thedragonflydiva · 2 years
She’s baaaack.
Deactivated twitter. At least I’ll stay out of Twitmo now.
#BYETWITTER #nothankselon
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thedragonflydiva · 5 years
A special message from the universe addressed to.. you.
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I have a message for you. Yes you. Who else would I be talking to right now? Since I have your attention, take a few minutes to listen to this old fool because there is something important I want you to see.
I want you to look down, all the way down past your knees. See those things at the very end, those are your feet. Think about them for a moment. 
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You may not like how they look but how they look isn’t important. It’s what they do that matters. They are adjustable for a reason. They can stand together and bring you to your full height by rising, they can spread wide to keep you from being knocked over. They press themselves into the surface of the world like the roots of a tree but let the rest of you move like a reed in the wind. They are so much more than just the thing that carries you from point to point, they are an anchor and a voice. They can strike the ground and thunder or touch gently leaving no sound in their passing. They are your stride, your stance and your endurance. You can feel exhausted from the stress and trials of life, but when you need to be or do more they rise to the occasion.
They are attached to some of the most powerful parts of your body; your legs.
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 Your capacity to lift amazing weight comes from them. They are an extension of your roots, allowing you to compress and spring into action or remain still while the storm rages around you. Working together with your feet they can remain stalwart against a rising tide or a crashing wave. They lift you from rest and propel you into action. They can galvanize your foot into a weapon, or soften your stride into a spiral as you dance. They are amazingly powerful.
These rise and bind to your hips, and further still to your back. Each piece can move independently with its own strength but become a monument to your power when they work together. They all connect and lock to the one before it from your feet to your shoulders and beyond.
From your back and joined to your shoulders is your neck. It gives you breadth of vision, focus of attention and holds both firmly and with softness the way we see the world. Such a powerful set of tools that lead to this point from bottom to top and there is yet more because they spread out into branches; your hands.
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Hands that greet, dismiss, hold or release. They are expressions of not only your inner world, but also your deepest reserves of strength. Legs and feet can keep you from moving, but your hands and arms are extension of your desire to hold, defend or raise someone up. They can pull you higher if you reach, or balance things with gentle care.
At the crown of this magnificent collection of tools is your head, upon which rests your face. The most powerful tool you possess. You can bring what is within to the outside world. It strikes out forming expression, opens to give form to the formlessness of thought, perceives and interprets the world around you. It can release tremendous power, both to harm and to heal. It can radiate light or darken into deepening shadows. It can be a welcome or a warning. Just past it lies the heart of the system, the piece that gathers and hoards, shares and imparts and runs the whole show.
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Pulling in the out, pushing out the in. Holding all your secrets or revealing your truth. It is the point at which everything your other parts do becomes coordinated, the great Conductor orchestrating the symphony of motion, bringing into expression all that lies beyond the curtain. And yet,on this journey from your roots in the earth to reaching towards the world, there is still more to understand than this. Their symphony is only an echo, a fading chorus compared to the greatest part, which remains invisible to the naked eye but luminous to the heart. They are but indicators pointing toward the greatest of their secrets. They are but pieces, that when assembled create something truly amazing:
They are you.
You are more than parts, no matter how extraordinary they are. You are the driving force that rises, that lifts the mountains in your world, brings close your loves and keeps at bay that which would harm them. You are a Titan of old, a force that strikes the ground like thunder or rises like a cloud. It is you, you are the sum of the system that leaves the equation with an unresolved remainder, that undeniable piece that not only unifies the parts but makes them work in servitude to a greater cause.
Your body may be formed by the motes of stars that fell, but they chose to come together, called by some greater purpose, the combined power of gravity, evolution and destiny, to gather and form the vehicle for that great spirit that is You. The sword that deflects the blow, the shield that cast the reflection to Medusa, the bandage that binds the wound so it may heal, all these things you are and so much more.
You are the notes in an amazing symphonic life; full of arpeggio and crescendo, cadenza and concerto, calando and fortissimo. The grand interface between time and space and multiple realities at once; where learning and understanding conjoin with intuition and dreams, the intersection of paradox and paradise.
Atlas, Athena, Njord, Skadi, Brahma, Krishna. So many names for similar beings, but there is only one that matters.
You are the greatest thing to rise in this world. You are the living embodiment of worlds that were beyond dreaming to your ancestors.You wield power beyond measure. You are the universe exploring itself. You are the one true wonder of the world, all the rest are echoes or were made by creatures like you. They are reflections of the Sun, but you are the light at its heart.
Let that sink in for a few deep breaths and take a few minutes before considering the next part. When you are ready, read on.
If you are reading this, you are alive and that has meaning and implications for the world.
Consider the match and the falling star. 
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Strike a match and in the minutiae of moments there is a swirl of air which bursts into flame. That is you. Floating in the darkness between worlds, that piece of the heavens that could pass unnoticed but instead touches the surface of our world and becomes a star so bright all eyes turn toward it. That is you. 
You come into this world, not silently, but in a roar of life and hope and dreams. You rise and begin your journey, illuminating the world so you can see all its beauty and its flaws. You touch others lives and are not diminished but amplified by sharing your aurora with theirs. Some lights you travel with for a long time, some for the whole time you are here, and some for the whole time they are here. Others will come and go, passing like stars over the horizon.
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Consider where you are at this very moment.
I am sitting here coalescing the sum of my learning in this world that I may share it with you, and if it resonates with you, it then amplifies your light. To that end I scatter them high to guide your path, and bury them below your feet, as treasures for you to find for yourself.
You are sitting there, with all the skepticism and patience required to observe my thoughts. You reach beyond your fingertips through the air to pluck them from the sky and pull them from the Earth.
We are two lights forming a bridge that defies distance and erases time. You and I, we shapers and dreamers, weavers and makers, joined together for a single purpose in this time and place.
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Each moment we are lighting this world, we are engaged in an intimate dialogue with the universe, ourselves and the ‘others’ in this world. We identify the rules of the world and then render them moot with the growing knowledge and power that we share. We are amazing things, each of us a singularly spectacular event in time, and we stride this world like giants in the playground. Each unique, with nothing truly like us before or after us, with our own gifts to share. We are material things that are driven by the invisible and ephemeral; thoughts, emotions, sensations and dreams. We, each and every one of us, is a precious experience in this world. We  exist for a flash in the scope of things, but echo until the end of time, the percussive note that continues beyond our measure for the length of the song. Now for the hard part.
Keep all this in your mind and read on.
Look down now. What do you see?
Do you see thin strips of leather holding bone in place, shapes you don’t care for or feel have failed you somehow, or do you begin to see yourself the way I see you; as the explosion of light and sound and the walking form of the whole of history that pushes the past into the now and carries it into the future? Do you begin to see that incredible tapestry that describes your journey but cannot contain the You that I see? Can you feel the world moving beneath your feet, but held still by your will? Can you then feel the sky spiraling past you like a breeze but slowed down by your desire to see it? Will you see yourself at last, as the most beatific expression of time and space and dreams?
Take this moment, the one we have shared just now that passed faster than you realized but felt longer than you imagined it would when you began, it is my gift to you in thanks for sharing the wonder of your being with me.
Carry on being marvelously splendid creatures hmm? I’d hate to see ‘return to sender’ on a gift as wonderful as who you truly are.
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- Bearogenes
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thedragonflydiva · 7 years
Hey! If you like this picture, give it a vote.Decided to start trying to get some work out in the print media
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thedragonflydiva · 9 years
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Submitted by mandydoesntknow
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thedragonflydiva · 9 years
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submitted by felicity-avenal
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thedragonflydiva · 9 years
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thedragonflydiva · 9 years
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Childrens book illustrations i created for ‘Erin Morgensterns’ the night circus.
I think things like this would be something i’d love to work on, maybe even create my own children’s book…
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thedragonflydiva · 10 years
(via fuckyeahlauriepenny)
Rather than fighting for every woman’s right to feel beautiful, I would like to see the return of a kind of feminism that tells women and girls everywhere that maybe it’s all right not to be pretty and perfectly well behaved. That maybe women who are plain, or large, or old, or differently abled, or who simply don’t give a damn what they look like because they’re too busy saving the world or rearranging their sock drawer, have as much right to take up space as anyone else. I think if we want to take care of the next generation of girls we should reassure them that power, strength and character are more important than beauty and always will be, and that even if they aren’t thin and pretty, they are still worthy of respect. That feeling is the birthright of men everywhere. It’s about time we claimed it for ourselves.
Laurie Penny, “I don’t want to be told I’m pretty as I am - I want to live in a world where that’s irrelevant”, New Statesman, 11th of May 2013
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thedragonflydiva · 10 years
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Rebirth in Fire.
Truth is not the quiet sailing of dust motes in the air. It is akin to the pronunciation of the prime utterances that created all things.
Justice is not the closing of a book. It is the story that began before and continues after because justice may be done but it is never finished.
Righteousness is not a dreamers footnote. It is the sword that reflects the light to pierce the shadow in a lifelong journey.
Peace is not silent acceptance. It is a refusal to be forced into re-action or pro-action and a resolute choice to act instead of those things.
Victory is not the enactment of vengeance. It is the resolution of conflict without the need for violence.
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thedragonflydiva · 10 years
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via Imgfave for iPhone
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thedragonflydiva · 10 years
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thedragonflydiva · 10 years
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Karen Armstrong on Bad Theology
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thedragonflydiva · 10 years
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thedragonflydiva · 10 years
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Nikita Khrushchev before Lincoln. Washington, DC  Burt Glinn (1959)
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thedragonflydiva · 10 years
If only watch one video about Robin, make it this one.
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thedragonflydiva · 10 years
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Cherry blossoms at the tidal basin in Washington DC, 4/11/14, gouche, 4x6”. copyright 2014 by Gareth Hinds
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thedragonflydiva · 11 years
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Submitted by littlekrazi 
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