thecoliverlibrary · 6 years
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Your mom’s just being careful. There’s no way that I’d have to be your dad. Even though I would be good at it because I think you’re very cool. And funny. And smart. Just like your mom and dad. It’s no surprise there. Wow. You know, if Laurel doesn’t die, maybe we should have a baby of our own.
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thecoliverlibrary · 6 years
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We said gays gone wild, right? Yup. Did I freak you out? No. Look, just tell your mother that I fell off a scooter or something. Hey, it’s not your fault the world’s so awful right now. It’s his.
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thecoliverlibrary · 6 years
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thecoliverlibrary · 6 years
Can you do more post-wedding head canons? Like obviously they're gonna celebrate Christmas & New Years together as a married couple. What do they do or where do they go, etc?
Ooo I’m a terrible person and forgot this was in my inbox so I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to respond!
With them getting married so close to Christmas, it’s hard to imagine what they’ll do, espicially with all the murder shenanigans, so let’s work on the idea that they don’t find out about any of that until the new year. 
Originally I’d be tempted to say they’d go and stay with Gemma, we saw so little of her at the wedding and Connor’s the closest to her, plus having kids around at Xmas is always nice. However, I feel like Connor is gonna be pissed at his mum and might want to give her a wide berth. I’m torn between the idea of them going to his sister’s and there being the obligatory Xmas argument between him and his mum - Connor quietly seething every time she’s near but not wanting to make a scene, and her doing the absolute MOST all the time to try and make amends. Gemma and Oliver both tell him to talk to her but he’s not having it. Connor keeps it up until late Xmas Eve when he just explodes at her after the kids have gone to bed. Everyone leaves them to it, and Connor’s anger slowly melts away as she explains how lonely she is, and how she feels like she’s lost her baby. She explains how happy she is for him, but how sad it feels being a woman in her 50s who’s husband has left her and who’s kids have flown the nest, and how they’re all now happily married while she feels left on the shelf, and Connor feels awful for having ever been mad in the first place. Their heart to heart goes on for hours, and it’s nearly 4 am when Connor finally slides into the guest bed, breath smelling of cheap wine and drapes an arm over Oliver,  telling him it’s sorted.
Or, theye spent a lot of time with Connor’s family,  so maybe they go to spend it with Joanna. It’s a small and intimate Christmas, and Connor gets dragged into all sorts of Family traditions he’s never heard of before.  He meets family members he didn’t get a chance to meet at the wedding, and there’s a surprise for everyone when the doorbell rings on Xmas eve and Oliver’s dad is smiling back at them.
New Year is when I feel like they’d have a honeymoon. They have no money, although a few people gave them some nice cheques as wedding gifts, so they book a few nights in a quiet little cabin, away from everything and everyone. They go radio silent to boot. No phones or tablets or laptops, just the two of them. They talk and learn new things about each other. They go hiking and they absolutely dip their toe into the world of Alfresco sex. Then they spend the new years countdown together, ringing in the new year as a married couple, excited for what the future is going to bring.
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thecoliverlibrary · 6 years
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Jack Falahee at Varkala Beach in Kerala, India (December 2018)
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thecoliverlibrary · 6 years
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request by anonymous — May you please gif the scene in 2x01 when Connor is sitting in Annalise’s class and looking at pictures of Oliver?
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thecoliverlibrary · 6 years
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he really is the cutest huh
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thecoliverlibrary · 6 years
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That’s kind of the point—to forget how depressing the world is for one night. So, who’s with me, huh? Gays gone wild!
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thecoliverlibrary · 6 years
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well, well, well, how the turntables | Connor and Oliver — HTGAWM 1.01 || 5.08
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thecoliverlibrary · 6 years
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thecoliverlibrary · 6 years
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Top 5′s of 2018   🎈 OTP’s
3/5 Coliver
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thecoliverlibrary · 6 years
I haven't kept up with htgawm either because i couldnt handle how those two play with my heart. maybe you reminded me just HOW MUCH i love coliver and I started crying reading your fic god i love them so much thank you so much. If you don't mind doing another one "What am I supposed to do? Just sit here and not fall in love with you?" (thanks again a lot for the other one i love it so much thank you thank you thank you)
i know! i just got tired of getting emotionally tossed around. and yeah, yeah, i know it’s called how to get away with murder, but also there’s such a thing as too much murder! at what point do they become serial killers for being involved in like 10 different deaths??? 
anyway, i love them and i appreciate you for your incredibly kind words. oh my goodness. it’s been a while since i’ve written them, and honestly i’ve forgotten how much i’ve missed them. so here goes nothing.
canon divergent post season 1.
connor and oliver date for a little bit, but connor, unable to live with guilt about sam, tells oliver. oliver breaks up with him, and they go their separate ways. connor barely scrapes by through grad school. he ends up working his way up the ladder from clinic to clinic until he’s at a respectable one, but after about five years of it, he can’t handle it anymore and quits, picking up a job in brooklyn as an editor at a small publishing company working in mystery and crime novels. he has several casual relationships and dates a guy for a year and a half, but they decide to break up after they both realize it’s not working out and they aren’t making enough time for each other.
he’s working in a coffee shop on some edits for a big release they have coming up when he looks up, and –
it’s oliver. and fuck him. oliver’s coming up on 38, and he looks like he hasn’t aged a day. connor watches as oliver orders, and when he sees the to go cup, he scrambles to pack everything up as fast as he can. oliver is almost down the street when connor runs out, and he screams his name after him.
when oliver catches his eye and realizes who it is, he freezes, and connor can hear his heart pounding in his ears.
they agree to grab lunch next week, and connor can barely wait. he reaches out to michaela, the only person from middleton that he’s kept in touch with. she had picked up the pieces after his first break up with oliver, so she warns him to be careful.
lunch is awkward. he finds out that oliver is dating someone, someone he has been dating for three years now. and connor doesn’t know what he expected, but his heart sinks anyway. when they leave, it doesn’t seem like oliver really wants to be friends. so connor drops it.
he throws himself into work with a newfound intensity for a few months until he runs into oliver again late one night at the christopher street station. oliver’s boyfriend, robert, is there too, and they talk for a little while as they wait for the train, and robert invites connor over to their apartment on friday for dinner.
connor wants to say no, but robert insists, so connor says yes. and he brings a pie he’s cooked. dinner is much better than lunch was. perhaps it’s easier now that the ice has been broken or perhaps oliver’s stupidly nice boyfriend moves conversation along, but it’s smoother than it was.
connor invites them to a book launch by a prominent author, and they agree to come. in fact, oliver and robert become friends with connor fast. it takes oliver longer to warm up to connor than it takes robert, but once he does, he and connor become close.
they spend their spare time together. he, oliver, and robert spend connor’s 35th birthday together. and oliver’s 31st. and when michaela visits, he, michaela, and oliver go out drinking and get ridiculously drunk, and for the first time, connor feels free in a way he hasn’t since before everything happened with sam. since he was younger and falling in love for the first time.
and he’s sitting with michaela in his apartment the next day, when michaela remarks, “you’re doing it, connor. i told you to be careful, but you’ve fallen in love with him again.”
and it hits connor right in the chest. he hasn’t thought about it that carefully until now, but now that it’s in the open, he can’t pretend it isn’t real. his head reels, and he feels everything he’s worked so hard to build crumble beneath him.
as much as he tries to file it away, pretend like he and michaela never had that conversation, robert and oliver notice a change in connor’s behavior around him. so one night, when robert is out on a business trip, oliver asks connor what’s been going on.
connor can’t hold it in anymore. he knows it isn’t fair. he knows oliver deserves better and so does robert, but oliver asked, so he tells him. oliver says nothing for a while until he finally asks, “why”
connor shakes his head and reaches for oliver’s hand. “what am I supposed to do? just sit here and not fall in love with you.”
“yes, connor! i have a boyfriend! i’ve had a boyfriend since before you came into my life again.” oliver tells him to leave, and connor does, knowing already that he’s ruined everything. 
he waits a week before texting oliver, but oliver doesn’t text him back. and when he goes on facebook, he realizes that robert has unfriended him. connor feels like he’s at middleton again, falling apart and unable to cope. only this time, he never even dated oliver.
his other friends help him. and although he doesn’t tell them what happened, he knows they must have figured out it has to do with oliver because he went from being around constantly to out of his life. almost half a year passes, and connor is at a book release in los angeles when the phone rings, and it’s oliver.
“can we talk?”
oliver doesn’t want to talk over the phone and says to call him back when he gets back to new york. but once he does, oliver doesn’t pick up. in fact, connor’s beginning to think he made it up when, almost a week after, oliver sends him a text asking if he can come over.
oliver takes a while rambling before he finally gets it out. “i think i have feelings for you too, and it wasn’t fair to robert.”
and connor isn’t sure if he understands. “you broke up with him?” he asks, not too tactfully.
“maybe this was all a big mistake,” oliver wails. but connor shakes his head and wraps his arms around oliver – his oliver.
“stay,” he asks. for a moment, he thinks oliver is about to panic and refuse, to run away and try to take it all back. but he doesn’t. he nods, and for the first time in a long, connor feels truly happy.
send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it
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thecoliverlibrary · 6 years
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Top 50 Ships (as voted by my followers) 3: Connor Walsh & Oliver Hampton (How to Get Away with Murder)
It’s no secret that I didn’t want this kind of wedding. It’s too… normal. But as I’m standing here now, I don’t think I’ve ever wanted something so normal in my life. Because of you, I want things I told myself I never did. Like I want to buy a house with you, and I want that house to have a family so we can finally embrace our daddy status. I want to go to bed each night beside you. I want to be faithful and jealous if any guy even tries to smile at you. I even want to get in fights with you. To fight and yell and make up. I want to love you until the day that I die. And you better not die before me because life wouldn’t be worth living without you. I didn’t think that I could ever feel these things before I met you, but, Oliver, I want a long, boring, normal life because it’s with you. You’re everything to me.
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thecoliverlibrary · 6 years
Sick Of Planning My Nights Round Avoiding You (for coliver my babies i love them so much)
gosh, i miss my coliver babes!! i haven’t seen the show in ages, so please ignore anything i say that doesn’t make canonical sense.
just before christmas, oliver breaks up with connor. oliver tells him that he can’t handle it anymore. that he loves him so much but that it’s all become too much. that he feels like he can’t handle it anymore and that it isn’t fair.
and connor has seen this coming, but he’s told himself he’s just been paranoid. he could tell oliver was being distant. he swore there were times he’d get into bed and oliver was pretending to be asleep. but every time, he’d pushed it back. oliver wouldn’t.
but here it is, and oliver can’t stop apologizing, and it just makes it eighty times worse. he doesn’t want to hear about how oliver still loves him or how he wishes things were different. but they’re not, and at the end of the night, less than one week before they’re supposed to go to connor’s sister’s for the holidays, oliver packs his bags and leaves.
connor doesn’t tell anyone but gemma, and he begs her not to tell the kids. he knows how much they love oliver. “i hate him for doing this to me, but i still want him back,” connor says.
“oh con, i know,” gemma says back to him. “it’ll be nice to see you, at least.”
connor counts down the days with impending dread. he’s thankful his flight lands at midnight because only gemma picks him up. she doesn’t ask any questions. she just gives him a big hug and talks to him about how their mom has been stressing her out with all the holiday cooking.
but the next day is inevitable, and gemma’s kids wake up soon after he does. they keep on asking where oliver is. they don’t understand why he isn’t here, and when his mother joins in and starts asking a million questions, eventually connor can’t handle it anymore.
he spends all of christmas eve in tears, inconsolable, when he sees his mother removing presents that were supposed to be for oliver from under the tree. and he wants to hate oliver so much. and a part of him does. but he can’t fully. because he can’t blame him. his life has been nothing but a mess since he moved to philly. but oliver was his one good thing.
he spends each night running through photos on his phone and listening to music, but every single song – even the non-romantic ones, dammit – makes him think of oliver, and he hates it.
christmas morning, he’s sitting on the couch, spacing out as gemma’s kids open their presents when there’s a knock on the door. he goes to open it, and there’s oliver, bundled up with nothing but an overstuffed backpack.
“i made a mistake,” he tells connor. “please, take me back. please forgive me. i shouldn’t have –”
and connor doesn’t even let him finish. he kisses him and wraps his arms around him and won’t let go. because he was so sure this was it. that he’d lost oliver for good, but oliver is here, and even if he’s angry at him, he’s not about to let him walk out of his life again.
and eventually oliver breaks the hug and mumbles, “can you let me in. it’s very cold,” and connor laughs and lets him in and spends christmas with oliver, clutching onto his hand and feeling like there’s nothing in the world that can knock him down.
send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it
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thecoliverlibrary · 6 years
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new relationship vs. long-term relationship
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thecoliverlibrary · 6 years
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I did my best!
Oliver was having a stressful holiday week.
His job hadn’t given him the days off he needed to visit home for Christmas, even after they said it would be fine and to go ahead and order your plane tickets, yeah sure, it’d be fine. Not like he wouldn’t be able to return or get a refund on his ticket. Oh wait that’s right, he couldn’t.
Oliver took a long pull from his bottle while he sat on the couch, glaring at his small Christmas tree set up on an end table. He was over his present budget and yet still hadn’t gotten anything for dad… and now that he wasn’t going home for the holidays, Oliver would have to ship all these gifts to his family. Fantastic.
Christmas sucked.
Oliver was taking another gulp from his beer when he heard people loudly talking outside, some shouting, loud enough to be heard over his TV, which quietly played a horror movie. Cos fuck Christmas.
Oliver’s ears perked as the sound diminished in a wave of whispered “shh’s” and loud throat clearing.
Then a burst of song erupted from Oliver’s front door and all he could do for his part was… sit stunned for a moment.
Brows furling, Oliver looked at his phone, 1:30… in the morning.
There were carolers at his door in the middle of the night.
With a grumble that could match the Grinch, Oliver shot himself up from his couch, unconcerned that he only wore boxer shorts and a hoodie, and marched to his front door.
With a flick of the wrist the deadbolt came loose and Oliver yanked the door back, leaning forward to open the screen door wide and addressing the small group of carolers.
“Hey!” Oliver shouted. The slight buzz from his drinking devoid Oliver of a politeness filter. “Shut up!”
The singers, all four of them, went silent. A few of them (a boy and girl linked arm-in-arm) collapsing into a fit of giggles.
One staggered forward. Oliver had a silly thought that maybe he should let them sing, or at least this guy, the one moving towards him right now, arms swinging out wide with a smile that could cut.
“Now that’s not nice, Mr. Scrooge.” He pointed a very direct finger at Oliver and his entourage giggled again behind him. “We’re just spreadin’ some good cheer ‘n shit.”
Oliver blinked. God, how can a drunk man look so attractive.
“It’s late, you’re disturbing the neighborhood.”
“You’re disturbing…” The guy snickered. “… my brain, cos you’re so cute.”
Oliver couldn’t help it, he grinned while the other guy in the group groaned dramatically.
“Ohmygod Connor, you said you wouldn’t be weird!”
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thecoliverlibrary · 6 years
"Is that a challenge?"
This was for an nsfw prompt list that has since been deleted. Have some spy/assassin AU! Ao3
Connor pressed his ear to the door. Someone was speaking inside, a man’s voice, muffled but commanding, the voice of his target perhaps?
He heard footsteps pacing, too close to the door to be his target. Probably just an associate, but Connor knew better than to downplay a threat. If anything he should be anticipating at least three people in the hotel room, along with his target.
Shit, he hated killing unnecessarily. Connor always took the file given to him, and aimed only for his target. Quick, clean, no unwanted casualties. He had a sleeper agent in one needle, hidden under his left sleeve, and the poison meant for Sam McNeal, aka Mr. Darcy, the target. An extra blade was tucked snuggly in the heel of his boot, and if worse came to worse, a semi-automatic pistol stashed securely by his lower back.
Connor hated guns, though he knew how to use one. He preferred to kill in silence, digression. He’d gotten accustomed to poison needles and knives.
Mr. Darcy was talking again after a brief silence. Connor couldn’t make out what he was saying. He checked his watch. If Connor waited out here any longer more company might arrive, or the target and his entourage would leave. Connor needed to strike now in the privacy of four walls, but he also had to amp himself up for an uneven fight.
Okay, one was definitely still by the door. Connor would take him out first before advancing on Darcy. His target was known to carry a gun, Connor had to keep his steps wide and fast to get the element of surprise.
One hand on the handle, Connor took a deep breath and inserted the master keycard he had stolen from one of the maids and quickly pushed the door open.
Immediately to his right was the man he heard pacing. Connor punched him once in the throat, the man fell, hand on his neck and struggling to breathe.
Looking forward Connor was met with… not Darcy.
A decoy?
Then he felt the cold hard metal of a gun barrel pressed against the back of his head.
“Go, inform the others and execute the plan.”
The guy who was sitting in the chair got up without a sound and left. The man whom Connor had slugged struggled up from the floor and stumbled from the room.
Connor sighed roughly through his nose. Great.
“Hands up.” The voice behind him commanded.
Connor raised his eyebrows sarcastically and did as he was told.
“Nice seeing you again, Robert. Or is it Steve this time?”
Connor turned around, the gun still connected to his head and had to bite back a groan.
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