thedirtpreferences ¡ 1 year
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Preference #15 - He gets over protective
Nikki: You were willing to accept the responsibilities that came with being a rockstar’s girlfriend. You were accepting of the random, busy schedule, the constant interruption of fans, you were even accepting of the drunk phone calls you received at four in the morning when he was on tour. The only thing you weren’t ever really able to accept or tolerate, however, was the paparazzi. Furthermore, they were relentless. Everywhere you went, you saw them. And it was never really an instance of them just being there and taking pictures, but a constant flurry of questions and insults that came one after another. It was absolutely atrocious. It was atrocious and you were absolutely brimmed full of fear. And Nikki could see it all over your face as you scrutinized the commotion that awaited from the outside of the hotel. “It’s just one short walk to the tour bus,” He whispered in your ear, his breath hot as it made your skin prickle. “Yeah, no worries.” You feigned a smile, as a grimace met your lips your eyes darting to the floor. You had always been an awful liar. Sensing your apprehension more than he had before, Nikki pulled his lips from your ear and instead pressed them to your temple as his palm rubbed over your shoulder reassuringly. You knew that Nikki would never let anything happen to you, but you still couldn’t help but to dread the inevitable inquisition that awaited from the outside. “Ready?” Nikki inquired as he tightened his grip around your shoulder, staring over you carefully to make sure you were comfortable. “Ready.” You sighed and suddenly you were walking through the doors. “Y/N, Y/N how does it feel to be on tour? Does it bother you to see girls throw themselves at Nikki every night? Did you come with him because you were afraid he would cheat?” You tried to focus on the concrete, your head hanging low to prevent the flash from hurting your eyes. One quick walk to the bus, that was it; you could do this. “Y/N do the rumors regarding Nikki’s affair bother you? How do you feel about the cheating scandal?” Your pace began to quicken as the tour bus was now only inches away, your sanctuary finally here. “One last thing, Y/N, can you confirm whether or not the rumors of you being pregnant are true? Insiders have reported that you’ve tripled in size since the last time you two were last reported together, is the baby his?” Your eyes pricked with tears as you stopped at the threshold of the bus, staring at Nikki with horror and sadness. You most certainly were not pregnant and you were shocked that they had just made an assumption based on your weight. Embarrassment and shame could not even begin to touch how you were feeling. Then it happened: Nikki had finally had enough. Launching himself across the way, he tackled the culprit to the ground and began to punch him repeatedly face, blinded by the rage that consumed him. You watched in shock as his fist began to bloody (as did the paparazzi’s face) as he lost himself in a blinding rage, his actions involuntarily as he kept going. Although you were truthfully afraid to touch Nikki, you couldn’t help but to worry about the possibility of a jail sentence as you watched him pummel the man mercilessly. The poor guy stood no chance at the mercy of your overprotective boyfriend. So, deciding against yourself, you finally yanked Nikki back by his waist, peeling him off of the wounded lowlife who was now crying in pain. Once you made it onto the bus, you shoved him into the first open seat a small huff leaving your mouth as you pressed your hands against your hips exasperatedly. “I know you’re probably mad, but the son of a bitch had it coming.” Nikki muttered shifting in his seat uncomfortably as you stared down at him intensely. You wanted to be mad, you wanted to reprimand him for being so reckless and so dangerous, but you just couldn’t. How could you be mad at someone who was only defending you? Who only did what they did in honor of you? You just couldn’t do it. Kneeling before him, as you pressed his chin in between your thumb and your forefinger, you brought his face to yours, your noses touching. “You are so getting laid tonight, Sixx.” You whispered as a smile broke across his face, his eyes twinkling with relief. And suddenly the space between you closed, his lips molding against yours faster than they ever had before.
Vince: You weren’t like any other women Vince had ever dated before and he had dated a lot of women in his days. Furthermore, you were the exception to the rule. You could hang out with his bandmates and shotgun a beer, you even LOVED strip clubs. You were daring, courageous, and brave, yet you knew what it meant to be tasteful and classy. You were the type of girl who he could bring home to his parents, yet take out for a wild night on the sunset strip. Vince was smitten; you were perfect. You handled his crazy life without a single care in the world, and never flinched at the loads of hate you got from the fans and from the paparazzi. In fact, Vince had never even been a witness to a falter of your effervescent, bubbly mood. That is until, now. You were waiting in line to order the guys another round of shots when a belligerent drunk man began to talk to you. “How much do I have to pay you to give me a dance?” You shifted your weight uncomfortably as you smoothed down your tight fitting dress, suddenly self conscious about the way the dress hugged your curves so intentionally. “Aw, I don’t work here, sir. But there are plenty of beautiful ladies here that may be able to assist you,” You offered, smiling awkwardly before turning your attention back to the line. You had hoped that that would be enough for the man to catch the hint, but were unfortunately disappointed when he moved closer to you. “I don’t want them, I want you.” He insisted, the smell of alcohol on his breath making your stomach roll. “I have a boyfriend, please leave me alone now.” You whispered, your skin paling as he reached up to tuck a piece of hair behind your air lovingly, his eyes focused and intent on one thing: you. “Forget about him, worry about me and how I can make you feel.” Reaching around to pinch your butt, you gasped as the tears began to well in your eyes, disgust filling you to the brim. Where was Vince when you needed him? Your questions were answered when suddenly his fist was connecting with the belligerent mans jaw, his forearm shoving his back against the wall roughly. “Touch her again and I will rip your fucking head off your shoulders, do you hear me?” Vince spit between his clenched teeth, his forearm moving to his neck as the man gasped for air. “So, you’re the chick she’s dating? I didn’t realize she was a lesbian, reason number one you should let me have my way with her. She needs to know what it’s like to be with a man,” Suddenly throwing the man to the ground, Vince toppled on top of him his fist connecting directly with the bridge of his nose. Your eyes were wide when you saw blood and instantly you knew you needed to put a stop to the madness. Vince had been to jail once; he didn’t need to go again. “Stop, stop!” You screeched, yanking him by the arm as you reeled him into you in shock. His eyes were wild as his chest heaved violently. Your once sweet, and compassionate boyfriend had transitioned to a deranged lunatic. You were gobsmacked by the harsh transformation. Grabbing his arm tightly, you led him outside to the smoking area where you pushed him into a wire chair, running a shaky hand through your hair as you examined him carefully. “What were you thinking, Vince?” You whispered, brushing your thumb over his lip that was now bleeding from the fight. Where he had successfully broke the guys nose, the man had still got a couple good swipes on him. “I was thinking that I didn’t like the way he was talking to you, or the fact that he touched your ass.” You flinched at the way he used the words, the mere memory bringing you discomfort. “Is it worth getting in trouble though? I would’ve been okay.” You whispered, sitting in front of him as you grabbed a piece of ice from your cup, pressing it gingerly to his hurt lip. “Is that even a question? You’re always going to be worth it, Y/N. I will go to the ends of the Earth to protect you; to make sure you are receiving the respect and reverence you undoubtedly deserve. It’s my job to protect you, to love you, and to serve justice in the most unjust situations. Don’t you get that you’re my world now?” Upon hearing his words, your heart melted, your face breaking into a small smile. How could you be mad? “My lesbian hero,” You joked in reference to the mans previous insult, you both beginning to laugh softly as Vince leaned in for a kiss.
Mick: The more popular Motley Crue got, the crazier the parties got. Small parties consisting only of the band and the girls they chose to be with, had now multiplied by the hundreds and  no matter where you went you were constantly bumping into people. Which led you to now. You had lost track of Mick hours ago, and were currently on a mission to find him again as it was your third year anniversary. You hadn’t even wanted to come to this dumb party in the first place, but the boys had been relentless in the begging as it was a celebration in regards to their year long success. So, you had came with the intention on leaving an hour in so that you guys could split for your date afterwards. Of course, it didn’t go as planned. “Oops, sorry.” You cringed, as you knocked into the back of a man resulting in him to drop his beer onto the floor. “What the fuck, you bitch?” He snapped at you, turning around on his heel to come face to face with you. You flinched at his words. “It’s a little crowded, I didn’t mean to.” You whispered, dropping to your knees to pick up the drink for him. “Since your down there, you can make it up to me.” The guy chuckled darkly, your cheeks turning red from the inappropriate comment. “I’m just getting your drink for you,” You stammered, picking the can up as you attempted to climb back to your feet. Much to your surprise, however, the man shoved you back down by your shoulder, knotting his fingers in your hair. “I said, make it up to me.” You had never known Mick to be anything other than gentle and kind which is why from the moment his fist connected to the man’s cheek, you froze in complete and total trepidation, fear trickling through you like April showers. It had taken one single, solitary punch, just one; and the man was out cold, his body crumbling to the floor next to you in one swift motion. As if that wasn’t enough, however, Mick threw in one last swift kick to the gut before spitting a lugey onto his back and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand to tie the whole thing together. You were shocked; frozen in disquietude. “Get em’ out of here,” Mick muttered angrily, as the security guards lifted his limp body from the floor and drug him out of the room. You were amazed how everyone continued partying as if nothing whatsoever had happened; was this their norm? Seeing someone get punched to the point of being unconscious? How was everybody so blase? You scrambled to your feet. “You okay?” Mick asked, taking a careful step towards you causing you to take a step back. For a second, Mick furrowed his eyebrows in confusion unsure why you weren’t allowing him to get close to you. Then, all at once, he connected the dots: you were afraid. You watched as his face dropped, his eyes growing sad, anxious, and afraid all at once. “Hey, I’m not going to hurt you.” He murmured softly, inching towards you as he outstretched his palm. You grabbed his palm in yours with a shaky hand, relaxing when he stepped closer to you, brushing loose strands of hair behind your ear tenderly. Even though you were trying not to let it show, you were afraid. Finally closing the space between the both of you, his palm pressed against the back of your head as he pulled you closely to his chest. You could hear the pounding of his heart strong and healthy through the thin material of his shirt, and you closed your eyes allowing it to lull you into a state of peace. “I didn’t mean to scare you, you know I would never hurt you, right? You know that I only did that to protect you?” You nodded into his chest, answering his frantic questions. “I love you so much, Y/N. I’m so so sorry I scared you, sweetheart, I only ever want you to feel safe.” Tipping your head back to stare into his eyes, you smiled sadly at the fear that swam in his eyes. You knew Mick did it because he loved you; because the man made you uncomfortable. It was silly to be scared when afterall all he was doing was defending your honor and making sure that you weren’t uncomfortable. You suddenly felt ashamed for being afraid for the split second you were. “Don’t be sorry, it’s okay.” You assured him, watching as he let out a sigh in relief, his body noticeably relaxing under your touch.  “I love you, Y/N.” Mick sighed once again, his forehead pressing against yours gently. “I love you, Mick Mars.” You whispered back, pecking his lips as his arms wounded around your waist. You let out an excited squeal when suddenly he lifted you from the ground, spinning you in a half circle. “Let’s get out of here, my casanova,” You giggled, your lips pressing against his once again as he led you out of the room.
Tommy: You had just finished your date with Tommy and it had been perfect except for now. As you walked back to your hotel, you couldn’t help but to notice an older man following closely behind you, his eyes burning holes in your back. Even though no one had said anything, no one needed to. You knew the guy was staring, Tommy knew the guy was staring, even the guy knew you guys knew. But it never let up. Furthermore, from the walk home to the theater to now ten minutes later, the stare never let up. And Tommy was 100% over it.  “Hey, dude, can you not look at my girlfriend like she’s a piece of meat?” Tommy finally snapped after draping his leather jacket over your shoulders, gently pushing you forward so he could face the man. “I can’t help it your girlfriend has a nice rack,” The man unapologetically shrugged, his lips twisting into a smug smirk. “I think you need to try a little harder,” Tommy growled, the inflation in his voice causing you to turn back around in shock. You had never heard Tommy so incredibly irritated; so completely vexed by just the sound of his voice. Needless to say, you were gobsmacked. “What are you going to do? Make me-” Before the man could finish the phrase, Tommy was punching him square in the nose, grabbing the collar of his shirt so that he could knee him promptly in the gut. The man gasped for air, clearly fatigued from the blow, but Tommy wasn’t finished. Shoving him to the ground, he straddled the man slamming his head into the concrete as he spit viciously between his teeth. “Tommy, you got him, babe.” You nervously stated, grabbing his arm roughly. Tommy ignore you, however, and ripped his arm away giving the man one last blow to the mouth. “Tommy, I said enough!” You angrily shouted, yanking him by the ear. Tommy yelped in pain as you pulled the 6’2 man up from the ground, dragging him quickly away from the scene. Once you made it back to the hotel, you sat in silence as Tommy poked the buttons for your floor in the elevator. “So, are you just not going to talk to me now?” Tommy snapped, annoyed with the silent treatment you were serving him. “Yep.” You snapped, crossing your arms across your chest. When the elevator dinged, you tried to exit, but Tommy obstructed you by stretching his arm over the threshold. “You can’t seriously be mad at me, that guy was a predator.” He grumbled angrily. “And you don’t think I could have handled it by myself?’ You spouted, your voice just as angry. “It’s not your job to fight off these men, it’s mine.” Tommy argued, his anger visible as he raked a hand through his long locks. “Oh, yeah? Why is that? I’ve been capable of taking care of myself my whole life, think I’ve done a good enough job so far.” Sneering, you attempted to barrel past him, but he stopped you once again allowing the elevator doors to close. You were beyond frustrated at this point. “In no way shape or form am I saying that you are incapable of taking care of yourself. What I’m saying is that you are my girl, and you deserve to be respected. You can’t expect me to just idly stand by and watch someone size you up when you are mine to protect. You deserve the world, Y/N. And I’m not going to allow you to be disrespected like that under my watch, no fucking way..” Lowering your head, you let out a defeated exhale. You knew Tommy was only trying to protect you, but why did he have to be so reckless about it? Just because he was a rockstar didn’t mean he was invincible. “You need to be careful though, babe. I don’t think you understand how important it is to maintain a good image. Your career depends on it; your band depends on it. I don’t want that to be on my conscious; just because some loser hits on me.” Tommy’s face softened as he took a step towards you, shaking his head. “I don’t give a shit about any of that, Y/N. YOU are my priority. Not the band, not the success, not the money: YOU. So, at the end of the day, I’m going to do what I have to do to protect you. None of the other shit matters,” The elevator dinged just as Tommy stopped talking and this time, it was him making a beeline to the exit, though just as he had done to you the previous times you stopped him this time. Pressing your palm against his arm, you pulled him back to you a small smile curling at your lips. “I suppose I would be lying if I didn’t say that watching you beat him up didn’t turn me on,” Tommy’s eyes lit up at your words as he curled his arm around your waist, his smile wider than you had ever seen it. “Does that mean elevator sex?” He asked. “That means elevator sex,” You nodded and suddenly you were hoisted around his waist, your back slammed against the wall as Tommy kissed you with passion and vehemence. 
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thedirtpreferences ¡ 1 year
FOLLOW MY ONLY FANS: https://onlyfans.com/hazydaisy-cg
Preference #14 - A Quiet Moment (Well, kind of) (Requested)
Tommy: It was getting to him. Show after show, after show, after show. He was constantly going, constantly on the move. If it wasn’t a show, it was recording in the studio. If it wasn’t recording in the studio, it was rehearsing for hours on end. If it wasn’t rehearsing for hours on end, it was traveling for every second of every day. Tommy was exhausted; completely and totally spent. You could see it in his eyes, his actions. The usually energetic, excitable kid was beginning to slouch and yawn with every step he took. His irises were dark and sad, his smile becoming forced with each passing day. It hurt you to see him so down and so completely exhausted. You were trying your best to keep him busy, to distract him from wanting to fall apart, but it was becoming harder and harder with each passing day. Which is why when you finally made it back to the hotel room after a long night of traveling, you weren’t shocked when the tears suddenly escaped from the corners of his eyes, his lips trembling from the overwhelming emotion. “Tommy,” you sighed, as you pulled him into a tight embrace, your hands slipping through his brown locks. In attempts to calm him down.  “I’m exhausted.” He cried into your shoulder, tears soddening your shirt as he clung to you like a lifeline. “It’s too much, I just need a minute to breathe and to catch my breath, but I just don’t have time to.” He sobbed into you as you rubbed circles on his back, guiding him to the bed where you laid down, taking him with you. “I know, sweetheart, I know.” You sighed sympathetically as his breathing became ragged, his breaths becoming shorter. “Breathe, Tommy.” You reminded him, smiling sadly when he cuddled deeper into your chest, his arms wounding around your body tightly. You knew a large part of this came from exhaustion, but you still couldn’t help but to feel horrible for Tommy. You knew how hard he worked, and how much he loved his job, but you couldn’t help but to wonder if it was becoming too much. Just like everybody else, Tommy was human and sometimes management forgot to take that into  consideration while they were running the band ragged. Surely, Tommy wasn’t the only one suffering from the exhaustion; surely the others were too. After a few deep breaths, Tommy became calm, his crying coming to a halt. The room was silent as you traced shapes onto his back, your lips occasionally pressing to random parts of his head. Even though no one spoke, you were both coherent. Just like Tommy had mentioned, he just needed a moment. A moment of quiet, a moment of peace, and a moment of relaxation. And right now, as he was locked safely and securely in his arms, he couldn’t help but to feel as if he had found the peace he had so desperately needed. Furthermore, in the arms of his girlfriend, he felt the weight of the world lift off of him, happiness and love replacing the negative feelings he once had.
Nikki: It had been the most successful tour they had ever done. Every night was raving, buzzing with an electric crowd. Motley Crue was finally being recognized for their undeniable talent, and they were conquering the world one performance at a time. They were on top of the world; they were unstoppable. And they were partying just as hard as they were performing. Furthermore, after every earth shattering performance, was an even more wild party to come. It was exciting, exhilarating. Every night was full of new adventures, new wild stories to tell. The most important part, however, was getting to spend it all with Nikki. No matter what you were doing, you were with him every step of the time. And sometimes, that made for a wild night. Other times, it made for sentimental night; a night where you both felt enriched just to be next to one another, to be experiencing this wild journey together. And tonight was no different. As you stumbled on to Vince’s balcony, closing the sliding glass door shut, you were pleased to find your boyfriend smoking a cigarette by himself. “Hey, stranger.” You murmured, pulling a cigarette out of your own carton, fumbling with your lighter as you lit the end of the cig. “Hi, baby.” He smiled, shrugging out of his leather jacket, as he walked towards you draping it over your shoulders as he kissed the crown of your head lovingly. Slipping your arms into the long arm holes, you laughed as the jacket draped over you like a blanket. Even though the jacket was far too large for your small frame, there was just something about wearing Nikki’s clothes. Furthermore, it was comforting; it was like being able to hug him without touching him. “What a pretty night,” You breathed, taking a drag from the cigarette as Nikki’s arms slipped from behind your waist, pulling your back against his chest. The sight was truthfully breathtaking. The waves crashing onto the shore softly; the sand glowing under the illuminating full moon. There was just something about the beach at night time that made it spectacular, magnificent, and serene. “Not as pretty as you,” Nikki breathed, as he brushed the hair from your neck, pressing a firm kiss there once your hair was removed. From the touch of his lips, a sudden surge of electricity shot down your spine causing your breath to hitch in the back of your throat. You never bored from Nikki’s touch; each time was like the first. Making his way down your neck, Nikki began to lay sporadic kisses across your skin, nipping lightly at your more sensitive spots. When he finally made it to back of your shoulder, however, he turned you around so that your face met his, your breath ragged from the unforeseen affection he was giving you. Eyes meeting for a brief second, they suddenly slipped closed when Nikki pulled you close to his body, arms strong around your waist as your lips molded together in a passionate frenzy. Biting your bottom lip, you granted him access as you opened your mouth, the taste of his tongue intoxicating your entire being. You were becoming liquid in his hands as you melted against his body, his hands beginning to roam the dips and curves of your body. You could kiss him for hours; HOURS and still be content. With his lips on yours, everything ceased to exist. Not the beautiful beach before you, not the wild, prospering party behind you, not even your own name. Nothing mattered with his lips on yours and suddenly you were checked completely out of reality. All that mattered was you and him.
Mick: Today was the day. After months and months and months of being on tour, Mick was finally coming home. You had longed for his touch over the extensive duration of time he had been gone, and you couldn’t wait to be in his arms again.  You had spent hours the night before shaving your legs, picking out the perfect outfit, making sure the moment he saw you, you looked absolutely perfect. To feel his arms wrapped tightly around you, to feel his lips pressed gingerly against yours again; you wouldn’t trade it for the absolute world. Mick was the love of your life; your one and only soulmate. The moment you saw him needed to be perfect, memorable. Which is why the moment you saw the boys exiting the plane, your heart was suddenly dropping to the deepest pits of your stomach. Now was the time; the first time you had seen him in over six months. Days that had felt more like months, months that had felt like years was now finally ending. You were finally going to see him again. Your eyes scrunched in attempt to seek him out, and you frowned as you watched the others pile out, smiles on their faces. You were growing impatient; where was Mick? Placing your hand on your forehead, you scrutinized the scene more closely than you had before. Then you saw him: and your body suddenly felt weightless, butterflies fluttering in your stomach, chest, and throat. Without even thinking, you began to walk towards him. What started as a walk, however, turned into a sprint as you began to race towards him, the space between you becoming unbearable. It was almost as if gravity itself was pulling your bodies together quicker than you could discern. Suddenly, you were bounding into his arms, crashing against him as he wobbled to regain his balance at the force behind your embrace. You had nearly knocked him over, but you didn’t care; the only thing you cared about was that you were finally in his arms again. Enclosed in a vacuum tight hug, Mick laughed quietly when he tried to pull back to look at you, but failed to from your hard grasp. You weren’t letting go for just anything.  Finally peeling yourself away from him, nevertheless, you wiped the tears that gushed from your eyes with relief and happiness. The way Mick stared at you reassured you that you had nothing to worry about, for his eyes had never twinkled with so much adoration and love than they did right now. Furthermore, he was looking at you like you were the most beautiful person in the world. And to him, you were. Wiping your tears away with the pads of his thumbs, Mick was suddenly reaching his fingers under your chin your faces inches apart. Even though he wasn’t much of a fan for PDA, he wasn’t about to wait to kiss you until later. It was imperative to him that his lips crashed against yours now. Gently capturing your face between his hands, Mick began kissing you with the passion of a thousand suns. Even though you two hadn’t uttered a single word to one another, this kiss was all you needed to assure each other just how much you had missed one another; just how much you loved one another. And nothing else seemed to matter anymore. Not the airport, not the people who gawked at you as you melted into one another, just you and Mick.
“Come here, baby
You know you drive me up the wall
The way you make good on all the nasty tricks you pull
Seems like we’re makin’ up more than we’re makin’ love
And it always seems you got somethin’ on your mind other than me
Girl, you got to change your crazy ways”
You mouthed the words as you inched towards him seductively, slowly untying the silk robe to reveal your nude body clad in only the black lingerie you had bought just for him. His eyebrows raised as he sat straighter up on the couch, his mouth curving into a devilish grin as you fell to your knees, pulling your hair down in the process. You could already tell just by his expression that his mood was rising at your spontaneous actions; that the stress from the day was suddenly beginning to dissipate from your sultury moves. It was game on now. Shaking out your hair, you crawled over to where he sat, slowly running your fingers up his legs as you bit your lip. You could see the beads of sweat forming on his head as he watched you and were proud that you still had this kind of control over him even after the many years you had been dating. Furthermore, just like the day he had first met you, you still had him wrapped around your tiny little finger. And you were positive it was always going to be this way; that you were always going to have this kind of affect on him. Quickly rubbing your palms up his thighs, you pushed yourself back up from the ground and pressed your palms against his chest before turning around and allowing the robe to fall completely from your body and onto the ground. “Oops.” You mouthed, raising your index finger to your lips as you feigned innocence, peeking around your shoulder to see his reaction. Just at the innocent motion, Vince was throwing his head back letting out a miserable groan. All he wanted to do was to touch you; to feel your skin pressed against his. You were SUCH a tease. And you knew this as well as he did. Turning to face him you seductively walked towards him, straddling his lap as your hands brushed your hair back slowly before  moving down your body, accentuating your beautiful curves. You wanted him to see every single part of your body; you wanted to know that everything he saw was for his eyes and his eyes only. Moving painstakingly slow as you swayed your hips to the music, you placed you finger under his chin to maintain eye contact with him. You wanted to see every ounce of desire and lust that swam in his eyes; you wanted to know that your stunt to raise his spirits was actually working. Finally having enough of your lap dance, Vince was suddenly pushing you onto your back, hovering over you as he began to kiss your lips roughly. His mouth couldn’t move against yours faster as he kissed the bottom of your lip, his tongue tangling with yours as he leaned down to hook your leg underneath his arm, hitching it over his hip as he pressed against you even harder. You let out a quiet moan as he moved his lips to your neck, suddenly sucking against your sweet spot, evoking the monster that thrashed desperately inside you. You wanted him; no, scratch that you NEEDED him. And he needed you just as much. In fact, he needed you so badly that because he had become so completely engrossed with you he had forgotten that there were other obligations waiting for him. Furthermore, at this very moment Vince was currently missing a scheduled interview that they had planned months in advance. But that didn’t matter anymore; all that you mattered was you and him and your bodies colliding together as one. (The song lyrics in the beginning of this preferences is Aerosmith’s Crazy - I know it’s a little after their time, but eh’. It’s super hot).
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thedirtpreferences ¡ 1 year
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Preference #13 — Overprotective (Requested)
Vince: “Stop.” You hadn’t realized how truly fixated you were until Tommy chastised you, forcing you out of your dazed stupor. “You know he loves you and only you,” Tommy reassured you as you sucked in a sharp inhale, diverting your attention from the trainwreck that occurred before your eyes. You were currently attending an after party for one of their concerts. Usually you were fine with after parties; frankly, you enjoyed them. Vince worked hard; they all did. And they deserved to celebrate; to let loose after the countless hours they spent rehearsing and being in the studio. What you didn’t like, however, was how frequently women threw themselves at the band. More specifically, Vince. And that’s what you were trying to avoid watching right now. You hated every single thing about the girl who fawned over him, ogling at his every move. With one misplaced hand, you were going to be ready to come unglued. Vince was yours, and ONLY yours. There were always going to fans, and you understood that, but you needed them to understand boundaries. “I know, I know. But aren’t you seeing what I’m seeing? Look at how she’s staring at him! She’s practically undressing him with her eyes and-“ When the girl reached up to brush a piece of hair behind his ear and kiss him on the cheek, you stood from the bar seat, seething in complete and total disbelief. “Hey, hey, hey don’t do anything crazy,” Tommy tried, grabbing your wrist to desperately to prevent you from walking over there. “I’ll give you five seconds to let go of me before I bash YOUR face in, drummer.” You spit, snatching your wrist away as you bee lined to your boyfriend. From the moment her hands had touched him, you had completely faded out of reality. Maybe it was from the alcohol, maybe it was from finally enduring enough of the flirting, but you had had enough. “Are you fucking kidding me, man?” Enraged, you pushed her shoulder smirking internally, when she nearly clobbered to the floor. “Excuse me?” She asked in disbelief, pulling the strap of her shirt back on her shoulder as she pulled down her leather skirt. “If you’re such a fan of the band, you should know that Vince is taken and that he’s my fucking boyfriend,” By the time the words left your mouth, Vince was already behind you snaking his hands around your waist, as he pulled you back. “And if you EVER touch him again, mark my words, bitch, the only thing you’ll be touching is the floor when I knock your ass out.” As much as he wanted to remain serious, Vince couldn’t help but to laugh as he suddenly lifted you up swinging you around so that your attention was diverted from the poor tramp in front of you. “You got her, babe, you got her.” Vince smiled, kissing your ear as he carried you away from the scene. Even as you flailed and demanded for him to put you down, Vince held his ground until finally you were on the other side of the room, far away from the girl who had caused the original turmoil. “Who knew my Y/N had such a temper,” Vince smiled as he sat you down, ordering you a water in attempts to calm you down. “Yeah? Well, I didn’t like the way she was flirting with you,” You mumbled, avoiding eye contact when Vince met your troubled gaze. “Did you really think that something was going to happen? Don’t you know how much I love you by now? That nobody could ever get in the way of that?” Upon his questions, a smile twitched at your lips, the anger suddenly dissipating. “Sometimes I just need a reminder,” You said sheepishly as Vince pressed his forehead against yours, giving you an eskimo kiss. “I’ll remind you as many times as you need.”
Mick: For the past fifteen minutes, you had been listening to the girls behind you fawn over the rest of the band. Nikki was tall, muscular. His bad boy persona made him irresistible to everyone who laid eyes on him. Tommy was lanky, but gigantuous. His young age made him charismatic, his boyish charm alluring everyone who laid eyes on him. Vince was sex appeal at its’ finest; long blonde locks, bright eyes. He was everything a girl could want in a guy, and he knew just what to do to make them squirm. Then, there was Mick, who apparently wasn’t up to par with the rest of the band. He was quiet, weird. He didn’t engage with the fans the way the others did, and he was far too reserved to be the lead guitarist. Furthermore, the star quality just wasn’t there with him nor were the looks. At least, that’s what you overheard. Maybe they didn’t know you, maybe they weren’t aware that Mick was sitting in front of them, with his arm wrapped tightly around your shoulders. You could tell by the way he was staring straightforward that he didn’t care; that all that mattered was the fact that he had you and you loved him just as much. But that wasn’t enough for you, no. You detested the fact that they were saying those cruel words about him; someone who you felt was the most handsome, most talented person in the world. How could someone not feel the same about him? How could they not see how talented, how beautiful he truly was? It was preposterous, completely and utterly absurd. “How did he even make it into the band? Nikki must have been really high on drugs, or maybe he just felt bad for him because he is a cripple.” They laughed in unison, and at that point you had shot a warning glare at Mick, your hand curling tightly around your drink. “Babe, it’s fine. I’m use to it,” Mick sighed, kissing the side of your head as you exhaled in rage. “No, it most certainly is not fine, Mick.” You argued, seething the longer the two girls spoke about him. You were never the type of person to lose your cool, it truly took a lot to bring you to the brink of a meltdown, but somehow those girls were bringing you there. And when you got mad, it was nearly impossible to get you to slow down. Furthermore, you weren’t afraid of a brawl, especially if it meant bringing justice. “I don’t understand why he even stays in the band if he’s so miserable and in pain, I mean seriously. There are way better guitarists out there,” Upon the sneer, you were suddenly turning around in your chair, throwing your drink in the girls face as you stood from your seat. You didn’t utter a single word as you suddenly decked the girl in the face, knocking her out cold as she fell to the ground. “What the fuck?!” Her friend exclaimed, reaching for your hair as she lurched forward. You had been prepared, for the moment her hands reached out for you, you stepped to the side causing her to tumble forward. Your hands suddenly laced tightly into her hair as you pulled her head back, slamming it into the bar repeatedly until her face bloodied. The only thing that stopped you was Mick, as he suddenly yanked you back staring at you incredulously as he guided you out of the bar. “I didn’t fucking like how they were talking about you, not one bit, Mick.” You breathed once you made it outside, doubling over as you took deep breaths through your nose and out your mouth. “Hey, hey.” Mick whispered, his hand rubbing circles into your back as you caught your breath. “I didn’t know you had it in you,” He laughed as your face met his, slightly embarrassed from what had just happened. “I don’t think I’ve ever found you more hot,” Laughing softly, you smiled as Mick pulled you into a rough, yet passionate kiss. You knew exactly where the night was going to go.
Nikki: You were absolutely exhausted. Even though the concert had ended hours ago, the after party was still thriving and very much alive. And so was Nikki who always seemed to be the life of the party, no matter what the situation was. Furthermore, everything could be falling down and burning around him and he would still be able to have a good time and party. That is, until you pissed him off. And right now, he was creeping into serious territory of getting to that point. Where Nikki was all fun and games majority of the time, his temper had always been short and exceedingly explosive at times. One person would utter something even slightly insulting and he would be bashing their face in quicker than you would even be able to comprehend what was happening. It had gotten better since the commencement of the relationship, but you still couldn’t deny that Nikki was a hot head. And right now was no different; except for the fact that you, yourself, were starting to get a little irritated by the situation as well. “Look like a girl, sing like a girl, play like a girl are you sure you’re not a lesbian?” You swore there was nothing more ignorant than a drunk man at a bar in the wee hours of the morning, not to mention he was alone as well. It was undeniable that he was lonely and jealous, but it still didn’t compensate for his outrageous behavior. Furthermore, the man had been taunting Nikki for over fifteen minutes and where Nikki had done an excellent job at trying to distract himself and keep from exploding on the guy, he was starting to get super irritated. “Just ignore it,” You muttered, rubbing his arm in a way to calm his nerves. Upon your touch, Nikki relaxed as he glanced down at you feigning a smile. You knew he was only seconds away from giving the guy a piece of his mind, but he was hiding it well. “Y’know, I can’t even accuse you of being a girl because girls play better than your sad excuse of a band. You’re just a lousy nobody who is a washed up drug addict,” Nikki started to stand up and walk towards the man, but you placed your hand on his chest, your face pleading for him to stop. He took in a deep breath as he gave the man a warning look, huffing a short, heavy breath. “Sir, could you please fuck off?” You finally snapped to Nikki’s surprise as you turned on your heels to face the clearly belligerent man. “Pardon me, little lady?” He slurred as you inched towards him, crossing your arms. You were too tired, and too annoyed to be dealing with this bullshit. You had decided you were going to put an end to this madness in a more civil way; that’s what you had thought, at least. “I asked you to please fuck off. You’re clearly talking shit to get attention and it isn’t going to work. Take your alcoholism somewhere else and leave us alone, please and thank you.” You sat back down next to Nikki as you took a deep breath, taking a sip of your bourbon. “I’ll take my alcoholism somewhere else if he takes his heroine somewhere else,” So fast, you weren’t even sure what came over you, you were suddenly flying across the counter, your fist connecting directly to his cheek. He recovered quickly, however, throwing a drink in your face as you growled in irritation. That’s when you grabbed a beer bottle from behind the counter, smashing it over his head as you let out an enraged shriek. You were so absorbed in the fight that you nearly swung at Nikki when his arms scooped you up against his chest and he began to carry you out of the club like a bride. “I think it’s time to go back to the hotel, my little hero.” Nikki laughed as you scowled, the alcohol burning your face as it trickled down your cheeks. “When did my little Y/N get so fearless?” He inquired as you relaxed into his embrace, cuddling against his chest as your eyes grew heavy. “When that fucker insulted my boyfriend.” Nikki laughed at your words as he leaned down to kiss the crown of your head tenderly. “My hero.”
Tommy: Tommy was notorious for his bad choices. Be it in his drug usage, his excess in alcohol, or in this particular case, his choice of women. Tommy had always had a habit of making the wrong choice; choosing to be reckless instead of rational. And right now, as his ex crashed through his house party, smashing everything in sight as she cursed him with every cuss word imaginable, you couldn’t help but to wonder what in the actual fuck he was thinking before he had gotten with you. Furthermore, what mind set could he have possibly been in to wind up with someone who would be so cruel to him and so incredibly crazy? You certainly weren’t perfect, but you would never be able to charge into your ex boyfriends house months after you had been broken up and break their belongings in front of a group of people. This was next level crazy and you were gobsmacked by the situation. “Get the fuck out of here,” Tommy shouted as he attempted to grab her arm, ducking as she swung her fist wildly at him. “Don’t you lay your filthy hands on me, I know where your hands have been, they’ve been all over the slut that you cheated on me with,” Throwing you a hateful look, you cowered into the corner hoping the farther you got away from her, the more invisible you would become to the entire scene. “I never cheated on you and don’t you EVER call her that again.” Tommy growled, backing up as she picked up a vase, throwing it over her shoulder as she threatened to let go. Your heart was pounding as you watched the scene unfold, fear trickling over you as you saw her endeavors to hurt him. It took a lot for you to be combative, truthfully you were more on the laidback side of things. But Tommy was your forever love, and you had never felt so attached to someone in your life. To see him get hurt, would hurt you just as much if not more. You needed to act now to defend him; you needed to put a stop to this madness before she hurt him in a permanent manner. So, creeping from the corner, you picked up a large picture frame that held a photo of the band at one of their concerts and began to make your way to the enraged ex. When Tommy saw you, he began to shake his head and mouth the word ‘no’ as you got closer. You could see the color draining from his face as you got closer to her and could tell that he was underestimating you greatly. Just because you were kind and laidback didn’t mean for a second that you couldn’t fight. And boy, could you fight. Smirking slightly at Tommy, you raised the picture frame over your head and crashed it over her head, kicking that back of her knees causing her to flop to the floor. Once she was on the floor, you kneeled over her, yanking her hair back so that you could whisper the following words in her ear: “I think it’s best you leave now. Oh, and if you ever call me a slut again, I will end you.” Pushing up from the ground, you brushed yourself off and met dozens of astonished faces around the room. “Proceed to the party,” were your only words as you stepped over the girl and approached Tommy with a raised brow. “Anyways,” You muttered as Tommy brushed a piece of hair behind your ear, shaking his head incredulously. “That may have been the hottest thing I have ever seen,” He laughed as you shrugged taking his hand in yours as you stared back up at him. “As if it is even possible, I think I love you more now than I did five minutes ago.” He laughed leaning down to kiss you as his palms pressed to the apples of your cheeks, kissing you with all the passion and love he could muster.
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thedirtpreferences ¡ 1 year
Preference #12 - Motley Meets The Baby 
Mick: It had been too late for the epidural. Which meant you felt every single rip, tear, squeeze, and ache that labor had brought. And it had been excruciating; probably the worst pain you had ever had to endure in your life. You had always heard that once the baby was born, you would forget the pain. That was a lie. You remembered everything. But now your baby was here; and somehow the pain had been worth it. “I’m relieved.” You yawned, exhaustion taking a serious toll on your physical state. “It was a close call,” Mick agreed, walking from the crib over to where you laid. You smiled when he squeezed himself on the edge, scooching you over so that he could hold you in his arms. “I hate to have to ask, but are you in the mood for visitors? There are three very excited uncles out there,” Mick’s words were slow, careful. You could tell he was trying to be respectful of your wishes, but also genuinely wanted to show his daughter off to the band. He was proud, and who were you to tell him no? Of course, they could meet her. “Go get them,” You encouraged. Mick kissed the crown of your head one last time before leaving the bed and exiting the room. Seconds later, he returned with his three bandmates. “Glad to see your still alive,” Tommy joked, leaning forward to give you a fistbump once he approached the bed. “Barely.” You responded weakly. “Here she is; here’s our girl,” Mick carefully grabbed the newborn from the cradle, turning around to display her to the boys. “She’s beautiful, guys.” Nikki beamed as he reached out for the baby, arms awkward as he prepared to hold her. “Careful,” Mick reminded as he passed the baby over to Nikki who gasped once she was in his arms. “Y/N she is your twin,” Nikki commented causing you to smile. “Thank God she looks like Y/N,” Tommy joked as Vince and Nikki laughed, your scowl as well as Mick’s causing them the laughter to cease. Vince was the next to hold her, a smile creeping on to his features as the little girl stirred in his arms. He was every bit as in love as Nikki had been and truthfully was bummed when he had to give her up to Tommy. “You should really be proud, she’s so cool.” Tommy breathed, staring down at the baby. “We couldn’t be happier,” Mick spoke, joining you back on the hospital bed, encircling his arms around you. The exhaustion was now occupying the larger part of you as you fought the urge to stay coherent. As excited as you were that your daughter was meeting her uncles, you couldn’t help but to be more absorbed in how tired you were: you desperately needed to sleep. And as you rested your head on Mick’s shoulder, you accidentally fell asleep. “She’s really tired,” Mick smiled sadly, as Tommy placed the baby back in the cradle, respecting the fact that you needed your sleep. “We’ll visit tomorrow,” Vince affirmed, as the boys nodded their heads in agreement before they left. “Get some sleep, Y/N” Were Mick’s last words before the soft snores began to leave your mouth.
Nikki: You were out like a light. Although the labor had seemed like it was going to be quick, once you actually made it to the hospital your labor had actually lasted for approximately forty hours. Forty hours of constant pain, starvation, and complete and total enervation. After the baby was born, you had had one good hour of attending to her and loving her with all the fondness you could muster; then you had passed out. Hard. “You have to be quiet, she’s zonked out.” Nikki whispered as he led his bandmates into the room. Even though you were fast asleep, Nikki couldn’t help but to show his bandmates his new daughter. One because he had never been so completely proud in his entire life and two because they had been dying to meet her since the moment you had gave birth to her. “I guess forty hours of labor will have that kind of affect on a person.” Vince chuckled as they scrutinized your sleeping form. “It’s a good thing she’s getting rest now, she probably won’t be getting anymore until the kid turns eighteen.” Mick mused as Nikki picked up the small child from the cradle, adoration swimming in his eyes as he held her. He couldn’t believe how blessed he was to be her father. “That’s your uncles,” Nikki murmured, kissing the top of her head as he turned around to face them. As hardcore and metal as the band appeared, it was humorous how quickly they turned into a puddle of love at the sight of her. Furthermore, in a fleeting instant she had became the most important thing in the world not only to her newfound parents, but now to her uncles. It was amazing how quickly she had them wrapped around her tiny little finger so quickly, for they had never seen something so precious in their years of existence. “She’s amazing,” Tommy breathed as Nikki passed her into his open arms. When the small child cooed softly, Tommy swore his heart had never felt so full. When it was Mick’s turn, he cradled the child securely as he rocked her back and forth a small smile twitching at his lips. “You guys did good, Nik.” He nodded his head earnestly as the child stirred, before closing her eyes. “You guys are hogging her,” Vince grumbled, and Mick gave her up unwillingly at his requests. When the baby was placed in his arms, Vince let out a soft sigh, his heart filling with infatuation. He couldn’t help but to think that their life had really came full circle. From being degenerates, to establishing a family, to now holding Nikki’s first child; Vince was simply proud. “Congratulations, man.” Vince whispered, as your eyes began to open, disorientation still clouding your mind. Blinking slowly, a smile reached your lips as you saw the men crowding around your daughter, staring down at her endearingly. Words couldn’t begin to touch how blessed you felt to have such caring uncles to your daughter who you loved so much.
Tommy: “I can’t believe he’s finally here; that we’re finally able to hold our beautiful baby boy.” You were happy. No, not happy. Ecstatic. No, not ecstatic. Exultant. Actually, scratch all of those words. In no way, shape, or form were you able to describe your feelings using words. This feeling, this joy you felt as you held your son in your arms was not something that could easily be explained. Furthermore, it was nearly incomprehensible. Your son had managed to flip your whole entire world upside down in the most magical way, and you had never felt more fortunate in your life to be his mom. You were equally as advantaged to be raising your son with the love of your life; your beautiful and amazing boyfriend, Tommy. “Can you believe we made something so amazing?” Tommy inquired as he kissed the side of your head gently, running his fingers over his sons scalp. Much like yourself, Tommy was equally as excited as you were. He couldn’t believe that he was half responsible for creating such a beautiful human being. Out of all the things he had accomplished, which had been a lot, he couldn’t help but to think that this had to be his proudest one. Furthermore, his son was absolutely perfect. “Can we interrupt?” Suddenly breaking you out of your fixation, a smile reached your lips when Nikki’s head poked through the door, an eager expression coloring his features. You had almost forgotten that the band had been waiting for the arrival of your son for quite some time now. It almost made you feel guilty that you had failed to update them until now and that was only because they had made the first move. Whoops. “Of course, of course.” You waved them in halfheartedly, the better half of you keeping your grasp tight and secure around your sons small, fragile body. “Well, would you look at that.” Vince announced as the three men trickled in the room, their expressions curious, yet excited. “It’s a little baby Tommy,” Peering over your shoulder, the boys gathered around to glimpse at their new nephew. For the first time in the many years you had known them, they became completely and totally speechless. You watched as their mouths curved into small smiles, their eyes beginning to twinkle in wonder. You could tell just in the few seconds that they had laid eyes on your baby, that they too were amazed by how special one child could be. Furthermore, just as you and Tommy had fell in love, you were watching the boys fall in love as well and it was amazing. At just one day old, your baby was already so cherished and adored. Once again you felt fortunate. “I’m proud of you drummer,” Mick murmured as he clasped Tommy on the back, a beam coloring your boyfriends features at the compliment. He had been yearning to hear those words from Mick since he met him in his teenage years; it felt good to finally come full circle. “How are you, by the way, Y/N? Less grumpy?” Nikki asked causing your cheeks to warm at the not-so-fond memory. “Sorry about that Nik, my hormones were all out of whack and-” Your words were cut off as Nikki suddenly raised his hand to stop you. “Hey, I get it. I would be grumpy too. I’m just happy to see you back to yourself,” the bass player ruffled your hair causing you to grin appreciatively. Sometimes you didn’t feel like you were worthy of their unwavering acceptance and love, but you certainly weren’t ever going to question it.
Vince: “By popular demand, we brought you…” Scouring in the McDonald’s bag, Tommy began to pull out various items of food for you. “A big mac, a ten piece nugget, two large fries, and a McChicken.” Laying the food on the bedside table, you beamed graciously at the sight. It had been a very long, tiring labor. Even though it had seemed like things were escalating quickly at the concert, the process had actually slowed tremendously once you finally made it to the hospital. Furthermore, it had been 48 hours to be completely exact. 48 hours of contractions, of pain, and most importantly of no food; just the measly, sad excuse of a substitute meal, ice chips. And at this point you were absolutely starving. “You guys are a gift from God,” you muttered, beginning to stuff handfuls of fries into your mouth. “Oh, and I almost forgot, here’s your chocolate shake too.” Nikki handed you the creamy beverage, laughing at the twinkle of excitement in your eyes. The way you looked at the food was supposed to be the way you looked at your newborn child, but frankly you were too hungry to feel bad. Furthermore, you were unapologetic for how famished you were at this point of time. “So, are you guys ready to meet him?” Vince asked, rubbing his hands together as he scrutinized his band members carefully. The question was, of course, rhetorical. The whole purpose of them being here was not to bring you McDonalds, but to meet your son. “Of course.” Nikki smiled, trying to steal a glimpse into the crib as Vince reached in,  gently scooping the restless child into his arms. “Say hello to your nephew, everyone.” Turning swiftly on his heels, Vince presented the newborn to his best friends, amused at their overwhelming reaction to the child. Even though they didn’t utter a single word, it was obvious that they were all amazed by the child. How could something be so small, yet so important in the grand scheme of things? They couldn’t believe how beautiful, and amazing a small baby could be. They were astonished to say the least. “Wow, man.” Tommy breathed, lurking over Vince’s shoulder, eyes wide in awe. Just from his body language you could tell that he was going to be insistent on holding the baby, but you were silently freaking out. Your baby was just so tiny, so fragile, so breakable. It made you nervous to let someone hold him, but you knew that these people weren’t just any regular person; they were his family, his uncles. So, bracing yourself, you nodded your head reassuringly at Vince watching carefully as he passed the infant into the drummers arms. “What a perfect combination,” Tommy mused before passing the baby to Mick who smiled kindly at the child. “Half expected him to come out with ratty, bleached hair like his dad.” Mick’s words made the room giggle as he rocked the child back and forth slowly. Out of all the guys, Mick seemed to be the most natural. You could tell just by his body language that he was fantastic with children. Mick was definitely going to be the designated babysitter in the future. Lastly, the baby was passed to Nikki, which to your surprise was actually very controlled and calm. “You guys are going to make amazing parents, you know that?” Nikki inquired as Vince took a seat on the bed next to you, kissing your temple gingerly. “I think so.” Vince smiled as you look up at him, a smile dancing on your lips. Of course, you were going to be great parents. 
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Preference #11 - Car Accident (Requested)
Nikki: It was as if his world came to a vicious, screeching halt. Nikki had experienced hardships since he was born, but all that paled in comparison to the horror that he was currently facing. Furthermore, it was unbearable. The pain that lapped through him in cruel waves made his chest burn, and suddenly he was collapsing to his knees. Even though Doc was still talking, Nikki couldn’t comprehend a single word he was saying. All he could focus on was the very first sentence he had uttered; all he could focus on was the fact that you had been in a major car accident and your status was still pending. Nikki couldn’t get the mental image out of his head; you were home, alone in a hospital and he was not. In fact, he was nowhere near being home. He was thousands and thousands of miles away from you, dead in the middle of Motley Crue’s most successful tour to date. None of that mattered anymore, however. The only thing that mattered was you. Not everything Nikki had worked so incredibly hard on, not the success of the band, not even his own bandmates; you. All that he had ever wanted, all that he had ever needed, the best thing that had happened to him was you. And you needed him. And if that meant he had to go down kicking and screaming, fighting or killing, he was going to do it. Because until the moment you were in his arms again, Nikki wasn’t going to relax. “I need to see her,” The words that came out of his mouth were so mangled and broken that nobody could deny him of his requests. Nikki was going home because he NEEDED to and he wasn’t going to be alone: his three other bandmates were as well. Furthermore, they had never seen Nikki so broken in the existing years they had grown to know and love him as a brother. They knew that Nikki needed them more than ever right now.
“So, she’s going to wake up? She’s going to be okay?” Nikki breathed as his heart pounded swiftly in his chest, relief trickling over him. “She’s going to be okay, but keep in mind her injuries are going to make for a long recovery. It might take her some time to feel like herself again.” The doctor smiled reassuringly, as Mick clapped Nikki on the back, Tommy and Vince exhaling in relief. “Thank you, thank you, thank you. Can I see her?” Nikki asked sheepishly, rubbing his chest in attempt to calm his racing heart. “Yes, but she may be a little groggy. She’s had a long night, and she’s very sleepy,” Nikki nodded his head quickly as the doctor knocked on the door before leading him in. Words could not express the excitement he had to finally be seeing you. “We’ll let you have a minute, man.” Tommy stated as his bandmates found a seat in the waiting room knowing full well that Nikki was going to need some much needed alone time with you. “Look who came to see you,” The doctor smiled gently as Nikki peaked around the corner, seeing you for the first time since he found out about the accident. Even though your body was covered with deep cuts/bruises, your leg was propped up in a heavy cast, and a neck brace was wrapped around your neck you were still the most beautiful person in the world. “Nikki?” The smile met your lips slightly as you overstretched your hand, beckoning for his touch. “Oh, Y/N. Oh, baby.” He was at your side in an instant, hands frantically reaching to touch you, but stopping as he was afraid to hurt you in your condition. By grabbing his hand, however, you reassured him that it was okay to touch you; that you wanted him to. “I told them not to bug you, that you had a concert tonight.” You muttered, eyes drooping close as his lips gingerly pressed against your knuckles. “Fuck the concert,” Nikki breathed, scrutinizing your features carefully as you fought the sleep that would inevitably come. “You are the only thing that matters to me. Not the band, the tour, the music; you. And at the end of the day, over everything, you will always come first. You are my world now,” Nikki breathed, leaning up to kiss your forehead as you smiled weakly at his words. “I love you Nikki Sixx.” Were your last words before falling into a slumber. “And I love you Y/N Sixx.”
Mick: Mick was a heavy sleeper, for it was the only time he was really able to escape the constant pain he was perpetually existing in; however, when the sounds of police sirens erupted at twelve in the morning along with the sounds of fists banging against the door, he was up in an instant. “Sir, is this the home of Y/N Y/L/N?” Mick was bewildered; completely and totally muddled as to why the police were here and looking for you of all people. Furthermore, you were the most responsible person he had ever known; the most level headed, sensible person at your age. Then it all came back to him; it was now twelve in the morning and you were supposed to be off work at ten; you were two hours late. “It is, she’s my girlfriend.” Mick stated as he stepped out onto the porch, his heart beginning to swell with concern. “I’m sorry to report that your girlfriend has been in a car accident. Could you come with us please?” Mick himself had always thrived on being a rational person, but upon hearing those words uttered by the police his calm and composed demeanor relinquished in a way that it never had before. “Is she okay? What happened to her?” Mick inquired, the inflation in his voice rising with each word he spoke. The longer the police took to answer him, the more infuriated he got. “Answer me, don’t fuck around with me when it involves my girlfriends life, I need to know what’s going on.” His breath began to come out in ragged huffs as his anxiety spiked to a brand new high. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to throw up, cry, or rage but the longer he waited, he grew closer to doing all three. “Sir, you really need to come with us. We are not authorized to give you the sort of information,” At their words, Mick’s fist was suddenly crashing through the glass on the front door as he dropped to his knees, gasping for air. The pain was unbearable; unthinkable, really. Never in his life had he felt such an excruciating ache; such a debilitating weakness. He was powerless to the thoughts that provoked him, powerless to the idea of you quite possible being gone. Everything he had known to love and to cherish felt like it was gone in an instant, and Mick had suddenly lost the ability to breathe himself. How he was able to make it from the porch to the back of the cop car was unbeknownst to him; the next thing he remembered was arriving to the hospital.
“Where her injuries are critical, they are not fatal. Y/N is going to live, but she may not be herself for awhile. Often times large accidents can send victims into a depression as they are not able to do the things they were once able to do immediately. Y/N is going to need you more than ever now; she’s going to rely on you to take care of her.” The doctors words made complete and total sense. Of course Mick was going to be that person for you. You were his everything; his reason for existence. Taking care of you wasn’t going to be hassle or a chore, it was going to be his privilege to. Furthermore, Mick was just relieved that you were alright. Nodding his head in compliance, nevertheless, the doctors admitted Mick access to see you which is what he wanted from the moment the cops showed up at his door. “Sweetheart?” Mick whispered walking over to where you laid. You were groggy, delirious. Mick could tell by the way you responded to him that you were not completely with it. He didn’t blame you though; he knew this was to be expected. “What happened to your hand?” You croaked as you raised your shaky hand to point to his bandaged fist. From when he had punched the glass, he had busted his knuckles up pretty bad. Of course that would be the first thing you noticed. Laughing softly, Mick pulled a chair up to where you laid and clasped your hand in his. “Don’t worry about it, it’s nothing.” He watched as you nodded your head, your eyes slipping closed as you sighed. “Mick, I’m so sleepy.” You whispered as you fought the sleep that ultimately overpowered you. “Go to sleep, Y/N. I’m here now, I’m here.” Were the last words you heard before you fell asleep, knowing that nothing could go too wrong as long as Mick was beside you.
Tommy: The phone dropped from his hand, as Tommy hung up the phone with your wailing mother. Tommy was sick. Physically, mentally, emotionally sick. Yet, he was disconnected. Never in his life had he felt more alienated from reality, and more in touch with the pits of hell. Furthermore, he was convinced he had died. He had convinced that he had died, and his new form of life would be to co-habitate with the devil himself. Because in a world where his girlfriend could quite possibly be dead while Tommy stayed alive couldn’t be Earth. The only explainable world where Tommy could live without you could only be known as hell itself. What brought him back to reality, nevertheless, was the sudden urge he had to violently vomit, which he did. Collapsing to his knees, Tommy heaved. Snot dripping from his nose, tears flowing chaotically and wildly down his face, Tommy threw up until he had absolutely nothing more to throw back up. After that happened, Tommy curled into a ball on the floor allowing the pain to wash over him as he envisioned the four car pile up you had been apart of only a few hours ago. He could tell by the fear and despondency in your mother’s voice that it couldn’t be good; that your condition was critical. The thought was enough to send him to the downward spiral to beat all downward spirals. The thought that you could be gone for the rest of eternity was enough to kill him. He had to see you; he NEEDED to see you, but he couldn’t move. Tommy was absolutely paralyzed and debilitated by the unwavering, excruciating pain. So, he did the only thing he knew to do: he called Nikki.
As soon as your mom saw Tommy and Nikki, she sprinted to them, crashing into Tommy’s chest as she let out a mangled sob. “She’s okay, she’s okay.” She blubbered as Tommy tightened his grasp around her and cried into her hair. “Is she awake?” Tommy choked as he pulled away, his palm covering his heart. He had never felt relief quite like he did right now; all he wanted to do was hold you in his arms; to know that you were safe himself. “She is, but she’s a little…” Your mom stopped to laugh as she shook her head. “She’s a little loopy, the anesthesia made her…Y’know.” Your mom grinned knowingly as Tommy chuckled softly. Just thinking of you being high on pain meds made his spirits rise; he couldn’t wait to see how you would act.  “I don’t care. I just want to see her,” Tommy murmured, causing your mom to smile as she nodded her head deliberately, linking her arm with his as she led him to the room, Nikki following shortly behind. As soon as the door opened, Tommy’s heart fluttered at the sound of your soft giggles his face distorting with bliss. Words did not even begin to touch how happy he was to hear that laugh. “Tommy!” Tommy’s eyebrows furrowed when he saw you wince from your sudden jerk forward. “Woah, woah, woah. You gotta be careful, sweetheart. You’re still healing,” Tommy reminded you as he sat next to your bed, leaning over you to peck your lips sweetly. “I forgot how handsome you are, what a lucky lady am I.” Everybody in the room laughed at the words, Tommy shaking his head as his cheeks burned red. “You must think I’m handsome too, look at your rosy cheeks!” Tommy glanced up at Nikki and your mom who were trying to stifle their giggles at your words, but failed miserably once they saw the shock in Tommy’s face. “Not handsome, but undoubtedly beautiful.” Lacing his fingers with yours, you couldn’t help but to smile from his loving grasp. “Now I’M the one turning red!” Fanning your face with your other hand, your own cheeks began to warm from his kind words. Even under anesthesia he still managed to make you blush; that had to be a new high. “AND you brought Sixx! Though I don’t really care that he’s here; I just care about you.” Nikki smiled as he waved at you giving you a small ‘hi y/n’. “Y/N…you have no idea how happy I am that you’re okay. I love you so much,” Suddenly kissing your knuckles, Tommy spoke the words he had been wanting to speak all night: he told you he loved you. “And I love you so much more.” You whispered, laughing when Tommy shook his head and said “Impossible.”
Vince: At first, Vince would shut down. The lady from the hospital would still be explaining the situation over the phone, but all he would be able to focus on was the fact that you were in the hospital and you had been in a major car accident. That, and the fact that the last conversation he had with you had been a fight. Vince had already been feeling guilty about the entire thing. Furthermore, you were the type of couple that kept your emotions in check; the type of couple that was able to overlook the small things in order to look at the big picture. Where no relationship was ever completely perfect, Vince couldn’t help but to feel as if your relationship was the closest thing it could be to it. Until today. Not only had you fought, but now you were in the hospital after a major car accident. The last impression you would have had of Vince would have been negative; maybe he would have been the distraction that caused the accident to happen in the first place. The feeling was unbearable, incomprehensible. Letting the phone slip from his fingers, he would stare blankly ahead of him, his body empty. He had gone numb. No physical response, no emotional response, no reaction whatsoever. For a second, his breath slow to a near halt, the tightening in his chest encompassing him completely. Then it happened. Crashing to the floor, Vince would let out a blood curdling scream. The sobs would rip through him like a wildfire, his body trembling from the sadness. Punching the ground repeatedly Vince wouldn’t stop until his knuckles were bruised and bleeding and that was only because Nikki would have to peel him from the ground. Because the entire situation had taken him by surprise he had forgotten that he was in the middle of rehearsal until he saw his bandmates staring at him in  alarm. “It’s Y/N. She was in accident and it’s my fault,” Vince was hyperventilating in between his words, he doubted that his friends even were able to make it out. Furthermore, he was falling apart; he was having the biggest anxiety attack he had ever had in his life. “Where is she?” Mick asked calmly, placing his hands on Vince’s shoulders, snapping him out of his panic. It was then when Vince realized he needed to see you; good, bad, or otherwise.
“I talked to the doctor. Y/N is okay, but she’s pretty fucked up in a physical sense. She broke both her legs, fractured her wrist and has some pretty serious whiplash, but she’s awake. She’s also been asking for you, man.” Vince was relieved that Nikki had taken the initiative to talk to the doctor. Furthermore, he had completely shut down since the very first phone call. He went from going numb, to going completely ballistic, to slipping straight into a debilitating depression. Due to his unpredictable actions, there was no telling how Vince would respond to what the doctor was going to say: it was the obvious choice to let Nikki speak to the doctor first. “So, she’s really okay?” The tears were already welling in his eyes, from the sheer happiness. “Yes, she’s going to be okay. And she wants to see you, so you better get in there.” Vince didn’t know what else to say, all he could do was hug Nikki with all the force he could possibly muster. “You have no idea how much that just meant to me,” he murmured, as Nikki clapped him on the back hugging him tightly. “I love you, man.” Nikki said as Vince nodded in response, wiping his nose with the back of his hand as he sniffled. Even though he was nervous to see you, he couldn’t deny how excited he was to see you; he just hoped you still weren’t mad from the fight. Bracing himself, Vince squared his shoulders, taking a deep breath before opening the door to your room. “Y/N?” Vince murmured, his voice low when he entered the room. “I really wish you didn’t have to see me like this; I look awful.” Your voice was hoarse and scratchy, but it was still the most beautiful noise he had ever heard. “You could never look awful,” Vince whispered, finally sitting next to you sucking in a sharp breath at your appearance. You were bruised from head to toe, hair disheveled, eyes dark from exhaustion. Truthfully you looked awful, but not in a sense that made you anything less than beautiful; awful because you were tired and hurt. “I’m sorry we fought today,” You whispered, reaching your hand out to grasp Vince’s hand firmly. “It doesn’t matter now. All that matters is that you are safe and okay,” Leaning up to kiss you, the past became the past.
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thedirtpreferences ¡ 1 year
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Preference #10 - Labor on Tour (Requested)
Mick: “The real question is epidural or no epidural?” You couldn’t help but to giggle at Tommy’s question as you rubbed your hand across your belly, smiling when you felt your baby kick your hand. You were currently cuddled against Mick’s chest, chatting with the band as you traveled to the next destination for the next show. Where you had always been someone who hated riding in a car for long periods of time, you couldn’t help but to love the tour bus. Furthermore, it was more like a small home. There was always chatter, there was always laughter, and there was plenty of room to move around and breathe. Half the time you didn’t even feel like you were traveling when you were on it. And right now was no different; in fact you were perfectly content as you talked about your soon-to-be labor. “No epidural, I want it to be all natural.” Smiling proudly at your decision, you couldn’t help but to laugh as the three men in front of you winced at your words. “Mick, your girlfriend is fucking metal.” Vince stated very seriously as Mick rubbed the top of your shoulder and kissed the side of your head. “Seriously, man. If I was in a street fight and I had to pick one person to help me, it would definitely be her.” Tommy nodded in your direction as you rolled your eyes shaking your head. Although denying the epidural made you seem heroic and strong, you truthfully didn’t want it for a multitude of reasons. Reason one being that you had a sincere phobia of large needles, reason two being because of the health risks involved in having it, and finally reason three because you wanted to remember every single solitary part of the labor. Even though you had heard that child birth was the worst pain a woman could ever possibly endure, you were willing to take that risk. Furthermore, you wanted to remember every single, solitary aspect of the childbirth: the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful. Plus, you had experienced braxton hicks contractions in the past and they happened to be pretty mild. Surely labor contractions couldn’t be much worse, right? That is what you had originally thought, however, until you suddenly felt an extremely sharp tightening in your abdomen. “Oh, ow.” you muttered, sucking in a sharp breath as you leaned away from Mick, sitting up straighter than you had before. “What’s wrong?” Mick murmured, brushing the hair from the back of your neck as he began to rub small circles into your back. “The baby…Is just trying to get comfy I think,” hissing on the last word, your back arched as the feeling intensified. “Someone get her a water,” Mick instructed as he stepped in front of you, crouching so that your faces were eye level. “Hey…Are you okay?” Lifting your chin so that your eyes locked with his, Mick frowned when he saw the pain that swam in your eyes. As if the pain wasn’t already a dead giveaway, however, suddenly your clothes as well as your seat were drenched in  water; suddenly the unthinkable had happened. “Shit,” Your pupils dilated in distress just as Nikki approached you with the water, his own eyes widening in shock. “Nikki, I need you to find out how close we are to the next exit immediately.” Mick’s words were calm as he brushed your hair from your face, sighing in relief when he overheard the bus driver state that they were only a mile away from the exit. “Just hold off for a little bit longer, we’ll get you to a hospital immediately.” Nikki soothed you as he sat down next to Mick, handing you the water. “Hey, Tommy?” You winced in between contractions. “Yeah, Y/N?” “I think I changed my mind about the epidural.” Everybody laughed in unison as Mick leaned up to kiss the tip of your nose, smiling at your words. “I think you’ll thank yourself later.” He laughed. [I love Mick Mars sorry for getting carried away lol]
Nikki: Pregnancy changed a lot about you. It changed your physical exterior, it changed the way your brain operated, it even changed your perspective on life; however, pregnancy did not change the constant urge you had to consistently stay busy. “Babe, you’ve got to sit down.” Nikki pleaded, cuffing his fingers around your wrist as you hastily walked past him. You were currently rushing around the dressing room helping the boys prepare for their performance by spackling their hair with hairspray, fetching them their choice of liquor, doing makeup, and making sure their attire was presentable. “I am, I am. I was just grabbing the stuff to do your makeup, I swear.” you reasoned, finally sitting in front of Nikki as you opened the blush compact. “I swear you were born to be a mom, the way you take care of us when in reality we should be rushing around making sure you’re the one being pampered.” Nikki marveled, as you swirled the plump brush into the bright particles your cheeks turning the same color as the material in the compact. You had been dating Nikki for years and now you were pregnant with his child, how was it that he was still capable of making you blush like the first time he laid eyes on you? You were convinced that he had some sort of invisible mind power over you. “Nonsense,” you murmured as you began to blend the makeup into his skin, smiling at the way it accentuated his bone structure. You never grew bored from doing Nikki’s makeup. Furthermore, it gave you the perfect excuse to stare intently at him for as long as you wanted. He was just so painstakingly beautiful; you couldn’t believe that he was completely yours let alone the father of your child. How had you gotten so lucky? Your thoughts were quickly interrupted when a sudden rush of water began to gush from between your legs, soaking the chair beneath you as it leaked into your shoes. For once in your life, you froze. Becoming completely statuesque from the foreign feeling, the brush slipped from your fingers as it dropped to the floor with a light ‘thud’. “Babe, what’s wrong? What happened?” Nikki’s voice was tinged with concern as his hands frantically caressed the tops of your arms, then to your cheeks. Usually the touch of your boyfriend was able to break your concentration enough to talk to him about what was bothering you, but this time you stayed completely still eyes wide in alarm. “Y/N, you’re scaring me. Is it the baby?” Nikki’s voice broke on the last syllable, causing you to snap out of the shock. “My water just broke.” You whispered in alarm, as you eyes snapped up to meet his. For a second, you held each other’s gaze completely astonished that the moment was finally here; then everything began to happen at once. It happened so quickly you weren’t even sure how it happened; all you remembered was Nikki shouting “I’m going to be a dad!” As you were rushed out the door.
Tommy: Tommy was starting to become silent. Not because he didn’t love you or he didn’t want to speak to you, but because he was truthfully becoming fearful of you. Furthermore, you were pregnant. Really pregnant; nine months to be exact. And not only were you extremely uncomfortable as your stomach was now ballooned to a whole new extreme, but your hormones were also exceedingly imbalanced as well. With one bad glance, you were biting off the heads of your peers then happy as a clam the next. And, unfortunately, Tommy was constantly on the receiving end of it. “Dudes, I am telling you she has become possessed by the devil or something.” Tommy warned his bandmates in a hasty whisper. “Man, she’s pregnant. Quit overreacting and suck it up,” Vince chided, smiling pleasantly at you as you suddenly approached the group. “Hello, Y/N.” Vince greeted you, flinching when you stared back at him coldly. “What’s everybody staring at?” You spit viciously between your teeth, your features menacing. “You, of course! You look ravishing, your pregnancy glow really makes you look radiant.” Nikki had tried to reassure you, but to no avail. “That’s hilarious considering I got three hours of sleep last night and just got done ralphing. Did I mention I still have acid reflux from the brownie I ate two days ago as well? Also, I’ve been  having braxton hicks contractions since my second trimester and today they are the worst they’ve ever been so tell me one more time that I look ravishing, Nikki, because I swear to god I’m not in the mood for compli-” Your threat came to screeching halt as the water began to trickle down your legs, drenching the lower half of your body. For a second, you had been completely convinced that Nikki’s compliment had got you so worked up that you had quite literally peed your pants. Then you realized; your water had just broke. Slowly raising your head mouth agape, you met Tommy’s shocked gaze. The room had become silent as the band slowly raised their eyes from the puddle on the ground to meet your astonished ogle. “I-I think my water just broke.” Once your words broke the silence, Tommy was by you in an instant shouting for Doc as he steered you out of the dressing room. “Are you okay? Do you need me to get you anything before we head to the hospital? Should I call your parents? Mine?” The questions poured out of his mouth at an expeditious speed, a shaky hand raking through his hair the entire time. You could tell by the urgency in his tone that he was panicking, and for the first time in weeks you truly felt sorry for him. Suddenly yanking him to a stop, you pressed your palms to his cheeks and leaned up to press your lips to his gingerly. “All I want or need right now is you,” you breathed as Tommy nodded his head, pressing his lips to your forehead. “Now, let’s go have this baby.”
Vince: “That’s your Daddy, little one.” Rubbing your palm over your pregnant belly, you beamed as you watched Vince perform on stage. Every single, solitary day you thanked your lucky stars for being privileged enough to have him not only as a loving, supporting boyfriend, but now as the father of your child. Furthermore, Vince was everything and more to you. And watching him perform every single night only validated your feelings that much more. As great as Vince was as a performer, you got to enjoy the more intimate, personal parts of him; you got to be apart of a life of his that not a lot people got to be apart of and for that you personally felt enriched. That didn’t mean that you still couldn’t enjoy the stage aspect to Vince, however. Yes, even though you loved the family oriented part of who he was as well as the compassionate, romantic side of him, you still never grew tired of seeing him perform. Moreover, every single, solitary aspect to him screamed sex appeal. The way his skin glistened from the sweat, the way his voice rung out in his higher notes, the way he bucked his hips when he danced; everything was just so damn sexy. You weren’t 100% sure, but you figured a large percentage of you was so sex hungry for him because of your pregnancy hormones. The other part of you, however, accepted the fact that you had always wanted to rip the clothes off of him at the end of every concert pregnant or not. “You must like to hear Daddy sing too; you’re quite the kicker tonight,” moving your hand across your belly, you smiled as your baby kicked your hand each time you moved it. Where your baby had been a wiggler from the beginning, you couldn’t help but to realize that your baby was more active than usual tonight. It seemed like every five seconds or so, they were moving; adjusting. You almost wondered if they were starting to become impatient with the lack of space. “Holy,” your thoughts were instantaneously interrupted when suddenly a sharp, tightening pain erupted from the pits of your stomach. Dropping to your knees, you called out for Doc. A couple of roadies noticed you before he did, however, and rushed to get to him. In the meantime, you were suddenly kneeling in a pool of water bewildered on how things had happened so quickly. What you hadn’t realized during all of this, nevertheless, was that Doc had rushed onto the stage and pulled Vince telling him that you were in labor. “Sweetheart, hey…” Vince was at your side in an instant, kneeling down in front of you as your contorted face raised slightly too look at him. “H-hurts, baby is coming.” Just as the words escaped your clenched teeth, Tommy was suddenly rolling a wheelchair your way. Vince hooked his arms under yours, lifting you up in the chair as you let out another sharp gasp from the contraction. “We need to get her out of here, now.” Vince’s words were urgent as he began to wheel you down the hall, Mick on the phone with 911 in the background trying to call you a paramedic. Even though you had interrupted the concert, you couldn’t help but to feel happy that Vince was with you and the boys were just as supportive. In addition, you knew you weren’t going to be alone.
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thedirtpreferences ¡ 1 year
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Preference #8 - Marriage Proposal
Vince: Everything was unmistakingly perfect. The sky that had originally been a beautiful blue, was now colored with brilliant variations of pink, purple, red, and orange. The sun in the sky that had once been yellow and bright, was now a deep and enriching red. The water that stretched on for miles and miles reflected the image of breathtaking sky, yet was still capable of holding its own point of beauty. You had always heard that a beach sunset was different than other sunsets; that they were more enchanting, more awe-inspiring. Frankly, you had heard wrong. This moment, this experience right now was somehow better than what you had heard. Furthermore, you didn’t think it could get much better. “This is beautiful.” you whispered, digging your toes in the white stand as you took a swig of your beer. “You know what’s even more beautiful?” Vince whispered in your ear as he tightened his arms that were wrapped around your chest. You were currently sitting in between your boyfriends legs, back pressed against the frontside of his body. The combination of the sunset and his arms wrapped around you was reason enough to believe that this was heaven on Earth. “You.” He kissed your ear gingerly, causing you to giggle and shake your head. “You’re cheesy.” You murmured in response, playfully knocking your head back to meet his gaze as you laid your head on his shoulder. “I’m serious. I’m trying to focus on the scenery and how fortunate I am that we are on this vacation together, but all I can think about is how lucky I am to be holding the most beautiful woman in the world in my arms.” Vince leaned down, skimming your nose against his as your eyes fell close. When you felt his lips press against yours, you couldn’t help but to smile into the kiss as you felt like the most fortunate girl in the world. You were in love with this man. From every follicle of hair on his head, to the footprints on his feet. Falling in love with him had been the easiest thing you had ever done, and with each passing day you found yourself falling even more in love with him. Breaking you out thought, Vince pulled away from you as he kept his forehead against your own, his breathing ragged. “Marry me, Y/N.” Vince breathed, causing your eyes to fly open as you sat back up, turning around to face him. “I beg your pardon?” You choked as Vince sat straight up to face you, his eyes burning with sincerity. “Marry me, Y/N. I am so in love with you, you have turned my world upside down for the better; you have made me the man that I want to be. Be my wife,” Digging into his pocket, Vince pulled out a box and flipped it open displaying a beautiful diamond ring. You were gobsmacked, astounded. In fact, it took you an entire second to fully react to what was happening. Once you did, however, you were bounding into Vince’s chest with all the force you could possibly muster. Luckily, Vince had anticipated this and had managed to shut the box close before the ring fell out in the sand. “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!” You cried as Vince flipped you over onto your back, climbing on top of you with the biggest smile you had ever seen. “Thank you,” Were his last words before his lips met yours, kissing you passionately.
Nikki: “Last box!” You shouted through your new, not-so-vacant house. For the past eight hours, you and Nikki had been moving your things into your brand new home. This was the first big investment you two had made together and where you were really nervous, things had never felt so right. Furthermore, even though this decision was very big and very serious, you knew that this was a step in the right direction; you could feel in your soul that Nikki was your forever person. “When you get done doing that, come help me out in the kitchen!” You heard Nikki shout, rolling your eyes in response. You were bewildered on what your boyfriend could possibly need as you were carrying the last box in your arms. You were hopeful that he wasn’t wanting to start any new renovations tonight due to the fact that you were utterly exhausted. Setting the box down in your new master bedroom, you cringed when you saw your reflection in the mirror. Your hair was chaotic, the bags under your eyes evident. Your clothes were baggy and covered in sweat. You appeared to be on your last leg and truthfully you looked it. If you didn’t love your boyfriend so much, you would have ditched him in a heartbeat to collapse on the bed behind you. Fighting the urge, however, you exited the room and began to make your way to the kitchen. “Nikki.” You gasped when you got there, shocked by the sight. The room was glowing, dozens of candles scattered around. There were two glasses of red wine sitting on the island in the heart of the kitchen, a bottle of wine placed behind it. Your boyfriend was wearing a black, silk button up that exposed his chest along with a pair of black slacks and shiny patent shoes. Needless to say, you were breathless from the sight. “What is all this?” You whispered, suddenly insecure about how you looked as Nikki walked towards you. “The rest of our lives,” He murmured, taking your hands in his when he approached you. “Today we moved in together, but that isn’t enough for me.” He shook his head, pausing a moment to gather himself. “From the moment I first laid eyes on you, you have been the center of my whole entire world. From the moment I wake up, you are on my mind. From the moment I go to bed you are still on my mind. You are the kindest, warmest, most compassionate person I have ever met. And since the very first time we toured this house, all I have been able to think about is the life we have in front of us and how I want to grow old and gray with you here.” Your heart was pounding at a worrisome speed when Nikk lowered himself onto one knee, holding your hand in his as his other hand reached into his pocket to pull out a black velvet box. “Will you do me the honor of growing old with me? Will you marry me, Y/N?” You were near the point of hysteria as the tears poured happily down your cheeks, a small ‘yes’ leaving your mouth as you nodded your head violently. Once Nikki slipped the ring onto your finger, he stood back up and kissed you more passionately than he ever had before knowing that you were his for the rest of eternity.
Mick: “I fucking love Christmas.” You murmured to Mick, unable to conceal the overall content you had for your current situation. You were currently at your childhood home, a fire in the fireplace crackling in front of you as you listened to old christmas vinyls on your record player. Your family had went to bed over an hour ago, leaving just you and Mick alone in the living room to spend some quality time together. Where you loved your family and grasped that Christmas was one of those holidays meant for family time, you were also appreciative for the alone time you were currently having with Mick. Furthermore, all you had ever wanted was to spend the holidays with your significant other. Not to mention, it was nice to be having a drink after a long day of festivities with the family. “I know.” Mick fought back the smile that creeped to his lips when you narrowed your eyes at him, taking a swig out of the wine bottle. “Don’t pretend that you don’t love Christmas, Mars.” You accused, pointing your index finger at him accusingly. “I don’t, but I do love seeing how happy it makes you.” Bringing the wine bottle to his own lips, you smiled at his answer as he tipped the wine bottle back taking a swig himself. It were the moments like these that made your heart swell with adoration; furthermore, even though Mick wasn’t always the most vocal with telling you how much he loved you, every once in awhile he would hit you with loving comments like right now. Perhaps it was the alcohol talking, but a large percentage of you knew he wouldn’t say things like that if he didn’t mean it. “Speaking of making me happy, it’s Christmas Eve which means we both get to open one present from one another.” Clapping your hands together, you stood from your spot on the floor, wobbling as you clobbered over to the Christmas tree. “Is that even a thing?” Mick asked incredulously, sitting up as anxiety began to dance across his face. “Have you been living under a rock all these years? Of course, it’s a thing! It’s a stinking tradition,” You smiled as he you handed him a small box, laughing at the discomfort that was very obviously displayed on his face. “What if I only bought you one thing?” Mick inquired, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. “Means I get to open it now,” you chirped unphased, encouraging him to give you the gift with ‘grabby’ hands. For a second, Mick paused holding your gaze hesitantly before standing up to face you. You had fully expected him to grab the gift from under the tree, which is why when he dropped to one knee in front of you, your eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment. What was he doing? “I was going to do this tomorrow at dinner, y’know when your family was around to see. But I’m almost relieved that this is happening now; it’s better this way.” Reaching into his back pocket, Mick pulled out a velvet box staring up at you bashfully as he popped it open, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. You nearly collapsed from the shock. “Being here at your childhood home, surrounded by fundamental memories that have made you who you are today has made me realize how important it is for us to start building our own memories and life together. In fact, I can’t stop thinking about the traditions we will carry throughout the years and will eventually pass down to our own children. Y/N, you are the person I want to grow old with; the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. You have my undying love and affection, my heart has been yours from the moment we met. Will you marry me?” Your gasp caught in the back of your throat, obstructing the words that fought to come out; all you could do was nod feverishly and aggressively as you leaned down to kiss him with all the passion you could possibly muster. And Mick thought you loved Christmas before.
Tommy: Anything and everything that could possibly go wrong was happening and Tommy was in complete and total disbelief. He had been planning and prepping for this day for weeks, months. Moreover, he wanted to create a moment that the both of you would never forget. Little was he aware, however, that the night was going to me memorable for the wrong reasons. Furthermore, the night commenced with a five hour wait for the most prestigious restaurant in town. Tommy had been so concerned with the smaller details, he had completely forgot to make the reservations in the first place which resulted in the long wait. Even though Tommy had been insistent on waiting for the dinner, you had not. As a result, you both had ended up leaving and driving around for an hour before finally deciding on a run down diner just a block or two away from your home. You both had thought the night would get better once you got some food in you which is why you decided on a restaurant that was so basic, but it simply just got worse from that point on. When the waitress had brought out your drinks, she had lost balance and accidentally poured the tray of drinks all over the front of your brand new red dress. Even though you were understanding, you couldn’t hide the disappointment for the stained dress and the fact that you had to eat your dinner soggy and cold. But even then you were further disappointed as the food came out cold, and flavorless; even Tommy’s burger came out pink in the middle. It took over an hour to get your check, and once you got it, it was for the wrong table so it took an additional ten minutes to get the mixup straightened out. When you finally left, you both eagerly sprinted to the car to avoid the rain only to find out that the keys were locked inside the car and you were stuck outside. This led you to now: cold, wet, uncomfortable, standing under a park gazebo with Tommy in the midst of an outrageous thunderstorm, waiting for the police to come get the keys out of the car. “Well, this didn’t go as planned.” You joked playfully, laughing when Tommy met your gaze exhaling heavily as he shook his head. “You have no idea.” Tommy muttered as you sauntered towards him, shrugging your shoulders as you threw your hands up. “Hey, it could be worse. At least we’re together,” You smiled wrapping your arms around him, reaching on your tiptoes to kiss the tip of his chin sweetly. You always had a way of seeing the brighter side of things, and that was one of the many things Tommy loved about you: you always seemed to ground him. Even in a bad situation, you somehow were capable of seeing the brighter side of things. Suddenly the box in his pocket was becoming too heavy to ignore as he remembered that this was one of the many reasons why he wanted you to be his wife. Who really cared if it was a bad date? This decision was based long before this night.. “I wanted tonight to be perfect. I wanted to give you a beautiful restaurant with exceptional service, fantastic food, and a complimentary red wine to wash it all down with. I wanted to give you a romantic night you would never forget, a night that would make you feel as enriched as you make me feel every single day I wake up next to you. But I realize now, that none of that matters; all that matters is this, us.” Dropping to one knee, Tommy took your hand in his as he pulled the velvet box from his pocket. You couldn’t help but to suck in a heavy gasp at the sight. “I promise to love you even when things don’t work out, I promise to love you through the rain and the storms. I promise to make you the happiest person on Earth no matter what the circumstances are and to never stop loving you. Will you marry me, Y/N?” The word ‘YES’ left your mouth before you even had time to register what was happening, and suddenly the ring was being slid onto your inger.
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thedirtpreferences ¡ 1 year
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Preference #7 - Surprise (Requested)
Mick: Your thoughts were relentless, hurtful and it didn’t help that Mick hadn’t called you yet tonight. Furthermore, he always called you after the show ended and when he made it back to the hotel. Tonight was the first night in over a year that you hadn’t heard from him. Needless to say, you were sad. Clad in only one of his black button up shirts, you crossed your arms across your chest and rubbed the tops of your arms, closing your eyes as you tried to ground yourself and your thoughts. You knew Mick would never do anything to hurt you, but you couldn’t help but to wonder if maybe just maybe it was actually possible. Your thoughts were quickly interrupted, however, when you heard the jingling of keys at the front door. It was currently one in the morning, and you clearly weren’t expecting any visitors so instantly your mind went to worst case scenario. “Shit,” you hissed under your breath as you jumped up from the couch, picking up the closest item to you that happened to be a lamp resting on a side table. Lifting the lamp over your right shoulder in comparison to a baseball bat, your breath hitched when you heard the keys click and the door open. You had every intention on throwing the lamp when the door opened, but froze when you saw who it was. Mick. Examining your physical state, Mick raised his eyebrows as a smile twitched as his lips. “You’re not going to throw that, are you?” It was then when you dropped the lamp, and launched yourself at your boyfriend with the force of a head on car collision. “Surprise!” He murmured, laughing into your hair as an uncontrollable sob ripped through your chest. “I thought-I thought the tour,” You stuttered incoherently, pulling back to look at Mick who was smiling down at you as if you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. “Doc thought that we could afford a few days off, so I got the first plane home.” Wiping your tears away with the pads of his thumb, he shook his head amazed by your reaction. “I’m so happy.” You choked, as Mick wrapped his arm around your lower back, his other lifting your chin to meet his gaze. “Me too, pretty girl. Me too.” It was then where he filled the space between the both of you, and pressed his lips gently against yours, electricity buzzing through your veins at his touch. Even though you had shared over a thousand kisses, this one would feel like the first, excited to finally see eachother again.
Tommy: You let out a sad sigh as you watched the clock turn from 4:59AM to 5:00AM. Tommy called you every night. Every. Single. Solitary. Night. On the nights he couldn’t talk, he would even call just to let you know he wasn’t going to be able to talk that night, but that he still wanted you to know that he loved you more than anything. It was the little things in your relationship; it was the small details that made the difference. You believed that was the reason why you were so upset tonight too; you hadn’t even had a single ‘I love you’ since the last phone call the night before. Touring was tough on you, and you were trying not to let it get to you, but it was nearly impossible. Rolling over in bed, you tried to close your eyes and get comfortable, but you just couldn’t seem to; you were far too distracted. Flipping onto your back, you let out a groan and smacked your palms against your eyes, slowly letting your hands fall down your face, dragging your features with it. Was a phone call really that important? Your thoughts were interrupted when suddenly a large rock flew through your window, causing you to gasp. Quickly jumping out of bed, you began to button the top two buttons of Tommy’s flannel that stopped just above your knee. You knew you should call the police, but impulsively you couldn’t help but to run to the window to see what the hell it was. When you reached the window you opened it, despite the huge hole that now appeared, and poked your head out. What you saw was better than you could have ever expected. “Shit,  that was supposed to be romantic! Like, when Romeo threw pebbles at Juliet’s window!” You could not believe your eyes when you saw your boyfriend, standing sheepishly outside your window scratching the back of his neck. “Oh my God, Tommy!” You squealed. Suddenly you were sprinting out of the room, your legs carrying you faster than they ever had before. When you reached the bottom of the stairs, your boyfriend was already there holding his arms out for a hug. Jumping from the last step, you bounded into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist and locking your arms around his neck. You giggled as he swung you around in circles, finally putting you down to examine you at arms length. “Is that my flannel?” He asked and you blushed, shrugging in response. “That’s okay, babe. It looks better on you,” Pulling you into a kiss, you smiled into it happy your boyfriend was finally home. In addition, it was so not worth getting a call.
Nikki: You were convinced it was finally happening; Nikki had finally came to the realization that he could do better. You knew how the tour was; you knew how women threw themselves at the band incessantly no matter what the circumstances were. Temptation was always there and Nikki had finally fell for the bait. Shaking your head in an attempt to shake the thought itself, you raised the wine bottle to your lips, taking another swig out of your almost empty bottle. He always called. Whether it was for an hour, whether it was twenty minutes. In the entire time you had been dating, Nikki always made a point by the end of the night to talk to you and let you know how much he loved you and missed you. Today had been first day where that did not happen; where you had even tried to call him, and you got zero response. You were sad, and maybe even a little angry. Yet, you still couldn’t bring yourself to take off his t-shirt that you always slept in because you couldn’t help but to feel close to him even if he was thousands miles away. Instead of taking the shirt off, however, you decided to drink. Taking the last swig of the red wine you had only bought today, you groaned when you realized you had finished the bottle by yourself. Walking into the kitchen, you grabbed the second one from the counter and began to struggle to open it. “Damn, cork.” you cursed as you struggled to get the top off, frustrated by the effort it was taking. It didn’t help that you were already kind of drunk. “Haven’t you heard you’re never supposed to drink alone?” Your heart stopped when you heard the familiar voice you had been yearning to hear all night come from behind you. Turning around, your heart nearly stopped as you took in your surroundings: Nikki was here. “Haven’t you heard that you should always call your girlfriend no matter what the circumstances are?” You fired back, not being able to fight the smile that tugged at your lips. “As you could see, I was a little busy.” As if gravity itself was pulling your bodies together, you both walked towards each other instinctively filling the empty space between the both of you. When you reached each other, Nikki wounded his arms so tightly around your waist that it nearly took your breath away. Locking your arms around his neck, you smiled when Nikki leaned down and pressed his lips against your own. It was in that moment that you forgot why you had ever been upset or mad; it was in that moment that the only thing that mattered was that Nikki was home and you were wrapped securely in his arms. How had you been so insecure before? Of course he loved you. “Do you think you can forgive me for not calling?” Nikki asked when you broke away, your foreheads resting against each other. “I think you’re off the hook just this once.” You breathed as your lips reconnected once again.
Vince: It was a particularly long day and all you wanted was your boyfriend. Yet, here you were. Laying on the couch, completely alone, eating chinese takeout. Your hair was thrown into a messy bun, your dress socks were still on from the work day, and you were wearing one of Vince’s tank tops; you looked a complete mess. Even though you were completely relaxed now that you were home and not at work, you couldn’t help but to feel like a large part of you was missing and that part of you was Vince. Tour took a toll on you. Furthermore, it was often responsible for manifesting chaos and self doubt in your head. While he was there, all you could think about were the countless number of women who throw themselves at him despite knowing that he was in a relationship with you. You knew Vince was loyal to you, but you couldn’t help but to fear that one day he might just get tired of being lonely himself on tour and decide to take one of those lucky women up on their offer. That thought alone was enough to keep you up until the wee hours of the night. Closing your eyes and shaking your head, you took another bite of your lo mein cringing when the sauce dripped down the front of your shirt. At least with Vince being gone, you had zero excuse to look good for anyone. That’s what you thought until you heard a knock emerge from the door. “Shit,” you grumbled, pausing the tv to stand up from the couch. Walking to the door, you passed a mirror and laughed slightly at your physical exterior hoping that it was nobody important. When you reached the door, you opened it only a smidge, poking your head out from the corner. You weren’t expecting your heart to drop to your stomach, however, when you came face to face with your boyfriend. “I was going to surprise you, but I think I lost my house key on tour.” His smirk made your heart sputter as you choked on the air in complete shock. “I-I can’t believe you’re here!” You crashed into his body, forgetting the fact that you were in your underwear as you stepped out onto the front porch without a care in the world. You smiled when Vince lifted you in the air and spun you around in a half circle, whispering how much he missed you in your ear. You couldn’t believe this was real life. “As proud as I am to show you off, let’s get you back inside.” Vince laughed, leaning down to peck your lips as you both stepped back inside. Once the door closed, you reached up to kiss him, frowning when he stopped you putting his index finger on your lips. “I just want to look at you for a second.” Vince marveled, holding you at arm’s lengths as his eyes glazed over you carefully. You were embarrassed at the way he was staring at you, for you knew you looked a complete mess. Little did you know, that Vince was completely amazed by how effortlessly beautiful his girlfriend looked without even trying. “I’m so lucky.” He smiled, finally leaning down to kiss you. You both were ecstatic to be with one another again. 
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thedirtpreferences ¡ 1 year
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Preference #6 - Long Day (Request)
Vince: It had taken approximately three seconds for Vince to realize you were only moments away from an emotional outburst. From your soaking wet frame that dripped into a puddle at the entrance of your home, all the way to your quivering lip and wide eyes, he could already tell today had been a long day for you without evening asking. “I missed the bus.” You muttered, dipping your head to the side as you rung out your hair, cringing at the sound of water pouring to the hardwood floor. “Oh, baby.” Vince tutted, outstretching his arms in a way that told you that it was okay to hug him even if you were soaking wet. At first you hesitated, not wanting to get Vince wet and soggy like yourself, but decided against it at the thought of your boyfriends arms finally being wrapped around you after your incredibly long day. Taking two strides forward, you leaped on the third step crashing into Vince. Instantly, his arms wounded around you as your body went rigid from the foreign feeling. You were so tense from the bad day, that it took you a second to fully register that everything was safe and secure now; that in his arms nothing could ever be too bad. Sighing in relief, you nuzzled your forehead in his chest as he kissed the top of your head. “Let’s get you out of these clothes, yeah?” Vince mumbled into your hair, as you nodded silently allowing him to steer you down the hall and into the bathroom of your master bedroom. It was there where Vince prepared a steamy lavender, bubble bath for you and helped you undress, peeling each article of clothing off you one at a time. “You’re so fucking pretty.” Vince whispered lowering himself into the tub, motioning you to follow. Vince held your hand as you lowered yourself into the tub, pressing your back against the front of his body as you sat between his legs. You couldn’t help but to moan in relief, the hot water managing to loosen the last of your tenseness as Vince kissed the side of your head lovingly. “How is it you always know how to take care of me?” You murmured to Vince as he began to wash your arm and shoulder with your loofah. “Because you’re my girl and it’s my job to make sure you’re happy.” Your heart warmed at his words as you sunk further into the bath, letting your eyes slip close in bliss. This was worth the bad day.
Nikki: “Rough day?” Nikki mused, setting his notebook and pen down upon see you walk through the threshold of your bedroom. You looked a mess: hair ratted into multiple knots, mascara streaked down the apples of your cheeks, clothes wrinkled and worn out from the incredibly long day you had just experienced. It was undeniable that you worked very hard, in fact, it was one of the many things that Nikki loved the most about you. You were independent and self-sufficient to a near fault; furthermore, seeing you come home dead on your feet was not an uncommon thing in your household. Even though the exhaustion took a serious toll on you after a long work day, your work ethic was still nothing short of amazing in the eyes of your boyfriend. “You have no idea.” You responded slowly, as you began to strip from your work clothes scanning your dresser for something to wear to bed. Finally deciding on one of Nikki’s oversized shirts, you slipped the article over your head and clobbered onto your luxurious bed where Nikki laid. “Hi, sweetheart.” He murmured as you cuddled into his side, leaning up for a short kiss on the lips. “Hello, love.” You yawned back in response. “Whatcha’ writing?” You peered at the notebook inquisitive as Nikki, handed it to you letting you scan over the words carefully. Your boyfriend was always writing new songs for the band, and somehow they never failed to amaze you. How had you ended up with a person so creative and so talented? You were so lucky. “I like it,” you nodded, wincing when Nikki squeezed your shoulder in a way to show you his appreciation for the compliment. “Did that hurt?” He asked in shock, noticing your wince as you smashed your lips together in a straight line. “Lil’ bit, just a little tense is all.” You assured him, but Nikki was not having it as he shook his head furrowing his brows. “Lay down on your stomach, let me work at those muscles.” He insisted as he wiggled his fingers, implying a massage. You were in no position to deny the request and instantly flipped over onto your stomach, humming softly when you felt your boyfriend straddled your backside. “Just relax, baby.” He murmured into your ear as his fingers started to knead into the deep rooted knots in your shoulder, before slowly moving down to your shoulder blades, then your back, then back up to start again. After about two minutes of this, your eyes grew heavy before fluttering close; you swore Nikki had magic fingers. “Y/N?” Nikki inquired once your breathing steadied and soft snores began to leave your mouth. Leaning beside you to examine your face, his heart warmed when he realized that you were sound asleep. “Goodnight, Y/N.” He whispered, laying down beside you before turning off the lamp with a smile on his face knowing that he was responsible for the deep slumber you were currently in.
Tommy: “Welcome home, baby!” Tommy shouted from the couch upon hearing the front door open, a heavy sigh following shortly after from you. Today had been a long day; an unreasonably, unusually cruel day. It just seemed like one thing after another had managed to happen to you and you weren’t able to catch a break at any point of time. It was so bad that even now after you had just made it home, you were still wrapped up in the stress the day had brought. Decompartmentalization was often a struggle for you. Walking into the living room, you stepped over Tommy’s outstretched legs that rested on the coffee table in front of him. Tommy looked serene, calm; you could tell his day had been stressless and for some reason that annoyed you even more. Plopping next to him, you emitted an exasperated sigh as you dramatically turned towards him, smacking your hands against your thighs. “Go ahead.” You snapped, Tommy turning his head to look at you with a raised brow. “Go ahead, Tommy. Ask me about my fucking day,” You snapped, scowling as your boyfriend who began to laugh. “How was your day, Y/N?” He asked sarcastically, a smile twitching at the corner of his lips when you scowled. “Fucking awful.” Jutting your lip out, you exhaled heavily causing the hair covering your face to move away for a brief second. “Did you want to talk about it? Or did you want to continue being mean to your boyfriend who has done nothing but wished for this moment all evening?” Tucking the hair behind your ear, you couldn’t help but to roll your cheek into his hand, smiling sadly at him. After second thought, you had felt mortified that you had managed to take your bad day out on the person that was able to make you smile no matter what the circumstance was. “I’m sorry, Tommy. Today just really fucking blew,” you sighed. “I bet I can make you laugh,” Before you could even answer, Tommy was suddenly running his fingers across your torso, hovering over you as he tickled you against your wishes. “Tommy quit!” You squealed as you broke into hysterical laughter, begging for him to stop. This only made him proceed as he laughed with you, only stopping to nuzzle his head into the crick of your neck, tickling you with his unruly hair. “See, I know how to make my girlfriend laugh.” Tommy grinned as he peppered your body with sporadic kisses, eventually making his way to your lips. “It’s a good thing your girlfriend knows how to get you back though,” You challenged as you wiggled your fingers at your boyfriend, chasing after him when he jumped over the back of your couch, declaring a tickle fight. Your relationship was undoubtedly childlike, but that’s what made it so special; furthermore, your relationship was able to bring a smile to your face even on the worst days.
Mick: You were fighting back the tears as you unlocked your front door, finally walking into your house after your twelve hour shift at work. Today was long; probably one of the longest days of your entire life. You had been scheduled for your typical eight hour shift, but due to short staffing and your idiot coworkers consistently not showing up to work, you had ended up staying four hours later to compensate for the lack of people. By ending up in this situation, you also had to unfortunately cancel your dinner plans with Mick. Where he had been nothing but understanding on the phone, you still felt incredibly guilty and disappointed that these plans didn’t work out as they had been in the works for awhile. That is until you walked through your front door and noticed your surroundings. “What is all this?” You whispered in awe, taking in your surroundings carefully and graciously. In your living room, scattered around in various spots and locations were tea lights. The flame from each candle was responsible for creating a lush, ambient glow in the room that took your breath away in an instance from its undeniable beauty. The second thing you noticed upon walking into your house was that there was a rich, savory aroma hanging in the air that made your mouth water. Your bewilderment was unexplainable at first, but then it all made sense when you noticed the display of food sitting on your coffee table and your husband to be standing sheepishly behind the display. “Mick…This is so sweet.” You bit your lip, trying to disguise your trembling bottom lip. Nobody had ever done anything like this for you before, so needless to say you were overwhelmed with the feeling of being loved and admired. “I wanted to do something nice, you sounded upset on the phone.” Mick explained, looking down at his feet as his cheeks began to warm under your intense gaze. “Mick, you really didn’t have to do all of this, especially when I cancelled on you last minute.” Walking towards him, you smiled when he snaked his strong arms around your waist and pulled you closer to his body. “You deserve to be spoiled, Y/N. You work hard.” Just those words alone made your heart sputter like a helicopter propeller in flight. You couldn’t believe how lucky you were to have a boyfriend who took such good care of you even on your worst days.
(I am currently half asleep, so I’m sorry if this sucks)
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thedirtpreferences ¡ 1 year
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Preference #5 - Virgin
Nikki: “You’re so beautiful,” Nikki breathed against the base of your throat, moving his lips behind your ear to press another open mouth kiss there. Nikki was currently hovering over you as you laid beneath him on the couch, completely at the mercy of his actions. “God, how did I get so fucking lucky?” He whispered, in your ear nipping at your earlobe softly. The longer you felt his breath on your skin, the more disconnected you became with reality. You felt good, too good. Moving slowly down your throat, Nikki peppered your collarbone with sloppy, wet kisses knowing full well that this was the place that made you go weak every time. Letting out an involuntary moan, you tangled your fingers in his hair as you threw your head back. This only caused him to look up at you with mischievous grin, as he began to suck harder against the spot. “You think that feels good?” Nikki mumbled against you as he peaked up at you through his incredibly long lashes. You could feel the lump growing in the back of your throat as nerves began to take over you like a possession. “Y/N, I could make you feel…so fucking incredible..If you would just let me.” At his words, you could almost tell that he knew you were about to make him stop; that he was purposefully pushing you to that stopping point that always seem to come too quick. “I-I’m scared, Nik.” You breathed, sitting up as Nikki sighed running a hand through his hair. “Baby, how many times have we gone through this? I’m never going to leave you, we’re in this together for-” Shaking your head, you cut him off. “Nikki, I’m a virgin.” It seemed like everything came to a screeching halt; almost like the world ceased to spin. You could see the cogs turning in Nikki’s head as he connected the dots, his eyebrows beginning to furrow. You wanted to run out of the room, tears burning noticeably in your eyes as you fought to keep them from overflowing. You had never felt embarrassment quite like this. “I should go,” You muttered, scooching to the end of the couch as you began to grab your purse. “And where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Nikki asked, grabbing your wrist tightly as he yanked you back down on the couch. “I just thought-” “Because you’re a virgin, I don’t want you?” Nikki cut you off, raising his eyebrows at your red cheeks. “Y/N, let me make this special. I don’t give a single shit that this is your first time, in fact, I think it’s pretty fucking cool.” You smiled slightly at this as you met his gaze with chagrin and relief. “Yeah?” You asked and Nikki leaned forward and kissed your lips sweetly. “Of course, you silly girl. Now, let’s continue.”
Vince: Vince had currently disposed of your shirt and bra and was currently trailing down your stomach with sloppy, open mouth kisses. Your back arched as he bit your hip lovingly, laughing as you clamped your eyes close and yanked his blonde hair in your small fists. “You like that, huh?” He laughed, stopping to look up your face that was currently distorted with both pain and pleasure. “You’re killing me, Neil.” You groaned as he continued to move his tongue across your hip, eventually making his way to the hem of your jeans, biting them playfully. You giggled as he growled, barring his pearly whites out at you before pulling the hem back so that it snapped against your skin. All was fun and games until Vince moved to the front of your jeans, however, swiftly unbuttoning the top button of your jeans. It was then that you froze before suddenly sitting up. “Your turn,” You mumbled, using your index finger to lift his chin to your face as you leaned down to kiss his neck. “I don’t want it to be my turn, I want to make you happy for once.” Vince argued as he bent back down to your waist, working on the front of your jeans. “You always make me happy,” You frantically sat up straighter, re-buttoning your jeans in the process. Vince couldn’t help but to stare at you incredulously due to your sudden mood change. “What is with you? You’ve never let me pleasure you, we’ve never had sex, it’s almost like you’re-” “A virgin?” You cut off his rant in irritation, refusing to make eye contact with him. “Y/N, are you…Are you a virgin?” Vince asked his voice now softer, kinder than you had ever heard it before. When you looked up at him, his features matched his voice: gentle, kind, and understanding. “I was holding out, y’know. Holding out for someone special,” You sighed as Vince pursed his lips and furrowed his brows. “Are you still holding out? I think what we have here is pretty fucking special.” Your eyes widened in alarm at his words, realizing that you had given the wrong impression. “No, Vin, no. You-You are the one, it’s just…You’ve been with many women. I don’t want to disappoint you.” You grimaced at him as his face softened and his body relaxed. Vince pressed his palm to your cheek as he shook his head. “So, that’s what you’re worried about? Disappointing me? Y/N…You could never…What you don’t realize is that with you, this feels like the first time. I’m just as nervous as you are, baby.” Vince smiled sadly at you as your heart fluttered. “I think we need to get over ourselves.” You sighed as Vince nodded his head giggling as he pulled you in for a passionate kiss.
Tommy: “Fucking finally,” Tommy growled, slamming your body against the back of the hotel door, locking the deadbolt in one swift motion. “I’ve been dying to do this all day.” Peeling your shirt off your body, he lifted you from your waist and pinned you to the wall as you wrapped your legs around his waist instinctively. You and Tommy had shared over a thousand kisses since you had first met, but this was by far the wildest one. Biting your bottom lip, you gasped when Tommy slipped his tongue into your mouth kissing you passionately and hungrily. Things were starting to get out of hand, you could feel the familiar burn aching from inside you. You wanted him; you wanted ALL of him, but you were hesitant. Tommy would be your first; your very first. Carrying you from the wall, to the bed, Tommy threw you down as he began to yank your leather skirt down your thighs. “Wait, wait, wait!” You gasped, stopping Tommy in his tracks as he stared down at you, his eyes dark from lust. “Oh, sorry, did you want to do it yourself?” Tommy inquired as he peeled his shirt from his own body, his bare chest rapidly moving up and down from the excitement. You gulped at how good he looked. “Not exactly. Just wanted to give you the heads up that this is my first time,” You blurted and suddenly Tommy stopped what he was doing as he sat beside you, running a hand through his hair. “Ever?” Tommy asked, concern coloring his features. “Ever.” You grimaced as Tommy scrutinized your expression carefully. “Should we stop then? I don’t, I want it to be special…” He reasoned kindly, as you pursed your lips pretending to think. You knew Tommy was the one from the moment you met him. Furthermore, never in your life had you felt so strongly about another person. You knew if you were going to lose it to anyone that it was going to be Tommy without a doubt of hesitation; there wasn’t anyone else you would rather want to be with. “Fuck no, I just want you to be careful with me.” You giggled and bellowing when Tommy hovered over you, peppering your face with a thousand small kisses. “God, I fucking love you.” He laughed before kissing you with the same force as he had earlier.
Mick: Nervous. So fucking nervous. Your hands were noticeably shaking as they trailed from Mick’s chest, to the back of his neck deepening the kiss. Everything was gentle with Mick; from the way he held you, kissed you, hugged you. It was almost as if Mick had sensed the overwhelming anxiety that so often swirled inside your brain; it was almost as if he himself knew to be patient with you. A large part of this was because you were so incredibly inexperienced. Really, before you met Mick there was a part of you that had been taped away from the rest of the world. But since Mick had came into your life, however, you had been exposed to him in every way possible, or so you had thought. It wasn’t until now that you realized you hadn’t been as open as you had once thought you were. Clad in only your bra and underwear, body pressed against him softly as you shared a passionate and slow kiss, this was as open as you had ever been with him or even anyone. And somehow you were ready to go even deeper. “I love you.” You breathed as Mick broke away from your lips, kissing you gently on the corner of your mouth, then your chin, then your neck. “I love you,” he whispered, reaching behind you to unclasp your bra. Shrugging out of the bra and stepping over it as it fell to the floor, you pressed yourself against him harder this time, breathing in his sweet scent. “I’ve never done this before.” You murmured into his ear, smiling as his fingertips traced the indents of your back slowly. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.” Mick murmured in response pulling back to kiss you passionately on the lips. Somehow with Mick, losing your virginity didn’t embarrass you, but only made you want him more. You were blessed to feel so comfortable with the man you loved the most. 
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thedirtpreferences ¡ 1 year
Follow my only "Friends" 😘
Preference #4 - Newborn (Requested)           
Nikki: Everything in his life appeared to be seemingly dull compared to now. The alcohol, the drugs, the sex, meeting you, marrying you, finding out you were pregnant - dull. Lackluster, colorless. Now, however, the world was different. Everything was scintillating and opulent. It was almost as if Nikki had been a fish living in murky lake water his entire life and was just now being introduced to clear, blue caribbean water. He couldn’t believe how his world had changed so quickly; he couldn’t believe the transformation that transpired deep within the roots of his souls. With just a single grasp on his thumb, this baby that he himself had created with the love of his life had changed everything in a single, solitary flash. Finally he had realized what the purpose of his life was, why he made it through addiction and overdose after overdose. His purpose was his child; his purpose was the love of his life. And as his sweet baby stared up at him with wide, alarmed eyes Nikki couldn’t help but to lean down and kiss its head lovingly thanking his lucky stars that he had reached his full potential in life and that he was going to be the father he had always needed in his lifetime.
Tommy: Tommy was known for making bad decisions. Be it getting engaged to a groupie who he had only known for three days prior, or be it to smashing wine bottles over his head at five in the morning. Tommy was just simply reckless. When you had first gotten pregnant, everyone had laughed and said that this was just one of Tommy’s bad decisions. Even you had blamed him for the misfortune as the pregnancy was unexpected and certainly unwarranted. At the time you had taken the pregnancy test, you had even cried due to the surprise and the fear. Nine months later, however, your baby had finally been brought into the world and everything was different. Sitting in the rocking chair by your hospital bed, Tommy talked softly to the newborn who cooed nonsense back up at him. “This is one crazy fucking world, little one.” He sighed. “Everybody told me that I had really messed up this time, that a baby is a lifelong punishment. But your not a punishment by any stretch, you’re my entire world.” Glancing over at your sleeping form, Tommy felt the tears build in his eyes. For once in his life, he had felt like this outcome was the best thing that had ever happened to him.
Vince: The cry that erupted just down the hall for what felt like the fiftieth time of the night caused both of you to let out exasperated groans as you rolled over to face each other. “I got it the last three times, Vince. I’m so tired.” You felt like you were near the point of tears as you pleaded for Vince to get the baby this time around. “I’ve got it.” Vince whispered as he left the comfort and the warmth of the bed, kissing you quickly on the lips before walking down the hall. Having a baby was definitely an adjustment you both were willing to take, but now that the time had actually came you both were becoming sad over the sleep that you so seldom took advantage of. That is until you would actually pick up your baby and hold them in your arms which was currently the case for Vince. As he picked up the wailing baby from the crib, suddenly his annoyance of being woke up vanished as adoration and pure love trickled through his veins. Instantaneously the baby stopped crying as Vince sat in the rocking chair and began to sway back and forth. “I’m exhausted, punk.” He spoke to the baby, watching as its eyelids grew heavy by the seconds. “You’re worth it though. Worth the diapers, worth the crying, worth the lack of sleep.” Vince rambled his own eyelids growing heavy. “You’re worth every second of my time.” Vince cooed as they both settled into one another.
Mick: Not a lot scared Mick. He had seen a lot, experienced a lot, been through a lot. But as he held his newborn baby in his arms, he couldn’t help but to be terrified. How could something be so small? So fragile? So pure? Mick had been cautious about holding their baby, for he didn’t want to risk somehow accidentally dropping or harming their child. But now you were sleeping, and Mick knew you needed the sleep. So, rather than allowing the baby to cry in the crib, he was holding them. And truthfully the longer he held the baby, he grew even more scared. Not scared in a sense that he would harm his own baby somehow, he grew more comfortable with that as the seconds went on, but scared in a sense that this world was a fucked up place. And loving his child as much as he did, he didn’t want his child to ever have to be exposed to the shit that he had gone through in his lifetime. In addition, he wanted to protect his baby at all costs and give them the life they deserve. Staring down at the innocent thing in his arm, Mick leaned down and kissed the crown of his baby’s head for the first time while murmuring,”I’ll try to protect you from all the hurt in this world”. 
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thedirtpreferences ¡ 1 year
Follow my Only "Friends" 😘
Preference #2 - Fight (Request).
Mick: Mick was always quiet. Seldom did he ever let his real emotions trickle through to the outside. Tonight, however, it was nearly impossible. Furthermore, the only thing that he could think of was his beautiful wife to be and how he had hurt her. He hadn’t meant for it to happen, the whole entire argument had formed from a misunderstanding. Things just simply got out of hand. Mick knew it was minimal, he knew it was something that would be forgotten the moment he saw you again, but for some reason he couldn’t shake the fact that this was the first concert you had ever missed. Consequently, the anxiety that swirled inside his head made it nearly impossible for him to convince himself that this was merely just a blip on the radar. When Mick made his way back to the hotel, he prepared what he was going to say in ten different ways inside his head. He had to make things right or he was going to lose his fucking head. Swiping the card through the door, Mick hesitated to open it knowing that confrontation was awaiting before him. But he had to make things right. Not just for his own sanity, but for you. So, he opened the door. And upon opening the door, a chuckle left his mouth relief washing over him in tremendous waves. You were fast asleep, snores leaving your mouth as your chest moved up and down steadily. Mick knew he should have trusted his gut when his gut told him the disagreement was no more than just that; a disagreement. Walking over to his side of the bed where the nightstand was, he was shocked to see a note that read: “I’m sorry we argued. I’m not mad, I’m not upset. My only request is that you cuddle me when you get back in here because this hotel room is fucking cold and I don’t know how to set the thermostat. I love you to Mars and back. PS, I laid your medications out. Don’t forget to take them.” Mick’s heart warmed as he saw the assortment of pills for his ankylosing spondylitis. How did he get so lucky to have someone who cared for him as much as you did? He was so grateful. Downing the pills, Mick turned off the bedside lamp and followed your instructions as he pulled your back to his chest and tangled his limbs with yours. “Welcome back.” You muttered half asleep, and Mick grinned into your hair. 
Tommy: It was absolutely unbearable. Tommy couldn’t get the image of your face out of his head the entire concert. Your bottom lip quivering, your fight to keep the tears from overflowing from your eyes, the way you turned your back before he slammed the hotel door in complete rage. It was your very first fight and for Tommy’s general welfare, he was hopeful it was the last. “She probably wants her space anyways, bro.” The guys were trying to convince Tommy to stay for the after party concert, but he couldn’t get his mind off his girlfriend who was currently alone and sad in their shared hotel room.    Even though Tommy loved to party, he loved his girlfriend that much more. “I don’t know Y/N is pretty pissed at me. Think I’m going to go make up with her instead.” Tommy reasoned as the elevator dinged on his floor making his heart sink to his stomach. He had thought about you his entire concert, yet he was so completely nervous to see you now that the time was finally here. “Catch you later bros.” Tommy grimaced as he waved slightly at them and made his way down the hall. As he walked down the hall he couldn’t help but to feel nervous not knowing quite what to expect from you. Furthermore, all he wanted was for your fight to be over. Approaching the door, Tommy let out a huge exhale before swiping his card and walking in. When he saw you, his heart stopped. Wearing one of his oversized t-shirts that fell just above your knee, with a messy bun and no makeup on, Tommy swore you had never looked so beautiful. That is until he saw your puffy eyes and your red nose. “Baby…” He frowned as he walked over to the chair you were curled up in. Dropping to his knees in front of you, he reached his hand out to stroke a piece of hair behind your ear before stopping himself. He wondered if you were still mad. Suddenly answering his unasked question, you reached out and grabbed his hand and placed it to your cheek rolling your face into his palm. “I’m sorry I didn’t support you tonight.” You uttered as Tommy smiled sadly in response. “I’m sorry I was an insensitive asshole.” You smiled at his apology, as you slid to the edge of the chair, wrapping your legs around his waist and locking your arms around his neck. “Consider us even then?” You asked, squealing when Tommy suddenly stood up lifting you up in the process. “We’re even.” He leaned in and kissed you sloppily on the lips.
Nikki: He felt bad. Not the type of bad that left you feeling guilty for a few minutes, but the type of bad that robbed you of your happiness for hours on end. Nikki had never raised his voice at you in his life. Truthfully, he felt incapable of ever being able to do so anyways. Furthermore, you were Nikki’s rock. And how could he disrespect or demean his rock? His other half that kept him feeling strong and secure? Apparently very easily. Nikki had already been running late for the show due to the fight that had been slowly escalating between the two of you for the past few hours before, so finally he had to make a choice when the time came: resolve the argument and swallow his pride, or leave on bad terms and go to the concert. Unfortunately, he had made the wrong choice by going to the concert. And he paid the price because the entire time he repeatedly fucked up. Be it between accidentally messing up the chords or playing the wrong thing at the wrong time, Nikki could not pull himself together to focus. In addition, he simply felt bad. And he still felt bad even as he watched you smoke on the balcony of the hotel room long after the concert ended. You didn’t know he was back as he watched you, studying your motions. Truthfully, he was trying to think of the right words to say so that you would be aware of how sorry he truly was. That all ended, however, when you caught him from the corner of your eye and turned to face him. You had been crying, it was evident in your features. Nikki somehow felt worse. Finding the courage to walk towards you, he pulled back the sliding door and stepped out into the cool spring night. It was silent for a few seconds as you both stared at each other with complete regret and and total sadness swimming in your eyes. Nikki wanted to say something, he wanted to scream to the world how sorry he was but he couldn’t. Furthermore, the lump in the back of his throat obstructed him from uttering just a single, solitary word. Little did he know you felt the exact same feeling. A few more seconds passed before you finally launched yourself at your boyfriend. Wrapping his arms tightly around your waist, he lifted you up and swung you around in a circle. “I’m so sorry.” He choked as you stayed locked in your position, the both of you unwilling and incapable of moving. The grasp was incapacitating, and you were powerless to your boyfriends tight hold. “I’m sorry too.” You whispered. Sometimes the quietest apologies were the most sincere and in this case actions certainly spoke louder than words.
Vince: Everybody could see a noticeable difference in his performance. Vince was typically a high energy performer, darting from one side of the stage to the other and never once standing in the same spot. Tonight, however, he was completely and totally different. Even the audience noticed it as they fed off his lack of energy. This show had been a complete and total bust. The band knew it, the audience knew it, Vince knew it, but you didn’t. You didn’t because you weren’t there. And that was the problem. You should have been there. You were always there, but tonight you weren’t. And Vince had no one else to blame but himself. He had been the one that had picked the fight and pushed you to the point of staying at the hotel. He had been the one that made you feel uninvited and unwanted. And you weren’t the one that had to live with that feeling, he had to. And, boy, did he ever. In fact, he had felt so guilty throughout the concert that the second their last song ended, Vince was practically sprinting to get off the stage so that he could go back to the hotel and speak to you. But little did he know he had fucked up once again. Because he was so antsy to get back to you to make things right, he had left his hotel key in his dressing room at the stadium. Shit mistake. “Well, fuck!” He shouted as he kicked the wall behind him. He couldn’t believe that he had forgot the stupid card! As he turned back around to knock on the door, his heart jumped as he saw you resting against the door frame the hotel card between your middle and index finger. “Forget something?” Your voice was mischievous, a slight smile pulling at your lips. “How’d you guess?” Vince muttered, snatching the card from your hand and taking a deep breath. He wasn’t pleased with your general delight to see him frazzled, but he was happy to see you not as angered as you were before. “I’m guessing you had a rough night.” You grimaced crossing your arms across your chest as Vince pushed past you with frustration. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? I should have never spoke to you that way, it was completely uncool.” Closing the door behind you, you sat on the bed as Vince paced. “I needed you tonight, Y/N. I really fucking needed you there, I felt like I couldn’t be myself, the concert blew completely. I never realized how important it was to have you there, but it’s super important…And I’m sorry, okay?” Even though you were still mad, your heart softened at his words. You couldn’t believe how much it meant for him to have you there and it was definitely something you needed to hear. “Vince!” You cut him off as you stood up, stopping him in his tracks. “I’ll never leave you again, okay? I’m sorry too.” Vince stopped in his tracks and stared at you for a second before suddenly scooping you in his arms and holding you tight. You melted into his tight grasp as he held you there, knowing that all had finally been forgiven. After a few seconds went by you felt Vince’s lips at your ear whispering,”Wanna show me how sorry you are?” And you knew it was going to be a long night.
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thedirtpreferences ¡ 1 year
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Preference #2 - Nightmares.
Nikki: “And then what happened?” Nikki inquired, his voice soft. It was currently five o’clock in the morning and after having a nightmare, you were unable to fall back asleep. Furthermore, every time you closed your eyes the bad thoughts seemed to recur as it played over and over again like a broken record inside your brain. You had tried to stay quiet, but your restlessness had consequently woken up your very concerned boyfriend. As a result, you two now sat criss cross in the heart of your bed eating room service breakfast. “You just left.” You murmured, chagrin filling your features as you stared down at your hands. You couldn’t bear to look up at him, embarrassed that the horrible dream had involved the love of your life leaving you after a silly dispute. “Ah, I see.” He sighed. You could feel his heartache evident in his voice and without even looking you could tell he was disappointed that you still felt weary that he would someday leave you. “Then I woke up.” You shrugged, finally raising your head to see him staring intensely back at you. “And now here we are. Five o’clock in the fucking morning eating waffles, bacon, and muffins.” Nikki said making you both laugh softly at the situation you were currently in. This whole situation was just so bizarre considering Nikki didn’t wake up before eleven o’clock even on his good days. “You know that dream was bullshit, right?” Nikki stated matter-of-factly as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. “Of course.” You muttered, your eyes darting to the random lamp that was placed in the corner of the room. A part of you knew Nikki would never leave you, but another part of you still told you that you were undeserving of his love. The larger majority of you feared he would eventually leave. “Y/N…” Nikki whispered, as you snapped your head up to meet his gaze. “I’m never going to leave you. You have turned my whole world upside down for the better, you have made me the luckiest person in the whole entire universe. You are the love of my life.” Leaning across your smorgasbord of food, Nikki took your face in his hands and kissed you with the passion of a thousand burning suns. Pulling away, he kissed your forehead and shook his head. “You are my whole fucking world, you’re stuck with me even if you don’t want to be.” Tangling your hands in his hair, you closed your eyes as you breathed,”that isn’t even remotely possible.”
Mick: “You’re exhausted.” Mick chuckled as he watched your eyes flutter close and then back open again, your body beginning to slouch from complete and total exhaustion. “Not at all,” You mumbled, narrowing your eyes at your boyfriend who stared at you in disapproval. For the past week or so, you had woken up in a complete and total panic from your night terrors. Even though you were able to fall back asleep after waking up with the help of Mick whispering words of reassurance in your ear and holding you close, you still feared the nightmares tremendously. This brought you to right now. You were currently forcing yourself to stay up all night to avoid your inescapable nightmares. And your boyfriend was having absolutely none of it. “You need to go to sleep or you’re going to be miserable.” Mick tried to reason as his arm snaked around your waist, pulling you to his chest. Knowing that his grasp would cause an unfavorable outcome, you wiggled out of his hold and sat with your back straight against the headboard. “It’s a good thing I’m not tired.” You murmured, your yawn giving you away at the end. “No, you’re not tired. You’re fucking exhausted, Y/N.” Mick laughed as you shot him a menacing look. “Y/N…It’s okay.” Mick’s voice was softer, as he grabbed your hand from your lap and brought your intertwined hands to his lips. “If it happens again, I’ll be right here to protect you just like I always do.” You could feel your stoic exterior faltering as the feeling of defeat lapped through you like waves crashing to the shore. You knew his words were true, you knew you should sleep. You were just so terrified to be woken up again by your worst fears. “I’m just scared, Mick. I don’t know how much more I can take before cracking.” Your voice broke on your last word, tears rolling shamefully down your cheeks. You finally let your boyfriend pull you close to him as he comforted you. “I know it’s difficult…But I’m right here. We’ll sleep with the lamp on and if you wake up I’ll take care of you.” Mick cooed, his cold exterior ceasing to exist as he placed kisses on the side of your head. You finally agreed with him and sunk further into the bed, clinging to your boyfriends body like a lifeline. You could feel your eyes growing heavy as Mick ran his hands lovingly against the back of your shoulder blade. “Y/N, I hope you know I’m never going to let anything fucking hurt you.” Were his last words before your eyes shut.
Vince: You would wake up with a thick layer of sweat dripping off the surface of your skin, your heart pounding painfully through your chest. This would have been the third night in a row that the dream had occurred making you wake up in a panic. The only difference this time was that Vince was not there to wrap his arms around you and somehow take the fear away. Inhaling and exhaling a deep, shaky breath, you would examine your surroundings before remembering where you were. You were on the tour bus. Vince was probably towards the front chatting with his bandmates. You were okay. But, nonetheless, you still needed him. Upon leaving your cot and walking towards the front of the bus, you would see him. Blonde hair tangled, a notepad in his lap, a pen in hand. Sensing you were there, his head would raise his head, eyes meeting yours quizzically. “It’s late, baby.” He would murmur softly, putting the pen and notepad beside him and outstretching his arms motioning for you to come melt into him. Upon reaching him, you would crawl into his lap and nuzzle your nose lovingly into the crick of his neck, kissing him softly as you sighed in relief. “It was another nightmare.” You would say as Vince traced shapes onto your back. “Do you want to talk about it?” He would inquire, his voice dripping with compassion and gentleness. “Not really. I just want you to hold me.” You would be thankful he couldn’t see your face as your cheeks turned crimson at your own neediness. You hated how small you would feel. Little would you know, however, the effects your words would have on your boyfriend as his heart would swell at the mere sound of your only desires being for him to hold you in his arms. “I think that’s more than doable,” kissing the crown of your head, he would pull you closer to him, knowing you would fall asleep better with his arms around you.
Tommy: You would wake up to Tommy violently shaking your body, mangled pleads slipping desperately from his mouth. Before you would even be able to make sense of your surroundings and your situation, however, you would let out a boisterous gasp and thrash your limbs around chaotically. It wouldn’t be until your eyes met Tommy’s, that you would realize you were now safe from the nightmare; that you were now surfaced to reality. “I-I’m sorry.” You would apologize after realizing, your body still trembling from the fear. Although your relationship with the drummer was extensive, you had never told him that night terrors had been apart of your past. Guilt filled you to the brim as the tears began to well pitifully in your eyes. Examining your physical state for a split second, Tommy would suddenly pull you into his arms so quickly that you would be left feeling slightly disoriented and bewildered on how you got there. “My poor baby.” He would sigh, his fingers slipping through your knotted hair, his lips pressing softly into various amounts of kisses on the back of your head. “Are you okay?” He would ask sincerely, keeping you in his iron steel grasp. “Now I am.” You would sigh as you listened to Tommy’s steady heartbeat through his thin t-shirt. There was something calming about listening to his heart; something that brought you instantaneous serenity. You weren’t positive, but a large part of it  was because you knew his heart belonged to you. “Let’s try to go back to bed.” He would murmur after moments passing of him holding you. Admittedly, you had began to grow sleepy in his grasp. Nodding your head in agreeance, Tommy would lean over and turn the bedside lamp off readjusting you as you both sunk further into the bed. “I hope you know, I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Not tonight, not ever. I’m always going to protect you,” Tommy rambled as fatigue took over both you.
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thedirtpreferences ¡ 1 year
Follow my Only "Friends" 😘
Preference #1 — he takes care of you when you’re drunk
Vince: “Vin, do you even know how much I love you?” The words were hardly comprehensible as your fingers brushed gently across his cheekbones. “I mean, seriously, Vince. I’m like actually in love with you, none of that fake shit yuuno?” Vince had been your boyfriend for approximately a year and a half and he had never seen you lose control quite like this. To say he was amused was an understatement. “Oh, I know. You know I love you too, baby.” Vince kissed the crown of your head as you began to giggle. “I just don’t think you know…Like, I am actually IN love with you.” Showering his chest with small kisses, Vince shook his head as a small laugh emerged from his parted lips. “As much as I am loving this, you are so going to hate yourself in the morning. I really think we should get you to bed, yeah?” Vince had been trying to get you ready for bed for the past fifteen minutes, but to no avail. You were just too damn stubborn. “Oh, piss off Vince. How is it you get to stay up all night, but when I am having a good time we have to be responsible?” Vince had pulled the dress you were wearing over your head at this point, leaving you only in your underwear. “Because I know my Y/N, and I know if I let this go on for much longer, when she is sober tomorrow she is going to die from the embarrassment.” Vince was now tugging one of his tank tops over your head so that you were no longer nude. You frowned as he slid you further up the bed, pulling back the covers for you to slide under. “Well, your sober Y/N is boring. I just want to have fun,” You purred as Vince climbed in next to you, pulling your limp body closer to him. You were fighting sleep, and Vince knew that you were going to succumb sooner or later. “Just close your eyes, babe. You need to rest.” You began to respond, but fell asleep before you got the chance to. Vince chuckled when soft snores began to leave your mouth. “Goodnight, Y/N.” He kissed your head as he nuzzled closer to you.
Tommy: “Well, fuck.” Tommy jumped when your words suddenly broke through the silence of the room. He had carried you back to the hotel hours ago when you passed out in the bar after downing a bottle of vodka. Tommy had been expecting you to sleep through the night, but wanted to stay up just to make sure you were okay. “You scared the piss out of me.” He laughed as he walked over to the bed, rubbing the small of your back. “I scared the piss out of myself.” You rolled over onto your back, reaching your hand out for him to hold. Tommy intertwined his fingers with yours as his other hand brushed through your hair. “I figured you wouldn’t wake up till morning, you’re not use to drinking that much alcohol.” Tommy said as he brought your hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles lovingly. “I’m not use to drinking alcohol, you’re right. That’s why I’m awake.” You groaned as the nausea rolled through your body, the room continuing to spin. All you could think of was your poor boyfriend being drunk every night while doing his drum solo in a revolving cage. The mere thought made you close your eyes and bite down on your lip. “Oh, fuck. You feeling sick?” Coming to the realization, Tommy dropped your hand and quickly scrambled up from the bed. “Jesus, Tommy. I don’t have the fucking plague, I just abused my liquor tonight” You rolled your eyes when Tommy disappeared into the bathroom. When he came back, however, he held a basin in his hand and placed it on the floor on the side you were laying on. “Having the spins is still the fucking worst though, here scoot.” Tommy crawled in next you, pulling your back against his chest and kissing the back of your head. “If you’re going to puke, try to make it in the trash got it?” You giggled at his words, scooting deeper into his grasp. Suddenly you were feeling just a little bit better.
Mick: “You’ve gotta’ be fucking kidding me.” Mick spit between his clenched teeth as he saw Nikki and Tommy dragging your limp body down the hall. They froze in their tracks when they saw him, for they knew they had been busted. Mick had not been feeling well and had went back to the hotel room hours ago; he had trusted his bandmates just this one time to make sure you were okay. He should have known they would have got you fucked up. “Finally! I’ve been looking for you all night!” The words came out in an incomprehensible jumble as you broke out of the grasp that Nicki and Tommy had you in and took off running down the hall. “Hi, you.” Mick said as you crashed into him, holding him in a tight embrace. He leaned down and kissed the crown of your head as you hummed graciously into his chest. “We swear it was an accident, man. She had like four shots and she was gone.” Mick shook his head as he swiped his card to get back into his hotel room. “Y/N is a lightweight, I fucking warned you idiots. Go back to your party, we’ll talk tomorrow.” Placing his hands on your shoulders, Mick guided you into the hotel room. Once the door was shut, he turned you towards him and kissed you softly on the lips. “Mmmm, I missed you tonight.” You slurred as Mick guided you over to his bed. “Oh, yeah?” You fell back onto the bed letting your feet dangle as Mick quickly untied your shoes and chucked them across the room. “Yeah, s’not the same when you’re not there. Like my other half is missing, yuuno?” Mick’s heart became warm as he listened to you speak. Not many people could chip away at his cold exterior, but you had the ability to melt him completely. He loved you so much. “I missed you too, love.” Mick murmured as he rolled you over on your stomach and rubbed your back. He was happy you were with him and that you were safe.
Nikki: “Hold still!” Nikki exclaimed as you squirmed further away from him, consequently falling into the hotel sink and hitting your head on the mirror. “Ow!” You giggled as you rested your palm on the back of your head. Nikki was currently trying to remove the thick makeup that had settled into your skin from your crazy night out, but you were drunk and having absolutely none of it. “Maybe if you let me take this shit off your face, you wouldn’t have hit your head.” Nikki mused as he moved the warm washcloth closer to your face, laughing out of frustration when you moved your head once again. “We both know I’m prettier with this shit on my face, so maybe if you let me keep it on I wouldn’t keep moving.” You chirped. “Who said you were prettier with that shit on?” He pressed his index finger under your chin making you look up into his serious, yet shimmering orbs. You were helpless under his intense gaze. “I did,” You choked as you tried to divert eye contact. “Well, you are absolutely wrong. I think you are beautiful without it. In fact, I love your eyes.” Moving the washcloth over your eyes, Nikki removed the thick foundation revealing your bruised irises. After doing so, he pressed his lips lovingly against your eyelids. “I love your cheeks,” He hummed as he moved the washcloth over your cheeks, revealing the crimson that had rushed to the surface due to his warm affection. When he finished, he kissed both your cheeks. He continued to remove the makeup from your face, peppering your features with kisses as he named what he loved about you. Even though you were drunk, your confidence was still so low, so hearing this made your heart flutter. When he finally removed your bright red lipstick, he pressed his lips lovingly against yours and kissed you passionately and sincerely. “I love your lips the most.” He murmured as you moved to the edge of the sink and wrapped your body around him like a koala. “I love everything about you, my little drunk emp of Satan.” Nikki smiled as he lifted you from the sink and carried you to bed.
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thedirtpreferences ¡ 1 year
Preference #15 - He gets over protective
Nikki: You were willing to accept the responsibilities that came with being a rockstar’s girlfriend. You were accepting of the random, busy schedule, the constant interruption of fans, you were even accepting of the drunk phone calls you received at four in the morning when he was on tour. The only thing you weren’t ever really able to accept or tolerate, however, was the paparazzi. Furthermore, they were relentless. Everywhere you went, you saw them. And it was never really an instance of them just being there and taking pictures, but a constant flurry of questions and insults that came one after another. It was absolutely atrocious. It was atrocious and you were absolutely brimmed full of fear. And Nikki could see it all over your face as you scrutinized the commotion that awaited from the outside of the hotel. “It’s just one short walk to the tour bus,” He whispered in your ear, his breath hot as it made your skin prickle. “Yeah, no worries.” You feigned a smile, as a grimace met your lips your eyes darting to the floor. You had always been an awful liar. Sensing your apprehension more than he had before, Nikki pulled his lips from your ear and instead pressed them to your temple as his palm rubbed over your shoulder reassuringly. You knew that Nikki would never let anything happen to you, but you still couldn’t help but to dread the inevitable inquisition that awaited from the outside. “Ready?” Nikki inquired as he tightened his grip around your shoulder, staring over you carefully to make sure you were comfortable. “Ready.” You sighed and suddenly you were walking through the doors. “Y/N, Y/N how does it feel to be on tour? Does it bother you to see girls throw themselves at Nikki every night? Did you come with him because you were afraid he would cheat?” You tried to focus on the concrete, your head hanging low to prevent the flash from hurting your eyes. One quick walk to the bus, that was it; you could do this. “Y/N do the rumors regarding Nikki’s affair bother you? How do you feel about the cheating scandal?” Your pace began to quicken as the tour bus was now only inches away, your sanctuary finally here. “One last thing, Y/N, can you confirm whether or not the rumors of you being pregnant are true? Insiders have reported that you’ve tripled in size since the last time you two were last reported together, is the baby his?” Your eyes pricked with tears as you stopped at the threshold of the bus, staring at Nikki with horror and sadness. You most certainly were not pregnant and you were shocked that they had just made an assumption based on your weight. Embarrassment and shame could not even begin to touch how you were feeling. Then it happened: Nikki had finally had enough. Launching himself across the way, he tackled the culprit to the ground and began to punch him repeatedly face, blinded by the rage that consumed him. You watched in shock as his fist began to bloody (as did the paparazzi’s face) as he lost himself in a blinding rage, his actions involuntarily as he kept going. Although you were truthfully afraid to touch Nikki, you couldn’t help but to worry about the possibility of a jail sentence as you watched him pummel the man mercilessly. The poor guy stood no chance at the mercy of your overprotective boyfriend. So, deciding against yourself, you finally yanked Nikki back by his waist, peeling him off of the wounded lowlife who was now crying in pain. Once you made it onto the bus, you shoved him into the first open seat a small huff leaving your mouth as you pressed your hands against your hips exasperatedly. “I know you’re probably mad, but the son of a bitch had it coming.” Nikki muttered shifting in his seat uncomfortably as you stared down at him intensely. You wanted to be mad, you wanted to reprimand him for being so reckless and so dangerous, but you just couldn’t. How could you be mad at someone who was only defending you? Who only did what they did in honor of you? You just couldn’t do it. Kneeling before him, as you pressed his chin in between your thumb and your forefinger, you brought his face to yours, your noses touching. “You are so getting laid tonight, Sixx.” You whispered as a smile broke across his face, his eyes twinkling with relief. And suddenly the space between you closed, his lips molding against yours faster than they ever had before.
Vince: You weren’t like any other women Vince had ever dated before and he had dated a lot of women in his days. Furthermore, you were the exception to the rule. You could hang out with his bandmates and shotgun a beer, you even LOVED strip clubs. You were daring, courageous, and brave, yet you knew what it meant to be tasteful and classy. You were the type of girl who he could bring home to his parents, yet take out for a wild night on the sunset strip. Vince was smitten; you were perfect. You handled his crazy life without a single care in the world, and never flinched at the loads of hate you got from the fans and from the paparazzi. In fact, Vince had never even been a witness to a falter of your effervescent, bubbly mood. That is until, now. You were waiting in line to order the guys another round of shots when a belligerent drunk man began to talk to you. “How much do I have to pay you to give me a dance?” You shifted your weight uncomfortably as you smoothed down your tight fitting dress, suddenly self conscious about the way the dress hugged your curves so intentionally. “Aw, I don’t work here, sir. But there are plenty of beautiful ladies here that may be able to assist you,” You offered, smiling awkwardly before turning your attention back to the line. You had hoped that that would be enough for the man to catch the hint, but were unfortunately disappointed when he moved closer to you. “I don’t want them, I want you.” He insisted, the smell of alcohol on his breath making your stomach roll. “I have a boyfriend, please leave me alone now.” You whispered, your skin paling as he reached up to tuck a piece of hair behind your air lovingly, his eyes focused and intent on one thing: you. “Forget about him, worry about me and how I can make you feel.” Reaching around to pinch your butt, you gasped as the tears began to well in your eyes, disgust filling you to the brim. Where was Vince when you needed him? Your questions were answered when suddenly his fist was connecting with the belligerent mans jaw, his forearm shoving his back against the wall roughly. “Touch her again and I will rip your fucking head off your shoulders, do you hear me?” Vince spit between his clenched teeth, his forearm moving to his neck as the man gasped for air. “So, you’re the chick she’s dating? I didn’t realize she was a lesbian, reason number one you should let me have my way with her. She needs to know what it’s like to be with a man,” Suddenly throwing the man to the ground, Vince toppled on top of him his fist connecting directly with the bridge of his nose. Your eyes were wide when you saw blood and instantly you knew you needed to put a stop to the madness. Vince had been to jail once; he didn’t need to go again. “Stop, stop!” You screeched, yanking him by the arm as you reeled him into you in shock. His eyes were wild as his chest heaved violently. Your once sweet, and compassionate boyfriend had transitioned to a deranged lunatic. You were gobsmacked by the harsh transformation. Grabbing his arm tightly, you led him outside to the smoking area where you pushed him into a wire chair, running a shaky hand through your hair as you examined him carefully. “What were you thinking, Vince?” You whispered, brushing your thumb over his lip that was now bleeding from the fight. Where he had successfully broke the guys nose, the man had still got a couple good swipes on him. “I was thinking that I didn’t like the way he was talking to you, or the fact that he touched your ass.” You flinched at the way he used the words, the mere memory bringing you discomfort. “Is it worth getting in trouble though? I would’ve been okay.” You whispered, sitting in front of him as you grabbed a piece of ice from your cup, pressing it gingerly to his hurt lip. “Is that even a question? You’re always going to be worth it, Y/N. I will go to the ends of the Earth to protect you; to make sure you are receiving the respect and reverence you undoubtedly deserve. It’s my job to protect you, to love you, and to serve justice in the most unjust situations. Don’t you get that you’re my world now?” Upon hearing his words, your heart melted, your face breaking into a small smile. How could you be mad? “My lesbian hero,” You joked in reference to the mans previous insult, you both beginning to laugh softly as Vince leaned in for a kiss.
Mick: The more popular Motley Crue got, the crazier the parties got. Small parties consisting only of the band and the girls they chose to be with, had now multiplied by the hundreds and  no matter where you went you were constantly bumping into people. Which led you to now. You had lost track of Mick hours ago, and were currently on a mission to find him again as it was your third year anniversary. You hadn’t even wanted to come to this dumb party in the first place, but the boys had been relentless in the begging as it was a celebration in regards to their year long success. So, you had came with the intention on leaving an hour in so that you guys could split for your date afterwards. Of course, it didn’t go as planned. “Oops, sorry.” You cringed, as you knocked into the back of a man resulting in him to drop his beer onto the floor. “What the fuck, you bitch?” He snapped at you, turning around on his heel to come face to face with you. You flinched at his words. “It’s a little crowded, I didn’t mean to.” You whispered, dropping to your knees to pick up the drink for him. “Since your down there, you can make it up to me.” The guy chuckled darkly, your cheeks turning red from the inappropriate comment. “I’m just getting your drink for you,” You stammered, picking the can up as you attempted to climb back to your feet. Much to your surprise, however, the man shoved you back down by your shoulder, knotting his fingers in your hair. “I said, make it up to me.” You had never known Mick to be anything other than gentle and kind which is why from the moment his fist connected to the man’s cheek, you froze in complete and total trepidation, fear trickling through you like April showers. It had taken one single, solitary punch, just one; and the man was out cold, his body crumbling to the floor next to you in one swift motion. As if that wasn’t enough, however, Mick threw in one last swift kick to the gut before spitting a lugey onto his back and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand to tie the whole thing together. You were shocked; frozen in disquietude. “Get em’ out of here,” Mick muttered angrily, as the security guards lifted his limp body from the floor and drug him out of the room. You were amazed how everyone continued partying as if nothing whatsoever had happened; was this their norm? Seeing someone get punched to the point of being unconscious? How was everybody so blase? You scrambled to your feet. “You okay?” Mick asked, taking a careful step towards you causing you to take a step back. For a second, Mick furrowed his eyebrows in confusion unsure why you weren’t allowing him to get close to you. Then, all at once, he connected the dots: you were afraid. You watched as his face dropped, his eyes growing sad, anxious, and afraid all at once. “Hey, I’m not going to hurt you.” He murmured softly, inching towards you as he outstretched his palm. You grabbed his palm in yours with a shaky hand, relaxing when he stepped closer to you, brushing loose strands of hair behind your ear tenderly. Even though you were trying not to let it show, you were afraid. Finally closing the space between the both of you, his palm pressed against the back of your head as he pulled you closely to his chest. You could hear the pounding of his heart strong and healthy through the thin material of his shirt, and you closed your eyes allowing it to lull you into a state of peace. “I didn’t mean to scare you, you know I would never hurt you, right? You know that I only did that to protect you?” You nodded into his chest, answering his frantic questions. “I love you so much, Y/N. I’m so so sorry I scared you, sweetheart, I only ever want you to feel safe.” Tipping your head back to stare into his eyes, you smiled sadly at the fear that swam in his eyes. You knew Mick did it because he loved you; because the man made you uncomfortable. It was silly to be scared when afterall all he was doing was defending your honor and making sure that you weren’t uncomfortable. You suddenly felt ashamed for being afraid for the split second you were. “Don’t be sorry, it’s okay.” You assured him, watching as he let out a sigh in relief, his body noticeably relaxing under your touch.  “I love you, Y/N.” Mick sighed once again, his forehead pressing against yours gently. “I love you, Mick Mars.” You whispered back, pecking his lips as his arms wounded around your waist. You let out an excited squeal when suddenly he lifted you from the ground, spinning you in a half circle. “Let’s get out of here, my casanova,” You giggled, your lips pressing against his once again as he led you out of the room.
Tommy: You had just finished your date with Tommy and it had been perfect except for now. As you walked back to your hotel, you couldn’t help but to notice an older man following closely behind you, his eyes burning holes in your back. Even though no one had said anything, no one needed to. You knew the guy was staring, Tommy knew the guy was staring, even the guy knew you guys knew. But it never let up. Furthermore, from the walk home to the theater to now ten minutes later, the stare never let up. And Tommy was 100% over it.  “Hey, dude, can you not look at my girlfriend like she’s a piece of meat?” Tommy finally snapped after draping his leather jacket over your shoulders, gently pushing you forward so he could face the man. “I can’t help it your girlfriend has a nice rack,” The man unapologetically shrugged, his lips twisting into a smug smirk. “I think you need to try a little harder,” Tommy growled, the inflation in his voice causing you to turn back around in shock. You had never heard Tommy so incredibly irritated; so completely vexed by just the sound of his voice. Needless to say, you were gobsmacked. “What are you going to do? Make me-” Before the man could finish the phrase, Tommy was punching him square in the nose, grabbing the collar of his shirt so that he could knee him promptly in the gut. The man gasped for air, clearly fatigued from the blow, but Tommy wasn’t finished. Shoving him to the ground, he straddled the man slamming his head into the concrete as he spit viciously between his teeth. “Tommy, you got him, babe.” You nervously stated, grabbing his arm roughly. Tommy ignore you, however, and ripped his arm away giving the man one last blow to the mouth. “Tommy, I said enough!” You angrily shouted, yanking him by the ear. Tommy yelped in pain as you pulled the 6’2 man up from the ground, dragging him quickly away from the scene. Once you made it back to the hotel, you sat in silence as Tommy poked the buttons for your floor in the elevator. “So, are you just not going to talk to me now?” Tommy snapped, annoyed with the silent treatment you were serving him. “Yep.” You snapped, crossing your arms across your chest. When the elevator dinged, you tried to exit, but Tommy obstructed you by stretching his arm over the threshold. “You can’t seriously be mad at me, that guy was a predator.” He grumbled angrily. “And you don’t think I could have handled it by myself?’ You spouted, your voice just as angry. “It’s not your job to fight off these men, it’s mine.” Tommy argued, his anger visible as he raked a hand through his long locks. “Oh, yeah? Why is that? I’ve been capable of taking care of myself my whole life, think I’ve done a good enough job so far.” Sneering, you attempted to barrel past him, but he stopped you once again allowing the elevator doors to close. You were beyond frustrated at this point. “In no way shape or form am I saying that you are incapable of taking care of yourself. What I’m saying is that you are my girl, and you deserve to be respected. You can’t expect me to just idly stand by and watch someone size you up when you are mine to protect. You deserve the world, Y/N. And I’m not going to allow you to be disrespected like that under my watch, no fucking way..” Lowering your head, you let out a defeated exhale. You knew Tommy was only trying to protect you, but why did he have to be so reckless about it? Just because he was a rockstar didn’t mean he was invincible. “You need to be careful though, babe. I don’t think you understand how important it is to maintain a good image. Your career depends on it; your band depends on it. I don’t want that to be on my conscious; just because some loser hits on me.” Tommy’s face softened as he took a step towards you, shaking his head. “I don’t give a shit about any of that, Y/N. YOU are my priority. Not the band, not the success, not the money: YOU. So, at the end of the day, I’m going to do what I have to do to protect you. None of the other shit matters,” The elevator dinged just as Tommy stopped talking and this time, it was him making a beeline to the exit, though just as he had done to you the previous times you stopped him this time. Pressing your palm against his arm, you pulled him back to you a small smile curling at your lips. “I suppose I would be lying if I didn’t say that watching you beat him up didn’t turn me on,” Tommy’s eyes lit up at your words as he curled his arm around your waist, his smile wider than you had ever seen it. “Does that mean elevator sex?” He asked. “That means elevator sex,” You nodded and suddenly you were hoisted around his waist, your back slammed against the wall as Tommy kissed you with passion and vehemence. 
765 notes ¡ View notes
thedirtpreferences ¡ 4 years
P R E F E R E N C E #11 - D E P R E S S I O N
“I don’t like this anymore than you do.” You would whisper, your eyes unmoving from the wall in front of you. Even though you would never once turn around to face him, you would still be able to detect his presence, his eyes burning holes into your back. “I know you don’t.” Dazai would murmur, his voice growing closer as his dull footsteps would inch near the bed. “I would be concerned if I felt you were enjoying living in the state of mind.” He would chuckle humorlessly, the bed dipping beneath you as he joined you in bed, his warm limbs entangling with your frigid ones. It was the first time he had tried to touch you in days simply because he had been trying to give you the space he felt you needed. He had realized his endeavors were futile, nevertheless, realizing a little too late that you needed him. You needed his touch, his presence, his words of encouragement. You needed him period. And he had let you down. It hadn’t been on purpose, but it had still happened. How were you ever going to forgive him? Would you be able to? “I understand why you don’t want to be around me though. I’m not angry. In fact, I understand. You have your own demons, you don’t need to shoulder mine.” You would state curtly, your voice faraway as you closed your eyes basking in the wonderful feeling of having him close to you again. His heart would quite literally crumble at your words. “I always want to be around you, my love. Your demons are my demons, just like mine are yours. We’re a team now, Y/N. I’m sorry I’ve left you alone in this to feel that way about me. I love you very, very much. And we both know that I don’t ever say that lightly.” You shivered as you felt his lips on your neck, his words hot against your cold skin. This touch alone was enough to make you forget for a fleeting second about how empty you were feeling. Surely, it wasn’t enough to cure your dark emotions, but it was a nice distraction-a bandaid, if you will. “Dazai, how do you do it? How do you feel like this constantly and still have the courage to do what you do?” You would ask very seriously, turning around to face him as your eyes bored into his. “Are you asking me what my muse is in existing? What keeps me going even when I feel like life is an endless void of suffering?” Dazai would inquire, taking you into his arms as he stared down at you with an indescribable emotion stirring in his features. All you could do was nod as you took in his ominous form, not sure you were really wanting an answer to the question that you were so painfully curious about. “It’s quite simple, really. My muse in getting up every morning and wanting to right my wrongs, my purpose to living in this cruel, dark world is nothing less or more than the love I have for you, Y/N.” Your heart would stop all together before propelling into an alarming rate knowing that the indistinguishable emotions in his face had been nothing but ardor and pure love for you. Dazai wasn’t typically one to let his exterior guard down, but for you it was nothing. He loved you. He really, really loved you. “And that is the exact reason why I know you’re going to get through this. Because I love you and I will never give up on you because you never gave up on me. We’re in this together now, my dear, sweet Y/N.” And with that, his lips would be crashing against yours with the most sincere, most gentle touch.
“Do you think I am a fool?” His words would pull you up short, your body freezing in place as you turned slowly on your heel to face him. His face would be stone cold, his expression unreadable as he stared intently at you. “Of course not.” You would whisper, your eyebrows furrowing together as you took in his unmoving expression. He was completely still. In fact, you had never seen Aku look so frozen in your life. You would be lying if you said it didn’t frighten you, for you knew this was the calm before a massive storm. “Then why are you lying to me.” Even though his words were supposed to come out as a question, you could hear the statement plain and simple behind his words. This was not a question, no. This was a confrontation. A confrontation that you were destined to lose. Gaping at him for a moment, your head would drop as the tears rushed to your eyes before you could fight it. You hated crying, but what you hated more was having to explain your actions. Why you hadn’t been eating, why you had been spending more time in bed than not, why you had been taking extra long showers and dissociating from Akutagawa for decent periods of time. Furthermore, you knew you were going to have to come clean about your trauma, your depression. You hated it. You hated it more than you could even bear. “I don’t want to lose you.” You would gasp, forcing yourself to look through your blurry vision at your unreadable boyfriend. “I-I-I am damaged goods. I haven’t been depressed since we’ve been together, but this is who I am. This is what I go through from time to time. And I-I really don’t want to lose you because of this.” You would force yourself to pull it together, taking a deep breath as you closed your eyes. You had mastered the art at stifling your emotions. You had mastered the art of pretending like you were okay. “Do you seriously think you’d lose me because of that?” Aku would ask, his tone cold and glaring. “Y/N. You are allowed to be depressed. You are allowed to feel other emotions other than happiness. That is what being human is. It’s not always perfect. It’s not always jubilant. You CANNOT control that. You can control being honest though, which you failed to do making you exceedingly selfish.” He was scolding you, but it wasn’t to parent you. He was scolding you because he felt slighted. He felt slighted and left out of the loop. And he had every right to feel that way, you couldn’t deny that. That made you feel even worse. “I never looked at it that way, I’m just so very ashamed of myself. I’m sorry, Akutagawa, truly.” As he stepped toward you, he let out a complicated sigh, the different emotions flitting across his face in a millisecond. “Typical me making you feel bad for being depressed. I’m not use to taking care of people and having people in my life the way I have you. I shouldn’t be frustrated with you when you’re suffering as you are. I’m the one that should be apologizing, not you.” Wrapping his arms around you as he enveloped you in a bone crushing hug, you would sigh gratefully at his touch. “We’re a mess.” You would laugh against his chest, smiling as you felt his body rumble with laughter as well. “You’re gonna get through this, you know that?” He would finally ask, pulling away to look sincerely at you. With his complete confidence and support, how could you not make it through a depressive stage? “As long as I have you anything is possible.”
“Are-Are you crying?” You would be horrified. Absolutely, positively horrified. For there stood your beloved boyfriend, the person whom which you adored with your entire soul and being and he would be crying. He would be crying and you wouldn’t know why. “Chuuya.” You would breathe, inching towards him as the pads of your thumbs brushed away his fallen tears. “W-What happened?” You would inquire, your breath hitching in your throat as his miserable eyes would connect with your own. “Y/N, what’s wrong with you?” He would speak, his words no softer than a broken whisper. “You’re growing so thin, you never sleep anymore, I can barely get you to eat or take a shower or do anything. I-I feel like you’re just a hallow version of yourself and I have no idea what to do or how to help you. I feel so helpless. All I want is to make you happy,” Pressing his fingertips gingerly against your cheeks, his eyes would be wild with desperation looking for the slightest bit of life in your dead eyes. Where was that spark? That light? He missed it so much. He missed you so much. Too much. “Chuuya, there’s something you should know.” You would sigh, pressing your forehead against his as you would slump with complete fatigue. You were exhausted, exhausted from the disorder, but you needed to find the courage, the strength to tell Chuuya everything. Furthermore, he deserved it. He deserved to know why you were hurting yourself and hurting him in the process. So, you would tell him. You would pour your complete heart out, starting from phase one. Starting from when you first got these feelings, how you had grown up with them, how you had suffered for an extensive period of time. Most importantly, you would assure him that none of it was his fault. That no matter what he had been telling himself, there was not a single thing that he could do to make your emotions go away. Little did you know that that wouldn’t sit well with him. Not. One. Bit. “You are wrong.” Chuuya would snap, letting go of your hand as he would pace back and forth his face complex with distress.
“Chuuya, no-“
“No, Y/N. I will not stand here and allow you to give up on yourself. We are going to fight this sickness head on. You are going to eat, I am going to make sure of it. We are going to be active, we’re going to get out and run and live. I am going to get you help, we’ll get you medicine or get you to a therapist if we have to. No longer am I going to let you sit here and be captive to your mind. From now on you are at MY mercy. And, Y/N, my dear, you aren’t going to like me. But you WILL thank me. Because I am going to get you through this.” You wouldn’t know what to say. You were terrified, relieved, angry, and overjoyed at the same time. Not once had someone ever taken you into consideration the way he was doing now. He loved you. He really, really loved you. “I swear to everything, Y/N, that if it is the last thing I do I will see that spark in your eye again. I promise you’ll be happy again.” Pulling you into his chest, he would hold on to you tight as you would bury yourself in the crook of his neck. Little did he know that the sparkle in your eyes, though very dim, were starting to make their return. And it was all thanks to him.
A/N: I know this is a little intense, but I like to write about things that are personal to me and I struggle tremendously with my mental health. Thank you for reading and I am very sorry if it was too much.
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thedirtpreferences ¡ 4 years
P R E F E R E N C E # 8 - I H A T E Y O U
*Authors Note: I got sent home from work with a fever and I’m feeling a bit ill, but I wanted to write this for you guys. Hopefully my emotions don’t reflect too much on this preference and it isn’t too dark. Sometimes I overdue it a bit when I’m feeling low.
“I hate you.”
He had went too far. He knew it almost immediately, as he watched your face change instantly, the anger absolving into hurt. He would watch as your parted lips would mash into a grimace, your eyes instantly filling with hurt. He knew his words were mean, he even knew that he was taking his anger out on you. He didn’t know, however, that you were taking it so personally. And the second the tears would gush down your cheeks miserably, his heart would shatter into a million and one pieces because he would know.
“Y/N-Y/N...” He would stutter, his breath hitching in the back of his throat as he stared at you completely bewildered. He wanted to hold you in his arms, tell you how sorry he was, but he didn’t know how deep the hurt went, and he didn’t want you to push him away. Sure, he would be deserving of that. Sure, it would totally be in order, but it would hurt him. It would hurt him tremendously.
“I’m so sorry.” Deciding against himself, he would enclose you in a bone crushing hug. At first your arms would tighten at your sides, your frame unwilling to budge. You didn’t want to hug him back, you didn’t want to give in to his malicious damage control, but in your heart you knew. You knew Chuuya; the good, the bad, the ugly. You knew his heart, his intentions. You knew he would never purposefully try to hurt you. You knew he would never mean to make your tears fall. He was simply angry. And you knew better than anyone that he didn’t know how to control his anger. You were helping him every day, but he still had so far to go. He needed you. Slowly raising your arms, you would reciprocate the hug, your cheek pressing against his chest. “I can’t take the words back now. I know you may never fully forgive me, but my heart beats for you and for you only. You can’t even begin to know the disgust I feel with myself for making you cry.” He would whisper into your hair, stroking it gently as his own tears soaked into your scalp. “Please forgive me. I can’t lose you, I’m—I’m begging.” He would plead, his chest heaving as his own tears began to fall down his cheeks rapidly. You could hear the desperation in his voice as he cried, the remorse illustrated clear as day. There’s no way this man hated you. Not for one second would you believe that, not when the strongest person you know was currently deconstructing before your eyes in fear of losing you. Chuuya loved you. He loved you so much. This you knew. “I know you love me, Chuuya. I love you too.” You would whisper as his arms would wound tighter around you, his grasp reassuring you that he would never let go of you. Not now, not ever.
“I hate you.”
Tears would roll down your cheeks, as you would drop to your knees face buried in your hands. “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!” You would scream until your lungs burned, your body becoming weak. “I hate you for putting yourself in danger, I hate for you never knowing when to say no, I hate you for not knowing your limits, and I hate you for-for leaving me!” Your screams would be shrill and desperate, Kunikida’s arms wrapping around your chest as he pulled you back away from Dazai’s nearly lifeless body. “L-Let go of me!” You would sob, struggling uselessly against the strong grasp. You hated how foreign his arms felt, you hated how the person comforting you should be the one who was close to death, not his partner. “Akikko Yosano will be here soon, calm down Y/N. He’s going to be okay.” Kunikida desperately tried to calm you as you let out uncontrollable wails, your screaming now happening against your own will. Really, you had forgotten you were screaming until you felt the urge to black out yourself. Furthermore, everything had became exceedingly blurry. You had always said the day you lost Dazai would be the day your own world would come to a screeching halt. Originally you had thought that it was just the romance speaking; that surely there would be a way to go on without him when that time came, but you were realizing the hard way that that would be impossible. You were realizing that without Dazai, there would be no reason to go on. No reason to live because in your body and soul you knew he was the reason. You knew that he was your purpose. Your only purpose. “You can’t die, Osamu Dazai, if you do I will-I will never forgive you. If you die before me right now, I will die HATING you!” You screamed, finally collapsing into Kunikida’s embrace your head dizzy and light. His arms clutched you tight as you sobbed, pulling the material of his shirt into your fists in frustration. “Damn it, damn it, damn it all.” You would whisper, the tears causing your frail body to tremble violently. “Kunikida-San. You can at least wait till my body is cold before you steal my love.” Dazai would choke out, blood trickling down his chin as he let out a strained cough. “Dazai, you idiot save your energy.” Kunikida would scold, loosening his grip so you could crawl to Dazai instinctively. “Don’t you dare die.” You would whisper, placing his head in your lap as you leaned down to kiss his nose, his blood transferring to your own face. “How can I knowing that you would hate me if I did?” He would inquire, his voice weak, his eyes blinking slowly. “That-That’s right. I would hate you so much.” You cried, tears dripping onto his face as he let out a frail laugh. “We can’t have that.” Feeling a hand on your shoulder, you would look up to see Yasano with genuine smile, her eyes hopeful and confident. “I can take it from here, Y/N-ah. This lunatic isn’t going to die that easy.”
“I hate you.”
You would explode, turning on your heel in a complete fit of rage. “Is that what you wanted to hear Akutagawa? Are you happy now? I hate you! I hate you! I HATE YOU!” Picking up the vase beside you, you would throw it to the ground with infuriation, ignoring how it scattered around you in a multitude of minuscule pieces. “It’s like you can’t even understand me unless I am speaking your language, so do you hear me now? Do I have your attention for once in my life? I HATE YOU!” The tears would roll down your face miserably. You had never once in your life lost your cool on him before. You had always been very patient with his unwillingness to accept the fact that he truly was a good guy in your eyes, that you loved him fervently. But you had grown exhausted by his constant stubbornness. You had had grown tired of having to tell him everyday that his heart was in the right place and he deserved to live. Most importantly, you had grown tired of his constant desire to get you to leave him; even if it was for your own sake. Why couldn’t he get over the fact that you loved him? That you weren’t going anywhere? Sometimes it felt like he didn’t want you anymore, that maybe just maybe he didn’t want you in the same way you wanted him. You just wished he would tell you that. “Y/N-“ Aku would say, his mouth parted in horror. “Don’t-Don’t look at me like that. It’s what you want, right? You want me to hate you, you want me to leave! Maybe I will!” The scream was gut wrenching, taking every last bit of energy out of you as you dropped to your knees ignoring the glass that crunched beneath your knees. The pain was unbearable, blood oozing out of you at a rapid pace, but not as unbearable as the thought of leaving Akutagawa was. To be completely fair, nothing was as unbearable as that. The room would fall into a pit of silence as your sobs would rake through your body, your sniffles as loud as a gun shot. Then Akutagawa would speak and say the words you had always yearned to hear. “I love you. Even if you do hate me. I love you for now and for always.” It was the words you had first uttered when Akutagawa had told you that he hated you. You couldn’t believe he remembered those words down to punctuation, you couldn’t believe that he was reciting them to you now. Truly he wouldn’t have remembered if he didn’t love you. “I wouldn’t want hurt anybody else either, you’re stuck with me for life unfortunately.” Quoting you again, he would lift you up by the armpits, supporting your limp body as you continued to cry against him. “I’m so sorry I’ve hurt you. I don’t for a second ever want you to leave me. I love you more than anything, more than life itself. You know how many things I’ve loved before you? I’ll give you a hint: nothing. But you...You’ve changed my life forever, Y/N. You’ve shown me humility, compassion, love...To me you are irreplaceable. To me, you are the reason why the world turns. To me, you are my reason for everything. Don’t ever leave me, I beg of you.” Usually a red blush would creep to his cheeks, but this time his face stayed grave and sincere. For once, you felt his honesty like a ton of bricks. Akutagawa loved you. He really, really loved you.
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