thecreatorherself · 3 years
I wish you were here!! Or I was there.
Or we were together anywhere...
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thecreatorherself · 3 years
. Universe I am scared to spread the messages. To spread the truth of my home. I was sent here as a listener with the gift of knowing 7️⃣🌀 soon I will come out of my shell but for right now I’d like to continue collecting data so I know how to better assist the collective as well as keep my sanity.
I am so grateful to be here and to fulfill my soul mission, this is the life my many pasts have dreamt up together.
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thecreatorherself · 3 years
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Album cover I did in November last year while I was in Portland for artist, Tahzijian
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thecreatorherself · 3 years
Scorpio & Capricorn (The Dark Angels) 
often the energy of both these signs tends to confuse others as they are so similar. with scorpios ruling planet being pluto & capricorns being saturn both signs are influenced to evolve through lessons and monumental changes. even in tarot, scorpio pairs with death and capricorn pairs with the devil. 
both of these signs are the radical dark teachers of the zodiac because they don’t necessarily fear darkness, they understand its necessary & prefer to learn from it. they move throughout this world ready to change lives for the better and sometimes the worse (especially if they remain unaware and resistant to change). many believe when a scorpio enters your life, you are about to go through a transformation. when a Capricorn enters your life, you will learn the ultimate lesson. 
in a way these two signs represent the darkest of angels, sent from the universe to bring out what you’ve hidden from your self. Spiritually, developed scorpios are good with shadow work and developed capricorns are good with inner child work. 
of course scorpios and capricorns easily experience the most turbulence in their childhood which deals with destiny and the universe attempting to mature them through pain and when they come out on the other side they are changed for the better. 
ultimately, scorpios and capricorns get along so well because of the harsh influence of their ruling planets and because they both are sometimes pawns in the grand scheme of life! within the realm of astrology, scorpios and capricorns are here to evoke transformation and necessary change. 
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thecreatorherself · 3 years
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Don’t give me that bullshit Capricorns, this is what actually happens when you leave the job
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thecreatorherself · 3 years
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thecreatorherself · 3 years
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serving face
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thecreatorherself · 3 years
Do you really not think of me? Not any date or time we so happened to share, or those times we caught each other randomly. The way you stayed back the 2nd time the same night and watched me giggle past your car unknown. Because I am here thinking of every time I giggled with you in sight. Times you picked me up in your car. The times you cared for and watched over me so unknown. You’re found every where and I wish you were made to stay.
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thecreatorherself · 3 years
Today I woke up a little later than usual. I woke UO at 8:30, was showered and dressed by 9:30. I’ve been cleaning and smoking back and forth switching up my tasks so my brain does not get burnt out so quickly. Also sparing myself mercy and giving a potion of the duties to my future 5/02 self.
Im starting to think what I’m seeing are visions. They feel so real like I can grasp them. I want to do a cartwheel in the wind the way these visions blow me away.
I’m in the beginning plots of it all and it feels super charged. —
as I rise I wonder why people still try to bring me down. Especially those of many years ago. What mission is there to complete that hasn’t been? What is the relation? What is the reason? What lessons keep repeating for you that make you behave this way.
And those who knew me but still chose to switch up, I wonder why they cannot stop watching me. It almost is the only confirmation I need to verify I’m the shit. There’s just something about me, we all can agree with that.
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thecreatorherself · 3 years
Everyone sleeps in, it’s 10:47, is that sleeping in? I’m unsure. Although I have no room to judge, sometimes I might as well be asleep, I am dizzy in the head and my naps turn into entire rest cycles — splash consciousness. The 55th minute calls to keep me awakened on the thin reel between astral and earth. No matter how outstanding I still blow it off and doze off again and again.
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thecreatorherself · 3 years
If I think about you for a few more seconds than I usually do, I begin to like you
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thecreatorherself · 3 years
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s u n k 
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thecreatorherself · 3 years
Has it always been this way? The waking up just to do the same thing back and forth, all around and all over again and again?
The same thing. everyday?
Where is the breaking out of line to step into your own alignment? That 9-5 job is not what God of this entire universe envisioned when setting you off to create. It’s a gift to create. It has been contained and conditioned, not many of us live like we are gifted.
what else would you be doing if not your 9-5? The gift is also the journey, you get to figure this out and yes it’s difficult because how are you going to do that effort requiring work when you have a j o b you have got to attendance to feed and shelter your family.
I want it to eventually spark something in you that both you and your lover shouldn’t be working 9-5 jobs and barely getting by. Notice: doesn’t matter what the job is doing or skill level, or what the state/country minimum wage is. Your 9-5 was made to distract you from the wonders of your own mind, body, and spirit. school was made to condition us. Television conditioned us. We are unaware of where we go when we sleep.
where do we find the voice that is reading this in my head.
I am not my head, and honestly I’m unsure if I feel in* my head or not.
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thecreatorherself · 3 years
5th hour breathing
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thecreatorherself · 3 years
9:12am, I’ve been awake for an hour. I slept only 4.
I am too well rested, I am showered, and I unmistakably place myself back between pink bed sheets where I can look out the window and wish for nothing, nothing besides a nap.
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thecreatorherself · 3 years
I turn my back to the window again.
I’ve been up all night. There’s nothing for me to see besides the continuous stream of clouds turning opaque behind the trees that tower my home.
I find myself stalling.. listening to creeks in the wooden floor boards and rereading every word after each new one typed. Its 6 till 4. I have a dream to catch..
I turn towards the window and wish nothing
maybe only for good rest.
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thecreatorherself · 3 years
maybe I do want to make love to a beautiful woman who does not know how sweet of a substance she is.
I AM HER// 777888788
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