thedarkluke · 2 years
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thedarkluke · 2 years
Little Encanto Details From The Books, Part 2!
I was blown away by the response to my first post about this! (Read the first part here!) I went back through the two books and wrote down every tiny thing I could find. I think I won’t have any more until Disney releases a new book about Encanto, which hopefully they’ll do soon!
• Pepa and Agustín call Mirabel “Mira.”
• Bruno, if not the rest of the family, is Catholic (he crosses himself when meeting Antonio’s jaguar.)
• Abuela is considered the heart of the Encanto.
• Casita grows and expands to fit all the family members.
• Agustín and Félix are very close and are constantly talking.
• Isabela sometimes thinks it would be nice if she didn’t have a gift.
• While they’re both twenty-two, Isabela is older than Dolores.
• Antonio snores.
• The last time Abuela hugged Mirabel was before her failed Gift ceremony.
• The roof is Mirabel’s favorite spot in Casita.
• Casita likes being touched.
• Agustín is a pianist.
• Isabela always carries a handkerchief.
• After Luisa got her gift, she spent the rest of the night doing tricks with it for the townspeople.
• Luisa doesn’t care what she wears as long as it’s comfortable.
• Isabela drinks café con leche.
• Luisa’s ears turn red when she’s embarrassed.
• The man who told Luisa that the donkeys got out is named Señor Rendon, and he’s described as “sometimes careless.”
• Three other townspeople are named Señora Ruiz, Señora Flores, and Señora Uriarte.
• Luisa never took naps before the events of the movie, believing that “nighttime is for sleeping, daytime is for getting things done.”
• Casita is very gentle when playing with the younger Madrigals.
• Isabela never gets in trouble.
• Isabela thinks Mirabel and Camilo are too old for toys.
• Abuela and Señora Guzmán have a somewhat tense relationship- described as a “battle of politeness.”
• Mirabel’s palms sweat when she’s worried.
• Luisa loves bright colors.
• Mirabel sneezes around things like sand or dust. Or salt.
• Félix rarely worries about anything.
• Isabela has a pond in her room filled with water lilies.
• Camilo and Pepa are both able to pick up and carry Antonio. Antonio especially likes to ride on Pepa’s shoulders.
• Isabela never wears her shoes on her bed.
• Luisa has panic attacks.
• While Isabela doesn’t love Mariano, she does hope to marry someday.
• Abuela secretly thinks Mirabel is a lot like Pedro was.
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thedarkluke · 2 years
Little Encanto Details (From The Books, Not The Movie)
Note: I don’t know if the two books I read are considered entirely canon, so take all of this with a grain of salt. I read the Encanto Deluxe Junior Novel and Encanto: A Tale of Three Sisters to find these little things. (Now has a part 2 here!)
• Bruno’s room has a picture/sculpture of him with the eyes scratched out.
• Señora Guzmán is Mariano’s abuela, not his mother, and she has a reputation for being very proper.
• Isabela actually broke Mariano’s nose during the proposal.
• Bruno carries a gilded case of matches in his ruana (and the book actually called it a ruana!)
• I’m slightly unclear on this one, but the junior novelization seems to imply that Bruno’s gift can be physically painful for him to use.
• Pedro was a shopkeeper when he met Alma.
• Pedro could sew.
• The candle is Pedro and Alma’s wedding candle.
• Dolores ends up marrying Mariano.
• Mirabel eventually gets a door, which the whole family has decorated with something that reflects them.
• Mirabel owns and can play an accordion.
• The horsemen were apparently bandits.
• Isabela secretly wishes that her gift was more useful.
• Mariano often sent presents- chocolates, trinkets, and bouquets of flowers- to Isabela before he proposed.
• Pepa sometimes worries about the fact that Antonio doesn’t talk very much.
• Everyone loves Luisa’s hugs.
• Isabela made Luisa a flower crown to wear when she had her Gift ceremony.
• Antonio used to hate baths.
• Antonio has a river dolphin in his room.
• The candle never melts or drips, as well as never going out.
• Isabela doesn’t like messy foods, in case she spills them on her dress.
• Abuela’s room is very basic, not like the magical ones.
• Luisa’s room has weights, pulleys, ropes, and bars in it.
• Luisa likes hummingbirds.
• The townspeople refer to Abuela as “Doña Alma.”
• Camilo loves playing football with Casita. (Note: football in Colombia is what Americans call soccer.)
• Antonio has a box full of seashells.
• Julieta has a favorite hat that has peacock feathers on it.
• The fish lady’s name is Señora Osma. (Maybe Pezmuerto is her last name?) Update: Señora Osma/Ozma is actually the lady who asked Luisa to reroute the river. The fish lady is Señora Pezmuerto.
• Camilo often shows up at meals as someone besides himself.
• Bruno’s ruana is three sizes too big.
• Antonio used to have nightmares, and Mirabel would sit on the edge of his bed and put her hand on his arm to calm him down.
• Antonio can be a tiny bit scary- Bruno asks in Antonio’s room if the jaguar is going to eat him, and Antonio’s reply is a shrug and “not today.”
• Bruno doesn’t wash his underwear. (Update: this has been confirmed to be a joke.)
• Antonio likes to catch and release butterflies.
• Isabela thinks Mirabel is Agustín’s favorite.
• Félix can get fed up with Camilo’s shapeshifting into him- he’s described as looking “ready to box Camilo’s ears” in one scene.
• Isabela’s room has fireflies in it.
• Isabela doesn’t like to have anything in her room out of order.
• Luisa is afraid of the dark.
• Abuela used to call Pedro “Pedrito.”
• Camilo doesn’t like it when Pepa and Félix get mushy in front of him.
• Antonio pretends to feed the stuffed jaguar Mirabel gave him.
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thedarkluke · 2 years
Black Hat headcanon
So we all know Black Hat has some trouble keeping his powers under control. When he gets excited, his physical form starts to unravel and his voice becomes more demonic. He is known to be hundreds, if not thousands of years old. To us, he is ancient. But to him, he might not be. He struggles to control his powers, as if he is still learning to do so. As if he is not mature enough to do so yet. As if he was still young; like a juvenile or adolescent.
Here are some points:
-When he watches Lemongrab get beaten up and cry, his response is one you’d more expect from a child. He cheers “Again! Again!” And gets over excited, his composure starting to fall apart as well.
-In some species of animals, they cannot control their abilities until they are fully grown adults. He struggles to control himself occasionally, hinting that he hasn’t exactly learned how to control himself fully quite yet. Take venomous snakes, for example. Adults strike, pump a little venom, then that’s that. The juveniles, however, don’t have full control of their muscles and tend to pump ALL of their venom instead of just a small amount to defend themselves. They don’t have full control of their abilities, and neither does Black Hat.
-He likes to play and cause mischief, quite a lot, actually. When Dementia was in Flug’s lab playing guitar, she was trying to annoy him and screw up his work. Then Black Hat sprouted a giant organ from the ground and smashed the keys, messing up Dementia instead. This wasn’t evil. It was a game. He was trying to cause a little mischief; he was trying to play with them in the only way he really could.
He scared 5.0.5 with ice cream, and in turn killed the ice cream from fear, then laughed. That wasn’t really evil, it was mischief, he was playing with it.
When they were watching a movie together and 5.0.5 was scared, he brought the monster from the movie to life. That wasn’t evil either, it was another game. It was mischief. He was just playing a childish game with them.
-He has a short attention span and changes subjects irregularly. When he watches clips of the other villains, he gets bored surprisingly quick. Even though he had interest in princess bubblegum, he would only pay attention to her in small amounts of time, sporadically shifting between different subjects with little pattern. He talked quite often, not taking time to watch the full scene before finding something to complain about. This kind of mindset is often found in children or young adults while their mind is still maturing, or those with ADD.
-This one is a bit debatable, but could also be relevant. He hates love and affection. Now, yes, that could be because he personally finds it disgusting, and that’s understandable. BUT, it could also be because he is not mentally or physically mature enough to find it desirable. He could still be sexually immature; he isn’t at the age to mate yet. He feels love is gross because his body still hasn’t matured enough to decide “hey, that’s a thing I wanna do. I wanna do that thing. Babies are a thing we need to make in order to further our species and survive.” So, until he reaches the age to mate, he is going to find love and affection unappealing and be repulsed by it.
With all those points in mind, I believe Black Hat could still be a juvenile or adolescent. Yes, he is very old compared to us, but he isn’t human and ages differently. He is still maturing and it could be quite some time before he has fully matured into an adult.
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thedarkluke · 3 years
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Ladies and Gentlemen
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thedarkluke · 3 years
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thedarkluke · 3 years
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Batman: Hush
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thedarkluke · 3 years
Mr. Burns and Smithers in "Bobo Blues"
My second Mr. Burns and Smithers Fan Comic is finished! ♥︎ 
Story, text, ink and all paintings by me ✦ The idea for the story came from my Dad…I turned all the scenes he created into a complete comic ◠‿◠
Enjoy reading! ≧◡≦
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Thank you so much for taking your time and reading my story!!! ♡ Lots of Love, Neens ^◡^
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thedarkluke · 3 years
Hey all you Sheeny fans; someone on tumblr posted a link to watch Dead Long Enough, which also held most, if not all, of his other works! 
I want to hug whoever Atlas Booth is for uploading everything because they are truly doing a favor to the fandom <3 
https://michaelsheenlinks.wixsite.com/site/media (password is nutella) 
Enjoy and I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy :D
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thedarkluke · 3 years
I'm watching Dead Long Enough. And I just need to scream about him!
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HES JUST SOO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaahhhhhhh
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thedarkluke · 3 years
Death offers a game for your life. You decide on D&D.
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thedarkluke · 3 years
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Swirls of Jupiter
Jupiter is a very stormy, turbulent, violent planet. The planet completes a day (or one complete rotation) within roughly 10 hours, which creates massive winds, producing these swirls, and violent storms. The fast rotation coupled with the fact that the planet is nothing but gas greatly multiplies the Coriolis effect. Earth too has a Coriolis effect, this creates the characteristic hurricane shapes and also contributes to the fact that storms will spin the opposite direction in different hemispheres. Luckily, our rotation is slower - our storms are less frequent and less violent than they would be if our days were shorter.
The above images come from the recent Juno mission by NASA.
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thedarkluke · 3 years
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thank you.
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thedarkluke · 3 years
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thedarkluke · 3 years
ah yes, hello hannibal-kun owo, nice to meet you  i weally nweed your hwelp :3
- clarice 
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thedarkluke · 3 years
bit of a rant but tbh i think it’s both hilarious and frustrating so, context: i just got addicted to among us because epic games gave it away a little bit ago and i decided, why not and installed it
of course, some among us lobbies are toxic but usually i just leave if people are being too much of a nuisance to handle. i join one game and i’m imposter; i don’t kill and it’s later in the game so people are getting a bit sus of me, then one asshole in security thinks i’ve vented in - i ran in but they were adamant and convinced everyone else to kick me out. no bother, they were right but it was a bit of a dick move next game, i’m crew but breakfast is done so i go afk for a bit. i come back and the same asshat from last game has called a meeting and is getting me kicked off because there hasn’t been any killings and there’s only one imposter (in a room of 9-12 people, mind you). so i’m ejected and a ghost. instead of leaving though, i sit back and watch, not doing tasks, as these idiots run around and try to discover who the imposter is that isn’t killing anyone. 
the dick that voted me out keeps calling meetings and blaming people, eventually leading to THEM being kicked out, and they rage quit shortly after. still feeling spiteful, i continue to do nothing and watch as the task bar doesn’t move an inch. 
FINALLY, the host of the game kills in front of them and is just like ‘get me out of this game, please end my suffering’ and i’m laughing my ass off because these fuckers have been going nuts about trying to complete tasks and sus out who the imposter is WHEN THE DAMN HOST WAS AN ASSHOLE AND JUST DIDN’T KILL BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T WANT TO BE CAUGHT. 
one of the best yet worst games i’ve ever been a pleasure/in misery to be a part of
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thedarkluke · 3 years
Villainous described in "Whose Line Is It Anway?" pics
Black Hat:
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The whole show:
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