thedicecrisis · 4 years
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The Spirit of Creativity has wandered the halls of the Colosseum of the Mask and Lyre since before Earthfall. The Spirit has been left alone without music and life for thousands of years. The quietness of the halls have created an afterlife of torment for the Spirit. Can our PCs bring life back to this quiet Colosseum?
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
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Well known as false guides of the night, a will-o’-wisp thrives on leading travelers astray. Once you’re lost a will-o’-wisp feeds off your fear of being alone, and the appearance of its glowing skull form certainly helps. So next time you find yourself lost and afraid, remember, stay away from the light.
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
Brigs finds more than he was looking for in this, the final installment of his bardic adventure!
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
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This shambling mound will be a shambling salad when our heroic PCs are done with it.
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
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An innocent looking lizard is actually extremely deadly in Pathfinder universe? SHOCKING ;) Don’t mess with one of these Shocker Lizards, and especially don’t mess with a group of them.
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
The gang, having made their way to the Coliseum of Mask and Lyre, roam its ancient halls, searching for musical mysteries, and instruments too.  
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
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Our PC’s make their way into the Colosseum of the Mask and Lyre, an ancient rune of the elves dedicated to music and art. The report in the elven camp is that a spirit still wanders the halls and could be a great ally in the fight against the Drow.
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
In this multipart epic, our gang heads back into the ancient and overgrown, not to mention enemy infested, elven city of Celwynvian to help an old friend of Eviana's recover some remnants elven history, and potentially secure an ally.
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
Hello everyone, I Allard LaRue, have failed you all by losing the recording to this battle episode.  To make up for this, we've recorded this little recap discussion of the notable action, and then checked in with how our characters are feeling.  I am so sorry about losing the actual recording, and I will only work towards making up for it.  <3
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
After a successful first mission, our gang regroups to be sent out again into the city, only to be beset by unanticipated dangers.
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
The war for Celwynvian begins!
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
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The ancient capitol city of Celwynvian hasn’t belonged to the elves since they abandoned it before Earthfall. Now it’s dominated by Drow. Cro, Sam, River, Kwava, Elyon and a host elves elves from the city of Crying Leaf hope to make the final push to claim it back to the rightful hands of the Mierani elves.
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
With the information the gang has delivered to the elves of Crying Leaf and the Shin'Rakorath, it is time to decide what to do with it.  
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
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Recently reoccupied by elves, The Mierani Forest is home to many mysterious and often dangerous creatures. The elves of the Mierani are in frequent battles as they struggle to take back control. For these reasons outsiders are rarely welcomed.
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
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While in Crying Leaf, the PCs come across beloved ranger Shalelu. Shalelu has recently arrived back in her hometown after spending some time away in Sandpoint. With the Drow presence growing stronger, both the PCs and the elves of crying leaf are grateful for her presence.
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thedicecrisis · 4 years
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Eviana Nirgassan is the elected leader of Crying Leaf. A fair and just ruler, she works closely with Kaerishiel to keep the city strong in their fight against the Drow. If this were a buddy cop movie, she’d be the good cop.
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