VerdaniaMan’s Blogroll
New format this time around. I hope people realize by now what my old blogs were by now. I’ve set a couple to archive by now, but am still working on finishing up blogs for all the characters here on this new set up. I have way too many characters/voices in my head.
I role-play more than just WoW, I am willing to role-play most anything. (I fear I don’t know the story/lore behind FFXIV to rp that, but if you’re willing to share, I could always give it a try. I think the highest level I got to with any class during my free month was 14, so I did not get to explore much of the story, and remember none of it.) Nevertheless, I’m open to almost any verse of RP for my characters. Talk with me, and we can figure it out.
VerdaniaMan is my OOC blog, and all follows, likes, and such will come from this blog, but my characters are covered by several sub-blogs. Here they are, as they currently stand.
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The Nightmist Clan is a group of individuals that work together, no matter their differences in race and origin, all having individual issues that have left them cast out from the majority of society. The clan functions as support and shelter to individuals in such a situation, and could even include your own characters in the clan, though this blog shall solely cover those played by myself. These include the characters pictured above, whose individual profiles can be found on the clan’s main page.
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The Fel Fire, or Tel’Aegnor, is the predominant form of magic relating to demons. And on this blog, Dinaer Dusksinger, my warlock, is followed predominantly. However, his son has also become touched by demonic magic, and of course, there are a menagerie of demons to watch as things unfold here.
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Originating outside of RP, but open to more verses than the majority of my other characters, Nanatsu no Tsumi is a Vampire Court of Seven Vampires that all have abilities and personalities that mimic and represent the Seven Deadly Sins.
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The Silverleaf Family of Elves have always been a nature-loving, light-focused group of Elves, but due to problems in their past, they have become separated. Depending on the verse, this leads to various different deviations from their normal paths, but still they strive to aide those in need, and promote order in chaotic times. Interacting with one may well just bring you interaction with the rest. Who knows, only time will tell which way the wind blows the leaf. This blog is not yet finished, but shall be soon, and then I shall be moving onto the next one!
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Dorian’s New Blogroll
Many of you may remember me from many other tumblrs, such as blazingdor, rainadawnmist, silverleaffamily, worgmaw, plaguefury, chilltusk, hei-yu-bai, bennettbrothers, thedusksinger, and shydawnsinger. …and apparently, I’m also Troy McClure.
Anyway, those tumblrs still exist, but I’m phasing them out to do something I probably should have done long ago, and that’s have them as sub-accounts an ooc account, just to wittle down on the constant logging in and out of tumblrs.
This blog, VerdaniaMan, is that OOC account now. I am still working on the minor blogs under it, but so far have one of them up. I shall update this post as others get added.
VerdaniaMan - OOC account for all of my WoW, Skyrim, and various other continuities of RP characters.
nightmistclan - The Nightmist Clan, otherwise using the name Dawnmist in WoW, is a clan of characters offering aide and support to those of underprivileged status in society. Many of them have mental disabilities, or are otherwise outcasts from whatever world they are portrayed in. This blog covers characters such as Dorian Blackwood, Kain Nightmist, Raina Blackwood, Rosalinde, Vayne the Black Rose, and others.
- The United Elven Nation; more to come.
nanatsunotsumi - The Court of the Seven Sins is a group of vampires at the heart of some of the troubles faced by other characters of mine. However, there is more than just vampires included, as other variations of demons are included among the leading seven.
and more, still need to figure how to represent the rest.
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3: Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
Dinaer does not care one bit for such things. He does not exercise to build muscle, or get into better shape. The whole of his “exercise” or physical activity comes from his trips to gather herbs. Hiking through mountains to get to certain plants, and the like.
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☛ GET INSIDE YOUR CHARACTER'S HEAD! aka The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Meme
Ask a question, any question! Because I have nothing better to do than to answer your questions. ... No, really. I don't. D:
1: What does their bedroom look like?
2: Do they have any daily rituals?
3: Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
4: What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
5: Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
6: Eating habits and sample daily menu
7: Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
8: Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
9: Makeup?
10: Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
11: Intellectual pursuits?
12: Favorite book genre?
13: Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
14: Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
15: Biggest and smallest short term goal?
16: Biggest and smallest long term goal?
17: Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
18: Favorite beverage?
19: What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
20: Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?
21: Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
22: Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
23: How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
24: Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
25: How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
26: Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
27: What is their biggest regret?
28: Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
29: Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
30: Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
31: Most prized possession?
32: Thoughts on material possessions in general?
33: Concept of home and family?
34: Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
35: What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
36: What makes them feel guilty?
37: Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
38: What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
39: Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
40: How misanthropic are they?
41: Hobbies?
42: How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
43: Religion?
44: Superstitions or views on the occult?
45: Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
46: If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
47: How do they express love?
48: If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
49: Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?
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Please reblog this as silent permission for me to rp with you.
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[[ All of my followers/mutuals/whoever! This applies to you. Come and RP with me! ]]
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My Muse Forgot To Lock The Door And Yours Walks In On Mine In The Shower. How Does Yours React?
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Should such a thing come up between them, given time to get to know each other of course...
A cupcake made to look like a bowl of noodles, and the recipe to make more.
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[NSFW] send me a name and a number and my muse will say...
1: if they think that person would be dominant or submissive in the bedroom
2: a kink they think that person would be into
3: if they would ever have sex with that person
4: if they have ever wanted to have sex with that person
5: what they think that person would be like in the bedroom
6: a kinky roleplay they could see that person being involved in
7: what kind of lingerie/underwear they think that person would wear
8: how they would respond to that person "propositioning" them right now
9: if they had to seduce that person, how they would do it
10: how much they would give up to have sex with that person once
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Reblog if I'm allowed to send you in character asks even if we have never talked before.
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NSFW Prompts
Send these around or reblog if you’d like to receive some :)
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❤ : Where on their body is your muse most sensitive? ✿ : Has your muse ever had sex before? ☜ : Does your muse like to top? ☞ : Does your muse like to bottom? ∀ : Your muse’s favorite position? ☺ : How often does your muse masturbate? ☂ : How long does it take your muse to hit climax, usually? ✌ : Is your muse good with their hands? ♡ : Does your muse have any birthmarks or scars they get embarrassed about others seeing? Á : Is your muse loud in bed? ⚔ : Does your muse have any specific kinks? ☯ : If you’re comfortable with it, write a drabble about our muses doing something naughty. If not, put a strikethrough across this one in your reblog (or simply don’t do it; your blog, your rules ;3). ☌ : Would/does your muse have any special piercings anywhere? Would they get some? ♥ : Does your muse like to cuddle after sex? Anything else for aftercare?
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Sexual Sunday! Send my muse ♒ and a nsfw/sexual question and they have to answer it - whether they want to or not.
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Send me a ۝ if your muse wants to marry mine!
Bonus points if you describe what their wedding will be like! 
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Whoever Reblogs this by July 5 will get a Pickup line in their ask box
+ BONUS I will try making pickup lines that match your main fandom (If I can think of one)
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RP Partners: So you want to plot something?
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“Various things. The least of which would teleport someone away. To where, even I don’t know. It could be different every time. I’ve yet to see someone again that has wandered across that threshold uninvited. The most extreme of which... No one would see them again afterwards. Not even a Gravedigger.” They were made from a variety of magics. Some were intended to harm, while others were simply intended to deter. Turning from the circles, he returned to the table they had sat at earlier, and the bottle of wine still parked within the bucket of ice.
“There is various forms of magic wielded in this place, and in my work. Arcane, Fire, Shadow, Void, Invocation, Evocation, Teleportation, Summoning, Binding, Fel... There is little I do not at least place a focus on for learning more about. Whether I spend the time to master something is dependent on what I learn of its nature. Which brings me to the other denizens of this place. I mentioned there were those that considered this place home. While I do have other people working for me as well, the majority of the denizens are not assistants or apprentices.” He rose a hand to the air, and from the shadows a pink-skinned, purple-scaled creature with six arms would emerge from the shadows. With a pair of hands on her right, she would pick up the bucket. He’d nod to her, and with a slight grin on her lips, she’d peer at Delnerys before carrying it back off to the kitchen. “One of many,” he stated plainly.
“The marks upon my flesh are a great many things, just as the wards and their traps are many things. They are circles of power, used to focus magical energy towards a specific end. There is something more complex about them despite how it may sound, though. One previous apprentice could not handle it.” Specifics, he’d skimp on. If she showed more curiosity, she could learn, but he would be in no rush to share this part with her till he was absolutely sure she could handle it.
“I must say, I agree with you. Magic is like nature; inherently chaotic. No matter what one does with it, there is always the chance of repercussion. The was a lesson hard learned for them. But, enough of that. There is a journal you should familiarize yourself with. It involves what I have deciphered from the herbs I’ve worked with. This includes normal alchemic catalysts, along with arcane catalysts, for the purposes of making potions and tonics.” Reaching out to the air once more, a hole of seeming nothingness appeared. He reached into it, and pulled out a book, which he then handed off to her. The hole closed as he looked at her. “This is a copy of it, the original is still in place, so you may keep this copy. Once you’ve read through it, then we’ll work towards something specific.”
Knock Knock
The notices had gone out a while ago. Searching for assistants and aide in his work. The message had specified, mainly, his work in alchemy, and his need for an extra set of hands, but in the end, based upon what he learned of those applicants, he might see to using their skills for other things as well.
The eyeball on the roof, discretely shadowed from view told him of the approach that came to his door. He was always concerned with promptness, but he never expected someone to show up early. Quite early, in fact. He had just stepped from the shower, and in his hurry to get to the stairs, he grabbed a towel instead of his robes, but already heading down, he merely grumbled, and started wrapping it about his waist. It was a large enough structure, a former inn, so there was no danger of not having it in place in time.
The knock at the door came just as he reached his fingers to the walls, and the hidden marks embedded within the wooden lining. His will seeped into the circles, disengaging traps for the time being, allowing for this one to pass in if it came to that. Nevertheless, he opened the door immediately afterward.
“Greetings,” he said in the common tongue. “May I help you?” And so he stood there, before a total stranger, draped from the waist down in a towel, the rest of him quite bare. So of course, the menagerie of tattoo’d circles of power would be seen upon him, as water still drizzled down his form; his red hair a wet mass still needing tending.
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