thecruelestjourney · 5 months
I'm a traveler, and I am such a big fan of your blogs! What is a place that you would like to travel to someday?
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I dream of visiting Italy every day, Since I was a little kid I’ve always wanted to go to Italy and just eat a big bowl of Italian spaghetti, Specifically I wanted to go to Milan I need to visit Milan before I die. I’m so interested in everything they have and do their beautiful culture, food , clothes , traditions and so much more I want to live there ,even study there! Its’ just such a mesmerizing city in Italy I’d rather be there, devouring food, than anywhere else! Just slurping cold coke, yummy spaghetti, and getting red sauce on the sides of my mouth , I literally love everything about Italy. I love their beautiful culture , food , clothes , traditions and so much more things.
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I wanna live there, Even study there! It's just such a mesmerizing country. I would also love to go to the eye-catching Duomo Milano in Italy. It's such a charming landmark, and I think It would be such a blast to explore! Going to Milan would be like me stepping into another universe, It would be truly a dream come true, Everything there is just so appealing to me their landmarks, streets, beaches the people and everything my god it is gorgeous! I just wanna wake up one day and be in Italy , Italy is a place like no other id kill to go there.
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thecruelestjourney · 5 months
So many people are inspired by Kira's journey, and so am I! How do you feel about her narrative?
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Kira’s narrative is so amazing. In her journey, I can see how much love she has for traveling and how pure her love is which is so wonderful. I see Kira as a very strong independent woman, to take on this trip with so much bravery. Kira loves taking risks and in The Journey, you can see the way she is so passionate about her traveling even though she’s putting herself in such a dangerous position. She trusts herself and her instincts, That’s what made me so interested in reading her amazing journey She's such a brave woman and inspires so many others. I loved everything about it!
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thecruelestjourney · 5 months
So recently, I read an article about Kira's Journey in Mali! Can you tell us more about it?
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Kira’s 600-mile trip to Niger River, Timbuktu. She’s kayaking her way to Timbuktu, she’s so inspired and motivated by this Scottish explorer Mungo Park. Park went on the same exact journey 206 years ago, which I find so amazing anyways he gave her enough motivation to begin her journey from Malian town to Timbuktu. Kira’s journey took several months she had to go through so many obstacles like torrential rains higher than her kayak which put her in so much danger. The wind was driving her kayak to the wrong side twisting and turning her kayak which put her in a risky position. Luckily she had no doubts and made it through her journey.
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People of Old Segou think Kira is insane for wanting to go on this journey because she’s risking her life just to kayak to Timbuktu. Still, it was so worth it in the end because she reached her goal and gained so much strength and bravery and she learned so much about people, she knew something more. A bargain. The journey finally ends, she made it!
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