feet were on nothing but air, her hesitance broke out into a high-pitched scream. Her hands flailed to grab whatever they could, and were fortunate enough to find an edge to cut themselves on as they supported Bianca's entire weight. She wanted to sob, but this wasn't the time to panic. Bianca had at least one Pokemon that could help her... if she could just get her backpack off without falling. One hand dared to let go of the edge, but just like that, the other started to lose its grip, so she was quick to put it back. Okay. Bad idea. Now you can scream.
Hilltop Zone | Marley & Bianca
Her foot reached outward, toes gingerly testing the path ahead to make sure it was stable. She was clinging to the rock face now, close enough to keep her balance, but not so close that the solid rock might damage her delicate clothes. Anyone that had tried to tell her she couldn’t adventure in her dress was a fool, and she was out to prove them wrong. Granted, she was very high up this mountain now, and screwing up thanks to her choice of footwear or attire and as a direct result plummeting to her death would look pretty foolish.
But what would she care, she’d be dead.
Even with her Crobat scouting ahead for the most optimal path, it was still easy to choose the wrong stone to grab, or the wrong cliff to leap from, or for all she knew she’d chosen the wrong mountain entirely. She could have had Lavender carry her up, or could have at least let her resident flyer at least make sure there was a actual gracidea garden on top of this plateau, but that would defeat the point of the adventure, wouldn’t it?
She was done having things handed to her, she’d decided that. She’d climb this mountain and feel real disappointment and fatigue if she failed, not just disappointment that she’d wasted a few minutes going up. Or she’d die in the process, and at least be satisfied knowing she died trying.
At last, the narrow walkway along the cliff gave way to a plateau, with a series of cliffs that looked climbable leading straight up, and the entrance to a cavern she probably didn’t care about in the side of another nearby cliff. She only wanted to go up, caves were distractions. But…she glanced down at her palms, scraped and pulsing in dull pain. She wouldn’t be able to do any more climbing for a little while, until they got to feeling better.
Marley exhaled slowly and sat down on the dust-covered impromptu rest area, reaching for the pack behind her waist and pulling it in front of her. Now was a good time to eat the snack she’d brought to help recover her energy.
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thebubblyassistant · 11 years
Oh! Geez, Bianca! Even when she wasn't smacking into people, she still managed to make a mess of things. The young woman watched the stranger cleanse himself, giggling awkwardly as she looked away with a "sorry" still hanging on her lips. Gently, she slid the half-finished fried desert away from the both of them, deciding to maybe deal with something less messy from now on... for both of their (but mostly her embarrassment's) sakes.
As the significantly-less-messy rice balls started coming out of their wrappers, Bianca looked between the stranger and her food with uncertainty on her face. In all honesty, she wasn't really sure if she'd totally messed up this meeting. Her eyes settled on the food between her fingers, and on its way to her lips, a bit of movement caught Bianca's attention. Huh? Without moving her head or her food, she cut a glance toward the teal-haired man and smiled mid-bite as she realized she was being addressed. Bianca swallowed and beamed, ecstatic about getting a name, and put the food down on the table so she could speak properly.
"Archer? It's nice to meet you!" Bianca sat herself up promptly, her hair bouncing as a result of the quick motion. "I've never met an entrepreneur before. Must be awesome, doing whatever you want!" 
Archer shifted, and Bianca's gaze followed his. Her green eyes lit up at the sight of it all: the slightly-dimmed stars that paled in comparison to the brightness of the moon and the miraculous commet that managed to stay visible for a whole week. Just looking at the sky made her wanna cry. In all her days, she'd never imagined she'd be here. Meeting awesome people, and--in her airy daze, she almost sang her thoughts, her voice as soft as the pale moonlight. "Yeah... I'm so lucky! Before I found where I belonged, with the Professor, there's no way I would have been able to come here!"
But as pretty as the sky was, Bianca had a conversation to hold. Her hands gripped the edges of her seat and the young woman redirected her attention to Archer and his question. "Of course! Actually--I have my wish-maker in here somewhere..." And so back into her bag she went, searching for the wish maker with a day marked off, smiling at it pridefully when it came out of the orange abyss. Bianca held it up for Archer with an excited face meant to scream "see?" before she made her wish in silence and closed day two. A day's ritual completed, she examined it for a while, seeming almost solemn. "I'm not sure how much I really believe in the whole wish thing, though. I wished a lot that I would be a great trainer like my friends... and it never happened. But I did find happiness in working with the Professor, so maybe I was just wishing for the wrong thing! Who knows, with the help of the commet and Jirachi, maybe this one will come true!"
One more look. Just for good measure, and it was back into the bag for the wishmaker. It seemed that, if only for a second, a wave of mellow had come across the young assistant. But after a deep breath and a bite of rice and salmon, Bianca put her hands in her lap, smiled at Archer, and posed the question: "whaddo you think?"
The Millennium Festival || Archer & Bianca
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thebubblyassistant · 11 years
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また君に会える by 野江 on pixiv
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thebubblyassistant · 11 years
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—-> Nampai’s cute comic omfg
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thebubblyassistant · 11 years
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thebubblyassistant · 11 years
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**着ぐるみベルちゃん** by となと
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thebubblyassistant · 11 years
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thebubblyassistant · 11 years
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