thecatholicfoxwitch · 1 month
Blogging Is More Like A Journey
From None Believer Of Ghosts To Witch
One of the best advice is to treat blogging as a journey. I heard them explain it by saying that we don't have all the answers but we're trying to figure things out. I want to record my journey of mixed faith and witchiness and share it with people. I'm still trying to figure things out, especially toward my realization that the supernatural is real. I wasn't a big believer in ghosts until I experienced the supernatural my trying to reject the existence of ghostly things was more about me being afraid of what would happen if it was real. When I experienced the supernatural for the first time I was filled with fear but I asked myself am I sure this was the first time I experienced the supernatural. 
My Out-Of-Body Experience
       I had an out-of-body experience and spoke with these spirits trying to warn me about danger. At first, I thought it was a strange dream from too many video games and movies but a series of instructions led to me ghost haunting a house. I had waited outside a building and at the break of dawn. At first, I thought this was a bad idea but after waiting, it popped up. It was this strange-looking shadow ghost. It was so obvious I couldn't deny it was a ghost. It scared the living daylights out of me. Afterward, I asked myself if this was the first time I'd experienced the supernatural.
  My Trips To Mexico Was Filled WIth The Supernatural
I tried to recall my trips to Mexico and my grandfather's house being haunted. There were a few times when the pictures were flipped or something happened. I fell asleep in the room that was supposed to be hainted and I woke while levitating and fell the bed. I got up to turn on the light and saw if anyone was pulling a prank. No one was there. I've heard stories about the area where my grandfather lived. Mexico is full of supernatural stuff.
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thecatholicfoxwitch · 2 months
Catholic Folk Magic And Magical Kung-Fu
What Is Catholic Folk Magic?
Catholic Folk Magic combines holy sacraments and Catholic religious practices with spells and attempts to contact the invisible world of Saints and angels with divination practices to contact spirits found in churches and temples. One form of divination is called bibliomancy where the bible is used to foretell answers by randomly flipping the pages and reading a random passage. I like using animals to represent Noahs' flood to foretell answers.
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What Is Magical Kung-Fu?
Magical Kung-Fu is the study of The Tao Te Ching and Dhammapada with a profound understanding of Yin Yang based on The Taoist beliefs written by Lao Tzu while following the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama. The understanding of both internal and external martial arts becomes an interesting understanding of practicing martial arts for self-defense and spiritual health. It's the internal Yin Yang to practice Martial Arts for both reasons. The I-Ching is a form of divination using coins to predict the future while understanding the magical property of Yin Yang and how it relates to the universe. It's like hard-blowing wind chipping away at a mountain where the wind is blowing small pebbles and rocks while the mountain shields the wind. A sense of interconnectedness is at play like being part of a wave within an ocean. A balance and understanding of both soft and hard is like understanding that true strength is within kindness and having a gentle soul in a cruel world. One of the things I've learned is to understand the Tao means to let go of understanding because the Tao can't be understood. To know that you can't know.
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thecatholicfoxwitch · 3 months
Using Arcangel Michael For Self Defense
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In my earlier blog, I mentioned I use intentions when I walk down scary alleyways. Basically, I carry a small karambit knife and pray to the sword of Archangel Michael believing my prayers will be answered through the knife by the sword. The sword is very symbolic as it's the weapon used to defeat the evil one.
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thecatholicfoxwitch · 4 months
When I First Heard Of A Witch
Witches Seem Mundane
When I first heard of a witch it actually seemed like typical behavior. Cooking and making tea was supposed to be witchy. I didn't get it. It sounded like they were just preparing food. Nowadays I learned what makes it witchy is being able to set intentions. I didn't realize what made it witchy was setting intentions. Setting the intention is what makes it magical.
What Does It Mean To Set Intentions
Setting intentions in everything you do is what makes it witchy and magical. I learn this from fortune-telling. To fortune tell you have to set an intention. This can be done even when I act like a goofball or walk down a scary alleyway. I get really religious in those moments. I set my intentions with both Jesus and Buddha. When I try to make kids laugh I pray to the higher power to help me ease their personal suffering or when I feel like I'm in danger I pray to the same power to keep me safe.
Why Set Intentions
I set intentions because life is either scary or hard for some people. It's either full of danger or full of heartbreaks and I'm not the only one going through it. Everyone has personal problems. I pray and meditate to Jesus or Buddha for something better. I could do this towards anything. Sometimes when I reenact slapstick comedy I often set intentions to make kids laugh because even kids can have it tough. It almost feels more like meditating or praying.
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thecatholicfoxwitch · 5 months
Blogging As A Noob
I'm New To Blogging
Even tho I'm new to blogging I think I have a lot of interesting things to talk about. First thing first I recently found out I'm a white witch or a catholic witch which at first freaked me out. I think maybe being a Catholic with mixed faiths among Catholics and Buddhists might be a mystical thing. After a while, I just learned to accept it.
I'm A White Witch Or A Catholic Witch
I'm considered a White Witch or a Catholic Witch because of my mixed-faith between Catholicism and Buddhism. After I found out I was a witch I did my research and learned more about Catholic Folk magic and I-Ching I learned that both Eastern and Western religions practiced some form of magic which is really interesting.It can be fun.
What Makes Me A White Witch
I read people's fortunes with a combination of Native American animal and moonology card reading based on the Native American catholic church. I can read I-Ching coins based on The Tao Te Ching. I use a pendulum and a pair of rods to dowse. I also read fortune dice and coin flips. I also write prayers based on Bible verses while praying to Archangel Michael using a knife for self-defense. I also practice Martial Arts inspired by the Tibetan monks and The Wu-Dang mountains which can be considered as magical. I also skateboard inspired by Hawian surfing which I often call landsurfing. I also practice sleight of hand, slapstick, and mentalism like Bugs Bunny and classic comedy.
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thecatholicfoxwitch · 3 years
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       It was said that Siddhartha Gautama sat by a tree to meditate his path towards enlightenment when he had angered Mara or what some have called the Christian Devil who was depicted as a horned demon with cloven, hooves and riding on a horse. The devil was angered at Siddhartha attempt at enlightenment so he first tried to distract him with his three daughters. When Siddhartha rejected them the devil was angered so he sent an army of demons to attack him with arrows but as they launched into the air they turned into flower petals. Siddhartha then called upon the earth to bare witness to banish the devil. Siddhartha is now the first Buddha and goes on to become an exorcist.  
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thecatholicfoxwitch · 3 years
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Quotes and Artworks can be like magic.
The Sistine Chapel
By Michelangelo
Genius is eternal patience.
I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.
Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it..
The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.
The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.
A man paints with his brains and not with his hands.
Faith in oneself is the best and safest course.
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thecatholicfoxwitch · 4 years
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       I just wanted to explain the two different kinds of monks within the Buddhist system. 
       The first is the warrior Shaolin Monk who is completely devoted to actual combat like a military member. They were involved in various revolutions against the imperialistic and corrupt Chinese government and as pacifists they mainly used wooden bo staffs to stop swords.
       The second one is the scholarly monk who educates themselves and perfects the art of meditation. These guys are the ones I like paying attention to for philosophy and meditation practices. Dalai Lama is like this.
       The important thing is to know the difference. You can’t ask a warrior monk to teach you how to meditate and you can’t ask a scholarly monk to teach you how to fight. If you do that they’ll laugh at you. The warrior monks protect the scholarly monks and the scholarly monks teaches the warrior monks to meditate.
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thecatholicfoxwitch · 4 years
The Wheel Of Dharma Or The Steering Wheel Of God
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The Steering Wheel Of God Or The Wheel Of Dharma has eight spokes for the eightfold path
1. Right View
2.Right Intention
3.Right Speech
4. Right Action
5. Right Livelihood
6. Right Effort
7. Right Mindfulness
8. Right Concentration
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