theeeyes111-blog · 5 years
What if he’s been in control since the end of Mayhem?
Okay, my left eye’s in pain from straining and all, but fuck it, I NEED to share this theory because I am quite a bit SHOOK and I need others to hear this. Brace yourselves, guys. This is going to be a LONG post.
I’ve seen a lot of theories before in regards to who’s been in control all this time, and I admittedly was one of those people who suspected Anti’s been here since Say Goodbye. But then there have been other theories in regards to Schneep having saved Jack every time Anti slit his neck, pointing out how bloodshed probably triggers Anti to come out. Now let’s say that’s the case, in which case Anti hasn’t been in control since Say Goodbye; he’s just shown up anytime Jack bled. That would mean we have been watching Jack for the most part with Anti trying to glitch out on camera and take control. Keep this all in mind, okay?
With what happened yesterday with Anti clearly being in control, acting calm and staring into our souls, only a twitch of his eye being a clear giveaway of who we were seeing, it made me have an epiphany last night:
If Anti’s gotten THAT good - THAT seamless - at acting exactly like Jack to the point no glitches show up, has he been in control for some time? Have we been unknowingly watching him for the last couple of months? And if he has been in control, well then when did it all start - when did we unknowingly lose sight of Jack?
The answer? May 16th, “Exiles” - near the end of Mayhem.
In the “Exiles” video, at the beginning, Jack was breathing quite heavy and looking around, looking and acting like he had just gotten transported there. He said he didn’t know anything about the game and he blatantly said he didn’t remember how he got into the room (in a hospital, by the way).
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He also rubs at his eyes earlier on.
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And it isn’t until the end of the video when THIS happens.
Keep reading
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theeeyes111-blog · 5 years
“How do you know if I even exist?”
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“Or am I just existing here on YouTube?”
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“Here on the platform,”
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Remember when Transference talked about transferring a human consciousness to a computer? If Anti has Jack’s body then he’d need to put his mind somewhere. It’s become data, something to fuel the channel while Anti carries out the next phase.
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theeeyes111-blog · 5 years
Thumbnail colors
So I decide to take the thumbnail in today’s video and edit it (a lot). Not gonna lie I kinda got freaked out by this.
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This does looks like words and to me it looks like Jackie.
Then I saw
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It looks like Marvin’s mask
And finally I did a blue color and
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Not only do you see the words but you mainly see Anti possiblely.
So yeah
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theeeyes111-blog · 6 years
Venom (2018), trailer vs. the actual movie
(Venom 2018, the trailer)
*creepy orchestra music* *people screaming*
Venom, growling: The way I see it, Eddie… *slams Eddie into a wall* …We… *Eddie screams, eyes turns completely black* …Can do… *Unhinges his jaw and bites off someone’s head* …Whatever we want
*bone-crushing noises* *more screaming*
Some grim and serious trailer voice: We all have our own… *dramatic pause* …Demons
(Venom 2018, the movie)
Venom, yelling at Eddie from a broken bathroom mirror: Dumb little bitch, I’ve reminded you to get tater tots on our way home 15 fucking times and you still forgot? Piece of shit. Useless scum of the Earth
Eddie: Parasite
Venom, voice breaking: You take that back. You take that back Right Now
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theeeyes111-blog · 6 years
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Should probably have posted this earlier but oh well
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theeeyes111-blog · 6 years
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or͡ ̞̖͉́i̹s͚͕͎͚̣̝ ͎̤̯̝̘̺͘ͅi̤̹͘t̤̻̞̮̗̞̳?͙̯̪̥
@chronically-illustrated ask me at last Twitch stream to make this doodle
Sorry this looks so bland and messy, making the animation part already take all my power :’)
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theeeyes111-blog · 6 years
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theeeyes111-blog · 6 years
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I heard about egotober… I want in :)
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theeeyes111-blog · 6 years
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Jacksepticeye light mode/dark mode Has this been done yet?
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theeeyes111-blog · 6 years
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I’m watching you Seán
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theeeyes111-blog · 6 years
JSE Community on September 30th
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JSE Community on October 1st
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theeeyes111-blog · 6 years
We haven't been paying attention!
Okay, I have to post about this because holy shit, I’m reeling!
Firstly, I’d like to direct your guys’ attention to this post.
Now you guys better buckle the fuckle in because this is going to be a REALLY long ride.
Alright, so as you can see from that post there’s the possibility of there having been foreshadowing of Schneep’s demise far before “Kill Jack”, and now it makes us question if Jackieboy Man will be next to go. This all then led me to think back to what Anti had told us in “Always Watching”:
“You stopped paying attention.”
I always thought he was strictly referring to us not paying attention to him and him alone, but what if he wasn’t just referring to himself - what if he was also referring to us not paying attention to the other egos?
If that’s the case, this changes EVERYTHING. So I decided to do some digging. I went to look at the 4th “Detention” video and
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That’s the description of the video.
It gets better. See this?
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I had COMPLETELY forgotten about the zalgo text in the description until now. “betrayal, neglect, mistake” - What if the “mistake” is in reference to us making a mistake not paying close enough attention? What is we “neglected” to pay attention to not just Anti but the egos as well? What if we “betrayed” them all?
This IMMEDIATELY then made me think back to the thumbnail of “Detention #4”
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We see a tear of blood coming from his right eye. Where else have we seen a tear of blood?
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That’s right, Schneep’s eye was bleeding in “Kill Jacksepticeye”. But wait…where else have we..
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Remember this? When Schneep was trying to strangle himself with the headphones’ cord in “Kill Jacksepticeye”?
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Yeah…now look back at the FNAFSL 3rd video…
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Anti shows up, looking like he’s strangling himself with a cord. Coincidence?! And it doesn’t stop there! In that EXACT same video, this happens!
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Anti’s shown looking like he’s shooting himself. Also, notice the game - there are children onscreen. Who do we know who shot themselves and has kids?
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CHASE. “Jack” has even mentioned in some videos here and there about Chase and giving subtle hints about the possibility of the kids being dead.
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It didn’t show up in the captions, but he DOES say “Bye Chase! Say hi to the kids!” He mentions Chase and the kids again here as well.
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If Chase just got killed and “Jack” told him to say hi to the kids, doesn’t that imply that the kids are dead? (I know, it could just be Jack joking around with Robin and such, but my theorist mind found it unnerving)
Where I’m going with this is that from all of this, it’s CLEAR we haven’t been paying nearly enough attention to everything as we should. We THOUGHT we were paying attention to everything, when really WE WEREN’T. But WHY?
That leads back to this.
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Now if Anti’s been in control since Halloween of last year, then that probably means that he did this description. And if that’s the case, was that Anti trying to tell us something about ourselves? Was he just straight up calling us out for being the villain - for not paying attention even though the hints/clues were RIGHT THERE in front of us? How there had been foreshadowing WAY back in October but we didn’t see it, we didn’t KNOW? Like we ignored the hints, we didn’t search for a deeper meaning? Like we didn’t WANT to help Jack or any of the egos? That we claim to be innocent and want to help, but we’re not doing anything and deep down, we actually don’t care, but we’re in denial of it - we don’t want to face the truth?
It’s like I’ve said in some of my other theories, we ARE the real villain in ALL of this. So what if Anti had called us out WAY back in February with THAT description and was trying to make us open our eyes and realize the truth? But we were too blind to see it. Hell, even when it was getting closer to August 3rd, we created #septicsave and why? To save our own asses, that’s why! We say we care about Jack and the others, but really, I think we’re all in denial of what we really want. We want to save them, yet we really don’t - we ALWAYS want to see what Anti will do next. And we used #septicsave to cover our asses and make it look like we cared, like we were ACTUALLY trying to help, when really we’re in denial of just how heartless we really are. Anti tried to make us realize how blind we are and it shows with how we didn’t PAY ATTENTION to any of the hints and clues from MONTHS ago.
So there was foreshadowing for Schneep and Chase, but what about Jackieboy Man?
Well that post I mentioned at the beginning shows us there’s a possibility of the “Everything Is Going To Be Ok” thumbnail being foreshadowing for Jackieboy Man being next. But that’s not all. Take these into consideration too.
“favorite boy” - JackieBOY Man.
He’s a superhero - someone who helps people. Schneep was a doctor - someone who helps people - and look what happened to him.
As of now, including the “Cool Patrol” music video, he has had 14 appearances - the most attention out of all of the egos (excluding Anti, of course)
In regards to that thumbnail of “Jack” in a hoodie and how Jackieboy Man wears a hood, I remembered these moments from the FNAF Sister Location series.
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And you know what the best part is? You see this?
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I went back to “Kill Jacksepticeye” to look back at the description and
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@vity-dream @septic-obsessed @nightmarewolf133 @steffid101
Tagging the expert theorists of the community!
@fear-is-nameless @no-strings-puppet @hufflepufftrax @
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theeeyes111-blog · 6 years
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i͕̟̗̲̖͞’͔͎̬̟̀m̮̲̙̮̯̟ ̶̭̫͔̠̙b̟a̘̱͝c̣͙̞k͎̱
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theeeyes111-blog · 6 years
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Can you hear me?
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theeeyes111-blog · 6 years
Short Theory
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This is just gonna be short
So notice how in the picture is said Help, now, why would anti call for help if well... He's Anti but then i thought that in another vid Anti kidnapped Chase... Or did he.
Maybe he didn't kidnapped him but he possesed him like a host, you see if Anti is an infection it needs a host meaning Chase is the perfect host for Anti.
Chase is calling for help but its just disorted then we got this
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Edited, its in zalgo font, what does edited mean and why is it the only zalgofy thing, remember this is Anti meaning codes and stuff.
Edited maybe perhaps, editing the DNA/Genes, now im not a scientist or good at biology or anything that is about science but edited.
It's Edited, Chase's genes got corrupted by Anti meaning it got edited and out of all the egos Chase is the most depressed.
Its easier for Chase to be 'edited' by anti aka Corrupted.
Next and last pic
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"Have you seen him" who? Chase? Maybe, you see in the last video of Chase where he is kidnapped by Anti, he is not the same.
Like i said he is not the same, the word 'him' is reffering to Chase, the real Chase, the one who had a family and the one who is a bro.
@yocatgrannae @fear-is-nameless @aceofspades-lena @anti-support-group @chase-brody-protection-squad
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theeeyes111-blog · 6 years
Insane Anti theory here
So I was thinking and what if Anti is kidnapping the Egos and not killing them, but putting them all in his mind. That way he is getting smarter, stronger, and faster. In May, Anti was totally different. Why? Because he must have kidnapped an ego and put them in his mind and gained their power. He is leveling up, everytime he infects an ego, he levels up. Gains their power… If he gets Jack (aka does not put him in a coma and just steals him and puts him in his mind) he would have all of jacks powers. Aka he would be a master manipulator. More so then he already is. What would that mean for us? No glitches. No nothing. He would have all of the power and we would NEVER know when he would be coming next…
TL:DR : Anti basically vores all the egos and Jack and becomes a god. 😝 (yes I did just say anti eats all of the egos and Jack. Because you weirdos in twitch chat like that apparently lol)
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theeeyes111-blog · 6 years
End of the Cycle?
So one thing that has stood out to me this time around with the Egopocalypse and Anti appearances is the lack of what we’ve always seen before. He appears but says nothing, making me wonder if he’s done with the old circle from before. Plus with switch to red light around him….
Should be interesting to see what he has in store for us this time around.
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