thedeeword · 4 years
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I know Halloween is over and we’ve all moved on to turkey day and Christmas, but I’m a firm believer that the ooky spooky season lives in our hearts year round sooo I’m thinking of doing a festive movie marathon. You know, something to put a little spook back into that Christmas spirit and to prove to Mateo that mommy is not crazy or alone in this sentiment. I’m thinking we’ll start with Nightmare Before Christmas and end with Gremlins. Anyone have suggestions? Want to join the fun? Maybe donate to the Alvarez family pizza fund?
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thedeeword · 4 years
Running a tech company had never been a dream of Eve’s, but when a few too many good ideas and opportunities fell into her lap, she wasn’t about to snuff at the stars aligning. Eve is also, at times, loathe to admit that she thrives in the pressure of the atmosphere of research, development, and launches. It’s never good to feel at your best when running off of little sleep and espresso. Plus, what she’s good at goes hand in hand with talking to potential investors and collaborators, and that is something Eve dreads And, of course, that’s all she’s done all day. Too many phone calls and video conferences, and even a few in person meetings. She’s drained in more ways than one, and still annoyed she was forced to ask Maggie for a raincheck for lunch. 
Because Maggie is, well, for someone that can wax poetic about quantum entanglement, Eve has a hard time putting words to Maggie and the feelings she evokes. The magnetism about her. 
Eve is making a mental note to text later and apologize again, perhaps ask about brunch over the weekend, when the knock at her open office door draws her attention instead. For a moment Eve just blinks, certain that her tired state and thoughts of Maggie have resulted in some kind of mental manifestation, an illusion, but then she catches the scent of the takeaway in Maggie’s hands and Eve knows it’s not but a dream.
“If that’s the eggplant club and truffle fries I smell, I might just have to kiss you. I haven’t eaten since…” Eve’s words trail off because the croissant rose delivered with her 10am coffee is still untouched at the edge of her desk. Brainfood is overrated anyway. “I haven’t eaten. Hi, Maggie. How are you, aside from being a literal angel? I’m sorry cancelling, and I’m so happy you’re here.” And Eve finds that, unlike so many of the conversations she held today for business and the cordial pleasantries she was forced to exchange with small talk, she actually truly means what she’s saying now.
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I might just have to kiss you. Maggie’s cheeks warm at the words and while she knows Eve is being hyperbolic the thought of it still sends a shiver down her spine. Truth be told, she didn’t have much of a plan beyond this point -- spurred instead by a rare burst of spontaneity and a desire to see Eve again -- and while that would normally send Maggie into a spiral of anxiety and discomfort she finds herself strangely (and delightfully) at ease. And not just because the tip she’d gotten on the eggplant club had paid off. 
“Well then pucker up,” she says, and while it’s meant to be teasing she finds herself cringing immediately -- because try as she might to appear cool and smooth, flirting has never been Maggie’s strong point and that has never been more evident than now. “I just meant --  because you said --” she bites her lip, head bowing forward in attempt to conceal cheeks as they turn from dusty pink to a deeper shade of red. And this, right here, is why she shies away from acting impulsively -- because her foot has a nasty habit of finding its way into her mouth. 
Still, she nods, placing the takeaway bag on Eve’s desk beside the stale croissant. “Yes, it’s the eggplant club,” she tries again, forcing herself to meet Eve’s gaze, “and I’m happy too. Especially since you clearly needed this. A person cannot survive on coffee alone.”
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thedeeword · 4 years
Giving up on her book, and honestly she’s lost her focus anyway, Frankie glances at the long slender fingers tugging on her shirt. She’s seen plenty of pushy customers, she owns a coffee shop in LA after all, but can honestly say this is a first. Wondering if it’s due to her manly side that seems to be showing today, or some other thing she won’t, and doesn’t care to, understand, Frankie sees this is something she can’t ignore into going away.
“Oh, okay. I didn’t know you really needed it. That changes everything.”
Shutting her book and leaning onto the counter to give the annoyingly attractive woman her undivided attention, she adopts her sarcastic customer service voice.
“Please tell me, how can I serve you?”
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Pepper brightens noticeably at the other woman’s perceived change in attitude. Not that she ever doubted her ability win the flannel clad barista over because, like it was totally an honest mistake, but that doesn’t make it any less satisfying when the shorter woman puts her book to the side and gives Pepper the attention she deserves. 
“Ohmygod, no worries, babes,” she says with a wave of her hand, “you are totally forgiven.” And then, to show just how totally cool they are, she reaches across the counter to boop the barista’s nose with the tip of her index finger. 
“Dirty chai latte, half sweet, two thirds almond milk one oat with just like a whisper of foam, please, and um -- what’s your wifi password?”
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thedeeword · 4 years
SAMMY: My aunt did say she was going to name one after me one time, but I like I don't think she's in charge of that.
SAMMY: Ironed it is!
SAMMY: Is it a red carpet thing?
BEA: No, that's a real thing! Well, I don't know if it's recognized by NASA but I have seen the boxes.
BEA: Now I want a star 🥺
BEA: There will be a spot for photo ops, if that's what you're asking, but it's just an industry thing. Loads of networking, tiny food portions, a decent grab bag if we're lucky.
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thedeeword · 4 years
SAM: Of course! I didn't know food was on the line! I'll plan for more gym time
SAM: Just talk to them? I can do that. That's easy!
SAM: I can try our some of my impressions!
MAGS: I'll make them healthy, promise! Nana used lots of butter, but I'm sure I can figure out some substitutes!
MAGS: Sure! Whatever makes you feel comfortable! Just maybe try to throw in an inspirational story or two?
MAGS: Honestly, these girls already think you're a hero, you won't have to do much!
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thedeeword · 4 years
Fully ignoring the world around her, despite that world being coffee drinking customers, Frankie turns the page in her book with every intention to at least finish her chapter. It’s right in the middle of a good part, and she’s ready to gloat to herself about having pegged the killer from the start, but someone seems intent on keeping that from happening.
It’s when she hears herself being called a grumpy old man, that she glances up from her page slightly to see who she’s dealing with. Frankie turns in her chair to glance behind her in search of this man, that she knows isn’t actually someone that exists, and looks back again.
“Yeah, he said he’s busy, and you should wait. Tough break.”
Opening her book again, Frankie flips the page like her concentration wasn’t completely shot.
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Pepper frowns when the figure turns around to reveal a woman. One with surprisingly good bone structure, no less and there’s a momentary tinge of guilt in the pit of her stomach because there’s really nothing old or manly about her, but Pepper’s quick to brush it off -- if this very lazy barista didn’t want to be confused for an old man, she shouldn’t have dressed like one. 
But even her faux pas is no excuse for this blatant dismissal of her patronage, thank you very much. Pepper may be a lot of things, but easily ignored isn’t one of them. Clearing her throat, she reaches across the counter, fingers tugging on soft flannel intent on getting the other woman’s attention. 
“Hi, I know we got off on the wrong foot -- my bad -- but I like really need a caffeine fix.”
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thedeeword · 4 years
SAMMY: Okay!
SAMMY: I totally sounds fun!
SAMMY: How fancy is it? Like four different forks fancy? Or like just make sure my clothes are ironed fancy?
BEA: Strangely no word on number of forks at the event, but there will be cameras so I'm thinking ironed would be best.
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thedeeword · 4 years
SAM: I love making kids days and saving butts!!!
SAM: Totally two of my favorite things!
SAM: How can I help?
MAGS: Seriously? You're the best! Total life saver! Anything you want from my Nana's cook book, I'm making it!
MAGS: Um come motivate some future female leaders? Our speaker cancelled last minute hence my butt on the line, but you don't have to prepare a speech or anything. I know I'm not giving you a lot of notice.
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thedeeword · 4 years
MAGGIE: Don't suppose you'd want to make a bunch of kids' day while simultaneously saving my butt?
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thedeeword · 4 years
tagging @theemsword​
"Hiya,” Bea smiles, a cheeky glint in her eye as she slides into the seat beside the brunette. It’s been a relatively boring night at the bar, most of her friends having already made their way home at a reasonable hour much to her chagrin. But there were some perks to flying solo, she figures -- making new friends being at the top of her list. And what can she say? She’s a sucker for a striking pair of blue eyes. “Fancy a refill?”
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thedeeword · 4 years
tagging @theemsword
"Here,” her tone is gruff as she places the full pint of beer on the bar in front of him and takes a long drink from her own. “That guy over there,” she gestures with a tilt of her head, “won’t leave me alone, so...” Max shrugs, offering a sheepish smile as she tips her glass towards him, “wanna be my boyfriend?”
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thedeeword · 4 years
tagging @theayyword
She’s been standing in line for what feels like hours which is like... totally ridiculous because from what she can tell the planet is completely dead. She sighs loudly, shifting from one foot to the other in the hopes of getting someone’s attention, shifting from one foot to other to really drive home her impatience. 
Pepper huffs, marching towards the counter. “Um, excuse me! Grumpy old man! I’d like to order, please.”
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thedeeword · 4 years
tagging @theemsword​
There’s something bubbling in the pit of Maggie’s stomach as she takes the route described by the receptionist to Eve’s office -- excitement, she decides and something else she can’t quite to put her finger on. But certainly something she hopes to explore further. Something the pair were meant to do over lunch that day when something work related had cropped up and forced Eve to cancel. 
But Maggie figured she still needed to eat, so... here she is. At Eve’s office. Assured by a surprised looking middle aged woman that she won’t be bothering her new friend. So, with takeout from the planet tucked precariously under her arm, she gives the open door a gentle knock. 
“Knock knock,”  she sing songs, "delivery!” 
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thedeeword · 4 years
BEA: [ picture of an invitation to a fancy la event ]
BEA: Be my plus one? 😻
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thedeeword · 4 years
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full name. beatrice anne smith
age & birthday. 30 & 07/25/90
gender identity. cis female
preferred pronouns. she/her
orientation. pansexual, homoromantic
parents. davis smith ( father ), eleanor smith ( mother, deceased )
hometown. blackpool, uk
her mum passed away when she was in her early teens. her relationship with her dad has been strained ever since and she moved away from home the moment she was able to. however, she does call her dad every other sunday. the conversation lasts less than ten minutes and typically ends in a tiff. followed by an apology text from her dad which she ignores until just before their next talk. 
she is very close with her gran though, and any time she has returned home since moving stateside has been at her gran’s insistence. 
took a gap period after sixth form because she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do with her life. during that time she lived in london with a group of girls working odd jobs including, bartender, office temp, and snow white for children’s parties. 
studied theatre at nyu. 
moved to la on a whim. booked some small acting parts but nothing substantial. was about to call it quits when she got hired by buzzfeed to be an on camera host. which eventually lead to her hosting her own radio show on THE WAVE where she answers questions about dating in 2020, peppering in stories from her own adventures dating in la la land. 
What words or phrases do they over use?: she uses the word ‘basically’ a lot. she also definitely overuses her britishisms but that’s mainly because she’d been living there for the last few years. favouite curse word is ‘fuck’. ends too many sentences with the word ‘me’.
What is their life philosophy?: work hard play hard. 
What was their favorite childhood movie?: the little mermaid, somewhere there’s a photo album filled with pictures of a wee bea doing the part of your pose at various beaches across europe.  
How to do they take criticism?: she’ll tell you she can take it, and that’s not totally untrue, due to her work she has developed a fairly thick skin but she only really takes constructive criticism well. trolly comments on the internet will send her into a tailspin and often result in her seeking some outside affirmation of her awesomeness (often in the form of hookups or friendly cheerleaders).
How do they take praise?: she THRIVES off of it. like tinkerbell (and rachel berry) she needs applause and praise to live.
Do they have any pet peeves?: she gets annoyed easily and pinning down what will set her off from one day to the next isn’t an exact science but some things that never fail are slow walkers, people who talk on their phone in public, traffic (she probs shouldn’t drive bc the road rage is real), and people who insist on continuing conversations when she’s clearly checked out. and yes, it is ironic that she does all of these things herself. 
What never fails to cheer them up on a bad day?: spicy curry, garlic naan, a strong vodka martini. 
What is their favorite food?: indian take out, anything pasta, coffee.
What is their favorite season? Why? summer. she likes beach days, beach waves, and an excuse to wear a bikini. 
Are they impulsive or deliberate?: she’s an impulsive little sun of a gun. she detests feeling stuck and that has driven her to make many questionable decisions and has
How often do they cry?: more than she’d like to admit but rarely in public. while she can be very open about her sexploits and opinions (particularly on her show) she doesn’t like to feel emotionally vulnerable.
Are they a glass half full or half empty sort of person?: bea will tell you she lands somewhere between the two though she does tend towards optimism, particularly when it comes to the outcomes of certain events in her life. 
if they could change one thing about themselves what would it be?: apart from forever appearing ageless?? physically she wouldn’t mind being a little taller, but she thinks her face is nice and her ass is good so she happy with her appearance. there are a lot of internal things she’d change about herself but mainly she’d like to be braver and a little more vulnerable about the things that matter with the people she loves.
What is their love language?: though you’d think her love language would be words of affirmation, bea lands somewhere between physical touch and receiving gifts – little touches on the arm, a hand on a thigh under the table, a text to let you know she’s thinking about you. 
How do they perceive family?: apart from her gran, who as far as she’s concerned put the moon in the sky, bea is much closer to her found family than her biological one. so while she will call her dad on holidays, she puts the bulk of her energy into her friends and the small family they’ve made for themselves. 
At a family get together, where would you find them?: while she usually finds herself in the center of a party if it’s a true family party back home she’ll usually be found behind the bar taking shots, by the garage having a smoke or at the pub. 
Who was their first love? Do they still love them?: a girl named nina. they were best friends before they kissed and she broke bea’s heart when she ditched her for a boy named stewart. 
Do they believe in love at first sight?: no, not even a little which is funny because she is definitely the sort to fall quickly, but she does believe in lust at first sight. 
How do they act in a relationship?: depends on the relationship and the person, honestly. bea hasn’t been in many serious relationships because she typically bolts or self sabotages at the first sign of feeeelings thanks to some pretty serious commitment issues but on the rare occasion her heart has fallen before her brain was able to catch on she’s been quite happy to hermit with her partner. she becomes so smitten the idea of wanting someone else escapes her completely.
Who was their first kiss? What was it like?: awkward and the result of a game of spin the bottle gone wrong – she’d really wanted to kiss matt jones but instead the bottle had landed on rory tyler.
What was their worst break up?: bea’s managed to stay friends with everyone she considers to be an ex so she’ll claim she’s never had one, but if she really thought about it she’d realize that’s not strictly something to be proud of. 
What does their bedroom look like?: honestly, a total mess. organization has never been her strong suit. the cleanliness of her room is directly related to her relationship status, but regardless you’ll find two hampers, one with dirty clothes and one with the clean clothes she’s yet to put away. 
Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?: daily, reluctantly. the what depends on what’s ‘hot’ in la at any given moment but she prefers things that aren’t too difficult or time consuming. 
What is in their fridge right now?: a variety of take out containers, cans of diet coke, some seltzer and half a bottle of vodka. 
Do they have any favorite articles of clothing?: she enjoys anything that shows off her legs, but she cycles through her wardrobe frequently. the only things she wears every day is her mum’s wedding ring. 
What’s on their bedside table?: cellphone charger, a book she’s been trying to finish for ages, and a sound machine.
If they carry a purse, what’s in it? If not, what’s in their pockets?: her purse has at any given time four different lips, a chapstick, some gloss, three packs of gum, mints, a pack of emergency smokes (for when things get intense and she needs to break her clean streak), her wallet, a compact, an umbrella, and so many receipts! 
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thedeeword · 4 years
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thedeeword · 4 years
*mom voice* absolutely fucking not
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