theclonarium · 7 months
In case it wasn't clear, my OCs are for ME. Especially my Reapers and Jax. Dont like the Reapers are villains and big bads? I don't give a fuck. Don't like how Jax is mean, unapproachable and aggressive? Tough luck. My OCs, especially my clones and Reapers, are ways I cope with my traumas and created from life experiences I've dealt with. They are pieces of ME. I don't care if you think Noir's too "white", Jax is too aggressive, or the Reapers are too psychopathic. Suck it up, buttercup, and deal with the fact they are MY OCs.
Now, on the flip side, if ya love them, thankies and glad ya enjoy them :] they're my pride and joy, I treasure them dearly
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theclonarium · 8 months
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end of the day im just writing fantasy scripts for DBB to voice
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theclonarium · 8 months
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Repurposing GAR armor towards the end of pulverizing wrinkly Sith
— A guide by CC-1010, ecstatically-ex-marshal commander of Coruscant
A what-if au featuring the Corries pulling all-nighters fueled on caf alone to study republic law, Fox providing his own dubious legal representation resulting in the wildest civil court case in Republic history, and, they can only pray, formidable and clandestine cooperation within GAR high command’s clone contingents via a small-scale GAR-approved candy brand
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theclonarium · 10 months
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theclonarium · 10 months
reblog to give the person you reblogged this from a fucking break
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theclonarium · 10 months
reblog to give the person you reblogged this from a fucking break
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theclonarium · 10 months
reblog to give the person you reblogged this from a fucking break
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theclonarium · 10 months
Mae: And how do you have it worse…? My plants are crushed beneath the heels of the pathetic and worthless kretins of the galaxy without a thought.
Izots: *Gestures to the beautiful waterfalls trickling down the walls pleasantly* All horny pirates see is instant lube
Mae: *pauses*
Mae: I see
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theclonarium · 10 months
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And no one can stop me mweheheheee 😎
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theclonarium · 10 months
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Aalar: *follows Nox’s line of sight to Kali*
Kali: … Kali: You aren’t seriously consideri- Aalar: *YEETs Kali out the window too*
<<Later>> Kali: *stares* and you tossed WHO out of the fucking window???
Aalar : 🤷‍♂️
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theclonarium · 10 months
reblog to give the person you reblogged this from a fucking break
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theclonarium · 10 months
reblog to give the person you reblogged this from a fucking break
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theclonarium · 10 months
In an AU where Atlas is still somewhat in relation with the Canine family:
Atlas: So. I heard one of your brats threw another out the window 😏
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theclonarium · 10 months
Kali: It should be a no story fall, Aalar! That doesn’t make it better!
Aalar: 🤷‍♂️
Aalar: *speaking with his eyes* it was only a two story fall
Kali: ?????
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theclonarium · 10 months
Aalar: *speaking with his eyes* it was only a two story fall
Kali: ?????
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theclonarium · 10 months
<<Later>> Kali: *stares* and you tossed WHO out of the fucking window???
Aalar : 🤷‍♂️
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theclonarium · 10 months
reblog to give the person you reblogged this from a fucking break
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