theeraofpoppy · 5 years
the church is gone
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after almost two years poppy.church has closed it's doors.
it will surely be missed as it was one of the few places i could really be myself, however with the closing of the original poppy.church titanic.church rebranded itself as thechurchofpoppy in order to show that it is more based around poppy and to give old church members a place to go after the originals closing.
Chowder city
chowder.city is the newest venture by the entity known only as "Them" and was the mind behind poppy.church.
chowder.city is not poppy related but soup related and has a story that takes players from 2019 to 2099 in what has yet to be opened to us from the church who have moved to this new enviroment yet if poppy.church was a show of what can be done with what they have then i, though it is not poppy related can't wait to see what they have in store for us travelers in the year 2099.
as for the new rebrand of titanic.church, it in of itself has become the new meeting place for worshipping our favorite idol
with prayer happening at 3:36 pm PST or poppy standard time as us seeds like to say, the have also added a fourm recently and have had an influx of new members due to the cloesing of poppy.church
it has more interactivty than poppy.church but has yet to implement many more features other than walking around, chatting in the briar patch, there is the abyss which is where you go when you run out of hearts from steping on the thorns of the briars themselves at which point you hold the umbrella for 666seconds and decend to the cematary where with a little tapping you dig yourself out of the ground and join the rest.
there is still much mor to be seen from this and can hope that it becomes what popp.church could have been if given the chance to grow.
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theeraofpoppy · 5 years
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theeraofpoppy · 5 years
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theeraofpoppy · 5 years
So recently our queen and all time favorite ever evolving music star poppy sat down and talked with revolver about her recently opening for io shirai as well as io shirai speaking on being a fan of poppys music, so cool that poppy is taking it to wwe I think it will get her even more exposure by using wwe as a stepping stone to bring in more of a fan base.
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theeraofpoppy · 5 years
poppy.church closing!!
so earlier in the month we were informed that poppy.church is to close it's doors forever!!!!
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now this may not be a big thing to alot of you out there
who may not know about poppy and her music, youtube videos and recent change in style artistically however for the fandom this is a big change for us all.
there are those that i have seen myself turn very quickly on her through the church and our discord servers.
those that have not been there from the beginning of it all and are as is said not "a true stan".
to what it is today which is a rich and fairly feature filled place with many rooms to gather in and events planned, members of the church could purchase popcoins (server currency) and this gave access to new items to put in your room as well as the ability to throw partys in ones room which gave it its own chat for those who attened to talk to one another.
however for us who watched it grow from a seed, a small idea
and community of super fans who uplifted one another and enjoy the guilty pleasure of the one we call poppy no matter the age, gender, color, or creed.
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hidden rooms that we often moved to keep those of us who knew where they were searching, ghosts, aura readings done in the atrium which is how all this started as it was only an atrium before the church gates were opened to us and we were given our own rooms to do with as we chose, an art gallery for fan art submitted to the server by poppyseeds witth a more artistic side to them.
and was still expanding up until the beggining of the year when things took a turn for the worse
for us fans as the new managment (who bless them as she now has more quality to her videos and more in the way of advertisement than she did before) did not have a true understanding of what this was to us nor the fan base they had inherited upon gathering her under their wings and as such though we are the church ourselves will now be without this place to gather together that is not an amino community or a discord server even a facebook page.
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and with that soon we will all say good bye to an intergreal part of our community,
a special place that was happy and cute and was shifting with her public image, a place for all of us poppyseeds to feel special and loved no matter who you were and though we will go on and we will make new places to gather we will lose a chapter but with that one closed another is being written as we speak with poppy X at the heart of it all.
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