Where to find me
[So I don’t know if anyone will see this, but I figured just in case anyone’s interested I’ll post. I don’t really know if I’ll ever return to these rpblogs since both Specter Knight and the Enchantress have received new canon that directly contradicts the (head)canons I was running on. The Charming Charlatan is more up in the air since they’re an original character.
I understand many people are leaving tumblr (and I really haven’t managed to be active, even on my personal vinukred), so I thought I’d put where to find me. I’m on twitter at Vinderbox. Unfortunately, due to life events both my left and right hands and wrists are messed up, so I’ve been doing much less art and game playing. My twitter is mostly personal chatter but I post art occasionally when I can manage it. I haven’t made an alternate site for just my art yet but if I do I’ll probably mention it there and on my personal tumblr.
I don’t really know what to say. I really enjoyed my time roleplaying Shovel Knight even if I never got into some stories I had cooked up. My hand issue sometimes means typing hurts so roleplaying has been hard to get back into. I’ve had a very rough year and a half. The doctors haven’t figured out what’s wrong with me, and when/if they do I still need to undergo treatment to hopefully get back to some level of normal. I don’t know when that will be, if that will be.
Thank you everyone who followed my blogs and enjoyed any of my content! I am truly grateful. I wish I could promise more but with the state of my hands it is very hard. I wish everyone the best!]
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[In fact I’m gonna put it up right here so there won’t be any issue. This is actually a few years old (originally for a Happy Mask Salesman askblog). I could do it better now but I hardly have the time right now.]
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The background has been gray for months now. It never loads.
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[Yikes this ain’t a good look at all. Thanks for telling me, sorry you had to see all that grey. Fixing it shouldn’t take long, just rehost the image and so forth.]
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[Quick question for anyone who wants to lend me their eyes for a second. Is Charly’s background broken and loading as grey for anyone else or is it just me? I cannot let their blog be so embarassingly unfurnished! Please tell me whether the drapes are loading after all or not.]
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"Is that my dear Charly I spy?" -Avi
The Charming Charlatan’s eyes shot up from the scroll they held in one hand, and the glass lens necklace they hovered over it in the other. That voice! Dear Grackle! Where ordinarily they would greet their friend with enthusiastic gesture and fluting voice here they stood rigid. Their gaze returned to the objects they clutched, threading through the small magnifying glass to whatever was written on the scroll beneath it. 
“Ah! I am... overjoyed to see you! Lovely madam... but I... uh...” Brows knitted in concentration and a tic tugged at their flashed grin. “I’ll be truthful and say I just got these things to line up and I’m afraid if I move, well...”
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I need to get back on my Glider blogs and poke you. Its been too long!))
[Yes, it has been! I still need to sort out Specter and E after the dlc but Charly is free and very welcome to paling around.]
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[Okay so long story short the email address my rpblogs (knightofthelichyard, enchantressofnoquarter, thecharmingcharlatan) are connected to no longer works. I am trying to change the email address but am running into problems figuring out which of my passwords is right. I cannot reset the password as this requires my email to work, which it doesn’t. Ultimately…
I might get locked out of my rpblogs.
I know my hiatus has been extensive but I did plan on picking my blogs back up, especially after Specter’s dlc. I might have to remake the rpblogs if I get locked out. Please follow my personal vinukred to stay updated for the new blogs (should I make them) and any thoughts I have about my rpblogs in general.
Why “should,” Vin? I am moving from Virginia to Texas in the next month which has kept me very busy and will likely keep me busy until things settle.
I really hope I can figure out my password and keep access to these blogs as I have drafts, asks, and many lovely followers/friends! A lot of good memories here. I am very grateful for all of you and especially those I rped with. I don’t want to make this a goodbye speech just yet… Fingers crossed I can save this.]
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[Okay so long story short the email address my rpblogs (knightofthelichyard, enchantressofnoquarter, thecharmingcharlatan) are connected to no longer works. I am trying to change the email address but am running into problems figuring out which of my passwords is right. I cannot reset the password as this requires my email to work, which it doesn’t. Ultimately…
I might get locked out of my rpblogs.
I know my hiatus has been extensive but I did plan on picking my blogs back up, especially after Specter’s dlc. I might have to remake the rpblogs if I get locked out. Please follow my personal vinukred to stay updated for the new blogs (should I make them) and any thoughts I have about my rpblogs in general.
Why “should,” Vin? I am moving from Virginia to Texas in the next month which has kept me very busy and will likely keep me busy until things settle.
I really hope I can figure out my password and keep access to these blogs as I have drafts, asks, and many lovely followers/friends! A lot of good memories here. I am very grateful for all of you and especially those I rped with. I don’t want to make this a goodbye speech just yet… Fingers crossed I can save this.]
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A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it
Jean de La Fontaine (via manchannel)
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The Charming Charlatan, armed and dangerous~
This picture is actually rather misleading as its part of an AU wherein several things happen differently in Charly’s life which ultimately results in them never leaving the gang they were in. It’s horrifying but so much guilty fun. (Yes, their pouch has a spatial enchantment in case you have always wondered. No, I don’t know how big it is.)
Anyway this piece just kept getting more and more dramatic until the fake gold leaf idea stepped in and then I decided enough was enough.
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The Cat Merchant
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DM: He grabs you by the collar of your shirt.
Fighter: I go in for the kiss.
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[And dollmaker shenanigans on Charly too!
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Honestly Zed Caprice, Prince(ss) of crime is a bit terrifying.
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Aaaaand... a mystery.]
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[Digging through my art and found these two doodles from that one stream where Charly sim needed to have another sim die. It was very difficult. Charly caught on fire (don’t worry, they lived) and Mr Hat was not helpful and even cleaned up some filth meant to demoralize the target!]
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Which Pokémon would my muse be?
Hop into my askbox and tell me!
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In solitude we are with ourself, and that is what is so frightening because what if there is no self there? Some people do not have a real self.
May Sarton, from a journal entry dated September 20 c. 1993  (via violentwavesofemotion)
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