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From Climate Change To Gun Control, 8 Women Making The World A Better Place
What Women Want Now is a program by HuffPost and her sister sites dedicated to creating content about the issues and stories that matter most to women – you can read more here.
For Women’s History Month, we’re celebrating amazing women doing incredible things, from a 16-year-old who sparked an international climate movement to a lawyer taking on the opioid epidemic.
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Greta Thunberg
Over the past year, straight-talking Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg has risen to fame as the face of the flourishing youth climate movement. “I don’t want your hope,” she told world leaders at Davos in January. “I want you to panic … And then I want you to act.” Since August 2018, Thunberg has staged school strikes every Friday outside the Swedish parliament, inspiring tens of thousands of students around the world to follow suit.
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Saru Jayaraman
This American attorney has spent the last 20 years fighting for workers’ rights, including co-founding Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, a national advocacy group to improve wages and working conditions for U.S. restaurant workers. “Fundamentally it’s an issue of fairness,” Jayaraman told HuffPost. “No one should be working full time – or more than full time – in this country and not be able to make ends meet.”
Much of Jayaraman’s work focuses on women and people of color, groups she says suffer the most when it comes to exploitation and economic inequality.
“When women’s wages are so low that they’re living off tips, they’ve got to tolerate however their customers treat them, including harassment,” she said. “That makes it not just an issue of sub-minimum wage but one of a terrible lack of physical safety, dignity and self-worth.”
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is getting a lot of attention right now for her progressive politics (and her impressive dance moves). The congresswoman has been driving for action on climate change. While Trump champions coal, the dirtiest of fossil fuels, Ocasio-Cortez is pushing for the implementation of a Green New Deal to curb climate breakdown and address worsening inequality in the process.
She’s also not afraid to question the patriarchy.
“The idea that a woman can be as powerful as a man is something that our society can’t deal with,” Ocasio-Cortez told The New Yorker in an interview published Monday. “But I am as powerful as a man, and it drives them crazy.”
Check out the rest of the list here.
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Introduction: Day #1
Hello! I don’t want to use my real name. So you can call me lettuce, because it sounds cute like a lil squishie. Any way, the reason/objective for creating this blog is to write my daily frustrations, thoughts, experiences, and dreams-- uh ah i think that’s about it. Ok, back to the task at hand, which is explaining my reasoning for this tumblr.
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I have had great, somewhat cool, and some rlly bad somewhat traumatic experiences in the span of my 16 years living on this earth, Anyhoo i wont say the name of those that caused some pain or just plainly are fucking annoying to me. Ill try not to be negative, but i will rant about something or another, 
ABOUT ME(i use big letters because i am narcissistic).
- I’m 16 yrs old. 
-I’m native american, Navajo to be exact. 
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-i have a lot of siblings/family, not much friends because i have a cold personality , and annoying voice. 
-I am interested in art, writing, your personal experiences/question
-i wont be fucking rude to you unless you deserve it. (I’m talking about the racist, sexist, homophobic, and rlly sexual viewers). 
-I am in high school, so don’t say inappropriate shit, I’m underage you assholes. (p.s.s not all of you and i hope most of you aren’t assholes).
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-i wont try (hopefully not) bend or exaggerate a story/experience i had just to “knock your socks off”. 
-Whenever i talk about how i think about myself i don’t expect/need a pity party. i think i can handle myself. (but thanks for caring tho, if you do, you don’t have to--- but yea). 
-Call me lettuce because I’m actual fucking vegetable.(not like a person with severe physical limits, but like that would ne----- ok im trying i hope i take back that offensive commet). 
so yea i’m a Gen Z Navajo female (with a uterus, lol). ummm ,,, yeah i think that’s about it. 
- oh yea! A bio about a persons personality and character wouldn’t be complete without mentioning their homosexual thoughts/tendencies.( it was/is a joke,pls don’t kill me). .\(0o0)/. I put the BI in BITCH, yessio im BI-SEXUAL MOTHERFUCKERS! I get the sausage and the fish, eww fuck no. But yea iim bi but i dont eat fish, well i do but not... sexually. What i mean is that yes i so eat seafood, but not like vagina that’s been unwashed for 1 month, Oh god, i broke another personal guideline, ah fuck. Nevermind , the no-no sexual zone is gone and so is the offensive comments. It still applies tho............
So yes i am a Navajo teenager at the age of 16. I like to draw and hope to get a degree in character animation at Cal Arts. or the lOndON aCaDemY oF rOyAL aRtS!!
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