thechaufun · 4 years
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villager icons for signs or ground MA-8501-1535-1176
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thechaufun · 4 years
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My little town is finally coming together. I moved my house up to my cliff side last night and I love my new museum set up! Terraforming is really starting to grow on me too! ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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thechaufun · 4 years
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I’ve seen some incredibly cute greenhouse designs floating around using the market stalls, so i decided to have a go at it myself, and made these three patterns (the plain one is more for me to make different flowers on, but could be used during winter/autumn or something?). It comes with vines & roses as well UwU 
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thechaufun · 4 years
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thechaufun · 5 years
I wish I wasn't idiot. Nothing has ever hurt more. I wish my friends weren't so far away. I wish I wasn't a fuck up. Everything was my fault. When it all came.crashing down all I saw was my own fuck ups. I'm such an idiot, why did I let this happen. Why did I even bother to come to Rowan. I should have just went home. My head hurts, and now I'm over thinking. I can't stop. I just want this pain to stop. I'm. Not okay. I wish I was. I saw it coming a mile away, and I still let it happen. I wish I can go home and talk to my parents. But Everytime I do, it's the same fucking response. "Focus on school and not girls" "it's okay, you'll find another girlfriend" but it's not okay when you been through everything with someone. it. Hurts. I want comfort, I want love, I want laughter, but I fucked it all up. I'm not okay. There was nothing wrong. Everything I did was for love. No one has ever made me feel the way she did, even through the negatives. I don't want it to end. I wish I knew what to say, and how to say it. I dont want to walk away. I KNOW it was my fault otherwise why would it have come to this? It's always my fault and I'm an idiot for letting this happen.
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thechaufun · 5 years
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Hace unos dias vi una serie de gifs de Marie Kondo explicando que a la hora de ordenar nuestra ropa debemos elegir la que nos produce felicidad, y para no sentirnos mal por la ropa que queremos botar, agradecer el tiempo que estuvo esa prenda estuvo con nosotros y dejarla ir..
Esto me llamo la atención y luego en Netflix descubri que habia una serie de ella, donde va a casas de personas y las ayuda a organizar. Me gusto su método y quise compartir algunos de sus consejos con ustedes. Quien sabe. Siempre se aprende algo 😉
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thechaufun · 5 years
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thechaufun · 5 years
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thechaufun · 5 years
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honk honk human where are your spider powers now
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thechaufun · 5 years
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thechaufun · 5 years
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Inktober day 3: Bait
The idea behind this was knowing that angler fish (which these pokemon are based on) use their light to lure fish in like Bait so I decided to take a twist on the idea by making their light bulbs look like small fish pokemon to lure in bigger fish for them to feast on
(decided to do a fun idea where i do some of the prompts for this months inktober and make hallowed forms of pokemon, i’ve seen hallowed forms around and they are basically halloween themed versions of pokemon)
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thechaufun · 5 years
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thechaufun · 5 years
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Sith Army Knife
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thechaufun · 5 years
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This is why they have such a problem with plastic bags. It’s because the unique structure of their esophagus makes it so that they can’t get rid of them.
Other places to see my posts: INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK / ETSY / KICKSTARTER
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thechaufun · 5 years
you just get to the point where you just deal with it; an everyday occurrence of the same banter. constant reminder of how much of a failure you are, and that you will never be good enough. just deal with it. is it right? is it okay? no, not really, its also not healthy... a constant feeling of what if i did, if i did, how much actually matters, they dont need me. just deal with it. to the point where if i actually did, i bet that i still wouldn’t be good enough. so, i just deal with it and play through scenarios to myself. im not okay, but i just deal with it--
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thechaufun · 5 years
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thechaufun · 5 years
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