thebunnysblues · 11 days
Could you make a camping stim board, no paci and things teddy bears a dogs/puppys! Please and thank you
here ya go!!
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camping stimboard
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☆ Requests: Open ☆
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thebunnysblues · 11 days
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This is Skip the Otter!!! My attempt at an agere sona hehe!!!
pls rblog if u like!
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thebunnysblues · 11 days
⟡ It's okay if you struggle to fully regress or are unable to regress at all.
⟡ Age regression doesn't always come easy, and you don't need to be able to regress in order to be valid.
⟡ Your experiences are just as important, and you're still a valid and welcomed member in the community, remember that ❤️
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thebunnysblues · 11 days
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thebunnysblues · 12 days
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pacticing a new style (again) I might switch between styles for a bit heh-
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thebunnysblues · 12 days
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awa! (pls reblog if u like!)
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thebunnysblues · 13 days
moodboard of regressor Blue from blue story (victaton) on yt
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nobody requested this but he’s my comfort character so I had to!!
my headcanons for him below :3
involuntary regressor, has done less extreme versions of it all his life but it started happening more when he started helping Lilac look after her son
a chaotic little, the caged rattle is one of his favs to shake about and he often makes messes when eating or playing
doesn’t like being around other adults while regressed
tends to suck his thumb a lot even when not regressed and will get incredibly embarrassed (and/or defensive depending on his mood) if it’s pointed out
prone to tantrums when he’s had a bad day
his fav show to watch while little is ‘Timothy Goes To School’ cos he watched it a lot as a kid
whistles a lot
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thebunnysblues · 14 days
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thebunnysblues · 14 days
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cutie mark crusader boards <3
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thebunnysblues · 14 days
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the struggle is real!!!!!! >:T
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thebunnysblues · 15 days
Imagine your f/o gently kissing your forehead. So soft. So gentle… they support you so much.
proship/comship/neutral DNI
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thebunnysblues · 15 days
moodboard of regressor Blue from blue story (victaton) on yt
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nobody requested this but he’s my comfort character so I had to!!
my headcanons for him below :3
involuntary regressor, has done less extreme versions of it all his life but it started happening more when he started helping Lilac look after her son
a chaotic little, the caged rattle is one of his favs to shake about and he often makes messes when eating or playing
doesn’t like being around other adults while regressed
tends to suck his thumb a lot even when not regressed and will get incredibly embarrassed (and/or defensive depending on his mood) if it’s pointed out
prone to tantrums when he’s had a bad day
his fav show to watch while little is ‘Timothy Goes To School’ cos he watched it a lot as a kid
whistles a lot
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thebunnysblues · 15 days
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Gestures/things that make me feel small
"you're so tiny right now huh?!"
"you're too little for that let [title] do it"
"can you tell me what color that is?"
"what animal is that?"
*tying my shoe laces for me*
"hold [title's] hand bub"
"i think someone's sleepy"
*smooch attacks!*
*seeing me do something cute and going* "ohmygoodness!"
"nuh-uh bud we don't do that"
"what noise does [animal] make?"
*me clearly getting carried away with playing and going* "are you just having so much fun right now?!"
*kneeling down or lowering themseves to talk to me*
"good job bud!"
"you want uppies?"
"its not sleepytime yet, you need your baba!"
"how about we try going potty yeah?"
*tummy rubs cuddles and bum pats*
*deep hugs and back rubs*
*blowing raspberries*
"have you taken your meds yet? Thats ok lets take them now!"
"shhhh sshhh shhh its ok [title's] got you"
just genuine big smiles directed at me for no reason
"can [title] have a kiss?"
"i know [nickname] i know..." (like in a sympathetic/comforting way ya know?)
"what a fussy little baby huh?"
"its too cold out baby we need to bundle you up!"
feel free to add more!
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thebunnysblues · 15 days
turning impure regression pure 🫧
many regressors, including me, have trouble with impure regressions ❤️ you aren't alone and heres how to turn a negative situation into a positive one!
your environment: dark, quiet areas where you feel safe can be very calming for little ones <3 soft, comforting textures also help overstimulation!
music: turn on some lullabies, disney playlists, or any comfort music/sounds
comfort item: i always recommend bringing a discreet comfort item with you when able; it can get you out of a tough headspace quickly!
reach out: whether its a caregiver, friend, or someone else you trust, talking with others can stop spiraling <3
self soothing: calming yourself down using techniques can be very useful in and out of little space. you can find a bunch of methods online
distractions: look for little activities to do around the area! there are also many kid-friendly games/worksheets online; try downloading some games in advance
let the emotions out: sometimes, a good cry can be very beneficial. emotions are never bad and shouldn't be shameful, letting out those icky feelings are the best way to be all good again <3
if you ever need someone to talk to, my dms & asks are always open! healing is not a linear journey, you're valid
🐝 DNI nsfw/k1nk
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thebunnysblues · 15 days
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a boyre / boy regression inspired board 🚂🦖💙
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thebunnysblues · 15 days
snailagere’s 30 days of agere moodboards!
day 9: pastel colours!
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thebunnysblues · 15 days
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My favorite things to hear when I'm small
"You're too little for that, honey."
"Aw, do you need some help, sweetie?"
"I think someone needs some snuggles."
"What a good baby!"
"Do you want to play, kiddo?"
"Aren't you just the cutest little thing!"
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