10 Questions to Ask Students about Their Characters
A fundamental to good storytelling is understanding that characters are reflections of people in the real world. They have thoughts, flaws and fears. They are nuanced and unpredictable. For this reason, we need to pose questions to our students that allow them to think about the dynamic nature of their character(s). Using the STEAL acronym (Speech, thoughts, effect on others, actions,…
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Five Quick Literacy Games to Energise Your Classroom!
As we approach the end of the year, the classroom can feel a little flat. Students are tired and so are you. Try some of the literacy games to fire up the classroom - they are great as do now activities, team builders and rewards.
As we approach the end of the year, the classroom can feel a little flat. Students are tired and so are you. Try some of the literacy games to fire up the classroom – they are great as do now activities, team builders and rewards. 1. Anagram Aerobics  Objective: To unjumble a group of anagrams before every other group  Procedure:  Develop a list of words that are relevant to student…
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Rainbow Groups
Rainbow Groups is a cooperative activity that provides accountability, movements and discussion in the classroom.
The Situation You want to get students working in a cooperative activity immediately as they enter the classroom. The Solution Rainbow Groups is a cooperative activity that provides accountability, movements and discussion in the classroom. Provide students with one of these laminated cards. Ask students to match with a person who has the same colour. Provide students with a discussion…
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Talking Chips
Talking Chips is an effective strategy to encourage students to engage in discussions, while practising important listening and communication skills.
The Situation Your students need to develop social skills and discuss a topic in a small group. The Solution Talking Chips is an effective strategy to encourage students to engage in discussions, while practising important listening and communication skills. Students are provided with Talking Chip 1 and 2. They are prompted with an open ended question by the teacher. In their groups, students…
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Beliefs, Values, Attitudes and Behaviours Worksheet
The Situation Your students have read a story and are now analysing the characterisation. The Solution When analysing character, it is important to look beyond the obvious like appearance, speech and motivations. Another aspect that we can explore is the psychology of a character. This entails making connections between the beliefs and behaviours of a character (see Teaching…Beliefs, Values,…
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Cooperative Learning Jar
The Situation You are finding that you’re lecturing rather than facilitating in the classroom. The Solution At times it is easy to fall into the habit of lecturing to our students, especially if we are strapped for time in designing innovative lessons. For this reason, you need to have a constant reminder to keep yourself in check. Below is an example of a cooperative learning jar. The…
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Bloom's Taxonomy for Narrative Analysis
Prior to analysing the language of a text (Language Analysis), it is likely that you will want students talking generally about the story. To what extent do they understand the characters, structure and plot?
The Situation Your story have just read a story or a chapter. You are now ready to have students reflect broadly on their understanding of the text. The Solution Prior to analysing the language of a text (Language Analysis), it is likely that you will want students talking generally about the story. To what extent do they understand the characters, structure and plot? By using Bloom’s…
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Make Your Own Choice Boards
Choice Boards are a fantastic tool to allow students of varying abilities to access the learning. Not all student will be able to complete the exact same activity. For that reason, you need to adjust accordingly. Below are some example templates.
The Situation You want to scaffold a learning activity across multiple learning abilities. The Solution Choice Boards are a fantastic tool to allow students of varying learning abilities to access their learning. Not all student will be able to complete the exact same activity. For that reason, you need to adjust accordingly. Below are some example templates of a choice board. Put simply, you…
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Developing a Narrative through Character, Setting and Conflict
When you create a character, you are creating a person for the first time. In your mind, you must envision your character as a friend. You know their every thought, the way they behave, how they respond to danger and the way they dress. 
The Situation Your students are developing a narrative (This might apply to a range of genres). The Solution When you create a character, you are creating a person for the first time. In your mind, you must envision your character as a friend. You know their every thought, the way they behave, how they respond to danger and the way they dress. Likewise the characters we create live in their…
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Language Analysis
Use this printable to collate quotes and analysis of language that can later be used in short answer responses or essays. Students record the quotes on the left and then identify the technique used...
The Situation Your students have read a short story and now need to analyse the language choices made by the writer. The Solution Use this printable to collate quotes and analysis of language that can later be used in short answer responses or essays. Students record the quotes on the left and then identify the technique used (Metaphors, similes, personification, adjectives etc). Students…
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Film Analysis
Use this printable for scene analysis with students. For each scene, students record a title on the left-side before identifying specific filmic conventions and their analysis.
The Situation Your students have completed the viewing of a film and are now reading to analyse specific scenes and the use of filmic conventions. The Solution Use this printable for scene analysis with students. For each scene, students record a title on the left-side before identifying specific filmic conventions and their analysis. Ensure that your scenes are not too long. They need to be…
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Essay Planner
Provide students with the following essay planner, so that they can draft writing an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion. There is space allocated at the bottom of the page for you to provide students with feedback.
The Situation Your students are preparing to write an essay. The Solution Provide students with the following essay planner, so that they can draft writing an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion. There is space allocated at the bottom of the page for you to provide students with feedback – both areas of success and need for improvement. After completing this task, students will now be…
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Short Story and Character Generator
Provide students with a couple of these print offs from the story and character generators below. Using the pages, they can develop their own characters using generic aspects of characterisation and plot construction.
The Situation Your students find it difficult to develop simple characters and plot outlines. The Solution Provide students with a couple of these print offs from the story and character generators below. Using the pages, they can develop their own characters using generic aspects of characterisation and plot construction. Alternatively, you can construct your own character/plot generators…
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Check For Understanding - Brain Dump
Complete a brain dump prior to starting a new subject/course. Provide students with the following printable. Have students number off 1-4 at their table. They the need to assign themselves a quadrant on the page.
The Situation You need to assess what your students know about a particular topic. The Solution Complete a brain dump prior to starting a new subject/course. Provide students with the following printable. Have students number off 1-4 at their table. They the need to assign themselves a quadrant on the page. Record the topic in the middle next to “Brain Dump”. From their students need to record…
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Annotating a Short Story
Provide students with this resource at their set of tables. This resource outlines the multiple steps and areas to consider when annotating a short story. By using direct instruction, you can walk the students through the annotating process.
The Situation Your students are learning how to annotate a short story or poem. The Solution Provide students with this resource at their set of tables. This resource outlines the multiple steps and areas to consider when annotating a short story. By using direct instruction, you can walk the students through the annotating process. For more information on annotation please visit Teaching..…
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Roll the Dice Story Generator
Download and use the Roll The Dice Story Generator to get students considering a variety of narrative conventions.
The Situation Your students need support in writing their stories. The Solution Download and use the Roll The Dice Story Generator to get students considering a variety of narrative conventions. Simply print off and laminate the resource. Provide students with a single dice. They roll it once. The number that occurs will link with the story they will have to writing (See the character, setting…
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CUPS and ARMS Editing Tools
CUPS and ARMS Editing Tools
The Situation You need to provide your students with a resource to help them with editing their writing. The Solution Download these posters (First 2 pages) and place them up on the wall (Preferably A3 paper). Page 3 and 4 has individual placards that can be used at each table. Print them off, laminate them and students to use it as a checklist at their table. For more information about…
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