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ode to windblume
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Your friendly reminder to not spend money on gacha.
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simp hours are open, lads
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>Morning shift
>Customer is angry that we disabled his card
>calm him down because it is a security measure
>We had to block his card because he spent 5k on Genshin Impact at 4AM and almost drained his entire bank account
>The instant we unblock his card he spends 200 more dollars on Genshin Impact
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come and get your gender here folks! assigned gender at uquiz! 
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I enjoy new event way too much
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In honor of Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town and Harvest Moon: One World releasing this month, I made more memes.
Previous meme posts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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双面三异绣 shuāng miàn sān yì xiù  is a new genre of suzhou double-sided embroidery. It is done on both sides, but the patterns, stitches and colors are different, hence the name 双面三异绣( literally double-sided triple difference embroidery). It enables the viewer to appreciate the image of traditional chinese embroidery art with different patterns, stitches and colors on one embroidery. 
cr 花锦城手工
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Calming masterpost:
crisis/urgent support lines and sites
hotlines/crisis lines for depression, domestic abuse, alcohol and drug abuse, teens, pregnancy, lgbt and more
mental support community - a forum where you can post that you are in a crisis right now and need peer support as soon as possible
imalive crisis chat - online one-on-one chat for if you’re in at risk of hurting yourself etc
self harm alternatives
si urges alternatives
relaxation/anxiety relief
do nothing for two minutes
interactive silk art
guided relaxation
watch a dream
100,000 stars
thisissand - create sandscapes on your screen with your mouse
calming gif
the quiet place project
the quiet place - find some quiet
the thoughts room - a super calm page to unburden yourself from bad thoughts
the comfort spot - a place for anonymous venting with out anybody judging you for who you are
the dawn room - my personal favourite, especially good for when you feel alone
know that it will be okay - when a moment is too hard for you - come here.
music and sounds
my anxiety relief playlist - on 8tracks
my positivity/recovery playlist - on 8tracks
‘stay strong’ playlists - on 8tracks
coffee shop sounds
rain sounds
calmsound - nature sounds
comfort food
one minute cookie in a mug
brownie in a mug
several cookie recipes
25 hot chocolate recipes
loads and loads of snacks - 533 quick and easy recipes for a range of snacks on studentrecipe
lots of different in-a-mug recipes
chocolate pudding in a mug - my personal fave (lil tip: add mini marshmallows for extra gooey yumminess)
advice and tips
how to be okay with yourself
25 resolutions
life hacks
more life hacks
a hella ton more life hacks - so many life hacks dude soon ur gonna never have a day-to-day stress again
school masterpost - school sucks so bad but hopefully this can help ease the stress
how to love yourself
how to bypass restricted wifi omg
alleviate menstrual cramps
boost your confidence
love yourself!
self help after anxiety
stop biting your nails
stop procrastinating
stop skipping breakfast
videos and movies
cure to sadness (video)
the movie blog - a blog dedicated to movie masterposts you will never be without a movie to watch again
random acts of kindness caught on film
disney movies
movies for angsty teens
distractions etc
rice questions - answer simple questions and donate free rice to people in poverty!!
click to give - just click a button to donate (it costs nothing) food to animals shelters, people in poverty and homeless veterans; mammograms to fight breast cancer; therapy for people on the autism spectrum; alzheimer’s and diabetes research; a book to a child; protect wildlife habitat
break something - good for anger
loads of cute games
how to make a blanket nest
learn something new - a masterpost of hobbies
exercise like a superhero
nice words
things to do when your sad
slap a bald guy with an eel - this is ridiculously entertaining
watch a dog lick your screen - it loops, so you could literally watch for hours if you want
daily puppy
how to make a comfort box
download free books
emergency compliment!
lots of compliments - they even include ur name aw
huge list of bloggers who have put themselves forward as willing to listen/chat without judgement
getting anon hate?
:) tag - all the posts that i’ve tagged for making me happy
7cupsoftea - free, anonymous, confidential talks with trained listeners
get a hug
Calming songs, playlists and instrumentals:
Sing Me to Sleep
The Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Boost your Mood (peppier and happy songs)
The Driving Mixtape
Summer Nights
It’s Going to be Fine
Calm & Collected
Once Upon a December - Piano (song)
Clair de Lune (song)
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (song)
Calming/distracting Websites
The Quiet Place
Soundrown.com - calming sounds to mix and match
A website to distract yourself
A recovery masterpost
A post of interesting things
Ungruntle yourself
Press a magic button and fix everything
Play cute games
Almost every movie your little heart desires (i suggest you use with adblocker)
How to love yourself
A website that compliments you
Crafts and activities, easy and fun DYI projects
Glitter calm jars
A list of things to do to curb anxiety
Make a blanket nest
Silky summer legs
Lots of food recipes; mostly desserts  
For bad days masterpost
Make some microwave snacks
Five minute fudge
Make a phone case
A bunch of hobbies!
Self care list!
Pretty gold-dipped feathers (for decorating or anything)
What to do when:
You’ve been triggered
You’re having an anxiety attack
You’re having a panic attack
Your face is red and puffy after crying
You just had a fight
You hate yourself
You want to avoid being stressed
You want to get over your ex
Meditation and breathing
Guided Meditations
Do Nothing for 2 Minutes
Calm Down
Meditation Tips
90 second relaxation exercise
Simple things
Pretty Tree
When You Feel You Have Lost Everything
See Some BLOOD
Press a Button to Make Everything OK
Calming Manatee
Calming Gif
Make Something!
Jump into a Sofa Fort!
Make a Comfort Box
Glitter Jar Or This One
Other Nice Things
A Page To Help You Recover!!!
Coping Skills & Distractions
The Quiet Place. Shhhhh
For When You’re Upset
The Nicest Place on the Internet
Player 2
10 Most Relaxing Online Games
Talk To Someone That Will Listen
Not Having a Good Day?
How-to Love Yourself
Ground Yourself X X  X
Mood Chart
Do Nothing For Two Minutes
The Comfort Spot
Weave Silk
Seed Plant Breeder
This Is Sand
Calming/Relaxing Music:
Soft Piano: x, x, x, x, x
The Sound of Waves: x
The Sound of a Storm + Waves: x
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Farming sim stans, how we feeling?
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Pretty in Pink (3/3)
Bede/Gloria (dressedinpinkshipping)
Two full weeks passed without Gloria dropping in randomly. No abrupt visits to Bede’s Gym, no unexpected phone calls. Ballonlea felt strangely calm for once. Too quiet.
Bede had fallen back into his routine. He prepared for the next challenger in the waiting room, making sure his pokemon were healed and ready to go again. He pulled out his phone and bit back a sigh. Gloria had been weirdly silent for the past week. Up until now, she had been updating him on their Pokemon, on any interesting raids she’d faced. But now, there were no messages, no forwarded pictures of his Rapidash and her Ditto together. No random pictures of the Bede-doll in various situations.
He absently noticed the Gym Trainer approaching him from the corner of his eye and he shoved his phone away.
“Checking your phone before a battle?” the Gym Trainer chided in a familiar voice. “Who knew Gym Leaders had it this easy.”
Bede frowned and turned to face them, about to bark that it didn’t concern them, when the words lodged in his throat. His mouth dropped open. Heart skidded to a halt.
Keep reading
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some fire emblem awakening ladies for that challenge on twitter that has you draw non-black characters as black! had a lot of fun, wanna do more
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AHHHHHHHHHH im legit losing MY SHIT sasuke went to MY COLLEGE WTF
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