thedragonholder Β· 21 hours
Hello my friends, I am hamdi Ayyad from Gaza talelhawa I have sought refuge with you because of the devastating war that caused me to lose my home and our displacement from one place to another and I lost my children's future and there is a severe shortage of basic materials,I hope that you will stand by us whether by donating if possible or participating widely,Please help me πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ πŸ‰ https://gofund.me/4de94fec
I am sorry for the tragedy you and your family are suffering. I can't donate but the rest please help Ayyads family and help his children have a bright future!! πŸ™πŸ™
0 notes
thedragonholder Β· 2 days
No you are onto something!! You have the patterns and everything connected plus you are right tengu clan has not been mentioned at all until now. If only NRS stops focusing on the fucking special forces and focus on the whole other world before them!!. Plus what if they also.have powers similar to earth type maybe controlling metal.
Ok folks, I've got a crazy theory I'd like to share with you! (Gotta see if I'm not alone in this)
Y'all know how I made a clan from scratch for Harumi, the Order of Cetrion, and I'd love if NRS also made a brand new clan for her.
But knowing MK1, I think they could end up making her clan
The Tengu!
That's all very speculative, so take everything I say with a grain of salt, but also hear me out!
The Tengu's original description was basically "a Japanese clan, enemy of the Lin Kuei, that was not the Shirai Ryu" and hmm, what clan do we have in MK1 that is Japanese, enemy of the Lin Kuei and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, NOT THE SHIRAI RYU?
That's right, Harumi's clan!
That alone could qualify them, but I found some other cool details that I'd like to point out:
The Tengu is a legend from Japan and is described as a bird like creature that lives in forests and mountains.
And where do we see Harumi for the first time?
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Surrounded by trees, maybe even in a forest!
There's also her outfits. We've seen two so far, the classic one and the wedding gown:
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Her classic fit has a flowery pattern (which I know plenty of folks beside me use as an indication that she's is connected to nature), and her wedding gown not only has flowers but also birds in it!
And you know who else has birds on their outfits? The Tengu:
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I think it would make sense to MK1 to use the Tengu cause they need a clan for Harumi and they have one sitting around that fit all the requirements!πŸ‘€
Now there's a bit that I'm still pondering:
What will be made of Wu Lae, the original Grandmaster of the Tengu?
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I've got two... OK, three theories so far:
1. They will make a bit of a mash-up with these two characters. Sounds bold, but that's exactly what they did to Havik and Dariou (and arguably with Ermac and Jerrod), and as they genderbent Cyrax and Sektor I think they could make Harumi the one behind that mask.
I think they would essentially just put an feather looking silver armour in top of her classic fit and maybe the iconic mask so we can easily identify both characters.
2. They will make him Harumi's lieutenant. Basically give him the Sektor treatment. He's still an important member of the clan, but not the leader. (I quite love the idea of Harumi leading a women only clan, so I hope they genderbent him)
3. Wu Lae who?πŸ™ƒ
Now, since I'm brainstorming, I got some ideas to add to my AU!
I've been wanting to make some changes to the Order of Cetrion, basically expand things, give it a big network with sub-clans all over the world (make it Lin Kuei level) and in case you're wondering, that's mostly so I can make a sub-clan in Brazil that is surrounded by living GuaranΓ‘ plants that watch out for intruders!πŸ‘
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I'm thinking about making the Tengu the main clan, located in Japan, founded and led my the Shirai family, and the Order of Cetrion being what's called this big network of clans and sub-clans.
Wu Lae will be Harumi's lieutenant (and a woman)
I'm still brainstorming the details, and I'm taking suggestions!🩷
So, what do you think? Too crazy of a theory, or is there something here?
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thedragonholder Β· 4 days
I am here for lore!! 🍡🦊
Presenting the Umgadi Girls AU newest addition:
Princess Lisha Liang ❄️
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Y'all didn't think I'd make a whole AU staring my girls and wouldn't bring Lisa, did you? My girl has a very special role!😌🩡
I'm changing her name to "Lisha" the Chinese Equivalent of Lisa, cause having an Americanised name here wouldn't make much sense, as she lives in Outworld! But I'll be calling her Lisa throughout the text for simplicity sake.
Now let me tell y'all about her! Starting by her design!
So, after making the A'rΓ‘ people inspired by our indigenous people here in Brazil, I wanted to try and do something similar to the Cryomancers in Outworld!
So Lisa's outfit takes inspiration mainly from the Lisu people, a Tibeto-Burman ethical group who inhabit the mountainous regions of Myanmar, Southwest China, Thailand and India!
Their clothes are very detailed, filled with patterns, textures, and lots of beads!
I didn't keep the traditional headpiece though, cause Lisa's hair has always been an integral part of her design! (Female Cryomancers have blue hair due to their deeper connection to Cryomancy. Their power manifest earlier than in men and they must be trained from a very young age to prevent accidents! Women must keep themselves schooled to assure total control of their power. Needless say Lisa struggles with it.)
I took some liberties here and there to make the outfit fit Lisa's style! It coincidently ended up looking very similar to Mileena's new Empress skin, which is good cause it means my outfit is also canon accurate!🀭
About her/her people's backstory:
Before talking about Cryomancers, let's learn a bit about the Pyromancers!
There are three types of Pyromancers:
The Hellfire demons.
The Sorceresses of Argus.
The Dragonborns.
Dragonborns are one of the first people in Outworld, who lived before the sun.
Unlike the Edenians, who were gifted their light by Argus, the Dragonborns, could conjure their own light (which means they don't worship Argus or Delia, but their own dragon ancestors)
The Dragonborns may be born with either Pyromancy or Cryomancy, the later being more common (which is why Kuai Liang is a Pyromancer even though he is part of a long lineage of Cryomancers)
Whether you are born Pyromancer or Cryomancer is entirely up to fate. Genetics play no part in it, you can be a Cryomancer born from Pyromancers (Lisa's case, her mother, the Dragonborn Queen Zhi, is a Pyromancer) or a Pyromancer born from Cryomancer parents (Kuai's case)!
This is well-known knowledge among the Dragonborns, but unfortunately for Kuai, much if their knowledge was lost when his family moved to Earthrealm (why did they move is still a mystery) so Kuai grew up extremely insecure about his Pyromancy.
It also didn't help his case that, both male and female Pyromancers struggle to keep their power under control.
Sympathised by his brother's tough situation, Bi-Han often engaged in Kuai's constant self-control exercises, he would also keep himself schooled, even though there was no need for him to do so. This helped Kuai feel he wasn't so lonely <3
Back to the Dragonborns, they live in a tundra forest known as HΓΉnhΓ© lΓ­n (the mixed forest) it has this name because within it there are plenty of warm and green oasis, where most Pyromancers reside. No one know who these oasis exist within the tundra, legends say it was the Dragon deities gift for their Pyromancers!
The Dragonborns heve been living in the HΓΉnhΓ© lΓ­n long before Queen Mimh even considered become queen!
They have harvested and cared from these lands, built their homes and culture around these lands, and yet, they struggle with the expansion of the empires around them trying to occupy their territories or bringing their own conflicts to them!
They used to have a good commercial trade with a group of Edenian merchants, but these merchants were "infected" with Tarkat and had to be replaced. The new group however, were not nearly as co-operative or respectful, which prompted plenty of conflicts.
Meeting Li Mei's Umgadi:
Of course this sort of conflict wasn't supposed to be of Li Mei and her apprentices' concerns, but as soon as Harumi heard of the situation she insisted the Edenians were in the wrong and they had to put a stop to this conflict before it escalated!
The reason Harumi took these matters so personally was because ages ago, the Shirai were almost forced out of their own lands under the accusation of witchcraft (when in reality their attackers' goal was only to take control of their prosperous lands), Cetrion intervene in their behalf, and thus came their eternal gratitude. Preventing illegal occupations is something the Order of Cetrion takes as priority.
Harumi's aid and support to the Dragonborns granted her Lisa's trust and affection.
Now, just to clarify, this little brainstorming also granted my AU a tiny tiny little change:
I absolutely ADORE Lisa and Harumi as a couple! They are my handmade OTP, the ones who started it all, and the idea of exploring their relationship outside the "Sub-Zero meets Scorpion" scenario is just too tempting to let it slide!
Soooo, yeah, bottom line: FrozenBlossom is now Harumi's endgame for this AU! I hope it doesn't become a deal breaker to anyone (which I doubt will be cause y'all have always been supportive gems, and I love y'all for it🩷🩡)!
Meanwhile, Netherrealmer!Hanzo and Scorpion!Kuai will remain a thing, but, you know, just the two of them!
Hey! You made it to the end! Have some close-ups:
Cute Lisha and angry Lisha:
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Lisha after being kissed by a cute girl:
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Lisha gifting a warm coat to said cute girl (cute girls can't get colds, can they?) + height difference:
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@mikka-minns @thedragonholder @rasta-bot @madamealtruist @orbitinytheworld @running-with-the-feels y'all want some Cryomancer lore?πŸ‘€πŸ’•
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thedragonholder Β· 5 days
Yes and this is just the beginning 😼
Mk college au shenanigans!!
The order of light.
Hatsune: I am bored.
Jatakaa: me too.
Kia: girls you will not belive what just happened!!
Hatsune: Kia I swear to God if this is something-
Kia: erron was just caught cheating on scarlet with nitara!!
Jatakaa: WHAT!?
Kia: yeah and scarlet used her blood magic and almost destroyed his balls off!!
Hatsune: where Did this happen exactly?
Kia: oh it happened in the non binary bathroom.
Hatsune: we have a non binary bathroom?
Sareena: guys cyrax and Kia are dating!!
Hatsune: since when!?
Sareena: since last week. The principal caught them eating each other's faces off!!
Jatakaa:...who's the top?
Ashrah: jatakaa your sister is in detention and you care about who's top!?
Sareena: it was cyrax.
Hatsune: jatakaa you owe me money.
Jatakaa: stupid Kia..*gives hatsune money*
Suchin: *looking at kenshi* is your bother always this hot?
Hatsune: in what universe is he this hot!?
Suchin: he makes me want to pin him down and make him scream my name-
Hatsune: That's my brother!!!
Syzoth: hey um hatsune. Can you chaperone mine and ashrahs date?
Hatsune: again!? Seriously!!-
Syzoth: I'll give you free pass to pet co for foxes.
Hatsune:....so when is this date and it better not be mexican food again!!
Hatsune and bi han.
Hatsune: objection your honour are you sure you want to belive this guy!? *points at bi-han*
Judge: um yes he is your competitor
Hatsune: but he hasn't fed his brother's for three days!!
Judge:...objection over ruled.
Bi-Han: you stupid bitch!!
Hatsune: *smirks and flips him off*
Hatsune: scooch over jack frost.
Bi-han :*sitting alone at his lunch table* excuse me!?
Hatsune: you didn't hear me scooch over I need to eat!!
Bi-Han: *has spicy won ton soup* ugh I switched my lunch with kuais.
Hatsune: I got cold mochi again!!
Bi-Han: want to switch?
Hatsune: I would like that...
Hatsune: here I bought you cold mochi.
Bi-han: I couldn't make spicy wonton soup so here you go *gives her fried tofu in hot chicken soup*
Hatsune:*smirks and leans back on chair* well you finally know your place mortal!!
(Tofu is often given to as offering to the goddess inari and they are also foxes favourite food so bi-han gave hatsune a fried tofu which technically meant he gave her an offering.)
Bi-han: where were you?
Hatsune: at pet co and they have these really cute kittens!! I even held one of them!!
Bi-Han:...*looks at the won ton soup*
Hatsune: bi-han what-
Bi-Han: *throws shard of ice in there* never go to pet co without me.
Hatsune: bi-han this is sareena. Sareena this is bi-han
Sareena: hi nice to meet you!!
Hatsune: Don't mind his rudeness he is-
Bi-Han: it is really nice to meet you too...
Hatsune:....What the fuck!?-
Bi-han: you got the stuff?
Hatsune: *opens her coat showing a collection of kittens.*
Bi-Han: perfect...
Now introducing the college horror society!!
Kitana: so this is the first meeting of the horror society anyone has any questions?
Hatsune: yeah when can we get into actual horror stuff?
Kitana: we are still planning those events we don't have a good budget-
Hatsune:*takes out black credit card*
Jade:*takes out black credit card as well*
Kitana:...so we now have a High budget.
Tomas: okay for the first event how about this? Haunted house?
Liu: that's too common and where can we even get real ghosts?
Hatsune: I might have an idea.
Hatsune: Please do this for me!!!
Hanzo: okay fine I'll call my wraith friends to help with this but what do I get in return?
Hatsune: I can hook you and kuai liang up for a date at Madam bos.
Hanzo: I am in.
Jade: No!!
Kung lao: but-
Hatsune: look we can't use mileena to chase people around using her tarkatan shape shifting!!
Kung Lao: oh come on its a really cool idea.
Kitana: so since we are making this horror movie who will be the villain?
Kung Lao: no I will rather be the sidekick
Hatsune: that's too bad I find the villains hot.
Kung Lao:...kitana I change my mind!!
Tomas: I am scared to go in the haunted house.
Jade: do you want me to carry you?
Tomas: yes please.
Hatsune: ugh god why do all my friends have dates.
Kung Lao: well I can go with you for you want.
Hatsune:...that'll actually be really nice.
Horror society club.
President: kitana
Vice president: kung Lao
Cultural head: Liu kang
Treasurer: Tomas
Club advisor: jade
Content head: hatsune
@laismoura-art , @rasta-bot , @running-with-the-feels , @charlotte-family-apologist , @angelbroad , @den-kunn , @jentasticart , @theelderhazelnut
How is this?
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thedragonholder Β· 5 days
Oh I have a lot to cook right now be patient. I have been cooking up some plot 😈
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Mk college au shenanigans!!
The order of light.
Hatsune: I am bored.
Jatakaa: me too.
Kia: girls you will not belive what just happened!!
Hatsune: Kia I swear to God if this is something-
Kia: erron was just caught cheating on scarlet with nitara!!
Jatakaa: WHAT!?
Kia: yeah and scarlet used her blood magic and almost destroyed his balls off!!
Hatsune: where Did this happen exactly?
Kia: oh it happened in the non binary bathroom.
Hatsune: we have a non binary bathroom?
Sareena: guys cyrax and Kia are dating!!
Hatsune: since when!?
Sareena: since last week. The principal caught them eating each other's faces off!!
Jatakaa:...who's the top?
Ashrah: jatakaa your sister is in detention and you care about who's top!?
Sareena: it was cyrax.
Hatsune: jatakaa you owe me money.
Jatakaa: stupid Kia..*gives hatsune money*
Suchin: *looking at kenshi* is your bother always this hot?
Hatsune: in what universe is he this hot!?
Suchin: he makes me want to pin him down and make him scream my name-
Hatsune: That's my brother!!!
Syzoth: hey um hatsune. Can you chaperone mine and ashrahs date?
Hatsune: again!? Seriously!!-
Syzoth: I'll give you free pass to pet co for foxes.
Hatsune:....so when is this date and it better not be mexican food again!!
Hatsune and bi han.
Hatsune: objection your honour are you sure you want to belive this guy!? *points at bi-han*
Judge: um yes he is your competitor
Hatsune: but he hasn't fed his brother's for three days!!
Judge:...objection over ruled.
Bi-Han: you stupid bitch!!
Hatsune: *smirks and flips him off*
Hatsune: scooch over jack frost.
Bi-han :*sitting alone at his lunch table* excuse me!?
Hatsune: you didn't hear me scooch over I need to eat!!
Bi-Han: *has spicy won ton soup* ugh I switched my lunch with kuais.
Hatsune: I got cold mochi again!!
Bi-Han: want to switch?
Hatsune: I would like that...
Hatsune: here I bought you cold mochi.
Bi-han: I couldn't make spicy wonton soup so here you go *gives her fried tofu in hot chicken soup*
Hatsune:*smirks and leans back on chair* well you finally know your place mortal!!
(Tofu is often given to as offering to the goddess inari and they are also foxes favourite food so bi-han gave hatsune a fried tofu which technically meant he gave her an offering.)
Bi-han: where were you?
Hatsune: at pet co and they have these really cute kittens!! I even held one of them!!
Bi-Han:...*looks at the won ton soup*
Hatsune: bi-han what-
Bi-Han: *throws shard of ice in there* never go to pet co without me.
Hatsune: bi-han this is sareena. Sareena this is bi-han
Sareena: hi nice to meet you!!
Hatsune: Don't mind his rudeness he is-
Bi-Han: it is really nice to meet you too...
Hatsune:....What the fuck!?-
Bi-han: you got the stuff?
Hatsune: *opens her coat showing a collection of kittens.*
Bi-Han: perfect...
Now introducing the college horror society!!
Kitana: so this is the first meeting of the horror society anyone has any questions?
Hatsune: yeah when can we get into actual horror stuff?
Kitana: we are still planning those events we don't have a good budget-
Hatsune:*takes out black credit card*
Jade:*takes out black credit card as well*
Kitana:...so we now have a High budget.
Tomas: okay for the first event how about this? Haunted house?
Liu: that's too common and where can we even get real ghosts?
Hatsune: I might have an idea.
Hatsune: Please do this for me!!!
Hanzo: okay fine I'll call my wraith friends to help with this but what do I get in return?
Hatsune: I can hook you and kuai liang up for a date at Madam bos.
Hanzo: I am in.
Jade: No!!
Kung lao: but-
Hatsune: look we can't use mileena to chase people around using her tarkatan shape shifting!!
Kung Lao: oh come on its a really cool idea.
Kitana: so since we are making this horror movie who will be the villain?
Kung Lao: no I will rather be the sidekick
Hatsune: that's too bad I find the villains hot.
Kung Lao:...kitana I change my mind!!
Tomas: I am scared to go in the haunted house.
Jade: do you want me to carry you?
Tomas: yes please.
Hatsune: ugh god why do all my friends have dates.
Kung Lao: well I can go with you for you want.
Hatsune:...that'll actually be really nice.
Horror society club.
President: kitana
Vice president: kung Lao
Cultural head: Liu kang
Treasurer: Tomas
Club advisor: jade
Content head: hatsune
@laismoura-art , @rasta-bot , @running-with-the-feels , @charlotte-family-apologist , @angelbroad , @den-kunn , @jentasticart , @theelderhazelnut
How is this?
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thedragonholder Β· 6 days
Happy anniversary mk 1!!! πŸ₯³β™₯️🧑β™₯️🧑β™₯️🧑β™₯️🧑β™₯️🧑
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12 notes Β· View notes
thedragonholder Β· 7 days
Mk college au shenanigans!!
The order of light.
Hatsune: I am bored.
Jatakaa: me too.
Kia: girls you will not belive what just happened!!
Hatsune: Kia I swear to God if this is something-
Kia: erron was just caught cheating on scarlet with nitara!!
Jatakaa: WHAT!?
Kia: yeah and scarlet used her blood magic and almost destroyed his balls off!!
Hatsune: where Did this happen exactly?
Kia: oh it happened in the non binary bathroom.
Hatsune: we have a non binary bathroom?
Sareena: guys cyrax and Kia are dating!!
Hatsune: since when!?
Sareena: since last week. The principal caught them eating each other's faces off!!
Jatakaa:...who's the top?
Ashrah: jatakaa your sister is in detention and you care about who's top!?
Sareena: it was cyrax.
Hatsune: jatakaa you owe me money.
Jatakaa: stupid Kia..*gives hatsune money*
Suchin: *looking at kenshi* is your bother always this hot?
Hatsune: in what universe is he this hot!?
Suchin: he makes me want to pin him down and make him scream my name-
Hatsune: That's my brother!!!
Syzoth: hey um hatsune. Can you chaperone mine and ashrahs date?
Hatsune: again!? Seriously!!-
Syzoth: I'll give you free pass to pet co for foxes.
Hatsune:....so when is this date and it better not be mexican food again!!
Hatsune and bi han.
Hatsune: objection your honour are you sure you want to belive this guy!? *points at bi-han*
Judge: um yes he is your competitor
Hatsune: but he hasn't fed his brother's for three days!!
Judge:...objection over ruled.
Bi-Han: you stupid bitch!!
Hatsune: *smirks and flips him off*
Hatsune: scooch over jack frost.
Bi-han :*sitting alone at his lunch table* excuse me!?
Hatsune: you didn't hear me scooch over I need to eat!!
Bi-Han: *has spicy won ton soup* ugh I switched my lunch with kuais.
Hatsune: I got cold mochi again!!
Bi-Han: want to switch?
Hatsune: I would like that...
Hatsune: here I bought you cold mochi.
Bi-han: I couldn't make spicy wonton soup so here you go *gives her fried tofu in hot chicken soup*
Hatsune:*smirks and leans back on chair* well you finally know your place mortal!!
(Tofu is often given to as offering to the goddess inari and they are also foxes favourite food so bi-han gave hatsune a fried tofu which technically meant he gave her an offering.)
Bi-han: where were you?
Hatsune: at pet co and they have these really cute kittens!! I even held one of them!!
Bi-Han:...*looks at the won ton soup*
Hatsune: bi-han what-
Bi-Han: *throws shard of ice in there* never go to pet co without me.
Hatsune: bi-han this is sareena. Sareena this is bi-han
Sareena: hi nice to meet you!!
Hatsune: Don't mind his rudeness he is-
Bi-Han: it is really nice to meet you too...
Hatsune:....What the fuck!?-
Bi-han: you got the stuff?
Hatsune: *opens her coat showing a collection of kittens.*
Bi-Han: perfect...
Now introducing the college horror society!!
Kitana: so this is the first meeting of the horror society anyone has any questions?
Hatsune: yeah when can we get into actual horror stuff?
Kitana: we are still planning those events we don't have a good budget-
Hatsune:*takes out black credit card*
Jade:*takes out black credit card as well*
Kitana:...so we now have a High budget.
Tomas: okay for the first event how about this? Haunted house?
Liu: that's too common and where can we even get real ghosts?
Hatsune: I might have an idea.
Hatsune: Please do this for me!!!
Hanzo: okay fine I'll call my wraith friends to help with this but what do I get in return?
Hatsune: I can hook you and kuai liang up for a date at Madam bos.
Hanzo: I am in.
Jade: No!!
Kung lao: but-
Hatsune: look we can't use mileena to chase people around using her tarkatan shape shifting!!
Kung Lao: oh come on its a really cool idea.
Kitana: so since we are making this horror movie who will be the villain?
Kung Lao: no I will rather be the sidekick
Hatsune: that's too bad I find the villains hot.
Kung Lao:...kitana I change my mind!!
Tomas: I am scared to go in the haunted house.
Jade: do you want me to carry you?
Tomas: yes please.
Hatsune: ugh god why do all my friends have dates.
Kung Lao: well I can go with you for you want.
Hatsune:...that'll actually be really nice.
Horror society club.
President: kitana
Vice president: kung Lao
Cultural head: Liu kang
Treasurer: Tomas
Club advisor: jade
Content head: hatsune
@laismoura-art , @rasta-bot , @running-with-the-feels , @charlotte-family-apologist , @angelbroad , @den-kunn , @jentasticart , @theelderhazelnut
How is this?
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thedragonholder Β· 7 days
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Just patiently waiting πŸπŸ‚
2K notes Β· View notes
thedragonholder Β· 7 days
This looks really good and I am interested πŸ‘€πŸ΅
Random MK worldbuilding headcanons
Souls always take the form of the body they are in (does not apply to objects) but soul damage will change the body over time.
The Takahashi’s psychic powers are genetic, but the gene became dormant after Sento left the clan’s hands.
The Kytinn (D’vorah’s race) and Kreeyans (Vorpax’s race) are from the same realm.
Shao Kahn and Onaga are the same race but different types.
The wraith is an experimental resurrection method. Bi Han was the first successful subject.
Seidans and Khaons (chaosrealmers in my au) mainly use rune magic.
Tarkatans are venomous.
Realms are divided by rifts. Rifts usually occur in hard to reach places (open water, mountains, caves, deserts, etc.). And under specific conditions (full moons, certain weather, seasons, etc.). Some are open whenever but it is very rare.
Mirco realms are small realms usually in orbit of a larger realm.
Shang Tsung’s island is located in a micro realm with a rift off the coast of Zhu Zin.
Zhu Zin is a walled coastal city. It is commonly known as β€œThe City Stuck in Time” because it started to isolated itself from the rest of China after the Ming dynasty. Ironically it was once one of China’s biggest trading hubs.
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thedragonholder Β· 8 days
THEY LOOK AMAZING!! 🧑β™₯️🧑β™₯️🧑β™₯️🧑β™₯️🧑β™₯️🧑🀩🀩🀩🀩
Six (MK) Fanarts
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Characters requested by:
Cyber Smoke - @mangolon
Deception Raiden - @bloody-arty-myths
Kobra - @ash-shark
Kung Lao - @eemr1000
MK12 Noob Saibot - @jentasticart
Cyber Sub-Zero - @thedragonholder
79 notes Β· View notes
thedragonholder Β· 10 days
This will definitely happen and this is what will happen next!!
Sareena: bi-han drop it!!
Noob: *growls*
Sareena: *sprays him*
Noob: *drops it*
Kuai: how!?
Sareena: I have my ways..
Another one with my oc.
Hatsune: so you want me to turn. Bi-han back to normal??
Kuai liang: yes please!!
Hatsune: I can bring back his cryomancy his other half of the soul will be gone but atleast he will have half.
Noob: I'll be fine with half.
Hatsune: but for this one you will need help. I know a person that can help you but they're pretty vicious and protective
Kuai liang: who is this person??
Hatsune: I can't tell you but they were the reason you guys have these powers. They can give them back.
Noob: who are they!?
Hatsune: the first cryomancers and the ones who gave birth to the Lin kuei blood line.
Did I just add my own lore? Yep. Do I regret adding it? Nope!!
I keep thinking of that random hand on Noob's belt and after that scene with Kuai commenting on his outfit it came to me:
Kuai: Your new outfit, it sui-- what's that??
Noob: What's what?
Kuai: On your belt, is that a hand?
Noob: Oh... yeah.
Kuai: Wha-- Who's hand is that??
Noob: *Shrugs* Dunno. I just found it...
Kuai: You just grabbed a random hand?? What if it has diseases?? Throw it away!
Noob: But it's mine!
Kuai: Noob Bi-Han Saibot, you better throw that thing away or so help me!
Noob: No! It's mine and you won't take it!! >:O *runs away*
@mikka-minns @thedragonholder
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thedragonholder Β· 10 days
We Need noob saibot redemption ark!!! At this point NRS will either fuck it up or actually write a good plot but if they don't us writers and artists will make our dreams come true on our own!!
Liu kang would definitely granted it!! He is not like kronika and there was a huge communication issue between them if Liu Kang actually knew about their intention for freedom none of this betrayal would have been necessary in the first place. At this rate we need Jeremy (or hire us both) as a writer for their story!!
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"I am not allowed to desire a different future"
"Your desires are not an issue, it is your methods to achieve them"
Kuai Liang appearing right after he says "desire a different future"
Is there a chance for redemption here??? Noob can be redeemed????
@rasta-bot @jentasticart I'd love your insights here (if you wish, of course), am I allowed to dream???
@thedragonholder @mikka-minns
Also, did Liu just imply that if Bi-Han had just ASKED for the Lin Kuei's independence, he would've granted it?
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thedragonholder Β· 10 days
Thank you so much!! It means a lot!! 😭 🩡🧑🩡🧑🩡🧑🩡🧑
Your plots are always really great especially the fanfiction and your oc headcanons as well!!
Hi I'm the one who is sending asks about Errons daughter and I just want to say it's so nice to see someone's OC being explored!^-^
Awww thank you!!!
But, I must say, if you are looking for ocs @thedragonholder and @laismoura-art are def the ppl you want to turn to, their ocs are Phenomenal
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thedragonholder Β· 13 days
More headcanons coming soon!!
I have been unwell but let's just say. I have fully have thought out my headcanons
Hatsune and kenshi had gotten into the university using their mothers money that had been left behind. Hatsune works a part time job as a tutor to earn money for expenses and kenshi works at a coffee shop.
Sareena, jatakaa, Kia and Ashrah were foyr orphaned girls who had by chance gotten adopted into the same family. The father was Shinnok.
At first everything was going nice and well for the girls but after seeing their father's true intentions into using them the four girls had ran away from home when they were eighteen.
Hatsune first meeting was with Ashrah during their first day of classes. The classes teacher was biased more towards the boys and had told them that mostly boys get the best privileges. Ashrah had found hatsune ranting about it angrily to herself and had asked her what was wrong. Hatsune had told her it was unfair to all the girls in this college that the boys get these privileges.
Ashrah even though exactly the same thing that both girls abd boys should get equal privileges in this college. The two hit it off and hatsune gets introduce to the others
Hatsune and jatakaa had become quick friends out of the others because they both share the one single braincell in the group.
Kia was pretty much the gossiper of the group. If there was even one single rumour Kia would be the first one to hear it. Hatsune was pretty intruiged and mentally noted to be careful around Kia.
Hatsune didn't get along that we'll at first with sareena because they were both polar opposite sareena was pretty sunshine while hatsune was closed off but they shared one thing in common if anyone hurts their group they hurt them back.
The five were pretty inseparable and were pretty chaotic
Hatsune even gets the opportunity to use her farhers credit card on the girls and spoil them most of the time. They see something they want she buys it for them. But Hatsune uses her money wisely.
The order of light meeting kenshi and syzoth:
Kenshi was really happy when he found out his little sister had made friends in the university
He was friends with Liu Kang, kung Lao, syzoth, Johnny and Hanzo so he couldn't spend more time with his little sister.
He always gets worried thinking that she won't have any friends.
The sisters met kenshi when he had invited them for dinner in his apartment. The dinner went really well as they talked, ranted and gossiped about people in the university
Syzoth was roommates with hatsune and kenshi. He was also included during dinner and had met ashrah. He fell for her immediately not because of her looks but because of her personality.
Hatsune was the first one to notice and she had started shipping them. She even third wheeled sometimes because syzoth asked her to.
Jatakaa was always the protective one of the bunch but syzoth had already proved his love abd devotion to ashrah that he got her approval.
Sareena and Kia were really happy for their sister but they did threaten syzoth that if he hurt ashrah the two will stab him.
Hatsune introducing sareena to bi-han:
Hatsune and bi-han were always at each other's throats
They would compete for everything in class If bi-han wanted a challenge hatsune would definitely give that guy a challenge
In the classroom they were rivals in the court but outside they were pretty hood friends.
Hatsune usually sees bi-han eating alone during lunch so she usually sat down beside him. They would exchange recipes and cooking styles from their culture. Hatsune would bring cold mochi while bi-han would bring her spicy wonton soup.
One day hatsune and sareena both had been free for lunch so hatsune introduce bi-han to sareena as the three sat by the lunch table.
When bi-han saw sareena he felt pretty warm in his chest he could listen for hours hearing her talk.
Sareena even managed to slightly warm up bi-han heart. Hatsune was glad to bi-han being friends with sareena.
The three would usually sat together at their lunch table and best part of all bi-han finally gave his wonton soup recipe and hatsune finally gave her cold and sweet kochi recipe.
More headcanons coming soon!!
I hope you're feeling better now, Dragon!πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
I wonder if Kuai and Hatsune bonded over their tutoring jobs!
Oh! Imagine if that's how Hanzo and Kuai met! Kenshi recommends Hatsune for tutor but because their schedules don't match she recommends Kuai!
I bet Kenshi invited Suchin to visit the coffee shop so she could help him fact-checking! Imagine something like, "You help me, and I make you the best coffee you'll ever taste." "Free coffee? Deal!"
Hatsune and Suchin could've met through one of these fact-checking coffee dates!
Keep Shinnok’s old ass away from the Sisterhood!!!😀😀
Where are they living now?? Do they also have jobs so they can afford an apartment? (I can picture Ashrah working at the College's library)
Ashrah and Hatsune fighting for gender equality feels so right!
YES! Jataaka, being the beholder of the braincell, is the only correct answer!
I didn't know I needed gossip queen Kia in my life, but now I can't live without her!
I ADORE Sunshine Sareena!! Her style being "πŸ’£πŸ•·β˜ οΈβš”οΈπŸͺ¦" while her personality is "πŸ’•πŸ₯°πŸ’«πŸŒˆπŸŽ€" is just absolute perfection!
I can even imagine Hatsune being taken caught by surprise by Sareena's personality!
Suchin would look at Sareena and be like "Oh, so you're Harumi in goth skin, huh?"
Aww, Hatsune spending money on them in so precious! I love cool, rich kids who spoil their friendsπŸ₯Ή
Jade is the cool, rich kid from her group!
Fun fact, she usually spoils Tanya the most (cause she's the one who struggles the most with money).
Mileena used to think because of the constant gifting the two of them were dating and was very confused when Tanya told her about her feelings, lol!
I love to see Syzoth being head over heels in love with Ashrah (as he shouldπŸ˜ŒπŸ’…πŸΎ)!!
Lol, imagine Jataaka just staring at Syzoth, frowning with her arms crossed, straight up pressing him against the wall while he just stares back, utterly confused but not daring to blink! And then she just goes, "Fine, I'll let Ashrah keep you."
Lmao, Sareena threatening him! "You're so cute!😊 hurt my sister and they will never find your bodyπŸ™‚"
I loved Hatsune and Bi-Han’s dynamic! In class: "Ugh, my one true rival!πŸ˜€πŸ˜’" outside: "BESTIEEEπŸ₯°" (not literally like this, but their gothic equivalent🀭)
I'll never get tired by Bi-Han being mesmerised by Sareena by first glance!!
It would be funny if Bi-Han had this one recipe that he would NEVER share with anyone, but then Sareena says she loved it and asks him the recipe, Hatsune tries to tell her there's no way Bi-Han would share it but before she can even finish the sentence Bi-Han goes "sure, no problem" and Hatsune is just "BETRAYAL >:O"
These were so good! I'm looking forward for more!!πŸ‘€πŸ’•
@mikka-minns @madamealtruist @orbitinytheworld
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thedragonholder Β· 15 days
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thedragonholder Β· 15 days
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thedragonholder Β· 15 days
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