thecoolestrcbin · 3 years
Text | Jarro x Jason...jarrson
Jarro: Your hero name is REd hood. and you wear a helmet.
Jarro: IDK where i am. how im sleeping.if i rememeber to take it off.
Jason: Yeah you won't get that. It's a little above starfish brain.
Jarro: Uhm im a psychic alien. I would "get it" bro
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thecoolestrcbin · 3 years
Text | Jarro x Jason...jarrson
Jason: Your name is Jarro and your dad's name is Starro. I don't want to hear it.
Jason: On what?
Jarro: Your hero name is REd hood. and you wear a helmet.
Jarro: IDK where i am. how im sleeping.if i rememeber to take it off.
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thecoolestrcbin · 3 years
Text | Jarro x Jason...jarrson
Jason: Who?
Jason: That sounds like a fake name.
Jason: What do you mean "both"?
Jarro: You're a fake name. Who has two first names as a full name.
Jarro: Sometimes i keep the bracelet on. sometimes i take it off. Depends
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thecoolestrcbin · 3 years
Text | Jarro x Jason...jarrson
Jason: I don't believe that you have friends
Jason: Do you sleep like a starfish or human-ish?
Jarro: I met this guy named Xander
Jarro: Both.
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thecoolestrcbin · 3 years
Text | Jarro x Jason...jarrson
Jason: Which friend?
Jason: a starfish
Jarro: ....why?
Jarro: I mean yeah that's the real me. Me at my most awesome.
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thecoolestrcbin · 3 years
Text | Jarro x Jason...jarrson
Jason: Who are you watching MTV with?
Jason: Do you like to be?
Jarro: My friend
Jarro: To be what? A star fish? or human-ish?
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thecoolestrcbin · 3 years
Text | Jarro x Jason...jarrson
Jason: No, you're not.
Jason: Nothing is going on.
Jason: Are you still a starfish?
Jarro: Oh Okay. I saw it on MTV...
Jarro: I mean sometimes? Depends if I wanna be or not.
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thecoolestrcbin · 3 years
Text | Jarro x Jason...jarrson
Jason: Wrong person.
Jason: I thought you were the demon spawn.
Jarro: Oh okay THAT makes more sense
JArro: what's up my brotha from anotha motha
Jarro: am i allowed to say thaT?
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thecoolestrcbin · 3 years
Text | Jarro x Jason...jarrson
( ✉ → sms ) my life would be so much easier without you.
Jarro: okay RUDE. How have I ever made your life hard?
Jarro: I am a delight
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thecoolestrcbin · 3 years
       Steph playfully rolled her eyes at Jarro as he pretended he hadn’t just been hanging from the chandelier. “You know we have cameras, right?” She pointed at the one in the corner of the room that luckily hadn’t been pointed in their direction at the time. “Excuse me,” she looked at him, clearly offended. “I’m a lot of fun. Wait! Can we film it and make a montage too?” Steph loved that idea, thinking it would be a lot of fun. 
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“oh. Well then I plead the uh..sixth!” He said confidently. He was still learning a lot of the laws and rules he had to pretend to follow. Sometimes he got them mixed up. “hell yeah! We can edit it and go VIRAL” Jarro said. If you looked closely he was sure his eyes turned into stars too. “do you own a camera?”
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thecoolestrcbin · 3 years
“Ah, sure.” He didn’t really believe that at all but he wasn’t going to tell him that. It wasn’t as if this boy was straight out of a cartoon and in the world he lived in, people were born with normal hair colours. When he said he felt like he knew that name. That Dick was probably talking about him or even thinking of him made his heart flutter. He wanted to give him the newer name he went by to test just how much Dick was thinking about him but bit his tongue. “Really? You think he was?” He pried, blush appearing on his near white skin. Letting out a little laugh to push past the strange, delighted feeling. “An alien? Oh, that explains the whole born with pink hair thing.” He thought out loud. Glancing around the manor. “I’ll keep it to myself.” 
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“Yeah. Dick talks about a ton of people he knows. He’s a HUGE gossip. At least to me anyway. He knows I get bored in the manor so he keeps me updated on things.” Jarro said as he opened the door to the manor. “Alfred’s grocery shopping I think . So it’s just us for a bit. “ he explained. Jarro nodded when Xander reiterated what he said. “cool. I like you.” the poor naive boy said as he lead him into the manor. “we can check to see if he’s in his room. sometimes he stays there but not a lot. he’s mostly at the tower.” 
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thecoolestrcbin · 3 years
“No, of course not. You’re much louder than just a fish.” He mumbled that last part, shutting the laptop and setting it off to the side. Deciding to finish his game later and instead address the fish-situation a little more properly. Once he did, Jarro has thrown himself across from him, forcing him to pay attention to him a little more. Sighing, ha patted the top of his head. When Jarro picked up the remote for the X-Box, Tim didn’t bother explaining to him that he wasn’t using it for the game. Instead he lifted his hand defensively. “Whoa! Whoa, what are you doing? That’s Damian’s. He’ll kill us both.” He said, not one once of a joke in his tone. “You are the one cute aquatic animal in this family. I’m sorry. Just put it down. We can uh- we can take the fish out of the house and release it in a pond or something. Would that make you feel better?”
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Jarro pouted a little less when Tim pat his head. For most people that may have been enough. But not Jarro. He needed revenge. “DI-oh really?” he said stopping his hand before he launched the remote at the tank. At Tim’s suggestion he nodded. “Hmm...I’d prefer a sushi place. But very well. Exile is a suitable punishment I suppose. Very well Timothy. Grab the criminal!” he declared, marching towards the door dramatically. 
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thecoolestrcbin · 3 years
“Always.” Dory chirped, heading towards the fridge where she kept her water bottle. She handed to him a frown on her face. “I know, you still hang out with her in the future…I call you uncle Ro.” she told him rocking on her heels. “Oh I don’t know…it’s kind of weird…suddenly they have a full grown child…it’s a lot to throw on someone.” It was her biggest worry here, meeting her parents in the future when all she wanted to do was go home to them. “Of course…I like you without the shifter on better anyways. Want some kelp chips?”
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Thanks.” he said drinking some of the salt water. He didn’t have the heart to tell her it wouldn’t really make a difference. He wasn’t that kind of starfish. It wasn’t bad though. “Uncle Ro? That’s cute. I think im too young for that right now though...you okay with just calling me Jarro?” he asked her. He could understand her hesitance...kinda. But who was he to tell what to do. Wasn’t like he was banging down Starro’s door. “Oh yes! I love kelp chips.” he smiled as he slid the ring off. There he was in all his star shaped glory. 
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thecoolestrcbin · 3 years
        Watching as Jarro hung from the chandelier, she smirked. “Alfred’s gonna kill you if he sees you up there.” She pretended to scold, although there was a hint of anxiety in her words. Alfred was the one person that all of the bats, whether they admitted it or not, were at least a little afraid of. It was the type of fear that kept them in line, never wanting to disappoint the butler they all loved so much. “Sure, Totally, Of course, Nope. We can do anything except start a world war.” The blonde watched as Jarro landed on the couch next to her, half tempted to push him off just to mess with him. “Is that an actual question? You know the answer.” It was yes. Hacking into Tim’s instagram and posting photos was right up her alley. 
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“see’s me up where?” he smiled. You could only get in trouble for things you got caught doing after all. That’s how Jarro saw it anyway. “Booo you’re no fun.” The boy joked. He would never go that far. He wasn’t that person, anymore at least. Not since separating from Starro. “Bet! I vote we go shopping and do it montage style.” Jarro loved fashion and modeling. Now that he had human body he practically begged someone to take him on daily basis. At least this way, it was a win-win.
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thecoolestrcbin · 3 years
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thecoolestrcbin · 3 years
     “I would never actually hurt a rat” he narrowed his eyes at him, pulling a face. Damian regularly took 3am trips down the Titans elevator to let spiders out without having to kill them but that was something Jarro - or anybody, really - never needed to know. “I don’t say it that often” he insisted, shaking his head. “TT, You just know that I’m right - maybe not now but just you wait”
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“What makes it okay to hurt me then? Personally, I’m starting to take this a little personal.” The boy pouted. He removed his glamour charm, shrinking into his normal self. “see? Im a cute lovable animal too. You should oughta be nicer to me. Im probably an endangered species”
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thecoolestrcbin · 3 years
“Yes, it seems we share a common interest in self expression. But if you wouldn’t mind, I’m a little in a hurry.” Stepping back, slow and careful steps from the gate as the pink-haired wonder moved to open them. Jeremiah cocked his head. It felt almost too easy. Like he hadn’t had to convince him of anything at all. How curious. He thought to himself. “I would appreciate the help, yes.” He felt himself smile although he tried to fight it. His lips twitched into one anyway. “Xander Wilde.” He said, holding out a hand for the young man to shake. Deciding to use his alias, just in case Dick had told any stories about him. “And you, my pink haired fellow?”
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“oh no, I was born like this. The pink is all natural. My friend.” Jarro said leading him up to the manor. “Xander? Huh. I feel like I know that name…” he muttered. “dick was probably talking about you. Or maybe i saw it in his head. Sometimes i poke around in there to make sure they’re all doing okay. Not a lot of people talk to me. That’s okay though.” The alien rambled on and one. “Oh! My name’s Jarro. I’m an alien Bruce adopted. Don’t tell anyone though.”
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