thediannaroberts-blog ¡ 6 years
“See I’m not really into shopping. Especially when I’m stuck in the toy store and Quinn stands in the middle of the aisle trying to decide what toy she wants.” As much as he loved his daughter, the toy store was a place he didn’t like to go. “That especially happens in the toy store…have you been in there around this time?”
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“I mean, I would like to believe that I do it less than most people might think, but I know I still shop more than the average person.” She commented, shrugging her shoulders. “I have actually, I was in one this morning. Some of the kids were happy and a lot were upset about something ridiculous.” 
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thediannaroberts-blog ¡ 6 years
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Dear Dianna,
You will always be my big sis. Not a day goes by that I don’t look up to you or feel like that annoying little kid that wanted to follow you around or learn from you or even be you at some point in my life. When I was younger I almost contemplated dying my hair blonde just so I could fit in better, get better roles and you were there to make sure I stayed true to myself and comfortable in my own skin.  I’m always grateful. So I got you this big sis necklace in hopes that you’ll wear it proudly. Because I’m always proud that you are my big sis. I got you, me and Lo friendship necklaces. and a scrapbook of memories or our lives together. I also got you a popcorn kit in case you want to come over *hint hint* and spend a movie night with your sister. Also a survival kit with all the things you need to survive our crazy family. 
I love you, Di
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thediannaroberts-blog ¡ 6 years
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I know we aren’t really that close off set but I figured a gift was in order anyway.  You are a great co-star and I do enjoy spending time with you.  Here’s hoping we can become better friends in 2018.
See you after the break!
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thediannaroberts-blog ¡ 6 years
It was easier to smile when he saw Dianna. Sure it was a smile that he wasn’t truly feeling and one that didn’t quite reach his eyes, but it was genuine when he saw his friend. He studied her for a second, thinking something was off with her, but then thought he could just be projecting and it was just him that was off right now.
Grant’s eyes widened at her words. “I might get something good…what kinda something are you talking about, because that sounds like you’re trying to have your way with me. In which case, Dianna, I am not opposed,” he teased. “Oh wait…shit…I have a girlfriend.” He shook his head, practically forgetting about Sloane for a second. “I mean not really anyway, but that’s a can of worms that I’ll tell you about later. How’s the fam? They driving you up the wall yet?”
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While Grant and Dianna’s friendship was definitely a surprising one, at least to her, she honestly loved it. Especially in a time like this. A time when, no matter how much she loved her family, she really didn’t want to be here with them. She wanted to be a lone, dealing with everything that was on her mind. Plus, she knew he was going through his own shit, so maybe they could make it together. 
Hearing his response, she laughed before shaking her head. “Okay, I’m pretty sure you know I wouldn’t do that because at this point, I honestly don’t see how it would happen. I mean, you’re hot, but don’t let that get to your head, Sweetie.” She told him, laughing a bit as she spoke. “Hm, I forgot you have one as well. How is the fake relationship going?” She teased, forcing another smile on her face. She wanted to pretend she was okay, but his question really just reminded her that she was. “Um, I mean, they’re fine I guess. Haven’t really been down stairs much, but they seem to be having fun.” 
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thediannaroberts-blog ¡ 6 years
Grant normally felt like a Scrouge for Christmas, and today was no different. But at least he was spending time with a really good friend. He didn’t know what possessed him to get out of his moping phase, but maybe it was the fact that he usually hit an all-time low on Christmas Eve, which also doubled as his birthday - a day he never enjoyed and rarely celebrated. As a child, there was rarely money for a celebration or even gifts, so this time of year wasn’t something he often found as much joy in.
He didn’t know how he could drink so much last night and today end up hangover free. It was a gift he guessed. Just as much as he was a buffer, distraction or entertainment for Dianna’s parents, this whole thing was a distraction for him. It allowed him not to think about text messages he’d received or the fact that his parents declined an offer to go to a premiere with him again.
Grant was already ignoring calls and texts as to why he wasn’t attending a movie premiere for something that had come out this week. He always caught the same pesky “flu” every single year. It was enough that it probably ceased to be believable. But he shook all that off as he headed to have Christmas with Dianna and her parents. He brought gifts of course, and his pup, Anakin.
He knocked on the door and when he saw Dianna, he flashed a grin. “Are you ready for me to schmooze your parents and make them wish I was their future son-in-law? It happens every time,” he told her as he held his pup and a large gift bag in one arm and wrapped the other around her in a hug.
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This was the fifth year of stuff she had missed. It was her daughters fifth everything, and in a little over a month and a half, it will be her daughters fifth birthday. How could she have missed so much of it? It was a question she asked herself as another year passed on. When am I going to see her? Did I make the right choice? I wanted her to have a care free life, but without me. Without all of this drama and shit around her, but it still hurt so much. Each year brought on a new set of questions and a new sense of longing. Every holiday and birthday card she received with a picture of her daughter made it harder to stay away, but she knew she had to. 
One of the hardest parts was keeping this away from her family. They were supposed to be close and know everything about each other, but she couldn’t tell them. She feared what they would do. Of course, she can only imagine that her parents would want to force their way into their granddaughter’s life and her sisters would want to meet their niece, but that was why Dianna made it legally impossible for them. The only way they could get close to that little girl was for her adoptive parents to give their permission. 
Dianna had been standing in her room, holding onto this years Christmas photo of her daughter. The cutest little girl with little blonde curls sitting with Santa in her Christmas dress. Staring at the photo brought such a strong mix of sadness and happiness. She loved how adorable her daughter was, but hated how far away she was. Tears fell down her cheeks for a moment before she heard someone knock on the door and walk in. Quickly she stuffed the photo away and turned, trying to make sure it looked like she was okay. 
She was happy that Grant had joined her for this family Christmas, mostly because he was a good distraction for her family not to hound her with anything she didn’t want to hear. Trying to be sly, she wiped the tears away before smiling. “Hmm,” She hummed for a moment before nodding her head. “Let’s get this family Christmas done with. And who knows, you might get something good as the wannabe future son-in-law.” She teased, putting on the fake smile and attitude she had for a while now.
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thediannaroberts-blog ¡ 6 years
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My Rocky, 
These make up brushes made me think of you so I had to get them! I know you like to relax, so that’s where these bath bombs come in. And lastly, the pillow for some reason made me think of you as well, maybe the odd part of you. ;) 
Hope you love them! 
-You loving sis, Dianna. 
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thediannaroberts-blog ¡ 6 years
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My little Lolo, 
Don’t ask me what my obsession with rose gold was this year, but I just thought it was super pretty. Plus, I figured there gifts would be good help for your writing in the next year. Headphones to tune people out, notebooks to write in, and pens to write with. Enjoy!
-You favorite big sister, Dianna
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thediannaroberts-blog ¡ 6 years
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Here are some stuff to make you look a little more professional. And the heart was more of my own entertainment. Figured next time someone told you that you don’t have a heart, you can just throw this at them in response. ;D 
Merry Christmas! 
P.S. The watch has a special engraving on the back! 
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thediannaroberts-blog ¡ 6 years
“My kid’s a perfect angel. Even on her grumpy days. So I don’t know what this babysitter talk is about. Why, some little munchkins ruin your Christmas shopping experience extravaganza?”
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“I don’t know if I’d say they ruined it, but they were certainly not making it better. One of them almost pushed this Christmas tree down in the middle of the store. That certainly takes some effort on their part.” 
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thediannaroberts-blog ¡ 6 years
“You know,” Dom started, a growing smile on his lips as he tried to not laugh at Dianna’s comment. “Some people can’t offered those. Maybe you should start up a nonprofit that’s located at shopping centers and have qualified babysitters watching customer’s kids for free as they shop or something.”
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“You have a point. And maybe I should. Someone that can help provide child care for people who can’t afford it. Also helps because then they might be able to have more nights to themselves. Which I can imagine every parent needs.” 
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thediannaroberts-blog ¡ 6 years
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Dear Dianna, 
Merry Christmas. 
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thediannaroberts-blog ¡ 6 years
“How many times have you been shopping for Christmas? I mean as a parent I know how hard it is to shop while your kid is with you and how hard it is to get someone to watch your kid while you shop. But that’s when you set some ground rules with your kid on how to behave in a store. Quinn had only one time to behave badly. She learned never to do that again. Laying out in the floor because I wouldn’t buy her a toy. When I left her where she lay and walked away she go right up and stopped crying.”
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“Only a few times. I keep thinking that there is more I needed, so I keep going back. Plus, I like Christmas shopping to a point. Eventually it does become too much.” She commented, shrugging her shoulders. “And that’s fine. But there is definitely a few people who aren’t that dedicated and let their children just get away with everything.” 
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thediannaroberts-blog ¡ 6 years
“What’d the kids do? And I agree. I think little hellions should have babysitters. Especially the really bad ones because sometimes it makes absolutely no sense that they’re running wild in stores while they’re parents are off somewhere else in the store.”
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“They were just running a muck. And pushing things over and just making a mess. I was cringe so much!” Dianna spoke, letting out a sigh. “But, everyone parents differently I suppose.”
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thediannaroberts-blog ¡ 6 years
“So do I.” Cringing as she thought about all the money she’d spent this year, she knew she was probably going to cry when she got her bank statements. Right now though it was all worth it, their expressions would be worth it. “See that’s why I online shop. That way I don’t have to deal with crowds or parents who parent their children while out.” Recalling all those times she’d been out and children had been running everywhere and screaming. “Do you still have more shopping to do or did you get it all done? If you still have more shopping to do I’ll go out with you. Have some sister bonding time if you’re up for it since we’re on break.” 
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“I like online shopping, but there are definitely times where I would prefer to go out and be with everyone else in the world. Practice my skills of blending and and being able to just be. And then you get little children acting up and it ruins it for everyone.” She commented, shrugging her shoulders. “Well, I actually finished, but we can always have sister bonding time! All you have to do is ask!” 
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thediannaroberts-blog ¡ 6 years
“So…is there a gift for me?” she asked curiously. “I mean I shop frequently with a baby and Livi knows better than to act out like when she’s with Auntie Nat. She’s the absolute best baby. Those other people need to get that under control if their kids are acting out in public.”
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“Well, I might have gotten you a little something, but don’t think you’re going to get me to spill it.” She commented, smiling a bit. “There are some good babies and kids, but there are some that are just horrible and their parents just don’t seem to care.” 
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thediannaroberts-blog ¡ 6 years
“I feel like people need babysitters for quite a lot of things. Like when you’re going to a nice restaurant and babies just crying disrupting the peace. You’re shopping and kids are falling out everywhere because they can’t have the toy they claimed to need.” Grant rolled his eyes. “I wish I would have acted out when I was younger. That wouldn’t fly in my house.”
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“Exactly! I couldn’t agree more. I swear people are way to lenient with their kids. Like, Karen, stop threatening your child and just follow through. Maybe then they will learn. And you’re right, that stuff wouldn’t have worked when I was younger. We learned quick because people actually punished their kids.” Dianna responded, nodding her head. “I don’t mean to judge but, I can’t help to think that I would never let my child act like that.” 
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thediannaroberts-blog ¡ 6 years
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- age: thirty-one - occupation: actress - tv show: in a heartbeat - faceclaim: margot robbie - availability: taken
Dianna was born into a well-known family in the acting industry. Life was definitely easier with the perks she had, but it also had its downfall.
She is the older of two daughters in the Roberts family. Of course, that was until Rocky joined the family and is now the oldest of three sisters. Rocky and Logan mean the world to her and she would do anything for both of them. No matter what.
Eventually she got tired of TV jobs and started to break her way into the movie business. Her career had growing just how she wanted it. Until she found out she was pregnant and everything came to as top.
Dianna had worked hard to be able to seclude herself and her pregnancy from the world, including her family. Once the child was born, she gave them up for adoption.
Quickly she got herself back out into the spotlight in order to keep her career going and tried to make it seem like all she did was take a year to herself.
Now she is starring in In a Heartbeat as Tori Whitman. She had even gotten herself back into a couple movies. However, there is still the longing she feels for her child and questioning she has over the decision she made.
Dianna was born into a well-known family in the movie and TV industry. Living a life like that definitely had its perks, but it had just as many flaws to counter act the good. Dianna and her sisters constantly found themselves hounded by press rumors spreading about the things they did or who they were with. Of course, with the clever and overly confident personality that Dianna had, it came to not surprise to anyone that she embraced the lifestyle she was given. Even days when she would have been more than happy  to tell the camera’s what she really thought of them, her class and “status” came first, refusing to let her family name get tarnished. 
Being the oldest of two, Dianna also took it upon herself to make sure nothing bad had happened to her little sister. Logan had come into the world after she did, and Dianna had always had a soft spot for keeping her safe. Logan had meant everything to Dianna. It was exciting to be able to be an older sister and have someone to share the days with. She loved being an older sister and was even more excited when their cousin had joined their immediate family. Of course it was sad to actually lose her aunt and uncle, and knew that Rocky was going to be going through a lot, but it wasn’t long before Dianna had taken her under her wing and swore she was going to protect Rocky as the sister she was.
As Dianna got older, her interests started to change a little and she was spending more time outside of the house. She was hanging out with friends she had made in the industry, working on more and more projects, and even creating a bit of a reputation for herself. While she wasn’t as bad as some of the child actors around her, Dianna was still bad enough to make the rumor mill work in overtime. 
Eventually, Dianna reached a point where she wanted more out of what she did with her career. Instead of little TV shows that no one really watched, she wanted to be in movies. She wanted to actually be the star she knew she was born to be. Her dream came true at the age of twenty-three. Dianna had been cast in her first big movie. It was filled with stars she had grown up watching and the young actress was in awe. Movies were fantastic and after her winning performance, she was on the fast track to start in more. Directors had been calling her non-stop, wanting the young actress to play a role in their movie. Dianna found herself up night after night, reading different scripts to really decide what movie she would want to choose. She had to do this right in the beginning. Pick movies that would get her name out there and make her known everywhere. 
Dianna had already starred in six movies by the time she was twenty-six. Only two of them were major hits, but the others were projects she was proud of. However, she hadn’t expected to find out next was that she had been chosen for the roll of a life time: being a mother. 
Children were definitely not supposed to be in the picture at this point in her life and Dianna was not ready to raise a child in this kind of environment. Hell, sometimes she still struggled to get herself through everything. So, she came up with the best plan she could think of in that moment and packed her bags for seclusion. It was year she spent separated from her family and friends. It was a year she spent letting her career be and hold, and probably disappear, while she was pregnant and tried to figure out what in the hell she was going to do with this child. She spent months going back and forth. Does she keep the child? Does she put it up for adoption? What was the best way to go? Dianna was lucky she had the acting skills she did because a year of lying to her family and friends was hard. She was going through one of the hardest decisions of her life and she had no one. She wanted to tell her sister, but didn’t know how. Part of her thought it was best that no one knew. It made things easier. Her parents would have told her to keep the child, but she didn’t want to. Not because she didn’t love child, but because she felt they deserved a normal life. 
It was early February when her daughter was born, three days before Dianna’s twenty-seventh birthday. Laying with her daughter in her arms, Dianna felt a sense of happiness she never imagined. She was so proud of the little bundle already. Nothing happened, she was just lying there, but Dianna was so happy. It was this happiness that really made the adoption hard for Dianna. She had spent months interviewing couples through different resources and making sure she found the right ones. Finally she found the right people and got all the legal work done, the adoption was final. Making sure her daughter had the right kind of childhood, Dianna even made a clause in the agreement stating that she could never go back on the adoption and try to get her daughter back. Only way she would get to be her mother would be if something happened to her adoptive parents. This was the choice she made, and was praying that it was right. 
Apart from being pregnant, the hardest part about being away was covering her tracks. Luckily Dianna knew a lot of people in the industry and was able to make her year away seem like nothing. She figured her family might have their suspicions, but she was just going to have to get them away from those to keep everyone from finding out the truth. 
It was June when she reemerged into the spot light, making sure she lost as much baby weight as possible before stepping back out. It was months before she could get her parents to talk to her again and did everything she could to earn their trust. Eventually she started to get back into the business and did what she could to get her career on back as well. Some directors weren’t that willing to work with someone who ran away for a year, but she was able to get back in the good graces of some. However, her work was still slow. 
Two years had gone by and she was finally given a job that might help her get her name back on the map. Dianna had been casted as a Tori Whitman on the new TV drama, In a Heartbeat. She never really wanted to go back to TV, but Dianna knew she had somehow knocked her career back to its beginnings. She was going to have to work to get her name back out there, and that’s what she was planning to do. 
It’s been two, almost three years since she started the show and has found herself slowly getting back into movies, while also having her TV show. Life if seemingly great for Dianna, but there will always be the lingering thought of her daughter. Always wondering if she really made the right choice…
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