thecmdrgeeeves-blog · 5 years
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thecmdrgeeeves-blog · 5 years
Everyday feels the  same
Captains blog
CMDR Geeeves of the Nova Force
 Day seventy-seven, sorry for taking so long. Chief said I would get some less violent missions today… well he wasn’t kidding but this isn’t what I had in mind. I’m transporting aliens! Yea sure that’s not so crazy anymore, but I still feel weird about it. Lots of guys here claim to just want them to be happy back where they should be but I know tats just code for get out of my space.
Chief said if I play my cards right I can score some gate gigs, he said I could keep the ship even as a gate operator.
Can’t wait to pay this off so I can be free of my contract. Every time they want me to do missions I don’t want to so far, they have used my debt as leverage… still don’t fully know how I feel about that.
I’ve started planning the exploration strip going to go see old earth, ill take some pictures for you guys and post them. I swear it feels like the only people I get along with are the readers… maybe that’s just the space man syndrome talking.
I came out here to try and get away from all this stuff and looks like I just got myself into more of the same…
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thecmdrgeeeves-blog · 5 years
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Mining my own business lol
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thecmdrgeeeves-blog · 5 years
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New ship, WHO DIS?
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thecmdrgeeeves-blog · 5 years
Day One of Space
Captains blog
CMDR Geeeves of the Nova Force
 Day one as a member of nova republic, all seems well with the group. I’m new but everyone treats me like we’ve been flying together our whole lives. We use a social media com device called “discord” to communicate, mostly through text channels but we also use voice comms. Today was mostly spent bounty hunting those that talk bad of the federation on twitter. Crazy how one day you can say whatever you want and the next you got censorship in space, I thought I came out here to escape all that.
Such is the grind I owe the federation a lot they gave me a ship, fed me, clothed me, and now… I must pay them back for all of this by running these missions. They said I could stay out of political stuff but here I am day one, bounty hunting some twitter troll.
Chief said tomorrow I might be able to get me some transport missions or something in mining, going after those void opals is boring but better that then being the trigger finger for the federations twitter beef… besides I bet the guy was just trying to be funny.
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