thedreaminus · 4 months
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thedreaminus · 5 years
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“Sorry…,” Tao presses out. M-21 says nothing and keeps walking. He walks, and concentrates on Tao’s haggard breath and the nails dig into his neck and shoulders. They are immaculately filed, yet painful like the ends of a wolf’s fine claws.
I HAVE THOUGHTS but i’m sleepy (:3 z L)
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thedreaminus · 6 years
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tell or don’t tell?
remember Tao always do stuff that made M-21 and Takeo feel embarrassed? u could probably say its revenge :v
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thedreaminus · 6 years
How to magic, part 14
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"I do not understand." Tao tried to calm the situation. "It certainly was not our intention to offend you somehow."
"It's my fault venerable mother," the Fee'rich intervened now. "I knew what they were looking for and have seen it before, but I did not realize it was one of them."
The Old Fairy raised her hand and silenced her companion. "I understand. Nobody saw it, nobody knew. You both seem very young," she calmly turned to Tao and Takeo. "And you magicians, you must have a pure heart. Keep it safe, because it has become rare these days."
"I ... thank you?" Tao did not know how he should react differently.
"Young and inexperienced. I forgive you and your companion because you do not know." The old eyes looked over at the demon. "Sit down and let us talk. It will be unconscious for some time." At her words, a murmur went through the assembled fairies and now finally came in motion again. The two human realized that they must have been waiting for their mother to tell them how to deal with them.
"Can we stop calling M an IT“? He is a friend of mine. Kind off." Tao and Takeo sat down slowly. Takeo kept a precautionary eye on the fairies, now that he realized that this people also considered the possibility of attacking them.
"I'm sorry to hear, but I want to explain it to you." The Fairy points with the stick at M. "You will not find a heartbeat, because in this chest beats no heart."
"What? The blood …"
"Blood, yes ... but no heart that drives it, no soul that holds it. Only dead meat and magic. Shaped to serve as a tool." The fairy sighed and a veil of sadness descended upon her as she spoke again. "Long ago, when our forests were still unbroken, I had made friends with a fairy. She was warm, always laughing and her wings ... ah her wings! They were so different from the ones I knew. We did not know where she came from and to which cord she must have belongs. But we thought nothing of it. The war with the magicians had flared up and many lost their homelands and homes during this time. Why should it not be the same this time? We did not notice her aura. We first realized that something was wrong when human invaded our forest and our tree was burning. Oh, I remember screaming at her. Why she betrayed us, why she helped humans invade our home. But her eyes were empty."
The old fairy cupped her staff tighter. "At that time, the magicians found a way to create something that resembled a magical being. A doll made of flesh and magic. Who only seemingly have a free will. They called it golem and smuggled them up by the hundreds in our forests."
"A doll?!" Tao clenched his hands into fists, desperately trying to get it. "I ... M is a demon. I have summoned him! He also quarreled with me all the time."
"A demon, human call all magical beings they do not understand, and golems are so called too." The fairy pityingly looks at the confused Tao. "My girlfriend also argued and laughed with me. But golems have no soul. When they are created, the magic in their body forms into something that resembles a soul but is not. They only experience emotions for as long as their creator allows them. I understand that you find it hard to believe, but mages can only summon items and that is why you could summon it."
"Then ... is he just an item for you?" Takeo points to M. "As far as I know, he helped you too without being ordered to! Does not that mean anything? "
"It means something and that's why I have not taken any action," the fairy replied, her tone sharper now. "Even my girlfriend meant something to me and I meant something to her! But it did not mean anything to her creator!" The pain in the fairy's voice was hard to miss. "Golem feel true emotions, real suffering. But as soon as you take control of them, everything will be wiped out. My girlfriend's love for me may have been so great, it did not count at the end."
Tao stared speechless at the fairy. His brain refused to even understand what this old woman had just told him. "M was ... terribly angry when I summon him, he tried to kill me immediately. I thought it was because of the mistake I began."
"Maybe," the fairy nodded to Tao, "I suppose it wanted to kill you before you extinguished his nature." The fairy frowned thoughtfully. "Such golems are the most painful. They cause the most tortures in our hearts. When we are forced to destroy lifeless flesh that has begun to live. Very, very often it became murder."
"How many are there?" Asked Takeo in a husky voice. He had heard from Tao some stories about magicians who committed atrocities on magical beings and also experienced ones himself. To hear that you even go so far ... "How many golem's are there?"
"The knowledge of their creation was lost centuries ago. After the mages achieved what they wanted, they did not create any new golem's and only a few passed on the knowledge. "The old fairy points to M  That's why I'm very worried about it. There should be no Golem's anymore. Should."
"Could he not derived from ancient time?"
"Impossible. Golem's decay with time. At some point, even the magic in them can not prevent them from rotting. It ..." the old woman glanced into Tao's face and took pity. "He can not be that old yet."
"That means …"
"This means that at least one magician walked in this world, who dominates this abominable skill. It will only be a matter of time before the innocent are deceived again."
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thedreaminus · 6 years
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When Raizel woke up, he found himself at the bottom of the ocean. He gathered as much; it was hard to misplace the immeasurable weight of the water, of the world pushing onto his very being, the cold, soundless darkness all around him.
Keep reading
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thedreaminus · 6 years
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thedreaminus · 6 years
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thedreaminus · 6 years
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catch the gift, guys, or he’ll run away
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thedreaminus · 6 years
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thedreaminus · 6 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day!
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thedreaminus · 6 years
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Have a bunch of sketches for a centaur/fantasy au <3 they are so cute. Ok so Tesamu is the cutest little fawn ever and I love him so much. 
One day Frankenstein returned home to find a little fawn stealing his blueberry jam. Baby deer was spooked, panicked and tried to run, only slipping around Franken´s floor like Bambi on the ice. Franken calmed him, and allowed him to keep the jam. Baby would then return daily for more treats, until winter arrived, and Frankenstein took him in. Even his forest is cold and dangerous during that time. 
Lets see, more things…. Tesamu´s spots fade and his freckles darken as he ages…. and becomes a gorgeous adult. A big boy since his papa feeds him well. 
There are some other characters, like Rai and Dra (twin unicorns, and their manes are long as fuck) M is a little werewolf up who cant quite control his instincts, so he -deer!- chases Tessy around. So far we have Alex and Muzaka (to join the family soon) as werewolves as well.
@madameazzure :) I´ll call it a day
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thedreaminus · 6 years
How to magic, part 13
<<previous | next >> Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8| Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | and more ….
They had made it. They really managed to lock up or destroy this thing. Tao was not sure. The pillars formed a strong spell that deprived magic of everything. Faster than the whole ruin had done. Tao strongly suspected that the magic-like radiation of the ruin stems from this spell, which began to corrode over the centuries, causing the sinister spell to spread further and begin to operate outside its designated area. After all, they had done little more than bring the discs, the central line points, back into place and put an extra dose of magic on them.
And of course to be fast. M's joy in seeing them had been very limited. This thing, on the other hand ... Tao shuddered and suppressed any further thought of this black, shapeless mass that had stuck to the demon like a parasite.
It had been a game of seconds to lock the demon under this spell. A few moments longer and M would have defunct and died with this thing. Tao had solved the spell at the last moment to make sure nothing of the dark mass was left to come back later. As soon as he finished the spell, M stumbled a few steps in a circle like drunk, then collapsed. His form shrank rapidly. Tao had to dive forward to keep him from flinging his flat face on the floor. In amazement, Takeo and he saw how the huge paws turned into hands and the body shrank into a small human form.
Admittedly, M’s appearance differed from the one he had, after Tao summoned him for the first time. He was much hairier, still had claws and fangs. For Tao it seemed more like a mix between human and wolf form.
And he was naked.
Of course he had to be naked again.
Damn it! What's that?!" Tao cursed in frustration and dipped his burning fingers into water. They were back on the fairy clearing. Almost all of its inhabitants had gathered around the camp, which had served Takeo as a resting place a few hours ago and was soaked in fresh blood. A lot of fresh blood, because M's injuries did not stop bleeding, no matter what Tao tried. As if blackened by fire, the wounds gap. Some of them went to the bone. The edges of the wound burned like acid on contact, making it impossible for him to begin treatment at all.
The fairies beat timidly with their wings, remained silent and in respectable distance from the sickbay. Only Takeo scurried back and forth. He brought Tao hot water, bandages and now also gloves. No one spoke until the young magician finally managed to connect the wounds so that the bleeding was at least reduced. With a tired sigh, Tao sank backwards.
"Do you think it's under control?" Takeo asks him. The knight put a fresh bowl of water next to Tao and handed him a dry towel. "He's lost a lot of blood by now, does he even breathe?"
"Yes, but very flat. I do not feel the pulse ...," Tao replied, dipping his hands into the clear water.
"You will not find him either!" Growled a deep voice and the muscle-tight Fee'rich hovered close. Accompanied by a second, very old fairy. Which strangely held a stick in hand, though she flew. Much more puzzling to Tao and Takeo, however, was the fairy's shocked expression as she spotted M. The strange couple landed on a nearby rock and the Fee'rich Accompany the old woman - Tao apologized inwardly at the thought - to a piece of rock on which the fairy could settle.
"I," croaked the old woman. "Am the mother of this cord and all the members it hosts."
Tao and Takeo exchanged glances. The mother of all fairies in this tree?! Surely that was meant only metaphorically. Hopefully ... On the other hand, they really had no idea where fairies came from. Non-existent in how they reproduced… Nevertheless, this figure deserved their respect and courtesy. After all the fairies granted them a shelter for quite some time. But the behavior of the remaining fairies on the emergence of the ancients showed that it was she who had to say that here. Alone the behavior of the remaining fairies, at the appearance of the old woman, showed that it was she who had the charge.
So Tao and Takeo bow to the fairy and greet her as they would a noble one. In human manners.
"Greetings. I was looking forward to talking to you once. Now it does not seem so appealing to me anymore." The old one points with a trembling finger to M. "Why did you bring it into our midst?!"
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thedreaminus · 6 years
How to magic, part 12
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"We found him," Muscle-bound Fee'rich with the scar on his forehead, crossed his arms sullenly "The wolf you were looking for."
Tao jumped up before the sentence was completely finished. Takeo looked at his friend with mild concern. No matter what Tao told him, a demon was just a demon for him. He considered it appropriate to consider Tao's search for the creature with healthy skepticism. In general, he had always been the more reasonable of the two of them. If he had not been incarcerated, Tao would have heard something from him that for that idea to summon a demon at all.
"Where is he?"
The Fee'rich scratched at his fairy-untypical three-day beard. He looked as if he had to talk about something unpleasant and would weigh exactly what he wanted to say. "In the old ruins, west of here." The tiny muscleman points in the approximate direction. "Our kind avoid this place where we can. There still dwells evil. Only the centaurs are brave enough to approach the ruins. From them we have received the message that a big wolf is staying there."
"Thanks for the help and thanks also to the centaurs from me." Tao said while he was already scurrying around excitedly and put on his shoes bouncing. It was clear to everyone that he had not listened properly. Takeo sighed, also got up from his camp and searched for his hunting dagger. His old sword had been destroyed, but he still remembered the huge beast that had raged in the old castle.
"Thank them, if you can survive that," muttered the Fee'rich softly as he looked after the man.
The ruins once belonged to a ritual place. The magical energy inherent in the ancient rock was still palpable and visible, burning like fire into the magical forest. The vegetation became sparser the closer it came to ruin until only dry soil covered the ground. Even Takeo noticed an invisible weight settle on his shoulders, depressing him, exhausting him and causing a muscle on Tao's cheek to twitch.
"We ... we should not stay here too long. The place sucks my energy."
"I feel it too."
"You ...?" Tao opened his mouth and closed again. Takeo felt it too? Did the knight possess magic and did not know it? Tao decided to ask his friend later afterwards.
In tandem, the two men arrived at the ruins and entered into one of the narrow passageways that led to the large square through the mountain. Everything seemed calm and peaceful, but Takeo was experiencing dangerous situations, as he would let Tao rush ahead. He put a hand on his shoulder as they crept through the narrow corridors to make sure the mage did not get stupid thoughts.
Tao did not even think to rush ahead. In addition to the oppressive feeling that his magic was slowly withdrawn from him, thronged something in his mind that he would rather forget. Dark voices that seemed to burn into his soul. Greedy, Angry, Sad and Cruel at the same time. A ghastly howl roared through the ruins, accompanying the horror of disembodied voices.
Tao clawed fingers into the bare rock to stay upright. In front of them, the corridor opened to a broad, circular surface of bright stones, on which fresh, dark patches of blood now stood out. Blood that came from the huge wolf standing with lowered head and quivering flanks in the square. At first, Tao thought it must be blood that so stained the gray coat. Then he noticed that the spots on M were moving. The demon threw himself against a pillar, rubbed the body so hard against the rock that he wound himself more wounds but this thing did not leave him, no matter how often the demon was rubbed against the rock.
"Tao, what's that?" Demanded Takeo, his face pale. The voice no more than a stifled whisper. "It ... it seems to eat him up!"
"Ah," Tao choked and swallowed too hard to get rid of the taste of stomach acid. He was not as squeamishly as many believe. He had seen many dead, apart from other cruel things. But that was a whole different thing. The young magician never knew why, but he was sure that those voices in his head emanated from the black mass that continued to feed on M's flesh. And it was not just the body it ate, it devoured M's magic, his whole strength, and the weaker the demon became the more this thing took over his body.
"I think it was created by the Mages and Krantz," the young mage murmured softly. "I've seen this before." Did M come to this place that took off magic? Because he hoped to starve this thing? Had the demon hoped he could do it before he even ran out of magic power? Questions about questions. Tao's eyes wandered aimlessly across the square in search of a way, a flash of insight that would help him in this situation. Every nerve in his body advised him to take his legs in his hand and run. Takeo also looked more than nervous, the shooter's lip was already bitten bloody.
" know!" Scream Tao suddenly bursting with pleasure and relief and grabbed Takeo by the shoulder. "I know what we will do!"
Takeo froze at the touch, looking fearfully at M, but the demon still had not noticed them. Tao pointed his finger at one of the columns that M had thrown. In the pillar a round disc was let in, the metal was already tarnished and the signs and symbols no longer readable for everyone. For anyone who was not Tao and did not have the ability to see magic.
"I need your help Takeo."
"Sure," the man sighed played theatrically as far as their situation allowed. "That's why I'm here."
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thedreaminus · 6 years
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Model Frankenstein extracted and converted by me.
Frankenstein belongs to Noblesse.
Programs used
XNAlara 11.8
Blender 2.78
Adobe Photoshop CS6
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thedreaminus · 6 years
How to magic, part 11
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"Lovage, acanthus, crushed juniper," Tao muttered to himself, carefully touching all the bowls to make sure he did not forget anything. He adjusted the bowl a bit on the parchment and then rubbed his hands. "So ... you have to keep a little distance," said the magician to the fairies who had curiously gathered around the parchment, to see he was there and to keep his little feet in his inkwell. His clothes were already strewn with traces of tiny fairy feet.
The fairies fled as if on command. Some romped across the clearing like kittens playing. Others stayed in Tao's vicinity to watch. Fairies are extremely sensitive to strange magic. It was like a deadly poison to them. Correspondingly careful there were even the most curious of their kind. Nevertheless, particularly courageous specimens took a seat on him. Since a single fairy was good at lifting the weight of a cannonball. Tao was not ashamed of his agonized groan as soon as more than three sat on him.
With a last glance, the magician made sure no fairy was in danger zone before he let his magic flow in the parchment-drawn magical compass. Potions and ointments were his specialty and passion. As soon as he found out that something like magic potions existed, he was hooked on this topic and tried his hand at it. He was fascinated to see how ingredients could be refined by magic. How unknown and useless ingredients suddenly got their own meaning and how he not only gained simple medicine, but mixtures that could even create a missing eye!
But he was not so far and luckily he did not need it either. Tao stirred more water under the herbs and then took the finished potion to himself. He returned to Takeo's camp, under the weeping willow. The knight sat on a bed of leaves and grass, gathered around half a dozen fairies. They all listened to his story of a sleeping princess and a knight who came and saved her.
It had been lucky that Tao had found the way back into the forest with Takeo in tow. It had been equally fortunate to find the fairy tree and find shelter with them. They probably classed Tao as a "good" magician and remembered that he had saved one of them. Just that member who now sat together with her same-sized girlfriend on the rock before Takeo and listened to him eagerly.
Takeo saw Tao approaching. "I think that's a good moment for a break," the knight turned to his audience with a smile. The fairies sighed disappointed and some trolled off. The rest watched exactly what Tao did, as before with the potion. Fairies do not have comparable medical knowledge. If a fairy is injured, they heal each other with own magic or they die. An injured fairy who had lost her magic was as good as dead. Usually, potions did not have an effect on them, and strange magical energy was like poison to them. All the points that lead the fairies had nothing to do with either medicine or magic, except their own.
"How are you feeling?" Tao sat down next to his comrades on the ground. The man with the long hair smiled reassuringly. Since their arrival in the forest, Tao had scarcely left his side, nursed him and made sure that all wounds healed neat. "Good, a lot better," Takeo winked at Yuna and her friend Sui, who were sitting nearby. "Even more with such a charming society." The fairies giggled embarrassed at his words.
"Let me see your eye." Tao moved closer and took the blindfold from Takeo. To his delight, the eye had been seriously injured, but not incurable. All bodily injuries turned out to be less serious than previously thought. The mental injuries, on the other hand, weighed heavily. For almost two months, Takeo had been in the dungeon and that was a long time for someone who had their fingernails ripped out. Tao took the time to talk about it with his friend. To talk about what they both experienced. The forest and the fairies seemed to help. The atmosphere around them was calm, serene, and radiant with security.
Tao hoped Takeo would handle the experience.
Part of his thoughts kept wandering to M.
The demon was gone. Without a trace. Tao could only vaguely remember their last meeting. The brief moment when his world seemed to end and he was sure that he would die now. So overwhelming had been his dread, his hopelessness. And suddenly it was gone and Tao remembered only vaguely how he stumbled out of the hall, as quickly as possible to searched for Takeo and then just wanted to get away.
In the forest it was easier for him to arrange his head. He wondered, weighed the experienced, and reviewed it again and again in his mind. Tao came to the conclusion that M had not wanted to kill him. But something that had lurked in this room ... something that was trying to get to the source of its magical power. He almost left his life there, Tao was sure.
M had to protect him from this thing. And again and again Tao came to mind the words that M had spoken to Krantz.
"Do you realize what will happen to you?"
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thedreaminus · 6 years
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…meant to do some mre but…exams happened
this is the continuation of the Mermaid au I posted a few days ago. Raizel saved Frankenstein, turning him into one of his kind. He is giving his child a very tight hug, because things just turned…a bit difficult. Thank god their home is right next to the sea…
Miiight be the last thing I post for the event, or maybe not? @madameazzure
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thedreaminus · 6 years
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Noblesse - Regis K Landegre
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