thedamienharris · 4 years
Damien watched the situation unfold, glad that she did eventually find a condom. The entire time she was looking he was stroking himself and making sure he was ready for her. He really wanted to fuck her again and was fairly certain they'd used his last one. "Hey you don't need to explain it to me, you can do whatever you want with your body." He added with a small shrug, he'd never understood why some men were slut shamers if he was being honest. Damien smirked at her words and nodded. "Yes, we can continue now. Why don't you be a good girl and put that on my dick for me."
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thedamienharris · 4 years
"That I can do." Damien replied with a small smirk. He loved when his partner was willing to be so submissive to him. "Let me go see if I have another condom, otherwise I'll just have to finger fuck you until you come." He responded, hoping that he would as he really did want to be inside of her once more. Damien usually tried to be prepared, but he hadn't started hanging out with Rosemary today with the intention of getting laid multiple times.
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thedamienharris · 4 years
“Oh, come on! It’s probably way more exciting than serving coffees all day,” Aly pointed out, raising an eyebrow at the man as if to make a point. “Going to the bar for a couple of drinks is nothing too wild? I beg to differ. It depends on how much alcohol you consume and how high is your tolerance.”
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“Okay well today I wasn’t up to anything too exciting. I drove around in my car all day.” Damien added, not that it was a bad thing. He liked boring shifts because it meant people were doing alright. “I mean my tolerance is high, so a couple of drinks doesn’t really do much.”
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thedamienharris · 4 years
"How do you want me to fuck you?" Damien asked, growing excited about the thought of being inside of her again. He just wanted to know what she was in the mood for. In the meantime he used his fingers to run along the inside of her opening, running his fingertips over her warm walls.
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thedamienharris · 4 years
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“I really do love staying home after a long day of work, but If I have one more night of Netflix and chill alone I might cry.” Alyssia joke, chuckling softly as she lifted her head to look at the other person. She didn’t mind her own company and a night inside, but she also missed seeing people and having a good time like she used to. Although she was exhausted to go out most nights or days off, she needed it for her mental health’s sake. “What are you up to?” She asked them curiously, playfully narrowing her eyes.”Please, say you’re up to something fun and I can tag along.” @ashtontnhqstarter​
“I can’t say my life is that exciting either.” Damien replied with a small nod. He didn’t have that much of a social life either, mostly because he was a work most of the time and when he wasn’t he close to spend his time with a small group of select people. “I just planned on doing to the bar for a couple of drinks honestly. Nothing too wild.”
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thedamienharris · 4 years
"You're always good are you? What would you do if I wanted you to be bad then?" Damien replied, mostly teasing her at the moment. Although he did like a woman that could be adventurous in the bedroom. "I want to fuck you so badly." He added as he continued to please her with his fingers.
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thedamienharris · 4 years
"Fuck, I want you so badly." Damien replied as he continued his movements inside of her. He couldn't help but let out a moan at her increased pace. He used him thumb to trace little circles across her clit. "Are you going to be a good girl for me?" He asked her teasingly. "Because I feel like you are nice and ready for me."
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thedamienharris · 4 years
At the sound of her moan, Damien couldn't help but smirk. He slipped a finger inside of her, slowly curling it so that it was brushing up against her inner walls. He wanted to fuck her again and make her moan out his name. "I want you to be nice and wet for me."
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thedamienharris · 4 years
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rubbing his hands over his face, Landon allowed his ten year old run a bit ahead of him. “meet me back here in ten!” he hollered after his daughter, a deep sigh leaving his lips. sitting on a bench the man watched as people passed him by. a thousand thoughts ran through his mind at once. “Either i’ve not been shopping in a while, or the world has been totally warped.” he spoke to no one in particular. 
“I remember when my daughter was that young and full of energy.” Damien replied letting out a small chuckle as he watched the man’s daughter go off. “Just be thankful she’s not a teenager yet. Because that is when you will feel really exhausted.”
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thedamienharris · 4 years
“Yeah, I really could have used an assistant or intern. At least in the city, you’re usually with one or two other people. Granted, I do hate when people touch my machines, but,” she gave as much of a shrug as she could while laying down beside him. “Yeah, for the most part. I had time to grieve and get most of my personality back. A bit more blunt than before, but I think that goes with age,” the blonde gave a small shrug in thought. “Yeah?” She gave a smile as she moved closer to him, her hands resting on his face, pressing her lips against him.
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Everything they were talking about suddenly didn’t matter now that her lips were on his again. He pushed away the thought that he had been thinking about focused on kissing her. His hands rested gently on her hips holding her close. After a moment his lips broke from hers and he started trailing a line down her neck while one of his hands left her hips and slipped between her legs to tease her folds.
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thedamienharris · 4 years
“This is true. I just never really thought much about it. I take it a day at a time right now. I do miss the different types of crime that happens in a city. Kept my job really interesting. Now it’s kind of just petty crime, which is nice, but I definitely have my own concerts in the lab now,” she admitted, rubbing her lips. She had a feeling the cops were able to hear her singing, which she really didn’t think much about. “Well, you did come here four years after I moved here. Guilt never went away though. But I’m back to a more sarcastic, dry humor person that I was before. I think people like me, so maybe it worked. Who knows,” she shrugged. She liked to think people liked her, anyway. “Oh, I’m definitely not tired,” she moved closer to him, a smile growing on her face.
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“I mean for a while you were getting overworked. At least you are able to get a but of a break now.” Damien replied knowing that they had been working her pretty hard for a while. “I guess that is fair. You had a lot of time to adapt and such before I got here.” He smirked at her next words and moved closer to her as well. “I am glad to hear it.”
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thedamienharris · 4 years
“I haven’t thought much about the future and where I’ll live, to be honest. I would love to go back to a city, but I can’t live in New York again. That just has too many memories and I don’t want to deal with that,” she rubbed her lips in thought. “I thought a small town would get me back to who I am. I don’t know if it made a difference, though.” She still felt like she couldn’t find herself. Damien was kind of helping her though. He let her be herself. “I hope you’re not sorry. Kind of makes me want to do it again though.”
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“That is fair, but thankfully for you there are plenty of other cities in this country and around the world.” Damien replied knowing that every one of them had their own things to offer. “It’s hard for me to say, because I’ve only known you like this.” He added with a small shrug. “We can definitely do it again if you’re not too tired.” He joked with a wink.
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thedamienharris · 4 years
“Yeah I get that.” She nodded before opening the dishwasher once it started beeping. She washed her hands again and began moving the glasses. “You okay for drinks and such?” She asked out of curiosity.
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“Yeah, I am doing alright at the moment.” Damien replied knowing that he wasn’t much of a picky customer these days.
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thedamienharris · 4 years
Giving a small nod, her blue eyes moved away. She didn’t really think much about having kids. It was a bit at the point where she was going to just give up. Adoption had all the requirements that Rosie couldn’t fully follow with her job and she wasn’t much of a fan of a sperm donor. So she was fine with being just the aunt, for now, anyway. “You really know how to make me blush, don’t you? It’s okay, I’m deep down a city girl. The New Yorker in me will never go away. A bit amusing we are both city people in a small town. For different reasons, obviously, but still kind of funny,” she smiled at him. Giving a small yawn, the blonde buried her head into him. “I think you wore me out.”
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“Yeah, I am always going to be a city person too. I’m not sure I will be able to stay in a small town forever if I am being honest with you. I might get too bored of everything.” Damien replied knowing that he liked to have options when it came to things to do. Ashton didn’t have a lot of options for things in general. He let out a small chuckle. “Well, I can’t say that I am sorry about that fact.”
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thedamienharris · 4 years
 “Yeah, which I get in some ways, it being a small town community and all, but it is weird when you are not used ot that sort of thing.”
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“Oh definitely, but I am getting used to it at this point. Or as used to it as I think I will ever get.” Damien replied with a small shrug.
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thedamienharris · 4 years
“Yeah I agree. Like New York is so big it is a lot easier to like blend into the crowd, while here you kind of stand our because people don’t know who you are and are curious.”
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“Yeah Toronto was the same way.” Damien replied knowing that most people didn’t even acknowledge him when he walked down the road back home. “But people here like to know your business.”
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thedamienharris · 4 years
“Now that part is very true.” She chuckled back at him. It had been one of the things she had had to get used to as well. “Yeah I guess that is true. It surely has more a sense of community than New York.”
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“I guess it just has to do with it being a smaller place. Everyone actually knows each other here so the dynamic is very different.” Damien replied with a shrug.
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